path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
33 files changed, 8731 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70d55ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ ../include
+ attach.cpp
+ contact.cpp
+ frp.cpp
+ identity.cpp
+ merge.cpp
+ message.cpp
+ network.cpp
+ network/channel.cpp
+ network/protocol.cpp
+ pairing.cpp
+ pubkey.cpp
+ service.cpp
+ set.cpp
+ state.cpp
+ storage.cpp
+ sync.cpp
+ time.cpp
+ uuid.cpp
+ add_executable(erebos-bin
+ main.cpp
+ test/service.cpp
+ )
+ set_target_properties(erebos-bin
+ )
+ target_link_libraries(erebos-bin
+ erebos
+ stdc++fs
+ Threads::Threads
+ )
diff --git a/src/attach.cpp b/src/attach.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..887de38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/attach.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#include <erebos/attach.h>
+#include "identity.h"
+#include "pubkey.h"
+#include <erebos/network.h>
+#include <stdexcept>
+using namespace erebos;
+using std::lock_guard;
+using std::nullopt;
+using std::runtime_error;
+static const UUID myUUID("4995a5f9-2d4d-48e9-ad3b-0bf1c2a1be7f");
+AttachService::AttachService(Config && config, const Server &):
+ PairingService(move(config))
+AttachService::~AttachService() = default;
+UUID AttachService::uuid() const
+ return myUUID;
+void AttachService::attachTo(const Peer & peer)
+ requestPairing(myUUID, peer);
+Stored<AttachIdentity> AttachService::handlePairingComplete(const Peer & peer)
+ auto owner = peer.server().identity().finalOwner();
+ auto pid = peer.identity();
+ auto idata = peer.tempStorage().store(IdentityData {
+ .prev = pid->data(),
+ .name = nullopt,
+ .owner =[0],
+ .keyIdentity = pid->keyIdentity(),
+ .keyMessage = nullopt,
+ });
+ auto key = SecretKey::load(owner.keyIdentity());
+ if (!key)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to load secret key");
+ auto mkey = SecretKey::load(owner.keyMessage());
+ if (!mkey)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to load secret key");
+ auto sdata = key->sign(idata);
+ return peer.tempStorage().store(AttachIdentity {
+ .identity = sdata,
+ .keys = { key->getData(), mkey->getData() },
+ });
+void AttachService::handlePairingResult(Context & ctx, Stored<AttachIdentity> att)
+ if (att->identity->data->prev.size() != 1 ||
+ att->identity->data->prev[0].ref().digest() !=
+ ctx.local()->identity()->ref()->digest())
+ return;
+ if (att->identity->data->keyIdentity.ref().digest() !=
+ ctx.local()->identity()->keyIdentity().ref().digest())
+ return;
+ auto key = SecretKey::load(ctx.peer().server().identity().keyIdentity());
+ if (!key)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to load secret key");
+ vector<StoredIdentityPart> parts = ctx.local()->identity()->extData();
+ parts.emplace_back(key->signAdd(att->identity));
+ filterAncestors(parts);
+ auto id = Identity::load(parts);
+ if (!id)
+ printf("New identity validation failed\n");
+ optional<Ref> tmpref = id->extRef();
+ if (not tmpref)
+ tmpref = id->modify().commit().extRef();
+ auto rid = ctx.local().ref().storage().copy(*tmpref);
+ id = Identity::load(rid);
+ auto owner = id->owner();
+ if (!owner)
+ printf("New identity without owner\n");
+ // Store the keys
+ for (const auto & k : att->keys) {
+ SecretKey::fromData(owner->keyIdentity(), k);
+ SecretKey::fromData(owner->keyMessage(), k);
+ }
+ ctx.local(ctx.local()->identity(*id));
+AttachIdentity AttachIdentity::load(const Ref & ref)
+ auto rec = ref->asRecord();
+ if (!rec)
+ return AttachIdentity {
+ .identity = Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>::load(,
+ .keys = {},
+ };
+ return AttachIdentity {
+ .identity = *rec->item("identity").as<Signed<IdentityData>>(),
+ .keys = rec->items("skey").asBinary(),
+ };
+Ref AttachIdentity::store(const Storage & st) const
+ vector<Record::Item> items;
+ items.emplace_back("identity", identity.ref());
+ for (const auto & key : keys)
+ items.emplace_back("skey", key);
+ return st.storeObject(Record(std::move(items)));
diff --git a/src/contact.cpp b/src/contact.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ab5699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/contact.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+#include "contact.h"
+#include "identity.h"
+#include <array>
+using namespace erebos;
+using std::array;
+using std::move;
+ "34fbb61e-6022-405f-b1b3-a5a1abecd25e",
+ &Set<Contact>::load,
+ [](const Set<Contact> & set) {
+ return;
+ })
+static const UUID serviceUUID("d9c37368-0da1-4280-93e9-d9bd9a198084");
+Contact::Contact(vector<Stored<ContactData>> data):
+ p(shared_ptr<Priv>(new Priv {
+ .data = data,
+ }))
+optional<Identity> Contact::identity() const
+ p->init();
+ return p->identity;
+optional<string> Contact::customName() const
+ p->init();
+ return p->name;
+Contact Contact::customName(const Storage & st, const string & name) const
+ auto cdata = {
+ .prev = p->data,
+ .identity = {},
+ .name = name,
+ });
+ return Contact(shared_ptr<Contact::Priv>(new Contact::Priv {
+ .data = { cdata },
+ }));
+string Contact::name() const
+ if (auto cust = customName())
+ return *cust;
+ if (auto id = p->identity)
+ if (auto idname = id->name())
+ return *idname;
+ return "";
+bool Contact::operator==(const Contact & other) const
+ return p->data == other.p->data;
+bool Contact::operator!=(const Contact & other) const
+ return p->data != other.p->data;
+vector<Stored<ContactData>> Contact::data() const
+ return p->data;
+Digest Contact::leastRoot() const
+ if (p->data.empty())
+ return Digest(array<uint8_t, Digest::size> {});
+ vector<Digest> roots;
+ for (const auto & d : p->data)
+ for (const auto & r : d.ref().roots())
+ roots.push_back(r);
+ roots.erase(std::unique(roots.begin(), roots.end()), roots.end());
+ return roots[0];
+void Contact::Priv::init()
+ std::call_once(initFlag, [this]() {
+ vector<StoredIdentityPart> idata;
+ for (const auto & c : findPropertyComponents<Contact>(data, "identity"))
+ for (const auto & i : c->identity)
+ idata.push_back(i);
+ identity = Identity::load(idata);
+ if (identity)
+ name = identity->name();
+ if (auto opt = findPropertyComponent<Contact>(data, "name"))
+ name = (*opt)->name;
+ });
+ContactData ContactData::load(const Ref & ref)
+ auto rec = ref->asRecord();
+ if (!rec)
+ return ContactData();
+ vector<StoredIdentityPart> identity;
+ for (const auto & r : rec->items("identity").asRef())
+ identity.push_back(StoredIdentityPart::load(r));
+ return ContactData {
+ .prev = rec->items("PREV").as<ContactData>(),
+ .identity = move(identity),
+ .name = rec->item("name").asText(),
+ };
+Ref ContactData::store(const Storage & st) const
+ vector<Record::Item> items;
+ for (const auto & prev : prev)
+ items.emplace_back("PREV", prev.ref());
+ for (const auto & idt : identity)
+ items.emplace_back("identity", idt.ref());
+ if (name)
+ items.emplace_back("name", *name);
+ return st.storeObject(Record(std::move(items)));
+ContactService::ContactService(Config && config, const Server & s):
+ PairingService(move(config)),
+ server(s)
+ContactService::~ContactService() = default;
+UUID ContactService::uuid() const
+ return serviceUUID;
+void ContactService::request(const Peer & peer)
+ requestPairing(serviceUUID, peer);
+Stored<ContactAccepted> ContactService::handlePairingComplete(const Peer & peer)
+ server.localHead().update([&] (const Stored<LocalState> & local) {
+ auto cdata = local.ref().storage().store(ContactData {
+ .prev = {},
+ .identity = peer.identity()->finalOwner().extData(),
+ .name = std::nullopt,
+ });
+ Contact contact(shared_ptr<Contact::Priv>(new Contact::Priv {
+ .data = { cdata },
+ }));
+ auto contacts = local->shared<Set<Contact>>();
+ return local.ref().storage().store(local->shared<Set<Contact>>(
+ contacts.add(local.ref().storage(), contact)));
+ });
+ return peer.tempStorage().store(ContactAccepted {});
+void ContactService::handlePairingResult(Context & ctx, Stored<ContactAccepted>)
+ auto cdata = ctx.local().ref().storage().store(ContactData {
+ .prev = {},
+ .identity = ctx.peer().identity()->finalOwner().extData(),
+ .name = std::nullopt,
+ });
+ Contact contact(shared_ptr<Contact::Priv>(new Contact::Priv {
+ .data = { cdata },
+ }));
+ auto contacts = ctx.local()->shared<Set<Contact>>();
+ ctx.local(ctx.local()->shared<Set<Contact>>(
+ contacts.add(ctx.local().ref().storage(), contact)));
+ContactAccepted ContactAccepted::load(const Ref &)
+ return ContactAccepted {};
+Ref ContactAccepted::store(const Storage & st) const
+ vector<Record::Item> items;
+ items.emplace_back("accept", "");
+ return st.storeObject(Record(std::move(items)));
diff --git a/src/contact.h b/src/contact.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fc0219
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/contact.h
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <erebos/contact.h>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <optional>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace erebos {
+using std::optional;
+using std::string;
+using std::vector;
+struct ContactData;
+struct IdentityData;
+struct Contact::Priv
+ vector<Stored<ContactData>> data;
+ void init();
+ std::once_flag initFlag {};
+ optional<Identity> identity {};
+ optional<string> name {};
diff --git a/src/frp.cpp b/src/frp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eba104d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/frp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+#include <erebos/frp.h>
+#include <condition_variable>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <thread>
+using namespace erebos;
+using std::condition_variable;
+using std::move;
+using std::mutex;
+using std::nullopt;
+using std::thread;
+using std::unique_lock;
+namespace {
+mutex bhvTimeMutex;
+condition_variable bhvTimeCond;
+optional<thread::id> bhvTimeRunning = nullopt;
+uint64_t bhvTimeCount = 0;
+uint64_t bhvTimeLast = 0;
+BhvTime::BhvTime(const BhvCurTime & ct):
+ BhvTime(ct.time())
+ auto tid = std::this_thread::get_id();
+ unique_lock lock(bhvTimeMutex);
+ bhvTimeCond.wait(lock, [tid]{
+ return !bhvTimeRunning || bhvTimeRunning == tid;
+ });
+ if (bhvTimeRunning != tid) {
+ bhvTimeRunning = tid;
+ bhvTimeLast++;
+ }
+ t = BhvTime(bhvTimeLast);
+ bhvTimeCount++;
+ if (t) {
+ unique_lock lock(bhvTimeMutex);
+ bhvTimeCount--;
+ if (bhvTimeCount == 0) {
+ bhvTimeRunning.reset();
+ lock.unlock();
+ bhvTimeCond.notify_one();
+ }
+ }
+BhvCurTime::BhvCurTime(BhvCurTime && other)
+ t = other.t;
+ other.t = nullopt;
+BhvCurTime & BhvCurTime::operator=(BhvCurTime && other)
+ t = other.t;
+ other.t = nullopt;
+ return *this;
+BhvImplBase::~BhvImplBase() = default;
+void BhvImplBase::dependsOn(const BhvCurTime &, shared_ptr<BhvImplBase> other)
+ depends.push_back(other);
+ other->rdepends.push_back(shared_from_this());
+void BhvImplBase::updated(const BhvCurTime & ctime)
+ vector<shared_ptr<BhvImplBase>> toUpdate;
+ markDirty(ctime, toUpdate);
+ for (auto & bhv : toUpdate)
+ bhv->updateDirty(ctime);
+void BhvImplBase::markDirty(const BhvCurTime & ctime, vector<shared_ptr<BhvImplBase>> & toUpdate)
+ if (dirty)
+ return;
+ if (!needsUpdate(ctime))
+ return;
+ dirty = true;
+ toUpdate.push_back(shared_from_this());
+ bool prune = false;
+ for (const auto & w : rdepends) {
+ if (auto b = w.lock())
+ b->markDirty(ctime, toUpdate);
+ else
+ prune = true;
+ }
+ if (prune) {
+ decltype(rdepends) pruned;
+ for (const auto & w : rdepends)
+ if (!w.expired())
+ pruned.push_back(move(w));
+ rdepends = move(pruned);
+ }
+void BhvImplBase::updateDirty(const BhvCurTime & ctime)
+ if (!dirty)
+ return;
+ for (auto & d : depends)
+ d->updateDirty(ctime);
+ doUpdate(ctime);
+ dirty = false;
+ bool prune = false;
+ for (const auto & wcb : watchers) {
+ if (auto cb = wcb.lock())
+ (*cb)(ctime);
+ else
+ prune = true;
+ }
+ if (prune) {
+ decltype(watchers) pruned;
+ for (const auto & w : watchers)
+ if (!w.expired())
+ pruned.push_back(move(w));
+ watchers = move(pruned);
+ }
+bool BhvImplBase::needsUpdate(const BhvCurTime &) const
+ return true;
+void BhvImplBase::doUpdate(const BhvCurTime &)
diff --git a/src/identity.cpp b/src/identity.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b6ee2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/identity.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+#include "identity.h"
+#include <erebos/state.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <set>
+#include <stdexcept>
+using namespace erebos;
+using std::async;
+using std::holds_alternative;
+using std::nullopt;
+using std::runtime_error;
+using std::set;
+using std::visit;
+inline constexpr bool always_false_v = false;
+ "0c6c1fe0-f2d7-4891-926b-c332449f7871",
+ &Identity::load,
+ [](const optional<Identity> & id) {
+ if (id)
+ return id->store();
+ return vector<Ref>();
+ })
+Identity::Identity(const Priv * p): p(p) {}
+Identity::Identity(shared_ptr<const Priv> && p): p(std::move(p)) {}
+optional<Identity> Identity::load(const Ref & ref)
+ return Identity::load(vector { ref });
+optional<Identity> Identity::load(const vector<Ref> & refs)
+ vector<StoredIdentityPart> data;
+ data.reserve(refs.size());
+ for (const auto & ref : refs)
+ data.push_back(StoredIdentityPart::load(ref));
+ return load(data);
+optional<Identity> Identity::load(const vector<Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>> & data)
+ vector<StoredIdentityPart> parts;
+ parts.reserve(data.size());
+ for (const auto & d : data)
+ parts.emplace_back(d);
+ return load(parts);
+optional<Identity> Identity::load(const vector<StoredIdentityPart> & data)
+ if (auto ptr = Priv::validate(data))
+ return Identity(ptr);
+ return nullopt;
+vector<Ref> Identity::store() const
+ vector<Ref> res;
+ res.reserve(p->data.size());
+ for (const auto & x : p->data)
+ res.push_back(x.ref());
+ return res;
+vector<Ref> Identity::store(const Storage & st) const
+ vector<Ref> res;
+ res.reserve(p->data.size());
+ for (const auto & x : p->data)
+ res.push_back(;
+ return res;
+vector<Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>> Identity::data() const
+ vector<Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>> base;
+ base.reserve(p->data.size());
+ for (const auto & d : p->data)
+ base.push_back(d.base());
+ filterAncestors(base);
+ return base;
+vector<StoredIdentityPart> Identity::extData() const
+ return p->data;
+optional<string> Identity::name() const
+ return p->name.get();
+optional<Identity> Identity::owner() const
+ return p->owner;
+const Identity & Identity::finalOwner() const
+ if (p->owner)
+ return p->owner->finalOwner();
+ return *this;
+Stored<PublicKey> Identity::keyIdentity() const
+ return p->data[0].base()->data->keyIdentity;
+Stored<PublicKey> Identity::keyMessage() const
+ return p->keyMessage;
+bool Identity::sameAs(const Identity & other) const
+ // TODO: proper identity check
+ return p->data[0].base()->data->keyIdentity ==
+ other.p->data[0].base()->data->keyIdentity;
+bool Identity::operator==(const Identity & other) const
+ return p->data == other.p->data &&
+ p->updates == other.p->updates;
+bool Identity::operator!=(const Identity & other) const
+ return !(*this == other);
+optional<Ref> Identity::ref() const
+ if (p->data.size() == 1)
+ return p->data[0].base().ref();
+ return nullopt;
+optional<Ref> Identity::extRef() const
+ if (p->data.size() == 1)
+ return p->data[0].ref();
+ return nullopt;
+vector<Ref> Identity::refs() const
+ auto base = data();
+ vector<Ref> res;
+ res.reserve(base.size());
+ for (const auto & d : base)
+ res.push_back(d.ref());
+ return res;
+vector<Ref> Identity::extRefs() const
+ vector<Ref> res;
+ res.reserve(p->data.size());
+ for (const auto & idata : p->data)
+ res.push_back(idata.ref());
+ return res;
+vector<Ref> Identity::updates() const
+ vector<Ref> res;
+ res.reserve(p->updates.size());
+ for (const auto & idata : p->updates)
+ res.push_back(idata.ref());
+ return res;
+Identity::Builder Identity::create(const Storage & st)
+ return Builder (new Builder::Priv {
+ .storage = st,
+ .keyIdentity = SecretKey::generate(st).pub(),
+ .keyMessage = SecretKey::generate(st).pub(),
+ });
+Identity::Builder Identity::modify() const
+ vector<Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>> prevBase;
+ vector<StoredIdentityPart> prevExt;
+ prevBase.reserve(p->data.size());
+ for (const auto & d : p->data) {
+ prevBase.push_back(d.base());
+ if (holds_alternative<Stored<Signed<IdentityExtension>>>(d.part))
+ prevExt.push_back(d);
+ }
+ filterAncestors(prevBase);
+ return Builder (new Builder::Priv {
+ .storage = p->data[0].ref().storage(),
+ .prevBase = move(prevBase),
+ .prevExt = move(prevExt),
+ .keyIdentity = p->data[0].base()->data->keyIdentity,
+ .keyMessage = p->data[0].base()->data->keyMessage,
+ });
+Identity Identity::update(const vector<Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>> & updates) const
+ vector<StoredIdentityPart> eupdates;
+ eupdates.reserve(updates.size());
+ for (const auto & u : updates)
+ eupdates.emplace_back(u);
+ return update(eupdates);
+static bool intersectsRoots(const vector<Digest> & x, const vector<Digest> & y)
+ for (size_t i = 0, j = 0;
+ i < x.size() && j < y.size(); ) {
+ if (x[i] == y[j])
+ return true;
+ if (x[i] < y[j])
+ i++;
+ else
+ j++;
+ }
+ return false;
+Identity Identity::update(const vector<StoredIdentityPart> & updates) const
+ vector<StoredIdentityPart> ndata = p->data;
+ vector<StoredIdentityPart> ownerUpdates = p->updates;
+ for (const auto & u : updates) {
+ bool isOur = false;
+ for (const auto & d : p->data) {
+ if (intersectsRoots(u.roots(), d.roots())) {
+ isOur = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isOur)
+ ndata.emplace_back(u);
+ else
+ ownerUpdates.emplace_back(u);
+ }
+ filterAncestors(ndata);
+ filterAncestors(ownerUpdates);
+ if (auto p = Priv::validate(ndata)) {
+ p->updates = move(ownerUpdates);
+ if (p->owner && !p->updates.empty())
+ p->owner = p->owner->update(p->updates);
+ return Identity(move(p));
+ }
+ return *this;
+Identity::Builder::Builder(Priv * p): p(p) {}
+Identity Identity::Builder::commit() const
+ optional<Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>> ownerBaseData;
+ optional<StoredIdentityPart> ownerExtData;
+ if (p->owner && p->owner->p->data.size() == 1) {
+ ownerExtData = p->owner->p->data[0];
+ ownerBaseData = ownerExtData->base();
+ if (holds_alternative<Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>>(ownerExtData->part))
+ ownerExtData.reset();
+ }
+ auto base = p-> {
+ .prev = p->prevBase,
+ .owner = ownerBaseData,
+ .keyIdentity = p->keyIdentity,
+ .keyMessage = p->keyMessage,
+ });
+ auto key = SecretKey::load(p->keyIdentity);
+ if (!key)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to load secret key");
+ auto sbase = key->sign(base);
+ if (base->owner) {
+ if (auto okey = SecretKey::load((*base->owner)->data->keyIdentity))
+ sbase = okey->signAdd(sbase);
+ else
+ throw runtime_error("failed to load secret key");
+ }
+ optional<StoredIdentityPart> spart;
+ if (not p->prevExt.empty() || p->name || ownerExtData) {
+ auto ext = p-> {
+ .base = sbase,
+ .prev = p->prevExt,
+ .name = p->name,
+ .owner = ownerExtData,
+ });
+ auto sext = key->sign(ext);
+ if (ext->owner) {
+ if (auto okey = SecretKey::load(p->owner->keyIdentity()))
+ sext = okey->signAdd(sext);
+ else
+ throw runtime_error("failed to load secret key");
+ }
+ spart.emplace(sext);
+ } else {
+ spart.emplace(sbase);
+ }
+ auto p = Identity::Priv::validate({ *spart });
+ if (!p)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to validate committed identity");
+ return Identity(std::move(p));
+void Identity::Builder::name(const string & val)
+ p->name = val;
+void Identity::Builder::owner(const Identity & val)
+ p->owner.emplace(val);
+IdentityData IdentityData::load(const Ref & ref)
+ if (auto rec = ref->asRecord()) {
+ if (auto keyIdentity = rec->item("key-id").as<PublicKey>())
+ return IdentityData {
+ .prev = rec->items("SPREV").as<Signed<IdentityData>>(),
+ .name = rec->item("name").asText(),
+ .owner = rec->item("owner").as<Signed<IdentityData>>(),
+ .keyIdentity = keyIdentity.value(),
+ .keyMessage = rec->item("key-msg").as<PublicKey>(),
+ };
+ }
+ return IdentityData {
+ .prev = {},
+ .name = nullopt,
+ .owner = nullopt,
+ .keyIdentity = Stored<PublicKey>::load(,
+ .keyMessage = nullopt,
+ };
+Ref IdentityData::store(const Storage & st) const
+ vector<Record::Item> items;
+ for (const auto & p : prev)
+ items.emplace_back("SPREV", p.ref());
+ if (name)
+ items.emplace_back("name", *name);
+ if (owner)
+ items.emplace_back("owner", owner->ref());
+ items.emplace_back("key-id", keyIdentity.ref());
+ if (keyMessage)
+ items.emplace_back("key-msg", keyMessage->ref());
+ return st.storeObject(Record(std::move(items)));
+IdentityExtension IdentityExtension::load(const Ref & ref)
+ if (auto rec = ref->asRecord()) {
+ if (auto base = rec->item("SBASE").as<Signed<IdentityData>>()) {
+ vector<StoredIdentityPart> prev;
+ for (const auto & r : rec->items("SPREV").asRef())
+ prev.push_back(StoredIdentityPart::load(r));
+ auto ownerRef = rec->item("owner").asRef();
+ return IdentityExtension {
+ .base = *base,
+ .prev = move(prev),
+ .name = rec->item("name").asText(),
+ .owner = ownerRef ? optional(StoredIdentityPart::load(*ownerRef)) : nullopt,
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ return IdentityExtension {
+ .base = Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>::load(,
+ .prev = {},
+ .name = nullopt,
+ .owner = nullopt,
+ };
+Ref IdentityExtension::store(const Storage & st) const
+ vector<Record::Item> items;
+ items.emplace_back("SBASE", base);
+ for (const auto & p : prev)
+ items.emplace_back("SPREV", p.ref());
+ if (name)
+ items.emplace_back("name", *name);
+ if (owner)
+ items.emplace_back("owner", owner->ref());
+ return st.storeObject(Record(std::move(items)));
+StoredIdentityPart StoredIdentityPart::load(const Ref & ref)
+ if (auto srec = ref->asRecord()) {
+ if (auto sref = srec->item("SDATA").asRef()) {
+ if (auto rec = (*sref)->asRecord()) {
+ if (rec->item("SBASE")) {
+ return StoredIdentityPart(Stored<Signed<IdentityExtension>>::load(ref));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return StoredIdentityPart(Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>::load(ref));
+Ref StoredIdentityPart::store(const Storage & st) const
+ return visit([&](auto && p) {
+ return;
+ }, part);
+const Ref & StoredIdentityPart::ref() const
+ return visit([&](auto && p) -> auto const & {
+ return p.ref();
+ }, part);
+const Stored<Signed<IdentityData>> & StoredIdentityPart::base() const
+ return visit([&](auto && p) -> auto const & {
+ using T = std::decay_t<decltype(p)>;
+ if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>>)
+ return p;
+ else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, Stored<Signed<IdentityExtension>>>)
+ return p->data->base;
+ else
+ static_assert(always_false_v<T>, "non-exhaustive visitor!");
+ }, part);
+vector<StoredIdentityPart> StoredIdentityPart::previous() const
+ return visit([&](auto && p) {
+ using T = std::decay_t<decltype(p)>;
+ if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>>) {
+ vector<StoredIdentityPart> res;
+ res.reserve(p->data->prev.size());
+ for (const auto & x : p->data->prev)
+ res.emplace_back(x);
+ return res;
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, Stored<Signed<IdentityExtension>>>) {
+ vector<StoredIdentityPart> res;
+ res.reserve(1 + p->data->prev.size());
+ res.emplace_back(p->data->base);
+ for (const auto & x : p->data->prev)
+ res.push_back(x);
+ return res;
+ } else {
+ static_assert(always_false_v<T>, "non-exhaustive visitor!");
+ }
+ }, part);
+vector<Digest> StoredIdentityPart::roots() const
+ return visit([&](auto && p) {
+ return p.roots();
+ }, part);
+optional<string> StoredIdentityPart::name() const
+ return visit([&](auto && p) {
+ return p->data->name;
+ }, part);
+optional<StoredIdentityPart> StoredIdentityPart::owner() const
+ return visit([&](auto && p) -> optional<StoredIdentityPart> {
+ if (p->data->owner)
+ return StoredIdentityPart(p->data->owner.value());
+ return nullopt;
+ }, part);
+bool StoredIdentityPart::isSignedBy(const Stored<PublicKey> & key) const
+ return visit([&](auto && p) {
+ return p->isSignedBy(key);
+ }, part);
+bool Identity::Priv::verifySignatures(const StoredIdentityPart & sdata)
+ if (!sdata.isSignedBy(sdata.base()->data->keyIdentity))
+ return false;
+ for (const auto & p : sdata.previous())
+ if (!sdata.isSignedBy(p.base()->data->keyIdentity))
+ return false;
+ if (auto owner = sdata.owner())
+ if (!sdata.isSignedBy(owner->base()->data->keyIdentity))
+ return false;
+ for (const auto & p : sdata.previous())
+ if (!verifySignatures(p))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+shared_ptr<Identity::Priv> Identity::Priv::validate(const vector<StoredIdentityPart> & sdata)
+ for (const auto & d : sdata)
+ if (!verifySignatures(d))
+ return nullptr;
+ auto keyMessageItem = lookupProperty(sdata, []
+ (const StoredIdentityPart & d) { return d.base()->data->keyMessage.has_value(); });
+ if (!keyMessageItem)
+ return nullptr;
+ auto p = new Priv {
+ .data = sdata,
+ .updates = {},
+ .name = {},
+ .owner = nullopt,
+ .keyMessage = keyMessageItem->base()->data->keyMessage.value(),
+ };
+ shared_ptr<Priv> ret(p);
+ auto ownerProp = lookupProperty(sdata, []
+ (const StoredIdentityPart & d) { return d.owner().has_value(); });
+ if (ownerProp) {
+ auto owner = validate({ ownerProp->owner().value() });
+ if (!owner)
+ return nullptr;
+ p->owner.emplace(Identity(owner));
+ }
+ p->name = async(std::launch::deferred, [p] () -> optional<string> {
+ if (auto d = lookupProperty(p->data, [] (const StoredIdentityPart & d) { return; }))
+ return d->name();
+ return nullopt;
+ });
+ return ret;
+optional<StoredIdentityPart> Identity::Priv::lookupProperty(
+ const vector<StoredIdentityPart> & data,
+ function<bool(const StoredIdentityPart &)> sel)
+ set<StoredIdentityPart> current, prop_heads;
+ for (const auto & d : data)
+ current.insert(d);
+ while (!current.empty()) {
+ StoredIdentityPart sdata =
+ current.extract(current.begin()).value();
+ if (sel(sdata))
+ prop_heads.insert(sdata);
+ else
+ for (const auto & p : sdata.previous())
+ current.insert(p);
+ }
+ for (auto x = prop_heads.begin(); x != prop_heads.end(); x++)
+ for (auto y = prop_heads.begin(); y != prop_heads.end();)
+ if (y != x && precedes(*y, *x))
+ y = prop_heads.erase(y);
+ else
+ y++;
+ if (prop_heads.begin() != prop_heads.end())
+ return *prop_heads.begin();
+ return nullopt;
diff --git a/src/identity.h b/src/identity.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfa5932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/identity.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <erebos/identity.h>
+#include "pubkey.h"
+#include <future>
+#include <variant>
+using std::function;
+using std::optional;
+using std::shared_future;
+using std::string;
+using std::variant;
+using std::vector;
+namespace erebos {
+struct IdentityData
+ static IdentityData load(const Ref &);
+ Ref store(const Storage & st) const;
+ const vector<Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>> prev {};
+ const optional<string> name {};
+ const optional<Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>> owner {};
+ const Stored<PublicKey> keyIdentity;
+ const optional<Stored<PublicKey>> keyMessage;
+struct IdentityExtension
+ static IdentityExtension load(const Ref &);
+ Ref store(const Storage & st) const;
+ const Stored<Signed<IdentityData>> base;
+ const vector<StoredIdentityPart> prev {};
+ const optional<string> name {};
+ const optional<StoredIdentityPart> owner {};
+struct Identity::Priv
+ vector<StoredIdentityPart> data;
+ vector<StoredIdentityPart> updates;
+ shared_future<optional<string>> name;
+ optional<Identity> owner;
+ Stored<PublicKey> keyMessage;
+ static bool verifySignatures(const StoredIdentityPart & sdata);
+ static shared_ptr<Priv> validate(const vector<StoredIdentityPart> & sdata);
+ static optional<StoredIdentityPart> lookupProperty(
+ const vector<StoredIdentityPart> & data,
+ function<bool(const StoredIdentityPart &)> sel);
+struct Identity::Builder::Priv
+ Storage storage;
+ vector<Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>> prevBase = {};
+ vector<StoredIdentityPart> prevExt = {};
+ optional<string> name = nullopt;
+ optional<Identity> owner = nullopt;
+ Stored<PublicKey> keyIdentity;
+ optional<Stored<PublicKey>> keyMessage;
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68ebbd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,735 @@
+#include <erebos/attach.h>
+#include <erebos/contact.h>
+#include <erebos/identity.h>
+#include <erebos/message.h>
+#include <erebos/network.h>
+#include <erebos/set.h>
+#include <erebos/storage.h>
+#include <erebos/sync.h>
+#include "storage.h"
+#include "test/service.h"
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <filesystem>
+#include <functional>
+#include <future>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <optional>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <string>
+#include <thread>
+#include <vector>
+using std::cerr;
+using std::cout;
+using std::endl;
+using std::function;
+using std::future;
+using std::invalid_argument;
+using std::make_unique;
+using std::map;
+using std::mutex;
+using std::optional;
+using std::ostringstream;
+using std::promise;
+using std::scoped_lock;
+using std::string;
+using std::thread;
+using std::to_string;
+using std::unique_ptr;
+using std::vector;
+namespace fs = std::filesystem;
+using namespace erebos;
+namespace {
+fs::path getErebosDir()
+ const char * value = getenv("EREBOS_DIR");
+ if (value)
+ return value;
+ return "./.erebos";
+mutex outputMutex;
+void printLine(const string & line)
+ scoped_lock lock(outputMutex);
+ cout << line << std::endl;
+Storage st(getErebosDir());
+optional<Head<LocalState>> testHead;
+mutex testHeadMutex; // for updates from main and reading from other threads
+optional<Server> server;
+struct TestPeer
+ Peer peer;
+ size_t id;
+ bool deleted = false;
+ promise<bool> pairingAnswer {};
+vector<TestPeer> testPeers;
+TestPeer & getPeer(const string & name)
+ try {
+ return - 1);
+ }
+ catch (const std::invalid_argument &) {}
+ for (auto & p : testPeers)
+ if ( == name)
+ return p;
+ ostringstream ss;
+ ss << "peer '" << name << "' not found";
+ throw invalid_argument(ss.str().c_str());
+TestPeer & getPeer(const Peer & peer)
+ for (auto & p : testPeers)
+ if (p.peer == peer)
+ return p;
+ throw invalid_argument("peer not found");
+Contact getContact(const string & id)
+ auto cmp = [](const Contact & x, const Contact & y) {
+ return <;
+ };
+ for (const auto & c : testHead->behavior().lens<SharedState>().lens<Set<Contact>>().get().view(cmp)) {
+ if (string(c.leastRoot()) == id) {
+ return c;
+ }
+ }
+ ostringstream ss;
+ ss << "contact '" << id << "' not found";
+ throw invalid_argument(ss.str().c_str());
+struct Command
+ string name;
+ function<void(const vector<string> &)> action;
+void store(const vector<string> & args)
+ auto type =;
+ vector<uint8_t> inner, data;
+ char * line = nullptr;
+ size_t size = 0;
+ while (getline(&line, &size, stdin) > 0 && strlen(line) > 1)
+ copy(line, line + strlen(line), std::back_inserter(inner));
+ free(line);
+ auto inserter = std::back_inserter(data);
+ copy(type.begin(), type.end(), inserter);
+ inserter = ' ';
+ auto slen = to_string(inner.size());
+ copy(slen.begin(), slen.end(), inserter);
+ inserter = '\n';
+ copy(inner.begin(), inner.end(), inserter);
+ auto digest = st.priv().storeBytes(data);
+ ostringstream ss;
+ ss << "store-done " << string(digest);
+ printLine(ss.str());
+void storedGeneration(const vector<string> & args)
+ auto ref = st.ref(Digest(;
+ if (!ref)
+ throw invalid_argument("ref " + + " not found");
+ ostringstream ss;
+ ss << "stored-generation " << string(ref->digest()) << " " << string(ref->generation());
+ printLine(ss.str());
+void storedRoots(const vector<string> & args)
+ auto ref = st.ref(Digest(;
+ if (!ref)
+ throw invalid_argument("ref " + + " not found");
+ ostringstream ss;
+ ss << "stored-roots " << string(ref->digest());
+ for (const auto & dgst : ref->roots())
+ ss << " " << string(dgst);
+ printLine(ss.str());
+void storedSetAdd(const vector<string> & args)
+ auto iref = st.ref(Digest(;
+ if (!iref)
+ throw invalid_argument("ref " + + " not found");
+ auto set = args.size() > 1 ?
+ Set<vector<Stored<Object>>>::load({ *st.ref(Digest( }) :
+ Set<vector<Stored<Object>>>();
+ ostringstream ss;
+ ss << "stored-set-add";
+ for (const auto & d : set.add(st, { Stored<Object>::load(*iref) }).digests())
+ ss << " " << string(d);
+ printLine(ss.str());
+void storedSetList(const vector<string> & args)
+ auto ref = st.ref(Digest(;
+ if (!ref)
+ throw invalid_argument("ref " + + " not found");
+ for (const auto & vec : Set<vector<Stored<Object>>>::load({ *ref }).view(std::less{})) {
+ ostringstream ss;
+ ss << "stored-set-item";
+ for (const auto & x : vec)
+ ss << " " << string(x.ref().digest());
+ printLine(ss.str());
+ }
+ printLine("stored-set-done");
+void createIdentity(const vector<string> & args)
+ optional<Identity> identity;
+ for (ssize_t i = args.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ const auto & name = args[i];
+ auto builder = Identity::create(st);
+ if (identity)
+ builder.owner(*identity);
+ identity = builder.commit();
+ }
+ if (identity) {
+ auto nh = testHead->update([&identity] (const auto & loc) {
+ auto ret = loc->identity(*identity);
+ if (identity->owner())
+ ret = ret.template shared<optional<Identity>>(identity->finalOwner());
+ return;
+ });
+ if (nh) {
+ scoped_lock lock(testHeadMutex);
+ *testHead = *nh;
+ }
+ }
+void printPairingResult(string prefix, Peer peer, future<PairingServiceBase::Outcome> && future)
+ auto outcome = future.get();
+ ostringstream ss;
+ ss << prefix <<
+ (outcome == PairingServiceBase::Outcome::Success ? "-done " : "-failed ") <<
+ getPeer(peer).id;
+ switch (outcome)
+ {
+ case PairingServiceBase::Outcome::Success: break;
+ case PairingServiceBase::Outcome::PeerRejected: ss << " rejected"; break;
+ case PairingServiceBase::Outcome::UserRejected: ss << " user"; break;
+ case PairingServiceBase::Outcome::UnexpectedMessage: ss << " unexpected"; break;
+ case PairingServiceBase::Outcome::NonceMismatch: ss << " nonce"; break;
+ case PairingServiceBase::Outcome::Stale: ss << " stale"; break;
+ }
+ printLine(ss.str());
+future<bool> confirmPairing(string prefix, const Peer & peer, string confirm, future<PairingServiceBase::Outcome> && outcome)
+ thread(printPairingResult, prefix, peer, move(outcome)).detach();
+ promise<bool> promise;
+ auto input = promise.get_future();
+ getPeer(peer).pairingAnswer = move(promise);
+ ostringstream ss;
+ ss << prefix << " " << getPeer(peer).id << " " << confirm;
+ printLine(ss.str());
+ return input;
+void startServer(const vector<string> &)
+ using namespace std::placeholders;
+ ServerConfig config;
+ config.service<AttachService>()
+ .onRequest(bind(confirmPairing, "attach-request", _1, _2, _3))
+ .onResponse(bind(confirmPairing, "attach-response", _1, _2, _3))
+ ;
+ config.service<ContactService>()
+ .onRequest(bind(confirmPairing, "contact-request", _1, _2, _3))
+ .onResponse(bind(confirmPairing, "contact-response", _1, _2, _3))
+ ;
+ config.service<DirectMessageService>()
+ .onUpdate([](const DirectMessageThread & thread, ssize_t, ssize_t) {
+ {
+ scoped_lock lock(testHeadMutex);
+ if (auto locIdentity = testHead.value()->identity())
+ if (>sameAs(locIdentity->finalOwner()))
+ return;
+ }
+ ostringstream ss;
+ string name = "<unnamed>";
+ if (auto from =
+ if (auto fname = from->name())
+ name = *fname;
+ ss << "dm-received"
+ << " from " << name
+ << " text " <<
+ ;
+ printLine(ss.str());
+ })
+ ;
+ config.service<SyncService>();
+ config.service< TestService >()
+ .onMessage([]( const Stored< Object > & msg ) {
+ auto bytes = msg->encode();
+ auto space = std::find( bytes.begin(), bytes.end(), ' ' );
+ auto type = string( bytes.begin(), space );
+ auto size = std::stoi( string( space + 1, std::find( space + 1, bytes.end(), '\n' ) ) );
+ ostringstream ss;
+ ss << "test-message-received"
+ << " " << type
+ << " " << size
+ << " " << string( msg.ref().digest() )
+ ;
+ printLine(ss.str());
+ })
+ ;
+ server.emplace(*testHead, move(config));
+ server->peerList().onUpdate([](size_t idx, const Peer * peer) {
+ size_t i = 0;
+ while (idx > 0 && i < testPeers.size()) {
+ if (!testPeers[i].deleted)
+ idx--;
+ i++;
+ }
+ string prefix = "peer " + to_string(i + 1);
+ if (peer) {
+ if (i >= testPeers.size()) {
+ testPeers.push_back(TestPeer { .peer = *peer, .id = i + 1 });
+ ostringstream ss;
+ ss << prefix << " addr " << peer->addressStr() << " " << peer->port();
+ printLine(ss.str());
+ }
+ if (peer->identity()) {
+ ostringstream ss;
+ ss << prefix << " id";
+ for (auto idt = peer->identity(); idt; idt = idt->owner())
+ ss << " " << (idt->name() ? *idt->name() : "<unnamed>");
+ printLine(ss.str());
+ }
+ } else {
+ testPeers[i].deleted = true;
+ printLine(prefix + " deleted");
+ }
+ });
+void stopServer(const vector<string> &)
+ server.reset();
+ testPeers.clear();
+ printLine("stop-server-done");
+void peerAdd(const vector<string> & args)
+ if (args.size() == 1)
+ server->addPeer(;
+ else if (args.size() == 2)
+ server->addPeer(,;
+ else
+ throw invalid_argument("usage: peer-add <node> [<port>]");
+void testMessageSend( const vector< string > & args)
+ if (auto ref = st.ref(Digest( {
+ TestService::send(getPeer( ).peer, *ref );
+ printLine("test-message-send done");
+ } else {
+ printLine("test-message-send fail");
+ }
+void sharedStateGet(const vector<string> &)
+ ostringstream ss;
+ ss << "shared-state-get";
+ for (const auto & r : testHead->behavior().lens<vector<Ref>>().get())
+ ss << " " << string(r.digest());
+ printLine(ss.str());
+void sharedStateWait(const vector<string> & args)
+ struct SharedStateWait
+ {
+ mutex lock;
+ bool done { false };
+ optional<Watched<vector<Ref>>> watched;
+ };
+ auto watchedPtr = make_shared<SharedStateWait>();
+ auto watched = testHead->behavior().lens<vector<Ref>>().watch([args, watchedPtr] (const vector<Ref> & refs) {
+ vector<Stored<Object>> objs;
+ objs.reserve(refs.size());
+ for (const auto & r : refs)
+ objs.push_back(Stored<Object>::load(r));
+ auto objs2 = objs;
+ for (const auto & a : args)
+ if (auto ref = st.ref(Digest(a)))
+ objs2.push_back(Stored<Object>::load(*ref));
+ else
+ return;
+ filterAncestors(objs2);
+ if (objs2 == objs) {
+ ostringstream ss;
+ ss << "shared-state-wait";
+ for (const auto & a : args)
+ ss << " " << a;
+ printLine(ss.str());
+ scoped_lock lock(watchedPtr->lock);
+ watchedPtr->done = true;
+ watchedPtr->watched = std::nullopt;
+ }
+ });
+ scoped_lock lock(watchedPtr->lock);
+ if (!watchedPtr->done)
+ watchedPtr->watched = move(watched);
+void watchLocalIdentity(const vector<string> &)
+ auto bhv = testHead->behavior().lens<optional<Identity>>();
+ static auto watchedLocalIdentity =[] (const optional<Identity> & idt) {
+ if (idt) {
+ ostringstream ss;
+ ss << "local-identity";
+ for (optional<Identity> i = idt; i; i = i->owner()) {
+ if (auto name = i->name())
+ ss << " " << i->name().value();
+ else
+ ss << " <unnamed>";
+ }
+ printLine(ss.str());
+ }
+ });
+void watchSharedIdentity(const vector<string> &)
+ auto bhv = testHead->behavior().lens<SharedState>().lens<optional<Identity>>();
+ static auto watchedSharedIdentity =[] (const optional<Identity> & idt) {
+ if (idt) {
+ ostringstream ss;
+ ss << "shared-identity";
+ for (optional<Identity> i = idt; i; i = i->owner())
+ ss << " " << i->name().value();
+ printLine(ss.str());
+ }
+ });
+void updateLocalIdentity(const vector<string> & params)
+ if (params.size() != 1) {
+ throw invalid_argument("usage: update-local-identity <name>");
+ }
+ auto nh = testHead->update([&params] (const Stored<LocalState> & loc) {
+ auto st = loc.ref().storage();
+ auto b = loc->identity()->modify();
+ return>identity(b.commit()));
+ });
+ if (nh) {
+ scoped_lock lock(testHeadMutex);
+ *testHead = *nh;
+ }
+void updateSharedIdentity(const vector<string> & params)
+ if (params.size() != 1) {
+ throw invalid_argument("usage: update-shared-identity <name>");
+ }
+ auto nh = testHead->update([&params] (const Stored<LocalState> & loc) {
+ auto st = loc.ref().storage();
+ auto mbid = loc->shared<optional<Identity>>();
+ if (!mbid)
+ return loc;
+ auto b = mbid->modify();
+ return>shared<optional<Identity>>(optional(b.commit())));
+ });
+ if (nh) {
+ scoped_lock lock(testHeadMutex);
+ *testHead = *nh;
+ }
+void attachTo(const vector<string> & params)
+ server->svc<AttachService>().attachTo(getPeer(;
+void attachAccept(const vector<string> & params)
+ getPeer(;
+void attachReject(const vector<string> & params)
+ getPeer(;
+void contactRequest(const vector<string> & params)
+ server->svc<ContactService>().request(getPeer(;
+void contactAccept(const vector<string> & params)
+ getPeer(;
+void contactReject(const vector<string> & params)
+ getPeer(;
+void contactList(const vector<string> &)
+ auto cmp = [](const Contact & x, const Contact & y) {
+ return <;
+ };
+ for (const auto & c : testHead->behavior().lens<SharedState>().lens<Set<Contact>>().get().view(cmp)) {
+ ostringstream ss;
+ ss << "contact-list-item " << string(c.leastRoot()) << " " <<;
+ if (auto id = c.identity())
+ if (auto iname = id->name())
+ ss << " " << *iname;
+ printLine(ss.str());
+ }
+ printLine("contact-list-done");
+void contactSetName(const vector<string> & args)
+ auto id =;
+ auto name =;
+ auto c = getContact(id);
+ auto nh = testHead->update([&] (const Stored<LocalState> & loc) {
+ auto st = loc.ref().storage();
+ auto cc = c.customName(st, name);
+ auto contacts = loc->shared<Set<Contact>>();
+ return>shared<Set<Contact>>(contacts.add(st, cc)));
+ });
+ if (nh) {
+ scoped_lock lock(testHeadMutex);
+ *testHead = *nh;
+ }
+ printLine("contact-set-name-done");
+void dmSendPeer(const vector<string> & args)
+ DirectMessageService::send(
+ *testHead,
+ getPeer(,
+void dmSendContact(const vector<string> & args)
+ DirectMessageService::send(
+ *testHead,
+ getContact(,
+template<class T>
+static void dmList(const T & peer)
+ if (auto id = peer.identity())
+ for (const auto & msg : testHead->behavior().get().shared<DirectMessageThreads>().thread(*id)) {
+ string name = "<unnamed>";
+ if (const auto & from = msg.from())
+ if (const auto & opt = from->name())
+ name = *opt;
+ ostringstream ss;
+ ss << "dm-list-item"
+ << " from " << name
+ << " text " << msg.text()
+ ;
+ printLine(ss.str());
+ }
+ printLine("dm-list-done");
+void dmListPeer(const vector<string> & args)
+ dmList(getPeer(;
+void dmListContact(const vector<string> & args)
+ dmList(getContact(;
+vector<Command> commands = {
+ { "store", store },
+ { "stored-generation", storedGeneration },
+ { "stored-roots", storedRoots },
+ { "stored-set-add", storedSetAdd },
+ { "stored-set-list", storedSetList },
+ { "create-identity", createIdentity },
+ { "start-server", startServer },
+ { "stop-server", stopServer },
+ { "peer-add", peerAdd },
+ { "test-message-send", testMessageSend },
+ { "shared-state-get", sharedStateGet },
+ { "shared-state-wait", sharedStateWait },
+ { "watch-local-identity", watchLocalIdentity },
+ { "watch-shared-identity", watchSharedIdentity },
+ { "update-local-identity", updateLocalIdentity },
+ { "update-shared-identity", updateSharedIdentity },
+ { "attach-to", attachTo },
+ { "attach-accept", attachAccept },
+ { "attach-reject", attachReject },
+ { "contact-request", contactRequest },
+ { "contact-accept", contactAccept },
+ { "contact-reject", contactReject },
+ { "contact-list", contactList },
+ { "contact-set-name", contactSetName },
+ { "dm-send-peer", dmSendPeer },
+ { "dm-send-contact", dmSendContact },
+ { "dm-list-peer", dmListPeer },
+ { "dm-list-contact", dmListContact },
+int main(int argc, char * argv[])
+ testHead.emplace([] {
+ auto hs = st.heads<LocalState>();
+ if (!hs.empty())
+ return hs[0];
+ else
+ return st.storeHead(LocalState());
+ }());
+ char * line = nullptr;
+ size_t size = 0;
+ if (argc > 1) {
+ vector<string> args;
+ for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++)
+ args.emplace_back(argv[i]);
+ for (const auto & cmd : commands) {
+ if ( == argv[1]) {
+ cmd.action(args);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ cerr << "Unknown command: '" << argv[1] << "'" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ while (getline(&line, &size, stdin) > 0) {
+ optional<string> command;
+ vector<string> args;
+ const char * last = line;
+ for (const char * cur = line;; cur++) {
+ if (isspace(*cur) || *cur == '\0') {
+ if (last < cur) {
+ if (!command)
+ command.emplace(last, cur);
+ else
+ args.emplace_back(last, cur);
+ }
+ last = cur + 1;
+ if (*cur == '\0')
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!command)
+ continue;
+ bool found = false;
+ for (const auto & cmd : commands) {
+ if ( == *command) {
+ found = true;
+ cmd.action(args);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ cerr << "Unknown command: '" << *command << "'" << endl;
+ }
+ free(line);
+ server.reset();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/merge.cpp b/src/merge.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..040ebb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/merge.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#include <erebos/merge.h>
+namespace erebos {
+static void findPropertyObjects(vector<Stored<Object>> & candidates, const Stored<Object> & obj, const string & prop)
+ if (auto rec = obj->asRecord()) {
+ if (rec->item(prop)) {
+ candidates.push_back(obj);
+ } else {
+ for (const auto & r : obj.ref().previous())
+ findPropertyObjects(candidates, Stored<Object>::load(r), prop);
+ }
+ }
+vector<Stored<Object>> findPropertyObjects(const vector<Stored<Object>> & leaves, const string & prop)
+ vector<Stored<Object>> candidates;
+ for (const auto & obj : leaves)
+ findPropertyObjects(candidates, obj, prop);
+ filterAncestors(candidates);
+ return candidates;
diff --git a/src/message.cpp b/src/message.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cda2fa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/message.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+#include "message.h"
+#include <erebos/contact.h>
+#include <erebos/network.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <thread>
+using namespace erebos;
+using std::nullopt;
+using std::scoped_lock;
+using std::unique_lock;
+static const UUID myUUID("c702076c-4928-4415-8b6b-3e839eafcb0d");
+ "ee793681-5976-466a-b0f0-4e1907d3fade",
+ &DirectMessageThreads::load,
+ [](const DirectMessageThreads & threads) {
+ return;
+ })
+static void findThreadComponents(vector<Stored<DirectMessageState>> & candidates,
+ const Stored<DirectMessageState> & cur,
+ const Identity & peer,
+ vector<Stored<DirectMessageData>> DirectMessageState::* sel)
+ if (cur->peer && cur->peer->sameAs(peer) && not ((*cur).*sel).empty())
+ candidates.push_back(cur);
+ else
+ for (const auto & p : cur->prev)
+ findThreadComponents(candidates, p, peer, sel);
+static vector<Stored<DirectMessageState>> findThreadComponents(
+ const vector<Stored<DirectMessageState>> & leaves,
+ const Identity & peer,
+ vector<Stored<DirectMessageData>> DirectMessageState::* sel)
+ vector<Stored<DirectMessageState>> candidates;
+ for (const auto & obj : leaves)
+ findThreadComponents(candidates, obj, peer, sel);
+ filterAncestors(candidates);
+ return candidates;
+DirectMessage::DirectMessage(Priv * p):
+ p(p)
+DirectMessageData DirectMessageData::load(const Ref & ref)
+ auto rec = ref->asRecord();
+ if (!rec)
+ return DirectMessageData();
+ auto fref = rec->item("from").asRef();
+ return DirectMessageData {
+ .prev = rec->items("PREV").as<DirectMessageData>(),
+ .from = fref ? Identity::load(*fref) : nullopt,
+ .time = *rec->item("time").asDate(),
+ .text = rec->item("text").asText().value(),
+ };
+Ref DirectMessageData::store(const Storage & st) const
+ vector<Record::Item> items;
+ for (const auto & prev : prev)
+ items.emplace_back("PREV", prev.ref());
+ if (from)
+ items.emplace_back("from", from->extRef().value());
+ if (time)
+ items.emplace_back("time", *time);
+ if (text)
+ items.emplace_back("text", *text);
+ return st.storeObject(Record(std::move(items)));
+const optional<Identity> & DirectMessage::from() const
+ return p->data->from;
+const optional<ZonedTime> & DirectMessage::time() const
+ return p->data->time;
+string DirectMessage::text() const
+ if (p->data->text)
+ return p->data->text.value();
+ return "";
+DirectMessageThread::DirectMessageThread(Priv * p):
+ p(p)
+DirectMessageThread::Iterator::Iterator(Priv * p):
+ p(p)
+DirectMessageThread::Iterator::Iterator(const Iterator & other):
+ Iterator(new Priv(*other.p))
+DirectMessageThread::Iterator::~Iterator() = default;
+DirectMessageThread::Iterator & DirectMessageThread::Iterator::operator=(const Iterator & other)
+ p.reset(new Priv(*other.p));
+ return *this;
+DirectMessageThread::Iterator & DirectMessageThread::Iterator::operator++()
+ if (p->current)
+ for (const auto & m : p->current->p->data->prev)
+ p->next.push_back(m);
+ if (p->next.empty()) {
+ p->current.reset();
+ } else {
+ filterAncestors(p->next);
+ auto ncur = p->next[0];
+ for (const auto & m : p->next)
+ if (!ncur->time || (m->time && m->time->time >= ncur->time->time))
+ ncur = m;
+ p->current.emplace(DirectMessage(new DirectMessage::Priv {
+ .data = ncur,
+ }));
+ p->next.erase(std::remove(p->next.begin(), p->next.end(), p->current->p->data));
+ }
+ return *this;
+DirectMessage DirectMessageThread::Iterator::operator*() const
+ return *p->current;
+bool DirectMessageThread::Iterator::operator==(const Iterator & other) const
+ if (p->current && other.p->current)
+ return p->current->p->data == other.p->current->p->data;
+ return bool(p->current) == bool(other.p->current);
+bool DirectMessageThread::Iterator::operator!=(const Iterator & other) const
+ return !(*this == other);
+DirectMessageThread::Iterator DirectMessageThread::begin() const
+ return ++Iterator(new Iterator::Priv {
+ .current = {},
+ .next = p->head,
+ });
+DirectMessageThread::Iterator DirectMessageThread::end() const
+ return Iterator(new Iterator::Priv {
+ .current = {},
+ .next = {},
+ });
+size_t DirectMessageThread::size() const
+ size_t c = 0;
+ for (auto it = begin(); it != end(); ++it)
+ c++;
+ return c;
+DirectMessage DirectMessageThread::at(size_t i) const
+ return *std::next(begin(), i);
+const Identity & DirectMessageThread::peer() const
+ return p->peer;
+DirectMessageState DirectMessageState::load(const Ref & ref)
+ if (auto rec = ref->asRecord()) {
+ return DirectMessageState {
+ .prev = rec->items("PREV").as<DirectMessageState>(),
+ .peer = Identity::load(rec->items("peer").asRef()),
+ .ready = rec->items("ready").as<DirectMessageData>(),
+ .sent = rec->items("sent").as<DirectMessageData>(),
+ .received = rec->items("received").as<DirectMessageData>(),
+ .seen = rec->items("seen").as<DirectMessageData>(),
+ };
+ }
+ return DirectMessageState();
+Ref DirectMessageState::store(const Storage & st) const
+ vector<Record::Item> items;
+ for (const auto & prev : prev)
+ items.emplace_back("PREV", prev.ref());
+ if (peer)
+ for (const auto & ref : peer->refs())
+ items.emplace_back("peer", ref);
+ for (const auto & x : ready)
+ items.emplace_back("ready", x.ref());
+ for (const auto & x : sent)
+ items.emplace_back("sent", x.ref());
+ for (const auto & x : received)
+ items.emplace_back("received", x.ref());
+ for (const auto & x : seen)
+ items.emplace_back("seen", x.ref());
+ return st.storeObject(Record(std::move(items)));
+DirectMessageThreads::DirectMessageThreads() = default;
+DirectMessageThreads::DirectMessageThreads(Stored<DirectMessageState> s):
+ DirectMessageThreads(vector<Stored<DirectMessageState>> { move(s) })
+DirectMessageThreads::DirectMessageThreads(vector<Stored<DirectMessageState>> s):
+ state(move(s))
+DirectMessageThreads DirectMessageThreads::load(const vector<Ref> & refs)
+ DirectMessageThreads res;
+ res.state.reserve(refs.size());
+ for (const auto & ref : refs)
+ res.state.push_back(Stored<DirectMessageState>::load(ref));
+ return res;
+vector<Ref> DirectMessageThreads::store() const
+ vector<Ref> refs;
+ refs.reserve(state.size());
+ for (const auto & x : state)
+ refs.push_back(x.ref());
+ return refs;
+vector<Stored<DirectMessageState>> DirectMessageThreads::data() const
+ return state;
+bool DirectMessageThreads::operator==(const DirectMessageThreads & other) const
+ return state == other.state;
+bool DirectMessageThreads::operator!=(const DirectMessageThreads & other) const
+ return state != other.state;
+DirectMessageThread DirectMessageThreads::thread(const Identity & peer) const
+ vector<Stored<DirectMessageData>> head;
+ for (const auto & c : findThreadComponents(state, peer, &DirectMessageState::ready))
+ for (const auto & m : c->ready)
+ head.push_back(m);
+ for (const auto & c : findThreadComponents(state, peer, &DirectMessageState::received))
+ for (const auto & m : c->received)
+ head.push_back(m);
+ filterAncestors(head);
+ return new DirectMessageThread::Priv {
+ .peer = peer,
+ .head = move(head),
+ };
+vector<Stored<DirectMessageState>> Mergeable<DirectMessageThreads>::components(const DirectMessageThreads & threads)
+ return;
+DirectMessageService::Config & DirectMessageService::Config::onUpdate(ThreadWatcher w)
+ watchers.push_back(w);
+ return *this;
+DirectMessageService::DirectMessageService(Config && c, const Server & s):
+ config(move(c)),
+ server(s),
+ watched(server.localState().lens<SharedState>().lens<DirectMessageThreads>().watch(
+ std::bind(&DirectMessageService::updateHandler, this, std::placeholders::_1)))
+ server.peerList().onUpdate(std::bind(&DirectMessageService::peerWatcher, this,
+ std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
+ peerSyncRun = true;
+ peerSyncThread = std::thread(&DirectMessageService::doSyncWithPeers, this);
+ {
+ scoped_lock lock(peerSyncMutex);
+ peerSyncRun = false;
+ }
+ peerSyncCond.notify_all();
+ peerSyncThread.join();
+UUID DirectMessageService::uuid() const
+ return myUUID;
+void DirectMessageService::handle(Context & ctx)
+ auto pid = ctx.peer().identity();
+ if (!pid)
+ return;
+ auto powner = pid->finalOwner();
+ auto msg = Stored<DirectMessageData>::load(ctx.ref());
+ server.localHead().update([&](const Stored<LocalState> & loc) {
+ auto st = loc.ref().storage();
+ auto threads = loc->shared<DirectMessageThreads>();
+ vector<Stored<DirectMessageData>> receivedOld;
+ for (const auto & c : findThreadComponents(threads.state, powner, &DirectMessageState::received))
+ for (const auto & m : c->received)
+ receivedOld.push_back(m);
+ auto receivedNew = receivedOld;
+ receivedNew.push_back(msg);
+ filterAncestors(receivedNew);
+ if (receivedNew != receivedOld) {
+ auto state = {
+ .prev =,
+ .peer = powner,
+ .received = { msg },
+ });
+ auto res =>shared<DirectMessageThreads>(DirectMessageThreads(state)));
+ return res;
+ } else {
+ return loc;
+ }
+ });
+DirectMessageThread DirectMessageService::thread(const Identity & peer)
+ return server.localState().get().shared<DirectMessageThreads>().thread(peer);
+DirectMessage DirectMessageService::send(const Head<LocalState> & head, const Identity & to, const string & text)
+ Stored<DirectMessageData> msg;
+ head.update([&](const Stored<LocalState> & loc) {
+ auto st = loc.ref().storage();
+ auto threads = loc->shared<DirectMessageThreads>();
+ msg = {
+ .prev = threads.thread(to).p->head,
+ .from = loc->identity()->finalOwner(),
+ .time = ZonedTime::now(),
+ .text = text,
+ });
+ auto state = {
+ .prev =,
+ .peer = to,
+ .ready = { msg },
+ });
+ return>shared<DirectMessageThreads>(DirectMessageThreads(state)));
+ });
+ return DirectMessage(new DirectMessage::Priv {
+ .data = move(msg),
+ });
+DirectMessage DirectMessageService::send(const Head<LocalState> & head, const Contact & to, const string & text)
+ if (auto id = to.identity())
+ return send(head, *id, text);
+ throw std::runtime_error("contact without erebos identity");
+DirectMessage DirectMessageService::send(const Head<LocalState> & head, const Peer & to, const string & text)
+ if (auto id = to.identity())
+ return send(head, id->finalOwner(), text);
+ throw std::runtime_error("peer without known identity");
+DirectMessage DirectMessageService::send(const Identity & to, const string & text)
+ return send(server.localHead(), to, text);
+DirectMessage DirectMessageService::send(const Contact & to, const string & text)
+ if (auto id = to.identity())
+ return send(*id, text);
+ throw std::runtime_error("contact without erebos identity");
+DirectMessage DirectMessageService::send(const Peer & to, const string & text)
+ if (auto id = to.identity())
+ return send(id->finalOwner(), text);
+ throw std::runtime_error("peer without known identity");
+void DirectMessageService::updateHandler(const DirectMessageThreads & threads)
+ scoped_lock lock(stateMutex);
+ auto state = prevState;
+ for (const auto & s : threads.state)
+ state.push_back(s);
+ filterAncestors(state);
+ if (state != prevState) {
+ auto queue = state;
+ vector<Identity> peers;
+ while (not queue.empty()) {
+ auto cur = move(queue.back());
+ queue.pop_back();
+ if (auto peer = cur->peer) {
+ bool found = false;
+ for (const auto & p : peers) {
+ if (p.sameAs(*peer)) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (not found)
+ peers.push_back(*peer);
+ for (const auto & prev : cur->prev)
+ queue.push_back(prev);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto & peer : peers) {
+ auto dmt = threads.thread(peer);
+ for (const auto & w : config.watchers)
+ w(dmt, -1, -1);
+ if (auto netPeer = server.peer(peer))
+ syncWithPeer(dmt, *netPeer);
+ }
+ prevState = move(state);
+ }
+void DirectMessageService::peerWatcher(size_t, const class Peer * peer)
+ if (peer) {
+ if (auto pid = peer->identity()) {
+ syncWithPeer(thread(pid->finalOwner()), *peer);
+ }
+ }
+void DirectMessageService::syncWithPeer(const DirectMessageThread & thread, const Peer & peer)
+ {
+ scoped_lock lock(peerSyncMutex);
+ peerSyncQueue.emplace_back(thread, peer);
+ }
+ peerSyncCond.notify_one();
+void DirectMessageService::doSyncWithPeers()
+ unique_lock lock(peerSyncMutex);
+ while (peerSyncRun)
+ {
+ if (peerSyncQueue.empty()) {
+ peerSyncCond.wait(lock);
+ continue;
+ }
+ decltype(peerSyncQueue) queue;
+ std::swap(queue, peerSyncQueue);
+ lock.unlock();
+ for (auto & [ thread, peer ] : queue)
+ doSyncWithPeer(thread, peer);
+ lock.lock();
+ }
+void DirectMessageService::doSyncWithPeer(const DirectMessageThread & thread, const Peer & peer)
+ for (const auto & msg : thread.p->head)
+ if (not peer.send(myUUID, msg.ref()))
+ return;
+ const auto & head = server.localHead();
+ head.update([&](const Stored<LocalState> & loc) {
+ auto st =;
+ auto threads = loc->shared<DirectMessageThreads>();
+ vector<Stored<DirectMessageData>> oldSent;
+ for (const auto & c : findThreadComponents(, thread.peer(), &DirectMessageState::sent))
+ for (const auto & m : c->sent)
+ oldSent.push_back(m);
+ filterAncestors(oldSent);
+ auto newSent = oldSent;
+ for (const auto & msg : thread.p->head)
+ newSent.push_back(msg);
+ filterAncestors(newSent);
+ if (newSent != oldSent) {
+ auto state = {
+ .prev =,
+ .peer = thread.peer(),
+ .sent = move(newSent),
+ });
+ return>shared<DirectMessageThreads>(DirectMessageThreads(state)));
+ }
+ return loc;
+ });
diff --git a/src/message.h b/src/message.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22da0fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/message.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <erebos/identity.h>
+#include <erebos/message.h>
+#include <erebos/storage.h>
+#include <erebos/time.h>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <vector>
+namespace chrono = std::chrono;
+using chrono::system_clock;
+using std::mutex;
+using std::optional;
+using std::string;
+using std::vector;
+namespace erebos {
+struct DirectMessageData
+ static DirectMessageData load(const Ref &);
+ Ref store(const Storage &) const;
+ vector<Stored<DirectMessageData>> prev;
+ optional<Identity> from;
+ optional<ZonedTime> time;
+ optional<string> text;
+struct DirectMessage::Priv
+ Stored<DirectMessageData> data;
+struct DirectMessageThread::Priv
+ const Identity peer;
+ const vector<Stored<DirectMessageData>> head;
+struct DirectMessageThread::Iterator::Priv
+ optional<DirectMessage> current;
+ vector<Stored<DirectMessageData>> next;
+struct DirectMessageState
+ static DirectMessageState load(const Ref &);
+ Ref store(const Storage &) const;
+ vector<Stored<DirectMessageState>> prev;
+ optional<Identity> peer;
+ vector<Stored<DirectMessageData>> ready {};
+ vector<Stored<DirectMessageData>> sent {};
+ vector<Stored<DirectMessageData>> received {};
+ vector<Stored<DirectMessageData>> seen {};
diff --git a/src/network.cpp b/src/network.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22b292a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/network.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,980 @@
+#include "network.h"
+#include "identity.h"
+#include "network/protocol.h"
+#include "service.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <ifaddrs.h>
+#include <net/if.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+using std::get;
+using std::get_if;
+using std::holds_alternative;
+using std::move;
+using std::runtime_error;
+using std::scoped_lock;
+using std::to_string;
+using std::unique_lock;
+using namespace erebos;
+Server::Server(const Head<LocalState> & head, ServerConfig && config):
+ p(new Priv(head, *head->identity()))
+ p->services.reserve(;
+ for (const auto & ctor :
+ p->services.emplace_back(ctor(*this));
+ p->startThreads();
+Server::Server(const std::shared_ptr<Priv> & ptr):
+ p(ptr)
+Server::~Server() = default;
+const Head<LocalState> & Server::localHead() const
+ return p->localHead;
+const Bhv<LocalState> & Server::localState() const
+ return p->localState;
+Identity Server::identity() const
+ shared_lock lock(p->selfMutex);
+ return p->self;
+Service & Server::svcHelper(const std::type_info & tinfo)
+ for (auto & s : p->services) {
+ auto & sobj = *s;
+ if (typeid(sobj) == tinfo)
+ return sobj;
+ }
+ throw runtime_error("service not found");
+PeerList & Server::peerList() const
+ return p->plist;
+optional<Peer> Server::peer(const Identity & identity) const
+ scoped_lock lock(p->dataMutex);
+ for (auto & peer : p->peers) {
+ const auto & pid = peer->identity;
+ if (holds_alternative<Identity>(pid))
+ if (std::get<Identity>(pid).finalOwner().sameAs(identity))
+ return peer->lpeer;
+ }
+ return nullopt;
+void Server::addPeer(const string & node) const
+ return addPeer(node, to_string(Priv::discoveryPort));
+void Server::addPeer(const string & node, const string & service) const
+ addrinfo hints {};
+ hints.ai_flags = AI_V4MAPPED | AI_ADDRCONFIG;
+ hints.ai_family = AF_INET6;
+ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
+ addrinfo *aptr;
+ int r = getaddrinfo(node.c_str(), service.c_str(), &hints, &aptr);
+ if (r != 0)
+ throw runtime_error(string("Server::addPeer: getaddrinfo failed: ") + gai_strerror(r));
+ unique_ptr<addrinfo, void(*)(addrinfo*)> result { aptr, &freeaddrinfo };
+ for (addrinfo * rp = result.get(); rp != nullptr; rp = rp->ai_next) {
+ if (rp->ai_family == AF_INET6) {
+ p->getPeer(*(sockaddr_in6 *)rp->ai_addr);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ throw runtime_error("Server::addPeer: no suitable peer address found");
+Peer::Peer(const shared_ptr<Priv> & p): p(p) {}
+Peer::~Peer() = default;
+Server Peer::server() const
+ if (auto speer = p->speer.lock())
+ return Server(speer->server.getptr());
+ throw runtime_error("Server no longer running");
+const Storage & Peer::tempStorage() const
+ if (auto speer = p->speer.lock())
+ return speer->tempStorage;
+ throw runtime_error("Server no longer running");
+const PartialStorage & Peer::partialStorage() const
+ if (auto speer = p->speer.lock())
+ return speer->partStorage;
+ throw runtime_error("Server no longer running");
+string Peer::name() const
+ if (auto speer = p->speer.lock()) {
+ if (holds_alternative<Identity>(speer->identity))
+ if (auto name = std::get<Identity>(speer->identity).finalOwner().name())
+ return *name;
+ if (holds_alternative<shared_ptr<WaitingRef>>(speer->identity))
+ return string(std::get<shared_ptr<WaitingRef>>(speer->identity)->ref.digest());
+ return addressStr();
+ }
+ return "<server closed>";
+optional<Identity> Peer::identity() const
+ if (auto speer = p->speer.lock()) {
+ scoped_lock lock(speer->server.dataMutex);
+ if (holds_alternative<Identity>(speer->identity))
+ return std::get<Identity>(speer->identity);
+ }
+ return nullopt;
+const sockaddr_in6 & Peer::address() const
+ if (auto speer = p->speer.lock())
+ return speer->connection.peerAddress();
+ throw runtime_error("Server no longer running");
+string Peer::addressStr() const
+ char buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
+ const in6_addr & addr = address().sin6_addr;
+ if (inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &addr, buf, sizeof(buf))) {
+ if (IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(&addr) && strncmp(buf, "::ffff:", 7) == 0)
+ return buf + 7;
+ return buf;
+ }
+ return "<invalid address>";
+uint16_t Peer::port() const
+ return ntohs(address().sin6_port);
+void Peer::Priv::notifyWatchers()
+ vector<function<void(size_t, const Peer *)>> callbacks;
+ {
+ if (auto slist = list.lock()) {
+ scoped_lock lock(slist->dataMutex);
+ callbacks = slist->watchers;
+ }
+ }
+ Peer p(shared_from_this());
+ for (const auto & w : callbacks)
+ w(listIndex, &p);
+void Peer::Priv::runServicesHandler(Service & service, Ref ref)
+ if (auto sptr = speer.lock()) {
+ Service::Context ctx { nullptr };
+ sptr->server.localHead.update([&] (const Stored<LocalState> & local) {
+ ctx = Service::Context(new Service::Context::Priv {
+ .ref = ref,
+ .peer = erebos::Peer(shared_from_this()),
+ .local = local,
+ });
+ service.handle(ctx);
+ return ctx.local();
+ });
+ ctx.runAfterCommitHooks();
+ }
+bool Peer::send(UUID uuid, const Ref & ref) const
+ return send(uuid, ref, *ref);
+bool Peer::send(UUID uuid, const Object & obj) const
+ if (auto speer = p->speer.lock()) {
+ auto ref = speer->tempStorage.storeObject(obj);
+ return send(uuid, ref, obj);
+ }
+ return false;
+bool Peer::send(UUID uuid, const Ref & ref, const Object & obj) const
+ if (auto speer = p->speer.lock()) {
+ NetworkProtocol::Header header({
+ NetworkProtocol::Header::ServiceType { uuid },
+ NetworkProtocol::Header::ServiceRef { ref.digest() },
+ });
+ vector< Object > body;
+ if( obj.encode().size() + 2 * NetworkProtocol::Header::itemSize
+ <= speer->connection.mtu() )
+ body.push_back( obj );
+ speer->connection.send( speer->partStorage, move(header), body, true );
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool Peer::operator==(const Peer & other) const { return p == other.p; }
+bool Peer::operator!=(const Peer & other) const { return p != other.p; }
+bool Peer::operator<(const Peer & other) const { return p < other.p; }
+bool Peer::operator<=(const Peer & other) const { return p <= other.p; }
+bool Peer::operator>(const Peer & other) const { return p > other.p; }
+bool Peer::operator>=(const Peer & other) const { return p >= other.p; }
+PeerList::PeerList(): p(new Priv) {}
+PeerList::PeerList(const shared_ptr<PeerList::Priv> & p): p(p) {}
+PeerList::~PeerList() = default;
+void PeerList::Priv::push(const shared_ptr<Server::Peer> & speer)
+ vector<function<void(size_t, const Peer *)>> callbacks;
+ size_t s;
+ {
+ scoped_lock lock(dataMutex);
+ s = peers.size();
+ speer->lpeer.reset(new Peer::Priv);
+ speer->lpeer->speer = speer;
+ speer->lpeer->list = shared_from_this();
+ speer->lpeer->listIndex = s;
+ peers.push_back(speer->lpeer);
+ callbacks = watchers;
+ }
+ Peer p(speer->lpeer);
+ for (const auto & w : callbacks)
+ w(s, &p);
+size_t PeerList::size() const
+ scoped_lock lock(p->dataMutex);
+ return p->peers.size();
+Peer PeerList::at(size_t i) const
+ scoped_lock lock(p->dataMutex);
+ return Peer(p->;
+void PeerList::onUpdate(function<void(size_t, const Peer *)> w)
+ vector<Peer> peers;
+ {
+ scoped_lock lock(p->dataMutex);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < p->peers.size(); i++)
+ if (auto speer = p->peers[i]->speer.lock())
+ peers.emplace_back(speer->lpeer);
+ p->watchers.push_back(w);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < peers.size(); i++)
+ w(i, &peers[i]);
+Server::Priv::Priv(const Head<LocalState> & local, const Identity & self):
+ self(self),
+ // Watching needs to start after self is initialized
+ localState(local.behavior()),
+ localHead(, this, std::placeholders::_1)))
+ struct ifaddrs * raddrs;
+ if (getifaddrs(&raddrs) < 0)
+ throw std::system_error(errno, std::generic_category());
+ unique_ptr<ifaddrs, void(*)(ifaddrs *)> addrs(raddrs, freeifaddrs);
+ for (struct ifaddrs * ifa = addrs.get(); ifa; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) {
+ if (ifa->ifa_addr && ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET &&
+ ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_BROADCAST) {
+ localAddresses.push_back(((sockaddr_in*)ifa->ifa_addr)->sin_addr);
+ bcastAddresses.push_back(((sockaddr_in*)ifa->ifa_broadaddr)->sin_addr);
+ }
+ }
+ int sock = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
+ if (sock < 0)
+ throw std::system_error(errno, std::generic_category());
+ protocol = NetworkProtocol(sock, self);
+ int disable = 0;
+ // Should be disabled by default, but try to make sure. On platforms
+ // where the calls fails, IPv4 might not work.
+ setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY,
+ &disable, sizeof(disable));
+ int enable = 1;
+ if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST,
+ &enable, sizeof(enable)) < 0)
+ throw std::system_error(errno, std::generic_category());
+ if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR,
+ &enable, sizeof(enable)) < 0)
+ throw std::system_error(errno, std::generic_category());
+ sockaddr_in6 laddr = {};
+ laddr.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
+ laddr.sin6_port = htons(discoveryPort);
+ if (::bind(sock, (sockaddr *) &laddr, sizeof(laddr)) < 0)
+ throw std::system_error(errno, std::generic_category());
+ {
+ scoped_lock lock(dataMutex);
+ finish = true;
+ }
+ protocol.shutdown();
+ announceCondvar.notify_all();
+ threadListen.join();
+ threadAnnounce.join();
+shared_ptr<Server::Priv> Server::Priv::getptr()
+ // Creating temporary object, so just use null deleter
+ return shared_ptr<Priv>(this, [](Priv *){});
+void Server::Priv::startThreads()
+ threadListen = thread([this] { doListen(); });
+ threadAnnounce = thread([this] { doAnnounce(); });
+void Server::Priv::doListen()
+ unique_lock lock(dataMutex);
+ for (; !finish; lock.lock()) {
+ lock.unlock();
+ Peer * peer = nullptr;
+ auto res = protocol.poll();
+ if (holds_alternative<NetworkProtocol::ProtocolClosed>(res))
+ break;
+ if (const auto * ann = get_if<NetworkProtocol::ReceivedAnnounce>(&res)) {
+ if (not isSelfAddress(ann->addr))
+ getPeer(ann->addr);
+ }
+ if (holds_alternative<NetworkProtocol::NewConnection>(res)) {
+ auto & conn = get<NetworkProtocol::NewConnection>(res).conn;
+ if (not isSelfAddress(conn.peerAddress()))
+ peer = &addPeer(move(conn));
+ }
+ if (holds_alternative<NetworkProtocol::ConnectionReadReady>(res)) {
+ peer = findPeer(get<NetworkProtocol::ConnectionReadReady>(res).id);
+ }
+ if (!peer)
+ continue;
+ vector<shared_ptr<erebos::Peer::Priv>> notifyPeers;
+ vector<tuple<shared_ptr<erebos::Peer::Priv>, Service &, Ref>> readyServices;
+ {
+ ReplyBuilder reply;
+ scoped_lock hlock(dataMutex);
+ shared_lock slock(selfMutex);
+ if( auto header = peer->connection.receive( peer->partStorage )) {
+ handlePacket( *peer, *header, reply );
+ peer->updateIdentity( reply, notifyPeers );
+ peer->updateChannel( reply );
+ } else {
+ peer->checkDataResponseStreams( reply );
+ peer->updateIdentity( reply, notifyPeers );
+ }
+ peer->updateService( reply, readyServices );
+ if( not reply.header().empty() ) {
+ for( const auto & item : reply.header() ) {
+ if( const auto * req = get_if< NetworkProtocol::Header::DataRequest >( &item )) {
+ const auto & dgst = req->value;
+ peer->requestedData.push_back( dgst );
+ }
+ }
+ peer->connection.send(peer->partStorage,
+ NetworkProtocol::Header( reply.header() ),
+ ? vector< Object >{} : reply.body(), false );
+ if( ){
+ for( const auto & obj : reply.body() ) {
+ auto part = obj.encode();
+>write(, part.size() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ peer->connection.trySendOutQueue();
+ }
+ for (const auto & p : notifyPeers)
+ p->notifyWatchers();
+ for (const auto & [ lpeer, service, ref ] : readyServices)
+ lpeer->runServicesHandler(service, ref);
+ }
+void Server::Priv::doAnnounce()
+ auto pst = self.ref()->storage().derivePartialStorage();
+ unique_lock lock(dataMutex);
+ auto lastAnnounce = steady_clock::now() - announceInterval;
+ while (!finish) {
+ auto now = steady_clock::now();
+ if (lastAnnounce + announceInterval < now) {
+ shared_lock slock(selfMutex);
+ for (const auto & in : bcastAddresses) {
+ sockaddr_in sin = {};
+ sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ sin.sin_addr = in;
+ sin.sin_port = htons(discoveryPort);
+ protocol.announceTo(sin);
+ }
+ lastAnnounce += announceInterval * ((now - lastAnnounce) / announceInterval);
+ }
+ announceCondvar.wait_until(lock, lastAnnounce + announceInterval);
+ }
+bool Server::Priv::isSelfAddress(const sockaddr_in6 & paddr)
+ if (IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(&paddr.sin6_addr))
+ for (const auto & in : localAddresses)
+ if (in.s_addr == *reinterpret_cast<const in_addr_t*>(paddr.sin6_addr.s6_addr + 12) &&
+ ntohs(paddr.sin6_port) == discoveryPort)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+Server::Peer * Server::Priv::findPeer(NetworkProtocol::Connection::Id cid) const
+ scoped_lock lock(dataMutex);
+ for (auto & peer : peers)
+ if (peer-> == cid)
+ return peer.get();
+ return nullptr;
+Server::Peer & Server::Priv::getPeer(const sockaddr_in6 & paddr)
+ shared_ptr<Peer> peer;
+ shared_ptr<PeerList::Priv> sptr;
+ {
+ scoped_lock lock(dataMutex);
+ for (auto & peer : peers)
+ if (memcmp(&peer->connection.peerAddress(), &paddr, sizeof paddr) == 0)
+ return *peer;
+ auto st = self.ref()->storage().deriveEphemeralStorage();
+ peer.reset(new Peer {
+ .server = *this,
+ .connection = protocol.connect(paddr),
+ .identity = monostate(),
+ .identityUpdates = {},
+ .tempStorage = st,
+ .partStorage = st.derivePartialStorage(),
+ });
+ peers.push_back(peer);
+ sptr = plist.p;
+ }
+ sptr->push(peer);
+ return *peer;
+Server::Peer & Server::Priv::addPeer(NetworkProtocol::Connection conn)
+ shared_ptr<Peer> peer;
+ shared_ptr<PeerList::Priv> sptr;
+ {
+ scoped_lock lock(dataMutex);
+ auto st = self.ref()->storage().deriveEphemeralStorage();
+ peer.reset(new Peer {
+ .server = *this,
+ .connection = move(conn),
+ .identity = monostate(),
+ .identityUpdates = {},
+ .tempStorage = st,
+ .partStorage = st.derivePartialStorage(),
+ });
+ peers.push_back(peer);
+ sptr = plist.p;
+ }
+ sptr->push(peer);
+ return *peer;
+void Server::Priv::handlePacket(Server::Peer & peer, const NetworkProtocol::Header & header, ReplyBuilder & reply)
+ unordered_set<Digest> plaintextRefs;
+ for (const auto & obj : collectStoredObjects(Stored<Object>::load(*self.ref())))
+ plaintextRefs.insert(obj.ref().digest());
+ optional<UUID> serviceType;
+ shared_ptr< NetworkProtocol::InStream > newDataResponseStream;
+ using Header = NetworkProtocol::Header;
+ for (const auto & item : header.items) {
+ if (const auto * ack = get_if< Header::Acknowledged >( &item )) {
+ const auto & dgst = ack->value;
+ if (holds_alternative<Stored<ChannelAccept>>( &&
+ std::get<Stored<ChannelAccept>>( == dgst)
+ peer.finalizeChannel(reply,
+ std::get<Stored<ChannelAccept>>(>data->channel());
+ }
+ else if (const auto * req = get_if< Header::DataRequest >( &item )) {
+ const auto & dgst = req->value;
+ if (holds_alternative<unique_ptr<Channel>>( ||
+ plaintextRefs.find(dgst) != plaintextRefs.end()) {
+ if (auto ref = peer.tempStorage.ref(dgst)) {
+ reply.header({ NetworkProtocol::Header::DataResponse { ref->digest() } });
+ reply.body(*ref);
+ if( holds_alternative< unique_ptr< Channel >>( ) and
+ reply.size() > peer.connection.mtu() and not )
+ peer.connection.openOutStream() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (const auto * rsp = get_if< Header::DataResponse >( &item )) {
+ const auto & dgst = rsp->value;
+ if (not holds_alternative< unique_ptr< Channel >>( ))
+ reply.header({ Header::Acknowledged { dgst } });
+ if (peer.partStorage.loadObject( dgst )) {
+ peer.requestedData.erase(
+ std::remove( peer.requestedData.begin(), peer.requestedData.end(), dgst ),
+ peer.requestedData.end() );
+ for (auto & pwref : waiting) {
+ if (auto wref = pwref.lock()) {
+ if (std::find(wref->missing.begin(), wref->missing.end(), dgst) !=
+ wref->missing.end()) {
+ if( wref->check( reply, peer.requestedData ))
+ pwref.reset();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ waiting.erase(std::remove_if(waiting.begin(), waiting.end(),
+ [](auto & wref) { return wref.expired(); }), waiting.end());
+ } else if (not newDataResponseStream) {
+ for (const auto & item : header.items) {
+ if (const auto * streamOpen = get_if< Header::StreamOpen >( &item )) {
+ newDataResponseStream = peer.connection.openInStream( streamOpen->value );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (const auto * ann = get_if<NetworkProtocol::Header::AnnounceSelf>(&item)) {
+ const auto & dgst = ann->value;
+ if (dgst != self.ref()->digest() &&
+ holds_alternative<monostate>(peer.identity)) {
+ reply.header({ NetworkProtocol::Header::AnnounceSelf { self.ref()->digest() }});
+ shared_ptr<WaitingRef> wref(new WaitingRef {
+ .storage = peer.tempStorage,
+ .ref = peer.partStorage.ref(dgst),
+ .missing = {},
+ });
+ waiting.push_back(wref);
+ peer.identity = wref;
+ wref->check( reply, peer.requestedData );
+ }
+ }
+ else if (const auto * anu = get_if<NetworkProtocol::Header::AnnounceUpdate>(&item)) {
+ if (holds_alternative<Identity>(peer.identity)) {
+ const auto & dgst = anu->value;
+ shared_ptr<WaitingRef> wref(new WaitingRef {
+ .storage = peer.tempStorage,
+ .ref = peer.partStorage.ref(dgst),
+ .missing = {},
+ });
+ waiting.push_back(wref);
+ peer.identityUpdates.push_back(wref);
+ wref->check( reply, peer.requestedData );
+ }
+ }
+ else if (const auto * req = get_if<NetworkProtocol::Header::ChannelRequest>(&item)) {
+ const auto & dgst = req->value;
+ reply.header({ NetworkProtocol::Header::Acknowledged { dgst } });
+ if (holds_alternative<Stored<ChannelRequest>>( &&
+ std::get<Stored<ChannelRequest>>( < dgst) {
+ // TODO: reject request with lower priority
+ }
+ else if (holds_alternative<Stored<ChannelAccept>>( {
+ // TODO: reject when we already sent accept
+ }
+ else {
+ shared_ptr<WaitingRef> wref(new WaitingRef {
+ .storage = peer.tempStorage,
+ .ref = peer.partStorage.ref(dgst),
+ .missing = {},
+ });
+ waiting.push_back(wref);
+ = wref;
+ wref->check( reply, peer.requestedData );
+ }
+ }
+ else if (const auto * acc = get_if<NetworkProtocol::Header::ChannelAccept>(&item)) {
+ const auto & dgst = acc->value;
+ if (holds_alternative<Stored<ChannelAccept>>( &&
+ std::get<Stored<ChannelAccept>>( < dgst) {
+ // TODO: reject request with lower priority
+ }
+ else {
+ auto cres = peer.tempStorage.copy(peer.partStorage.ref(dgst));
+ if (auto r = get_if<Ref>(&cres)) {
+ auto acc = ChannelAccept::load(*r);
+ if (holds_alternative<Identity>(peer.identity) &&
+ acc.isSignedBy(std::get<Identity>(peer.identity).keyMessage())) {
+ reply.header({ NetworkProtocol::Header::Acknowledged { dgst } });
+ peer.finalizeChannel(reply,>channel());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (const auto * stype = get_if<NetworkProtocol::Header::ServiceType>(&item)) {
+ if (!serviceType)
+ serviceType = stype->value;
+ }
+ else if (const auto * sref = get_if<NetworkProtocol::Header::ServiceRef>(&item)) {
+ if (!serviceType)
+ for (auto & item : header.items)
+ if (const auto * stype = get_if<NetworkProtocol::Header::ServiceType>(&item)) {
+ serviceType = stype->value;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (serviceType) {
+ const auto & dgst = sref->value;
+ auto pref = peer.partStorage.ref(dgst);
+ shared_ptr<WaitingRef> wref(new WaitingRef {
+ .storage = peer.tempStorage,
+ .ref = pref,
+ .missing = {},
+ });
+ waiting.push_back(wref);
+ peer.serviceQueue.emplace_back(*serviceType, wref);
+ wref->check( reply, peer.requestedData );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( newDataResponseStream )
+ peer.dataResponseStreams.push_back( move( newDataResponseStream ));
+void Server::Priv::handleLocalHeadChange(const Head<LocalState> & head)
+ scoped_lock lock(dataMutex);
+ scoped_lock slock(selfMutex);
+ if (auto id = head->identity()) {
+ if (*id != self) {
+ self = *id;
+ protocol.updateIdentity(*id);
+ }
+ }
+void Server::Peer::updateIdentity(ReplyBuilder &, vector<shared_ptr<erebos::Peer::Priv>> & notifyPeers)
+ if (holds_alternative<shared_ptr<WaitingRef>>(identity)) {
+ if (auto ref = std::get<shared_ptr<WaitingRef>>(identity)->check())
+ if (auto id = Identity::load(*ref)) {
+ identity.emplace<Identity>(*id);
+ if (lpeer)
+ notifyPeers.push_back(lpeer);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (holds_alternative<Identity>(identity)) {
+ if (!identityUpdates.empty()) {
+ decltype(identityUpdates) keep;
+ vector<StoredIdentityPart> updates;
+ for (auto wref : identityUpdates) {
+ if (auto ref = wref->check())
+ updates.push_back(StoredIdentityPart::load(*ref));
+ else
+ keep.push_back(move(wref));
+ }
+ identityUpdates = move(keep);
+ if (!updates.empty()) {
+ auto nid = get<Identity>(identity).update(updates);
+ if (nid != get<Identity>(identity)) {
+ identity = move(nid);
+ if (lpeer)
+ notifyPeers.push_back(lpeer);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Server::Peer::updateChannel(ReplyBuilder & reply)
+ if (!holds_alternative<Identity>(identity))
+ return;
+ if (holds_alternative<monostate>( {
+ auto req = Channel::generateRequest(tempStorage,
+ server.self, std::get<Identity>(identity));
+ reply.header({ NetworkProtocol::Header::ChannelRequest { req.ref().digest() } });
+ reply.body(req.ref());
+ reply.body(req->data.ref());
+ reply.body(req->data->key.ref());
+ for (const auto & sig : req->sigs)
+ reply.body(sig.ref());
+ }
+ if (holds_alternative<shared_ptr<WaitingRef>>( {
+ if( auto ref = std::get< shared_ptr< WaitingRef >>(>check( reply, requestedData )) {
+ auto req = Stored<ChannelRequest>::load(*ref);
+ if (holds_alternative<Identity>(identity) &&
+ req->isSignedBy(std::get<Identity>(identity).keyMessage())) {
+ if (auto acc = Channel::acceptRequest(server.self, std::get<Identity>(identity), req)) {
+ reply.header({ NetworkProtocol::Header::ChannelAccept { acc->ref().digest() } });
+ reply.body(acc->ref());
+ reply.body(acc.value()->data.ref());
+ reply.body(acc.value()->data->key.ref());
+ for (const auto & sig : acc.value()->sigs)
+ reply.body(sig.ref());
+ } else {
+ = monostate();
+ }
+ } else {
+ = monostate();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Server::Peer::finalizeChannel(ReplyBuilder & reply, unique_ptr<Channel> ch)
+ vector<NetworkProtocol::Header::Item> hitems;
+ for (const auto & r : server.self.extRefs())
+ reply.header(NetworkProtocol::Header::AnnounceUpdate { r.digest() });
+ for (const auto & r : server.self.updates())
+ reply.header(NetworkProtocol::Header::AnnounceUpdate { r.digest() });
+void Server::Peer::updateService(ReplyBuilder & reply, vector<tuple<shared_ptr<erebos::Peer::Priv>, Service &, Ref>> & readyServices)
+ decltype(serviceQueue) next;
+ for (auto & x : serviceQueue) {
+ if( auto ref = std::get<1>(x)->check( reply, requestedData )) {
+ if (lpeer) {
+ for (auto & svc : {
+ if (svc->uuid() == std::get<UUID>(x)) {
+ readyServices.emplace_back(lpeer, *svc, *ref);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ next.push_back(std::move(x));
+ }
+ }
+ serviceQueue = std::move(next);
+void Server::Peer::checkDataResponseStreams( ReplyBuilder & reply )
+ for( auto & s : dataResponseStreams ) {
+ if( s->isComplete() ) {
+ auto objects = PartialObject::decodeMany( partStorage, s->readAll() );
+ vector< PartialRef > refs;
+ refs.reserve( objects.size() );
+ for( const auto & obj : objects ) {
+ auto ref = partStorage.storeObject( obj );
+ refs.push_back( ref );
+ requestedData.erase(
+ std::remove( requestedData.begin(), requestedData.end(), ref.digest() ),
+ requestedData.end() );
+ }
+ for( auto & pwref : server.waiting ) {
+ if (auto wref = pwref.lock()) {
+ for( const auto & ref : refs ) {
+ if( std::find( wref->missing.begin(), wref->missing.end(), ref.digest() ) !=
+ wref->missing.end() ) {
+ if( wref->check( reply, requestedData ) )
+ pwref.reset();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ server.waiting.erase( std::remove_if( server.waiting.begin(), server.waiting.end(),
+ [](auto & wref) { return wref.expired(); }), server.waiting.end() );
+ }
+ }
+void ReplyBuilder::header(NetworkProtocol::Header::Item && item)
+ for (const auto & x : mheader)
+ if (x == item)
+ return;
+ mheader.emplace_back(std::move(item));
+void ReplyBuilder::body(const Ref & ref)
+ for (const auto & x : mbody)
+ if (x.digest() == ref.digest())
+ return;
+ bodySize += ref->encode().size();
+ mbody.push_back(ref);
+void ReplyBuilder::stream( shared_ptr< NetworkProtocol::OutStream > s )
+ mheader.emplace_back( Header::StreamOpen{ s->id });
+ mstream = move( s );
+vector<Object> ReplyBuilder::body() const
+ vector<Object> res;
+ res.reserve(mbody.size());
+ for (const Ref & ref : mbody)
+ res.push_back(*ref);
+ return res;
+size_t ReplyBuilder::size() const
+ return mheader.size() * Header::itemSize + bodySize;
+optional<Ref> WaitingRef::check()
+ if (auto r = storage.ref(ref.digest()))
+ return *r;
+ auto res = storage.copy(ref);
+ if (auto r = get_if<Ref>(&res))
+ return *r;
+ missing = std::get<vector<Digest>>(res);
+ return nullopt;
+optional<Ref> WaitingRef::check( ReplyBuilder & reply, const vector< Digest > & alreadyRequested)
+ if (auto r = check())
+ return r;
+ for( const auto & d : missing ) {
+ if( std::find( alreadyRequested.begin(), alreadyRequested.end(), d ) ==
+ alreadyRequested.end() )
+ reply.header({ NetworkProtocol::Header::DataRequest { d } });
+ }
+ return nullopt;
diff --git a/src/network.h b/src/network.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed02167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/network.h
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <erebos/network.h>
+#include "network/protocol.h"
+#include <condition_variable>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <shared_mutex>
+#include <thread>
+#include <vector>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+using std::condition_variable;
+using std::monostate;
+using std::mutex;
+using std::optional;
+using std::shared_lock;
+using std::shared_mutex;
+using std::shared_ptr;
+using std::string;
+using std::thread;
+using std::unique_ptr;
+using std::variant;
+using std::vector;
+using std::tuple;
+using std::weak_ptr;
+using std::enable_shared_from_this;
+namespace chrono = std::chrono;
+using chrono::steady_clock;
+namespace erebos {
+class ReplyBuilder;
+struct WaitingRef;
+struct Server::Peer
+ Peer(const Peer &) = delete;
+ Peer & operator=(const Peer &) = delete;
+ Priv & server;
+ NetworkProtocol::Connection connection;
+ variant<monostate,
+ shared_ptr<struct WaitingRef>,
+ Identity> identity;
+ vector<shared_ptr<WaitingRef>> identityUpdates;
+ Storage tempStorage;
+ PartialStorage partStorage;
+ vector<tuple<UUID, shared_ptr<WaitingRef>>> serviceQueue {};
+ vector< shared_ptr< NetworkProtocol::InStream >> dataResponseStreams {};
+ vector< Digest > requestedData {};
+ shared_ptr<erebos::Peer::Priv> lpeer = nullptr;
+ void updateIdentity(ReplyBuilder &, vector<shared_ptr<erebos::Peer::Priv>> & notifyPeers);
+ void updateChannel(ReplyBuilder &);
+ void finalizeChannel(ReplyBuilder &, unique_ptr<Channel>);
+ void updateService(ReplyBuilder &, vector<tuple<shared_ptr<erebos::Peer::Priv>, Service &, Ref>> & readyServices);
+ void checkDataResponseStreams( ReplyBuilder & );
+struct Peer::Priv : enable_shared_from_this<Peer::Priv>
+ weak_ptr<Server::Peer> speer;
+ weak_ptr<PeerList::Priv> list;
+ size_t listIndex;
+ void notifyWatchers();
+ void runServicesHandler(Service & service, Ref ref);
+struct PeerList::Priv : enable_shared_from_this<PeerList::Priv>
+ mutex dataMutex;
+ vector<shared_ptr<Peer::Priv>> peers;
+ vector<function<void(size_t, const Peer *)>> watchers;
+ void push(const shared_ptr<Server::Peer> &);
+struct Server::Priv
+ Priv(const Head<LocalState> & local, const Identity & self);
+ ~Priv();
+ shared_ptr<Priv> getptr();
+ void startThreads();
+ void doListen();
+ void doAnnounce();
+ bool isSelfAddress(const sockaddr_in6 & paddr);
+ Peer * findPeer(NetworkProtocol::Connection::Id cid) const;
+ Peer & getPeer(const sockaddr_in6 & paddr);
+ Peer & addPeer(NetworkProtocol::Connection conn);
+ void handlePacket(Peer &, const NetworkProtocol::Header &, ReplyBuilder &);
+ void handleLocalHeadChange(const Head<LocalState> &);
+ constexpr static uint16_t discoveryPort { 29665 };
+ constexpr static chrono::seconds announceInterval { 60 };
+ mutable mutex dataMutex;
+ condition_variable announceCondvar;
+ bool finish = false;
+ shared_mutex selfMutex;
+ Identity self;
+ const Bhv<LocalState> localState;
+ thread threadListen;
+ thread threadAnnounce;
+ vector<shared_ptr<Peer>> peers;
+ PeerList plist;
+ vector<struct NetworkProtocol::Header> outgoing;
+ vector<weak_ptr<WaitingRef>> waiting;
+ NetworkProtocol protocol;
+ vector<in_addr> localAddresses;
+ vector<in_addr> bcastAddresses;
+ // Stop watching before destroying other data
+ WatchedHead<LocalState> localHead;
+ // Start destruction with finalizing services
+ vector<unique_ptr<Service>> services;
+class ReplyBuilder
+ using Header = NetworkProtocol::Header;
+ void header( Header::Item && );
+ void body( const Ref & );
+ void stream( shared_ptr< NetworkProtocol::OutStream >);
+ const vector< Header::Item > & header() const { return mheader; }
+ vector< Object > body() const;
+ shared_ptr< NetworkProtocol::OutStream > stream() const { return mstream; }
+ size_t size() const;
+ vector< Header::Item > mheader;
+ vector< Ref > mbody;
+ size_t bodySize = 0;
+ shared_ptr< NetworkProtocol::OutStream > mstream;
+struct WaitingRef
+ const Storage storage;
+ const PartialRef ref;
+ vector< Digest > missing;
+ optional< Ref > check();
+ optional< Ref > check( ReplyBuilder &, const vector< Digest > &);
diff --git a/src/network/channel.cpp b/src/network/channel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fff1fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/network/channel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+#include "channel.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <endian.h>
+using std::remove_const;
+using std::runtime_error;
+using namespace erebos;
+Ref ChannelRequestData::store(const Storage & st) const
+ vector<Record::Item> items;
+ for (const auto & p : peers)
+ items.emplace_back("peer", p);
+ items.emplace_back("key", key);
+ return st.storeObject(Record(std::move(items)));
+ChannelRequestData ChannelRequestData::load(const Ref & ref)
+ if (auto rec = ref->asRecord()) {
+ if (auto key = rec->item("key").as<PublicKexKey>())
+ return ChannelRequestData {
+ .peers = rec->items("peer").as<Signed<IdentityData>>(),
+ .key = *key,
+ };
+ }
+ return ChannelRequestData {
+ .peers = {},
+ .key = Stored<PublicKexKey>::load(,
+ };
+Ref ChannelAcceptData::store(const Storage & st) const
+ vector<Record::Item> items;
+ items.emplace_back("req", request);
+ items.emplace_back("key", key);
+ return st.storeObject(Record(std::move(items)));
+ChannelAcceptData ChannelAcceptData::load(const Ref & ref)
+ if (auto rec = ref->asRecord())
+ return ChannelAcceptData {
+ .request = *rec->item("req").as<ChannelRequest>(),
+ .key = *rec->item("key").as<PublicKexKey>(),
+ };
+ return ChannelAcceptData {
+ .request = Stored<ChannelRequest>::load(,
+ .key = Stored<PublicKexKey>::load(,
+ };
+unique_ptr<Channel> ChannelAcceptData::channel() const
+ if (auto secret = SecretKexKey::load(key))
+ return make_unique<Channel>(
+ request->data->peers,
+ secret->dh(*request->data->key),
+ false
+ );
+ if (auto secret = SecretKexKey::load(request->data->key))
+ return make_unique<Channel>(
+ request->data->peers,
+ secret->dh(*key),
+ true
+ );
+ throw runtime_error("failed to load secret DH key");
+Stored<ChannelRequest> Channel::generateRequest(const Storage & st,
+ const Identity & self, const Identity & peer)
+ auto signKey = SecretKey::load(self.keyMessage());
+ if (!signKey)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to load own message key");
+ return signKey->sign( {
+ .peers = self.ref()->digest() < peer.ref()->digest() ?
+ vector<Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>> {
+ Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>::load(*self.ref()),
+ Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>::load(*peer.ref()),
+ } :
+ vector<Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>> {
+ Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>::load(*peer.ref()),
+ Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>::load(*self.ref()),
+ },
+ .key = SecretKexKey::generate(st).pub(),
+ }));
+optional<Stored<ChannelAccept>> Channel::acceptRequest(const Identity & self,
+ const Identity & peer, const Stored<ChannelRequest> & request)
+ if (!request->isSignedBy(peer.keyMessage()))
+ return nullopt;
+ auto & peers = request->data->peers;
+ if (peers.size() != 2 ||
+ std::none_of(peers.begin(), peers.end(), [&self](const auto & x)
+ { return x.ref().digest() == self.ref()->digest(); }) ||
+ std::none_of(peers.begin(), peers.end(), [&peer](const auto & x)
+ { return x.ref().digest() == peer.ref()->digest(); }))
+ return nullopt;
+ auto & st = request.ref().storage();
+ auto signKey = SecretKey::load(self.keyMessage());
+ if (!signKey)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to load own message key");
+ return signKey->sign( {
+ .request = request,
+ .key = SecretKexKey::generate(st).pub(),
+ }));
+uint64_t Channel::encrypt(BufferCIt plainBegin, BufferCIt plainEnd,
+ Buffer & encBuffer, size_t encOffset)
+ auto plainSize = plainEnd - plainBegin;
+ encBuffer.resize(encOffset + plainSize + 1 /* counter */ + 16 /* tag */);
+ array<uint8_t, 12> iv;
+ uint64_t count = counterNextOut.fetch_add(1);
+ uint64_t beCount = htobe64(count);
+ encBuffer[encOffset] = count % 0x100;
+ constexpr size_t nonceFixedSize = std::tuple_size_v<decltype(nonceFixedOur)>;
+ static_assert(nonceFixedSize + sizeof beCount == iv.size());
+ std::copy_n(nonceFixedOur.begin(), nonceFixedSize, iv.begin());
+ std::memcpy( + nonceFixedSize, &beCount, sizeof beCount);
+ const unique_ptr<EVP_CIPHER_CTX, void(*)(EVP_CIPHER_CTX*)>
+ ctx(EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new(), EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free);
+ EVP_EncryptInit_ex(ctx.get(), EVP_chacha20_poly1305(),
+ nullptr,,;
+ int outl = 0;
+ uint8_t * cur = + encOffset + 1;
+ if (EVP_EncryptUpdate(ctx.get(), cur, &outl, &*plainBegin, plainSize) != 1)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to encrypt data");
+ cur += outl;
+ if (EVP_EncryptFinal(ctx.get(), cur, &outl) != 1)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to encrypt data");
+ cur += outl;
+ EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(ctx.get(), EVP_CTRL_AEAD_GET_TAG, 16, cur);
+ return count;
+optional<uint64_t> Channel::decrypt(BufferCIt encBegin, BufferCIt encEnd,
+ Buffer & decBuffer, const size_t decOffset)
+ auto encSize = encEnd - encBegin;
+ decBuffer.resize(decOffset + encSize);
+ array<uint8_t, 12> iv;
+ if (encBegin + 1 /* counter */ + 16 /* tag */ > encEnd)
+ return nullopt;
+ uint64_t expectedCount = counterNextIn.load();
+ uint64_t guessedCount = expectedCount - 0x80u + ((0x80u + encBegin[0] - expectedCount) % 0x100u);
+ uint64_t beCount = htobe64(guessedCount);
+ constexpr size_t nonceFixedSize = std::tuple_size_v<decltype(nonceFixedPeer)>;
+ static_assert(nonceFixedSize + sizeof beCount == iv.size());
+ std::copy_n(nonceFixedPeer.begin(), nonceFixedSize, iv.begin());
+ std::memcpy( + nonceFixedSize, &beCount, sizeof beCount);
+ const unique_ptr<EVP_CIPHER_CTX, void(*)(EVP_CIPHER_CTX*)>
+ ctx(EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new(), EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free);
+ EVP_DecryptInit_ex(ctx.get(), EVP_chacha20_poly1305(),
+ nullptr,,;
+ int outl = 0;
+ uint8_t * cur = + decOffset;
+ if (EVP_DecryptUpdate(ctx.get(), cur, &outl,
+ &*encBegin + 1, encSize - 1 - 16) != 1)
+ return nullopt;
+ cur += outl;
+ if (!EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(ctx.get(), EVP_CTRL_AEAD_SET_TAG, 16,
+ (void *) (&*encEnd - 16)))
+ return nullopt;
+ if (EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(ctx.get(), cur, &outl) != 1)
+ return nullopt;
+ cur += outl;
+ while (expectedCount < guessedCount + 1 &&
+ not counterNextIn.compare_exchange_weak(expectedCount, guessedCount + 1))
+ ; // empty loop body
+ decBuffer.resize(cur -;
+ return guessedCount;
diff --git a/src/network/channel.h b/src/network/channel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bba11b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/network/channel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <erebos/storage.h>
+#include "../identity.h"
+#include <atomic>
+#include <memory>
+namespace erebos {
+using std::array;
+using std::atomic;
+using std::unique_ptr;
+struct ChannelRequestData
+ Ref store(const Storage & st) const;
+ static ChannelRequestData load(const Ref &);
+ const vector<Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>> peers;
+ const Stored<PublicKexKey> key;
+typedef Signed<ChannelRequestData> ChannelRequest;
+struct ChannelAcceptData
+ Ref store(const Storage & st) const;
+ static ChannelAcceptData load(const Ref &);
+ unique_ptr<class Channel> channel() const;
+ const Stored<ChannelRequest> request;
+ const Stored<PublicKexKey> key;
+typedef Signed<ChannelAcceptData> ChannelAccept;
+class Channel
+ Channel(const vector<Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>> & peers,
+ vector<uint8_t> && key, bool ourRequest):
+ peers(peers),
+ key(std::move(key)),
+ nonceFixedOur({ uint8_t(ourRequest ? 1 : 2), 0, 0, 0 }),
+ nonceFixedPeer({ uint8_t(ourRequest ? 2 : 1), 0, 0, 0 })
+ {}
+ Channel(const Channel &) = delete;
+ Channel(Channel &&) = delete;
+ Channel & operator=(const Channel &) = delete;
+ Channel & operator=(Channel &&) = delete;
+ static Stored<ChannelRequest> generateRequest(const Storage &,
+ const Identity & self, const Identity & peer);
+ static optional<Stored<ChannelAccept>> acceptRequest(const Identity & self,
+ const Identity & peer, const Stored<ChannelRequest> & request);
+ using Buffer = vector<uint8_t>;
+ using BufferCIt = Buffer::const_iterator;
+ uint64_t encrypt(BufferCIt plainBegin, BufferCIt plainEnd,
+ Buffer & encBuffer, size_t encOffset);
+ optional<uint64_t> decrypt(BufferCIt encBegin, BufferCIt encEnd,
+ Buffer & decBuffer, size_t decOffset);
+ const vector<Stored<Signed<IdentityData>>> peers;
+ const vector<uint8_t> key;
+ const array<uint8_t, 4> nonceFixedOur;
+ const array<uint8_t, 4> nonceFixedPeer;
+ atomic<uint64_t> counterNextOut = 0;
+ atomic<uint64_t> counterNextIn = 0;
diff --git a/src/network/protocol.cpp b/src/network/protocol.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89d6a88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/network/protocol.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,948 @@
+#include "protocol.h"
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <system_error>
+using std::get_if;
+using std::holds_alternative;
+using std::move;
+using std::nullopt;
+using std::runtime_error;
+using std::scoped_lock;
+using std::to_string;
+using std::unique_lock;
+using std::visit;
+namespace erebos {
+static constexpr uint8_t maxStreamNumber = 0x3F;
+struct NetworkProtocol::ConnectionPriv
+ Connection::Id id() const;
+ size_t mtu() const;
+ bool send(const PartialStorage &, Header,
+ const vector<Object> &, bool secure);
+ bool send( const StreamData & chunk );
+ NetworkProtocol * protocol;
+ const sockaddr_in6 peerAddress;
+ mutex cmutex {};
+ vector<uint8_t> buffer {};
+ optional<Cookie> receivedCookie = nullopt;
+ bool confirmedCookie = false;
+ ChannelState channel = monostate();
+ vector<vector<uint8_t>> secureOutQueue {};
+ size_t mtuLower = 1000; // TODO: MTU
+ vector<uint64_t> toAcknowledge {};
+ vector< shared_ptr< InStream >> inStreams {};
+ vector< shared_ptr< OutStream >> outStreams {};
+ sock(-1)
+NetworkProtocol::NetworkProtocol(int s, Identity id):
+ sock(s),
+ self(move(id))
+NetworkProtocol::NetworkProtocol(NetworkProtocol && other):
+ sock(other.sock),
+ self(move(other.self))
+ other.sock = -1;
+NetworkProtocol & NetworkProtocol::operator=(NetworkProtocol && other)
+ sock = other.sock;
+ other.sock = -1;
+ self = move(other.self);
+ return *this;
+ if (sock >= 0)
+ close(sock);
+ for (auto & c : connections)
+ c->protocol = nullptr;
+NetworkProtocol::PollResult NetworkProtocol::poll()
+ {
+ scoped_lock lock(protocolMutex);
+ for (const auto & c : connections) {
+ vector< StreamData > streamChunks;
+ bool sendAck = false;
+ {
+ scoped_lock clock(c->cmutex);
+ sendAck = not c->toAcknowledge.empty() &&
+ holds_alternative< unique_ptr< Channel >>( c->channel );
+ for (auto & s : c->outStreams) {
+ unique_lock slock(s->streamMutex);
+ while (s->hasDataLocked())
+ streamChunks.push_back( s->getNextChunkLocked( c->mtu() ));
+ if( s->closed ){
+ // TODO: wait after ack
+ streamChunks.push_back( { s->id, (uint8_t) s->nextSequence, {} } );
+ slock.unlock();
+ s.reset();
+ }
+ }
+ while( not c->outStreams.empty() && not c->outStreams.back() )
+ c->outStreams.pop_back();
+ }
+ if (sendAck) {
+ auto pst = self->ref()->storage().deriveEphemeralStorage();
+ c->send(pst, Header {{}}, {}, true);
+ }
+ for (const auto & chunk : streamChunks) {
+ c->send( chunk );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sockaddr_in6 addr;
+ if (!recvfrom(buffer, addr))
+ return ProtocolClosed {};
+ {
+ scoped_lock lock(protocolMutex);
+ for (const auto & c : connections) {
+ if (memcmp(&c->peerAddress, &addr, sizeof addr) == 0) {
+ scoped_lock clock(c->cmutex);
+ buffer.swap(c->buffer);
+ return ConnectionReadReady { c->id() };
+ }
+ }
+ auto pst = self->ref()->storage().deriveEphemeralStorage();
+ optional<uint64_t> secure = false;
+ auto parsed = Connection::parsePacket(buffer, nullptr, pst, secure);
+ if (const auto * header = get_if< Header >( &parsed )) {
+ if (auto conn = verifyNewConnection(*header, addr))
+ return NewConnection { move(*conn) };
+ if (auto ann = header->lookupFirst<Header::AnnounceSelf>())
+ return ReceivedAnnounce { addr, ann->value };
+ }
+ }
+ return poll();
+NetworkProtocol::Connection NetworkProtocol::connect(sockaddr_in6 addr)
+ auto conn = unique_ptr<ConnectionPriv>(new ConnectionPriv {
+ .protocol = this,
+ .peerAddress = addr,
+ });
+ {
+ scoped_lock lock(protocolMutex);
+ connections.push_back(conn.get());
+ vector<Header::Item> header {
+ Header::Initiation { Digest::of(Object(Record())) },
+ Header::AnnounceSelf { self->ref()->digest() },
+ Header::Version { defaultVersion },
+ };
+ conn->send(self->ref()->storage(), move(header), {}, false);
+ }
+ return Connection(move(conn));
+void NetworkProtocol::updateIdentity(Identity id)
+ scoped_lock lock(protocolMutex);
+ self = move(id);
+ vector<Header::Item> hitems;
+ for (const auto & r : self->extRefs())
+ hitems.push_back(Header::AnnounceUpdate { r.digest() });
+ for (const auto & r : self->updates())
+ hitems.push_back(Header::AnnounceUpdate { r.digest() });
+ Header header(hitems);
+ for (const auto & conn : connections)
+ conn->send(self->ref()->storage(), header, { **self->ref() }, false);
+void NetworkProtocol::announceTo(variant<sockaddr_in, sockaddr_in6> addr)
+ vector<uint8_t> bytes;
+ {
+ scoped_lock lock(protocolMutex);
+ if (!self)
+ throw runtime_error("NetworkProtocol::announceTo without self identity");
+ bytes = Header({
+ Header::AnnounceSelf { self->ref()->digest() },
+ Header::Version { defaultVersion },
+ }).toObject(self->ref()->storage()).encode();
+ }
+ sendto(bytes, addr);
+void NetworkProtocol::shutdown()
+ ::shutdown(sock, SHUT_RDWR);
+bool NetworkProtocol::recvfrom(vector<uint8_t> & buffer, sockaddr_in6 & addr)
+ socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(addr);
+ buffer.resize(4096);
+ ssize_t ret = ::recvfrom(sock,, buffer.size(), 0,
+ (sockaddr *) &addr, &addrlen);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ throw std::system_error(errno, std::generic_category());
+ if (ret == 0)
+ return false;
+ buffer.resize(ret);
+ return true;
+void NetworkProtocol::sendto(const vector<uint8_t> & buffer, variant<sockaddr_in, sockaddr_in6> vaddr)
+ visit([&](auto && addr) {
+ ::sendto(sock,, buffer.size(), 0,
+ (sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr));
+ }, vaddr);
+void NetworkProtocol::sendCookie(variant<sockaddr_in, sockaddr_in6> addr)
+ auto bytes = Header({
+ Header::CookieSet { generateCookie(addr) },
+ Header::AnnounceSelf { self->ref()->digest() },
+ Header::Version { defaultVersion },
+ }).toObject(self->ref()->storage()).encode();
+ sendto(bytes, addr);
+optional<NetworkProtocol::Connection> NetworkProtocol::verifyNewConnection(const Header & header, sockaddr_in6 addr)
+ optional<string> version;
+ for (const auto & h : header.items) {
+ if (const auto * ptr = get_if<Header::Version>(&h)) {
+ if (ptr->value == defaultVersion) {
+ version = ptr->value;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!version)
+ return nullopt;
+ if (header.lookupFirst<Header::Initiation>()) {
+ sendCookie(addr);
+ }
+ else if (auto cookie = header.lookupFirst<Header::CookieEcho>()) {
+ if (verifyCookie(addr, cookie->value)) {
+ auto conn = unique_ptr<ConnectionPriv>(new ConnectionPriv {
+ .protocol = this,
+ .peerAddress = addr,
+ });
+ connections.push_back(conn.get());
+ buffer.swap(conn->buffer);
+ return Connection(move(conn));
+ }
+ }
+ return nullopt;
+NetworkProtocol::Cookie NetworkProtocol::generateCookie(variant<sockaddr_in, sockaddr_in6> vaddr) const
+ vector<uint8_t> cookie;
+ visit([&](auto && addr) {
+ cookie.resize(sizeof addr);
+ memcpy(, &addr, sizeof addr);
+ }, vaddr);
+ return Cookie { cookie };
+bool NetworkProtocol::verifyCookie(variant<sockaddr_in, sockaddr_in6> vaddr, const NetworkProtocol::Cookie & cookie) const
+ return visit([&](auto && addr) {
+ if (cookie.value.size() != sizeof addr)
+ return false;
+ return memcmp(, &addr, sizeof addr) == 0;
+ }, vaddr);
+/* Connection */
+using Connection = NetworkProtocol::Connection;
+NetworkProtocol::Connection::Id NetworkProtocol::ConnectionPriv::id() const
+ return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this);
+NetworkProtocol::Connection::Connection(unique_ptr<ConnectionPriv> p_):
+ p(move(p_))
+NetworkProtocol::Connection::Connection(Connection && other):
+ p(move(other.p))
+NetworkProtocol::Connection & NetworkProtocol::Connection::operator=(Connection && other)
+ close();
+ p = move(other.p);
+ return *this;
+ close();
+NetworkProtocol::Connection::Id NetworkProtocol::Connection::id() const
+ return p->id();
+const sockaddr_in6 & NetworkProtocol::Connection::peerAddress() const
+ return p->peerAddress;
+size_t Connection::mtu() const
+ return p->mtu();
+size_t NetworkProtocol::ConnectionPriv::mtu() const
+ if( get_if< unique_ptr< Channel >>( &channel ))
+ return mtuLower // space for:
+ - 1 // "encrypted" tag
+ - 1 // counter
+ - 1 // channel number
+ - 1 // channel sequence
+ - 16 // tag
+ ;
+ return mtuLower - 128; // some space for cookie headers
+optional<NetworkProtocol::Header> NetworkProtocol::Connection::receive(const PartialStorage & partStorage)
+ vector<uint8_t> buf;
+ Channel * channel = nullptr;
+ unique_ptr<Channel> channelPtr;
+ {
+ scoped_lock lock(p->cmutex);
+ if (p->buffer.empty())
+ return nullopt;
+ buf.swap(p->buffer);
+ if (holds_alternative<unique_ptr<Channel>>(p->channel)) {
+ channel = std::get<unique_ptr<Channel>>(p->channel).get();
+ } else if (holds_alternative<Stored<ChannelAccept>>(p->channel)) {
+ channelPtr = std::get<Stored<ChannelAccept>>(p->channel)->data->channel();
+ channel = channelPtr.get();
+ }
+ }
+ optional<uint64_t> secure = false;
+ auto parsed = parsePacket(buf, channel, partStorage, secure);
+ if (const auto * header = get_if< Header >( &parsed )) {
+ scoped_lock lock(p->cmutex);
+ if (secure) {
+ if (header->isAcknowledged())
+ p->toAcknowledge.push_back(*secure);
+ return *header;
+ }
+ if (const auto * cookieEcho = header->lookupFirst<Header::CookieEcho>()) {
+ if (!p->protocol->verifyCookie(p->peerAddress, cookieEcho->value))
+ return nullopt;
+ p->confirmedCookie = true;
+ if (const auto * cookieSet = header->lookupFirst<Header::CookieSet>())
+ p->receivedCookie = cookieSet->value;
+ return *header;
+ }
+ if (holds_alternative<monostate>(p->channel)) {
+ if (const auto * cookieSet = header->lookupFirst<Header::CookieSet>()) {
+ p->receivedCookie = cookieSet->value;
+ return *header;
+ }
+ }
+ if (header->lookupFirst<Header::Initiation>()) {
+ p->protocol->sendCookie(p->peerAddress);
+ return nullopt;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( auto * sdata = get_if< StreamData >( &parsed )){
+ scoped_lock lock(p->cmutex);
+ if (secure)
+ p->toAcknowledge.push_back(*secure);
+ InStream * stream = nullptr;
+ for (const auto & s : p->inStreams) {
+ if (s->id == sdata->id) {
+ stream = s.get();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (not stream) {
+ std::cerr << "unexpected stream number\n";
+ return nullopt;
+ }
+ stream->writeChunk( move(*sdata) );
+ if( stream->closed )
+ p->inStreams.erase(
+ std::remove_if( p->inStreams.begin(), p->inStreams.end(),
+ [&]( auto & sptr ) { return sptr.get() == stream; } ),
+ p->inStreams.end() );
+ return nullopt;
+ }
+ return nullopt;
+variant< monostate, NetworkProtocol::Header, NetworkProtocol::StreamData >
+NetworkProtocol::Connection::parsePacket(vector<uint8_t> & buf,
+ Channel * channel, const PartialStorage & partStorage,
+ optional<uint64_t> & secure)
+ vector<uint8_t> decrypted;
+ auto plainBegin = buf.cbegin();
+ auto plainEnd = buf.cbegin();
+ secure = nullopt;
+ if ((buf[0] & 0xE0) == 0x80) {
+ if (not channel) {
+ std::cerr << "unexpected encrypted packet\n";
+ return monostate();
+ }
+ if ((secure = channel->decrypt(buf.begin() + 1, buf.end(), decrypted, 0))) {
+ if (decrypted.empty()) {
+ std::cerr << "empty decrypted content\n";
+ }
+ else if (decrypted[0] == 0x00) {
+ plainBegin = decrypted.begin() + 1;
+ plainEnd = decrypted.end();
+ }
+ else if (decrypted[0] <= maxStreamNumber) {
+ StreamData sdata;
+ = decrypted[0];
+ sdata.sequence = decrypted[1];
+ decrypted.size() - 2 );
+ std::copy(decrypted.begin() + 2, decrypted.end(),;
+ return sdata;
+ }
+ else {
+ std::cerr << "unexpected stream header\n";
+ return monostate();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((buf[0] & 0xE0) == 0x60) {
+ plainBegin = buf.begin();
+ plainEnd = buf.end();
+ }
+ if (auto dec = PartialObject::decodePrefix(partStorage, plainBegin, plainEnd)) {
+ if (auto header = Header::load(std::get<PartialObject>(*dec))) {
+ auto pos = std::get<1>(*dec);
+ while (auto cdec = PartialObject::decodePrefix(partStorage, pos, plainEnd)) {
+ partStorage.storeObject(std::get<PartialObject>(*cdec));
+ pos = std::get<1>(*cdec);
+ }
+ return *header;
+ }
+ }
+ std::cerr << "invalid packet\n";
+ return monostate();
+bool NetworkProtocol::Connection::send(const PartialStorage & partStorage,
+ Header header,
+ const vector<Object> & objs, bool secure)
+ return p->send(partStorage, move(header), objs, secure);
+bool NetworkProtocol::ConnectionPriv::send(const PartialStorage & partStorage,
+ Header header,
+ const vector<Object> & objs, bool secure)
+ vector<uint8_t> data, part, out;
+ {
+ scoped_lock clock(cmutex);
+ Channel * channel = nullptr;
+ if (auto uptr = get_if<unique_ptr<Channel>>(&this->channel))
+ channel = uptr->get();
+ if (channel || secure) {
+ data.push_back(0x00);
+ } else {
+ if (receivedCookie)
+ header.items.push_back(Header::CookieEcho { receivedCookie->value });
+ if (!confirmedCookie)
+ header.items.push_back(Header::CookieSet { protocol->generateCookie(peerAddress) });
+ }
+ if (channel) {
+ for (auto num : toAcknowledge)
+ header.items.push_back(Header::AcknowledgedSingle { num });
+ toAcknowledge.clear();
+ }
+ if (header.items.empty())
+ return false;
+ part = header.toObject(partStorage).encode();
+ data.insert(data.end(), part.begin(), part.end());
+ for (const auto & obj : objs) {
+ part = obj.encode();
+ data.insert(data.end(), part.begin(), part.end());
+ }
+ if (channel) {
+ out.push_back(0x80);
+ channel->encrypt(data.begin(), data.end(), out, 1);
+ } else if (secure) {
+ secureOutQueue.emplace_back(move(data));
+ } else {
+ out = std::move(data);
+ }
+ }
+ if (not out.empty())
+ protocol->sendto(out, peerAddress);
+ return true;
+bool NetworkProtocol::Connection::send( const StreamData & chunk )
+ return p->send( chunk );
+bool NetworkProtocol::ConnectionPriv::send( const StreamData & chunk )
+ vector<uint8_t> data, out;
+ {
+ scoped_lock clock( cmutex );
+ Channel * channel = nullptr;
+ if (auto uptr = get_if< unique_ptr< Channel >>( &this->channel ))
+ channel = uptr->get();
+ if (not channel)
+ return false;
+ data.push_back( );
+ data.push_back( static_cast< uint8_t >( chunk.sequence ));
+ data.insert( data.end(),, );
+ out.push_back( 0x80 );
+ channel->encrypt( data.begin(), data.end(), out, 1 );
+ }
+ protocol->sendto( out, peerAddress );
+ return true;
+void NetworkProtocol::Connection::close()
+ if (not p)
+ return;
+ if (p->protocol) {
+ scoped_lock lock(p->protocol->protocolMutex);
+ for (auto it = p->protocol->connections.begin();
+ it != p->protocol->connections.end(); it++) {
+ if ((*it) == p.get()) {
+ p->protocol->connections.erase(it);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p = nullptr;
+shared_ptr< NetworkProtocol::InStream > NetworkProtocol::Connection::openInStream( uint8_t sid )
+ scoped_lock lock( p->cmutex );
+ for (const auto & s : p->inStreams)
+ if (s->id == sid)
+ throw runtime_error("inbound stream " + to_string(sid) + " already open");
+ p->inStreams.emplace_back( new InStream( sid ));
+ return p->inStreams.back();
+shared_ptr< NetworkProtocol::OutStream > NetworkProtocol::Connection::openOutStream()
+ scoped_lock lock( p->cmutex );
+ uint8_t sid = 1;
+ if( not p->outStreams.empty() ){
+ if( p->outStreams.back()->id < maxStreamNumber )
+ sid = p->outStreams.back()->id + 1;
+ else
+ throw runtime_error("no free outbound stream");
+ }
+ p->outStreams.emplace_back( new OutStream( sid ));
+ return p->outStreams.back();
+NetworkProtocol::ChannelState & NetworkProtocol::Connection::channel()
+ return p->channel;
+void NetworkProtocol::Connection::trySendOutQueue()
+ decltype(p->secureOutQueue) queue;
+ {
+ scoped_lock clock(p->cmutex);
+ if (p->secureOutQueue.empty())
+ return;
+ if (not holds_alternative<unique_ptr<Channel>>(p->channel))
+ return;
+ queue.swap(p->secureOutQueue);
+ }
+ vector<uint8_t> out { 0x80 };
+ for (const auto & data : queue) {
+ std::get<unique_ptr<Channel>>(p->channel)->encrypt(data.begin(), data.end(), out, 1);
+ p->protocol->sendto(out, p->peerAddress);
+ }
+NetworkProtocol::Stream::Stream(uint8_t id_):
+ id(id_)
+ readPtr = readBuffer.begin();
+void NetworkProtocol::Stream::close()
+ scoped_lock lock( streamMutex );
+ closed = true;
+bool NetworkProtocol::Stream::hasDataLocked() const
+ return not writeBuffer.empty() || readPtr < readBuffer.end();
+size_t NetworkProtocol::Stream::writeLocked( const uint8_t * buf, size_t size )
+ writeBuffer.insert( writeBuffer.end(), buf, buf + size );
+ return size;
+size_t NetworkProtocol::Stream::readLocked( uint8_t * buf, size_t size )
+ size_t res = 0;
+ if (readPtr < readBuffer.end()) {
+ res = std::min( size, static_cast< size_t >( readBuffer.end() - readPtr ));
+ std::copy_n( readPtr, res, buf );
+ readPtr += res;
+ }
+ if (res < size && not writeBuffer.empty()) {
+ std::swap( readBuffer, writeBuffer );
+ readPtr = readBuffer.begin();
+ writeBuffer.clear();
+ return res + readLocked( buf + res, size - res );
+ }
+ return res;
+bool NetworkProtocol::InStream::isComplete() const
+ scoped_lock lock( streamMutex );
+ return closed && outOfOrderChunks.empty();
+vector< uint8_t > NetworkProtocol::InStream::readAll()
+ scoped_lock lock( streamMutex );
+ if (readBuffer.empty()) {
+ vector< uint8_t > res;
+ std::swap( res, writeBuffer );
+ return res;
+ }
+ readBuffer.insert( readBuffer.end(), writeBuffer.begin(), writeBuffer.end() );
+ writeBuffer.clear();
+ vector< uint8_t > res;
+ std::swap( res, readBuffer );
+ readPtr = readBuffer.begin();
+ return res;
+size_t NetworkProtocol::InStream::read( uint8_t * buf, size_t size )
+ scoped_lock lock( streamMutex );
+ return readLocked( buf, size );
+void NetworkProtocol::InStream::writeChunk( StreamData chunk )
+ scoped_lock lock( streamMutex );
+ if( tryUseChunkLocked( chunk )) {
+ auto it = outOfOrderChunks.begin();
+ while( it != outOfOrderChunks.end() && tryUseChunkLocked( *it ))
+ it++;
+ outOfOrderChunks.erase( outOfOrderChunks.begin(), it );
+ } else {
+ auto it = outOfOrderChunks.begin();
+ while( it < outOfOrderChunks.end() &&
+ it->sequence - static_cast< uint8_t >( nextSequence )
+ < chunk.sequence - static_cast< uint8_t >( nextSequence ))
+ it++;
+ outOfOrderChunks.insert( it, move(chunk) );
+ }
+bool NetworkProtocol::InStream::tryUseChunkLocked( const StreamData & chunk )
+ if( chunk.sequence != static_cast< uint8_t >( nextSequence ))
+ return false;
+ if( )
+ closed = true;
+ else
+ writeLocked(, );
+ nextSequence++;
+ return true;
+size_t NetworkProtocol::OutStream::write( const uint8_t * buf, size_t size )
+ scoped_lock lock( streamMutex );
+ return writeLocked( buf, size );
+NetworkProtocol::StreamData NetworkProtocol::OutStream::getNextChunkLocked( size_t size )
+ StreamData res;
+ = id;
+ res.sequence = nextSequence++,
+ size );
+ size = readLocked(, size );
+ size );
+ return res;
+/* Header */
+bool operator==(const NetworkProtocol::Header::Item & left,
+ const NetworkProtocol::Header::Item & right)
+ if (left.index() != right.index())
+ return false;
+ return visit([&](auto && arg) {
+ using T = std::decay_t<decltype(arg)>;
+ return arg.value == std::get<T>(right).value;
+ }, left);
+optional<NetworkProtocol::Header> NetworkProtocol::Header::load(const PartialRef & ref)
+ return load(*ref);
+optional<NetworkProtocol::Header> NetworkProtocol::Header::load(const PartialObject & obj)
+ auto rec = obj.asRecord();
+ if (!rec)
+ return nullopt;
+ vector<Item> items;
+ for (const auto & item : rec->items()) {
+ if ( == "ACK") {
+ if (auto ref = item.asRef())
+ items.emplace_back(Acknowledged { ref->digest() });
+ else if (auto num = item.asInteger())
+ items.emplace_back(AcknowledgedSingle { static_cast<uint64_t>(*num) });
+ } else if ( == "VER") {
+ if (auto ver = item.asText())
+ items.emplace_back(Version { *ver });
+ } else if ( == "INI") {
+ if (auto ref = item.asRef())
+ items.emplace_back(Initiation { ref->digest() });
+ } else if ( == "CKS") {
+ if (auto cookie = item.asBinary())
+ items.emplace_back(CookieSet { *cookie });
+ } else if ( == "CKE") {
+ if (auto cookie = item.asBinary())
+ items.emplace_back(CookieEcho { *cookie });
+ } else if ( == "REQ") {
+ if (auto ref = item.asRef())
+ items.emplace_back(DataRequest { ref->digest() });
+ } else if ( == "RSP") {
+ if (auto ref = item.asRef())
+ items.emplace_back(DataResponse { ref->digest() });
+ } else if ( == "ANN") {
+ if (auto ref = item.asRef())
+ items.emplace_back(AnnounceSelf { ref->digest() });
+ } else if ( == "ANU") {
+ if (auto ref = item.asRef())
+ items.emplace_back(AnnounceUpdate { ref->digest() });
+ } else if ( == "CRQ") {
+ if (auto ref = item.asRef())
+ items.emplace_back(ChannelRequest { ref->digest() });
+ } else if ( == "CAC") {
+ if (auto ref = item.asRef())
+ items.emplace_back(ChannelAccept { ref->digest() });
+ } else if ( == "SVT") {
+ if (auto val = item.asUUID())
+ items.emplace_back(ServiceType { *val });
+ } else if ( == "SVR") {
+ if (auto ref = item.asRef())
+ items.emplace_back(ServiceRef { ref->digest() });
+ } else if ( == "STO") {
+ if (auto num = item.asInteger())
+ items.emplace_back( StreamOpen{ static_cast< uint8_t >( *num )});
+ }
+ }
+ return NetworkProtocol::Header(items);
+PartialObject NetworkProtocol::Header::toObject(const PartialStorage & st) const
+ vector<PartialRecord::Item> ritems;
+ for (const auto & item : items) {
+ if (const auto * ptr = get_if<Acknowledged>(&item))
+ ritems.emplace_back("ACK", st.ref(ptr->value));
+ else if (const auto * ptr = get_if<AcknowledgedSingle>(&item))
+ ritems.emplace_back("ACK", Record::Item::Integer(ptr->value));
+ else if (const auto * ptr = get_if<Version>(&item))
+ ritems.emplace_back("VER", ptr->value);
+ else if (const auto * ptr = get_if<Initiation>(&item))
+ ritems.emplace_back("INI", st.ref(ptr->value));
+ else if (const auto * ptr = get_if<CookieSet>(&item))
+ ritems.emplace_back("CKS", ptr->value.value);
+ else if (const auto * ptr = get_if<CookieEcho>(&item))
+ ritems.emplace_back("CKE", ptr->value.value);
+ else if (const auto * ptr = get_if<DataRequest>(&item))
+ ritems.emplace_back("REQ", st.ref(ptr->value));
+ else if (const auto * ptr = get_if<DataResponse>(&item))
+ ritems.emplace_back("RSP", st.ref(ptr->value));
+ else if (const auto * ptr = get_if<AnnounceSelf>(&item))
+ ritems.emplace_back("ANN", st.ref(ptr->value));
+ else if (const auto * ptr = get_if<AnnounceUpdate>(&item))
+ ritems.emplace_back("ANU", st.ref(ptr->value));
+ else if (const auto * ptr = get_if<ChannelRequest>(&item))
+ ritems.emplace_back("CRQ", st.ref(ptr->value));
+ else if (const auto * ptr = get_if<ChannelAccept>(&item))
+ ritems.emplace_back("CAC", st.ref(ptr->value));
+ else if (const auto * ptr = get_if<ServiceType>(&item))
+ ritems.emplace_back("SVT", ptr->value);
+ else if (const auto * ptr = get_if<ServiceRef>(&item))
+ ritems.emplace_back("SVR", st.ref(ptr->value));
+ else if (const auto * ptr = get_if< StreamOpen >( &item ))
+ ritems.emplace_back("STO", Record::Item::Integer( ptr->value ));
+ }
+ return PartialObject(PartialRecord(std::move(ritems)));
+bool NetworkProtocol::Header::isAcknowledged() const
+ for (const auto & item : items) {
+ if (holds_alternative<Acknowledged>(item)
+ || holds_alternative<AcknowledgedSingle>(item)
+ || holds_alternative<Version>(item)
+ || holds_alternative<Initiation>(item)
+ || holds_alternative<CookieSet>(item)
+ || holds_alternative<CookieEcho>(item)
+ )
+ continue;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
diff --git a/src/network/protocol.h b/src/network/protocol.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d32b20b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/network/protocol.h
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "channel.h"
+#include <erebos/storage.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <memory>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <variant>
+#include <vector>
+#include <optional>
+namespace erebos {
+using std::mutex;
+using std::optional;
+using std::unique_ptr;
+using std::variant;
+using std::vector;
+class NetworkProtocol
+ NetworkProtocol();
+ explicit NetworkProtocol(int sock, Identity self);
+ NetworkProtocol(const NetworkProtocol &) = delete;
+ NetworkProtocol(NetworkProtocol &&);
+ NetworkProtocol & operator=(const NetworkProtocol &) = delete;
+ NetworkProtocol & operator=(NetworkProtocol &&);
+ ~NetworkProtocol();
+ static constexpr char defaultVersion[] = "0.1";
+ class Connection;
+ class Stream;
+ class InStream;
+ class OutStream;
+ struct Header;
+ struct StreamData;
+ struct ReceivedAnnounce;
+ struct NewConnection;
+ struct ConnectionReadReady;
+ struct ProtocolClosed {};
+ using PollResult = variant<
+ ReceivedAnnounce,
+ NewConnection,
+ ConnectionReadReady,
+ ProtocolClosed>;
+ PollResult poll();
+ struct Cookie { vector<uint8_t> value; };
+ using ChannelState = variant<monostate,
+ Stored<ChannelRequest>,
+ shared_ptr<struct WaitingRef>,
+ Stored<ChannelAccept>,
+ unique_ptr<Channel>>;
+ Connection connect(sockaddr_in6 addr);
+ void updateIdentity(Identity self);
+ void announceTo(variant<sockaddr_in, sockaddr_in6> addr);
+ void shutdown();
+ bool recvfrom(vector<uint8_t> & buffer, sockaddr_in6 & addr);
+ void sendto(const vector<uint8_t> & buffer, variant<sockaddr_in, sockaddr_in6> addr);
+ void sendCookie(variant<sockaddr_in, sockaddr_in6> addr);
+ optional<Connection> verifyNewConnection(const Header & header, sockaddr_in6 addr);
+ Cookie generateCookie(variant<sockaddr_in, sockaddr_in6> addr) const;
+ bool verifyCookie(variant<sockaddr_in, sockaddr_in6> addr, const Cookie & cookie) const;
+ int sock;
+ mutex protocolMutex;
+ vector<uint8_t> buffer;
+ optional<Identity> self;
+ struct ConnectionPriv;
+ vector<ConnectionPriv *> connections;
+class NetworkProtocol::Connection
+ friend class NetworkProtocol;
+ Connection(unique_ptr<ConnectionPriv> p);
+ Connection(const Connection &) = delete;
+ Connection(Connection &&);
+ Connection & operator=(const Connection &) = delete;
+ Connection & operator=(Connection &&);
+ ~Connection();
+ using Id = uintptr_t;
+ Id id() const;
+ const sockaddr_in6 & peerAddress() const;
+ size_t mtu() const;
+ optional<Header> receive(const PartialStorage &);
+ bool send(const PartialStorage &, NetworkProtocol::Header,
+ const vector<Object> &, bool secure);
+ bool send( const StreamData & chunk );
+ void close();
+ shared_ptr< InStream > openInStream( uint8_t sid );
+ shared_ptr< OutStream > openOutStream();
+ // temporary:
+ ChannelState & channel();
+ void trySendOutQueue();
+ static variant< monostate, Header, StreamData >
+ parsePacket(vector<uint8_t> & buf,
+ Channel * channel, const PartialStorage & st,
+ optional<uint64_t> & secure);
+ unique_ptr<ConnectionPriv> p;
+class NetworkProtocol::Stream
+ friend class NetworkProtocol;
+ friend class NetworkProtocol::Connection;
+ Stream(uint8_t id_);
+ void close();
+ bool hasDataLocked() const;
+ size_t writeLocked( const uint8_t * buf, size_t size );
+ size_t readLocked( uint8_t * buf, size_t size );
+ const uint8_t id;
+ bool closed { false };
+ vector< uint8_t > writeBuffer;
+ vector< uint8_t > readBuffer;
+ vector< uint8_t >::const_iterator readPtr;
+ mutable mutex streamMutex;
+class NetworkProtocol::InStream : public NetworkProtocol::Stream
+ friend class NetworkProtocol;
+ friend class NetworkProtocol::Connection;
+ InStream(uint8_t id): Stream( id ) {}
+ bool isComplete() const;
+ vector< uint8_t > readAll();
+ size_t read( uint8_t * buf, size_t size );
+ void writeChunk( StreamData chunk );
+ bool tryUseChunkLocked( const StreamData & chunk );
+ uint64_t nextSequence { 0 };
+ vector< StreamData > outOfOrderChunks;
+class NetworkProtocol::OutStream : public NetworkProtocol::Stream
+ friend class NetworkProtocol;
+ friend class NetworkProtocol::Connection;
+ OutStream(uint8_t id): Stream( id ) {}
+ size_t write( const uint8_t * buf, size_t size );
+ StreamData getNextChunkLocked( size_t size );
+ uint64_t nextSequence { 0 };
+struct NetworkProtocol::ReceivedAnnounce { sockaddr_in6 addr; Digest digest; };
+struct NetworkProtocol::NewConnection { Connection conn; };
+struct NetworkProtocol::ConnectionReadReady { Connection::Id id; };
+struct NetworkProtocol::Header
+ struct Acknowledged { Digest value; };
+ struct AcknowledgedSingle { uint64_t value; };
+ struct Version { string value; };
+ struct Initiation { Digest value; };
+ struct CookieSet { Cookie value; };
+ struct CookieEcho { Cookie value; };
+ struct DataRequest { Digest value; };
+ struct DataResponse { Digest value; };
+ struct AnnounceSelf { Digest value; };
+ struct AnnounceUpdate { Digest value; };
+ struct ChannelRequest { Digest value; };
+ struct ChannelAccept { Digest value; };
+ struct ServiceType { UUID value; };
+ struct ServiceRef { Digest value; };
+ struct StreamOpen { uint8_t value; };
+ using Item = variant<
+ Acknowledged,
+ AcknowledgedSingle,
+ Version,
+ Initiation,
+ CookieSet,
+ CookieEcho,
+ DataRequest,
+ DataResponse,
+ AnnounceSelf,
+ AnnounceUpdate,
+ ChannelRequest,
+ ChannelAccept,
+ ServiceType,
+ ServiceRef,
+ StreamOpen>;
+ static constexpr size_t itemSize = 78; /* estimate for size of ref-containing headers */
+ Header(const vector<Item> & items): items(items) {}
+ static optional<Header> load(const PartialRef &);
+ static optional<Header> load(const PartialObject &);
+ PartialObject toObject(const PartialStorage &) const;
+ template<class T> const T * lookupFirst() const;
+ bool isAcknowledged() const;
+ vector<Item> items;
+struct NetworkProtocol::StreamData
+ uint8_t id;
+ uint8_t sequence;
+ vector< uint8_t > data;
+template<class T>
+const T * NetworkProtocol::Header::lookupFirst() const
+ for (const auto & h : items)
+ if (auto ptr = std::get_if<T>(&h))
+ return ptr;
+ return nullptr;
+bool operator==(const NetworkProtocol::Header::Item &, const NetworkProtocol::Header::Item &);
+inline bool operator!=(const NetworkProtocol::Header::Item & left,
+ const NetworkProtocol::Header::Item & right)
+{ return not (left == right); }
+inline bool operator==(const NetworkProtocol::Cookie & left, const NetworkProtocol::Cookie & right)
+{ return left.value == right.value; }
diff --git a/src/pairing.cpp b/src/pairing.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dca5b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pairing.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+#include <erebos/pairing.h>
+#include "service.h"
+#include <future>
+#include <openssl/rand.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <thread>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace erebos;
+using std::lock_guard;
+using std::make_shared;
+using std::runtime_error;
+using std::scoped_lock;
+using std::thread;
+using std::unique_lock;
+PairingServiceBase::PairingServiceBase(Config && c):
+ config(move(c))
+ // There may be some threads in waitForConfirmation waiting on client
+ // promise, so make sure they do not touch the service state anymore:
+ for (auto & [peer, state] : peerStates) {
+ scoped_lock lock(state->lock);
+ if (state->phase != StatePhase::PairingDone &&
+ state->phase != StatePhase::PairingFailed) {
+ state->outcome.set_value(Outcome::Stale);
+ state->phase = StatePhase::PairingFailed;
+ }
+ }
+PairingServiceBase::Config & PairingServiceBase::Config::onRequestInit(RequestInitHook hook)
+ requestInitHook = hook;
+ return *this;
+PairingServiceBase::Config & PairingServiceBase::Config::onResponse(ConfirmHook hook)
+ responseHook = hook;
+ return *this;
+PairingServiceBase::Config & PairingServiceBase::Config::onRequest(ConfirmHook hook)
+ requestHook = hook;
+ return *this;
+PairingServiceBase::Config & PairingServiceBase::Config::onRequestNonceFailed(RequestNonceFailedHook hook)
+ requestNonceFailedHook = hook;
+ return *this;
+void PairingServiceBase::handle(Context & ctx)
+ auto rec = ctx.ref()->asRecord();
+ if (!rec)
+ return;
+ auto pid = ctx.peer().identity();
+ if (!pid)
+ throw runtime_error("Pairing request for peer without known identity");
+ lock_guard lock(stateLock);
+ auto & state = peerStates.try_emplace(ctx.peer(), new State()).first->second;
+ unique_lock lock_state(state->lock);
+ if (auto request = rec->item("request").asBinary()) {
+ auto idReqRef = rec->item("id-req").asRef();
+ if (!idReqRef)
+ return;
+ auto idReq = Identity::load(*idReqRef);
+ if (!idReq)
+ return;
+ if (!idReq->sameAs(*pid))
+ return;
+ auto idRspRef = rec->item("id-rsp").asRef();
+ if (!idRspRef)
+ return;
+ auto idRsp = Identity::load(*idRspRef);
+ if (!idRsp)
+ return;
+ if (!idRsp->sameAs(ctx.peer().server().identity()))
+ return;
+ if (state->phase >= StatePhase::PairingDone) {
+ auto nstate = make_shared<State>();
+ lock_state = unique_lock(nstate->lock);
+ state = move(nstate);
+ } else if (state->phase != StatePhase::NoPairing)
+ return;
+ if (config.requestInitHook)
+ config.requestInitHook(ctx.peer());
+ state->phase = StatePhase::PeerRequest;
+ state->idReq = idReq;
+ state->idRsp = idRsp;
+ state->peerCheck = *request;
+ state->nonce.resize(32);
+ RAND_bytes(state->, state->nonce.size());
+ ctx.peer().send(uuid(), Object(Record({
+ { "response", state->nonce },
+ })));
+ }
+ else if (auto response = rec->item("response").asBinary()) {
+ if (state->phase != StatePhase::OurRequest) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected pairing response.\n"); // TODO
+ return;
+ }
+ if (config.responseHook) {
+ string confirm = confirmationNumber(nonceDigest(
+ *state->idReq, *state->idRsp,
+ state->nonce, *response));
+ std::thread(&PairingServiceBase::waitForConfirmation,
+ this, ctx.peer(), state, confirm, config.responseHook).detach();
+ }
+ state->phase = StatePhase::OurRequestConfirm;
+ ctx.peer().send(uuid(), Object(Record({
+ { "reqnonce", state->nonce },
+ })));
+ }
+ else if (auto reqnonce = rec->item("reqnonce").asBinary()) {
+ if (state->phase != StatePhase::PeerRequest)
+ return;
+ auto check = nonceDigest(
+ *state->idReq, *state->idRsp,
+ *reqnonce, vector<uint8_t>());
+ if (check != state->peerCheck) {
+ if (config.requestNonceFailedHook)
+ config.requestNonceFailedHook(ctx.peer());
+ if (state->phase < StatePhase::PairingDone) {
+ state->phase = StatePhase::PairingFailed;
+ ctx.afterCommit([&]() {
+ state->outcome.set_value(Outcome::NonceMismatch);
+ });
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (config.requestHook) {
+ string confirm = confirmationNumber(nonceDigest(
+ *state->idReq, *state->idRsp,
+ *reqnonce, state->nonce));
+ std::thread(&PairingServiceBase::waitForConfirmation,
+ this, ctx.peer(), state, confirm, config.requestHook).detach();
+ }
+ state->phase = StatePhase::PeerRequestConfirm;
+ }
+ else if (rec->item("reject")) {
+ if (state->phase < StatePhase::PairingDone) {
+ state->phase = StatePhase::PairingFailed;
+ ctx.afterCommit([&]() {
+ state->outcome.set_value(Outcome::PeerRejected);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (state->phase == StatePhase::OurRequestReady) {
+ handlePairingResult(ctx);
+ state->phase = StatePhase::PairingDone;
+ ctx.afterCommit([&]() {
+ state->outcome.set_value(Outcome::Success);
+ });
+ } else {
+ result = ctx.ref();
+ }
+ }
+void PairingServiceBase::requestPairing(UUID serviceId, const Peer & peer)
+ auto pid = peer.identity();
+ if (!pid)
+ throw runtime_error("Pairing request for peer without known identity");
+ unique_lock lock(stateLock);
+ auto & state = peerStates.try_emplace(peer, new State()).first->second;
+ if (state->phase != StatePhase::NoPairing) {
+ auto nstate = make_shared<State>();
+ lock = unique_lock(nstate->lock);
+ state = move(nstate);
+ }
+ state->phase = StatePhase::OurRequest;
+ state->idReq = peer.server().identity();
+ state->idRsp = pid;
+ state->nonce.resize(32);
+ RAND_bytes(state->, state->nonce.size());
+ vector<Record::Item> items;
+ items.emplace_back("id-req", state->idReq->ref().value());
+ items.emplace_back("id-rsp", state->idRsp->ref().value());
+ items.emplace_back("request", nonceDigest(
+ *state->idReq, *state->idRsp,
+ state->nonce, vector<uint8_t>()));
+ peer.send(serviceId, Object(Record(std::move(items))));
+vector<uint8_t> PairingServiceBase::nonceDigest(const Identity & idReq, const Identity & idRsp,
+ const vector<uint8_t> & nonceReq, const vector<uint8_t> & nonceRsp)
+ vector<Record::Item> items;
+ items.emplace_back("id-req", idReq.ref().value());
+ items.emplace_back("id-rsp", idRsp.ref().value());
+ items.emplace_back("nonce-req", nonceReq);
+ items.emplace_back("nonce-rsp", nonceRsp);
+ const auto arr = Digest::of(Object(Record(std::move(items)))).arr();
+ vector<uint8_t> ret(arr.size());
+ std::copy_n(arr.begin(), arr.size(), ret.begin());
+ return ret;
+string PairingServiceBase::confirmationNumber(const vector<uint8_t> & digest)
+ uint32_t confirm;
+ memcpy(&confirm,, sizeof(confirm));
+ string ret(6, '\0');
+ snprintf(, ret.size() + 1, "%06d", ntohl(confirm) % 1000000);
+ return ret;
+void PairingServiceBase::waitForConfirmation(Peer peer, weak_ptr<State> wstate, string confirm, ConfirmHook hook)
+ future<Outcome> outcome;
+ if (auto state = wstate.lock()) {
+ outcome = state->outcome.get_future();
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ bool ok;
+ try {
+ ok = hook(peer, confirm, std::move(outcome)).get();
+ }
+ catch (const std::future_error & e) {
+ if (e.code() == std::future_errc::broken_promise)
+ ok = false;
+ else
+ throw;
+ }
+ auto state = wstate.lock();
+ if (!state)
+ return; // Server was closed
+ scoped_lock lock(state->lock);
+ if (ok) {
+ if (state->phase == StatePhase::OurRequestConfirm) {
+ if (result) {
+ peer.server().localHead().update([&] (const Stored<LocalState> & local) {
+ Service::Context ctx(new Service::Context::Priv {
+ .ref = *result,
+ .peer = peer,
+ .local = local,
+ });
+ handlePairingResult(ctx);
+ return ctx.local();
+ });
+ state->phase = StatePhase::PairingDone;
+ state->outcome.set_value(Outcome::Success);
+ } else {
+ state->phase = StatePhase::OurRequestReady;
+ }
+ } else if (state->phase == StatePhase::PeerRequestConfirm) {
+ peer.send(uuid(), handlePairingCompleteRef(peer));
+ state->phase = StatePhase::PairingDone;
+ state->outcome.set_value(Outcome::Success);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (state->phase != StatePhase::PairingFailed) {
+ peer.send(uuid(), Object(Record({{ "reject", Record::Item::Empty {} }})));
+ state->phase = StatePhase::PairingFailed;
+ state->outcome.set_value(Outcome::UserRejected);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/pubkey.cpp b/src/pubkey.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e89cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pubkey.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+#include "pubkey.h"
+#include <stdexcept>
+using std::unique_ptr;
+using std::runtime_error;
+using std::string;
+using namespace erebos;
+PublicKey PublicKey::load(const Ref & ref)
+ auto rec = ref->asRecord();
+ if (!rec)
+ return PublicKey(nullptr);
+ if (auto ktype = rec->item("type").asText())
+ if (ktype.value() != "ed25519")
+ throw runtime_error("unsupported key type " + ktype.value());
+ if (auto pubkey = rec->item("pubkey").asBinary())
+ return PublicKey(EVP_PKEY_new_raw_public_key(EVP_PKEY_ED25519, nullptr,
+ pubkey.value().data(), pubkey.value().size()));
+ return PublicKey(nullptr);
+Ref PublicKey::store(const Storage & st) const
+ vector<Record::Item> items;
+ items.emplace_back("type", "ed25519");
+ if (key) {
+ vector<uint8_t> keyData;
+ size_t keyLen;
+ EVP_PKEY_get_raw_public_key(key.get(), nullptr, &keyLen);
+ keyData.resize(keyLen);
+ EVP_PKEY_get_raw_public_key(key.get(),, &keyLen);
+ items.emplace_back("pubkey", keyData);
+ }
+ return st.storeObject(Record(std::move(items)));
+SecretKey SecretKey::generate(const Storage & st)
+ unique_ptr<EVP_PKEY_CTX, void(*)(EVP_PKEY_CTX*)>
+ pctx(EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id(EVP_PKEY_ED25519, NULL), &EVP_PKEY_CTX_free);
+ if (!pctx)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to generate key");
+ if (EVP_PKEY_keygen_init(pctx.get()) != 1)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to generate key");
+ EVP_PKEY *pkey = NULL;
+ if (EVP_PKEY_keygen(pctx.get(), &pkey) != 1)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to generate key");
+ shared_ptr<EVP_PKEY> seckey(pkey, EVP_PKEY_free);
+ vector<uint8_t> keyData;
+ size_t keyLen;
+ EVP_PKEY_get_raw_public_key(seckey.get(), nullptr, &keyLen);
+ keyData.resize(keyLen);
+ EVP_PKEY_get_raw_public_key(seckey.get(),, &keyLen);
+ auto pubkey =, nullptr,
+, keyData.size())));
+ EVP_PKEY_get_raw_private_key(seckey.get(), nullptr, &keyLen);
+ keyData.resize(keyLen);
+ EVP_PKEY_get_raw_private_key(seckey.get(),, &keyLen);
+ st.storeKey(pubkey.ref(), keyData);
+ return SecretKey(std::move(seckey), pubkey);
+optional<SecretKey> SecretKey::load(const Stored<PublicKey> & pub)
+ auto keyData = pub.ref().storage().loadKey(pub.ref());
+ if (!keyData)
+ return nullopt;
+ EVP_PKEY * key = EVP_PKEY_new_raw_private_key(EVP_PKEY_ED25519, nullptr,
+ keyData->data(), keyData->size());
+ if (!key)
+ throw runtime_error("falied to parse secret key");
+ return SecretKey(key, pub);
+optional<SecretKey> SecretKey::fromData(const Stored<PublicKey> & pub, const vector<uint8_t> & sdata)
+ shared_ptr<EVP_PKEY> pkey(
+ EVP_PKEY_new_raw_private_key(EVP_PKEY_ED25519, NULL,
+, sdata.size()),
+ EVP_PKEY_free);
+ if (!pkey)
+ return nullopt;
+ vector<uint8_t> keyData;
+ size_t keyLen;
+ EVP_PKEY_get_raw_public_key(pkey.get(), nullptr, &keyLen);
+ keyData.resize(keyLen);
+ EVP_PKEY_get_raw_public_key(pkey.get(),, &keyLen);
+ EVP_PKEY_get_raw_public_key(pub->key.get(), nullptr, &keyLen);
+ keyData.resize(keyLen);
+ EVP_PKEY_get_raw_public_key(pub->key.get(),, &keyLen);
+ if( EVP_PKEY_eq( pkey.get(), pub->key.get() ) != 1 )
+ return nullopt;
+ pub.ref().storage().storeKey(pub.ref(), sdata);
+ return SecretKey(std::move(pkey), pub);
+vector<uint8_t> SecretKey::getData() const
+ vector<uint8_t> keyData;
+ size_t keyLen;
+ EVP_PKEY_get_raw_private_key(key.get(), nullptr, &keyLen);
+ keyData.resize(keyLen);
+ EVP_PKEY_get_raw_private_key(key.get(),, &keyLen);
+ return keyData;
+vector<uint8_t> SecretKey::sign(const Digest & dgst) const
+ unique_ptr<EVP_MD_CTX, void(*)(EVP_MD_CTX*)>
+ mdctx(EVP_MD_CTX_create(), &EVP_MD_CTX_free);
+ if (!mdctx)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to create EVP_MD_CTX");
+ if (EVP_DigestSignInit(mdctx.get(), nullptr, EVP_md_null(),
+ nullptr, key.get()) != 1)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to initialize EVP_MD_CTX");
+ size_t sigLen;
+ if (EVP_DigestSign(mdctx.get(), nullptr, &sigLen,
+ dgst.arr().data(), Digest::size) != 1)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to sign data");
+ vector<uint8_t> sigData(sigLen);
+ if (EVP_DigestSign(mdctx.get(),, &sigLen,
+ dgst.arr().data(), Digest::size) != 1)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to sign data");
+ return sigData;
+Signature Signature::load(const Ref & ref)
+ if (auto rec = ref->asRecord())
+ if (auto key = rec->item("key").as<PublicKey>())
+ if (auto sig = rec->item("sig").asBinary())
+ return Signature(*key, *sig);
+ return Signature(Stored<PublicKey>::load(, {});
+Ref Signature::store(const Storage & st) const
+ vector<Record::Item> items;
+ items.emplace_back("key", key);
+ items.emplace_back("sig", sig);
+ return st.storeObject(Record(std::move(items)));
+bool Signature::verify(const Ref & ref) const
+ if (!key->key)
+ return false;
+ unique_ptr<EVP_MD_CTX, void(*)(EVP_MD_CTX*)>
+ mdctx(EVP_MD_CTX_create(), &EVP_MD_CTX_free);
+ if (!mdctx)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to create EVP_MD_CTX");
+ if (EVP_DigestVerifyInit(mdctx.get(), nullptr, EVP_md_null(),
+ nullptr, key->key.get()) != 1)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to initialize EVP_MD_CTX");
+ return EVP_DigestVerify(mdctx.get(),, sig.size(),
+ ref.digest().arr().data(), Digest::size) == 1;
+PublicKexKey PublicKexKey::load(const Ref & ref)
+ auto rec = ref->asRecord();
+ if (!rec)
+ return PublicKexKey(nullptr);
+ if (auto ktype = rec->item("type").asText())
+ if (ktype.value() != "x25519")
+ throw runtime_error("unsupported key type " + ktype.value());
+ if (auto pubkey = rec->item("pubkey").asBinary())
+ return PublicKexKey(EVP_PKEY_new_raw_public_key(EVP_PKEY_X25519, nullptr,
+ pubkey.value().data(), pubkey.value().size()));
+ return PublicKexKey(nullptr);
+Ref PublicKexKey::store(const Storage & st) const
+ vector<Record::Item> items;
+ items.emplace_back("type", "x25519");
+ if (key) {
+ vector<uint8_t> keyData;
+ size_t keyLen;
+ EVP_PKEY_get_raw_public_key(key.get(), nullptr, &keyLen);
+ keyData.resize(keyLen);
+ EVP_PKEY_get_raw_public_key(key.get(),, &keyLen);
+ items.emplace_back("pubkey", keyData);
+ }
+ return st.storeObject(Record(std::move(items)));
+SecretKexKey SecretKexKey::generate(const Storage & st)
+ unique_ptr<EVP_PKEY_CTX, void(*)(EVP_PKEY_CTX*)>
+ pctx(EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id(EVP_PKEY_X25519, NULL), &EVP_PKEY_CTX_free);
+ if (!pctx)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to generate key");
+ if (EVP_PKEY_keygen_init(pctx.get()) != 1)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to generate key");
+ EVP_PKEY *pkey = NULL;
+ if (EVP_PKEY_keygen(pctx.get(), &pkey) != 1)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to generate key");
+ shared_ptr<EVP_PKEY> seckey(pkey, EVP_PKEY_free);
+ vector<uint8_t> keyData;
+ size_t keyLen;
+ EVP_PKEY_get_raw_public_key(seckey.get(), nullptr, &keyLen);
+ keyData.resize(keyLen);
+ EVP_PKEY_get_raw_public_key(seckey.get(),, &keyLen);
+ auto pubkey =, nullptr,
+, keyData.size())));
+ EVP_PKEY_get_raw_private_key(seckey.get(), nullptr, &keyLen);
+ keyData.resize(keyLen);
+ EVP_PKEY_get_raw_private_key(seckey.get(),, &keyLen);
+ st.storeKey(pubkey.ref(), keyData);
+ return SecretKexKey(std::move(seckey), pubkey);
+optional<SecretKexKey> SecretKexKey::load(const Stored<PublicKexKey> & pub)
+ auto keyData = pub.ref().storage().loadKey(pub.ref());
+ if (!keyData)
+ return nullopt;
+ EVP_PKEY * key = EVP_PKEY_new_raw_private_key(EVP_PKEY_X25519, nullptr,
+ keyData->data(), keyData->size());
+ if (!key)
+ throw runtime_error("falied to parse secret key");
+ return SecretKexKey(key, pub);
+vector<uint8_t> SecretKexKey::dh(const PublicKexKey & pubkey) const
+ unique_ptr<EVP_PKEY_CTX, void(*)(EVP_PKEY_CTX*)>
+ pctx(EVP_PKEY_CTX_new(key.get(), nullptr), &EVP_PKEY_CTX_free);
+ if (!pctx)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to derive shared secret");
+ if (EVP_PKEY_derive_init(pctx.get()) <= 0)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to derive shared secret");
+ if (EVP_PKEY_derive_set_peer(pctx.get(), pubkey.key.get()) <= 0)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to derive shared secret");
+ size_t dhlen;
+ if (EVP_PKEY_derive(pctx.get(), NULL, &dhlen) <= 0)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to derive shared secret");
+ vector<uint8_t> dhsecret(dhlen);
+ if (EVP_PKEY_derive(pctx.get(),, &dhlen) <= 0)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to derive shared secret");
+ return dhsecret;
diff --git a/src/pubkey.h b/src/pubkey.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca662ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pubkey.h
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "storage.h"
+#include <openssl/evp.h>
+using std::nullopt;
+using std::optional;
+using std::shared_ptr;
+namespace erebos {
+template<typename T> class Signed;
+class PublicKey
+ PublicKey(EVP_PKEY * key):
+ key(key, EVP_PKEY_free) {}
+ friend class SecretKey;
+ static PublicKey load(const Ref &);
+ Ref store(const Storage &) const;
+ const shared_ptr<EVP_PKEY> key;
+class SecretKey
+ SecretKey(EVP_PKEY * key, const Stored<PublicKey> & pub):
+ key(key, EVP_PKEY_free), pub_(pub) {}
+ SecretKey(shared_ptr<EVP_PKEY> && key, const Stored<PublicKey> & pub):
+ key(key), pub_(pub) {}
+ static SecretKey generate(const Storage & st);
+ static optional<SecretKey> load(const Stored<PublicKey> & st);
+ static optional<SecretKey> fromData(const Stored<PublicKey> &, const vector<uint8_t> &);
+ vector<uint8_t> getData() const;
+ Stored<PublicKey> pub() const { return pub_; }
+ template<class T>
+ Stored<Signed<T>> sign(const Stored<T> &) const;
+ template<class T>
+ Stored<Signed<T>> signAdd(const Stored<Signed<T>> &) const;
+ vector<uint8_t> sign(const Digest &) const;
+ const shared_ptr<EVP_PKEY> key;
+ Stored<PublicKey> pub_;
+class Signature
+ static Signature load(const Ref &);
+ Ref store(const Storage &) const;
+ bool verify(const Ref &) const;
+ Stored<PublicKey> key;
+ vector<uint8_t> sig;
+ friend class SecretKey;
+ Signature(const Stored<PublicKey> & key, const vector<uint8_t> & sig):
+ key(key), sig(sig) {}
+template<typename T>
+class Signed
+ static Signed<T> load(const Ref &);
+ Ref store(const Storage &) const;
+ bool isSignedBy(const Stored<PublicKey> &) const;
+ const Stored<T> data;
+ const vector<Stored<Signature>> sigs;
+ friend class SecretKey;
+ Signed(const Stored<T> & data, const vector<Stored<Signature>> & sigs):
+ data(data), sigs(sigs) {}
+template<class T>
+Stored<Signed<T>> SecretKey::sign(const Stored<T> & val) const
+ auto st = val.ref().storage();
+ auto sig =, sign(val.ref().digest())));
+ return, { sig }));
+template<class T>
+Stored<Signed<T>> SecretKey::signAdd(const Stored<Signed<T>> & val) const
+ auto st = val.ref().storage();
+ auto sig =, sign(val.ref().digest())));
+ auto sigs = val->sigs;
+ sigs.push_back(, sign(val->data.ref().digest()))));
+ return>data, sigs));
+template<typename T>
+Signed<T> Signed<T>::load(const Ref & ref)
+ if (auto rec = ref->asRecord())
+ if (auto data = rec->item("SDATA").as<T>()) {
+ vector<Stored<Signature>> sigs;
+ for (const auto & sig : rec->items("sig").as<Signature>())
+ if (sig->verify(data.value().ref()))
+ sigs.push_back(sig);
+ return Signed(*data, sigs);
+ }
+ return Signed(Stored<T>::load(, {});
+template<typename T>
+Ref Signed<T>::store(const Storage & st) const
+ vector<Record::Item> items;
+ items.emplace_back("SDATA", data);
+ for (const auto & sig : sigs)
+ items.emplace_back("sig", sig);
+ return st.storeObject(Record(std::move(items)));
+template<typename T>
+bool Signed<T>::isSignedBy(const Stored<PublicKey> & key) const
+ for (const auto & sig : sigs)
+ if (sig->key == key)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+class PublicKexKey
+ PublicKexKey(EVP_PKEY * key):
+ key(key, EVP_PKEY_free) {}
+ friend class SecretKexKey;
+ static PublicKexKey load(const Ref &);
+ Ref store(const Storage &) const;
+ const shared_ptr<EVP_PKEY> key;
+class SecretKexKey
+ SecretKexKey(EVP_PKEY * key, const Stored<PublicKexKey> & pub):
+ key(key, EVP_PKEY_free), pub_(pub) {}
+ SecretKexKey(shared_ptr<EVP_PKEY> && key, const Stored<PublicKexKey> & pub):
+ key(key), pub_(pub) {}
+ static SecretKexKey generate(const Storage & st);
+ static optional<SecretKexKey> load(const Stored<PublicKexKey> & st);
+ Stored<PublicKexKey> pub() const { return pub_; }
+ vector<uint8_t> dh(const PublicKexKey &) const;
+ const shared_ptr<EVP_PKEY> key;
+ Stored<PublicKexKey> pub_;
diff --git a/src/service.cpp b/src/service.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc1ec5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/service.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#include "service.h"
+using namespace erebos;
+Service::Service() = default;
+Service::~Service() = default;
+Service::Context::Context(Priv * p):
+ p(p)
+Service::Context::Priv & Service::Context::priv()
+ return *p;
+const Ref & Service::Context::ref() const
+ return p->ref;
+const Peer & Service::Context::peer() const
+ return p->peer;
+const Stored<LocalState> & Service::Context::local() const
+ return p->local;
+void Service::Context::local(const LocalState & ls)
+ p->local = p->local.ref().storage().store(ls);
+void Service::Context::afterCommit(function<void()> hook)
+ p->afterCommit.push_back(move(hook));
+void Service::Context::runAfterCommitHooks() const
+ for (const auto & hook : p->afterCommit)
+ hook();
diff --git a/src/service.h b/src/service.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dada1fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/service.h
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <erebos/network.h>
+#include <erebos/service.h>
+namespace erebos {
+struct Service::Context::Priv
+ Ref ref;
+ Peer peer;
+ Stored<LocalState> local;
+ vector<function<void()>> afterCommit {};
diff --git a/src/set.cpp b/src/set.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce343d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/set.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+#include "set.h"
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <utility>
+namespace erebos {
+using std::pair;
+using std::unordered_map;
+using std::unordered_set;
+using std::move;
+ p(make_shared<Priv>())
+SetBase::SetBase(const vector<Ref> & refs)
+ vector<Stored<SetItem>> items;
+ for (const auto & r : refs)
+ items.push_back(Stored<SetItem>::load(r));
+ p = shared_ptr<Priv>(new Priv {
+ .items = move(items),
+ });
+SetBase::SetBase(shared_ptr<const Priv> p_):
+ p(move(p_))
+shared_ptr<const SetBase::Priv> SetBase::add(const Storage & st, const vector<Ref> & refs) const
+ auto item = {
+ .prev = p->items,
+ .item = refs,
+ });
+ return shared_ptr<const Priv>(new Priv {
+ .items = { move(item) },
+ });
+static void gatherSetItems(unordered_set<Digest> & seenSet, unordered_set<Digest> & seenElem,
+ vector<Ref> & res, const Stored<SetItem> & item)
+ if (!seenElem.insert(item.ref().digest()).second)
+ return;
+ for (const auto & r : item->item)
+ if (seenSet.insert(r.digest()).second)
+ res.push_back(r);
+ for (const auto & p : item->prev)
+ gatherSetItems(seenSet, seenElem, res, p);
+vector<vector<Ref>> SetBase::toList() const
+ /* Splits the graph starting from all set item refs into connected
+ * components (partitions), each such partition makes one set item,
+ * merged together in the templated SetView constructor. */
+ // Gather all item references
+ vector<Ref> items;
+ {
+ unordered_set<Digest> seenSet, seenElem;
+ for (const auto & i : p->items)
+ gatherSetItems(seenSet, seenElem, items, i);
+ }
+ unordered_map<Digest, unsigned> partMap; // maps item ref to partition number
+ vector<unsigned> partMerge; // maps partitions to resulting one after partition merge
+ // Use (cached) root set for assigning partition numbers
+ for (const auto & item : items) {
+ const auto roots = item.roots();
+ unsigned part = partMerge.size();
+ // If any root has partition number already, pick the smallest one
+ for (const auto & rdgst : roots) {
+ auto it = partMap.find(rdgst);
+ if (it != partMap.end() && it->second < part)
+ part = it->second;
+ }
+ // Update partition number for the roots and if this item
+ // merges some partitions, also update the merge info
+ for (const auto & rdgst : roots) {
+ auto it = partMap.find(rdgst);
+ if (it == partMap.end()) {
+ partMap.emplace(rdgst, part);
+ } else if (it->second != part) {
+ partMerge[it->second] = part;
+ it->second = part;
+ }
+ }
+ // If no existing partition has been touched, mark a new one
+ if (part == partMerge.size())
+ partMerge.push_back(part);
+ // And store resulting partition number
+ partMap.emplace(item.digest(), part);
+ }
+ // Get all the refs for each partition
+ vector<vector<Ref>> res(partMerge.size());
+ for (const auto & item : items) {
+ unsigned part = partMap[item.digest()];
+ for (unsigned p = partMerge[part]; p != part; p = partMerge[p])
+ part = p;
+ res[part].push_back(item);
+ }
+ // Remove empty elements (merged partitions) from result list
+ res.erase(std::remove(res.begin(), res.end(), vector<Ref>()), res.end());
+ return res;
+bool SetBase::operator==(const SetBase & other) const
+ return p->items == other.p->items;
+bool SetBase::operator!=(const SetBase & other) const
+ return !(*this == other);
+vector<Digest> SetBase::digests() const
+ vector<Digest> res;
+ res.reserve(p->items.size());
+ for (const auto & i : p->items)
+ res.push_back(i.ref().digest());
+ return res;
+vector<Ref> SetBase::store() const
+ vector<Ref> res;
+ res.reserve(p->items.size());
+ for (const auto & i : p->items)
+ res.push_back(i.ref());
+ return res;
+SetItem SetItem::load(const Ref & ref)
+ if (auto rec = ref->asRecord()) {
+ return SetItem {
+ .prev = rec->items("PREV").as<SetItem>(),
+ .item = rec->items("item").asRef(),
+ };
+ }
+ return SetItem {
+ .prev = {},
+ .item = {},
+ };
+Ref SetItem::store(const Storage & st) const
+ vector<Record::Item> items;
+ for (const auto & p : prev)
+ items.emplace_back("PREV", p.ref());
+ for (const auto & r : item)
+ items.emplace_back("item", r);
+ return st.storeObject(Record(std::move(items)));
diff --git a/src/set.h b/src/set.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffbcbd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/set.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#include <erebos/set.h>
+namespace erebos {
+struct SetItem
+ static SetItem load(const Ref &);
+ Ref store(const Storage & st) const;
+ const vector<Stored<SetItem>> prev;
+ const vector<Ref> item;
+struct SetBase::Priv
+ vector<Stored<SetItem>> items;
diff --git a/src/state.cpp b/src/state.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31171d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/state.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+#include "state.h"
+#include "identity.h"
+using namespace erebos;
+using std::make_shared;
+const UUID LocalState::headTypeId { "1d7491a9-7bcb-4eaa-8f13-c8c4c4087e4e" };
+ p(make_shared<Priv>())
+LocalState::LocalState(const Ref & ref):
+ LocalState()
+ auto rec = ref->asRecord();
+ if (!rec)
+ return;
+ if (auto x = rec->item("id").asRef())
+ p->identity = Identity::load(*x);
+ p->shared.tip = rec->items("shared").as<SharedData>();
+ if (p->identity) {
+ vector<StoredIdentityPart> updates;
+ for (const auto & r : lookupShared(SharedType<optional<Identity>>::id))
+ updates.push_back(StoredIdentityPart::load(r));
+ if (!updates.empty())
+ p->identity = p->identity->update(updates);
+ }
+Ref LocalState::store(const Storage & st) const
+ vector<Record::Item> items;
+ if (p->identity)
+ items.emplace_back("id", *p->identity->extRef());
+ for (const auto & x : p->shared.tip)
+ items.emplace_back("shared", x);
+ return st.storeObject(Record(std::move(items)));
+const optional<Identity> & LocalState::identity() const
+ return p->identity;
+LocalState LocalState::identity(const Identity & id) const
+ LocalState ret;
+ ret.p->identity = id;
+ ret.p->shared = p->shared;
+ return ret;
+vector<Ref> LocalState::lookupShared(UUID type) const
+ return p->shared.lookup(type);
+vector<Ref> SharedState::lookup(UUID type) const
+ return p->lookup(type);
+vector<Ref> SharedState::Priv::lookup(UUID type) const
+ vector<Stored<SharedData>> found;
+ vector<Stored<SharedData>> process = tip;
+ while (!process.empty()) {
+ auto cur = std::move(process.back());
+ process.pop_back();
+ if (cur->type == type) {
+ found.push_back(std::move(cur));
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (const auto & x : cur->prev)
+ process.push_back(x);
+ }
+ filterAncestors(found);
+ vector<Ref> res;
+ for (const auto & s : found)
+ for (const auto & v : s->value)
+ res.push_back(v);
+ return res;
+vector<Ref> LocalState::sharedRefs() const
+ vector<Ref> refs;
+ for (const auto & x : p->shared.tip)
+ refs.push_back(x.ref());
+ return refs;
+LocalState LocalState::sharedRefAdd(const Ref & ref) const
+ const Storage * st;
+ if (p->shared.tip.size() > 0)
+ st = &p->shared.tip[0].ref().storage();
+ else if (p->identity)
+ st = &p->identity->ref()->storage();
+ else
+ st = &;
+ LocalState ret;
+ ret.p->identity = p->identity;
+ ret.p->shared = p->shared;
+ ret.p->shared.tip.push_back(SharedData(ref).store(*st));
+ filterAncestors(ret.p->shared.tip);
+ return ret;
+LocalState LocalState::updateShared(UUID type, const vector<Ref> & xs) const
+ const Storage * st;
+ if (p->shared.tip.size() > 0)
+ st = &p->shared.tip[0].ref().storage();
+ else if (p->identity)
+ st = &p->identity->ref()->storage();
+ else if (xs.size() > 0)
+ st = &xs[0].storage();
+ else
+ return *this;
+ LocalState ret;
+ ret.p->identity = p->identity;
+ ret.p->shared.tip.push_back(SharedData(p->shared.tip, type, xs).store(*st));
+ return ret;
+bool SharedState::operator==(const SharedState & other) const
+ return p->tip == other.p->tip;
+bool SharedState::operator!=(const SharedState & other) const
+ return p->tip != other.p->tip;
+SharedData::SharedData(const Ref & ref)
+ auto rec = ref->asRecord();
+ if (!rec)
+ return;
+ prev = rec->items("PREV").as<SharedData>();
+ if (auto x = rec->item("type").asUUID())
+ type = *x;
+ value = rec->items("value").asRef();
+Ref SharedData::store(const Storage & st) const
+ vector<Record::Item> items;
+ for (const auto & x : prev)
+ items.emplace_back("PREV", x);
+ items.emplace_back("type", type);
+ for (const auto & x : value)
+ items.emplace_back("value", x);
+ return st.storeObject(Record(std::move(items)));
+optional<Identity> LocalState::lens<optional<Identity>>(const LocalState & x)
+ return x.identity();
+vector<Ref> LocalState::lens<vector<Ref>>(const LocalState & x)
+ return x.sharedRefs();
+SharedState LocalState::lens<SharedState>(const LocalState & x)
+ return SharedState(shared_ptr<SharedState::Priv>(x.p, &x.p->shared));
diff --git a/src/state.h b/src/state.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..397a906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/state.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <erebos/state.h>
+#include <erebos/identity.h>
+#include "pubkey.h"
+using std::optional;
+using std::shared_ptr;
+using std::vector;
+namespace erebos {
+struct SharedState::Priv
+ vector<Ref> lookup(UUID) const;
+ vector<Stored<struct SharedData>> tip;
+struct LocalState::Priv
+ optional<Identity> identity;
+ SharedState::Priv shared;
+struct SharedData
+ explicit SharedData(vector<Stored<SharedData>> prev,
+ UUID type, vector<Ref> value):
+ prev(prev), type(type), value(value) {}
+ explicit SharedData(const Ref &);
+ static SharedData load(const Ref & ref) { return SharedData(ref); }
+ Ref store(const Storage &) const;
+ vector<Stored<SharedData>> prev;
+ UUID type;
+ vector<Ref> value;
diff --git a/src/storage.cpp b/src/storage.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd985c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/storage.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1697 @@
+#include "storage.h"
+#include <charconv>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <thread>
+#include <poll.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/eventfd.h>
+#include <sys/inotify.h>
+#include <blake2.h>
+#include <zlib.h>
+using namespace erebos;
+using std::array;
+using std::copy;
+using std::get;
+using std::holds_alternative;
+using std::ifstream;
+using std::invalid_argument;
+using std::is_same_v;
+using std::make_shared;
+using std::make_unique;
+using std::monostate;
+using std::nullopt;
+using std::ofstream;
+using std::out_of_range;
+using std::runtime_error;
+using std::scoped_lock;
+using std::shared_ptr;
+using std::string;
+using std::system_error;
+using std::to_string;
+using std::weak_ptr;
+void StorageWatchCallback::schedule(UUID uuid, const Digest & dgst)
+ scoped_lock lock(runMutex);
+ scheduled.emplace(uuid, dgst);
+void StorageWatchCallback::run()
+ scoped_lock lock(runMutex);
+ if (scheduled) {
+ auto [uuid, dgst] = *scheduled;
+ scheduled.reset(); // avoid running the callback twice
+ callback(uuid, dgst);
+ }
+FilesystemStorage::FilesystemStorage(const fs::path & path):
+ root(path)
+ if (inotifyWakeup >= 0) {
+ uint64_t x = 1;
+ write(inotifyWakeup, &x, sizeof(x));
+ }
+ if (watcherThread.joinable())
+ watcherThread.join();
+ if (inotify >= 0)
+ close(inotify);
+ if (inotifyWakeup >= 0)
+ close(inotifyWakeup);
+bool FilesystemStorage::contains(const Digest & digest) const
+ return fs::exists(objectPath(digest));
+optional<vector<uint8_t>> FilesystemStorage::loadBytes(const Digest & digest) const
+ vector<uint8_t> in(CHUNK);
+ vector<uint8_t> out;
+ size_t decoded = 0;
+ z_stream strm;
+ strm.zalloc = Z_NULL;
+ strm.zfree = Z_NULL;
+ strm.opaque = Z_NULL;
+ strm.avail_in = 0;
+ strm.next_in = Z_NULL;
+ int ret = inflateInit(&strm);
+ if (ret != Z_OK)
+ throw runtime_error("zlib initialization failed");
+ ifstream fin(objectPath(digest), std::ios::binary);
+ if (!fin.is_open())
+ return nullopt;
+ while (!fin.eof() && ret != Z_STREAM_END) {
+*), in.size());
+ if (fin.bad()) {
+ inflateEnd(&strm);
+ throw runtime_error("failed to read stored file");
+ }
+ strm.avail_in = fin.gcount();
+ if (strm.avail_in == 0)
+ break;
+ strm.next_in =;
+ do {
+ if (out.size() < decoded + in.size())
+ out.resize(decoded + in.size());
+ strm.avail_out = out.size() - decoded;
+ strm.next_out = + decoded;
+ ret = inflate(&strm, Z_NO_FLUSH);
+ switch (ret) {
+ case Z_NEED_DICT:
+ case Z_DATA_ERROR:
+ case Z_MEM_ERROR:
+ inflateEnd(&strm);
+ throw runtime_error("zlib decoding failed");
+ }
+ decoded = out.size() - strm.avail_out;
+ } while (strm.avail_out == 0);
+ }
+ inflateEnd(&strm);
+ if (ret != Z_STREAM_END)
+ throw runtime_error("zlib decoding failed");
+ out.resize(decoded);
+ return out;
+void FilesystemStorage::storeBytes(const Digest & digest, const vector<uint8_t> & in)
+ vector<uint8_t> out(CHUNK);
+ z_stream strm;
+ strm.zalloc = Z_NULL;
+ strm.zfree = Z_NULL;
+ strm.opaque = Z_NULL;
+ int ret = deflateInit(&strm, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
+ if (ret != Z_OK)
+ throw runtime_error("zlib initialization failed");
+ auto path = objectPath(digest);
+ auto lock = path;
+ lock += ".lock";
+ FILE * f = openLockFile(lock);
+ if (fs::exists(path)) {
+ if (f) {
+ fclose(f);
+ fs::remove(lock);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!f)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to open storage file");
+ strm.avail_in = in.size();
+ strm.next_in = const_cast<uint8_t*>(;
+ do {
+ strm.avail_out = out.size();
+ strm.next_out =;
+ ret = deflate(&strm, Z_FINISH);
+ if (ret == Z_STREAM_ERROR)
+ break;
+ size_t have = out.size() - strm.avail_out;
+ if (fwrite(, 1, have, f) != have || ferror(f)) {
+ ret = Z_ERRNO;
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (strm.avail_out == 0);
+ fclose(f);
+ deflateEnd(&strm);
+ if (strm.avail_in != 0 || ret != Z_STREAM_END) {
+ fs::remove(lock);
+ throw runtime_error("failed to deflate object");
+ }
+ fs::rename(lock, path);
+optional<Digest> FilesystemStorage::headRef(UUID type, UUID id) const
+ ifstream fin(headPath(type, id));
+ if (!fin)
+ return nullopt;
+ string sdgst;
+ fin >> sdgst;
+ return Digest(sdgst);
+vector<tuple<UUID, Digest>> FilesystemStorage::headRefs(UUID type) const
+ vector<tuple<UUID, Digest>> res;
+ string stype(type);
+ fs::path ptype(stype.begin(), stype.end());
+ try {
+ for (const auto & p : fs::directory_iterator(root/"heads"/ptype))
+ if (auto u = UUID::fromString(p.path().filename())) {
+ ifstream fin(p.path());
+ if (fin) {
+ string sdgst;
+ fin >> sdgst;
+ res.emplace_back(*u, Digest(sdgst));
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (const fs::filesystem_error & e) {
+ if (e.code() == std::errc::no_such_file_or_directory)
+ return {};
+ throw e;
+ }
+ return res;
+UUID FilesystemStorage::storeHead(UUID type, const Digest & dgst)
+ auto id = UUID::generate();
+ auto path = headPath(type, id);
+ fs::create_directories(path.parent_path());
+ ofstream fout(path);
+ if (!fout)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to open head file");
+ fout << string(dgst) << '\n';
+ return id;
+bool FilesystemStorage::replaceHead(UUID type, UUID id, const Digest & old, const Digest & dgst)
+ auto path = headPath(type, id);
+ auto lock = path;
+ lock += ".lock";
+ FILE * f = openLockFile(lock);
+ if (!f)
+ throw runtime_error(("failed to lock head file " + string(path) +
+ ": " + string(strerror(errno))).c_str());
+ string scur;
+ ifstream fin(path);
+ fin >> scur;
+ fin.close();
+ Digest cur(scur);
+ if (cur != old) {
+ fclose(f);
+ unlink(lock.c_str());
+ return false;
+ }
+ fprintf(f, "%s\n", string(dgst).c_str());
+ fclose(f);
+ fs::rename(lock, path);
+ return true;
+int FilesystemStorage::watchHead(UUID type, const function<void(UUID id, const Digest &)> & watcher)
+ scoped_lock lock(watcherLock);
+ int wid = nextWatcherId++;
+ if (inotify < 0) {
+ inotify = inotify_init();
+ if (inotify < 0)
+ throw system_error(errno, std::generic_category());
+ inotifyWakeup = eventfd(0, 0);
+ if (inotifyWakeup < 0)
+ throw system_error(errno, std::generic_category());
+ watcherThread = std::thread(&FilesystemStorage::inotifyWatch, this);
+ }
+ if (watchers.find(type) == watchers.end()) {
+ int wd = inotify_add_watch(inotify, headPath(type).c_str(), IN_MOVED_TO);
+ if (wd < 0)
+ throw system_error(errno, std::generic_category());
+ watchMap[wd] = type;
+ }
+ watchers.emplace(type, make_shared<StorageWatchCallback>(wid, watcher));
+ return wid;
+void FilesystemStorage::unwatchHead(UUID type, int wid)
+ shared_ptr<StorageWatchCallback> cb;
+ {
+ scoped_lock lock(watcherLock);
+ if (inotify < 0)
+ return;
+ auto range = watchers.equal_range(type);
+ for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; it++) {
+ if (it->second->id == wid) {
+ cb = move(it->second);
+ watchers.erase(it);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (watchers.find(type) == watchers.end()) {
+ for (auto it = watchMap.begin(); it != watchMap.end(); it++) {
+ if (it->second == type) {
+ if (inotify_rm_watch(inotify, it->first) < 0)
+ throw system_error(errno, std::generic_category());
+ watchMap.erase(it);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Run the last callback if scheduled and not yet executed
+ if (cb)
+ cb->run();
+optional<vector<uint8_t>> FilesystemStorage::loadKey(const Digest & pubref) const
+ fs::path path = keyPath(pubref);
+ std::error_code err;
+ size_t size = fs::file_size(path, err);
+ if (err)
+ return nullopt;
+ vector<uint8_t> key(size);
+ ifstream file(keyPath(pubref));
+ *), size);
+ return key;
+void FilesystemStorage::storeKey(const Digest & pubref, const vector<uint8_t> & key)
+ fs::path path = keyPath(pubref);
+ fs::create_directories(path.parent_path());
+ ofstream file(path);
+ file.write((const char *), key.size());
+void FilesystemStorage::inotifyWatch()
+ char buf[4096]
+ __attribute__ ((aligned(__alignof__(struct inotify_event))));
+ const struct inotify_event * event;
+ array pfds {
+ pollfd { inotify, POLLIN, 0 },
+ pollfd { inotifyWakeup, POLLIN, 0 },
+ };
+ while (true) {
+ int ret = poll(, pfds.size(), -1);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ throw system_error(errno, std::generic_category());
+ if (!(pfds[0].revents & POLLIN))
+ break;
+ ssize_t len = read(inotify, buf, sizeof buf);
+ if (len < 0) {
+ if (errno == EAGAIN)
+ continue;
+ throw system_error(errno, std::generic_category());
+ }
+ if (len == 0)
+ break;
+ for (char * ptr = buf; ptr < buf + len;
+ ptr += sizeof(struct inotify_event) + event->len) {
+ event = (const struct inotify_event *) ptr;
+ if (event->mask & IN_MOVED_TO) {
+ vector<shared_ptr<StorageWatchCallback>> callbacks;
+ {
+ // Copy relevant callbacks to temporary array, so they
+ // can be called without holding the watcherLock.
+ scoped_lock lock(watcherLock);
+ UUID type = watchMap[event->wd];
+ if (auto mbid = UUID::fromString(event->name)) {
+ if (auto mbref = headRef(type, *mbid)) {
+ auto range = watchers.equal_range(type);
+ for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; it++) {
+ it->second->schedule(*mbid, *mbref);
+ callbacks.push_back(it->second);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto & cb : callbacks)
+ cb->run();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+fs::path FilesystemStorage::objectPath(const Digest & digest) const
+ string name(digest);
+ size_t delim = name.find('#');
+ return root/"objects"/
+ fs::path(name.begin(), name.begin() + delim)/
+ fs::path(name.begin() + delim + 1, name.begin() + delim + 3)/
+ fs::path(name.begin() + delim + 3, name.end());
+fs::path FilesystemStorage::headPath(UUID type) const
+ string stype(type);
+ return root/"heads"/fs::path(stype.begin(), stype.end());
+fs::path FilesystemStorage::headPath(UUID type, UUID id) const
+ string sid(id);
+ return headPath(type) / fs::path(sid.begin(), sid.end());
+fs::path FilesystemStorage::keyPath(const Digest & digest) const
+ string name(digest);
+ return root/"keys"/fs::path(name.begin(), name.end());
+FILE * FilesystemStorage::openLockFile(const fs::path & path) const
+ fs::create_directories(path.parent_path());
+ // No way to use open exclusively in c++ stdlib
+ FILE *f = nullptr;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ f = fopen(path.c_str(), "wbxe");
+ if (f || errno != EEXIST)
+ break;
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100));
+ }
+ return f;
+bool MemoryStorage::contains(const Digest & digest) const
+ return storage.find(digest) != storage.end();
+optional<vector<uint8_t>> MemoryStorage::loadBytes(const Digest & digest) const
+ auto it = storage.find(digest);
+ if (it != storage.end())
+ return it->second;
+ return nullopt;
+void MemoryStorage::storeBytes(const Digest & digest, const vector<uint8_t> & content)
+ storage.emplace(digest, content);
+optional<Digest> MemoryStorage::headRef(UUID type, UUID id) const
+ auto it = heads.find(type);
+ if (it == heads.end())
+ return nullopt;
+ for (const auto & x : it->second)
+ if (get<UUID>(x) == id)
+ return get<Digest>(x);
+ return nullopt;
+vector<tuple<UUID, Digest>> MemoryStorage::headRefs(UUID type) const
+ auto it = heads.find(type);
+ if (it != heads.end())
+ return it->second;
+ return {};
+UUID MemoryStorage::storeHead(UUID type, const Digest & dgst)
+ auto id = UUID::generate();
+ auto it = heads.find(type);
+ if (it == heads.end())
+ heads[type] = { { id, dgst } };
+ else
+ it->second.emplace_back(id, dgst);
+ return id;
+bool MemoryStorage::replaceHead(UUID type, UUID id, const Digest & old, const Digest & dgst)
+ auto it = heads.find(type);
+ if (it == heads.end())
+ return false;
+ for (auto & x : it->second)
+ if (get<UUID>(x) == id) {
+ if (get<Digest>(x) == old) {
+ get<Digest>(x) = dgst;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+int MemoryStorage::watchHead(UUID type, const function<void(UUID id, const Digest &)> & watcher)
+ scoped_lock lock(watcherLock);
+ int wid = nextWatcherId++;
+ watchers.emplace(type, make_shared<StorageWatchCallback>(wid, watcher));
+ return wid;
+void MemoryStorage::unwatchHead(UUID type, int wid)
+ shared_ptr<StorageWatchCallback> cb;
+ {
+ scoped_lock lock(watcherLock);
+ auto range = watchers.equal_range(type);
+ for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; it++) {
+ if (it->second->id == wid) {
+ cb = move(it->second);
+ watchers.erase(it);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Run the last callback if scheduled and not yet executed
+ if (cb)
+ cb->run();
+optional<vector<uint8_t>> MemoryStorage::loadKey(const Digest & digest) const
+ auto it = keys.find(digest);
+ if (it != keys.end())
+ return it->second;
+ return nullopt;
+void MemoryStorage::storeKey(const Digest & digest, const vector<uint8_t> & content)
+ keys.emplace(digest, content);
+bool ChainStorage::contains(const Digest & digest) const
+ return storage->contains(digest) ||
+ (parent && parent->contains(digest));
+optional<vector<uint8_t>> ChainStorage::loadBytes(const Digest & digest) const
+ if (auto res = storage->loadBytes(digest))
+ return res;
+ if (parent)
+ return parent->loadBytes(digest);
+ return nullopt;
+void ChainStorage::storeBytes(const Digest & digest, const vector<uint8_t> & content)
+ storage->storeBytes(digest, content);
+optional<Digest> ChainStorage::headRef(UUID type, UUID id) const
+ if (auto res = storage->headRef(type, id))
+ return res;
+ if (parent)
+ return parent->headRef(type, id);
+ return nullopt;
+vector<tuple<UUID, Digest>> ChainStorage::headRefs(UUID type) const
+ auto res = storage->headRefs(type);
+ if (parent)
+ for (auto x : parent->headRefs(type)) {
+ bool add = true;
+ for (const auto & y : res)
+ if (get<UUID>(y) == get<UUID>(x)) {
+ add = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (add)
+ res.push_back(x);
+ }
+ return res;
+UUID ChainStorage::storeHead(UUID type, const Digest & dgst)
+ return storage->storeHead(type, dgst);
+bool ChainStorage::replaceHead(UUID type, UUID id, const Digest & old, const Digest & dgst)
+ return storage->replaceHead(type, id, old, dgst);
+int ChainStorage::watchHead(UUID type, const function<void(UUID id, const Digest &)> & watcher)
+ scoped_lock lock(watcherLock);
+ int wid = nextWatcherId++;
+ int id1 = parent->watchHead(type, watcher);
+ int id2 = storage->watchHead(type, watcher);
+ watchers.emplace(wid, tuple(id1, id2));
+ return wid;
+void ChainStorage::unwatchHead(UUID type, int wid)
+ scoped_lock lock(watcherLock);
+ auto [id1, id2] = watchers.extract(wid).mapped();
+ parent->unwatchHead(type, id1);
+ storage->unwatchHead(type, id2);
+optional<vector<uint8_t>> ChainStorage::loadKey(const Digest & digest) const
+ if (auto res = storage->loadKey(digest))
+ return res;
+ if (parent)
+ return parent->loadKey(digest);
+ return nullopt;
+void ChainStorage::storeKey(const Digest & digest, const vector<uint8_t> & content)
+ storage->storeKey(digest, content);
+Storage::Storage(const fs::path & path):
+ PartialStorage(shared_ptr<Priv>(new Priv { .backend = make_shared<FilesystemStorage>(path) }))
+Storage Storage::deriveEphemeralStorage() const
+ return Storage(shared_ptr<Priv>(new Priv { .backend =
+ make_shared<ChainStorage>(
+ make_shared<MemoryStorage>(),
+ make_unique<ChainStorage>(p->backend)
+ )}));
+PartialStorage Storage::derivePartialStorage() const
+ return PartialStorage(shared_ptr<Priv>(new Priv { .backend =
+ make_shared<ChainStorage>(
+ make_shared<MemoryStorage>(),
+ make_unique<ChainStorage>(p->backend)
+ )}));
+bool PartialStorage::operator==(const PartialStorage & other) const
+ return p == other.p;
+bool PartialStorage::operator!=(const PartialStorage & other) const
+ return p != other.p;
+PartialRef PartialStorage::ref(const Digest & digest) const
+ return PartialRef::create(*this, digest);
+optional<Ref> Storage::ref(const Digest & digest) const
+ return Ref::create(*this, digest);
+Ref Storage::zref() const
+ return Ref::zcreate(*this);
+Digest PartialStorage::Priv::storeBytes(const vector<uint8_t> & content) const
+ Digest digest = Digest::of(content);
+ backend->storeBytes(digest, content);
+ return digest;
+optional<vector<uint8_t>> PartialStorage::Priv::loadBytes(const Digest & digest) const
+ auto ocontent = backend->loadBytes(digest);
+ if (!ocontent.has_value())
+ return nullopt;
+ auto content = ocontent.value();
+ if (digest != Digest::of(content))
+ throw runtime_error("digest verification failed");
+ return content;
+optional<PartialObject> PartialStorage::loadObject(const Digest & digest) const
+ if (digest.isZero())
+ return PartialObject(monostate());
+ if (auto content = p->loadBytes(digest))
+ return PartialObject::decode(*this, *content);
+ return nullopt;
+PartialRef PartialStorage::storeObject(const PartialObject & obj) const
+ if (not obj)
+ return PartialRef::zcreate(*this);
+ return ref(p->storeBytes(obj.encode()));
+PartialRef PartialStorage::storeObject(const PartialRecord & val) const
+{ return storeObject(PartialObject(val)); }
+PartialRef PartialStorage::storeObject(const Blob & val) const
+{ return storeObject(PartialObject(val)); }
+optional<Object> Storage::loadObject(const Digest & digest) const
+ if (digest.isZero())
+ return Object(monostate());
+ if (auto content = p->loadBytes(digest))
+ return Object::decode(*this, *content);
+ return nullopt;
+Ref Storage::storeObject(const Object & object) const
+{ return copy(object); }
+Ref Storage::storeObject(const Record & val) const
+{ return storeObject(Object(val)); }
+Ref Storage::storeObject(const Blob & val) const
+{ return storeObject(Object(val)); }
+template<class S>
+optional<Digest> Storage::Priv::copy(const typename S::Ref & pref, vector<Digest> * missing) const
+ if (pref.digest().isZero())
+ return pref.digest();
+ if (backend->contains(pref.digest()))
+ return pref.digest();
+ if (pref)
+ return copy<S>(*pref, missing);
+ if (missing)
+ missing->push_back(pref.digest());
+ return nullopt;
+template<class S>
+optional<Digest> Storage::Priv::copy(const ObjectT<S> & pobj, vector<Digest> * missing) const
+ if (not pobj)
+ return Digest(array<uint8_t, Digest::size> {});
+ bool fail = false;
+ if (auto rec = pobj.asRecord())
+ for (const auto & r : rec->items().asRef())
+ if (!copy<S>(r, missing))
+ fail = true;
+ if (fail)
+ return nullopt;
+ return storeBytes(pobj.encode());
+variant<Ref, vector<Digest>> Storage::copy(const PartialRef & pref) const
+ vector<Digest> missing;
+ if (auto digest = p->copy<PartialStorage>(pref, &missing))
+ return Ref::create(*this, *digest).value();
+ return missing;
+variant<Ref, vector<Digest>> Storage::copy(const PartialObject & pobj) const
+ vector<Digest> missing;
+ if (auto digest = p->copy<PartialStorage>(pobj, &missing))
+ return Ref::create(*this, *digest).value();
+ return missing;
+Ref Storage::copy(const Ref & ref) const
+ if (auto digest = p->copy<Storage>(ref, nullptr))
+ return Ref::create(*this, *digest).value();
+ throw runtime_error("corrupted storage");
+Ref Storage::copy(const Object & obj) const
+ if (auto digest = p->copy<Storage>(obj, nullptr))
+ return Ref::create(*this, *digest).value();
+ throw runtime_error("corrupted storage");
+void Storage::storeKey(Ref pubref, const vector<uint8_t> & key) const
+ p->backend->storeKey(pubref.digest(), key);
+optional<vector<uint8_t>> Storage::loadKey(Ref pubref) const
+ return p->backend->loadKey(pubref.digest());
+optional<Ref> Storage::headRef(UUID type, UUID id) const
+ if (auto dgst = p->backend->headRef(type, id))
+ return ref(*dgst);
+ return nullopt;
+vector<tuple<UUID, Ref>> Storage::headRefs(UUID type) const
+ vector<tuple<UUID, Ref>> res;
+ for (auto x : p->backend->headRefs(type))
+ if (auto r = ref(get<Digest>(x)))
+ res.emplace_back(get<UUID>(x), *r);
+ return res;
+UUID Storage::storeHead(UUID type, const Ref & ref)
+ return>backend->storeHead(type, ref.digest());
+bool Storage::replaceHead(UUID type, UUID id, const Ref & old, const Ref & ref)
+ return>backend->replaceHead(type, id, old.digest(), ref.digest());
+optional<Ref> Storage::updateHead(UUID type, UUID id, const Ref & old, const std::function<Ref(const Ref &)> & f)
+ auto cur =, id);
+ if (!cur)
+ return nullopt;
+ Ref r = f(*cur);
+ if (r.digest() == cur->digest() || replaceHead(type, id, *cur, r))
+ return r;
+ return updateHead(type, id, *cur, f);
+int Storage::watchHead(UUID type, UUID wid, const std::function<void(const Ref &)> watcher) const
+ return p->backend->watchHead(type, [wp = weak_ptr<const Priv>(p), wid, watcher] (UUID id, const Digest & dgst) {
+ if (id == wid)
+ if (auto p = wp.lock())
+ if (auto r = Ref::create(Storage(p), dgst))
+ watcher(*r);
+ });
+void Storage::unwatchHead(UUID type, UUID, int wid) const
+ p->backend->unwatchHead(type, wid);
+Digest::Digest(const string & str)
+ if (str.size() != 2 * size + 7)
+ throw runtime_error("invalid ref digest");
+ if (strncmp(, "blake2#", 7) != 0)
+ throw runtime_error("invalid ref digest");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ std::from_chars( + 7 + 2 * i,
+ + 7 + 2 * i + 2,
+ value[i], 16);
+Digest::operator string() const
+ string res(size * 2 + 7, '0');
+ memcpy(, "blake2#", 7);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ std::to_chars( + 7 + 2 * i + (value[i] < 0x10),
+ + 7 + 2 * i + 2,
+ value[i], 16);
+ return res;
+bool Digest::isZero() const
+ for (uint8_t x : value)
+ if (x) return false;
+ return true;
+Digest Digest::of(const vector<uint8_t> & content)
+ array<uint8_t, size> arr;
+ int ret = blake2b(,, nullptr,
+ size, content.size(), 0);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to compute digest");
+ return Digest(arr);
+PartialRef PartialRef::create(const PartialStorage & st, const Digest & digest)
+ auto p = new Priv {
+ .storage = make_unique<PartialStorage>(st),
+ .digest = digest,
+ };
+ return PartialRef(shared_ptr<Priv>(p));
+PartialRef PartialRef::zcreate(const PartialStorage & st)
+ return create(st, Digest(array<uint8_t, Digest::size> {}));
+const Digest & PartialRef::digest() const
+ return p->digest;
+PartialRef::operator bool() const
+ return storage().p->backend->contains(p->digest);
+const PartialObject PartialRef::operator*() const
+ if (auto res = p->storage->loadObject(p->digest))
+ return *res;
+ throw runtime_error("failed to load object from partial storage");
+unique_ptr<PartialObject> PartialRef::operator->() const
+ return make_unique<PartialObject>(**this);
+const PartialStorage & PartialRef::storage() const
+ return *p->storage;
+bool Ref::operator==(const Ref & other) const
+ return p->digest == other.p->digest;
+bool Ref::operator!=(const Ref & other) const
+ return p->digest != other.p->digest;
+optional<Ref> Ref::create(const Storage & st, const Digest & digest)
+ if (!st.p->backend->contains(digest))
+ return nullopt;
+ auto p = new Priv {
+ .storage = make_unique<PartialStorage>(st),
+ .digest = digest,
+ };
+ return Ref(shared_ptr<Priv>(p));
+Ref Ref::zcreate(const Storage & st)
+ auto p = new Priv {
+ .storage = make_unique<PartialStorage>(st),
+ .digest = Digest(array<uint8_t, Digest::size> {}),
+ };
+ return Ref(shared_ptr<Priv>(p));
+const Object Ref::operator*() const
+ if (auto res = static_cast<Storage*>(p->storage.get())->loadObject(p->digest))
+ return *res;
+ throw runtime_error("falied to load object - corrupted storage");
+unique_ptr<Object> Ref::operator->() const
+ return make_unique<Object>(**this);
+const Storage & Ref::storage() const
+ return *static_cast<const Storage*>(p->storage.get());
+vector<Ref> Ref::previous() const
+ auto rec = (**this).asRecord();
+ if (!rec)
+ return {};
+ if (auto sdata = rec->item("SDATA").asRef()) {
+ if (auto drec = sdata.value()->asRecord()) {
+ auto res = drec->items("SPREV").asRef();
+ if (auto base = drec->item("SBASE").asRef())
+ res.push_back(*base);
+ return res;
+ }
+ return {};
+ }
+ auto res = rec->items("PREV").asRef();
+ if (auto base = rec->item("BASE").asRef())
+ res.push_back(*base);
+ return res;
+Generation Ref::generation() const
+ scoped_lock lock(p->storage->p->generationCacheLock);
+ return generationLocked();
+Generation Ref::generationLocked() const
+ auto it = p->storage->p->generationCache.find(p->digest);
+ if (it != p->storage->p->generationCache.end())
+ return it->second;
+ auto prev = previous();
+ vector<Generation> pgen;
+ pgen.reserve(prev.size());
+ for (const auto & r : prev)
+ pgen.push_back(r.generationLocked());
+ auto gen = Generation::next(pgen);
+ p->storage->p->generationCache.emplace(p->digest, gen);
+ return gen;
+vector<Digest> Ref::roots() const
+ scoped_lock lock(p->storage->p->rootsCacheLock);
+ return rootsLocked();
+vector<Digest> Ref::rootsLocked() const
+ auto it = p->storage->p->rootsCache.find(p->digest);
+ if (it != p->storage->p->rootsCache.end())
+ return it->second;
+ vector<Digest> roots;
+ auto prev = previous();
+ if (prev.empty()) {
+ roots.push_back(p->digest);
+ } else {
+ for (const auto & p : previous())
+ for (const auto & r : p.rootsLocked())
+ roots.push_back(r);
+ std::sort(roots.begin(), roots.end());
+ roots.erase(std::unique(roots.begin(), roots.end()), roots.end());
+ }
+ p->storage->p->rootsCache.emplace(p->digest, roots);
+ return roots;
+template<class S>
+RecordT<S>::Item::operator bool() const
+ return !holds_alternative<monostate>(value);
+template<class S>
+optional<typename RecordT<S>::Item::Empty> RecordT<S>::Item::asEmpty() const
+ if (holds_alternative<RecordT<S>::Item::Empty>(value))
+ return std::get<RecordT<S>::Item::Empty>(value);
+ return nullopt;
+template<class S>
+optional<int> RecordT<S>::Item::asInteger() const
+ if (holds_alternative<int>(value))
+ return std::get<int>(value);
+ return nullopt;
+template<class S>
+optional<string> RecordT<S>::Item::asText() const
+ if (holds_alternative<string>(value))
+ return std::get<string>(value);
+ return nullopt;
+template<class S>
+optional<vector<uint8_t>> RecordT<S>::Item::asBinary() const
+ if (holds_alternative<vector<uint8_t>>(value))
+ return std::get<vector<uint8_t>>(value);
+ return nullopt;
+template<class S>
+optional<ZonedTime> RecordT<S>::Item::asDate() const
+ if (holds_alternative<ZonedTime>(value))
+ return std::get<ZonedTime>(value);
+ return nullopt;
+template<class S>
+optional<UUID> RecordT<S>::Item::asUUID() const
+ if (holds_alternative<UUID>(value))
+ return std::get<UUID>(value);
+ return nullopt;
+template<class S>
+optional<typename S::Ref> RecordT<S>::Item::asRef() const
+ if (holds_alternative<typename S::Ref>(value))
+ return std::get<typename S::Ref>(value);
+ return nullopt;
+template<class S>
+optional<typename RecordT<S>::Item::UnknownType> RecordT<S>::Item::asUnknown() const
+ if (holds_alternative<typename Item::UnknownType>(value))
+ return std::get<typename Item::UnknownType>(value);
+ return nullopt;
+template<class S>
+RecordT<S>::Items::Items(shared_ptr<const vector<Item>> items):
+ items(move(items)), filter(nullopt)
+template<class S>
+RecordT<S>::Items::Items(shared_ptr<const vector<Item>> items, string filter):
+ items(move(items)), filter(move(filter))
+template<class S>
+RecordT<S>::Items::Iterator::Iterator(const Items & source, size_t idx):
+ source(source), idx(idx)
+template<class S>
+typename RecordT<S>::Items::Iterator & RecordT<S>::Items::Iterator::operator++()
+ const auto & items = *source.items;
+ do {
+ idx++;
+ } while (idx < items.size() &&
+ source.filter &&
+ items[idx].name != *source.filter);
+ return *this;
+template<class S>
+typename RecordT<S>::Items::Iterator RecordT<S>::Items::begin() const
+ return ++Iterator(*this, -1);
+template<class S>
+typename RecordT<S>::Items::Iterator RecordT<S>::Items::end() const
+ return Iterator(*this, items->size());
+template<class S>
+vector<typename RecordT<S>::Item::Empty> RecordT<S>::Items::asEmpty() const
+ vector<Empty> res;
+ for (const auto & item : *this)
+ if (holds_alternative<Empty>(item.value))
+ res.push_back(std::get<Empty>(item.value));
+ return res;
+template<class S>
+vector<typename RecordT<S>::Item::Integer> RecordT<S>::Items::asInteger() const
+ vector<Integer> res;
+ for (const auto & item : *this)
+ if (holds_alternative<Integer>(item.value))
+ res.push_back(std::get<Integer>(item.value));
+ return res;
+template<class S>
+vector<typename RecordT<S>::Item::Text> RecordT<S>::Items::asText() const
+ vector<Text> res;
+ for (const auto & item : *this)
+ if (holds_alternative<Text>(item.value))
+ res.push_back(std::get<Text>(item.value));
+ return res;
+template<class S>
+vector<typename RecordT<S>::Item::Binary> RecordT<S>::Items::asBinary() const
+ vector<Binary> res;
+ for (const auto & item : *this)
+ if (holds_alternative<Binary>(item.value))
+ res.push_back(std::get<Binary>(item.value));
+ return res;
+template<class S>
+vector<typename RecordT<S>::Item::Date> RecordT<S>::Items::asDate() const
+ vector<Date> res;
+ for (const auto & item : *this)
+ if (holds_alternative<Date>(item.value))
+ res.push_back(std::get<Date>(item.value));
+ return res;
+template<class S>
+vector<typename RecordT<S>::Item::UUID> RecordT<S>::Items::asUUID() const
+ vector<UUID> res;
+ for (const auto & item : *this)
+ if (holds_alternative<UUID>(item.value))
+ res.push_back(std::get<UUID>(item.value));
+ return res;
+template<class S>
+vector<typename RecordT<S>::Item::Ref> RecordT<S>::Items::asRef() const
+ vector<Ref> res;
+ for (const auto & item : *this)
+ if (holds_alternative<Ref>(item.value))
+ res.push_back(std::get<Ref>(item.value));
+ return res;
+template<class S>
+vector<typename RecordT<S>::Item::UnknownType> RecordT<S>::Items::asUnknown() const
+ vector<UnknownType> res;
+ for (const auto & item : *this)
+ if (holds_alternative<UnknownType>(item.value))
+ res.push_back(std::get<UnknownType>(item.value));
+ return res;
+template<class S>
+RecordT<S>::RecordT(const vector<Item> & from):
+ ptr(new vector<Item>(from))
+template<class S>
+RecordT<S>::RecordT(vector<Item> && from):
+ ptr(new vector<Item>(std::move(from)))
+template<class S>
+optional<RecordT<S>> RecordT<S>::decode(const S & st,
+ vector<uint8_t>::const_iterator begin,
+ vector<uint8_t>::const_iterator end)
+ auto items = make_shared<vector<Item>>();
+ while (begin != end) {
+ const auto colon = std::find(begin, end, ':');
+ if (colon == end)
+ return nullopt;
+ const string name(begin, colon);
+ const auto space = std::find(colon + 1, end, ' ');
+ if (space == end)
+ return nullopt;
+ const string type(colon + 1, space);
+ begin = space + 1;
+ string value;
+ for (bool cont = true; cont; ) {
+ auto newline = std::find(begin, end, '\n');
+ if (newline == end)
+ return nullopt;
+ if (newline + 1 != end && *(newline + 1) == '\t')
+ newline++;
+ else
+ cont = false;
+ value.append(begin, newline);
+ begin = newline + 1;
+ }
+ if (type == "e") {
+ if (value.size() != 0)
+ return nullopt;
+ items->emplace_back(name, typename Item::Empty {});
+ } else if (type == "i")
+ try {
+ items->emplace_back(name, std::stoi(value));
+ } catch (invalid_argument &) {
+ return nullopt;
+ } catch (out_of_range &) {
+ return nullopt; // TODO
+ }
+ else if (type == "t")
+ items->emplace_back(name, value);
+ else if (type == "b") {
+ if (value.size() % 2)
+ return nullopt;
+ vector<uint8_t> binary(value.size() / 2, 0);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < binary.size(); i++)
+ std::from_chars( + 2 * i,
+ + 2 * i + 2,
+ binary[i], 16);
+ items->emplace_back(name, std::move(binary));
+ } else if (type == "d")
+ items->emplace_back(name, ZonedTime(value));
+ else if (type == "u")
+ items->emplace_back(name, UUID(value));
+ else if (type == "r") {
+ if constexpr (is_same_v<S, Storage>) {
+ if (auto ref = st.ref(Digest(value)))
+ items->emplace_back(name, ref.value());
+ else
+ return nullopt;
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<S, PartialStorage>) {
+ items->emplace_back(name, st.ref(Digest(value)));
+ }
+ } else
+ items->emplace_back(name,
+ typename Item::UnknownType { type, value });
+ }
+ return RecordT<S>(items);
+template<class S>
+vector<uint8_t> RecordT<S>::encode() const
+ return ObjectT<S>(*this).encode();
+template<class S>
+typename RecordT<S>::Items RecordT<S>::items() const
+ return Items(ptr);
+template<class S>
+typename RecordT<S>::Item RecordT<S>::item(const string & name) const
+ for (auto item : *ptr) {
+ if ( == name)
+ return item;
+ }
+ return Item("", monostate());
+template<class S>
+typename RecordT<S>::Item RecordT<S>::operator[](const string & name) const
+ return item(name);
+template<class S>
+typename RecordT<S>::Items RecordT<S>::items(const string & name) const
+ return Items(ptr, name);
+template<class S>
+vector<uint8_t> RecordT<S>::encodeInner() const
+ vector<uint8_t> res;
+ auto inserter = std::back_inserter(res);
+ for (const auto & item : *ptr) {
+ string type;
+ string value;
+ if (item.asEmpty()) {
+ type = "e";
+ value = "";
+ } else if (auto x = item.asInteger()) {
+ type = "i";
+ value = to_string(*x);
+ } else if (auto x = item.asText()) {
+ type = "t";
+ value = *x;
+ } else if (auto x = item.asBinary()) {
+ type = "b";
+ value.resize(x->size() * 2, '0');
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < x->size(); i++)
+ std::to_chars( + 2 * i + ((*x)[i] < 0x10),
+ + 2 * i + 2,
+ (*x)[i], 16);
+ } else if (auto x = item.asDate()) {
+ type = "d";
+ value = string(*x);
+ } else if (auto x = item.asUUID()) {
+ type = "u";
+ value = string(*x);
+ } else if (auto x = item.asRef()) {
+ type = "r";
+ if (x->digest().isZero())
+ continue;
+ value = string(x->digest());
+ } else if (auto x = item.asUnknown()) {
+ type = x->type;
+ value = x->value;
+ } else {
+ throw runtime_error("unhandeled record item type");
+ }
+ copy(,, inserter);
+ inserter = ':';
+ copy(type.begin(), type.end(), inserter);
+ inserter = ' ';
+ auto i = value.begin();
+ while (true) {
+ auto j = std::find(i, value.end(), '\n');
+ copy(i, j, inserter);
+ inserter = '\n';
+ if (j == value.end())
+ break;
+ inserter = '\t';
+ i = j + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+template class erebos::RecordT<Storage>;
+template class erebos::RecordT<PartialStorage>;
+Blob::Blob(const vector<uint8_t> & vec):
+ ptr(make_shared<vector<uint8_t>>(vec))
+vector<uint8_t> Blob::encode() const
+ return Object(*this).encode();
+vector<uint8_t> Blob::encodeInner() const
+ return *ptr;
+Blob Blob::decode(
+ vector<uint8_t>::const_iterator begin,
+ vector<uint8_t>::const_iterator end)
+ return Blob(make_shared<vector<uint8_t>>(begin, end));
+template<class S>
+optional<tuple<ObjectT<S>, vector<uint8_t>::const_iterator>>
+ObjectT<S>::decodePrefix(const S & st,
+ vector<uint8_t>::const_iterator begin,
+ vector<uint8_t>::const_iterator end)
+ auto newline = std::find(begin, end, '\n');
+ if (newline == end)
+ return nullopt;
+ auto space = std::find(begin, newline, ' ');
+ if (space == newline)
+ return nullopt;
+ ssize_t size;
+ try {
+ size = std::stol(string(space + 1, newline));
+ } catch (invalid_argument &) {
+ return nullopt;
+ } catch (out_of_range &) {
+ // Way too big to handle anyway
+ return nullopt;
+ }
+ if (end - newline - 1 < size)
+ return nullopt;
+ auto cend = newline + 1 + size;
+ string type(begin, space);
+ optional<ObjectT<S>> obj;
+ if (type == "rec")
+ if (auto rec = RecordT<S>::decode(st, newline + 1, cend))
+ obj.emplace(*rec);
+ else
+ return nullopt;
+ else if (type == "blob")
+ obj.emplace(Blob::decode(newline + 1, cend));
+ else
+ throw runtime_error("unknown object type '" + type + "'");
+ if (obj)
+ return std::make_tuple(*obj, cend);
+ return nullopt;
+template<class S>
+optional<ObjectT<S>> ObjectT<S>::decode(const S & st, const vector<uint8_t> & data)
+ return decode(st, data.begin(), data.end());
+template<class S>
+optional<ObjectT<S>> ObjectT<S>::decode(const S & st,
+ vector<uint8_t>::const_iterator begin,
+ vector<uint8_t>::const_iterator end)
+ if (auto res = decodePrefix(st, begin, end)) {
+ auto [obj, next] = *res;
+ if (next == end)
+ return obj;
+ }
+ return nullopt;
+template< class S >
+vector< ObjectT< S >> ObjectT< S >::decodeMany( const S & st,
+ const std::vector< uint8_t > & data)
+ vector< ObjectT< S >> objects;
+ auto cur = data.begin();
+ while( auto pair = decodePrefix( st, cur, data.end() )) {
+ auto [ obj, next ] = *pair;
+ objects.push_back( move( obj ));
+ cur = next;
+ }
+ return objects;
+template<class S>
+vector<uint8_t> ObjectT<S>::encode() const
+ vector<uint8_t> res, inner;
+ string type;
+ if (auto rec = asRecord()) {
+ type = "rec";
+ inner = rec->encodeInner();
+ } else if (auto blob = asBlob()) {
+ type = "blob";
+ inner = blob->encodeInner();
+ } else {
+ throw runtime_error("unhandeled object type");
+ }
+ auto inserter = std::back_inserter(res);
+ copy(type.begin(), type.end(), inserter);
+ inserter = ' ';
+ auto slen = to_string(inner.size());
+ copy(slen.begin(), slen.end(), inserter);
+ inserter = '\n';
+ copy(inner.begin(), inner.end(), inserter);
+ return res;
+template<class S>
+ObjectT<S> ObjectT<S>::load(const typename S::Ref & ref)
+ return *ref;
+template<class S>
+ObjectT<S>::operator bool() const
+ return not holds_alternative<monostate>(content);
+template<class S>
+optional<RecordT<S>> ObjectT<S>::asRecord() const
+ if (holds_alternative<RecordT<S>>(content))
+ return std::get<RecordT<S>>(content);
+ return nullopt;
+template<class S>
+optional<Blob> ObjectT<S>::asBlob() const
+ if (holds_alternative<Blob>(content))
+ return std::get<Blob>(content);
+ return nullopt;
+template class erebos::ObjectT<Storage>;
+template class erebos::ObjectT<PartialStorage>;
+Generation::Generation(): Generation(0) {}
+Generation::Generation(size_t g): gen(g) {}
+Generation Generation::next(const vector<Generation> & prev)
+ Generation ret;
+ for (const auto g : prev)
+ if (ret.gen <= g.gen)
+ ret.gen = g.gen + 1;
+ return ret;
+Generation::operator string() const
+ return to_string(gen);
+vector<Stored<Object>> erebos::collectStoredObjects(const Stored<Object> & from)
+ unordered_set<Digest> seen;
+ vector<Stored<Object>> queue { from };
+ vector<Stored<Object>> res;
+ while (!queue.empty()) {
+ auto cur = queue.back();
+ queue.pop_back();
+ auto [it, added] = seen.insert(cur.ref().digest());
+ if (!added)
+ continue;
+ res.push_back(cur);
+ if (auto rec = cur->asRecord())
+ for (const auto & ref : rec->items().asRef())
+ queue.push_back(Stored<Object>::load(ref));
+ }
+ return res;
diff --git a/src/storage.h b/src/storage.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6b5ed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/storage.h
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "erebos/storage.h"
+#include <functional>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+namespace fs = std::filesystem;
+using std::function;
+using std::mutex;
+using std::optional;
+using std::shared_ptr;
+using std::unique_ptr;
+using std::unordered_map;
+using std::unordered_multimap;
+using std::unordered_set;
+using std::tuple;
+using std::variant;
+using std::vector;
+namespace erebos {
+class StorageBackend
+ StorageBackend() = default;
+ virtual ~StorageBackend() = default;
+ virtual bool contains(const Digest &) const = 0;
+ virtual optional<vector<uint8_t>> loadBytes(const Digest &) const = 0;
+ virtual void storeBytes(const Digest &, const vector<uint8_t> &) = 0;
+ virtual optional<Digest> headRef(UUID type, UUID id) const = 0;
+ virtual vector<tuple<UUID, Digest>> headRefs(UUID type) const = 0;
+ virtual UUID storeHead(UUID type, const Digest & dgst) = 0;
+ virtual bool replaceHead(UUID type, UUID id, const Digest & old, const Digest & dgst) = 0;
+ virtual int watchHead(UUID type, const function<void(UUID id, const Digest &)> &) = 0;
+ virtual void unwatchHead(UUID type, int watchId) = 0;
+ virtual optional<vector<uint8_t>> loadKey(const Digest &) const = 0;
+ virtual void storeKey(const Digest &, const vector<uint8_t> &) = 0;
+class StorageWatchCallback
+ StorageWatchCallback(int id, const function<void(UUID, const Digest &)> callback):
+ id(id), callback(callback) {}
+ void schedule(UUID, const Digest &);
+ void run();
+ const int id;
+ const function<void(UUID, const Digest &)> callback;
+ std::recursive_mutex runMutex;
+ optional<tuple<UUID, Digest>> scheduled;
+class FilesystemStorage : public StorageBackend
+ FilesystemStorage(const fs::path &);
+ virtual ~FilesystemStorage();
+ virtual bool contains(const Digest &) const override;
+ virtual optional<vector<uint8_t>> loadBytes(const Digest &) const override;
+ virtual void storeBytes(const Digest &, const vector<uint8_t> &) override;
+ virtual optional<Digest> headRef(UUID type, UUID id) const override;
+ virtual vector<tuple<UUID, Digest>> headRefs(UUID type) const override;
+ virtual UUID storeHead(UUID type, const Digest & dgst) override;
+ virtual bool replaceHead(UUID type, UUID id, const Digest & old, const Digest & dgst) override;
+ virtual int watchHead(UUID type, const function<void(UUID id, const Digest &)> &) override;
+ virtual void unwatchHead(UUID type, int watchId) override;
+ virtual optional<vector<uint8_t>> loadKey(const Digest &) const override;
+ virtual void storeKey(const Digest &, const vector<uint8_t> &) override;
+ void inotifyWatch();
+ static constexpr size_t CHUNK = 16384;
+ fs::path objectPath(const Digest &) const;
+ fs::path headPath(UUID id) const;
+ fs::path headPath(UUID id, UUID type) const;
+ fs::path keyPath(const Digest &) const;
+ FILE * openLockFile(const fs::path & path) const;
+ fs::path root;
+ mutex watcherLock;
+ std::thread watcherThread;
+ int inotify = -1;
+ int inotifyWakeup = -1;
+ int nextWatcherId = 1;
+ unordered_multimap<UUID, shared_ptr<StorageWatchCallback>> watchers;
+ unordered_map<int, UUID> watchMap;
+class MemoryStorage : public StorageBackend
+ MemoryStorage() = default;
+ virtual ~MemoryStorage() = default;
+ virtual bool contains(const Digest &) const override;
+ virtual optional<vector<uint8_t>> loadBytes(const Digest &) const override;
+ virtual void storeBytes(const Digest &, const vector<uint8_t> &) override;
+ virtual optional<Digest> headRef(UUID type, UUID id) const override;
+ virtual vector<tuple<UUID, Digest>> headRefs(UUID type) const override;
+ virtual UUID storeHead(UUID type, const Digest & dgst) override;
+ virtual bool replaceHead(UUID type, UUID id, const Digest & old, const Digest & dgst) override;
+ virtual int watchHead(UUID type, const function<void(UUID id, const Digest &)> &) override;
+ virtual void unwatchHead(UUID type, int watchId) override;
+ virtual optional<vector<uint8_t>> loadKey(const Digest &) const override;
+ virtual void storeKey(const Digest &, const vector<uint8_t> &) override;
+ unordered_map<Digest, vector<uint8_t>> storage;
+ unordered_map<UUID, vector<tuple<UUID, Digest>>> heads;
+ unordered_map<Digest, vector<uint8_t>> keys;
+ mutex watcherLock;
+ int nextWatcherId = 1;
+ unordered_multimap<UUID, shared_ptr<StorageWatchCallback>> watchers;
+class ChainStorage : public StorageBackend
+ ChainStorage(shared_ptr<StorageBackend> storage):
+ ChainStorage(std::move(storage), nullptr) {}
+ ChainStorage(shared_ptr<StorageBackend> storage, unique_ptr<ChainStorage> parent):
+ storage(std::move(storage)), parent(std::move(parent)) {}
+ virtual ~ChainStorage() = default;
+ virtual bool contains(const Digest &) const override;
+ virtual optional<vector<uint8_t>> loadBytes(const Digest &) const override;
+ virtual void storeBytes(const Digest &, const vector<uint8_t> &) override;
+ virtual optional<Digest> headRef(UUID type, UUID id) const override;
+ virtual vector<tuple<UUID, Digest>> headRefs(UUID type) const override;
+ virtual UUID storeHead(UUID type, const Digest & dgst) override;
+ virtual bool replaceHead(UUID type, UUID id, const Digest & old, const Digest & dgst) override;
+ virtual int watchHead(UUID type, const function<void(UUID id, const Digest &)> &) override;
+ virtual void unwatchHead(UUID type, int watchId) override;
+ virtual optional<vector<uint8_t>> loadKey(const Digest &) const override;
+ virtual void storeKey(const Digest &, const vector<uint8_t> &) override;
+ shared_ptr<StorageBackend> storage;
+ unique_ptr<ChainStorage> parent;
+ mutex watcherLock;
+ int nextWatcherId = 1;
+ unordered_map<int, tuple<int, int>> watchers;
+struct PartialStorage::Priv
+ shared_ptr<StorageBackend> backend;
+ Digest storeBytes(const vector<uint8_t> &) const;
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> loadBytes(const Digest & digest) const;
+ template<class S>
+ optional<Digest> copy(const typename S::Ref &, vector<Digest> *) const;
+ template<class S>
+ optional<Digest> copy(const ObjectT<S> &, vector<Digest> *) const;
+ mutable mutex generationCacheLock {};
+ mutable unordered_map<Digest, Generation> generationCache {};
+ mutable mutex rootsCacheLock {};
+ mutable unordered_map<Digest, vector<Digest>> rootsCache {};
+struct PartialRef::Priv
+ const unique_ptr<PartialStorage> storage;
+ const Digest digest;
+vector<Stored<Object>> collectStoredObjects(const Stored<Object> &);
diff --git a/src/sync.cpp b/src/sync.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5680da6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sync.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#include <erebos/sync.h>
+#include <erebos/identity.h>
+#include <erebos/network.h>
+using namespace erebos;
+using std::scoped_lock;
+static const UUID myUUID("a4f538d0-4e50-4082-8e10-7e3ec2af175d");
+SyncService::SyncService(Config &&, const Server & s):
+ server(s)
+ server.peerList().onUpdate(std::bind(&SyncService::peerWatcher, this,
+ std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
+ watchedLocal = server.localState().lens<vector<Ref>>().watch(std::bind(&SyncService::localStateWatcher, this,
+ std::placeholders::_1));
+SyncService::~SyncService() = default;
+UUID SyncService::uuid() const
+ return myUUID;
+void SyncService::handle(Context & ctx)
+ auto pid = ctx.peer().identity();
+ if (!pid)
+ return;
+ const auto & powner = pid->finalOwner();
+ const Identity owner = ctx.peer().server().identity().finalOwner();
+ if (!powner.sameAs(owner))
+ return;
+ ctx.local(
+ ctx.local()->sharedRefAdd(ctx.ref())
+ );
+void SyncService::peerWatcher(size_t, const Peer * peer)
+ if (peer) {
+ if (auto id = peer->identity()) {
+ if (id->finalOwner().sameAs(server.identity().finalOwner()))
+ for (const auto & r : server.localState().get().sharedRefs())
+ peer->send(myUUID, r);
+ }
+ }
+void SyncService::localStateWatcher(const vector<Ref> & refs)
+ const auto & plist = server.peerList();
+ const Identity owner = server.identity().finalOwner();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < plist.size(); i++)
+ if (auto id =
+ if (id->finalOwner().sameAs(owner))
+ for (const auto & r : refs)
+, r);
diff --git a/src/test/service.cpp b/src/test/service.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32fca52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/service.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#include "service.h"
+#include <erebos/network.h>
+using namespace erebos;
+static const UUID myUUID("cb46b92c-9203-4694-8370-8742d8ac9dc8");
+TestService::TestService( Config && c, const Server & ):
+ config( move(c) )
+TestService::~TestService() = default;
+UUID TestService::uuid() const
+ return myUUID;
+void TestService::handle( Context & ctx )
+ auto msg = Stored< Object >::load( ctx.ref() );
+ for (const auto & w : config.watchers)
+ w( msg );
+void TestService::send( const Peer & peer, const Ref & msg )
+ peer.send( myUUID, msg );
+TestService::Config & TestService::Config::onMessage( MessageWatcher w )
+ watchers.push_back(w);
+ return *this;
diff --git a/src/test/service.h b/src/test/service.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c693ce4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/service.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <erebos/service.h>
+namespace erebos
+class TestService : public Service
+ using MessageWatcher = std::function<void( const Stored< Object > & )>;
+ class Config
+ {
+ public:
+ Config & onMessage( MessageWatcher );
+ private:
+ friend class TestService;
+ vector< MessageWatcher > watchers;
+ };
+ TestService( Config &&, const Server & );
+ virtual ~TestService();
+ UUID uuid() const override;
+ void handle( Context & ) override;
+ static void send( const Peer &, const Ref & );
+ const Config config;
diff --git a/src/time.cpp b/src/time.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..631e0f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/time.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#include <erebos/time.h>
+#include <stdexcept>
+using namespace erebos;
+using std::runtime_error;
+using std::string;
+ZonedTime::ZonedTime(string str)
+ intmax_t t;
+ unsigned int h, m;
+ char sign[2];
+ if (sscanf(str.c_str(), "%jd %1[+-]%2u%2u", &t, sign, &h, &m) != 4)
+ throw runtime_error("invalid zoned time");
+ time = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point(std::chrono::seconds(t));
+ zone = std::chrono::minutes((sign[0] == '-' ? -1 : 1) * (60 * h + m));
+ZonedTime::operator string() const
+ char buf[32];
+ unsigned int az = std::chrono::abs(zone).count();
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%jd %c%02u%02u",
+ (intmax_t) std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(time.time_since_epoch()).count(),
+ zone < decltype(zone)::zero() ? '-' : '+', az / 60, az % 60);
+ return string(buf);
+ZonedTime ZonedTime::now()
+ return ZonedTime(std::chrono::system_clock::now());
diff --git a/src/uuid.cpp b/src/uuid.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a53bf27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/uuid.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#include <erebos/uuid.h>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <openssl/rand.h>
+using namespace erebos;
+using std::nullopt;
+using std::optional;
+using std::runtime_error;
+using std::string;
+static const size_t UUID_STR_LEN = 36;
+static const char * FORMAT_STRING = "%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx-%02hhx%02hhx-"
+ "%02hhx%02hhx-%02hhx%02hhx-%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx";
+UUID::UUID(const string & str)
+ if (!fromString(str, *this))
+ throw runtime_error("invalid UUID");
+UUID::operator string() const
+ string str(UUID_STR_LEN, '\0');
+ snprintf(, UUID_STR_LEN + 1, FORMAT_STRING,
+ uuid[0], uuid[1], uuid[2], uuid[3], uuid[4], uuid[5], uuid[6], uuid[7],
+ uuid[8], uuid[9], uuid[10], uuid[11], uuid[12], uuid[13], uuid[14], uuid[15]);
+ return str;
+optional<UUID> UUID::fromString(const string & str)
+ UUID u;
+ if (fromString(str, u))
+ return u;
+ return nullopt;
+bool UUID::fromString(const string & str, UUID & u)
+ if (str.size() != UUID_STR_LEN)
+ return false;
+ if (sscanf(str.c_str(), FORMAT_STRING,
+ &u.uuid[0], &u.uuid[1], &u.uuid[2], &u.uuid[3], &u.uuid[4], &u.uuid[5], &u.uuid[6], &u.uuid[7],
+ &u.uuid[8], &u.uuid[9], &u.uuid[10], &u.uuid[11], &u.uuid[12], &u.uuid[13], &u.uuid[14], &u.uuid[15])
+ != 16)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+UUID UUID::generate()
+ UUID u;
+ if (RAND_bytes(, u.uuid.size()) != 1)
+ throw runtime_error("failed to generate random UUID");
+ u.uuid[6] = (u.uuid[6] & 0x0f) | 0x40;
+ u.uuid[8] = (u.uuid[8] & 0x3f) | 0x80;
+ return u;
+bool UUID::operator==(const UUID & other) const
+ return std::equal(std::begin(uuid), std::end(uuid), std::begin(other.uuid));
+bool UUID::operator!=(const UUID & other) const
+ return !(*this == other);