Erebos/C++ ========== Library implementing the Erebos identity management, decentralized messaging and synchronization protocol, along with local storage. Specification being created at: []( Erebos identity is based on locally stored cryptographic keys, all communication is end-to-end encrypted. Multiple devices can be attached to the same identity, after which they function interchangeably, without any one being in any way "primary"; messages and other state data are then synchronized automatically whenever the devices are able to connect with one another. Status ------ This is experimental implementation of yet unfinished specification, so changes, especially in the library API, are expected. Storage format and network protocol should generally remain backward compatible, with their respective versions to be increased in case of incompatible changes, to allow for interoperability even in that case. Build ----- This library uses CMake for building: ``` cmake -B build cmake --build build ``` Usage ----- The API is currently experimental and without documentation; some example of usage can be found in the test executable (`src/main.cpp`).