diff options
authorRoman Smrž <>2020-06-17 22:30:47 +0200
committerRoman Smrž <>2020-06-17 22:30:47 +0200
commita4437f0479a721aeebac305e403b88b18a5f7d5f (patch)
parentb08e5a3e6d82ca5e5a2e29e791a2e61bf08964a4 (diff)
Storage: typed heads
8 files changed, 264 insertions, 211 deletions
diff --git a/src/Attach.hs b/src/Attach.hs
index 761da0f..95f0a67 100644
--- a/src/Attach.hs
+++ b/src/Attach.hs
@@ -111,8 +111,7 @@ instance Service AttachService where
verifyAttachedIdentity sdata >>= \case
Just identity -> do
svcPrint $ "Accepted updated identity"
- st <- storedStorage <$> svcGetLocal
- finalizeAttach st identity keys
+ svcSetLocal =<< finalizeAttach identity keys =<< svcGetLocal
Nothing -> do
svcPrint $ "Failed to verify new identity"
svcSet $ AttachFailed
@@ -151,9 +150,10 @@ attachToOwner _ self peer = do
NoAttach -> return (Just $ AttachRequest (nonceDigest self pid nonce BA.empty), OurRequest nonce)
_ -> throwError "alredy in progress"
-attachAccept :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => (String -> IO ()) -> UnifiedIdentity -> Peer -> m ()
-attachAccept printMsg self peer = do
- let st = storedStorage $ idData self
+attachAccept :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => (String -> IO ()) -> Head LocalState -> Peer -> m ()
+attachAccept printMsg h peer = do
+ let st = refStorage $ headRef h
+ self = headLocalIdentity h
sendToPeerWith self peer $ \case
NoAttach -> throwError $ "none in progress"
OurRequest {} -> throwError $ "waiting for peer"
@@ -161,14 +161,15 @@ attachAccept printMsg self peer = do
liftIO $ printMsg $ "Confirmed peer, waiting for updated identity"
return (Nothing, OurRequestReady)
OurRequestConfirm (Just (identity, keys)) -> do
- liftIO $ printMsg $ "Accepted updated identity"
- finalizeAttach st identity keys
+ liftIO $ do
+ printMsg $ "Accepted updated identity"
+ updateLocalState_ h $ finalizeAttach identity keys
return (Nothing, AttachDone)
OurRequestReady -> throwError $ "alredy accepted, waiting for peer"
PeerRequest {} -> throwError $ "waiting for peer"
PeerRequestConfirm -> do
liftIO $ printMsg $ "Accepted new attached device, seding updated identity"
- owner <- liftIO $ mergeSharedIdentity st
+ owner <- liftIO $ mergeSharedIdentity h
PeerIdentityFull pid <- return $ peerIdentity peer
Just secret <- liftIO $ loadKey $ idKeyIdentity owner
liftIO $ do
@@ -209,15 +210,15 @@ verifyAttachedIdentity sdata = do
return identity
-finalizeAttach :: MonadIO m => Storage -> UnifiedIdentity -> [ScrubbedBytes] -> m ()
-finalizeAttach st identity skeys = do
- liftIO $ updateLocalState_ st $ \slocal -> do
- let owner = finalOwner identity
- pkeys <- mapM (copyStored st) [ idKeyIdentity owner, idKeyMessage owner ]
- mapM_ storeKey $ catMaybes [ keyFromData sec pub | sec <- skeys, pub <- pkeys ]
+finalizeAttach :: MonadIO m => UnifiedIdentity -> [ScrubbedBytes] -> Stored LocalState -> m (Stored LocalState)
+finalizeAttach identity skeys slocal = liftIO $ do
+ let owner = finalOwner identity
+ st = storedStorage slocal
+ pkeys <- mapM (copyStored st) [ idKeyIdentity owner, idKeyMessage owner ]
+ mapM_ storeKey $ catMaybes [ keyFromData sec pub | sec <- skeys, pub <- pkeys ]
- shared <- makeSharedStateUpdate st (idDataF owner) (lsShared $ fromStored slocal)
- wrappedStore st (fromStored slocal)
- { lsIdentity = idData identity
- , lsShared = [ shared ]
+ shared <- makeSharedStateUpdate st (idDataF owner) (lsShared $ fromStored slocal)
+ wrappedStore st (fromStored slocal)
+ { lsIdentity = idData identity
+ , lsShared = [ shared ]
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
index 34c2b3b..c961f4f 100644
--- a/src/Main.hs
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ main = do
Nothing -> error "ref does not exist"
Just ref -> print $ storedGeneration (wrappedLoad ref :: Stored Object)
- ["update-identity"] -> updateSharedIdentity st
+ ["update-identity"] -> updateSharedIdentity =<< loadLocalStateHead st
("update-identity" : srefs) -> do
sequence <$> mapM (readRef st . BC.pack) srefs >>= \case
@@ -89,15 +89,14 @@ main = do
interactiveLoop :: Storage -> String -> IO ()
interactiveLoop st bhost = runInputT defaultSettings $ do
- origIdentity <- liftIO $ loadLocalIdentity st
- outputStrLn $ T.unpack $ displayIdentity origIdentity
+ erebosHead <- liftIO $ loadLocalStateHead st
+ outputStrLn $ T.unpack $ displayIdentity $ headLocalIdentity erebosHead
haveTerminalUI >>= \case True -> return ()
False -> error "Requires terminal"
extPrint <- getExternalPrint
let extPrintLn str = extPrint $ str ++ "\n";
server <- liftIO $ do
- erebosHead <- loadLocalStateHead st
startServer erebosHead extPrintLn bhost
[ SomeService @AttachService Proxy
, SomeService @SyncService Proxy
@@ -139,9 +138,12 @@ interactiveLoop st bhost = runInputT defaultSettings $ do
then (cmdSetPeer $ read scmd, args)
else (fromMaybe (cmdUnknown scmd) $ lookup scmd commands, args)
_ -> (cmdSend, input)
- curIdentity <- liftIO $ loadLocalIdentity st
+ h <- liftIO (reloadHead erebosHead) >>= \case
+ Just h -> return h
+ Nothing -> do lift $ lift $ extPrint "current head deleted"
+ mzero
res <- liftIO $ runExceptT $ flip execStateT cstate $ runReaderT cmd CommandInput
- { ciSelf = curIdentity
+ { ciHead = h
, ciServer = server
, ciLine = line
, ciPrint = extPrintLn
@@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ interactiveLoop st bhost = runInputT defaultSettings $ do
data CommandInput = CommandInput
- { ciSelf :: UnifiedIdentity
+ { ciHead :: Head LocalState
, ciServer :: Server
, ciLine :: String
, ciPrint :: String -> IO ()
@@ -215,41 +217,38 @@ cmdSetPeer n | n < 1 = liftIO $ putStrLn "Invalid peer index"
cmdSend :: Command
cmdSend = void $ do
- self <- asks ciSelf
+ ehead <- asks ciHead
Just peer <- gets csPeer
text <- asks ciLine
- smsg <- sendDirectMessage self peer $ T.pack text
+ smsg <- sendDirectMessage ehead peer $ T.pack text
tzone <- liftIO $ getCurrentTimeZone
liftIO $ putStrLn $ formatMessage tzone $ fromStored smsg
cmdHistory :: Command
cmdHistory = void $ do
- self <- asks ciSelf
- let st = storedStorage $ idData self
+ ehead <- asks ciHead
Just peer <- gets csPeer
PeerIdentityFull pid <- return $ peerIdentity peer
let powner = finalOwner pid
- Just erebosHead <- liftIO $ loadHead st "erebos"
- let erebos = wrappedLoad (headRef erebosHead)
Just thread <- return $ find (sameIdentity powner . msgPeer) $
- messageThreadView $ lookupSharedValue $ lsShared $ fromStored erebos
+ messageThreadView $ lookupSharedValue $ lsShared $ headObject ehead
tzone <- liftIO $ getCurrentTimeZone
liftIO $ mapM_ (putStrLn . formatMessage tzone) $ reverse $ take 50 $ threadToList thread
cmdUpdateIdentity :: Command
cmdUpdateIdentity = void $ do
- st <- asks $ storedStorage . idData . ciSelf
- liftIO $ updateSharedIdentity st
+ ehead <- asks ciHead
+ liftIO $ updateSharedIdentity ehead
cmdAttach :: Command
cmdAttach = join $ attachToOwner
<$> asks ciPrint
- <*> asks ciSelf
+ <*> asks (headLocalIdentity . ciHead)
<*> (maybe (throwError "no peer selected") return =<< gets csPeer)
cmdAttachAccept :: Command
cmdAttachAccept = join $ attachAccept
<$> asks ciPrint
- <*> asks ciSelf
+ <*> asks ciHead
<*> (maybe (throwError "no peer selected") return =<< gets csPeer)
diff --git a/src/Message.hs b/src/Message.hs
index 0039d7e..874e375 100644
--- a/src/Message.hs
+++ b/src/Message.hs
@@ -113,14 +113,15 @@ findMsgProperty pid sel mss = concat $ flip findProperty mss $ \x -> do
return $ sel x
-sendDirectMessage :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => UnifiedIdentity -> Peer -> Text -> m (Stored DirectMessage)
-sendDirectMessage self peer text = do
+sendDirectMessage :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => Head LocalState -> Peer -> Text -> m (Stored DirectMessage)
+sendDirectMessage h peer text = do
pid <- case peerIdentity peer of PeerIdentityFull pid -> return pid
_ -> throwError "incomplete peer identity"
- let st = storedStorage $ idData self
+ let st = refStorage $ headRef h
+ self = headLocalIdentity h
powner = finalOwner pid
- smsg <- liftIO $ updateSharedState st $ \prev -> do
+ smsg <- liftIO $ updateSharedState h $ \prev -> do
let sent = findMsgProperty powner msSent prev
received = findMsgProperty powner msReceived prev
diff --git a/src/Network.hs b/src/Network.hs
index f07e7ce..5685627 100644
--- a/src/Network.hs
+++ b/src/Network.hs
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ receivedWaitingRef nref wr@(WaitingRef _ _ mvar) = do
checkWaitingRef wr
-startServer :: Head -> (String -> IO ()) -> String -> [SomeService] -> IO Server
+startServer :: Head LocalState -> (String -> IO ()) -> String -> [SomeService] -> IO Server
startServer origHead logd bhost services = do
let storage = refStorage $ headRef origHead
chanPeer <- newChan
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ startServer origHead logd bhost services = do
forM_ objs $ storeObject $ peerInStorage peer
identity <- readMVar midentity
let svcs = map someServiceID services
- handlePacket logd identity secure peer chanSvc svcs header >>= \case
+ handlePacket logd origHead identity secure peer chanSvc svcs header >>= \case
Just peer' -> do
writeChan chanPeer peer'
return $ M.insert paddr peer' pvalue
@@ -307,13 +307,18 @@ startServer origHead logd bhost services = do
{ svcPeer = peerId
, svcPrintOp = logd
- (rsp, (s', gs')) <- handleServicePacket storage inp s gs (wrappedLoad ref :: Stored s)
- identity <- readMVar midentity
- runExceptT (sendToPeerList identity peer rsp) >>= \case
- Left err -> logd $ "failed to send response to peer: " ++ show err
- Right () -> return ()
- return (M.insert svc (SomeServiceState proxy s') svcs,
- M.insert svc (SomeServiceGlobalState proxy gs') global)
+ reloadHead origHead >>= \case
+ Nothing -> do
+ logd $ "current head deleted"
+ return (svcs, global)
+ Just h -> do
+ (rsp, (s', gs')) <- handleServicePacket h inp s gs (wrappedLoad ref :: Stored s)
+ identity <- readMVar midentity
+ runExceptT (sendToPeerList identity peer rsp) >>= \case
+ Left err -> logd $ "failed to send response to peer: " ++ show err
+ Right () -> return ()
+ return (M.insert svc (SomeServiceState proxy s') svcs,
+ M.insert svc (SomeServiceGlobalState proxy gs') global)
_ -> do
logd $ "unhandled service '" ++ show (toUUID svc) ++ "'"
return (svcs, global)
@@ -352,10 +357,10 @@ appendDistinct x (y:ys) | x == y = y : ys
| otherwise = y : appendDistinct x ys
appendDistinct x [] = [x]
-handlePacket :: (String -> IO ()) -> UnifiedIdentity -> Bool
+handlePacket :: (String -> IO ()) -> Head LocalState -> UnifiedIdentity -> Bool
-> Peer -> Chan (Peer, ServiceID, Ref) -> [ServiceID]
-> TransportHeader -> IO (Maybe Peer)
-handlePacket logd identity secure opeer chanSvc svcs (TransportHeader headers) = do
+handlePacket logd origHead identity secure opeer chanSvc svcs (TransportHeader headers) = do
let sidentity = idData identity
DatagramAddress paddr = peerAddress opeer
plaintextRefs = map (refDigest . storedRef) $ concatMap (collectStoredObjects . wrappedLoad) $ concat
@@ -373,7 +378,7 @@ handlePacket logd identity secure opeer chanSvc svcs (TransportHeader headers) =
gets (peerChannel . phPeer) >>= \case
ChannelOurAccept acc ch | refDigest (storedRef acc) == refDigest ref -> do
updatePeer $ \p -> p { peerChannel = ChannelEstablished (fromStored ch) }
- finalizedChannel identity
+ finalizedChannel origHead identity
_ -> return ()
Rejected _ -> return ()
@@ -442,7 +447,7 @@ handlePacket logd identity secure opeer chanSvc svcs (TransportHeader headers) =
TrChannelAccept accref -> do
let process = do
addHeader $ Acknowledged accref
- handleChannelAccept identity accref
+ handleChannelAccept origHead identity accref
gets (peerChannel . phPeer) >>= \case
ChannelWait {} -> process
ChannelOurRequest {} -> process
@@ -550,8 +555,8 @@ handleChannelRequest identity reqref = do
Nothing -> do
updatePeer $ \p -> p { peerChannel = ChannelPeerRequest reqref }
-handleChannelAccept :: UnifiedIdentity -> PartialRef -> PacketHandler ()
-handleChannelAccept identity accref = do
+handleChannelAccept :: Head LocalState -> UnifiedIdentity -> PartialRef -> PacketHandler ()
+handleChannelAccept oh identity accref = do
pst <- gets $ peerStorage . phPeer
copyRef pst accref >>= \case
Right acc -> do
@@ -570,12 +575,12 @@ handleChannelAccept identity accref = do
{ peerIdentity = PeerIdentityFull pid
, peerChannel = ChannelEstablished $ fromStored ch
- finalizedChannel identity
+ finalizedChannel oh identity
Left dgst -> throwError $ "missing accept data " ++ BC.unpack (showRefDigest dgst)
-finalizedChannel :: UnifiedIdentity -> PacketHandler ()
-finalizedChannel self = do
+finalizedChannel :: Head LocalState -> UnifiedIdentity -> PacketHandler ()
+finalizedChannel oh self = do
-- Identity update
ist <- gets $ peerInStorage . phPeer
addHeader $ AnnounceSelf $ partialRef ist $ storedRef $ idData $ self
@@ -585,8 +590,8 @@ finalizedChannel self = do
gets phPeer >>= \case
peer | PeerIdentityFull pid <- peerIdentity peer
, finalOwner pid `sameIdentity` finalOwner self -> do
- shared <- lsShared . fromStored <$>
- liftIO (loadLocalState $ storedStorage $ idData self)
+ Just h <- liftIO $ reloadHead oh
+ let shared = lsShared $ headObject h
addHeader $ ServiceType $ serviceID @SyncService Proxy
mapM_ (addHeader . ServiceRef . partialRef ist . storedRef) shared
mapM_ (addBody . storedRef) shared
diff --git a/src/Service.hs b/src/Service.hs
index b5106ce..704bc67 100644
--- a/src/Service.hs
+++ b/src/Service.hs
@@ -91,11 +91,9 @@ data ServiceHandlerState s = ServiceHandlerState
newtype ServiceHandler s a = ServiceHandler (ReaderT ServiceInput (WriterT [ServiceReply s] (StateT (ServiceHandlerState s) (ExceptT String IO))) a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader ServiceInput, MonadWriter [ServiceReply s], MonadState (ServiceHandlerState s), MonadError String, MonadIO)
-handleServicePacket :: Service s => Storage -> ServiceInput -> ServiceState s -> ServiceGlobalState s -> Stored s -> IO ([ServiceReply s], (ServiceState s, ServiceGlobalState s))
-handleServicePacket st input svc global packet = do
- herb <- loadLocalStateHead st
- let erb = wrappedLoad $ headRef herb
- sstate = ServiceHandlerState { svcValue = svc, svcGlobal = global, svcLocal = erb }
+handleServicePacket :: Service s => Head LocalState -> ServiceInput -> ServiceState s -> ServiceGlobalState s -> Stored s -> IO ([ServiceReply s], (ServiceState s, ServiceGlobalState s))
+handleServicePacket h input svc global packet = do
+ let sstate = ServiceHandlerState { svcValue = svc, svcGlobal = global, svcLocal = headStoredObject h }
ServiceHandler handler = serviceHandler packet
(runExceptT $ flip runStateT sstate $ execWriterT $ flip runReaderT input $ handler) >>= \case
Left err -> do
@@ -103,9 +101,9 @@ handleServicePacket st input svc global packet = do
return ([], (svc, global))
Right (rsp, sstate')
| svcLocal sstate' == svcLocal sstate -> return (rsp, (svcValue sstate', svcGlobal sstate'))
- | otherwise -> replaceHead (svcLocal sstate') (Right herb) >>= \case
- Left _ -> handleServicePacket st input svc global packet
- Right _ -> return (rsp, (svcValue sstate', svcGlobal sstate'))
+ | otherwise -> replaceHead h (svcLocal sstate') >>= \case
+ Left (Just h') -> handleServicePacket h' input svc global packet
+ _ -> return (rsp, (svcValue sstate', svcGlobal sstate'))
svcGet :: ServiceHandler s (ServiceState s)
svcGet = gets svcValue
diff --git a/src/State.hs b/src/State.hs
index 15ae7d2..8e9e320 100644
--- a/src/State.hs
+++ b/src/State.hs
@@ -3,21 +3,19 @@ module State (
SharedState, SharedType(..),
SharedTypeID, mkSharedTypeID,
- loadLocalState, loadLocalStateHead,
+ loadLocalStateHead,
updateLocalState, updateLocalState_,
updateSharedState, updateSharedState_,
lookupSharedValue, makeSharedStateUpdate,
- loadLocalIdentity, headLocalIdentity,
+ headLocalIdentity,
) where
-import Control.Monad
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
@@ -62,6 +60,9 @@ instance Storable LocalState where
<$> loadRef "id"
<*> loadRefs "shared"
+instance HeadType LocalState where
+ headTypeID _ = mkHeadTypeID "1d7491a9-7bcb-4eaa-8f13-c8c4c4087e4e"
instance Storable SharedState where
store' st = storeRec $ do
mapM_ (storeRef "PREV") $ ssPrev st
@@ -77,80 +78,69 @@ instance SharedType (Signed IdentityData) where
sharedTypeID _ = mkSharedTypeID "0c6c1fe0-f2d7-4891-926b-c332449f7871"
-loadLocalState :: Storage -> IO (Stored LocalState)
-loadLocalState = return . wrappedLoad . headRef <=< loadLocalStateHead
-loadLocalStateHead :: Storage -> IO Head
-loadLocalStateHead st = loadHeadDef st "erebos" $ do
- putStr "Name: "
- hFlush stdout
- name <- T.getLine
- putStr "Device: "
- hFlush stdout
- devName <- T.getLine
- (owner, secret) <- if
- | T.null name -> return (Nothing, Nothing)
- | otherwise -> do
- (secret, public) <- generateKeys st
- (_secretMsg, publicMsg) <- generateKeys st
- return . (, Just secret) . Just =<< wrappedStore st =<< sign secret =<<
- wrappedStore st (emptyIdentityData public)
- { iddName = Just name, iddKeyMessage = Just publicMsg }
- (devSecret, devPublic) <- generateKeys st
- (_devSecretMsg, devPublicMsg) <- generateKeys st
- identity <- wrappedStore st =<< maybe return signAdd secret =<< sign devSecret =<< wrappedStore st (emptyIdentityData devPublic)
- { iddName = if T.null devName then Nothing else Just devName
- , iddOwner = owner
- , iddKeyMessage = Just devPublicMsg
- }
- shared <- wrappedStore st $ SharedState
- { ssPrev = []
- , ssType = Just $ sharedTypeID @(Signed IdentityData) Proxy
- , ssValue = [storedRef $ fromMaybe identity owner]
- }
- return $ LocalState
- { lsIdentity = identity
- , lsShared = [shared]
- }
-loadLocalIdentity :: Storage -> IO UnifiedIdentity
-loadLocalIdentity = return . headLocalIdentity <=< loadLocalStateHead
-headLocalIdentity :: Head -> UnifiedIdentity
+loadLocalStateHead :: Storage -> IO (Head LocalState)
+loadLocalStateHead st = loadHeads st >>= \case
+ (h:_) -> return h
+ [] -> do
+ putStr "Name: "
+ hFlush stdout
+ name <- T.getLine
+ putStr "Device: "
+ hFlush stdout
+ devName <- T.getLine
+ (owner, secret) <- if
+ | T.null name -> return (Nothing, Nothing)
+ | otherwise -> do
+ (secret, public) <- generateKeys st
+ (_secretMsg, publicMsg) <- generateKeys st
+ return . (, Just secret) . Just =<< wrappedStore st =<< sign secret =<<
+ wrappedStore st (emptyIdentityData public)
+ { iddName = Just name, iddKeyMessage = Just publicMsg }
+ (devSecret, devPublic) <- generateKeys st
+ (_devSecretMsg, devPublicMsg) <- generateKeys st
+ identity <- wrappedStore st =<< maybe return signAdd secret =<< sign devSecret =<< wrappedStore st (emptyIdentityData devPublic)
+ { iddName = if T.null devName then Nothing else Just devName
+ , iddOwner = owner
+ , iddKeyMessage = Just devPublicMsg
+ }
+ shared <- wrappedStore st $ SharedState
+ { ssPrev = []
+ , ssType = Just $ sharedTypeID @(Signed IdentityData) Proxy
+ , ssValue = [storedRef $ fromMaybe identity owner]
+ }
+ storeHead st $ LocalState
+ { lsIdentity = identity
+ , lsShared = [shared]
+ }
+headLocalIdentity :: Head LocalState -> UnifiedIdentity
headLocalIdentity h =
- let ls = load $ headRef h
+ let ls = headObject h
in maybe (error "failed to verify local identity")
(updateOwners (lookupSharedValue $ lsShared ls))
(validateIdentity $ lsIdentity ls)
-updateLocalState_ :: Storage -> (Stored LocalState -> IO (Stored LocalState)) -> IO ()
-updateLocalState_ st f = updateLocalState st (fmap (,()) . f)
-updateLocalState :: Storage -> (Stored LocalState -> IO (Stored LocalState, a)) -> IO a
-updateLocalState st f = do
- Just erebosHead <- loadHead st "erebos"
- let ls = wrappedLoad (headRef erebosHead)
- (ls', x) <- f ls
- when (ls' /= ls) $ do
- Right _ <- replaceHead ls' (Right erebosHead)
- return ()
- return x
+updateLocalState_ :: Head LocalState -> (Stored LocalState -> IO (Stored LocalState)) -> IO ()
+updateLocalState_ h f = updateLocalState h (fmap (,()) . f)
+updateLocalState :: Head LocalState -> (Stored LocalState -> IO (Stored LocalState, a)) -> IO a
+updateLocalState h f = snd <$> updateHead h f
-updateSharedState_ :: SharedType a => Storage -> ([Stored a] -> IO ([Stored a])) -> IO ()
-updateSharedState_ st f = updateSharedState st (fmap (,()) . f)
+updateSharedState_ :: SharedType a => Head LocalState -> ([Stored a] -> IO ([Stored a])) -> IO ()
+updateSharedState_ h f = updateSharedState h (fmap (,()) . f)
-updateSharedState :: forall a b. SharedType a => Storage -> ([Stored a] -> IO ([Stored a], b)) -> IO b
-updateSharedState st f = updateLocalState st $ \ls -> do
+updateSharedState :: forall a b. SharedType a => Head LocalState -> ([Stored a] -> IO ([Stored a], b)) -> IO b
+updateSharedState h f = updateLocalState h $ \ls -> do
let shared = lsShared $ fromStored ls
val = lookupSharedValue shared
+ st = refStorage $ headRef h
(val', x) <- f val
(,x) <$> if val' == val
then return ls
@@ -171,14 +161,14 @@ makeSharedStateUpdate st val prev = wrappedStore st SharedState
-mergeSharedIdentity :: Storage -> IO UnifiedIdentity
-mergeSharedIdentity st = updateSharedState st $ \sdata -> do
+mergeSharedIdentity :: Head LocalState -> IO UnifiedIdentity
+mergeSharedIdentity = flip updateSharedState $ \sdata -> do
let Just cidentity = validateIdentityF sdata
identity <- mergeIdentity cidentity
return ([idData identity], identity)
-updateSharedIdentity :: Storage -> IO ()
-updateSharedIdentity st = updateSharedState_ st $ \sdata -> do
+updateSharedIdentity :: Head LocalState -> IO ()
+updateSharedIdentity = flip updateSharedState_ $ \sdata -> do
let Just identity = validateIdentityF sdata
(:[]) . idData <$> interactiveIdentityUpdate identity
diff --git a/src/Storage.hs b/src/Storage.hs
index 5a5d992..92a1e1f 100644
--- a/src/Storage.hs
+++ b/src/Storage.hs
@@ -16,9 +16,11 @@ module Storage (
collectObjects, collectStoredObjects,
- Head,
- headName, headRef, headObject,
- loadHeads, loadHead, loadHeadDef, replaceHead,
+ Head, HeadType(..),
+ HeadTypeID, mkHeadTypeID,
+ headId, headRef, headObject, headStoredObject,
+ loadHeads, loadHead, reloadHead,
+ storeHead, replaceHead, updateHead, updateHead_,
Storable(..), ZeroStorable(..),
@@ -88,10 +90,13 @@ import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Time.LocalTime
+import Data.Typeable
import Data.UUID (UUID)
import qualified Data.UUID as U
+import qualified Data.UUID.V4 as U
import System.Directory
+import System.FilePath
import System.INotify
import System.IO.Error
import System.IO.Unsafe
@@ -106,7 +111,7 @@ openStorage :: FilePath -> IO Storage
openStorage path = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ path ++ "/objects"
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ path ++ "/heads"
- watchers <- newMVar (Nothing, [])
+ watchers <- newMVar ([], [])
refgen <- newMVar =<<
return $ Storage { stBacking = StorageDir path watchers, stParent = Nothing, stRefGeneration = refgen }
@@ -357,90 +362,137 @@ collectOtherStored seen _ = ([], seen)
type Head = Head' Complete
-headName :: Head -> String
-headName (Head name _) = name
+headId :: Head a -> HeadID
+headId (Head uuid _) = uuid
-headRef :: Head -> Ref
-headRef (Head _ ref) = ref
+headRef :: Head a -> Ref
+headRef (Head _ sx) = storedRef sx
-headObject :: Storable a => Head -> a
-headObject = load . headRef
+headObject :: Head a -> a
+headObject (Head _ sx) = fromStored sx
+headStoredObject :: Head a -> Stored a
+headStoredObject (Head _ sx) = sx
+deriving instance StorableUUID HeadID
+deriving instance StorableUUID HeadTypeID
+mkHeadTypeID :: String -> HeadTypeID
+mkHeadTypeID = maybe (error "Invalid head type ID") HeadTypeID . U.fromString
+class Storable a => HeadType a where
+ headTypeID :: proxy a -> HeadTypeID
-loadHeads :: Storage -> IO [Head]
-loadHeads s@(Storage { stBacking = StorageDir { dirPath = spath }}) = do
- let hpath = spath ++ "/heads/"
- files <- filterM (doesFileExist . (hpath++)) =<< getDirectoryContents hpath
- forM files $ \hname -> do
- (h:_) <- BC.lines <$> B.readFile (hpath ++ "/" ++ hname)
- Just ref <- readRef s h
- return $ Head hname ref
-loadHeads Storage { stBacking = StorageMemory { memHeads = theads } } = readMVar theads
-loadHead :: Storage -> String -> IO (Maybe Head)
-loadHead s@(Storage { stBacking = StorageDir { dirPath = spath }}) hname = do
+headTypePath :: FilePath -> HeadTypeID -> FilePath
+headTypePath spath (HeadTypeID tid) = spath </> "heads" </> U.toString tid
+headPath :: FilePath -> HeadTypeID -> HeadID -> FilePath
+headPath spath tid (HeadID hid) = headTypePath spath tid </> U.toString hid
+loadHeads :: forall a. HeadType a => Storage -> IO [Head a]
+loadHeads s@(Storage { stBacking = StorageDir { dirPath = spath }}) = do
+ let hpath = headTypePath spath $ headTypeID @a Proxy
+ files <- filterM (doesFileExist . (hpath </>)) =<<
+ handleJust (\e -> guard (isDoesNotExistError e)) (const $ return [])
+ (getDirectoryContents hpath)
+ fmap catMaybes $ forM files $ \hname -> do
+ case U.fromString hname of
+ Just hid -> do
+ (h:_) <- BC.lines <$> B.readFile (hpath </> hname)
+ Just ref <- readRef s h
+ return $ Just $ Head (HeadID hid) $ wrappedLoad ref
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+loadHeads Storage { stBacking = StorageMemory { memHeads = theads } } = do
+ let toHead ((tid, hid), ref) | tid == headTypeID @a Proxy = Just $ Head hid $ wrappedLoad ref
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ catMaybes . map toHead <$> readMVar theads
+loadHead :: forall a. HeadType a => Storage -> HeadID -> IO (Maybe (Head a))
+loadHead s@(Storage { stBacking = StorageDir { dirPath = spath }}) hid = do
handleJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) (const $ return Nothing) $ do
- let hpath = spath ++ "/heads/"
- (h:_) <- BC.lines <$> B.readFile (hpath ++ hname)
+ (h:_) <- BC.lines <$> B.readFile (headPath spath (headTypeID @a Proxy) hid)
Just ref <- readRef s h
- return $ Just $ Head hname ref
-loadHead Storage { stBacking = StorageMemory { memHeads = theads } } hname =
- find ((==hname) . headName) <$> readMVar theads
-loadHeadDef :: Storable a => Storage -> String -> IO a -> IO Head
-loadHeadDef s hname gen = loadHead s hname >>= \case
- Just h -> return h
- Nothing -> do obj <- gen
- Right h <- replaceHead obj (Left (s, hname))
- return h
-replaceHead :: Storable a => a -> Either (Storage, String) Head -> IO (Either (Maybe Head) Head)
-replaceHead obj prev = do
- let (st, name) = either id (\(Head n (Ref s _)) -> (s, n)) prev
- ref <- store st obj
+ return $ Just $ Head hid $ wrappedLoad ref
+loadHead Storage { stBacking = StorageMemory { memHeads = theads } } hid = do
+ fmap (Head hid . wrappedLoad) . lookup (headTypeID @a Proxy, hid) <$> readMVar theads
+reloadHead :: HeadType a => Head a -> IO (Maybe (Head a))
+reloadHead (Head hid (Stored (Ref st _) _)) = loadHead st hid
+storeHead :: forall a. HeadType a => Storage -> a -> IO (Head a)
+storeHead st obj = do
+ let tid = headTypeID @a Proxy
+ hid <- HeadID <$> U.nextRandom
+ stored <- wrappedStore st obj
+ case stBacking st of
+ StorageDir { dirPath = spath } -> do
+ Right () <- writeFileChecked (headPath spath tid hid) Nothing $
+ showRef (storedRef stored) `B.append` BC.singleton '\n'
+ return ()
+ StorageMemory { memHeads = theads } -> do
+ modifyMVar_ theads $ return . (((tid, hid), storedRef stored) :)
+ return $ Head hid stored
+replaceHead :: forall a. HeadType a => Head a -> Stored a -> IO (Either (Maybe (Head a)) (Head a))
+replaceHead prev@(Head hid pobj) stored = do
+ let st = storedStorage pobj
+ tid = headTypeID @a Proxy
case stBacking st of
StorageDir { dirPath = spath } -> do
- let filename = spath ++ "/heads/" ++ name
+ let filename = headPath spath tid hid
showRefL r = showRef r `B.append` BC.singleton '\n'
- writeFileChecked filename (either (const Nothing) (Just . showRefL . headRef) prev) (showRefL ref) >>= \case
+ writeFileChecked filename (Just $ showRefL $ headRef prev) (showRefL $ storedRef stored) >>= \case
Left Nothing -> return $ Left Nothing
Left (Just bs) -> do Just oref <- readRef st $ BC.takeWhile (/='\n') bs
- return $ Left $ Just $ Head name oref
- Right () -> return $ Right $ Head name ref
+ return $ Left $ Just $ Head hid $ wrappedLoad oref
+ Right () -> return $ Right $ Head hid stored
StorageMemory { memHeads = theads, memWatchers = twatch } -> do
res <- modifyMVar theads $ \hs -> do
- ws <- map snd . filter ((==name) . fst) <$> readMVar twatch
- case (partition ((== name) . headName) hs, prev) of
- (([], _), Left _) -> let h = Head name ref
- in return (h:hs, Right (h, ws))
- (([], _), Right _) -> return (hs, Left Nothing)
- ((h:_, _), Left _) -> return (hs, Left (Just h))
- ((h:_, hs'), Right h') | headRef h == headRef h' -> let nh = Head name ref
- in return (nh:hs', Right (nh, ws))
- | otherwise -> return (hs, Left (Just h))
+ ws <- map snd . filter ((==(tid, hid)) . fst) <$> readMVar twatch
+ return $ case partition ((==(tid, hid)) . fst) hs of
+ ([] , _ ) -> (hs, Left Nothing)
+ ((_, r):_, hs') | r == storedRef pobj -> (((tid, hid), storedRef stored) : hs',
+ Right (Head hid stored, ws))
+ | otherwise -> (hs, Left $ Just $ Head hid $ wrappedLoad r)
case res of
- Right (h, ws) -> mapM_ ($h) ws >> return (Right h)
+ Right (h, ws) -> mapM_ ($ headRef h) ws >> return (Right h)
Left x -> return $ Left x
-watchHead :: Head -> (Head -> IO ()) -> IO ()
-watchHead (Head name (Ref st _)) cb = do
+updateHead :: HeadType a => Head a -> (Stored a -> IO (Stored a, b)) -> IO (Maybe (Head a), b)
+updateHead h f = do
+ (o, x) <- f $ headStoredObject h
+ replaceHead h o >>= \case
+ Right h' -> return (Just h', x)
+ Left Nothing -> return (Nothing, x)
+ Left (Just h') -> updateHead h' f
+updateHead_ :: HeadType a => Head a -> (Stored a -> IO (Stored a)) -> IO (Maybe (Head a))
+updateHead_ h = fmap fst . updateHead h . (fmap (,()) .)
+watchHead :: forall a. HeadType a => Head a -> (Head a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+watchHead (Head hid (Stored (Ref st _) _)) cb = do
+ let cb' = cb . Head hid . wrappedLoad
+ tid = headTypeID @a Proxy
case stBacking st of
- StorageDir { dirPath = spath, dirWatchers = mvar } -> modifyMVar_ mvar $ \(mbi, watchers) -> do
- inotify <- (\f -> maybe f return mbi) $ do
- inotify <- initINotify
- void $ addWatch inotify [Move] (BC.pack $ spath ++ "/heads") $ \case
- MovedIn { filePath = fpath } -> do
- let cname = BC.unpack fpath
- loadHead st cname >>= \case
- Just h -> mapM_ ($h) . map snd . filter ((== cname) . fst) . snd =<< readMVar mvar
- Nothing -> return ()
- _ -> return ()
- return inotify
- return (Just inotify, (name, cb) : watchers)
- StorageMemory { memWatchers = mvar } -> modifyMVar_ mvar $ return . ((name, cb) :)
+ StorageDir { dirPath = spath, dirWatchers = mvar } -> modifyMVar_ mvar $ \(ilist, watchers) -> do
+ ilist' <- case lookup tid ilist of
+ Just _ -> return ilist
+ Nothing -> do
+ inotify <- initINotify
+ void $ addWatch inotify [Move] (BC.pack $ headTypePath spath tid) $ \case
+ MovedIn { filePath = fpath } | Just ihid <- HeadID <$> U.fromASCIIBytes fpath -> do
+ loadHead @a st ihid >>= \case
+ Just h -> mapM_ ($ headRef h) . map snd . filter ((== (tid, ihid)) . fst) . snd =<< readMVar mvar
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ _ -> return ()
+ return $ (tid, inotify) : ilist
+ return (ilist', ((tid, hid), cb') : watchers)
+ StorageMemory { memWatchers = mvar } -> modifyMVar_ mvar $ return . (((tid, hid), cb') :)
class Storable a where
diff --git a/src/Storage/Internal.hs b/src/Storage/Internal.hs
index c70e8ae..e4e4f00 100644
--- a/src/Storage/Internal.hs
+++ b/src/Storage/Internal.hs
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import qualified Data.HashTable.IO as HT
import Data.List
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.UUID (UUID)
import Foreign.Storable (peek)
@@ -57,12 +58,12 @@ showParentStorage Storage { stParent = Just st } = "@" ++ show st
data StorageBacking c
= StorageDir { dirPath :: FilePath
- , dirWatchers :: MVar (Maybe INotify, [(String, Head' c -> IO ())])
+ , dirWatchers :: MVar ([(HeadTypeID, INotify)], [((HeadTypeID, HeadID), Ref' c -> IO ())])
- | StorageMemory { memHeads :: MVar [Head' c]
+ | StorageMemory { memHeads :: MVar [((HeadTypeID, HeadID), Ref' c)]
, memObjs :: MVar (Map RefDigest BL.ByteString)
, memKeys :: MVar (Map RefDigest ScrubbedBytes)
- , memWatchers :: MVar [(String, Head' c -> IO ())]
+ , memWatchers :: MVar [((HeadTypeID, HeadID), Ref' c -> IO ())]
deriving (Eq)
@@ -111,9 +112,15 @@ hashToRefDigest = RefDigest . hashFinalize . hashUpdates hashInit . BL.toChunks
newtype Generation = Generation Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
-data Head' c = Head String (Ref' c)
+data Head' c a = Head HeadID (Stored' c a)
deriving (Show)
+newtype HeadID = HeadID UUID
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+newtype HeadTypeID = HeadTypeID UUID
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
data Stored' c a = Stored (Ref' c) a
deriving (Show)