diff options
authorRoman Smrž <>2019-04-28 21:49:10 +0200
committerRoman Smrž <>2019-04-28 21:49:10 +0200
commit147d23a8663ab1ef47d9f39f2033cda0085d164a (patch)
parentd2567a0ec9b6af69f22744d51d7517e7d013e1ec (diff)
Import Storage module
2 files changed, 867 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/erebos.cabal b/erebos.cabal
index 7e82bcb..e22b5bc 100644
--- a/erebos.cabal
+++ b/erebos.cabal
@@ -17,8 +17,29 @@ cabal-version: >=1.10
executable erebos
main-is: Main.hs
- -- other-modules:
+ other-modules: Storage
+ extensions: FlexibleContexts,
+ FlexibleInstances,
+ LambdaCase,
+ TupleSections
-- other-extensions:
- build-depends: base >=4.12 && <4.13
+ build-depends: aeson >=1.4 && <1.5,
+ base >=4.12 && <4.13,
+ bytestring >=0.10 && <0.11,
+ cereal >= 0.5 && <0.6,
+ containers >= 0.6 && <0.7,
+ crypto-api >= 0.13 && <0.14,
+ directory >= 1.3 && <1.4,
+ filepath >=1.4 && <1.5,
+ mime >= 0.4 && < 0.5,
+ mtl >=2.2 && <2.3,
+ skein >= 1.0 && <1.1,
+ tagged >= 0.8 && <0.9,
+ text >= 1.2 && <1.3,
+ time >= 1.8 && <1.9,
+ unix >=2.7 && <2.8,
+ zlib >=0.6 && <0.7
hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: Haskell2010
diff --git a/src/Storage.hs b/src/Storage.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bdd551
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Storage.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,844 @@
+module Storage (
+ Storage,
+ openStorage,
+ Ref,
+ readRef, showRef,
+ Object(..), RecItem(..),
+ storeRawBytes, lazyLoadBytes,
+ Head,
+ headName, headRef, headObject,
+ loadHeads, loadHead, replaceHead,
+ Storable(..),
+ StorableText(..), StorableDate(..),
+ storeBlob, storeRec, storeZero,
+ storeInt, storeNum, storeText, storeDate, storeJson, storeRef,
+ storeMbInt, storeMbNum, storeMbText, storeMbDate, storeMbJson, storeMbRef,
+ storeZRef,
+ loadBlob, loadRec, loadZero,
+ loadInt, loadNum, loadText, loadDate, loadJson, loadRef,
+ loadMbInt, loadMbNum, loadMbText, loadMbDate, loadMbJson, loadMbRef,
+ loadZRef,
+ Stored,
+ fromStored, storedRef, storedStorage,
+ wrappedStore, wrappedLoad,
+ StoreInfo(..), makeStoreInfo,
+ StoredHistory,
+ fromHistory, fromHistoryAt, storedFromHistory, storedHistoryList,
+ beginHistory, modifyHistory,
+ StoredList,
+ emptySList, fromSList, storedFromSList,
+ slistAdd, slistAddS, slistInsert, slistInsertS, slistRemove, slistReplace, slistReplaceS,
+ mapFromSList, updateOld,
+ StoreUpdate(..),
+ withStoredListItem, withStoredListItemS,
+) where
+import Codec.Compression.Zlib
+import qualified Codec.MIME.Type as MIME
+import qualified Codec.MIME.Parse as MIME
+import Control.Exception
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Control.Monad.Writer
+import Crypto.Classes
+import Crypto.Skein
+import qualified Data.Aeson as J
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString, singleton)
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC
+import Data.Char
+import Data.Function
+import Data.List
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Ratio
+import Data.Serialize
+import Data.Tagged
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Text.Encoding
+import Data.Text.Encoding.Error
+import Data.Time.Calendar
+import Data.Time.Clock
+import Data.Time.Format
+import Data.Time.LocalTime
+import System.Directory
+import System.FilePath
+import System.IO
+import System.IO.Unsafe
+import System.Posix.Files
+import System.Posix.IO
+import System.Posix.Types
+data Storage = Storage FilePath
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
+openStorage :: FilePath -> IO Storage
+openStorage path = do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True $ path ++ "/objects"
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True $ path ++ "/heads"
+ return $ Storage path
+data Ref = Ref Storage Skein_512_160
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
+instance Show Ref where
+ show ref@(Ref (Storage path) _) = path ++ ":" ++ BC.unpack (showRef ref)
+zeroRef :: Storage -> Ref
+zeroRef s = Ref s h
+ where h = case decode $ B.replicate ((witness outputLength h) `div` 8) 0 of
+ Left err -> error $ "Failed to create zero hash: " ++ err
+ Right h' -> h'
+isZeroRef :: Ref -> Bool
+isZeroRef (Ref _ h) = B.all (==0) $ encode h
+unsafeReadRef :: Storage -> ByteString -> Maybe Ref
+unsafeReadRef s = either (const Nothing) (Just . Ref s) . decode . B.concat <=< readHex
+ where readHex bs | B.null bs = Just []
+ readHex bs = do (bx, bs') <- B.uncons bs
+ (by, bs'') <- B.uncons bs'
+ x <- hexDigit bx
+ y <- hexDigit by
+ (singleton (x * 16 + y) :) <$> readHex bs''
+ hexDigit x | x >= o '0' && x <= o '9' = Just $ x - o '0'
+ | x >= o 'a' && x <= o 'z' = Just $ x - o 'a' + 10
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ o = fromIntegral . ord
+readRef :: Storage -> ByteString -> IO (Maybe Ref)
+readRef s b =
+ case unsafeReadRef s b of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just ref -> do
+ doesFileExist (refPath ref) >>= \case
+ True -> return $ Just ref
+ False -> return Nothing
+showRef :: Ref -> ByteString
+showRef (Ref _ h) = B.concatMap showHexByte $ encode h
+ where showHex x | x < 10 = x + 48
+ | otherwise = x + 87
+ showHexByte x = B.pack [ showHex (x `div` 16), showHex (x `mod` 16) ]
+refPath :: Ref -> FilePath
+refPath ref@(Ref (Storage spath) _) = intercalate "/" [spath, "objects", pref, rest]
+ where (pref, rest) = splitAt 2 $ BC.unpack $ showRef ref
+data Object = Blob ByteString
+ | Rec [(ByteString, RecItem)]
+ | ZeroObject
+ deriving (Show)
+data RecItem = RecInt Integer
+ | RecNum Rational
+ | RecText Text
+ | RecDate ZonedTime
+ | RecJson J.Value
+ | RecRef Ref
+ deriving (Show)
+storeObject :: Storage -> Object -> IO Ref
+storeObject storage = \case
+ Blob cnt -> storeRawBytes storage $ BL.fromChunks [BC.pack "blob ", BC.pack (show $ B.length cnt), BC.singleton '\n', cnt]
+ Rec rec -> let cnt = BL.fromChunks $ concatMap (uncurry serializeRecItem) rec
+ in storeRawBytes storage $ BL.fromChunks [BC.pack "rec ", BC.pack (show $ BL.length cnt), BC.singleton '\n'] `BL.append` cnt
+ ZeroObject -> return $ zeroRef storage
+storeRawBytes :: Storage -> BL.ByteString -> IO Ref
+storeRawBytes st raw = do
+ let ref = Ref st (hash raw)
+ writeFileOnce (refPath ref) $ compress raw
+ return ref
+serializeRecItem :: ByteString -> RecItem -> [ByteString]
+serializeRecItem name (RecInt x) = [BC.pack "i:", name, BC.singleton ' ', BC.pack (show x), BC.singleton '\n']
+serializeRecItem name (RecNum x) = [BC.pack "n:", name, BC.singleton ' ', BC.pack (showRatio x), BC.singleton '\n']
+serializeRecItem name (RecText x) = [BC.pack "t:", name, BC.singleton ' ', escaped, BC.singleton '\n']
+ where escaped = BC.concatMap escape $ encodeUtf8 x
+ escape '\\' = BC.pack "\\\\"
+ escape '\n' = BC.pack "\\n"
+ escape c = BC.singleton c
+serializeRecItem name (RecDate x) = [BC.pack "d:", name, BC.singleton ' ', BC.pack (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%s %z" x), BC.singleton '\n']
+serializeRecItem name (RecJson x) = [BC.pack "j:", name, BC.singleton ' '] ++ BL.toChunks (J.encode x) ++ [BC.singleton '\n']
+serializeRecItem name (RecRef x) = [BC.pack "r:", name, BC.singleton ' ', showRef x, BC.singleton '\n']
+lazyLoadObject :: Ref -> Object
+lazyLoadObject = fst . lazyLoadObject'
+lazyLoadBytes :: Ref -> BL.ByteString
+lazyLoadBytes = snd . lazyLoadObject'
+lazyLoadObject' :: Ref -> (Object, BL.ByteString)
+lazyLoadObject' ref | isZeroRef ref = (ZeroObject, BL.empty)
+lazyLoadObject' ref@(Ref st rhash) = unsafePerformIO $ do
+ file <- decompress <$> (BL.readFile $ refPath ref)
+ let Ref _ chash = Ref st $ hash file
+ when (chash /= rhash) $ error $ "Hash mismatch on object " ++ BC.unpack (showRef ref) {- TODO throw -}
+ obj <- case BLC.break (=='\n') file of
+ (line, rest) | Just (otype, len) <- splitObjPrefix line -> do
+ let content = BL.toStrict $ BL.drop 1 rest
+ guard $ B.length content == len
+ case otype of
+ _ | otype == BC.pack "blob" -> return $ Blob content
+ | otype == BC.pack "rec" -> maybe (error $ "Malformed record item in " ++ BC.unpack (showRef ref))
+ (return . Rec) $ sequence $ map parseRecLine $ BC.lines content
+ | otherwise -> error $ "Unknown object type of " ++ BC.unpack (showRef ref) {- TODO throw -}
+ _ -> error $ "Malformed object " ++ BC.unpack (showRef ref) {- TODO throw -}
+ return (obj, file)
+ where splitObjPrefix line = do
+ [otype, tlen] <- return $ BLC.words line
+ (len, rest) <- BLC.readInt tlen
+ guard $ BL.null rest
+ return (BL.toStrict otype, len)
+ parseRecLine line = do
+ colon <- BC.elemIndex ':' line
+ space <- BC.elemIndex ' ' line
+ guard $ colon < space
+ let itype = B.take colon line
+ name = B.take (space-colon-1) $ B.drop (colon+1) line
+ content = B.drop (space+1) line
+ val <- case BC.unpack itype of
+ "i" -> do (num, rest) <- BC.readInteger content
+ guard $ B.null rest
+ return $ RecInt num
+ "n" -> RecNum <$> parseRatio content
+ "t" -> return $ RecText $ decodeUtf8With lenientDecode content
+ "d" -> RecDate <$> parseTimeM False defaultTimeLocale "%s %z" (BC.unpack content)
+ "j" -> RecJson <$> J.decode (BL.fromStrict content)
+ "r" -> RecRef <$> unsafeReadRef st content
+ _ -> Nothing
+ return (name, val)
+data Head = Head String Ref
+ deriving (Show)
+headName :: Head -> String
+headName (Head name _) = name
+headRef :: Head -> Ref
+headRef (Head _ ref) = ref
+headObject :: Storable a => Head -> a
+headObject = load . headRef
+loadHeads :: Storage -> IO [Head]
+loadHeads s@(Storage spath) = do
+ let hpath = spath ++ "/heads/"
+ files <- filterM (doesFileExist . (hpath++)) =<< getDirectoryContents hpath
+ forM files $ \hname -> do
+ (h:_) <- BC.lines <$> B.readFile (hpath ++ "/" ++ hname)
+ Just ref <- readRef s h
+ return $ Head hname ref
+loadHead :: Storage -> String -> IO Head
+loadHead s@(Storage spath) hname = do
+ let hpath = spath ++ "/heads/"
+ (h:_) <- BC.lines <$> B.readFile (hpath ++ hname)
+ Just ref <- readRef s h
+ return $ Head hname ref
+replaceHead :: Storable a => a -> Either (Storage, String) Head -> IO (Either (Maybe Head) Head)
+replaceHead obj prev = do
+ ref <- store st obj
+ writeFileChecked filename (either (const Nothing) (Just . showRefL . headRef) prev) (showRefL ref) >>= \case
+ Left Nothing -> return $ Left Nothing
+ Left (Just bs) -> do Just oref <- readRef st $ BC.takeWhile (/='\n') bs
+ return $ Left $ Just $ Head name oref
+ Right () -> return $ Right $ Head name ref
+ where (st@(Storage spath), name) = either id (\(Head n (Ref s _)) -> (s, n)) prev
+ filename = spath ++ "/heads/" ++ name
+ showRefL ref = showRef ref `B.append` BC.singleton '\n'
+openFdParents :: FilePath -> OpenMode -> Maybe FileMode -> OpenFileFlags -> IO Fd
+openFdParents path omode fmode flags = do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory path)
+ openFd path omode fmode flags
+writeFileOnce :: FilePath -> BL.ByteString -> IO ()
+writeFileOnce file content = bracket
+ (fdToHandle =<< openFdParents locked WriteOnly (Just $ unionFileModes ownerReadMode ownerWriteMode) (defaultFileFlags { exclusive = True }))
+ hClose $ \h -> do
+ fileExist file >>= \case
+ True -> removeLink locked
+ False -> do BL.hPut h content
+ rename locked file
+ where locked = file ++ ".lock"
+writeFileChecked :: FilePath -> Maybe ByteString -> ByteString -> IO (Either (Maybe ByteString) ())
+writeFileChecked file prev content = bracket
+ (fdToHandle =<< openFdParents locked WriteOnly (Just $ unionFileModes ownerReadMode ownerWriteMode) (defaultFileFlags { exclusive = True }))
+ hClose $ \h -> do
+ (prev,) <$> fileExist file >>= \case
+ (Nothing, True) -> do
+ current <- B.readFile file
+ removeLink locked
+ return $ Left $ Just current
+ (Nothing, False) -> do B.hPut h content
+ rename locked file
+ return $ Right ()
+ (Just expected, True) -> do
+ current <- B.readFile file
+ if current == expected then do B.hPut h content
+ rename locked file
+ return $ return ()
+ else do removeLink locked
+ return $ Left $ Just current
+ (Just _, False) -> do
+ removeLink locked
+ return $ Left Nothing
+ where locked = file ++ ".lock"
+class Storable a where
+ store' :: a -> Store
+ load' :: Load a
+ store :: Storage -> a -> IO Ref
+ store st = storeObject st <=< evalStore st . store'
+ load :: Ref -> a
+ load ref = let Load f = load'
+ in either (error {- TODO throw -} . ((BC.unpack (showRef ref) ++ ": ")++)) id $ f ref $ lazyLoadObject ref
+class Storable a => ZeroStorable a where
+ fromZero :: Storage -> a
+data Store = StoreBlob ByteString
+ | StoreRec (Storage -> [IO [(ByteString, RecItem)]])
+ | StoreZero
+evalStore :: Storage -> Store -> IO Object
+evalStore _ (StoreBlob x) = return $ Blob x
+evalStore s (StoreRec f) = Rec . concat <$> sequence (f s)
+evalStore _ StoreZero = return ZeroObject
+type StoreRec = ReaderT Storage (Writer [IO [(ByteString, RecItem)]]) ()
+data Load a = Load (Ref -> Object -> Either String a)
+type LoadRec a = ReaderT (Ref, [(ByteString, RecItem)]) (Either String) a
+instance Storable Object where
+ store' (Blob bs) = StoreBlob bs
+ store' (Rec xs) = StoreRec $ const $ map (return.return) xs
+ store' ZeroObject = StoreZero
+ load' = Load $ const return
+ store = storeObject
+ load = lazyLoadObject
+instance Storable ByteString where
+ store' = storeBlob
+ load' = loadBlob id
+instance Storable a => Storable [a] where
+ store' [] = storeZero
+ store' (x:xs) = storeRec $ do
+ storeRef "i" x
+ storeRef "n" xs
+ load' = Load $ \ref -> \case
+ ZeroObject -> return []
+ obj ->
+ let Load fres = loadRec $ (:)
+ <$> loadRef "i"
+ <*> loadRef "n"
+ in fres ref obj
+instance Storable a => ZeroStorable [a] where
+ fromZero _ = []
+storeBlob :: ByteString -> Store
+storeBlob = StoreBlob
+storeRec :: StoreRec -> Store
+storeRec r = StoreRec $ execWriter . runReaderT r
+storeZero :: Store
+storeZero = StoreZero
+class StorableText a where
+ toText :: a -> Text
+ fromText :: MonadError String m => Text -> m a
+instance StorableText Text where
+ toText = id; fromText = return
+instance StorableText [Char] where
+ toText = T.pack; fromText = return . T.unpack
+instance StorableText MIME.Type where
+ toText = MIME.showType
+ fromText = maybe (throwError "Malformed MIME type") return . MIME.parseMIMEType
+class StorableDate a where
+ toDate :: a -> ZonedTime
+ fromDate :: ZonedTime -> a
+instance StorableDate ZonedTime where
+ toDate = id; fromDate = id
+instance StorableDate UTCTime where
+ toDate = utcToZonedTime utc
+ fromDate = zonedTimeToUTC
+instance StorableDate Day where
+ toDate day = toDate $ UTCTime day 0
+ fromDate = utctDay . fromDate
+storeInt :: Integral a => String -> a -> StoreRec
+storeInt name x = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecInt $ toInteger x)]]
+storeMbInt :: Integral a => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec
+storeMbInt name = maybe (return ()) (storeInt name)
+storeNum :: (Real a, Fractional a) => String -> a -> StoreRec
+storeNum name x = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecNum $ toRational x)]]
+storeMbNum :: (Real a, Fractional a) => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec
+storeMbNum name = maybe (return ()) (storeNum name)
+storeText :: StorableText a => String -> a -> StoreRec
+storeText name x = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecText $ toText x)]]
+storeMbText :: StorableText a => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec
+storeMbText name = maybe (return ()) (storeText name)
+storeDate :: StorableDate a => String -> a -> StoreRec
+storeDate name x = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecDate $ toDate x)]]
+storeMbDate :: StorableDate a => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec
+storeMbDate name = maybe (return ()) (storeDate name)
+storeJson :: J.ToJSON a => String -> a -> StoreRec
+storeJson name x = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecJson $ J.toJSON x)]]
+storeMbJson :: J.ToJSON a => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec
+storeMbJson name = maybe (return ()) (storeJson name)
+storeRef :: Storable a => String -> a -> StoreRec
+storeRef name x = do
+ s <- ask
+ tell $ (:[]) $ do
+ ref <- store s x
+ return [(BC.pack name, RecRef ref)]
+storeMbRef :: Storable a => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec
+storeMbRef name = maybe (return ()) (storeRef name)
+storeRawRef :: String -> Ref -> StoreRec
+storeRawRef name ref = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecRef ref)]]
+storeMbRawRef :: String -> Maybe Ref -> StoreRec
+storeMbRawRef name = maybe (return ()) (storeRawRef name)
+storeZRef :: ZeroStorable a => String -> a -> StoreRec
+storeZRef name x = do
+ s <- ask
+ tell $ (:[]) $ do
+ ref <- store s x
+ return $ if isZeroRef ref then []
+ else [(BC.pack name, RecRef ref)]
+loadBlob :: (ByteString -> a) -> Load a
+loadBlob f = Load $ const $ \case
+ Blob x -> return $ f x
+ _ -> throwError "Expecting blob"
+loadRec :: LoadRec a -> Load a
+loadRec lrec = Load $ \ref -> \case
+ Rec rs -> runReaderT lrec (ref, rs)
+ _ -> throwError "Expecting record"
+loadZero :: a -> Load a
+loadZero x = Load $ const $ \case
+ ZeroObject -> return x
+ _ -> throwError "Expecting zero"
+loadInt :: Num a => String -> LoadRec a
+loadInt name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record item '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbInt name
+loadMbInt :: Num a => String -> LoadRec (Maybe a)
+loadMbInt name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (RecInt x) -> return (Just $ fromInteger x)
+ Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type int of record item '"++name++"'"
+loadNum :: (Real a, Fractional a) => String -> LoadRec a
+loadNum name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record item '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbNum name
+loadMbNum :: (Real a, Fractional a) => String -> LoadRec (Maybe a)
+loadMbNum name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (RecNum x) -> return (Just $ fromRational x)
+ Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type number of record item '"++name++"'"
+loadText :: StorableText a => String -> LoadRec a
+loadText name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record item '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbText name
+loadMbText :: StorableText a => String -> LoadRec (Maybe a)
+loadMbText name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (RecText x) -> Just <$> fromText x
+ Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type text of record item '"++name++"'"
+loadDate :: StorableDate a => String -> LoadRec a
+loadDate name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record item '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbDate name
+loadMbDate :: StorableDate a => String -> LoadRec (Maybe a)
+loadMbDate name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (RecDate x) -> return $ Just $ fromDate x
+ Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type date of record item '"++name++"'"
+loadJson :: J.FromJSON a => String -> LoadRec a
+loadJson name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record item '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbJson name
+loadMbJson :: J.FromJSON a => String -> LoadRec (Maybe a)
+loadMbJson name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (RecJson v) -> case J.fromJSON v of
+ J.Error err -> throwError err
+ J.Success x -> return (Just x)
+ Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type JSON of record item '"++name++"'"
+loadRawRef :: String -> LoadRec Ref
+loadRawRef name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record item '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbRawRef name
+loadMbRawRef :: String -> LoadRec (Maybe Ref)
+loadMbRawRef name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (RecRef x) -> return (Just x)
+ Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type ref of record item '"++name++"'"
+loadRef :: Storable a => String -> LoadRec a
+loadRef name = load <$> loadRawRef name
+loadMbRef :: Storable a => String -> LoadRec (Maybe a)
+loadMbRef name = fmap load <$> loadMbRawRef name
+loadZRef :: ZeroStorable a => String -> LoadRec a
+loadZRef name = loadMbRef name >>= \case
+ Nothing -> do Ref st _ <- asks fst
+ return $ fromZero st
+ Just x -> return x
+data Stored a = Stored Ref a
+ deriving (Show)
+instance Eq (Stored a) where
+ Stored r1 _ == Stored r2 _ = r1 == r2
+instance Ord (Stored a) where
+ compare (Stored r1 _) (Stored r2 _) = compare r1 r2
+instance Storable a => Storable (Stored a) where
+ store st (Stored ref@(Ref st' _) x) | st' == st = return ref
+ | otherwise = store st x
+ store' (Stored _ x) = store' x
+ load' = Load $ \ref obj ->
+ let Load fres = load'
+ in Stored ref <$> fres ref obj
+instance ZeroStorable a => ZeroStorable (Stored a) where
+ fromZero st = Stored (zeroRef st) $ fromZero st
+fromStored :: Stored a -> a
+fromStored (Stored _ x) = x
+storedRef :: Stored a -> Ref
+storedRef (Stored ref _) = ref
+storedStorage :: Stored a -> Storage
+storedStorage (Stored (Ref st _) _) = st
+wrappedStore :: Storable a => Storage -> a -> IO (Stored a)
+wrappedStore st x = do ref <- store st x
+ return $ Stored ref x
+wrappedLoad :: Storable a => Ref -> Stored a
+wrappedLoad ref = Stored ref (load ref)
+data StoreInfo = StoreInfo
+ { infoDate :: ZonedTime
+ , infoNote :: Maybe Text
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+makeStoreInfo :: IO StoreInfo
+makeStoreInfo = StoreInfo
+ <$> getZonedTime
+ <*> pure Nothing
+storeInfoRec :: StoreInfo -> StoreRec
+storeInfoRec info = do
+ storeDate "date" $ infoDate info
+ storeMbText "note" $ infoNote info
+loadInfoRec :: LoadRec StoreInfo
+loadInfoRec = StoreInfo
+ <$> loadDate "date"
+ <*> loadMbText "note"
+data History a = History StoreInfo (Stored a) (Maybe (StoredHistory a))
+ deriving (Show)
+type StoredHistory a = Stored (History a)
+instance Storable a => Storable (History a) where
+ store' (History si x prev) = storeRec $ do
+ storeInfoRec si
+ storeMbRef "prev" prev
+ storeRef "item" x
+ load' = loadRec $ History
+ <$> loadInfoRec
+ <*> loadRef "item"
+ <*> loadMbRef "prev"
+fromHistory :: StoredHistory a -> a
+fromHistory = fromStored . storedFromHistory
+fromHistoryAt :: ZonedTime -> StoredHistory a -> Maybe a
+fromHistoryAt zat = fmap (fromStored . snd) . listToMaybe . dropWhile ((at<) . zonedTimeToUTC . fst) . storedHistoryTimedList
+ where at = zonedTimeToUTC zat
+storedFromHistory :: StoredHistory a -> Stored a
+storedFromHistory sh = let History _ item _ = fromStored sh
+ in item
+storedHistoryList :: StoredHistory a -> [Stored a]
+storedHistoryList = map snd . storedHistoryTimedList
+storedHistoryTimedList :: StoredHistory a -> [(ZonedTime, Stored a)]
+storedHistoryTimedList sh = let History hinfo item prev = fromStored sh
+ in (infoDate hinfo, item) : maybe [] storedHistoryTimedList prev
+beginHistory :: Storable a => Storage -> StoreInfo -> a -> IO (StoredHistory a)
+beginHistory st si x = do sx <- wrappedStore st x
+ wrappedStore st $ History si sx Nothing
+modifyHistory :: Storable a => StoreInfo -> (a -> a) -> StoredHistory a -> IO (StoredHistory a)
+modifyHistory si f prev@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = do
+ sx <- wrappedStore st $ f $ fromHistory prev
+ wrappedStore st $ History si sx (Just prev)
+data List a = ListNil
+ | ListItem (Maybe Ref) (Maybe Ref) (Maybe (Stored a)) (StoredList a)
+ deriving (Show)
+type StoredList a = Stored (List a)
+instance Storable a => Storable (List a) where
+ store' ListNil = storeZero
+ store' (ListItem remove after item next) = storeRec $ do
+ storeMbRawRef "r" remove
+ storeMbRawRef "a" after
+ storeMbRef "i" item
+ storeRef "n" next
+ load' = Load $ \ref -> \case
+ ZeroObject -> return ListNil
+ obj ->
+ let Load fres = loadRec $ ListItem
+ <$> loadMbRawRef "r"
+ <*> loadMbRawRef "a"
+ <*> loadMbRef "i"
+ <*> loadRef "n"
+ in fres ref obj
+instance Storable a => ZeroStorable (List a) where
+ fromZero _ = ListNil
+emptySList :: Storable a => Storage -> IO (StoredList a)
+emptySList st = wrappedStore st ListNil
+fromSList :: StoredList a -> [a]
+fromSList = map fromStored . storedFromSList
+storedFromSList :: StoredList a -> [Stored a]
+storedFromSList = fromSList' []
+ where fromSList' :: [(Ref, Bool, [Stored a])] -> StoredList a -> [Stored a]
+ fromSList' _ (Stored _ ListNil) = []
+ fromSList' repl (Stored cref (ListItem rref aref x rest)) =
+ case (rref, aref) of
+ (Nothing, Nothing) -> let (rx, repl') = findRepl cref x repl
+ in rx ++ fromSList' repl' rest
+ (Just r , Nothing) -> fromSList' (addReplace cref r x repl) rest
+ (Nothing, Just a ) -> fromSList' (addInsert cref a x repl) rest
+ (Just r , Just a ) -> fromSList' (addReplace cref r x $ addInsert cref a x repl) rest
+ addReplace = findAddRepl False
+ addInsert = findAddRepl True
+ findAddRepl :: Bool -> Ref -> Ref -> Maybe (Stored a) -> [(Ref, Bool, [Stored a])] -> [(Ref, Bool, [Stored a])]
+ findAddRepl keep c t x rs = let (x', rs') = findRepl c x rs
+ in addRepl keep c t x' rs'
+ addRepl :: Bool -> Ref -> Ref -> [Stored a] -> [(Ref, Bool, [Stored a])] -> [(Ref, Bool, [Stored a])]
+ addRepl keep _ t x [] = [(t, keep, x)]
+ addRepl keep c t x ((pr, pk, px) : rs)
+ | pr == c = (t , keep, x ++ px) : rs
+ | pr == t = (t , pk, px ++ x) : rs
+ | otherwise = (pr, pk, px) : addRepl keep c t x rs
+ findRepl :: Ref -> Maybe (Stored a) -> [(Ref, Bool, [Stored a])] -> ([Stored a], [(Ref, Bool, [Stored a])])
+ findRepl _ x [] = (maybeToList x, [])
+ findRepl c x ((pr, pk, px) : rs)
+ | pr == c = (if pk then maybe id (:) x px else px, rs)
+ | otherwise = ((pr, pk, px):) <$> findRepl c x rs
+slistAdd :: Storable a => a -> StoredList a -> IO (StoredList a)
+slistAdd x next@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = do
+ sx <- wrappedStore st x
+ slistAddS sx next
+slistAddS :: Storable a => Stored a -> StoredList a -> IO (StoredList a)
+slistAddS sx next@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = wrappedStore st (ListItem Nothing Nothing (Just sx) next)
+slistInsert :: Storable a => Stored a -> a -> StoredList a -> IO (StoredList a)
+slistInsert after x next@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = do
+ sx <- wrappedStore st x
+ slistInsertS after sx next
+slistInsertS :: Storable a => Stored a -> Stored a -> StoredList a -> IO (StoredList a)
+slistInsertS after sx next@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = wrappedStore st $ ListItem Nothing (findSListRef after next) (Just sx) next
+slistRemove :: Storable a => Stored a -> StoredList a -> IO (StoredList a)
+slistRemove rm next@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = wrappedStore st $ ListItem (findSListRef rm next) Nothing Nothing next
+slistReplace :: Storable a => Stored a -> a -> StoredList a -> IO (StoredList a)
+slistReplace rm x next@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = do
+ sx <- wrappedStore st x
+ slistReplaceS rm sx next
+slistReplaceS :: Storable a => Stored a -> Stored a -> StoredList a -> IO (StoredList a)
+slistReplaceS rm sx next@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = wrappedStore st $ ListItem (findSListRef rm next) Nothing (Just sx) next
+findSListRef :: Stored a -> StoredList a -> Maybe Ref
+findSListRef _ (Stored _ ListNil) = Nothing
+findSListRef x (Stored ref (ListItem _ _ y next)) | y == Just x = Just ref
+ | otherwise = findSListRef x next
+mapFromSList :: Storable a => StoredList a -> Map Ref (Stored a)
+mapFromSList list = helper list M.empty
+ where helper :: Storable a => StoredList a -> Map Ref (Stored a) -> Map Ref (Stored a)
+ helper (Stored _ ListNil) cur = cur
+ helper (Stored _ (ListItem (Just rref) _ (Just x) rest)) cur =
+ let rxref = case load rref of
+ ListItem _ _ (Just rx) _ -> sameType rx x $ storedRef rx
+ _ -> error "mapFromSList: malformed list"
+ in helper rest $ case M.lookup (storedRef x) cur of
+ Nothing -> M.insert rxref x cur
+ Just x' -> M.insert rxref x' cur
+ helper (Stored _ (ListItem _ _ _ rest)) cur = helper rest cur
+ sameType :: a -> a -> b -> b
+ sameType _ _ x = x
+updateOld :: Map Ref (Stored a) -> Stored a -> Stored a
+updateOld m x = fromMaybe x $ M.lookup (storedRef x) m
+data StoreUpdate a = StoreKeep
+ | StoreReplace a
+ | StoreRemove
+withStoredListItem :: (Storable a) => (a -> Bool) -> StoredList a -> (a -> IO (StoreUpdate a)) -> IO (StoredList a)
+withStoredListItem p list f = withStoredListItemS (p . fromStored) list (suMap (wrappedStore $ storedStorage list) <=< f . fromStored)
+ where suMap :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> StoreUpdate a -> m (StoreUpdate b)
+ suMap _ StoreKeep = return StoreKeep
+ suMap g (StoreReplace x) = return . StoreReplace =<< g x
+ suMap _ StoreRemove = return StoreRemove
+withStoredListItemS :: (Storable a) => (Stored a -> Bool) -> StoredList a -> (Stored a -> IO (StoreUpdate (Stored a))) -> IO (StoredList a)
+withStoredListItemS p list f = do
+ case find p $ storedFromSList list of
+ Just sx -> f sx >>= \case StoreKeep -> return list
+ StoreReplace nx -> slistReplaceS sx nx list
+ StoreRemove -> slistRemove sx list
+ Nothing -> return list
+showRatio :: Rational -> String
+showRatio r = case decimalRatio r of
+ Just (n, 1) -> show n
+ Just (n', d) -> let n = abs n'
+ in (if n' < 0 then "-" else "") ++ show (n `div` d) ++ "." ++
+ (concatMap (show.(`mod` 10).snd) $ reverse $ takeWhile ((>1).fst) $ zip (iterate (`div` 10) d) (iterate (`div` 10) (n `mod` d)))
+ Nothing -> show (numerator r) ++ "/" ++ show (denominator r)
+decimalRatio :: Rational -> Maybe (Integer, Integer)
+decimalRatio r = do
+ let n = numerator r
+ d = denominator r
+ (c2, d') = takeFactors 2 d
+ (c5, d'') = takeFactors 5 d'
+ guard $ d'' == 1
+ let m = if c2 > c5 then 5 ^ (c2 - c5)
+ else 2 ^ (c5 - c2)
+ return (n * m, d * m)
+takeFactors :: Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
+takeFactors f n | n `mod` f == 0 = let (c, n') = takeFactors f (n `div` f)
+ in (c+1, n')
+ | otherwise = (0, n)
+parseRatio :: ByteString -> Maybe Rational
+parseRatio bs = case BC.groupBy ((==) `on` isNumber) bs of
+ (m:xs) | m == BC.pack "-" -> negate <$> positive xs
+ xs -> positive xs
+ where positive = \case
+ [bx] -> fromInteger . fst <$> BC.readInteger bx
+ [bx, op, by] -> do
+ (x, _) <- BC.readInteger bx
+ (y, _) <- BC.readInteger by
+ case BC.unpack op of
+ "." -> return $ (x % 1) + (y % (10 ^ BC.length by))
+ "/" -> return $ x % y
+ _ -> Nothing
+ _ -> Nothing