path: root/main/Test.hs
diff options
authorRoman Smrž <>2023-11-17 20:28:44 +0100
committerRoman Smrž <>2023-11-18 20:03:24 +0100
commit88a7bb50033baab3c2d0eed7e4be868e8966300a (patch)
tree861631a1e5e7434b92a8f19ef8f7b783790e1d1f /main/Test.hs
parent5b908c86320ee73f2722c85f8a47fa03ec093c6c (diff)
Split to library and executable parts
Diffstat (limited to 'main/Test.hs')
1 files changed, 550 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main/Test.hs b/main/Test.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f0f7d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/Test.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+module Test (
+ runTestTool,
+) where
+import Control.Arrow
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Exception
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Crypto.Random
+import Data.ByteString qualified as B
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as BC
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
+import Data.Foldable
+import Data.Ord
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Data.Text qualified as T
+import Data.Text.Encoding
+import Data.Text.IO qualified as T
+import Data.Typeable
+import Network.Socket
+import System.IO
+import System.IO.Error
+import Erebos.Attach
+import Erebos.Contact
+import Erebos.Identity
+import Erebos.Message
+import Erebos.Network
+import Erebos.Pairing
+import Erebos.PubKey
+import Erebos.Service
+import Erebos.Set
+import Erebos.State
+import Erebos.Storage
+import Erebos.Storage.Internal (unsafeStoreRawBytes)
+import Erebos.Storage.Merge
+import Erebos.Sync
+data TestState = TestState
+ { tsHead :: Maybe (Head LocalState)
+ , tsServer :: Maybe RunningServer
+ , tsWatchedLocalIdentity :: Maybe WatchedHead
+ , tsWatchedSharedIdentity :: Maybe WatchedHead
+ }
+data RunningServer = RunningServer
+ { rsServer :: Server
+ , rsPeers :: MVar (Int, [(Int, Peer)])
+ , rsPeerThread :: ThreadId
+ }
+initTestState :: TestState
+initTestState = TestState
+ { tsHead = Nothing
+ , tsServer = Nothing
+ , tsWatchedLocalIdentity = Nothing
+ , tsWatchedSharedIdentity = Nothing
+ }
+data TestInput = TestInput
+ { tiOutput :: Output
+ , tiStorage :: Storage
+ , tiParams :: [Text]
+ }
+runTestTool :: Storage -> IO ()
+runTestTool st = do
+ out <- newMVar ()
+ let testLoop = getLineMb >>= \case
+ Just line -> do
+ case T.words line of
+ (cname:params)
+ | Just (CommandM cmd) <- lookup cname commands -> do
+ runReaderT cmd $ TestInput out st params
+ | otherwise -> fail $ "Unknown command '" ++ T.unpack cname ++ "'"
+ [] -> return ()
+ testLoop
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ runExceptT (evalStateT testLoop initTestState) >>= \case
+ Left x -> hPutStrLn stderr x
+ Right () -> return ()
+getLineMb :: MonadIO m => m (Maybe Text)
+getLineMb = liftIO $ catchIOError (Just <$> T.getLine) (\e -> if isEOFError e then return Nothing else ioError e)
+getLines :: MonadIO m => m [Text]
+getLines = getLineMb >>= \case
+ Just line | not (T.null line) -> (line:) <$> getLines
+ _ -> return []
+getHead :: CommandM (Head LocalState)
+getHead = do
+ h <- maybe (fail "failed to reload head") return =<< maybe (fail "no current head") reloadHead =<< gets tsHead
+ modify $ \s -> s { tsHead = Just h }
+ return h
+type Output = MVar ()
+outLine :: Output -> String -> IO ()
+outLine mvar line = do
+ evaluate $ foldl' (flip seq) () line
+ withMVar mvar $ \() -> do
+ putStrLn line
+ hFlush stdout
+cmdOut :: String -> Command
+cmdOut line = do
+ out <- asks tiOutput
+ liftIO $ outLine out line
+getPeer :: Text -> CommandM Peer
+getPeer spidx = do
+ Just RunningServer {..} <- gets tsServer
+ Just peer <- lookup (read $ T.unpack spidx) . snd <$> liftIO (readMVar rsPeers)
+ return peer
+getPeerIndex :: MVar (Int, [(Int, Peer)]) -> ServiceHandler (PairingService a) Int
+getPeerIndex pmvar = do
+ peer <- asks svcPeer
+ maybe 0 fst . find ((==peer) . snd) . snd <$> liftIO (readMVar pmvar)
+pairingAttributes :: PairingResult a => proxy (PairingService a) -> Output -> MVar (Int, [(Int, Peer)]) -> String -> PairingAttributes a
+pairingAttributes _ out peers prefix = PairingAttributes
+ { pairingHookRequest = return ()
+ , pairingHookResponse = \confirm -> do
+ index <- show <$> getPeerIndex peers
+ afterCommit $ outLine out $ unwords [prefix ++ "-response", index, confirm]
+ , pairingHookRequestNonce = \confirm -> do
+ index <- show <$> getPeerIndex peers
+ afterCommit $ outLine out $ unwords [prefix ++ "-request", index, confirm]
+ , pairingHookRequestNonceFailed = failed "nonce"
+ , pairingHookConfirmedResponse = return ()
+ , pairingHookConfirmedRequest = return ()
+ , pairingHookAcceptedResponse = do
+ index <- show <$> getPeerIndex peers
+ afterCommit $ outLine out $ unwords [prefix ++ "-response-done", index]
+ , pairingHookAcceptedRequest = do
+ index <- show <$> getPeerIndex peers
+ afterCommit $ outLine out $ unwords [prefix ++ "-request-done", index]
+ , pairingHookFailed = \case
+ PairingUserRejected -> failed "user"
+ PairingUnexpectedMessage pstate packet -> failed $ "unexpected " ++ strState pstate ++ " " ++ strPacket packet
+ PairingFailedOther str -> failed $ "other " ++ str
+ , pairingHookVerifyFailed = failed "verify"
+ , pairingHookRejected = failed "rejected"
+ }
+ where
+ failed :: PairingResult a => String -> ServiceHandler (PairingService a) ()
+ failed detail = do
+ ptype <- svcGet >>= return . \case
+ OurRequest {} -> "response"
+ OurRequestConfirm {} -> "response"
+ OurRequestReady -> "response"
+ PeerRequest {} -> "request"
+ PeerRequestConfirm -> "request"
+ _ -> fail "unexpected pairing state"
+ index <- show <$> getPeerIndex peers
+ afterCommit $ outLine out $ prefix ++ "-" ++ ptype ++ "-failed " ++ index ++ " " ++ detail
+ strState :: PairingState a -> String
+ strState = \case
+ NoPairing -> "none"
+ OurRequest {} -> "our-request"
+ OurRequestConfirm {} -> "our-request-confirm"
+ OurRequestReady -> "our-request-ready"
+ PeerRequest {} -> "peer-request"
+ PeerRequestConfirm -> "peer-request-confirm"
+ PairingDone -> "done"
+ strPacket :: PairingService a -> String
+ strPacket = \case
+ PairingRequest {} -> "request"
+ PairingResponse {} -> "response"
+ PairingRequestNonce {} -> "nonce"
+ PairingAccept {} -> "accept"
+ PairingReject -> "reject"
+directMessageAttributes :: Output -> DirectMessageAttributes
+directMessageAttributes out = DirectMessageAttributes
+ { dmOwnerMismatch = afterCommit $ outLine out "dm-owner-mismatch"
+ }
+dmReceivedWatcher :: Output -> Stored DirectMessage -> IO ()
+dmReceivedWatcher out smsg = do
+ let msg = fromStored smsg
+ outLine out $ unwords
+ [ "dm-received"
+ , "from", maybe "<unnamed>" T.unpack $ idName $ msgFrom msg
+ , "text", T.unpack $ msgText msg
+ ]
+newtype CommandM a = CommandM (ReaderT TestInput (StateT TestState (ExceptT String IO)) a)
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadReader TestInput, MonadState TestState, MonadError String)
+instance MonadFail CommandM where
+ fail = throwError
+instance MonadRandom CommandM where
+ getRandomBytes = liftIO . getRandomBytes
+instance MonadStorage CommandM where
+ getStorage = asks tiStorage
+instance MonadHead LocalState CommandM where
+ updateLocalHead f = do
+ Just h <- gets tsHead
+ (Just h', x) <- maybe (fail "failed to reload head") (flip updateHead f) =<< reloadHead h
+ modify $ \s -> s { tsHead = Just h' }
+ return x
+type Command = CommandM ()
+commands :: [(Text, Command)]
+commands = map (T.pack *** id)
+ [ ("store", cmdStore)
+ , ("stored-generation", cmdStoredGeneration)
+ , ("stored-roots", cmdStoredRoots)
+ , ("stored-set-add", cmdStoredSetAdd)
+ , ("stored-set-list", cmdStoredSetList)
+ , ("create-identity", cmdCreateIdentity)
+ , ("start-server", cmdStartServer)
+ , ("stop-server", cmdStopServer)
+ , ("peer-add", cmdPeerAdd)
+ , ("shared-state-get", cmdSharedStateGet)
+ , ("shared-state-wait", cmdSharedStateWait)
+ , ("watch-local-identity", cmdWatchLocalIdentity)
+ , ("watch-shared-identity", cmdWatchSharedIdentity)
+ , ("update-local-identity", cmdUpdateLocalIdentity)
+ , ("update-shared-identity", cmdUpdateSharedIdentity)
+ , ("attach-to", cmdAttachTo)
+ , ("attach-accept", cmdAttachAccept)
+ , ("attach-reject", cmdAttachReject)
+ , ("contact-request", cmdContactRequest)
+ , ("contact-accept", cmdContactAccept)
+ , ("contact-reject", cmdContactReject)
+ , ("contact-list", cmdContactList)
+ , ("contact-set-name", cmdContactSetName)
+ , ("dm-send-peer", cmdDmSendPeer)
+ , ("dm-send-contact", cmdDmSendContact)
+ , ("dm-list-peer", cmdDmListPeer)
+ , ("dm-list-contact", cmdDmListContact)
+ ]
+cmdStore :: Command
+cmdStore = do
+ st <- asks tiStorage
+ [otype] <- asks tiParams
+ ls <- getLines
+ let cnt = encodeUtf8 $ T.unlines ls
+ ref <- liftIO $ unsafeStoreRawBytes st $ BL.fromChunks [encodeUtf8 otype, BC.singleton ' ', BC.pack (show $ B.length cnt), BC.singleton '\n', cnt]
+ cmdOut $ "store-done " ++ show (refDigest ref)
+cmdStoredGeneration :: Command
+cmdStoredGeneration = do
+ st <- asks tiStorage
+ [tref] <- asks tiParams
+ Just ref <- liftIO $ readRef st (encodeUtf8 tref)
+ cmdOut $ "stored-generation " ++ T.unpack tref ++ " " ++ showGeneration (storedGeneration $ wrappedLoad @Object ref)
+cmdStoredRoots :: Command
+cmdStoredRoots = do
+ st <- asks tiStorage
+ [tref] <- asks tiParams
+ Just ref <- liftIO $ readRef st (encodeUtf8 tref)
+ cmdOut $ "stored-roots " ++ T.unpack tref ++ concatMap ((' ':) . show . refDigest . storedRef) (storedRoots $ wrappedLoad @Object ref)
+cmdStoredSetAdd :: Command
+cmdStoredSetAdd = do
+ st <- asks tiStorage
+ (item, set) <- asks tiParams >>= liftIO . mapM (readRef st . encodeUtf8) >>= \case
+ [Just iref, Just sref] -> return (wrappedLoad iref, loadSet @[Stored Object] sref)
+ [Just iref] -> return (wrappedLoad iref, emptySet)
+ _ -> fail "unexpected parameters"
+ set' <- storeSetAdd st [item] set
+ cmdOut $ "stored-set-add" ++ concatMap ((' ':) . show . refDigest . storedRef) (toComponents set')
+cmdStoredSetList :: Command
+cmdStoredSetList = do
+ st <- asks tiStorage
+ [tref] <- asks tiParams
+ Just ref <- liftIO $ readRef st (encodeUtf8 tref)
+ let items = fromSetBy compare $ loadSet @[Stored Object] ref
+ forM_ items $ \item -> do
+ cmdOut $ "stored-set-item" ++ concatMap ((' ':) . show . refDigest . storedRef) item
+ cmdOut $ "stored-set-done"
+cmdCreateIdentity :: Command
+cmdCreateIdentity = do
+ st <- asks tiStorage
+ names <- asks tiParams
+ h <- liftIO $ do
+ Just identity <- if null names
+ then Just <$> createIdentity st Nothing Nothing
+ else foldrM (\n o -> Just <$> createIdentity st (Just n) o) Nothing names
+ shared <- case names of
+ _:_:_ -> (:[]) <$> makeSharedStateUpdate st (Just $ finalOwner identity) []
+ _ -> return []
+ storeHead st $ LocalState
+ { lsIdentity = idExtData identity
+ , lsShared = shared
+ }
+ _ <- liftIO . watchReceivedMessages h . dmReceivedWatcher =<< asks tiOutput
+ modify $ \s -> s { tsHead = Just h }
+cmdStartServer :: Command
+cmdStartServer = do
+ out <- asks tiOutput
+ Just h <- gets tsHead
+ rsPeers <- liftIO $ newMVar (1, [])
+ rsServer <- liftIO $ startServer defaultServerOptions h (hPutStrLn stderr)
+ [ someServiceAttr $ pairingAttributes (Proxy @AttachService) out rsPeers "attach"
+ , someServiceAttr $ pairingAttributes (Proxy @ContactService) out rsPeers "contact"
+ , someServiceAttr $ directMessageAttributes out
+ , someService @SyncService Proxy
+ ]
+ rsPeerThread <- liftIO $ forkIO $ void $ forever $ do
+ peer <- getNextPeerChange rsServer
+ let printPeer (idx, p) = do
+ params <- peerIdentity p >>= return . \case
+ PeerIdentityFull pid -> ("id":) $ map (maybe "<unnamed>" T.unpack . idName) (unfoldOwners pid)
+ _ -> [ "addr", show (peerAddress p) ]
+ outLine out $ unwords $ [ "peer", show idx ] ++ params
+ update (nid, []) = printPeer (nid, peer) >> return (nid + 1, [(nid, peer)])
+ update cur@(nid, p:ps) | snd p == peer = printPeer p >> return cur
+ | otherwise = fmap (p:) <$> update (nid, ps)
+ modifyMVar_ rsPeers update
+ modify $ \s -> s { tsServer = Just RunningServer {..} }
+cmdStopServer :: Command
+cmdStopServer = do
+ Just RunningServer {..} <- gets tsServer
+ liftIO $ do
+ killThread rsPeerThread
+ stopServer rsServer
+ modify $ \s -> s { tsServer = Nothing }
+ cmdOut "stop-server-done"
+cmdPeerAdd :: Command
+cmdPeerAdd = do
+ Just RunningServer {..} <- gets tsServer
+ host:rest <- map T.unpack <$> asks tiParams
+ let port = case rest of [] -> show discoveryPort
+ (p:_) -> p
+ addr:_ <- liftIO $ getAddrInfo (Just $ defaultHints { addrSocketType = Datagram }) (Just host) (Just port)
+ void $ liftIO $ serverPeer rsServer (addrAddress addr)
+cmdSharedStateGet :: Command
+cmdSharedStateGet = do
+ h <- getHead
+ cmdOut $ unwords $ "shared-state-get" : map (show . refDigest . storedRef) (lsShared $ headObject h)
+cmdSharedStateWait :: Command
+cmdSharedStateWait = do
+ st <- asks tiStorage
+ out <- asks tiOutput
+ Just h <- gets tsHead
+ trefs <- asks tiParams
+ liftIO $ do
+ mvar <- newEmptyMVar
+ w <- watchHeadWith h (lsShared . headObject) $ \cur -> do
+ mbobjs <- mapM (readRef st . encodeUtf8) trefs
+ case map wrappedLoad <$> sequence mbobjs of
+ Just objs | filterAncestors (cur ++ objs) == cur -> do
+ outLine out $ unwords $ "shared-state-wait" : map T.unpack trefs
+ void $ forkIO $ unwatchHead =<< takeMVar mvar
+ _ -> return ()
+ putMVar mvar w
+cmdWatchLocalIdentity :: Command
+cmdWatchLocalIdentity = do
+ Just h <- gets tsHead
+ Nothing <- gets tsWatchedLocalIdentity
+ out <- asks tiOutput
+ w <- liftIO $ watchHeadWith h headLocalIdentity $ \idt -> do
+ outLine out $ unwords $ "local-identity" : map (maybe "<unnamed>" T.unpack . idName) (unfoldOwners idt)
+ modify $ \s -> s { tsWatchedLocalIdentity = Just w }
+cmdWatchSharedIdentity :: Command
+cmdWatchSharedIdentity = do
+ Just h <- gets tsHead
+ Nothing <- gets tsWatchedSharedIdentity
+ out <- asks tiOutput
+ w <- liftIO $ watchHeadWith h (lookupSharedValue . lsShared . headObject) $ \case
+ Just (idt :: ComposedIdentity) -> do
+ outLine out $ unwords $ "shared-identity" : map (maybe "<unnamed>" T.unpack . idName) (unfoldOwners idt)
+ Nothing -> do
+ outLine out $ "shared-identity-failed"
+ modify $ \s -> s { tsWatchedSharedIdentity = Just w }
+cmdUpdateLocalIdentity :: Command
+cmdUpdateLocalIdentity = do
+ [name] <- asks tiParams
+ updateLocalHead_ $ \ls -> do
+ Just identity <- return $ validateExtendedIdentity $ lsIdentity $ fromStored ls
+ let public = idKeyIdentity identity
+ secret <- loadKey public
+ nidata <- maybe (error "created invalid identity") (return . idExtData) . validateExtendedIdentity =<<
+ mstore =<< sign secret =<< mstore . ExtendedIdentityData =<< return (emptyIdentityExtension $ idData identity)
+ { idePrev = toList $ idExtDataF identity
+ , ideName = Just name
+ }
+ mstore (fromStored ls) { lsIdentity = nidata }
+cmdUpdateSharedIdentity :: Command
+cmdUpdateSharedIdentity = do
+ [name] <- asks tiParams
+ updateLocalHead_ $ updateSharedState_ $ \case
+ Nothing -> throwError "no existing shared identity"
+ Just identity -> do
+ let public = idKeyIdentity identity
+ secret <- loadKey public
+ uidentity <- mergeIdentity identity
+ maybe (error "created invalid identity") (return . Just . toComposedIdentity) . validateExtendedIdentity =<<
+ mstore =<< sign secret =<< mstore . ExtendedIdentityData =<< return (emptyIdentityExtension $ idData uidentity)
+ { idePrev = toList $ idExtDataF identity
+ , ideName = Just name
+ }
+cmdAttachTo :: Command
+cmdAttachTo = do
+ [spidx] <- asks tiParams
+ attachToOwner =<< getPeer spidx
+cmdAttachAccept :: Command
+cmdAttachAccept = do
+ [spidx] <- asks tiParams
+ attachAccept =<< getPeer spidx
+cmdAttachReject :: Command
+cmdAttachReject = do
+ [spidx] <- asks tiParams
+ attachReject =<< getPeer spidx
+cmdContactRequest :: Command
+cmdContactRequest = do
+ [spidx] <- asks tiParams
+ contactRequest =<< getPeer spidx
+cmdContactAccept :: Command
+cmdContactAccept = do
+ [spidx] <- asks tiParams
+ contactAccept =<< getPeer spidx
+cmdContactReject :: Command
+cmdContactReject = do
+ [spidx] <- asks tiParams
+ contactReject =<< getPeer spidx
+cmdContactList :: Command
+cmdContactList = do
+ h <- getHead
+ let contacts = fromSetBy (comparing contactName) . lookupSharedValue . lsShared . headObject $ h
+ forM_ contacts $ \c -> do
+ r:_ <- return $ filterAncestors $ concatMap storedRoots $ toComponents c
+ cmdOut $ concat
+ [ "contact-list-item "
+ , show $ refDigest $ storedRef r
+ , " "
+ , T.unpack $ contactName c
+ , case contactIdentity c of Nothing -> ""; Just idt -> " " ++ T.unpack (displayIdentity idt)
+ ]
+ cmdOut "contact-list-done"
+getContact :: Text -> CommandM Contact
+getContact cid = do
+ h <- getHead
+ let contacts = fromSetBy (comparing contactName) . lookupSharedValue . lsShared . headObject $ h
+ [contact] <- flip filterM contacts $ \c -> do
+ r:_ <- return $ filterAncestors $ concatMap storedRoots $ toComponents c
+ return $ T.pack (show $ refDigest $ storedRef r) == cid
+ return contact
+cmdContactSetName :: Command
+cmdContactSetName = do
+ [cid, name] <- asks tiParams
+ contact <- getContact cid
+ updateLocalHead_ $ updateSharedState_ $ contactSetName contact name
+ cmdOut "contact-set-name-done"
+cmdDmSendPeer :: Command
+cmdDmSendPeer = do
+ [spidx, msg] <- asks tiParams
+ PeerIdentityFull to <- peerIdentity =<< getPeer spidx
+ void $ sendDirectMessage to msg
+cmdDmSendContact :: Command
+cmdDmSendContact = do
+ [cid, msg] <- asks tiParams
+ Just to <- contactIdentity <$> getContact cid
+ void $ sendDirectMessage to msg
+dmList :: Foldable f => Identity f -> Command
+dmList peer = do
+ threads <- toThreadList . lookupSharedValue . lsShared . headObject <$> getHead
+ case find (sameIdentity peer . msgPeer) threads of
+ Just thread -> do
+ forM_ (reverse $ threadToList thread) $ \DirectMessage {..} -> cmdOut $ "dm-list-item"
+ <> " from " <> (maybe "<unnamed>" T.unpack $ idName msgFrom)
+ <> " text " <> (T.unpack msgText)
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ cmdOut "dm-list-done"
+cmdDmListPeer :: Command
+cmdDmListPeer = do
+ [spidx] <- asks tiParams
+ PeerIdentityFull to <- peerIdentity =<< getPeer spidx
+ dmList to
+cmdDmListContact :: Command
+cmdDmListContact = do
+ [cid] <- asks tiParams
+ Just to <- contactIdentity <$> getContact cid
+ dmList to