path: root/src/Contact.hs
diff options
authorRoman Smrž <>2023-11-17 20:28:44 +0100
committerRoman Smrž <>2023-11-18 20:03:24 +0100
commit88a7bb50033baab3c2d0eed7e4be868e8966300a (patch)
tree861631a1e5e7434b92a8f19ef8f7b783790e1d1f /src/Contact.hs
parent5b908c86320ee73f2722c85f8a47fa03ec093c6c (diff)
Split to library and executable parts
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Contact.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 175 deletions
diff --git a/src/Contact.hs b/src/Contact.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index a232b8c..0000000
--- a/src/Contact.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-module Contact (
- Contact,
- contactIdentity,
- contactCustomName,
- contactName,
- contactSetName,
- ContactService,
- contactRequest,
- contactAccept,
- contactReject,
-) where
-import Control.Monad
-import Control.Monad.Except
-import Control.Monad.Reader
-import Data.Maybe
-import Data.Proxy
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import Identity
-import Network
-import Pairing
-import PubKey
-import Service
-import Set
-import State
-import Storage
-import Storage.Merge
-data Contact = Contact
- { contactData :: [Stored ContactData]
- , contactIdentity_ :: Maybe ComposedIdentity
- , contactCustomName_ :: Maybe Text
- }
-data ContactData = ContactData
- { cdPrev :: [Stored ContactData]
- , cdIdentity :: [Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData)]
- , cdName :: Maybe Text
- }
-instance Storable ContactData where
- store' x = storeRec $ do
- mapM_ (storeRef "PREV") $ cdPrev x
- mapM_ (storeRef "identity") $ cdIdentity x
- storeMbText "name" $ cdName x
- load' = loadRec $ ContactData
- <$> loadRefs "PREV"
- <*> loadRefs "identity"
- <*> loadMbText "name"
-instance Mergeable Contact where
- type Component Contact = ContactData
- mergeSorted cdata = Contact
- { contactData = cdata
- , contactIdentity_ = validateExtendedIdentityF $ concat $ findProperty ((\case [] -> Nothing; xs -> Just xs) . cdIdentity) cdata
- , contactCustomName_ = findPropertyFirst cdName cdata
- }
- toComponents = contactData
-instance SharedType (Set Contact) where
- sharedTypeID _ = mkSharedTypeID "34fbb61e-6022-405f-b1b3-a5a1abecd25e"
-contactIdentity :: Contact -> Maybe ComposedIdentity
-contactIdentity = contactIdentity_
-contactCustomName :: Contact -> Maybe Text
-contactCustomName = contactCustomName_
-contactName :: Contact -> Text
-contactName c = fromJust $ msum
- [ contactCustomName c
- , idName =<< contactIdentity c
- , Just T.empty
- ]
-contactSetName :: MonadHead LocalState m => Contact -> Text -> Set Contact -> m (Set Contact)
-contactSetName contact name set = do
- st <- getStorage
- cdata <- wrappedStore st ContactData
- { cdPrev = toComponents contact
- , cdIdentity = []
- , cdName = Just name
- }
- storeSetAdd st (mergeSorted @Contact [cdata]) set
-type ContactService = PairingService ContactAccepted
-data ContactAccepted = ContactAccepted
-instance Storable ContactAccepted where
- store' ContactAccepted = storeRec $ do
- storeText "accept" ""
- load' = loadRec $ do
- (_ :: T.Text) <- loadText "accept"
- return ContactAccepted
-instance PairingResult ContactAccepted where
- pairingServiceID _ = mkServiceID "d9c37368-0da1-4280-93e9-d9bd9a198084"
- pairingVerifyResult = return . Just
- pairingFinalizeRequest ContactAccepted = do
- pid <- asks svcPeerIdentity
- finalizeContact pid
- pairingFinalizeResponse = do
- pid <- asks svcPeerIdentity
- finalizeContact pid
- return ContactAccepted
- defaultPairingAttributes _ = PairingAttributes
- { pairingHookRequest = do
- peer <- asks $ svcPeerIdentity
- svcPrint $ "Contact pairing from " ++ T.unpack (displayIdentity peer) ++ " initiated"
- , pairingHookResponse = \confirm -> do
- peer <- asks $ svcPeerIdentity
- svcPrint $ "Confirm contact " ++ T.unpack (displayIdentity $ finalOwner peer) ++ ": " ++ confirm
- , pairingHookRequestNonce = \confirm -> do
- peer <- asks $ svcPeerIdentity
- svcPrint $ "Contact request from " ++ T.unpack (displayIdentity $ finalOwner peer) ++ ": " ++ confirm
- , pairingHookRequestNonceFailed = do
- peer <- asks $ svcPeerIdentity
- svcPrint $ "Failed contact request from " ++ T.unpack (displayIdentity peer)
- , pairingHookConfirmedResponse = do
- svcPrint $ "Contact accepted, waiting for peer confirmation"
- , pairingHookConfirmedRequest = do
- svcPrint $ "Contact confirmed by peer"
- , pairingHookAcceptedResponse = do
- svcPrint $ "Contact accepted"
- , pairingHookAcceptedRequest = do
- svcPrint $ "Contact accepted"
- , pairingHookVerifyFailed = return ()
- , pairingHookRejected = do
- svcPrint $ "Contact rejected by peer"
- , pairingHookFailed = \_ -> do
- svcPrint $ "Contact failed"
- }
-contactRequest :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => Peer -> m ()
-contactRequest = pairingRequest @ContactAccepted Proxy
-contactAccept :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => Peer -> m ()
-contactAccept = pairingAccept @ContactAccepted Proxy
-contactReject :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => Peer -> m ()
-contactReject = pairingReject @ContactAccepted Proxy
-finalizeContact :: MonadHead LocalState m => UnifiedIdentity -> m ()
-finalizeContact identity = updateLocalHead_ $ updateSharedState_ $ \contacts -> do
- st <- getStorage
- cdata <- wrappedStore st ContactData
- { cdPrev = []
- , cdIdentity = idExtDataF $ finalOwner identity
- , cdName = Nothing
- }
- storeSetAdd st (mergeSorted @Contact [cdata]) contacts