path: root/src/Erebos
diff options
authorRoman Smrž <>2023-11-17 20:28:44 +0100
committerRoman Smrž <>2023-11-18 20:03:24 +0100
commit88a7bb50033baab3c2d0eed7e4be868e8966300a (patch)
tree861631a1e5e7434b92a8f19ef8f7b783790e1d1f /src/Erebos
parent5b908c86320ee73f2722c85f8a47fa03ec093c6c (diff)
Split to library and executable parts
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Erebos')
27 files changed, 6042 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Attach.hs b/src/Erebos/Attach.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fd976f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Attach.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+module Erebos.Attach (
+ AttachService,
+ attachToOwner,
+ attachAccept,
+ attachReject,
+) where
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Data.ByteArray (ScrubbedBytes)
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Proxy
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Erebos.Identity
+import Erebos.Network
+import Erebos.Pairing
+import Erebos.PubKey
+import Erebos.Service
+import Erebos.State
+import Erebos.Storage
+import Erebos.Storage.Key
+type AttachService = PairingService AttachIdentity
+data AttachIdentity = AttachIdentity (Stored (Signed IdentityData)) [ScrubbedBytes]
+instance Storable AttachIdentity where
+ store' (AttachIdentity x keys) = storeRec $ do
+ storeRef "identity" x
+ mapM_ (storeBinary "skey") keys
+ load' = loadRec $ AttachIdentity
+ <$> loadRef "identity"
+ <*> loadBinaries "skey"
+instance PairingResult AttachIdentity where
+ pairingServiceID _ = mkServiceID "4995a5f9-2d4d-48e9-ad3b-0bf1c2a1be7f"
+ type PairingVerifiedResult AttachIdentity = (UnifiedIdentity, [ScrubbedBytes])
+ pairingVerifyResult (AttachIdentity sdata keys) = do
+ curid <- lsIdentity . fromStored <$> svcGetLocal
+ secret <- loadKey $ eiddKeyIdentity $ fromSigned curid
+ sdata' <- mstore =<< signAdd secret (fromStored sdata)
+ return $ do
+ guard $ iddKeyIdentity (fromSigned sdata) ==
+ eiddKeyIdentity (fromSigned curid)
+ identity <- validateIdentity sdata'
+ guard $ iddPrev (fromSigned $ idData identity) == [eiddStoredBase curid]
+ return (identity, keys)
+ pairingFinalizeRequest (identity, keys) = updateLocalHead_ $ \slocal -> do
+ let owner = finalOwner identity
+ st <- getStorage
+ pkeys <- mapM (copyStored st) [ idKeyIdentity owner, idKeyMessage owner ]
+ liftIO $ mapM_ storeKey $ catMaybes [ keyFromData sec pub | sec <- keys, pub <- pkeys ]
+ identity' <- mergeIdentity $ updateIdentity [ lsIdentity $ fromStored slocal ] identity
+ shared <- makeSharedStateUpdate st (Just owner) (lsShared $ fromStored slocal)
+ mstore (fromStored slocal)
+ { lsIdentity = idExtData identity'
+ , lsShared = [ shared ]
+ }
+ pairingFinalizeResponse = do
+ owner <- mergeSharedIdentity
+ pid <- asks svcPeerIdentity
+ secret <- loadKey $ idKeyIdentity owner
+ identity <- mstore =<< sign secret =<< mstore (emptyIdentityData $ idKeyIdentity pid)
+ { iddPrev = [idData pid], iddOwner = Just (idData owner) }
+ skeys <- map keyGetData . catMaybes <$> mapM loadKeyMb [ idKeyIdentity owner, idKeyMessage owner ]
+ return $ AttachIdentity identity skeys
+ defaultPairingAttributes _ = PairingAttributes
+ { pairingHookRequest = do
+ peer <- asks $ svcPeerIdentity
+ svcPrint $ "Attach from " ++ T.unpack (displayIdentity peer) ++ " initiated"
+ , pairingHookResponse = \confirm -> do
+ peer <- asks $ svcPeerIdentity
+ svcPrint $ "Attach to " ++ T.unpack (displayIdentity peer) ++ ": " ++ confirm
+ , pairingHookRequestNonce = \confirm -> do
+ peer <- asks $ svcPeerIdentity
+ svcPrint $ "Attach from " ++ T.unpack (displayIdentity peer) ++ ": " ++ confirm
+ , pairingHookRequestNonceFailed = do
+ peer <- asks $ svcPeerIdentity
+ svcPrint $ "Failed attach from " ++ T.unpack (displayIdentity peer)
+ , pairingHookConfirmedResponse = do
+ svcPrint $ "Confirmed peer, waiting for updated identity"
+ , pairingHookConfirmedRequest = do
+ svcPrint $ "Attachment confirmed by peer"
+ , pairingHookAcceptedResponse = do
+ svcPrint $ "Accepted updated identity"
+ , pairingHookAcceptedRequest = do
+ svcPrint $ "Accepted new attached device, seding updated identity"
+ , pairingHookVerifyFailed = do
+ svcPrint $ "Failed to verify new identity"
+ , pairingHookRejected = do
+ svcPrint $ "Attachment rejected by peer"
+ , pairingHookFailed = \_ -> do
+ svcPrint $ "Attachement failed"
+ }
+attachToOwner :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => Peer -> m ()
+attachToOwner = pairingRequest @AttachIdentity Proxy
+attachAccept :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => Peer -> m ()
+attachAccept = pairingAccept @AttachIdentity Proxy
+attachReject :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => Peer -> m ()
+attachReject = pairingReject @AttachIdentity Proxy
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Channel.hs b/src/Erebos/Channel.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c10f971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Channel.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+module Erebos.Channel (
+ Channel,
+ ChannelRequest, ChannelRequestData(..),
+ ChannelAccept, ChannelAcceptData(..),
+ createChannelRequest,
+ acceptChannelRequest,
+ acceptedChannel,
+ channelEncrypt,
+ channelDecrypt,
+) where
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Crypto.Cipher.ChaChaPoly1305
+import Crypto.Error
+import Data.Binary
+import Data.ByteArray (ByteArray, Bytes, ScrubbedBytes, convert)
+import Data.ByteArray qualified as BA
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
+import Data.List
+import Erebos.Identity
+import Erebos.PubKey
+import Erebos.Storage
+data Channel = Channel
+ { chPeers :: [Stored (Signed IdentityData)]
+ , chKey :: ScrubbedBytes
+ , chNonceFixedOur :: Bytes
+ , chNonceFixedPeer :: Bytes
+ , chCounterNextOut :: MVar Word64
+ , chCounterNextIn :: MVar Word64
+ }
+type ChannelRequest = Signed ChannelRequestData
+data ChannelRequestData = ChannelRequest
+ { crPeers :: [Stored (Signed IdentityData)]
+ , crKey :: Stored PublicKexKey
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+type ChannelAccept = Signed ChannelAcceptData
+data ChannelAcceptData = ChannelAccept
+ { caRequest :: Stored ChannelRequest
+ , caKey :: Stored PublicKexKey
+ }
+instance Storable ChannelRequestData where
+ store' cr = storeRec $ do
+ mapM_ (storeRef "peer") $ crPeers cr
+ storeRef "key" $ crKey cr
+ load' = loadRec $ do
+ ChannelRequest
+ <$> loadRefs "peer"
+ <*> loadRef "key"
+instance Storable ChannelAcceptData where
+ store' ca = storeRec $ do
+ storeRef "req" $ caRequest ca
+ storeRef "key" $ caKey ca
+ load' = loadRec $ do
+ ChannelAccept
+ <$> loadRef "req"
+ <*> loadRef "key"
+keySize :: Int
+keySize = 32
+createChannelRequest :: (MonadStorage m, MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => UnifiedIdentity -> UnifiedIdentity -> m (Stored ChannelRequest)
+createChannelRequest self peer = do
+ (_, xpublic) <- liftIO . generateKeys =<< getStorage
+ skey <- loadKey $ idKeyMessage self
+ mstore =<< sign skey =<< mstore ChannelRequest { crPeers = sort [idData self, idData peer], crKey = xpublic }
+acceptChannelRequest :: (MonadStorage m, MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => UnifiedIdentity -> UnifiedIdentity -> Stored ChannelRequest -> m (Stored ChannelAccept, Channel)
+acceptChannelRequest self peer req = do
+ case sequence $ map validateIdentity $ crPeers $ fromStored $ signedData $ fromStored req of
+ Nothing -> throwError $ "invalid peers in channel request"
+ Just peers -> do
+ when (not $ any (self `sameIdentity`) peers) $
+ throwError $ "self identity missing in channel request peers"
+ when (not $ any (peer `sameIdentity`) peers) $
+ throwError $ "peer identity missing in channel request peers"
+ when (idKeyMessage peer `notElem` (map (sigKey . fromStored) $ signedSignature $ fromStored req)) $
+ throwError $ "channel requent not signed by peer"
+ (xsecret, xpublic) <- liftIO . generateKeys =<< getStorage
+ skey <- loadKey $ idKeyMessage self
+ acc <- mstore =<< sign skey =<< mstore ChannelAccept { caRequest = req, caKey = xpublic }
+ liftIO $ do
+ let chPeers = crPeers $ fromStored $ signedData $ fromStored req
+ chKey = BA.take keySize $ dhSecret xsecret $
+ fromStored $ crKey $ fromStored $ signedData $ fromStored req
+ chNonceFixedOur = BA.pack [ 2, 0, 0, 0 ]
+ chNonceFixedPeer = BA.pack [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
+ chCounterNextOut <- newMVar 0
+ chCounterNextIn <- newMVar 0
+ return (acc, Channel {..})
+acceptedChannel :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => UnifiedIdentity -> UnifiedIdentity -> Stored ChannelAccept -> m Channel
+acceptedChannel self peer acc = do
+ let req = caRequest $ fromStored $ signedData $ fromStored acc
+ case sequence $ map validateIdentity $ crPeers $ fromStored $ signedData $ fromStored req of
+ Nothing -> throwError $ "invalid peers in channel accept"
+ Just peers -> do
+ when (not $ any (self `sameIdentity`) peers) $
+ throwError $ "self identity missing in channel accept peers"
+ when (not $ any (peer `sameIdentity`) peers) $
+ throwError $ "peer identity missing in channel accept peers"
+ when (idKeyMessage peer `notElem` (map (sigKey . fromStored) $ signedSignature $ fromStored acc)) $
+ throwError $ "channel accept not signed by peer"
+ when (idKeyMessage self `notElem` (map (sigKey . fromStored) $ signedSignature $ fromStored req)) $
+ throwError $ "original channel request not signed by us"
+ xsecret <- loadKey $ crKey $ fromStored $ signedData $ fromStored req
+ let chPeers = crPeers $ fromStored $ signedData $ fromStored req
+ chKey = BA.take keySize $ dhSecret xsecret $
+ fromStored $ caKey $ fromStored $ signedData $ fromStored acc
+ chNonceFixedOur = BA.pack [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
+ chNonceFixedPeer = BA.pack [ 2, 0, 0, 0 ]
+ chCounterNextOut <- liftIO $ newMVar 0
+ chCounterNextIn <- liftIO $ newMVar 0
+ return Channel {..}
+channelEncrypt :: (ByteArray ba, MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => Channel -> ba -> m (ba, Word64)
+channelEncrypt Channel {..} plain = do
+ count <- liftIO $ modifyMVar chCounterNextOut $ \c -> return (c + 1, c)
+ let cbytes = convert $ BL.toStrict $ encode count
+ nonce = nonce8 chNonceFixedOur cbytes
+ state <- case initialize chKey =<< nonce of
+ CryptoPassed state -> return state
+ CryptoFailed err -> throwError $ "failed to init chacha-poly1305 cipher: " <> show err
+ let (ctext, state') = encrypt plain state
+ tag = finalize state'
+ return (BA.concat [ convert $ BA.drop 7 cbytes, ctext, convert tag ], count)
+channelDecrypt :: (ByteArray ba, MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => Channel -> ba -> m (ba, Word64)
+channelDecrypt Channel {..} body = do
+ when (BA.length body < 17) $ do
+ throwError $ "invalid encrypted data length"
+ expectedCount <- liftIO $ readMVar chCounterNextIn
+ let countByte = body `BA.index` 0
+ body' = BA.dropView body 1
+ guessedCount = expectedCount - 128 + fromIntegral (countByte - fromIntegral expectedCount + 128 :: Word8)
+ nonce = nonce8 chNonceFixedPeer $ convert $ BL.toStrict $ encode guessedCount
+ blen = BA.length body' - 16
+ ctext = BA.takeView body' blen
+ tag = BA.dropView body' blen
+ state <- case initialize chKey =<< nonce of
+ CryptoPassed state -> return state
+ CryptoFailed err -> throwError $ "failed to init chacha-poly1305 cipher: " <> show err
+ let (plain, state') = decrypt (convert ctext) state
+ when (not $ tag `BA.constEq` finalize state') $ do
+ throwError $ "tag validation falied"
+ liftIO $ modifyMVar_ chCounterNextIn $ return . max (guessedCount + 1)
+ return (plain, guessedCount)
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Contact.hs b/src/Erebos/Contact.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d90aa50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Contact.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+module Erebos.Contact (
+ Contact,
+ contactIdentity,
+ contactCustomName,
+ contactName,
+ contactSetName,
+ ContactService,
+ contactRequest,
+ contactAccept,
+ contactReject,
+) where
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Proxy
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Erebos.Identity
+import Erebos.Network
+import Erebos.Pairing
+import Erebos.PubKey
+import Erebos.Service
+import Erebos.Set
+import Erebos.State
+import Erebos.Storage
+import Erebos.Storage.Merge
+data Contact = Contact
+ { contactData :: [Stored ContactData]
+ , contactIdentity_ :: Maybe ComposedIdentity
+ , contactCustomName_ :: Maybe Text
+ }
+data ContactData = ContactData
+ { cdPrev :: [Stored ContactData]
+ , cdIdentity :: [Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData)]
+ , cdName :: Maybe Text
+ }
+instance Storable ContactData where
+ store' x = storeRec $ do
+ mapM_ (storeRef "PREV") $ cdPrev x
+ mapM_ (storeRef "identity") $ cdIdentity x
+ storeMbText "name" $ cdName x
+ load' = loadRec $ ContactData
+ <$> loadRefs "PREV"
+ <*> loadRefs "identity"
+ <*> loadMbText "name"
+instance Mergeable Contact where
+ type Component Contact = ContactData
+ mergeSorted cdata = Contact
+ { contactData = cdata
+ , contactIdentity_ = validateExtendedIdentityF $ concat $ findProperty ((\case [] -> Nothing; xs -> Just xs) . cdIdentity) cdata
+ , contactCustomName_ = findPropertyFirst cdName cdata
+ }
+ toComponents = contactData
+instance SharedType (Set Contact) where
+ sharedTypeID _ = mkSharedTypeID "34fbb61e-6022-405f-b1b3-a5a1abecd25e"
+contactIdentity :: Contact -> Maybe ComposedIdentity
+contactIdentity = contactIdentity_
+contactCustomName :: Contact -> Maybe Text
+contactCustomName = contactCustomName_
+contactName :: Contact -> Text
+contactName c = fromJust $ msum
+ [ contactCustomName c
+ , idName =<< contactIdentity c
+ , Just T.empty
+ ]
+contactSetName :: MonadHead LocalState m => Contact -> Text -> Set Contact -> m (Set Contact)
+contactSetName contact name set = do
+ st <- getStorage
+ cdata <- wrappedStore st ContactData
+ { cdPrev = toComponents contact
+ , cdIdentity = []
+ , cdName = Just name
+ }
+ storeSetAdd st (mergeSorted @Contact [cdata]) set
+type ContactService = PairingService ContactAccepted
+data ContactAccepted = ContactAccepted
+instance Storable ContactAccepted where
+ store' ContactAccepted = storeRec $ do
+ storeText "accept" ""
+ load' = loadRec $ do
+ (_ :: T.Text) <- loadText "accept"
+ return ContactAccepted
+instance PairingResult ContactAccepted where
+ pairingServiceID _ = mkServiceID "d9c37368-0da1-4280-93e9-d9bd9a198084"
+ pairingVerifyResult = return . Just
+ pairingFinalizeRequest ContactAccepted = do
+ pid <- asks svcPeerIdentity
+ finalizeContact pid
+ pairingFinalizeResponse = do
+ pid <- asks svcPeerIdentity
+ finalizeContact pid
+ return ContactAccepted
+ defaultPairingAttributes _ = PairingAttributes
+ { pairingHookRequest = do
+ peer <- asks $ svcPeerIdentity
+ svcPrint $ "Contact pairing from " ++ T.unpack (displayIdentity peer) ++ " initiated"
+ , pairingHookResponse = \confirm -> do
+ peer <- asks $ svcPeerIdentity
+ svcPrint $ "Confirm contact " ++ T.unpack (displayIdentity $ finalOwner peer) ++ ": " ++ confirm
+ , pairingHookRequestNonce = \confirm -> do
+ peer <- asks $ svcPeerIdentity
+ svcPrint $ "Contact request from " ++ T.unpack (displayIdentity $ finalOwner peer) ++ ": " ++ confirm
+ , pairingHookRequestNonceFailed = do
+ peer <- asks $ svcPeerIdentity
+ svcPrint $ "Failed contact request from " ++ T.unpack (displayIdentity peer)
+ , pairingHookConfirmedResponse = do
+ svcPrint $ "Contact accepted, waiting for peer confirmation"
+ , pairingHookConfirmedRequest = do
+ svcPrint $ "Contact confirmed by peer"
+ , pairingHookAcceptedResponse = do
+ svcPrint $ "Contact accepted"
+ , pairingHookAcceptedRequest = do
+ svcPrint $ "Contact accepted"
+ , pairingHookVerifyFailed = return ()
+ , pairingHookRejected = do
+ svcPrint $ "Contact rejected by peer"
+ , pairingHookFailed = \_ -> do
+ svcPrint $ "Contact failed"
+ }
+contactRequest :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => Peer -> m ()
+contactRequest = pairingRequest @ContactAccepted Proxy
+contactAccept :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => Peer -> m ()
+contactAccept = pairingAccept @ContactAccepted Proxy
+contactReject :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => Peer -> m ()
+contactReject = pairingReject @ContactAccepted Proxy
+finalizeContact :: MonadHead LocalState m => UnifiedIdentity -> m ()
+finalizeContact identity = updateLocalHead_ $ updateSharedState_ $ \contacts -> do
+ st <- getStorage
+ cdata <- wrappedStore st ContactData
+ { cdPrev = []
+ , cdIdentity = idExtDataF $ finalOwner identity
+ , cdName = Nothing
+ }
+ storeSetAdd st (mergeSorted @Contact [cdata]) contacts
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Discovery.hs b/src/Erebos/Discovery.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86bdbe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Discovery.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+module Erebos.Discovery (
+ DiscoveryService(..),
+ DiscoveryConnection(..)
+) where
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Network.Socket
+import Erebos.ICE
+import Erebos.Identity
+import Erebos.Network
+import Erebos.Service
+import Erebos.Storage
+keepaliveSeconds :: Int
+keepaliveSeconds = 20
+data DiscoveryService = DiscoverySelf Text Int
+ | DiscoveryAcknowledged Text
+ | DiscoverySearch Ref
+ | DiscoveryResult Ref (Maybe Text)
+ | DiscoveryConnectionRequest DiscoveryConnection
+ | DiscoveryConnectionResponse DiscoveryConnection
+data DiscoveryConnection = DiscoveryConnection
+ { dconnSource :: Ref
+ , dconnTarget :: Ref
+ , dconnAddress :: Maybe Text
+ , dconnIceSession :: Maybe IceRemoteInfo
+ }
+emptyConnection :: Ref -> Ref -> DiscoveryConnection
+emptyConnection source target = DiscoveryConnection source target Nothing Nothing
+instance Storable DiscoveryService where
+ store' x = storeRec $ do
+ case x of
+ DiscoverySelf addr priority -> do
+ storeText "self" addr
+ storeInt "priority" priority
+ DiscoveryAcknowledged addr -> do
+ storeText "ack" addr
+ DiscoverySearch ref -> storeRawRef "search" ref
+ DiscoveryResult ref addr -> do
+ storeRawRef "result" ref
+ storeMbText "address" addr
+ DiscoveryConnectionRequest conn -> storeConnection "request" conn
+ DiscoveryConnectionResponse conn -> storeConnection "response" conn
+ where storeConnection ctype conn = do
+ storeText "connection" $ ctype
+ storeRawRef "source" $ dconnSource conn
+ storeRawRef "target" $ dconnTarget conn
+ storeMbText "address" $ dconnAddress conn
+ storeMbRef "ice-session" $ dconnIceSession conn
+ load' = loadRec $ msum
+ [ DiscoverySelf
+ <$> loadText "self"
+ <*> loadInt "priority"
+ , DiscoveryAcknowledged
+ <$> loadText "ack"
+ , DiscoverySearch <$> loadRawRef "search"
+ , DiscoveryResult
+ <$> loadRawRef "result"
+ <*> loadMbText "address"
+ , loadConnection "request" DiscoveryConnectionRequest
+ , loadConnection "response" DiscoveryConnectionResponse
+ ]
+ where loadConnection ctype ctor = do
+ ctype' <- loadText "connection"
+ guard $ ctype == ctype'
+ return . ctor =<< DiscoveryConnection
+ <$> loadRawRef "source"
+ <*> loadRawRef "target"
+ <*> loadMbText "address"
+ <*> loadMbRef "ice-session"
+data DiscoveryPeer = DiscoveryPeer
+ { dpPriority :: Int
+ , dpPeer :: Maybe Peer
+ , dpAddress :: Maybe Text
+ , dpIceSession :: Maybe IceSession
+ }
+instance Service DiscoveryService where
+ serviceID _ = mkServiceID "dd59c89c-69cc-4703-b75b-4ddcd4b3c23b"
+ type ServiceGlobalState DiscoveryService = Map RefDigest DiscoveryPeer
+ emptyServiceGlobalState _ = M.empty
+ serviceHandler msg = case fromStored msg of
+ DiscoverySelf addr priority -> do
+ pid <- asks svcPeerIdentity
+ peer <- asks svcPeer
+ let insertHelper new old | dpPriority new > dpPriority old = new
+ | otherwise = old
+ mbaddr <- case words (T.unpack addr) of
+ [ipaddr, port] | DatagramAddress paddr <- peerAddress peer -> do
+ saddr <- liftIO $ head <$> getAddrInfo (Just $ defaultHints { addrSocketType = Datagram }) (Just ipaddr) (Just port)
+ return $ if paddr == addrAddress saddr
+ then Just addr
+ else Nothing
+ _ -> return Nothing
+ forM_ (idDataF =<< unfoldOwners pid) $ \s ->
+ svcModifyGlobal $ M.insertWith insertHelper (refDigest $ storedRef s) $
+ DiscoveryPeer priority (Just peer) mbaddr Nothing
+ replyPacket $ DiscoveryAcknowledged $ fromMaybe (T.pack "ICE") mbaddr
+ DiscoveryAcknowledged addr -> do
+ when (addr == T.pack "ICE") $ do
+ -- keep-alive packet from behind NAT
+ peer <- asks svcPeer
+ liftIO $ void $ forkIO $ do
+ threadDelay (keepaliveSeconds * 1000 * 1000)
+ res <- runExceptT $ sendToPeer peer $ DiscoverySelf addr 0
+ case res of
+ Right _ -> return ()
+ Left err -> putStrLn $ "Discovery: failed to send keep-alive: " ++ err
+ DiscoverySearch ref -> do
+ addr <- M.lookup (refDigest ref) <$> svcGetGlobal
+ replyPacket $ DiscoveryResult ref $ fromMaybe (T.pack "ICE") . dpAddress <$> addr
+ DiscoveryResult ref Nothing -> do
+ svcPrint $ "Discovery: " ++ show (refDigest ref) ++ " not found"
+ DiscoveryResult ref (Just addr) -> do
+ -- TODO: check if we really requested that
+ server <- asks svcServer
+ if addr == T.pack "ICE"
+ then do
+ self <- svcSelf
+ peer <- asks svcPeer
+ ice <- liftIO $ iceCreate PjIceSessRoleControlling $ \ice -> do
+ rinfo <- iceRemoteInfo ice
+ res <- runExceptT $ sendToPeer peer $
+ DiscoveryConnectionRequest (emptyConnection (storedRef $ idData self) ref) { dconnIceSession = Just rinfo }
+ case res of
+ Right _ -> return ()
+ Left err -> putStrLn $ "Discovery: failed to send connection request: " ++ err
+ svcModifyGlobal $ M.insert (refDigest ref) $
+ DiscoveryPeer 0 Nothing Nothing (Just ice)
+ else do
+ case words (T.unpack addr) of
+ [ipaddr, port] -> do
+ saddr <- liftIO $ head <$>
+ getAddrInfo (Just $ defaultHints { addrSocketType = Datagram }) (Just ipaddr) (Just port)
+ peer <- liftIO $ serverPeer server (addrAddress saddr)
+ svcModifyGlobal $ M.insert (refDigest ref) $
+ DiscoveryPeer 0 (Just peer) Nothing Nothing
+ _ -> svcPrint $ "Discovery: invalid address in result: " ++ T.unpack addr
+ DiscoveryConnectionRequest conn -> do
+ self <- svcSelf
+ let rconn = emptyConnection (dconnSource conn) (dconnTarget conn)
+ if refDigest (dconnTarget conn) `elem` (map (refDigest . storedRef) $ idDataF =<< unfoldOwners self)
+ then do
+ -- request for us, create ICE sesssion
+ server <- asks svcServer
+ peer <- asks svcPeer
+ liftIO $ void $ iceCreate PjIceSessRoleControlled $ \ice -> do
+ rinfo <- iceRemoteInfo ice
+ res <- runExceptT $ sendToPeer peer $ DiscoveryConnectionResponse rconn { dconnIceSession = Just rinfo }
+ case res of
+ Right _ -> do
+ case dconnIceSession conn of
+ Just prinfo -> iceConnect ice prinfo $ void $ serverPeerIce server ice
+ Nothing -> putStrLn $ "Discovery: connection request without ICE remote info"
+ Left err -> putStrLn $ "Discovery: failed to send connection response: " ++ err
+ else do
+ -- request to some of our peers, relay
+ mbdp <- M.lookup (refDigest $ dconnTarget conn) <$> svcGetGlobal
+ case mbdp of
+ Nothing -> replyPacket $ DiscoveryConnectionResponse rconn
+ Just dp | Just addr <- dpAddress dp -> do
+ replyPacket $ DiscoveryConnectionResponse rconn { dconnAddress = Just addr }
+ | Just dpeer <- dpPeer dp -> do
+ sendToPeer dpeer $ DiscoveryConnectionRequest conn
+ | otherwise -> svcPrint $ "Discovery: failed to relay connection request"
+ DiscoveryConnectionResponse conn -> do
+ self <- svcSelf
+ dpeers <- svcGetGlobal
+ if refDigest (dconnSource conn) `elem` (map (refDigest . storedRef) $ idDataF =<< unfoldOwners self)
+ then do
+ -- response to our request, try to connect to the peer
+ server <- asks svcServer
+ if | Just addr <- dconnAddress conn
+ , [ipaddr, port] <- words (T.unpack addr) -> do
+ saddr <- liftIO $ head <$>
+ getAddrInfo (Just $ defaultHints { addrSocketType = Datagram }) (Just ipaddr) (Just port)
+ peer <- liftIO $ serverPeer server (addrAddress saddr)
+ svcModifyGlobal $ M.insert (refDigest $ dconnTarget conn) $
+ DiscoveryPeer 0 (Just peer) Nothing Nothing
+ | Just dp <- M.lookup (refDigest $ dconnTarget conn) dpeers
+ , Just ice <- dpIceSession dp
+ , Just rinfo <- dconnIceSession conn -> do
+ liftIO $ iceConnect ice rinfo $ void $ serverPeerIce server ice
+ | otherwise -> svcPrint $ "Discovery: connection request failed"
+ else do
+ -- response to relayed request
+ case M.lookup (refDigest $ dconnSource conn) dpeers of
+ Just dp | Just dpeer <- dpPeer dp -> do
+ sendToPeer dpeer $ DiscoveryConnectionResponse conn
+ _ -> svcPrint $ "Discovery: failed to relay connection response"
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Flow.hs b/src/Erebos/Flow.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba2607a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Flow.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+module Erebos.Flow (
+ Flow, SymFlow,
+ newFlow, newFlowIO,
+ readFlow, tryReadFlow, canReadFlow,
+ writeFlow, writeFlowBulk, tryWriteFlow, canWriteFlow,
+ readFlowIO, writeFlowIO,
+ mapFlow,
+) where
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+data Flow r w = Flow (TMVar [r]) (TMVar [w])
+ | forall r' w'. MappedFlow (r' -> r) (w -> w') (Flow r' w')
+type SymFlow a = Flow a a
+newFlow :: STM (Flow a b, Flow b a)
+newFlow = do
+ x <- newEmptyTMVar
+ y <- newEmptyTMVar
+ return (Flow x y, Flow y x)
+newFlowIO :: IO (Flow a b, Flow b a)
+newFlowIO = atomically newFlow
+readFlow :: Flow r w -> STM r
+readFlow (Flow rvar _) = takeTMVar rvar >>= \case
+ (x:[]) -> return x
+ (x:xs) -> putTMVar rvar xs >> return x
+ [] -> error "Flow: empty list"
+readFlow (MappedFlow f _ up) = f <$> readFlow up
+tryReadFlow :: Flow r w -> STM (Maybe r)
+tryReadFlow (Flow rvar _) = tryTakeTMVar rvar >>= \case
+ Just (x:[]) -> return (Just x)
+ Just (x:xs) -> putTMVar rvar xs >> return (Just x)
+ Just [] -> error "Flow: empty list"
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+tryReadFlow (MappedFlow f _ up) = fmap f <$> tryReadFlow up
+canReadFlow :: Flow r w -> STM Bool
+canReadFlow (Flow rvar _) = not <$> isEmptyTMVar rvar
+canReadFlow (MappedFlow _ _ up) = canReadFlow up
+writeFlow :: Flow r w -> w -> STM ()
+writeFlow (Flow _ wvar) = putTMVar wvar . (:[])
+writeFlow (MappedFlow _ f up) = writeFlow up . f
+writeFlowBulk :: Flow r w -> [w] -> STM ()
+writeFlowBulk _ [] = return ()
+writeFlowBulk (Flow _ wvar) xs = putTMVar wvar xs
+writeFlowBulk (MappedFlow _ f up) xs = writeFlowBulk up $ map f xs
+tryWriteFlow :: Flow r w -> w -> STM Bool
+tryWriteFlow (Flow _ wvar) = tryPutTMVar wvar . (:[])
+tryWriteFlow (MappedFlow _ f up) = tryWriteFlow up . f
+canWriteFlow :: Flow r w -> STM Bool
+canWriteFlow (Flow _ wvar) = isEmptyTMVar wvar
+canWriteFlow (MappedFlow _ _ up) = canWriteFlow up
+readFlowIO :: Flow r w -> IO r
+readFlowIO path = atomically $ readFlow path
+writeFlowIO :: Flow r w -> w -> IO ()
+writeFlowIO path = atomically . writeFlow path
+mapFlow :: (r -> r') -> (w' -> w) -> Flow r w -> Flow r' w'
+mapFlow rf wf (MappedFlow rf' wf' up) = MappedFlow (rf . rf') (wf' . wf) up
+mapFlow rf wf up = MappedFlow rf wf up
diff --git a/src/Erebos/ICE.chs b/src/Erebos/ICE.chs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..096ee0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/ICE.chs
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
+module Erebos.ICE (
+ IceSession,
+ IceSessionRole(..),
+ IceRemoteInfo,
+ iceCreate,
+ iceDestroy,
+ iceRemoteInfo,
+ iceShow,
+ iceConnect,
+ iceSend,
+ iceSetChan,
+) where
+import Control.Arrow
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Control.Monad.Identity
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString, packCStringLen, useAsCString)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC
+import Data.ByteString.Unsafe
+import Data.Function
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
+import qualified Data.Text.Read as T
+import Data.Void
+import Foreign.C.String
+import Foreign.C.Types
+import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
+import Foreign.Marshal.Array
+import Foreign.Ptr
+import Foreign.StablePtr
+import Erebos.Flow
+import Erebos.Storage
+#include "pjproject.h"
+data IceSession = IceSession
+ { isStrans :: PjIceStrans
+ , isChan :: MVar (Either [ByteString] (Flow Void ByteString))
+ }
+instance Eq IceSession where
+ (==) = (==) `on` isStrans
+instance Ord IceSession where
+ compare = compare `on` isStrans
+instance Show IceSession where
+ show _ = "<ICE>"
+data IceRemoteInfo = IceRemoteInfo
+ { iriUsernameFrament :: Text
+ , iriPassword :: Text
+ , iriDefaultCandidate :: Text
+ , iriCandidates :: [Text]
+ }
+data IceCandidate = IceCandidate
+ { icandFoundation :: Text
+ , icandPriority :: Int
+ , icandAddr :: Text
+ , icandPort :: Int
+ , icandType :: Text
+ }
+instance Storable IceRemoteInfo where
+ store' x = storeRec $ do
+ storeText "ice-ufrag" $ iriUsernameFrament x
+ storeText "ice-pass" $ iriPassword x
+ storeText "ice-default" $ iriDefaultCandidate x
+ mapM_ (storeText "ice-candidate") $ iriCandidates x
+ load' = loadRec $ IceRemoteInfo
+ <$> loadText "ice-ufrag"
+ <*> loadText "ice-pass"
+ <*> loadText "ice-default"
+ <*> loadTexts "ice-candidate"
+instance StorableText IceCandidate where
+ toText x = T.concat $
+ [ icandFoundation x
+ , T.singleton ' '
+ , T.pack $ show $ icandPriority x
+ , T.singleton ' '
+ , icandAddr x
+ , T.singleton ' '
+ , T.pack $ show $ icandPort x
+ , T.singleton ' '
+ , icandType x
+ ]
+ fromText t = case T.words t of
+ [found, tprio, addr, tport, ctype]
+ | Right (prio, _) <- T.decimal tprio
+ , Right (port, _) <- T.decimal tport
+ -> return $ IceCandidate
+ { icandFoundation = found
+ , icandPriority = prio
+ , icandAddr = addr
+ , icandPort = port
+ , icandType = ctype
+ }
+ _ -> throwError "failed to parse candidate"
+{#enum pj_ice_sess_role as IceSessionRole {underscoreToCase} deriving (Show, Eq) #}
+{#pointer *pj_ice_strans as ^ #}
+iceCreate :: IceSessionRole -> (IceSession -> IO ()) -> IO IceSession
+iceCreate role cb = do
+ rec sptr <- newStablePtr sess
+ cbptr <- newStablePtr $ cb sess
+ sess <- IceSession
+ <$> {#call ice_create #} (fromIntegral $ fromEnum role) (castStablePtrToPtr sptr) (castStablePtrToPtr cbptr)
+ <*> (newMVar $ Left [])
+ return $ sess
+{#fun ice_destroy as ^ { isStrans `IceSession' } -> `()' #}
+iceRemoteInfo :: IceSession -> IO IceRemoteInfo
+iceRemoteInfo sess = do
+ let maxlen = 128
+ maxcand = 29
+ allocaBytes maxlen $ \ufrag ->
+ allocaBytes maxlen $ \pass ->
+ allocaBytes maxlen $ \def ->
+ allocaBytes (maxcand*maxlen) $ \bytes ->
+ allocaArray maxcand $ \carr -> do
+ let cptrs = take maxcand $ iterate (`plusPtr` maxlen) bytes
+ pokeArray carr $ take maxcand cptrs
+ ncand <- {#call ice_encode_session #} (isStrans sess) ufrag pass def carr (fromIntegral maxlen) (fromIntegral maxcand)
+ if ncand < 0 then fail "failed to generate ICE remote info"
+ else IceRemoteInfo
+ <$> (T.pack <$> peekCString ufrag)
+ <*> (T.pack <$> peekCString pass)
+ <*> (T.pack <$> peekCString def)
+ <*> (mapM (return . T.pack <=< peekCString) $ take (fromIntegral ncand) cptrs)
+iceShow :: IceSession -> IO String
+iceShow sess = do
+ st <- memoryStorage
+ return . drop 1 . dropWhile (/='\n') . BLC.unpack . runIdentity =<<
+ ioLoadBytes =<< store st =<< iceRemoteInfo sess
+iceConnect :: IceSession -> IceRemoteInfo -> (IO ()) -> IO ()
+iceConnect sess remote cb = do
+ cbptr <- newStablePtr $ cb
+ ice_connect sess cbptr
+ (iriUsernameFrament remote)
+ (iriPassword remote)
+ (iriDefaultCandidate remote)
+ (iriCandidates remote)
+{#fun ice_connect { isStrans `IceSession', castStablePtrToPtr `StablePtr (IO ())',
+ withText* `Text', withText* `Text', withText* `Text', withTextArray* `[Text]'& } -> `()' #}
+withText :: Text -> (Ptr CChar -> IO a) -> IO a
+withText t f = useAsCString (T.encodeUtf8 t) f
+withTextArray :: Num n => [Text] -> ((Ptr (Ptr CChar), n) -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+withTextArray tsAll f = helper tsAll []
+ where helper (t:ts) bs = withText t $ \b -> helper ts (b:bs)
+ helper [] bs = allocaArray (length bs) $ \ptr -> do
+ pokeArray ptr $ reverse bs
+ f (ptr, fromIntegral $ length bs)
+withByteStringLen :: Num n => ByteString -> ((Ptr CChar, n) -> IO a) -> IO a
+withByteStringLen t f = unsafeUseAsCStringLen t (f . (id *** fromIntegral))
+{#fun ice_send as ^ { isStrans `IceSession', withByteStringLen* `ByteString'& } -> `()' #}
+foreign export ccall ice_call_cb :: StablePtr (IO ()) -> IO ()
+ice_call_cb :: StablePtr (IO ()) -> IO ()
+ice_call_cb = join . deRefStablePtr
+iceSetChan :: IceSession -> Flow Void ByteString -> IO ()
+iceSetChan sess chan = do
+ modifyMVar_ (isChan sess) $ \orig -> do
+ case orig of
+ Left buf -> mapM_ (writeFlowIO chan) $ reverse buf
+ Right _ -> return ()
+ return $ Right chan
+foreign export ccall ice_rx_data :: StablePtr IceSession -> Ptr CChar -> Int -> IO ()
+ice_rx_data :: StablePtr IceSession -> Ptr CChar -> Int -> IO ()
+ice_rx_data sptr buf len = do
+ sess <- deRefStablePtr sptr
+ bs <- packCStringLen (buf, len)
+ modifyMVar_ (isChan sess) $ \case
+ mc@(Right chan) -> writeFlowIO chan bs >> return mc
+ Left bss -> return $ Left (bs:bss)
diff --git a/src/Erebos/ICE/pjproject.c b/src/Erebos/ICE/pjproject.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb06b1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/ICE/pjproject.c
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+#include "pjproject.h"
+#include "Erebos/ICE_stub.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <pjlib.h>
+#include <pjlib-util.h>
+static struct
+ pj_caching_pool cp;
+ pj_pool_t * pool;
+ pj_ice_strans_cfg cfg;
+ pj_sockaddr def_addr;
+} ice;
+struct user_data
+ pj_ice_sess_role role;
+ HsStablePtr sptr;
+ HsStablePtr cb_init;
+ HsStablePtr cb_connect;
+static void ice_perror(const char * msg, pj_status_t status)
+ char err[PJ_ERR_MSG_SIZE];
+ pj_strerror(status, err, sizeof(err));
+ fprintf(stderr, "ICE: %s: %s\n", msg, err);
+static int ice_worker_thread(void * unused)
+ PJ_UNUSED_ARG(unused);
+ while (true) {
+ pj_time_val max_timeout = { 0, 0 };
+ pj_time_val timeout = { 0, 0 };
+ max_timeout.msec = 500;
+ pj_timer_heap_poll(ice.cfg.stun_cfg.timer_heap, &timeout);
+ pj_assert(timeout.sec >= 0 && timeout.msec >= 0);
+ if (timeout.msec >= 1000)
+ timeout.msec = 999;
+ if (PJ_TIME_VAL_GT(timeout, max_timeout))
+ timeout = max_timeout;
+ int c = pj_ioqueue_poll(ice.cfg.stun_cfg.ioqueue, &timeout);
+ if (c < 0)
+ pj_thread_sleep(PJ_TIME_VAL_MSEC(timeout));
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void cb_on_rx_data(pj_ice_strans * strans, unsigned comp_id,
+ void * pkt, pj_size_t size,
+ const pj_sockaddr_t * src_addr, unsigned src_addr_len)
+ struct user_data * udata = pj_ice_strans_get_user_data(strans);
+ ice_rx_data(udata->sptr, pkt, size);
+static void cb_on_ice_complete(pj_ice_strans * strans,
+ pj_ice_strans_op op, pj_status_t status)
+ if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+ ice_perror("cb_on_ice_complete", status);
+ ice_destroy(strans);
+ return;
+ }
+ struct user_data * udata = pj_ice_strans_get_user_data(strans);
+ if (op == PJ_ICE_STRANS_OP_INIT) {
+ pj_status_t istatus = pj_ice_strans_init_ice(strans, udata->role, NULL, NULL);
+ if (istatus != PJ_SUCCESS)
+ ice_perror("error creating session", istatus);
+ if (udata->cb_init) {
+ ice_call_cb(udata->cb_init);
+ hs_free_stable_ptr(udata->cb_init);
+ udata->cb_init = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (udata->cb_connect) {
+ ice_call_cb(udata->cb_connect);
+ hs_free_stable_ptr(udata->cb_connect);
+ udata->cb_connect = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+static void ice_init(void)
+ static bool done = false;
+ static pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);
+ if (done) {
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ pj_log_set_level(1);
+ if (pj_init() != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "pj_init failed\n");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ if (pjlib_util_init() != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "pjlib_util_init failed\n");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ if (pjnath_init() != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "pjnath_init failed\n");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ pj_caching_pool_init(&ice.cp, NULL, 0);
+ pj_ice_strans_cfg_default(&ice.cfg);
+ = &ice.cp.factory;
+ ice.pool = pj_pool_create(&ice.cp.factory, "ice", 512, 512, NULL);
+ if (pj_timer_heap_create(ice.pool, 100,
+ &ice.cfg.stun_cfg.timer_heap) != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "pj_timer_heap_create failed\n");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ if (pj_ioqueue_create(ice.pool, 16, &ice.cfg.stun_cfg.ioqueue) != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "pj_ioqueue_create failed\n");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ pj_thread_t * thread;
+ if (pj_thread_create(ice.pool, "ice", &ice_worker_thread,
+ NULL, 0, 0, &thread) != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "pj_thread_create failed\n");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ = pj_AF_INET();
+ ice.cfg.opt.aggressive = PJ_TRUE;
+ ice.cfg.stun.server.ptr = "";
+ ice.cfg.stun.server.slen = strlen(ice.cfg.stun.server.ptr);
+ ice.cfg.stun.port = 29670;
+ ice.cfg.turn.server = ice.cfg.stun.server;
+ ice.cfg.turn.port = ice.cfg.stun.port;
+ ice.cfg.turn.auth_cred.type = PJ_STUN_AUTH_CRED_STATIC;
+ ice.cfg.turn.conn_type = PJ_TURN_TP_UDP;
+ done = true;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
+pj_ice_strans * ice_create(pj_ice_sess_role role, HsStablePtr sptr, HsStablePtr cb)
+ ice_init();
+ pj_ice_strans * res;
+ struct user_data * udata = malloc(sizeof(struct user_data));
+ udata->role = role;
+ udata->sptr = sptr;
+ udata->cb_init = cb;
+ pj_ice_strans_cb icecb = {
+ .on_rx_data = cb_on_rx_data,
+ .on_ice_complete = cb_on_ice_complete,
+ };
+ pj_status_t status = pj_ice_strans_create(NULL, &ice.cfg, 1,
+ udata, &icecb, &res);
+ if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+ ice_perror("error creating ice", status);
+ return res;
+void ice_destroy(pj_ice_strans * strans)
+ struct user_data * udata = pj_ice_strans_get_user_data(strans);
+ if (udata->sptr)
+ hs_free_stable_ptr(udata->sptr);
+ if (udata->cb_init)
+ hs_free_stable_ptr(udata->cb_init);
+ if (udata->cb_connect)
+ hs_free_stable_ptr(udata->cb_connect);
+ free(udata);
+ pj_ice_strans_stop_ice(strans);
+ pj_ice_strans_destroy(strans);
+ssize_t ice_encode_session(pj_ice_strans * strans, char * ufrag, char * pass,
+ char * def, char * candidates[], size_t maxlen, size_t maxcand)
+ int n;
+ pj_str_t local_ufrag, local_pwd;
+ pj_status_t status;
+ pj_ice_strans_get_ufrag_pwd(strans, &local_ufrag, &local_pwd, NULL, NULL);
+ n = snprintf(ufrag, maxlen, "%.*s", (int) local_ufrag.slen, local_ufrag.ptr);
+ if (n < 0 || n == maxlen)
+ return -PJ_ETOOSMALL;
+ n = snprintf(pass, maxlen, "%.*s", (int) local_pwd.slen, local_pwd.ptr);
+ if (n < 0 || n == maxlen)
+ return -PJ_ETOOSMALL;
+ pj_ice_sess_cand cand[PJ_ICE_ST_MAX_CAND];
+ char ipaddr[PJ_INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
+ status = pj_ice_strans_get_def_cand(strans, 1, &cand[0]);
+ if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+ return -status;
+ n = snprintf(def, maxlen, "%s %d",
+ pj_sockaddr_print(&cand[0].addr, ipaddr, sizeof(ipaddr), 0),
+ (int) pj_sockaddr_get_port(&cand[0].addr));
+ if (n < 0 || n == maxlen)
+ return -PJ_ETOOSMALL;
+ unsigned cand_cnt = PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(cand);
+ status = pj_ice_strans_enum_cands(strans, 1, &cand_cnt, cand);
+ if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+ return -status;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < cand_cnt && i < maxcand; i++) {
+ char ipaddr[PJ_INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
+ n = snprintf(candidates[i], maxlen,
+ "%.*s %u %s %u %s",
+ (int) cand[i].foundation.slen, cand[i].foundation.ptr,
+ cand[i].prio,
+ pj_sockaddr_print(&cand[i].addr, ipaddr, sizeof(ipaddr), 0),
+ (unsigned) pj_sockaddr_get_port(&cand[i].addr),
+ pj_ice_get_cand_type_name(cand[i].type));
+ if (n < 0 || n == maxlen)
+ return -PJ_ETOOSMALL;
+ }
+ return cand_cnt;
+void ice_connect(pj_ice_strans * strans, HsStablePtr cb,
+ const char * ufrag, const char * pass,
+ const char * defcand, const char * tcandidates[], size_t ncand)
+ unsigned def_port = 0;
+ char def_addr[80];
+ pj_bool_t done = PJ_FALSE;
+ char line[256];
+ pj_ice_sess_cand candidates[PJ_ICE_ST_MAX_CAND];
+ struct user_data * udata = pj_ice_strans_get_user_data(strans);
+ udata->cb_connect = cb;
+ def_addr[0] = '\0';
+ if (ncand == 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ICE: no candidates\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ int cnt = sscanf(defcand, "%s %u", def_addr, &def_port);
+ if (cnt != 2) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ICE: error parsing default candidate\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ int okcand = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ncand; i++) {
+ char foundation[32], ipaddr[80], type[32];
+ int prio, port;
+ int cnt = sscanf(tcandidates[i], "%s %d %s %d %s",
+ foundation, &prio,
+ ipaddr, &port,
+ type);
+ if (cnt != 5)
+ continue;
+ pj_ice_sess_cand * cand = &candidates[okcand];
+ pj_bzero(cand, sizeof(*cand));
+ if (strcmp(type, "host") == 0)
+ cand->type = PJ_ICE_CAND_TYPE_HOST;
+ else if (strcmp(type, "srflx") == 0)
+ cand->type = PJ_ICE_CAND_TYPE_SRFLX;
+ else if (strcmp(type, "relay") == 0)
+ cand->type = PJ_ICE_CAND_TYPE_RELAYED;
+ else
+ continue;
+ cand->comp_id = 1;
+ pj_strdup2(ice.pool, &cand->foundation, foundation);
+ cand->prio = prio;
+ int af = strchr(ipaddr, ':') ? pj_AF_INET6() : pj_AF_INET();
+ pj_str_t tmpaddr = pj_str(ipaddr);
+ pj_sockaddr_init(af, &cand->addr, NULL, 0);
+ pj_status_t status = pj_sockaddr_set_str_addr(af, &cand->addr, &tmpaddr);
+ if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ICE: invalid IP address \"%s\"\n", ipaddr);
+ continue;
+ }
+ pj_sockaddr_set_port(&cand->addr, (pj_uint16_t)port);
+ okcand++;
+ }
+ pj_str_t tmp_addr;
+ pj_status_t status;
+ int af = strchr(def_addr, ':') ? pj_AF_INET6() : pj_AF_INET();
+ pj_sockaddr_init(af, &ice.def_addr, NULL, 0);
+ tmp_addr = pj_str(def_addr);
+ status = pj_sockaddr_set_str_addr(af, &ice.def_addr, &tmp_addr);
+ if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ICE: invalid default IP address \"%s\"\n", def_addr);
+ return;
+ }
+ pj_sockaddr_set_port(&ice.def_addr, (pj_uint16_t) def_port);
+ pj_str_t rufrag, rpwd;
+ status = pj_ice_strans_start_ice(strans,
+ pj_cstr(&rufrag, ufrag), pj_cstr(&rpwd, pass),
+ okcand, candidates);
+ if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+ ice_perror("error starting ICE", status);
+ return;
+ }
+void ice_send(pj_ice_strans * strans, const char * data, size_t len)
+ if (!pj_ice_strans_sess_is_complete(strans)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ICE: negotiation has not been started or is in progress\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ pj_status_t status = pj_ice_strans_sendto(strans, 1, data, len,
+ &ice.def_addr, pj_sockaddr_get_len(&ice.def_addr));
+ if (status != PJ_SUCCESS && status != PJ_EPENDING)
+ ice_perror("error sending data", status);
diff --git a/src/Erebos/ICE/pjproject.h b/src/Erebos/ICE/pjproject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e230e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/ICE/pjproject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <pjnath.h>
+#include <HsFFI.h>
+pj_ice_strans * ice_create(pj_ice_sess_role role, HsStablePtr sptr, HsStablePtr cb);
+void ice_destroy(pj_ice_strans * strans);
+ssize_t ice_encode_session(pj_ice_strans *, char * ufrag, char * pass,
+ char * def, char * candidates[], size_t maxlen, size_t maxcand);
+void ice_connect(pj_ice_strans * strans, HsStablePtr cb,
+ const char * ufrag, const char * pass,
+ const char * defcand, const char * candidates[], size_t ncand);
+void ice_send(pj_ice_strans *, const char * data, size_t len);
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Identity.hs b/src/Erebos/Identity.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8761fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Identity.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+module Erebos.Identity (
+ Identity, ComposedIdentity, UnifiedIdentity,
+ IdentityData(..), ExtendedIdentityData(..), IdentityExtension(..),
+ idData, idDataF, idExtData, idExtDataF,
+ idName, idOwner, idUpdates, idKeyIdentity, idKeyMessage,
+ eiddBase, eiddStoredBase,
+ eiddName, eiddOwner, eiddKeyIdentity, eiddKeyMessage,
+ emptyIdentityData,
+ emptyIdentityExtension,
+ createIdentity,
+ validateIdentity, validateIdentityF, validateIdentityFE,
+ validateExtendedIdentity, validateExtendedIdentityF, validateExtendedIdentityFE,
+ loadIdentity, loadUnifiedIdentity,
+ mergeIdentity, toUnifiedIdentity, toComposedIdentity,
+ updateIdentity, updateOwners,
+ sameIdentity,
+ unfoldOwners,
+ finalOwner,
+ displayIdentity,
+) where
+import Control.Arrow
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Control.Monad.Identity qualified as I
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Data.Either
+import Data.Foldable
+import Data.Function
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Ord
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Erebos.PubKey
+import Erebos.Storage
+import Erebos.Storage.Merge
+import Erebos.Util
+data Identity m = IdentityKind m => Identity
+ { idData_ :: m (Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData))
+ , idName_ :: Maybe Text
+ , idOwner_ :: Maybe ComposedIdentity
+ , idUpdates_ :: [Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData)]
+ , idKeyIdentity_ :: Stored PublicKey
+ , idKeyMessage_ :: Stored PublicKey
+ }
+deriving instance Show (m (Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData))) => Show (Identity m)
+class (Functor f, Foldable f) => IdentityKind f where
+ ikFilterAncestors :: Storable a => f (Stored a) -> f (Stored a)
+instance IdentityKind I.Identity where
+ ikFilterAncestors = id
+instance IdentityKind [] where
+ ikFilterAncestors = filterAncestors
+type ComposedIdentity = Identity []
+type UnifiedIdentity = Identity I.Identity
+instance Eq (m (Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData))) => Eq (Identity m) where
+ (==) = (==) `on` (idData_ &&& idUpdates_)
+data IdentityData = IdentityData
+ { iddPrev :: [Stored (Signed IdentityData)]
+ , iddName :: Maybe Text
+ , iddOwner :: Maybe (Stored (Signed IdentityData))
+ , iddKeyIdentity :: Stored PublicKey
+ , iddKeyMessage :: Maybe (Stored PublicKey)
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+data IdentityExtension = IdentityExtension
+ { idePrev :: [Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData)]
+ , ideBase :: Stored (Signed IdentityData)
+ , ideName :: Maybe Text
+ , ideOwner :: Maybe (Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData))
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+data ExtendedIdentityData = BaseIdentityData IdentityData
+ | ExtendedIdentityData IdentityExtension
+ deriving (Show)
+baseToExtended :: Stored (Signed IdentityData) -> Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData)
+baseToExtended = unsafeMapStored (unsafeMapSigned BaseIdentityData)
+instance Storable IdentityData where
+ store' idt = storeRec $ do
+ mapM_ (storeRef "SPREV") $ iddPrev idt
+ storeMbText "name" $ iddName idt
+ storeMbRef "owner" $ iddOwner idt
+ storeRef "key-id" $ iddKeyIdentity idt
+ storeMbRef "key-msg" $ iddKeyMessage idt
+ load' = loadRec $ IdentityData
+ <$> loadRefs "SPREV"
+ <*> loadMbText "name"
+ <*> loadMbRef "owner"
+ <*> loadRef "key-id"
+ <*> loadMbRef "key-msg"
+instance Storable IdentityExtension where
+ store' IdentityExtension {..} = storeRec $ do
+ mapM_ (storeRef "SPREV") idePrev
+ storeRef "SBASE" ideBase
+ storeMbText "name" ideName
+ storeMbRef "owner" ideOwner
+ load' = loadRec $ IdentityExtension
+ <$> loadRefs "SPREV"
+ <*> loadRef "SBASE"
+ <*> loadMbText "name"
+ <*> loadMbRef "owner"
+instance Storable ExtendedIdentityData where
+ store' (BaseIdentityData idata) = store' idata
+ store' (ExtendedIdentityData idata) = store' idata
+ load' = msum
+ [ BaseIdentityData <$> load'
+ , ExtendedIdentityData <$> load'
+ ]
+instance Mergeable (Maybe ComposedIdentity) where
+ type Component (Maybe ComposedIdentity) = Signed ExtendedIdentityData
+ mergeSorted = validateExtendedIdentityF
+ toComponents = maybe [] idExtDataF
+idData :: UnifiedIdentity -> Stored (Signed IdentityData)
+idData = I.runIdentity . idDataF
+idDataF :: Identity m -> m (Stored (Signed IdentityData))
+idDataF idt@Identity {} = ikFilterAncestors . fmap eiddStoredBase . idData_ $ idt
+idExtData :: UnifiedIdentity -> Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData)
+idExtData = I.runIdentity . idExtDataF
+idExtDataF :: Identity m -> m (Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData))
+idExtDataF = idData_
+idName :: Identity m -> Maybe Text
+idName = idName_
+idOwner :: Identity m -> Maybe ComposedIdentity
+idOwner = idOwner_
+idUpdates :: Identity m -> [Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData)]
+idUpdates = idUpdates_
+idKeyIdentity :: Identity m -> Stored PublicKey
+idKeyIdentity = idKeyIdentity_
+idKeyMessage :: Identity m -> Stored PublicKey
+idKeyMessage = idKeyMessage_
+eiddPrev :: ExtendedIdentityData -> [Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData)]
+eiddPrev (BaseIdentityData idata) = baseToExtended <$> iddPrev idata
+eiddPrev (ExtendedIdentityData IdentityExtension {..}) = baseToExtended ideBase : idePrev
+eiddBase :: ExtendedIdentityData -> IdentityData
+eiddBase (BaseIdentityData idata) = idata
+eiddBase (ExtendedIdentityData IdentityExtension {..}) = fromSigned ideBase
+eiddStoredBase :: Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData) -> Stored (Signed IdentityData)
+eiddStoredBase ext = case fromSigned ext of
+ (BaseIdentityData idata) -> unsafeMapStored (unsafeMapSigned (const idata)) ext
+ (ExtendedIdentityData IdentityExtension {..}) -> ideBase
+eiddName :: ExtendedIdentityData -> Maybe Text
+eiddName (BaseIdentityData idata) = iddName idata
+eiddName (ExtendedIdentityData IdentityExtension {..}) = ideName
+eiddOwner :: ExtendedIdentityData -> Maybe (Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData))
+eiddOwner (BaseIdentityData idata) = baseToExtended <$> iddOwner idata
+eiddOwner (ExtendedIdentityData IdentityExtension {..}) = ideOwner
+eiddKeyIdentity :: ExtendedIdentityData -> Stored PublicKey
+eiddKeyIdentity = iddKeyIdentity . eiddBase
+eiddKeyMessage :: ExtendedIdentityData -> Maybe (Stored PublicKey)
+eiddKeyMessage = iddKeyMessage . eiddBase
+emptyIdentityData :: Stored PublicKey -> IdentityData
+emptyIdentityData key = IdentityData
+ { iddName = Nothing
+ , iddPrev = []
+ , iddOwner = Nothing
+ , iddKeyIdentity = key
+ , iddKeyMessage = Nothing
+ }
+emptyIdentityExtension :: Stored (Signed IdentityData) -> IdentityExtension
+emptyIdentityExtension base = IdentityExtension
+ { idePrev = []
+ , ideBase = base
+ , ideName = Nothing
+ , ideOwner = Nothing
+ }
+isExtension :: Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData) -> Bool
+isExtension x = case fromSigned x of BaseIdentityData {} -> False
+ _ -> True
+createIdentity :: Storage -> Maybe Text -> Maybe UnifiedIdentity -> IO UnifiedIdentity
+createIdentity st name owner = do
+ (secret, public) <- generateKeys st
+ (_secretMsg, publicMsg) <- generateKeys st
+ let signOwner :: Signed a -> ReaderT Storage IO (Signed a)
+ signOwner idd
+ | Just o <- owner = do
+ Just ownerSecret <- loadKeyMb (iddKeyIdentity $ fromSigned $ idData o)
+ signAdd ownerSecret idd
+ | otherwise = return idd
+ Just identity <- flip runReaderT st $ do
+ baseData <- mstore =<< signOwner =<< sign secret =<<
+ mstore (emptyIdentityData public)
+ { iddOwner = idData <$> owner
+ , iddKeyMessage = Just publicMsg
+ }
+ let extOwner = do
+ odata <- idExtData <$> owner
+ guard $ isExtension odata
+ return odata
+ validateExtendedIdentityF . I.Identity <$>
+ if isJust name || isJust extOwner
+ then mstore =<< signOwner =<< sign secret =<<
+ mstore . ExtendedIdentityData =<< return (emptyIdentityExtension baseData)
+ { ideName = name
+ , ideOwner = extOwner
+ }
+ else return $ baseToExtended baseData
+ return identity
+validateIdentity :: Stored (Signed IdentityData) -> Maybe UnifiedIdentity
+validateIdentity = validateIdentityF . I.Identity
+validateIdentityF :: IdentityKind m => m (Stored (Signed IdentityData)) -> Maybe (Identity m)
+validateIdentityF = either (const Nothing) Just . runExcept . validateIdentityFE
+validateIdentityFE :: IdentityKind m => m (Stored (Signed IdentityData)) -> Except String (Identity m)
+validateIdentityFE = validateExtendedIdentityFE . fmap baseToExtended
+validateExtendedIdentity :: Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData) -> Maybe UnifiedIdentity
+validateExtendedIdentity = validateExtendedIdentityF . I.Identity
+validateExtendedIdentityF :: IdentityKind m => m (Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData)) -> Maybe (Identity m)
+validateExtendedIdentityF = either (const Nothing) Just . runExcept . validateExtendedIdentityFE
+validateExtendedIdentityFE :: IdentityKind m => m (Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData)) -> Except String (Identity m)
+validateExtendedIdentityFE mdata = do
+ let idata = ikFilterAncestors mdata
+ when (null idata) $ throwError "null data"
+ mapM_ verifySignatures $ gatherPrevious S.empty $ toList idata
+ Identity
+ <$> pure idata
+ <*> pure (lookupProperty eiddName idata)
+ <*> case lookupProperty eiddOwner idata of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just owner -> return <$> validateExtendedIdentityFE [owner]
+ <*> pure []
+ <*> pure (eiddKeyIdentity $ fromSigned $ minimum idata)
+ <*> case lookupProperty eiddKeyMessage idata of
+ Nothing -> throwError "no message key"
+ Just mk -> return mk
+loadIdentity :: String -> LoadRec ComposedIdentity
+loadIdentity name = maybe (throwError "identity validation failed") return . validateExtendedIdentityF =<< loadRefs name
+loadUnifiedIdentity :: String -> LoadRec UnifiedIdentity
+loadUnifiedIdentity name = maybe (throwError "identity validation failed") return . validateExtendedIdentity =<< loadRef name
+gatherPrevious :: Set (Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData)) -> [Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData)] -> Set (Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData))
+gatherPrevious res (n:ns) | n `S.member` res = gatherPrevious res ns
+ | otherwise = gatherPrevious (S.insert n res) $ (eiddPrev $ fromSigned n) ++ ns
+gatherPrevious res [] = res
+verifySignatures :: Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData) -> Except String ()
+verifySignatures sidd = do
+ let idd = fromSigned sidd
+ required = concat
+ [ [ eiddKeyIdentity idd ]
+ , map (eiddKeyIdentity . fromSigned) $ eiddPrev idd
+ , map (eiddKeyIdentity . fromSigned) $ toList $ eiddOwner idd
+ ]
+ unless (all (fromStored sidd `isSignedBy`) required) $ do
+ throwError "signature verification failed"
+lookupProperty :: forall a m. Foldable m => (ExtendedIdentityData -> Maybe a) -> m (Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData)) -> Maybe a
+lookupProperty sel topHeads = findResult filteredLayers
+ where findPropHeads :: Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData) -> [(Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData), a)]
+ findPropHeads sobj | Just x <- sel $ fromSigned sobj = [(sobj, x)]
+ | otherwise = findPropHeads =<< (eiddPrev $ fromSigned sobj)
+ propHeads :: [(Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData), a)]
+ propHeads = findPropHeads =<< toList topHeads
+ historyLayers :: [Set (Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData))]
+ historyLayers = generations $ map fst propHeads
+ filteredLayers :: [[(Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData), a)]]
+ filteredLayers = scanl (\cur obsolete -> filter ((`S.notMember` obsolete) . fst) cur) propHeads historyLayers
+ findResult ([(_, x)] : _) = Just x
+ findResult ([] : _) = Nothing
+ findResult [] = Nothing
+ findResult [xs] = Just $ snd $ minimumBy (comparing fst) xs
+ findResult (_:rest) = findResult rest
+mergeIdentity :: (MonadStorage m, MonadError String m, MonadIO m) => Identity f -> m UnifiedIdentity
+mergeIdentity idt | Just idt' <- toUnifiedIdentity idt = return idt'
+mergeIdentity idt@Identity {..} = do
+ (owner, ownerData) <- case idOwner_ of
+ Nothing -> return (Nothing, Nothing)
+ Just cowner | Just owner <- toUnifiedIdentity cowner -> return (Just owner, Nothing)
+ | otherwise -> do owner <- mergeIdentity cowner
+ return (Just owner, Just $ idData owner)
+ let public = idKeyIdentity idt
+ secret <- loadKey public
+ unifiedBaseData <-
+ case toList $ idDataF idt of
+ [idata] -> return idata
+ idatas -> mstore =<< sign secret =<< mstore (emptyIdentityData public)
+ { iddPrev = idatas, iddOwner = ownerData }
+ case filter isExtension $ toList $ idExtDataF idt of
+ [] -> return Identity { idData_ = I.Identity (baseToExtended unifiedBaseData), idOwner_ = toComposedIdentity <$> owner, .. }
+ extdata -> do
+ unifiedExtendedData <- mstore =<< sign secret =<<
+ (mstore . ExtendedIdentityData) (emptyIdentityExtension unifiedBaseData)
+ { idePrev = extdata }
+ return Identity { idData_ = I.Identity unifiedExtendedData, idOwner_ = toComposedIdentity <$> owner, .. }
+toUnifiedIdentity :: Identity m -> Maybe UnifiedIdentity
+toUnifiedIdentity Identity {..}
+ | [sdata] <- toList idData_ = Just Identity { idData_ = I.Identity sdata, .. }
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+toComposedIdentity :: Identity m -> ComposedIdentity
+toComposedIdentity Identity {..} = Identity { idData_ = toList idData_
+ , idOwner_ = toComposedIdentity <$> idOwner_
+ , ..
+ }
+updateIdentity :: [Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData)] -> Identity m -> ComposedIdentity
+updateIdentity [] orig = toComposedIdentity orig
+updateIdentity updates orig@Identity {} =
+ case validateExtendedIdentityF $ ourUpdates ++ idata of
+ Just updated -> updated
+ { idOwner_ = updateIdentity ownerUpdates <$> idOwner_ updated
+ , idUpdates_ = ownerUpdates
+ }
+ Nothing -> toComposedIdentity orig
+ where idata = toList $ idData_ orig
+ idataRoots = foldl' mergeUniq [] $ map storedRoots idata
+ (ourUpdates, ownerUpdates) = partitionEithers $ flip map (filterAncestors $ updates ++ idUpdates_ orig) $
+ -- if an update is related to anything in idData_, use it here, otherwise push to owners
+ \u -> if storedRoots u `intersectsSorted` idataRoots
+ then Left u
+ else Right u
+updateOwners :: [Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData)] -> Identity m -> Identity m
+updateOwners updates orig@Identity { idOwner_ = Just owner, idUpdates_ = cupdates } =
+ orig { idOwner_ = Just $ updateIdentity updates owner, idUpdates_ = filterAncestors (updates ++ cupdates) }
+updateOwners _ orig@Identity { idOwner_ = Nothing } = orig
+sameIdentity :: (Foldable m, Foldable m') => Identity m -> Identity m' -> Bool
+sameIdentity x y = not $ S.null $ S.intersection (refset x) (refset y)
+ where refset idt = foldr S.insert (ancestors $ toList $ idDataF idt) (idDataF idt)
+unfoldOwners :: (Foldable m) => Identity m -> [ComposedIdentity]
+unfoldOwners = unfoldr (fmap (\i -> (i, idOwner i))) . Just . toComposedIdentity
+finalOwner :: (Foldable m, Applicative m) => Identity m -> ComposedIdentity
+finalOwner = last . unfoldOwners
+displayIdentity :: (Foldable m, Applicative m) => Identity m -> Text
+displayIdentity identity = T.concat
+ [ T.intercalate (T.pack " / ") $ map (fromMaybe (T.pack "<unnamed>") . idName) owners
+ ]
+ where owners = reverse $ unfoldOwners identity
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Message.hs b/src/Erebos/Message.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fe25e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Message.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+module Erebos.Message (
+ DirectMessage(..),
+ sendDirectMessage,
+ DirectMessageAttributes(..),
+ defaultDirectMessageAttributes,
+ DirectMessageThreads,
+ toThreadList,
+ DirectMessageThread(..),
+ threadToList,
+ messageThreadView,
+ watchReceivedMessages,
+ formatMessage,
+) where
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Data.List
+import Data.Ord
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Time.Format
+import Data.Time.LocalTime
+import Erebos.Identity
+import Erebos.Network
+import Erebos.Service
+import Erebos.State
+import Erebos.Storage
+import Erebos.Storage.Merge
+data DirectMessage = DirectMessage
+ { msgFrom :: ComposedIdentity
+ , msgPrev :: [Stored DirectMessage]
+ , msgTime :: ZonedTime
+ , msgText :: Text
+ }
+instance Storable DirectMessage where
+ store' msg = storeRec $ do
+ mapM_ (storeRef "from") $ idExtDataF $ msgFrom msg
+ mapM_ (storeRef "PREV") $ msgPrev msg
+ storeDate "time" $ msgTime msg
+ storeText "text" $ msgText msg
+ load' = loadRec $ DirectMessage
+ <$> loadIdentity "from"
+ <*> loadRefs "PREV"
+ <*> loadDate "time"
+ <*> loadText "text"
+data DirectMessageAttributes = DirectMessageAttributes
+ { dmOwnerMismatch :: ServiceHandler DirectMessage ()
+ }
+defaultDirectMessageAttributes :: DirectMessageAttributes
+defaultDirectMessageAttributes = DirectMessageAttributes
+ { dmOwnerMismatch = svcPrint "Owner mismatch"
+ }
+instance Service DirectMessage where
+ serviceID _ = mkServiceID "c702076c-4928-4415-8b6b-3e839eafcb0d"
+ type ServiceAttributes DirectMessage = DirectMessageAttributes
+ defaultServiceAttributes _ = defaultDirectMessageAttributes
+ serviceHandler smsg = do
+ let msg = fromStored smsg
+ powner <- asks $ finalOwner . svcPeerIdentity
+ erb <- svcGetLocal
+ st <- getStorage
+ let DirectMessageThreads prev _ = lookupSharedValue $ lsShared $ fromStored erb
+ sent = findMsgProperty powner msSent prev
+ received = findMsgProperty powner msReceived prev
+ received' = filterAncestors $ smsg : received
+ if powner `sameIdentity` msgFrom msg ||
+ filterAncestors sent == filterAncestors (smsg : sent)
+ then do
+ when (received' /= received) $ do
+ next <- wrappedStore st $ MessageState
+ { msPrev = prev
+ , msPeer = powner
+ , msSent = []
+ , msReceived = received'
+ , msSeen = []
+ }
+ let threads = DirectMessageThreads [next] (messageThreadView [next])
+ shared <- makeSharedStateUpdate st threads (lsShared $ fromStored erb)
+ svcSetLocal =<< wrappedStore st (fromStored erb) { lsShared = [shared] }
+ when (powner `sameIdentity` msgFrom msg) $ do
+ replyStoredRef smsg
+ else join $ asks $ dmOwnerMismatch . svcAttributes
+ serviceNewPeer = syncDirectMessageToPeer . lookupSharedValue . lsShared . fromStored =<< svcGetLocal
+ serviceStorageWatchers _ = (:[]) $
+ SomeStorageWatcher (lookupSharedValue . lsShared . fromStored) syncDirectMessageToPeer
+data MessageState = MessageState
+ { msPrev :: [Stored MessageState]
+ , msPeer :: ComposedIdentity
+ , msSent :: [Stored DirectMessage]
+ , msReceived :: [Stored DirectMessage]
+ , msSeen :: [Stored DirectMessage]
+ }
+data DirectMessageThreads = DirectMessageThreads [Stored MessageState] [DirectMessageThread]
+instance Eq DirectMessageThreads where
+ DirectMessageThreads mss _ == DirectMessageThreads mss' _ = mss == mss'
+toThreadList :: DirectMessageThreads -> [DirectMessageThread]
+toThreadList (DirectMessageThreads _ threads) = threads
+instance Storable MessageState where
+ store' ms = storeRec $ do
+ mapM_ (storeRef "PREV") $ msPrev ms
+ mapM_ (storeRef "peer") $ idDataF $ msPeer ms
+ mapM_ (storeRef "sent") $ msSent ms
+ mapM_ (storeRef "received") $ msReceived ms
+ mapM_ (storeRef "seen") $ msSeen ms
+ load' = loadRec $ MessageState
+ <$> loadRefs "PREV"
+ <*> loadIdentity "peer"
+ <*> loadRefs "sent"
+ <*> loadRefs "received"
+ <*> loadRefs "seen"
+instance Mergeable DirectMessageThreads where
+ type Component DirectMessageThreads = MessageState
+ mergeSorted mss = DirectMessageThreads mss (messageThreadView mss)
+ toComponents (DirectMessageThreads mss _) = mss
+instance SharedType DirectMessageThreads where
+ sharedTypeID _ = mkSharedTypeID "ee793681-5976-466a-b0f0-4e1907d3fade"
+findMsgProperty :: Foldable m => Identity m -> (MessageState -> [a]) -> [Stored MessageState] -> [a]
+findMsgProperty pid sel mss = concat $ flip findProperty mss $ \x -> do
+ guard $ msPeer x `sameIdentity` pid
+ guard $ not $ null $ sel x
+ return $ sel x
+sendDirectMessage :: (Foldable f, Applicative f, MonadHead LocalState m, MonadError String m)
+ => Identity f -> Text -> m (Stored DirectMessage)
+sendDirectMessage pid text = updateLocalHead $ \ls -> do
+ let self = localIdentity $ fromStored ls
+ powner = finalOwner pid
+ flip updateSharedState ls $ \(DirectMessageThreads prev _) -> do
+ let sent = findMsgProperty powner msSent prev
+ received = findMsgProperty powner msReceived prev
+ time <- liftIO getZonedTime
+ smsg <- mstore DirectMessage
+ { msgFrom = toComposedIdentity $ finalOwner self
+ , msgPrev = filterAncestors $ sent ++ received
+ , msgTime = time
+ , msgText = text
+ }
+ next <- mstore MessageState
+ { msPrev = prev
+ , msPeer = powner
+ , msSent = [smsg]
+ , msReceived = []
+ , msSeen = []
+ }
+ return (DirectMessageThreads [next] (messageThreadView [next]), smsg)
+syncDirectMessageToPeer :: DirectMessageThreads -> ServiceHandler DirectMessage ()
+syncDirectMessageToPeer (DirectMessageThreads mss _) = do
+ pid <- finalOwner <$> asks svcPeerIdentity
+ peer <- asks svcPeer
+ let thread = messageThreadFor pid mss
+ mapM_ (sendToPeerStored peer) $ msgHead thread
+data DirectMessageThread = DirectMessageThread
+ { msgPeer :: ComposedIdentity
+ , msgHead :: [Stored DirectMessage]
+ , msgSeen :: [Stored DirectMessage]
+ }
+threadToList :: DirectMessageThread -> [DirectMessage]
+threadToList thread = helper S.empty $ msgHead thread
+ where helper seen msgs
+ | msg : msgs' <- filter (`S.notMember` seen) $ reverse $ sortBy (comparing cmpView) msgs =
+ fromStored msg : helper (S.insert msg seen) (msgs' ++ msgPrev (fromStored msg))
+ | otherwise = []
+ cmpView msg = (zonedTimeToUTC $ msgTime $ fromStored msg, msg)
+messageThreadView :: [Stored MessageState] -> [DirectMessageThread]
+messageThreadView = helper []
+ where helper used ms' = case filterAncestors ms' of
+ mss@(sms : rest)
+ | any (sameIdentity $ msPeer $ fromStored sms) used ->
+ helper used $ msPrev (fromStored sms) ++ rest
+ | otherwise ->
+ let peer = msPeer $ fromStored sms
+ in messageThreadFor peer mss : helper (peer : used) (msPrev (fromStored sms) ++ rest)
+ _ -> []
+messageThreadFor :: ComposedIdentity -> [Stored MessageState] -> DirectMessageThread
+messageThreadFor peer mss =
+ let sent = findMsgProperty peer msSent mss
+ received = findMsgProperty peer msReceived mss
+ seen = findMsgProperty peer msSeen mss
+ in DirectMessageThread
+ { msgPeer = peer
+ , msgHead = filterAncestors $ sent ++ received
+ , msgSeen = filterAncestors $ sent ++ seen
+ }
+watchReceivedMessages :: Head LocalState -> (Stored DirectMessage -> IO ()) -> IO WatchedHead
+watchReceivedMessages h f = do
+ let self = finalOwner $ localIdentity $ headObject h
+ watchHeadWith h (lookupSharedValue . lsShared . headObject) $ \(DirectMessageThreads sms _) -> do
+ forM_ (map fromStored sms) $ \ms -> do
+ mapM_ f $ filter (not . sameIdentity self . msgFrom . fromStored) $ msReceived ms
+formatMessage :: TimeZone -> DirectMessage -> String
+formatMessage tzone msg = concat
+ [ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "[%H:%M] " $ utcToLocalTime tzone $ zonedTimeToUTC $ msgTime msg
+ , maybe "<unnamed>" T.unpack $ idName $ msgFrom msg
+ , ": "
+ , T.unpack $ msgText msg
+ ]
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Network.hs b/src/Erebos/Network.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc3df4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Network.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,796 @@
+module Erebos.Network (
+ Server,
+ startServer,
+ stopServer,
+ getNextPeerChange,
+ ServerOptions(..), serverIdentity, defaultServerOptions,
+ Peer, peerServer, peerStorage,
+ PeerAddress(..), peerAddress,
+ PeerIdentity(..), peerIdentity,
+ WaitingRef, wrDigest,
+ Service(..),
+ serverPeer, serverPeerIce,
+ sendToPeer, sendToPeerStored, sendToPeerWith,
+ runPeerService,
+ discoveryPort,
+) where
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Control.Exception
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Control.Monad.State
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
+import Data.Function
+import Data.IP qualified as IP
+import Data.List
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Typeable
+import Data.Word
+import Foreign.Ptr
+import Foreign.Storable
+import GHC.Conc.Sync (unsafeIOToSTM)
+import Network.Socket hiding (ControlMessage)
+import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString as S
+import Erebos.Channel
+import Erebos.ICE
+import Erebos.Identity
+import Erebos.Network.Protocol
+import Erebos.PubKey
+import Erebos.Service
+import Erebos.State
+import Erebos.Storage
+import Erebos.Storage.Key
+import Erebos.Storage.Merge
+discoveryPort :: PortNumber
+discoveryPort = 29665
+announceIntervalSeconds :: Int
+announceIntervalSeconds = 60
+data Server = Server
+ { serverStorage :: Storage
+ , serverOrigHead :: Head LocalState
+ , serverIdentity_ :: MVar UnifiedIdentity
+ , serverThreads :: MVar [ThreadId]
+ , serverSocket :: MVar Socket
+ , serverRawPath :: SymFlow (PeerAddress, BC.ByteString)
+ , serverControlFlow :: Flow (ControlMessage PeerAddress) (ControlRequest PeerAddress)
+ , serverDataResponse :: TQueue (Peer, Maybe PartialRef)
+ , serverIOActions :: TQueue (ExceptT String IO ())
+ , serverServices :: [SomeService]
+ , serverServiceStates :: TMVar (M.Map ServiceID SomeServiceGlobalState)
+ , serverPeers :: MVar (Map PeerAddress Peer)
+ , serverChanPeer :: TChan Peer
+ , serverErrorLog :: TQueue String
+ }
+serverIdentity :: Server -> IO UnifiedIdentity
+serverIdentity = readMVar . serverIdentity_
+getNextPeerChange :: Server -> IO Peer
+getNextPeerChange = atomically . readTChan . serverChanPeer
+data ServerOptions = ServerOptions
+ { serverPort :: PortNumber
+ , serverLocalDiscovery :: Bool
+ }
+defaultServerOptions :: ServerOptions
+defaultServerOptions = ServerOptions
+ { serverPort = discoveryPort
+ , serverLocalDiscovery = True
+ }
+data Peer = Peer
+ { peerAddress :: PeerAddress
+ , peerServer_ :: Server
+ , peerConnection :: TVar (Either [(Bool, TransportPacket Ref, [TransportHeaderItem])] (Connection PeerAddress))
+ , peerIdentityVar :: TVar PeerIdentity
+ , peerStorage_ :: Storage
+ , peerInStorage :: PartialStorage
+ , peerServiceState :: TMVar (M.Map ServiceID SomeServiceState)
+ , peerWaitingRefs :: TMVar [WaitingRef]
+ }
+peerServer :: Peer -> Server
+peerServer = peerServer_
+peerStorage :: Peer -> Storage
+peerStorage = peerStorage_
+getPeerChannel :: Peer -> STM ChannelState
+getPeerChannel Peer {..} = either (const $ return ChannelNone) connGetChannel =<< readTVar peerConnection
+setPeerChannel :: Peer -> ChannelState -> STM ()
+setPeerChannel Peer {..} ch = do
+ readTVar peerConnection >>= \case
+ Left _ -> retry
+ Right conn -> connSetChannel conn ch
+instance Eq Peer where
+ (==) = (==) `on` peerIdentityVar
+data PeerAddress = DatagramAddress SockAddr
+ | PeerIceSession IceSession
+instance Show PeerAddress where
+ show (DatagramAddress saddr) = unwords $ case IP.fromSockAddr saddr of
+ Just (IP.IPv6 ipv6, port)
+ | (0, 0, 0xffff, ipv4) <- IP.fromIPv6w ipv6
+ -> [show (IP.toIPv4w ipv4), show port]
+ Just (addr, port)
+ -> [show addr, show port]
+ _ -> [show saddr]
+ show (PeerIceSession ice) = show ice
+instance Eq PeerAddress where
+ DatagramAddress addr == DatagramAddress addr' = addr == addr'
+ PeerIceSession ice == PeerIceSession ice' = ice == ice'
+ _ == _ = False
+instance Ord PeerAddress where
+ compare (DatagramAddress addr) (DatagramAddress addr') = compare addr addr'
+ compare (DatagramAddress _ ) _ = LT
+ compare _ (DatagramAddress _ ) = GT
+ compare (PeerIceSession ice ) (PeerIceSession ice') = compare ice ice'
+data PeerIdentity = PeerIdentityUnknown (TVar [UnifiedIdentity -> ExceptT String IO ()])
+ | PeerIdentityRef WaitingRef (TVar [UnifiedIdentity -> ExceptT String IO ()])
+ | PeerIdentityFull UnifiedIdentity
+peerIdentity :: MonadIO m => Peer -> m PeerIdentity
+peerIdentity = liftIO . atomically . readTVar . peerIdentityVar
+lookupServiceType :: [TransportHeaderItem] -> Maybe ServiceID
+lookupServiceType (ServiceType stype : _) = Just stype
+lookupServiceType (_ : hs) = lookupServiceType hs
+lookupServiceType [] = Nothing
+newWaitingRef :: RefDigest -> (Ref -> WaitingRefCallback) -> PacketHandler WaitingRef
+newWaitingRef dgst act = do
+ peer@Peer {..} <- gets phPeer
+ wref <- WaitingRef peerStorage_ (partialRefFromDigest peerInStorage dgst) act <$> liftSTM (newTVar (Left []))
+ modifyTMVarP peerWaitingRefs (wref:)
+ liftSTM $ writeTQueue (serverDataResponse $ peerServer peer) (peer, Nothing)
+ return wref
+forkServerThread :: Server -> IO () -> IO ()
+forkServerThread server act = modifyMVar_ (serverThreads server) $ \ts -> do
+ (:ts) <$> forkIO act
+startServer :: ServerOptions -> Head LocalState -> (String -> IO ()) -> [SomeService] -> IO Server
+startServer opt serverOrigHead logd' serverServices = do
+ let serverStorage = headStorage serverOrigHead
+ serverIdentity_ <- newMVar $ headLocalIdentity serverOrigHead
+ serverThreads <- newMVar []
+ serverSocket <- newEmptyMVar
+ (serverRawPath, protocolRawPath) <- newFlowIO
+ (serverControlFlow, protocolControlFlow) <- newFlowIO
+ serverDataResponse <- newTQueueIO
+ serverIOActions <- newTQueueIO
+ serverServiceStates <- newTMVarIO M.empty
+ serverPeers <- newMVar M.empty
+ serverChanPeer <- newTChanIO
+ serverErrorLog <- newTQueueIO
+ let server = Server {..}
+ chanSvc <- newTQueueIO
+ let logd = writeTQueue serverErrorLog
+ forkServerThread server $ forever $ do
+ logd' =<< atomically (readTQueue serverErrorLog)
+ forkServerThread server $ dataResponseWorker server
+ forkServerThread server $ forever $ do
+ either (atomically . logd) return =<< runExceptT =<<
+ atomically (readTQueue serverIOActions)
+ broadcastAddreses <- getBroadcastAddresses discoveryPort
+ let open addr = do
+ sock <- socket (addrFamily addr) (addrSocketType addr) (addrProtocol addr)
+ putMVar serverSocket sock
+ setSocketOption sock ReuseAddr 1
+ setSocketOption sock Broadcast 1
+ withFdSocket sock setCloseOnExecIfNeeded
+ bind sock (addrAddress addr)
+ return sock
+ loop sock = do
+ when (serverLocalDiscovery opt) $ forkServerThread server $ forever $ do
+ atomically $ writeFlowBulk serverControlFlow $ map (SendAnnounce . DatagramAddress) broadcastAddreses
+ threadDelay $ announceIntervalSeconds * 1000 * 1000
+ let announceUpdate identity = do
+ st <- derivePartialStorage serverStorage
+ let selfRef = partialRef st $ storedRef $ idExtData identity
+ updateRefs = map refDigest $ selfRef : map (partialRef st . storedRef) (idUpdates identity)
+ ackedBy = concat [[ Acknowledged r, Rejected r, DataRequest r ] | r <- updateRefs ]
+ hitems = map AnnounceUpdate updateRefs
+ packet = TransportPacket (TransportHeader $ hitems) []
+ ps <- readMVar serverPeers
+ forM_ ps $ \peer -> atomically $ do
+ ((,) <$> readTVar (peerIdentityVar peer) <*> getPeerChannel peer) >>= \case
+ (PeerIdentityFull _, ChannelEstablished _) ->
+ sendToPeerS peer ackedBy packet
+ _ -> return ()
+ void $ watchHead serverOrigHead $ \h -> do
+ let idt = headLocalIdentity h
+ changedId <- modifyMVar serverIdentity_ $ \cur ->
+ return (idt, cur /= idt)
+ when changedId $ do
+ writeFlowIO serverControlFlow $ UpdateSelfIdentity idt
+ announceUpdate idt
+ forM_ serverServices $ \(SomeService service _) -> do
+ forM_ (serviceStorageWatchers service) $ \(SomeStorageWatcher sel act) -> do
+ watchHeadWith serverOrigHead (sel . headStoredObject) $ \x -> do
+ withMVar serverPeers $ mapM_ $ \peer -> atomically $ do
+ readTVar (peerIdentityVar peer) >>= \case
+ PeerIdentityFull _ -> writeTQueue serverIOActions $ do
+ runPeerService peer $ act x
+ _ -> return ()
+ forkServerThread server $ forever $ do
+ (msg, saddr) <- S.recvFrom sock 4096
+ writeFlowIO serverRawPath (DatagramAddress saddr, msg)
+ forkServerThread server $ forever $ do
+ (paddr, msg) <- readFlowIO serverRawPath
+ case paddr of
+ DatagramAddress addr -> void $ S.sendTo sock msg addr
+ PeerIceSession ice -> iceSend ice msg
+ forkServerThread server $ forever $ do
+ readFlowIO serverControlFlow >>= \case
+ NewConnection conn mbpid -> do
+ let paddr = connAddress conn
+ peer <- modifyMVar serverPeers $ \pvalue -> do
+ case M.lookup paddr pvalue of
+ Just peer -> return (pvalue, peer)
+ Nothing -> do
+ peer <- mkPeer server paddr
+ return (M.insert paddr peer pvalue, peer)
+ forkServerThread server $ do
+ atomically $ do
+ readTVar (peerConnection peer) >>= \case
+ Left packets -> writeFlowBulk (connData conn) $ reverse packets
+ Right _ -> return ()
+ writeTVar (peerConnection peer) (Right conn)
+ case mbpid of
+ Just dgst -> do
+ identity <- readMVar serverIdentity_
+ atomically $ runPacketHandler False peer $ do
+ wref <- newWaitingRef dgst $ handleIdentityAnnounce identity peer
+ readTVarP (peerIdentityVar peer) >>= \case
+ PeerIdentityUnknown idwait -> do
+ addHeader $ AnnounceSelf $ refDigest $ storedRef $ idData identity
+ writeTVarP (peerIdentityVar peer) $ PeerIdentityRef wref idwait
+ liftSTM $ writeTChan serverChanPeer peer
+ _ -> return ()
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ forever $ do
+ (secure, TransportPacket header objs) <- readFlowIO $ connData conn
+ prefs <- forM objs $ storeObject $ peerInStorage peer
+ identity <- readMVar serverIdentity_
+ let svcs = map someServiceID serverServices
+ handlePacket identity secure peer chanSvc svcs header prefs
+ ReceivedAnnounce addr _ -> do
+ void $ serverPeer' server addr
+ erebosNetworkProtocol (headLocalIdentity serverOrigHead) logd protocolRawPath protocolControlFlow
+ forkServerThread server $ withSocketsDo $ do
+ let hints = defaultHints
+ { addrFlags = [AI_PASSIVE]
+ , addrFamily = AF_INET6
+ , addrSocketType = Datagram
+ }
+ addr:_ <- getAddrInfo (Just hints) Nothing (Just $ show $ serverPort opt)
+ bracket (open addr) close loop
+ forkServerThread server $ forever $ do
+ (peer, svc, ref) <- atomically $ readTQueue chanSvc
+ case find ((svc ==) . someServiceID) serverServices of
+ Just service@(SomeService (_ :: Proxy s) attr) -> runPeerServiceOn (Just (service, attr)) peer (serviceHandler $ wrappedLoad @s ref)
+ _ -> atomically $ logd $ "unhandled service '" ++ show (toUUID svc) ++ "'"
+ return server
+stopServer :: Server -> IO ()
+stopServer Server {..} = do
+ mapM_ killThread =<< takeMVar serverThreads
+dataResponseWorker :: Server -> IO ()
+dataResponseWorker server = forever $ do
+ (peer, npref) <- atomically (readTQueue $ serverDataResponse server)
+ wait <- atomically $ takeTMVar (peerWaitingRefs peer)
+ list <- forM wait $ \wr@WaitingRef { wrefStatus = tvar } ->
+ atomically (readTVar tvar) >>= \case
+ Left ds -> case maybe id (filter . (/=) . refDigest) npref $ ds of
+ [] -> copyRef (wrefStorage wr) (wrefPartial wr) >>= \case
+ Right ref -> do
+ atomically (writeTVar tvar $ Right ref)
+ forkServerThread server $ runExceptT (wrefAction wr ref) >>= \case
+ Left err -> atomically $ writeTQueue (serverErrorLog server) err
+ Right () -> return ()
+ return (Nothing, [])
+ Left dgst -> do
+ atomically (writeTVar tvar $ Left [dgst])
+ return (Just wr, [dgst])
+ ds' -> do
+ atomically (writeTVar tvar $ Left ds')
+ return (Just wr, [])
+ Right _ -> return (Nothing, [])
+ atomically $ putTMVar (peerWaitingRefs peer) $ catMaybes $ map fst list
+ let reqs = concat $ map snd list
+ when (not $ null reqs) $ do
+ let packet = TransportPacket (TransportHeader $ map DataRequest reqs) []
+ ackedBy = concat [[ Rejected r, DataResponse r ] | r <- reqs ]
+ atomically $ sendToPeerPlain peer ackedBy packet
+newtype PacketHandler a = PacketHandler { unPacketHandler :: StateT PacketHandlerState (ExceptT String STM) a }
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState PacketHandlerState, MonadError String)
+instance MonadFail PacketHandler where
+ fail = throwError
+runPacketHandler :: Bool -> Peer -> PacketHandler () -> STM ()
+runPacketHandler secure peer@Peer {..} act = do
+ let logd = writeTQueue $ serverErrorLog peerServer_
+ runExceptT (flip execStateT (PacketHandlerState peer [] [] []) $ unPacketHandler act) >>= \case
+ Left err -> do
+ logd $ "Error in handling packet from " ++ show peerAddress ++ ": " ++ err
+ Right ph -> do
+ when (not $ null $ phHead ph) $ do
+ let packet = TransportPacket (TransportHeader $ phHead ph) (phBody ph)
+ sendToPeerS' secure peer (phAckedBy ph) packet
+liftSTM :: STM a -> PacketHandler a
+liftSTM = PacketHandler . lift . lift
+readTVarP :: TVar a -> PacketHandler a
+readTVarP = liftSTM . readTVar
+writeTVarP :: TVar a -> a -> PacketHandler ()
+writeTVarP v = liftSTM . writeTVar v
+modifyTMVarP :: TMVar a -> (a -> a) -> PacketHandler ()
+modifyTMVarP v f = liftSTM $ putTMVar v . f =<< takeTMVar v
+data PacketHandlerState = PacketHandlerState
+ { phPeer :: Peer
+ , phHead :: [TransportHeaderItem]
+ , phAckedBy :: [TransportHeaderItem]
+ , phBody :: [Ref]
+ }
+addHeader :: TransportHeaderItem -> PacketHandler ()
+addHeader h = modify $ \ph -> ph { phHead = h `appendDistinct` phHead ph }
+addAckedBy :: [TransportHeaderItem] -> PacketHandler ()
+addAckedBy hs = modify $ \ph -> ph { phAckedBy = foldr appendDistinct (phAckedBy ph) hs }
+addBody :: Ref -> PacketHandler ()
+addBody r = modify $ \ph -> ph { phBody = r `appendDistinct` phBody ph }
+appendDistinct :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
+appendDistinct x (y:ys) | x == y = y : ys
+ | otherwise = y : appendDistinct x ys
+appendDistinct x [] = [x]
+handlePacket :: UnifiedIdentity -> Bool
+ -> Peer -> TQueue (Peer, ServiceID, Ref) -> [ServiceID]
+ -> TransportHeader -> [PartialRef] -> IO ()
+handlePacket identity secure peer chanSvc svcs (TransportHeader headers) prefs = atomically $ do
+ let server = peerServer peer
+ ochannel <- getPeerChannel peer
+ let sidentity = idData identity
+ plaintextRefs = map (refDigest . storedRef) $ concatMap (collectStoredObjects . wrappedLoad) $ concat
+ [ [ storedRef sidentity ]
+ , map storedRef $ idUpdates identity
+ , case ochannel of
+ ChannelOurRequest _ req -> [ storedRef req ]
+ ChannelOurAccept _ acc _ -> [ storedRef acc ]
+ _ -> []
+ ]
+ runPacketHandler secure peer $ do
+ let logd = liftSTM . writeTQueue (serverErrorLog server)
+ forM_ headers $ \case
+ Acknowledged dgst -> do
+ liftSTM (getPeerChannel peer) >>= \case
+ ChannelOurAccept _ acc ch | refDigest (storedRef acc) == dgst -> do
+ liftSTM $ finalizedChannel peer ch identity
+ _ -> return ()
+ Rejected dgst -> do
+ logd $ "rejected by peer: " ++ show dgst
+ DataRequest dgst
+ | secure || dgst `elem` plaintextRefs -> do
+ Right mref <- liftSTM $ unsafeIOToSTM $
+ copyRef (peerStorage peer) $
+ partialRefFromDigest (peerInStorage peer) dgst
+ addHeader $ DataResponse dgst
+ addAckedBy [ Acknowledged dgst, Rejected dgst ]
+ addBody $ mref
+ | otherwise -> do
+ logd $ "unauthorized data request for " ++ show dgst
+ addHeader $ Rejected dgst
+ DataResponse dgst -> if
+ | Just pref <- find ((==dgst) . refDigest) prefs -> do
+ when (not secure) $ do
+ addHeader $ Acknowledged dgst
+ liftSTM $ writeTQueue (serverDataResponse server) (peer, Just pref)
+ | otherwise -> throwError $ "mismatched data response " ++ show dgst
+ AnnounceSelf dgst
+ | dgst == refDigest (storedRef sidentity) -> return ()
+ | otherwise -> do
+ wref <- newWaitingRef dgst $ handleIdentityAnnounce identity peer
+ readTVarP (peerIdentityVar peer) >>= \case
+ PeerIdentityUnknown idwait -> do
+ addHeader $ AnnounceSelf $ refDigest $ storedRef $ idData identity
+ writeTVarP (peerIdentityVar peer) $ PeerIdentityRef wref idwait
+ liftSTM $ writeTChan (serverChanPeer $ peerServer peer) peer
+ _ -> return ()
+ AnnounceUpdate dgst -> do
+ readTVarP (peerIdentityVar peer) >>= \case
+ PeerIdentityFull _ -> do
+ void $ newWaitingRef dgst $ handleIdentityUpdate peer
+ _ -> return ()
+ TrChannelRequest dgst -> do
+ let process cookie = do
+ addHeader $ Acknowledged dgst
+ wref <- newWaitingRef dgst $ handleChannelRequest peer identity
+ liftSTM $ setPeerChannel peer $ ChannelPeerRequest cookie wref
+ reject = addHeader $ Rejected dgst
+ liftSTM (getPeerChannel peer) >>= \case
+ ChannelNone {} -> return ()
+ ChannelCookieWait {} -> return ()
+ ChannelCookieReceived cookie -> process $ Just cookie
+ ChannelCookieConfirmed cookie -> process $ Just cookie
+ ChannelOurRequest mbcookie our | dgst < refDigest (storedRef our) -> process mbcookie
+ | otherwise -> reject
+ ChannelPeerRequest mbcookie _ -> process mbcookie
+ ChannelOurAccept {} -> reject
+ ChannelEstablished {} -> process Nothing
+ TrChannelAccept dgst -> do
+ let process = do
+ handleChannelAccept identity $ partialRefFromDigest (peerInStorage peer) dgst
+ reject = addHeader $ Rejected dgst
+ liftSTM (getPeerChannel peer) >>= \case
+ ChannelNone {} -> reject
+ ChannelCookieWait {} -> reject
+ ChannelCookieReceived {} -> reject
+ ChannelCookieConfirmed {} -> reject
+ ChannelOurRequest {} -> process
+ ChannelPeerRequest {} -> process
+ ChannelOurAccept _ our _ | dgst < refDigest (storedRef our) -> process
+ | otherwise -> addHeader $ Rejected dgst
+ ChannelEstablished {} -> process
+ ServiceType _ -> return ()
+ ServiceRef dgst
+ | not secure -> throwError $ "service packet without secure channel"
+ | Just svc <- lookupServiceType headers -> if
+ | svc `elem` svcs -> do
+ if dgst `elem` map refDigest prefs || True {- TODO: used by Message service to confirm receive -}
+ then do
+ void $ newWaitingRef dgst $ \ref ->
+ liftIO $ atomically $ writeTQueue chanSvc (peer, svc, ref)
+ else throwError $ "missing service object " ++ show dgst
+ | otherwise -> addHeader $ Rejected dgst
+ | otherwise -> throwError $ "service ref without type"
+ _ -> return ()
+withPeerIdentity :: MonadIO m => Peer -> (UnifiedIdentity -> ExceptT String IO ()) -> m ()
+withPeerIdentity peer act = liftIO $ atomically $ readTVar (peerIdentityVar peer) >>= \case
+ PeerIdentityUnknown tvar -> modifyTVar' tvar (act:)
+ PeerIdentityRef _ tvar -> modifyTVar' tvar (act:)
+ PeerIdentityFull idt -> writeTQueue (serverIOActions $ peerServer peer) (act idt)
+setupChannel :: UnifiedIdentity -> Peer -> UnifiedIdentity -> WaitingRefCallback
+setupChannel identity peer upid = do
+ req <- flip runReaderT (peerStorage peer) $ createChannelRequest identity upid
+ let reqref = refDigest $ storedRef req
+ let hitems =
+ [ TrChannelRequest reqref
+ , AnnounceSelf $ refDigest $ storedRef $ idData identity
+ ]
+ liftIO $ atomically $ do
+ getPeerChannel peer >>= \case
+ ChannelCookieConfirmed cookie -> do
+ sendToPeerPlain peer [ Acknowledged reqref, Rejected reqref ] $
+ TransportPacket (TransportHeader hitems) [storedRef req]
+ setPeerChannel peer $ ChannelOurRequest (Just cookie) req
+ _ -> return ()
+handleChannelRequest :: Peer -> UnifiedIdentity -> Ref -> WaitingRefCallback
+handleChannelRequest peer identity req = do
+ withPeerIdentity peer $ \upid -> do
+ (acc, ch) <- flip runReaderT (peerStorage peer) $ acceptChannelRequest identity upid (wrappedLoad req)
+ liftIO $ atomically $ do
+ getPeerChannel peer >>= \case
+ ChannelPeerRequest mbcookie wr | wrDigest wr == refDigest req -> do
+ setPeerChannel peer $ ChannelOurAccept mbcookie acc ch
+ let accref = refDigest $ storedRef acc
+ header = TrChannelAccept accref
+ ackedBy = [ Acknowledged accref, Rejected accref ]
+ sendToPeerPlain peer ackedBy $ TransportPacket (TransportHeader [header]) $ concat
+ [ [ storedRef $ acc ]
+ , [ storedRef $ signedData $ fromStored acc ]
+ , [ storedRef $ caKey $ fromStored $ signedData $ fromStored acc ]
+ , map storedRef $ signedSignature $ fromStored acc
+ ]
+ _ -> writeTQueue (serverErrorLog $ peerServer peer) $ "unexpected channel request"
+handleChannelAccept :: UnifiedIdentity -> PartialRef -> PacketHandler ()
+handleChannelAccept identity accref = do
+ peer <- gets phPeer
+ liftSTM $ writeTQueue (serverIOActions $ peerServer peer) $ do
+ withPeerIdentity peer $ \upid -> do
+ copyRef (peerStorage peer) accref >>= \case
+ Right acc -> do
+ ch <- acceptedChannel identity upid (wrappedLoad acc)
+ liftIO $ atomically $ do
+ sendToPeerS peer [] $ TransportPacket (TransportHeader [Acknowledged $ refDigest accref]) []
+ finalizedChannel peer ch identity
+ Left dgst -> throwError $ "missing accept data " ++ BC.unpack (showRefDigest dgst)
+finalizedChannel :: Peer -> Channel -> UnifiedIdentity -> STM ()
+finalizedChannel peer@Peer {..} ch self = do
+ setPeerChannel peer $ ChannelEstablished ch
+ -- Identity update
+ writeTQueue (serverIOActions peerServer_) $ liftIO $ atomically $ do
+ let selfRef = refDigest $ storedRef $ idExtData $ self
+ updateRefs = selfRef : map (refDigest . storedRef) (idUpdates self)
+ ackedBy = concat [[ Acknowledged r, Rejected r, DataRequest r ] | r <- updateRefs ]
+ sendToPeerS peer ackedBy $ flip TransportPacket [] $ TransportHeader $ map AnnounceUpdate updateRefs
+ -- Notify services about new peer
+ readTVar peerIdentityVar >>= \case
+ PeerIdentityFull _ -> notifyServicesOfPeer peer
+ _ -> return ()
+handleIdentityAnnounce :: UnifiedIdentity -> Peer -> Ref -> WaitingRefCallback
+handleIdentityAnnounce self peer ref = liftIO $ atomically $ do
+ let validateAndUpdate upds act = case validateIdentity $ wrappedLoad ref of
+ Just pid' -> do
+ let pid = fromMaybe pid' $ toUnifiedIdentity (updateIdentity upds pid')
+ writeTVar (peerIdentityVar peer) $ PeerIdentityFull pid
+ writeTChan (serverChanPeer $ peerServer peer) peer
+ act pid
+ writeTQueue (serverIOActions $ peerServer peer) $ do
+ setupChannel self peer pid
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ readTVar (peerIdentityVar peer) >>= \case
+ PeerIdentityRef wref wact
+ | wrDigest wref == refDigest ref
+ -> validateAndUpdate [] $ \pid -> do
+ mapM_ (writeTQueue (serverIOActions $ peerServer peer) . ($ pid)) .
+ reverse =<< readTVar wact
+ PeerIdentityFull pid
+ | idData pid `precedes` wrappedLoad ref
+ -> validateAndUpdate (idUpdates pid) $ \_ -> do
+ notifyServicesOfPeer peer
+ _ -> return ()
+handleIdentityUpdate :: Peer -> Ref -> WaitingRefCallback
+handleIdentityUpdate peer ref = liftIO $ atomically $ do
+ pidentity <- readTVar (peerIdentityVar peer)
+ if | PeerIdentityFull pid <- pidentity
+ , Just pid' <- toUnifiedIdentity $ updateIdentity [wrappedLoad ref] pid
+ -> do
+ writeTVar (peerIdentityVar peer) $ PeerIdentityFull pid'
+ writeTChan (serverChanPeer $ peerServer peer) peer
+ when (idData pid /= idData pid') $ notifyServicesOfPeer peer
+ | otherwise -> return ()
+notifyServicesOfPeer :: Peer -> STM ()
+notifyServicesOfPeer peer@Peer { peerServer_ = Server {..} } = do
+ writeTQueue serverIOActions $ do
+ forM_ serverServices $ \service@(SomeService _ attrs) ->
+ runPeerServiceOn (Just (service, attrs)) peer serviceNewPeer
+mkPeer :: Server -> PeerAddress -> IO Peer
+mkPeer peerServer_ peerAddress = do
+ peerConnection <- newTVarIO (Left [])
+ peerIdentityVar <- newTVarIO . PeerIdentityUnknown =<< newTVarIO []
+ peerStorage_ <- deriveEphemeralStorage $ serverStorage peerServer_
+ peerInStorage <- derivePartialStorage peerStorage_
+ peerServiceState <- newTMVarIO M.empty
+ peerWaitingRefs <- newTMVarIO []
+ return Peer {..}
+serverPeer :: Server -> SockAddr -> IO Peer
+serverPeer server paddr = do
+ serverPeer' server (DatagramAddress paddr)
+serverPeerIce :: Server -> IceSession -> IO Peer
+serverPeerIce server@Server {..} ice = do
+ let paddr = PeerIceSession ice
+ peer <- serverPeer' server paddr
+ iceSetChan ice $ mapFlow undefined (paddr,) serverRawPath
+ return peer
+serverPeer' :: Server -> PeerAddress -> IO Peer
+serverPeer' server paddr = do
+ (peer, hello) <- modifyMVar (serverPeers server) $ \pvalue -> do
+ case M.lookup paddr pvalue of
+ Just peer -> return (pvalue, (peer, False))
+ Nothing -> do
+ peer <- mkPeer server paddr
+ return (M.insert paddr peer pvalue, (peer, True))
+ when hello $ atomically $ do
+ writeFlow (serverControlFlow server) (RequestConnection paddr)
+ return peer
+sendToPeer :: (Service s, MonadIO m) => Peer -> s -> m ()
+sendToPeer peer packet = sendToPeerList peer [ServiceReply (Left packet) True]
+sendToPeerStored :: (Service s, MonadIO m) => Peer -> Stored s -> m ()
+sendToPeerStored peer spacket = sendToPeerList peer [ServiceReply (Right spacket) True]
+sendToPeerList :: (Service s, MonadIO m) => Peer -> [ServiceReply s] -> m ()
+sendToPeerList peer parts = do
+ let st = peerStorage peer
+ srefs <- liftIO $ fmap catMaybes $ forM parts $ \case
+ ServiceReply (Left x) use -> Just . (,use) <$> store st x
+ ServiceReply (Right sx) use -> return $ Just (storedRef sx, use)
+ ServiceFinally act -> act >> return Nothing
+ let dgsts = map (refDigest . fst) srefs
+ let content = map fst $ filter snd srefs
+ header = TransportHeader (ServiceType (serviceID $ head parts) : map ServiceRef dgsts)
+ packet = TransportPacket header content
+ ackedBy = concat [[ Acknowledged r, Rejected r, DataRequest r ] | r <- dgsts ]
+ liftIO $ atomically $ sendToPeerS peer ackedBy packet
+sendToPeerS' :: Bool -> Peer -> [TransportHeaderItem] -> TransportPacket Ref -> STM ()
+sendToPeerS' secure Peer {..} ackedBy packet = do
+ readTVar peerConnection >>= \case
+ Left xs -> writeTVar peerConnection $ Left $ (secure, packet, ackedBy) : xs
+ Right conn -> writeFlow (connData conn) (secure, packet, ackedBy)
+sendToPeerS :: Peer -> [TransportHeaderItem] -> TransportPacket Ref -> STM ()
+sendToPeerS = sendToPeerS' True
+sendToPeerPlain :: Peer -> [TransportHeaderItem] -> TransportPacket Ref -> STM ()
+sendToPeerPlain = sendToPeerS' False
+sendToPeerWith :: forall s m. (Service s, MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => Peer -> (ServiceState s -> ExceptT String IO (Maybe s, ServiceState s)) -> m ()
+sendToPeerWith peer fobj = do
+ let sproxy = Proxy @s
+ sid = serviceID sproxy
+ res <- liftIO $ do
+ svcs <- atomically $ takeTMVar (peerServiceState peer)
+ (svcs', res) <- runExceptT (fobj $ fromMaybe (emptyServiceState sproxy) $ fromServiceState sproxy =<< M.lookup sid svcs) >>= \case
+ Right (obj, s') -> return $ (M.insert sid (SomeServiceState sproxy s') svcs, Right obj)
+ Left err -> return $ (svcs, Left err)
+ atomically $ putTMVar (peerServiceState peer) svcs'
+ return res
+ case res of
+ Right (Just obj) -> sendToPeer peer obj
+ Right Nothing -> return ()
+ Left err -> throwError err
+lookupService :: forall s. Service s => Proxy s -> [SomeService] -> Maybe (SomeService, ServiceAttributes s)
+lookupService proxy (service@(SomeService (_ :: Proxy t) attr) : rest)
+ | Just (Refl :: s :~: t) <- eqT = Just (service, attr)
+ | otherwise = lookupService proxy rest
+lookupService _ [] = Nothing
+runPeerService :: forall s m. (Service s, MonadIO m) => Peer -> ServiceHandler s () -> m ()
+runPeerService = runPeerServiceOn Nothing
+runPeerServiceOn :: forall s m. (Service s, MonadIO m) => Maybe (SomeService, ServiceAttributes s) -> Peer -> ServiceHandler s () -> m ()
+runPeerServiceOn mbservice peer handler = liftIO $ do
+ let server = peerServer peer
+ proxy = Proxy @s
+ svc = serviceID proxy
+ logd = writeTQueue (serverErrorLog server)
+ case mbservice `mplus` lookupService proxy (serverServices server) of
+ Just (service, attr) ->
+ atomically (readTVar (peerIdentityVar peer)) >>= \case
+ PeerIdentityFull peerId -> do
+ (global, svcs) <- atomically $ (,)
+ <$> takeTMVar (serverServiceStates server)
+ <*> takeTMVar (peerServiceState peer)
+ case (fromMaybe (someServiceEmptyState service) $ M.lookup svc svcs,
+ fromMaybe (someServiceEmptyGlobalState service) $ M.lookup svc global) of
+ ((SomeServiceState (_ :: Proxy ps) ps),
+ (SomeServiceGlobalState (_ :: Proxy gs) gs)) -> do
+ Just (Refl :: s :~: ps) <- return $ eqT
+ Just (Refl :: s :~: gs) <- return $ eqT
+ let inp = ServiceInput
+ { svcAttributes = attr
+ , svcPeer = peer
+ , svcPeerIdentity = peerId
+ , svcServer = server
+ , svcPrintOp = atomically . logd
+ }
+ reloadHead (serverOrigHead server) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> atomically $ do
+ logd $ "current head deleted"
+ putTMVar (peerServiceState peer) svcs
+ putTMVar (serverServiceStates server) global
+ Just h -> do
+ (rsp, (s', gs')) <- runServiceHandler h inp ps gs handler
+ moveKeys (peerStorage peer) (serverStorage server)
+ when (not (null rsp)) $ do
+ sendToPeerList peer rsp
+ atomically $ do
+ putTMVar (peerServiceState peer) $ M.insert svc (SomeServiceState proxy s') svcs
+ putTMVar (serverServiceStates server) $ M.insert svc (SomeServiceGlobalState proxy gs') global
+ _ -> do
+ atomically $ logd $ "can't run service handler on peer with incomplete identity " ++ show (peerAddress peer)
+ _ -> atomically $ do
+ logd $ "unhandled service '" ++ show (toUUID svc) ++ "'"
+foreign import ccall unsafe "Network/ifaddrs.h broadcast_addresses" cBroadcastAddresses :: IO (Ptr Word32)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "stdlib.h free" cFree :: Ptr Word32 -> IO ()
+getBroadcastAddresses :: PortNumber -> IO [SockAddr]
+getBroadcastAddresses port = do
+ ptr <- cBroadcastAddresses
+ let parse i = do
+ w <- peekElemOff ptr i
+ if w == 0 then return []
+ else (SockAddrInet port w:) <$> parse (i + 1)
+ addrs <- parse 0
+ cFree ptr
+ return addrs
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Network.hs-boot b/src/Erebos/Network.hs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..849bfc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Network.hs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+module Erebos.Network where
+import Erebos.Storage
+data Server
+data Peer
+peerStorage :: Peer -> Storage
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Network/Protocol.hs b/src/Erebos/Network/Protocol.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7253e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Network/Protocol.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+module Erebos.Network.Protocol (
+ TransportPacket(..),
+ transportToObject,
+ TransportHeader(..),
+ TransportHeaderItem(..),
+ WaitingRef(..),
+ WaitingRefCallback,
+ wrDigest,
+ ChannelState(..),
+ ControlRequest(..),
+ ControlMessage(..),
+ erebosNetworkProtocol,
+ Connection,
+ connAddress,
+ connData,
+ connGetChannel,
+ connSetChannel,
+ module Erebos.Flow,
+) where
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Concurrent.Async
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import Data.ByteString qualified as B
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as BC
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Data.Text qualified as T
+import System.Clock
+import Erebos.Channel
+import Erebos.Flow
+import Erebos.Identity
+import Erebos.Service
+import Erebos.Storage
+protocolVersion :: Text
+protocolVersion = T.pack "0.1"
+protocolVersions :: [Text]
+protocolVersions = [protocolVersion]
+data TransportPacket a = TransportPacket TransportHeader [a]
+data TransportHeader = TransportHeader [TransportHeaderItem]
+ deriving (Show)
+data TransportHeaderItem
+ = Acknowledged RefDigest
+ | AcknowledgedSingle Integer
+ | Rejected RefDigest
+ | ProtocolVersion Text
+ | Initiation RefDigest
+ | CookieSet Cookie
+ | CookieEcho Cookie
+ | DataRequest RefDigest
+ | DataResponse RefDigest
+ | AnnounceSelf RefDigest
+ | AnnounceUpdate RefDigest
+ | TrChannelRequest RefDigest
+ | TrChannelAccept RefDigest
+ | ServiceType ServiceID
+ | ServiceRef RefDigest
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+newtype Cookie = Cookie ByteString
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+isHeaderItemAcknowledged :: TransportHeaderItem -> Bool
+isHeaderItemAcknowledged = \case
+ Acknowledged {} -> False
+ AcknowledgedSingle {} -> False
+ Rejected {} -> False
+ ProtocolVersion {} -> False
+ Initiation {} -> False
+ CookieSet {} -> False
+ CookieEcho {} -> False
+ _ -> True
+transportToObject :: PartialStorage -> TransportHeader -> PartialObject
+transportToObject st (TransportHeader items) = Rec $ map single items
+ where single = \case
+ Acknowledged dgst -> (BC.pack "ACK", RecRef $ partialRefFromDigest st dgst)
+ AcknowledgedSingle num -> (BC.pack "ACK", RecInt num)
+ Rejected dgst -> (BC.pack "REJ", RecRef $ partialRefFromDigest st dgst)
+ ProtocolVersion ver -> (BC.pack "VER", RecText ver)
+ Initiation dgst -> (BC.pack "INI", RecRef $ partialRefFromDigest st dgst)
+ CookieSet (Cookie bytes) -> (BC.pack "CKS", RecBinary bytes)
+ CookieEcho (Cookie bytes) -> (BC.pack "CKE", RecBinary bytes)
+ DataRequest dgst -> (BC.pack "REQ", RecRef $ partialRefFromDigest st dgst)
+ DataResponse dgst -> (BC.pack "RSP", RecRef $ partialRefFromDigest st dgst)
+ AnnounceSelf dgst -> (BC.pack "ANN", RecRef $ partialRefFromDigest st dgst)
+ AnnounceUpdate dgst -> (BC.pack "ANU", RecRef $ partialRefFromDigest st dgst)
+ TrChannelRequest dgst -> (BC.pack "CRQ", RecRef $ partialRefFromDigest st dgst)
+ TrChannelAccept dgst -> (BC.pack "CAC", RecRef $ partialRefFromDigest st dgst)
+ ServiceType stype -> (BC.pack "SVT", RecUUID $ toUUID stype)
+ ServiceRef dgst -> (BC.pack "SVR", RecRef $ partialRefFromDigest st dgst)
+transportFromObject :: PartialObject -> Maybe TransportHeader
+transportFromObject (Rec items) = case catMaybes $ map single items of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ titems -> Just $ TransportHeader titems
+ where single (name, content) = if
+ | name == BC.pack "ACK", RecRef ref <- content -> Just $ Acknowledged $ refDigest ref
+ | name == BC.pack "ACK", RecInt num <- content -> Just $ AcknowledgedSingle num
+ | name == BC.pack "REJ", RecRef ref <- content -> Just $ Rejected $ refDigest ref
+ | name == BC.pack "VER", RecText ver <- content -> Just $ ProtocolVersion ver
+ | name == BC.pack "INI", RecRef ref <- content -> Just $ Initiation $ refDigest ref
+ | name == BC.pack "CKS", RecBinary bytes <- content -> Just $ CookieSet (Cookie bytes)
+ | name == BC.pack "CKE", RecBinary bytes <- content -> Just $ CookieEcho (Cookie bytes)
+ | name == BC.pack "REQ", RecRef ref <- content -> Just $ DataRequest $ refDigest ref
+ | name == BC.pack "RSP", RecRef ref <- content -> Just $ DataResponse $ refDigest ref
+ | name == BC.pack "ANN", RecRef ref <- content -> Just $ AnnounceSelf $ refDigest ref
+ | name == BC.pack "ANU", RecRef ref <- content -> Just $ AnnounceUpdate $ refDigest ref
+ | name == BC.pack "CRQ", RecRef ref <- content -> Just $ TrChannelRequest $ refDigest ref
+ | name == BC.pack "CAC", RecRef ref <- content -> Just $ TrChannelAccept $ refDigest ref
+ | name == BC.pack "SVT", RecUUID uuid <- content -> Just $ ServiceType $ fromUUID uuid
+ | name == BC.pack "SVR", RecRef ref <- content -> Just $ ServiceRef $ refDigest ref
+ | otherwise -> Nothing
+transportFromObject _ = Nothing
+data GlobalState addr = (Eq addr, Show addr) => GlobalState
+ { gIdentity :: TVar (UnifiedIdentity, [UnifiedIdentity])
+ , gConnections :: TVar [Connection addr]
+ , gDataFlow :: SymFlow (addr, ByteString)
+ , gControlFlow :: Flow (ControlRequest addr) (ControlMessage addr)
+ , gNextUp :: TMVar (Connection addr, (Bool, TransportPacket PartialObject))
+ , gLog :: String -> STM ()
+ , gStorage :: PartialStorage
+ , gNowVar :: TVar TimeSpec
+ , gNextTimeout :: TVar TimeSpec
+ , gInitConfig :: Ref
+ }
+data Connection addr = Connection
+ { cAddress :: addr
+ , cDataUp :: Flow (Bool, TransportPacket PartialObject) (Bool, TransportPacket Ref, [TransportHeaderItem])
+ , cDataInternal :: Flow (Bool, TransportPacket Ref, [TransportHeaderItem]) (Bool, TransportPacket PartialObject)
+ , cChannel :: TVar ChannelState
+ , cSecureOutQueue :: TQueue (Bool, TransportPacket Ref, [TransportHeaderItem])
+ , cSentPackets :: TVar [SentPacket]
+ , cToAcknowledge :: TVar [Integer]
+ }
+connAddress :: Connection addr -> addr
+connAddress = cAddress
+connData :: Connection addr -> Flow (Bool, TransportPacket PartialObject) (Bool, TransportPacket Ref, [TransportHeaderItem])
+connData = cDataUp
+connGetChannel :: Connection addr -> STM ChannelState
+connGetChannel Connection {..} = readTVar cChannel
+connSetChannel :: Connection addr -> ChannelState -> STM ()
+connSetChannel Connection {..} ch = do
+ writeTVar cChannel ch
+data WaitingRef = WaitingRef
+ { wrefStorage :: Storage
+ , wrefPartial :: PartialRef
+ , wrefAction :: Ref -> WaitingRefCallback
+ , wrefStatus :: TVar (Either [RefDigest] Ref)
+ }
+type WaitingRefCallback = ExceptT String IO ()
+wrDigest :: WaitingRef -> RefDigest
+wrDigest = refDigest . wrefPartial
+data ChannelState = ChannelNone
+ | ChannelCookieWait -- sent initiation, waiting for response
+ | ChannelCookieReceived Cookie -- received cookie, but no cookie echo yet
+ | ChannelCookieConfirmed Cookie -- received cookie echo, no need to send from our side
+ | ChannelOurRequest (Maybe Cookie) (Stored ChannelRequest)
+ | ChannelPeerRequest (Maybe Cookie) WaitingRef
+ | ChannelOurAccept (Maybe Cookie) (Stored ChannelAccept) Channel
+ | ChannelEstablished Channel
+data SentPacket = SentPacket
+ { spTime :: TimeSpec
+ , spRetryCount :: Int
+ , spAckedBy :: Maybe (TransportHeaderItem -> Bool)
+ , spData :: BC.ByteString
+ }
+data ControlRequest addr = RequestConnection addr
+ | SendAnnounce addr
+ | UpdateSelfIdentity UnifiedIdentity
+data ControlMessage addr = NewConnection (Connection addr) (Maybe RefDigest)
+ | ReceivedAnnounce addr RefDigest
+erebosNetworkProtocol :: (Eq addr, Ord addr, Show addr)
+ => UnifiedIdentity
+ -> (String -> STM ())
+ -> SymFlow (addr, ByteString)
+ -> Flow (ControlRequest addr) (ControlMessage addr)
+ -> IO ()
+erebosNetworkProtocol initialIdentity gLog gDataFlow gControlFlow = do
+ gIdentity <- newTVarIO (initialIdentity, [])
+ gConnections <- newTVarIO []
+ gNextUp <- newEmptyTMVarIO
+ mStorage <- memoryStorage
+ gStorage <- derivePartialStorage mStorage
+ startTime <- getTime MonotonicRaw
+ gNowVar <- newTVarIO startTime
+ gNextTimeout <- newTVarIO startTime
+ gInitConfig <- store mStorage $ (Rec [] :: Object)
+ let gs = GlobalState {..}
+ let signalTimeouts = forever $ do
+ now <- getTime MonotonicRaw
+ next <- atomically $ do
+ writeTVar gNowVar now
+ readTVar gNextTimeout
+ let waitTill time
+ | time > now = threadDelay $ fromInteger (toNanoSecs (time - now)) `div` 1000
+ | otherwise = threadDelay maxBound
+ waitForUpdate = atomically $ do
+ next' <- readTVar gNextTimeout
+ when (next' == next) retry
+ race_ (waitTill next) waitForUpdate
+ race_ signalTimeouts $ forever $ join $ atomically $
+ passUpIncoming gs <|> processIncoming gs <|> processOutgoing gs
+getConnection :: GlobalState addr -> addr -> STM (Connection addr)
+getConnection gs addr = do
+ maybe (newConnection gs addr) return =<< findConnection gs addr
+findConnection :: GlobalState addr -> addr -> STM (Maybe (Connection addr))
+findConnection GlobalState {..} addr = do
+ find ((addr==) . cAddress) <$> readTVar gConnections
+newConnection :: GlobalState addr -> addr -> STM (Connection addr)
+newConnection GlobalState {..} addr = do
+ conns <- readTVar gConnections
+ let cAddress = addr
+ (cDataUp, cDataInternal) <- newFlow
+ cChannel <- newTVar ChannelNone
+ cSecureOutQueue <- newTQueue
+ cSentPackets <- newTVar []
+ cToAcknowledge <- newTVar []
+ let conn = Connection {..}
+ writeTVar gConnections (conn : conns)
+ return conn
+passUpIncoming :: GlobalState addr -> STM (IO ())
+passUpIncoming GlobalState {..} = do
+ (Connection {..}, up) <- takeTMVar gNextUp
+ writeFlow cDataInternal up
+ return $ return ()
+processIncoming :: GlobalState addr -> STM (IO ())
+processIncoming gs@GlobalState {..} = do
+ guard =<< isEmptyTMVar gNextUp
+ guard =<< canWriteFlow gControlFlow
+ (addr, msg) <- readFlow gDataFlow
+ mbconn <- findConnection gs addr
+ mbch <- case mbconn of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just conn -> readTVar (cChannel conn) >>= return . \case
+ ChannelEstablished ch -> Just ch
+ ChannelOurAccept _ _ ch -> Just ch
+ _ -> Nothing
+ return $ do
+ let deserialize = liftEither . runExcept . deserializeObjects gStorage . BL.fromStrict
+ let parse = case B.uncons msg of
+ Just (b, enc)
+ | b .&. 0xE0 == 0x80 -> do
+ ch <- maybe (throwError "unexpected encrypted packet") return mbch
+ (dec, counter) <- channelDecrypt ch enc
+ case B.uncons dec of
+ Just (0x00, content) -> do
+ objs <- deserialize content
+ return (True, objs, Just counter)
+ Just (_, _) -> do
+ throwError "streams not implemented"
+ Nothing -> do
+ throwError "empty decrypted content"
+ | b .&. 0xE0 == 0x60 -> do
+ objs <- deserialize msg
+ return (False, objs, Nothing)
+ | otherwise -> throwError "invalid packet"
+ Nothing -> throwError "empty packet"
+ runExceptT parse >>= \case
+ Right (secure, objs, mbcounter)
+ | hobj:content <- objs
+ , Just header@(TransportHeader items) <- transportFromObject hobj
+ -> processPacket gs (maybe (Left addr) Right mbconn) secure (TransportPacket header content) >>= \case
+ Just (conn@Connection {..}, mbup) -> atomically $ do
+ case mbcounter of
+ Just counter | any isHeaderItemAcknowledged items ->
+ modifyTVar' cToAcknowledge (fromIntegral counter :)
+ _ -> return ()
+ processAcknowledgements gs conn items
+ case mbup of
+ Just up -> putTMVar gNextUp (conn, (secure, up))
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ | otherwise -> atomically $ do
+ gLog $ show addr ++ ": invalid objects"
+ gLog $ show objs
+ Left err -> do
+ atomically $ gLog $ show addr <> ": failed to parse packet: " <> err
+processPacket :: GlobalState addr -> Either addr (Connection addr) -> Bool -> TransportPacket a -> IO (Maybe (Connection addr, Maybe (TransportPacket a)))
+processPacket gs@GlobalState {..} econn secure packet@(TransportPacket (TransportHeader header) _) = if
+ -- Established secure communication
+ | Right conn <- econn, secure
+ -> return $ Just (conn, Just packet)
+ -- Plaintext communication with cookies to prove origin
+ | cookie:_ <- mapMaybe (\case CookieEcho x -> Just x; _ -> Nothing) header
+ -> verifyCookie gs addr cookie >>= \case
+ True -> do
+ atomically $ do
+ conn@Connection {..} <- getConnection gs addr
+ channel <- readTVar cChannel
+ let received = listToMaybe $ mapMaybe (\case CookieSet x -> Just x; _ -> Nothing) header
+ case received `mplus` channelCurrentCookie channel of
+ Just current -> do
+ cookieEchoReceived gs conn mbpid current
+ return $ Just (conn, Just packet)
+ Nothing -> do
+ gLog $ show addr <> ": missing cookie set, dropping " <> show header
+ return $ Nothing
+ False -> do
+ atomically $ gLog $ show addr <> ": cookie verification failed, dropping " <> show header
+ return Nothing
+ -- Response to initiation packet
+ | cookie:_ <- mapMaybe (\case CookieSet x -> Just x; _ -> Nothing) header
+ , Just _ <- version
+ , Right conn@Connection {..} <- econn
+ -> do
+ atomically $ readTVar cChannel >>= \case
+ ChannelCookieWait -> do
+ writeTVar cChannel $ ChannelCookieReceived cookie
+ writeFlow gControlFlow (NewConnection conn mbpid)
+ return $ Just (conn, Nothing)
+ _ -> return Nothing
+ -- Initiation packet
+ | _:_ <- mapMaybe (\case Initiation x -> Just x; _ -> Nothing) header
+ , Just ver <- version
+ -> do
+ cookie <- createCookie gs addr
+ atomically $ do
+ identity <- fst <$> readTVar gIdentity
+ let reply = BL.toStrict $ serializeObject $ transportToObject gStorage $ TransportHeader
+ [ CookieSet cookie
+ , AnnounceSelf $ refDigest $ storedRef $ idData identity
+ , ProtocolVersion ver
+ ]
+ writeFlow gDataFlow (addr, reply)
+ return Nothing
+ -- Announce packet outside any connection
+ | dgst:_ <- mapMaybe (\case AnnounceSelf x -> Just x; _ -> Nothing) header
+ , Just _ <- version
+ -> do
+ atomically $ do
+ (cur, past) <- readTVar gIdentity
+ when (not $ dgst `elem` map (refDigest . storedRef . idData) (cur : past)) $ do
+ writeFlow gControlFlow $ ReceivedAnnounce addr dgst
+ return Nothing
+ | otherwise -> do
+ atomically $ gLog $ show addr <> ": dropping packet " <> show header
+ return Nothing
+ where
+ addr = either id cAddress econn
+ mbpid = listToMaybe $ mapMaybe (\case AnnounceSelf dgst -> Just dgst; _ -> Nothing) header
+ version = listToMaybe $ filter (\v -> ProtocolVersion v `elem` header) protocolVersions
+channelCurrentCookie :: ChannelState -> Maybe Cookie
+channelCurrentCookie = \case
+ ChannelCookieReceived cookie -> Just cookie
+ ChannelCookieConfirmed cookie -> Just cookie
+ ChannelOurRequest mbcookie _ -> mbcookie
+ ChannelPeerRequest mbcookie _ -> mbcookie
+ ChannelOurAccept mbcookie _ _ -> mbcookie
+ _ -> Nothing
+cookieEchoReceived :: GlobalState addr -> Connection addr -> Maybe RefDigest -> Cookie -> STM ()
+cookieEchoReceived GlobalState {..} conn@Connection {..} mbpid cookieSet = do
+ readTVar cChannel >>= \case
+ ChannelNone -> newConn
+ ChannelCookieWait -> newConn
+ ChannelCookieReceived {} -> update
+ _ -> return ()
+ where
+ update = do
+ writeTVar cChannel $ ChannelCookieConfirmed cookieSet
+ newConn = do
+ update
+ writeFlow gControlFlow (NewConnection conn mbpid)
+generateCookieHeaders :: GlobalState addr -> addr -> ChannelState -> IO [TransportHeaderItem]
+generateCookieHeaders gs addr ch = catMaybes <$> sequence [ echoHeader, setHeader ]
+ where
+ echoHeader = return $ CookieEcho <$> channelCurrentCookie ch
+ setHeader = case ch of
+ ChannelCookieWait {} -> Just . CookieSet <$> createCookie gs addr
+ ChannelCookieReceived {} -> Just . CookieSet <$> createCookie gs addr
+ _ -> return Nothing
+createCookie :: GlobalState addr -> addr -> IO Cookie
+createCookie GlobalState {} addr = return (Cookie $ BC.pack $ show addr)
+verifyCookie :: GlobalState addr -> addr -> Cookie -> IO Bool
+verifyCookie GlobalState {} addr (Cookie cookie) = return $ show addr == BC.unpack cookie
+resendBytes :: GlobalState addr -> Connection addr -> SentPacket -> IO ()
+resendBytes GlobalState {..} Connection {..} sp = do
+ now <- getTime MonotonicRaw
+ atomically $ do
+ when (isJust $ spAckedBy sp) $ do
+ modifyTVar' cSentPackets $ (:) sp
+ { spTime = now
+ , spRetryCount = spRetryCount sp + 1
+ }
+ writeFlow gDataFlow (cAddress, spData sp)
+sendBytes :: GlobalState addr -> Connection addr -> ByteString -> Maybe (TransportHeaderItem -> Bool) -> IO ()
+sendBytes gs conn bs ackedBy = resendBytes gs conn
+ SentPacket
+ { spTime = undefined
+ , spRetryCount = -1
+ , spAckedBy = ackedBy
+ , spData = bs
+ }
+processOutgoing :: forall addr. GlobalState addr -> STM (IO ())
+processOutgoing gs@GlobalState {..} = do
+ let sendNextPacket :: Connection addr -> STM (IO ())
+ sendNextPacket conn@Connection {..} = do
+ channel <- readTVar cChannel
+ let mbch = case channel of
+ ChannelEstablished ch -> Just ch
+ _ -> Nothing
+ let checkOutstanding
+ | isJust mbch = readTQueue cSecureOutQueue
+ | otherwise = retry
+ checkAcknowledgements
+ | isJust mbch = do
+ acks <- readTVar cToAcknowledge
+ if null acks then retry
+ else return (True, TransportPacket (TransportHeader []) [], [])
+ | otherwise = retry
+ (secure, packet@(TransportPacket (TransportHeader hitems) content), plainAckedBy) <-
+ checkOutstanding <|> readFlow cDataInternal <|> checkAcknowledgements
+ when (isNothing mbch && secure) $ do
+ writeTQueue cSecureOutQueue (secure, packet, plainAckedBy)
+ acknowledge <- case mbch of
+ Nothing -> return []
+ Just _ -> swapTVar cToAcknowledge []
+ return $ do
+ cookieHeaders <- generateCookieHeaders gs cAddress channel
+ let header = TransportHeader $ map AcknowledgedSingle acknowledge ++ cookieHeaders ++ hitems
+ let plain = BL.concat $
+ (serializeObject $ transportToObject gStorage header)
+ : map lazyLoadBytes content
+ mbs <- case mbch of
+ Just ch -> do
+ runExceptT (channelEncrypt ch $ BL.toStrict $ 0x00 `BL.cons` plain) >>= \case
+ Right (ctext, counter) -> do
+ let isAcked = any isHeaderItemAcknowledged hitems
+ return $ Just (0x80 `B.cons` ctext, if isAcked then [ AcknowledgedSingle $ fromIntegral counter ] else [])
+ Left err -> do atomically $ gLog $ "Failed to encrypt data: " ++ err
+ return Nothing
+ Nothing | secure -> return Nothing
+ | otherwise -> return $ Just (BL.toStrict plain, plainAckedBy)
+ case mbs of
+ Just (bs, ackedBy) -> sendBytes gs conn bs $ guard (not $ null ackedBy) >> Just (`elem` ackedBy)
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ let retransmitPacket :: Connection addr -> STM (IO ())
+ retransmitPacket conn@Connection {..} = do
+ now <- readTVar gNowVar
+ (sp, rest) <- readTVar cSentPackets >>= \case
+ sps@(_:_) -> return (last sps, init sps)
+ _ -> retry
+ let nextTry = spTime sp + fromNanoSecs 1000000000
+ if now < nextTry
+ then do
+ nextTimeout <- readTVar gNextTimeout
+ if nextTimeout <= now || nextTry < nextTimeout
+ then do writeTVar gNextTimeout nextTry
+ return $ return ()
+ else retry
+ else do
+ writeTVar cSentPackets rest
+ return $ resendBytes gs conn sp
+ let handleControlRequests = readFlow gControlFlow >>= \case
+ RequestConnection addr -> do
+ conn@Connection {..} <- getConnection gs addr
+ identity <- fst <$> readTVar gIdentity
+ readTVar cChannel >>= \case
+ ChannelNone -> do
+ let packet = BL.toStrict $ BL.concat
+ [ serializeObject $ transportToObject gStorage $ TransportHeader $
+ [ Initiation $ refDigest gInitConfig
+ , AnnounceSelf $ refDigest $ storedRef $ idData identity
+ ] ++ map ProtocolVersion protocolVersions
+ , lazyLoadBytes gInitConfig
+ ]
+ writeTVar cChannel ChannelCookieWait
+ return $ sendBytes gs conn packet $ Just $ \case CookieSet {} -> True; _ -> False
+ _ -> return $ return ()
+ SendAnnounce addr -> do
+ identity <- fst <$> readTVar gIdentity
+ let packet = BL.toStrict $ serializeObject $ transportToObject gStorage $ TransportHeader $
+ [ AnnounceSelf $ refDigest $ storedRef $ idData identity
+ ] ++ map ProtocolVersion protocolVersions
+ writeFlow gDataFlow (addr, packet)
+ return $ return ()
+ UpdateSelfIdentity nid -> do
+ (cur, past) <- readTVar gIdentity
+ writeTVar gIdentity (nid, cur : past)
+ return $ return ()
+ conns <- readTVar gConnections
+ msum $ concat $
+ [ map retransmitPacket conns
+ , map sendNextPacket conns
+ , [ handleControlRequests ]
+ ]
+processAcknowledgements :: GlobalState addr -> Connection addr -> [TransportHeaderItem] -> STM ()
+processAcknowledgements GlobalState {} Connection {..} = mapM_ $ \hitem -> do
+ modifyTVar' cSentPackets $ filter $ \sp -> not (fromJust (spAckedBy sp) hitem)
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Network/ifaddrs.c b/src/Erebos/Network/ifaddrs.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37c3e00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Network/ifaddrs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#include "ifaddrs.h"
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <ifaddrs.h>
+#include <net/if.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <endian.h>
+uint32_t * broadcast_addresses(void)
+ struct ifaddrs * addrs;
+ if (getifaddrs(&addrs) < 0)
+ return 0;
+ size_t capacity = 16, count = 0;
+ uint32_t * ret = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * capacity);
+ for (struct ifaddrs * ifa = addrs; ifa; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) {
+ if (ifa->ifa_addr && ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET &&
+ ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_BROADCAST) {
+ if (count + 2 >= capacity) {
+ capacity *= 2;
+ uint32_t * nret = realloc(ret, sizeof(uint32_t) * capacity);
+ if (nret) {
+ ret = nret;
+ } else {
+ free(ret);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ ret[count] = ((struct sockaddr_in*)ifa->ifa_broadaddr)->sin_addr.s_addr;
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ freeifaddrs(addrs);
+ ret[count] = 0;
+ return ret;
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Network/ifaddrs.h b/src/Erebos/Network/ifaddrs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06d26ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Network/ifaddrs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#include <stdint.h>
+uint32_t * broadcast_addresses(void);
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Pairing.hs b/src/Erebos/Pairing.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4541f6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Pairing.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+module Erebos.Pairing (
+ PairingService(..),
+ PairingState(..),
+ PairingAttributes(..),
+ PairingResult(..),
+ PairingFailureReason(..),
+ pairingRequest,
+ pairingAccept,
+ pairingReject,
+) where
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Crypto.Random
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.ByteArray (Bytes, convert)
+import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
+import Data.Kind
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Typeable
+import Data.Word
+import Erebos.Identity
+import Erebos.Network
+import Erebos.PubKey
+import Erebos.Service
+import Erebos.State
+import Erebos.Storage
+data PairingService a = PairingRequest (Stored (Signed IdentityData)) (Stored (Signed IdentityData)) RefDigest
+ | PairingResponse Bytes
+ | PairingRequestNonce Bytes
+ | PairingAccept a
+ | PairingReject
+data PairingState a = NoPairing
+ | OurRequest UnifiedIdentity UnifiedIdentity Bytes
+ | OurRequestConfirm (Maybe (PairingVerifiedResult a))
+ | OurRequestReady
+ | PeerRequest UnifiedIdentity UnifiedIdentity Bytes RefDigest
+ | PeerRequestConfirm
+ | PairingDone
+data PairingFailureReason a = PairingUserRejected
+ | PairingUnexpectedMessage (PairingState a) (PairingService a)
+ | PairingFailedOther String
+data PairingAttributes a = PairingAttributes
+ { pairingHookRequest :: ServiceHandler (PairingService a) ()
+ , pairingHookResponse :: String -> ServiceHandler (PairingService a) ()
+ , pairingHookRequestNonce :: String -> ServiceHandler (PairingService a) ()
+ , pairingHookRequestNonceFailed :: ServiceHandler (PairingService a) ()
+ , pairingHookConfirmedResponse :: ServiceHandler (PairingService a) ()
+ , pairingHookConfirmedRequest :: ServiceHandler (PairingService a) ()
+ , pairingHookAcceptedResponse :: ServiceHandler (PairingService a) ()
+ , pairingHookAcceptedRequest :: ServiceHandler (PairingService a) ()
+ , pairingHookVerifyFailed :: ServiceHandler (PairingService a) ()
+ , pairingHookRejected :: ServiceHandler (PairingService a) ()
+ , pairingHookFailed :: PairingFailureReason a -> ServiceHandler (PairingService a) ()
+ }
+class (Typeable a, Storable a) => PairingResult a where
+ type PairingVerifiedResult a :: Type
+ type PairingVerifiedResult a = a
+ pairingServiceID :: proxy a -> ServiceID
+ pairingVerifyResult :: a -> ServiceHandler (PairingService a) (Maybe (PairingVerifiedResult a))
+ pairingFinalizeRequest :: PairingVerifiedResult a -> ServiceHandler (PairingService a) ()
+ pairingFinalizeResponse :: ServiceHandler (PairingService a) a
+ defaultPairingAttributes :: proxy (PairingService a) -> PairingAttributes a
+instance Storable a => Storable (PairingService a) where
+ store' (PairingRequest idReq idRsp x) = storeRec $ do
+ storeRef "id-req" idReq
+ storeRef "id-rsp" idRsp
+ storeBinary "request" x
+ store' (PairingResponse x) = storeRec $ storeBinary "response" x
+ store' (PairingRequestNonce x) = storeRec $ storeBinary "reqnonce" x
+ store' (PairingAccept x) = store' x
+ store' (PairingReject) = storeRec $ storeEmpty "reject"
+ load' = do
+ res <- loadRec $ do
+ (req :: Maybe Bytes) <- loadMbBinary "request"
+ idReq <- loadMbRef "id-req"
+ idRsp <- loadMbRef "id-rsp"
+ rsp <- loadMbBinary "response"
+ rnonce <- loadMbBinary "reqnonce"
+ rej <- loadMbEmpty "reject"
+ return $ catMaybes
+ [ PairingRequest <$> idReq <*> idRsp <*> (refDigestFromByteString =<< req)
+ , PairingResponse <$> rsp
+ , PairingRequestNonce <$> rnonce
+ , const PairingReject <$> rej
+ ]
+ case res of
+ x:_ -> return x
+ [] -> PairingAccept <$> load'
+instance PairingResult a => Service (PairingService a) where
+ serviceID _ = pairingServiceID @a Proxy
+ type ServiceAttributes (PairingService a) = PairingAttributes a
+ defaultServiceAttributes = defaultPairingAttributes
+ type ServiceState (PairingService a) = PairingState a
+ emptyServiceState _ = NoPairing
+ serviceHandler spacket = ((,fromStored spacket) <$> svcGet) >>= \case
+ (NoPairing, PairingRequest pdata sdata confirm) -> do
+ self <- maybe (throwError "failed to validate received identity") return $ validateIdentity sdata
+ self' <- maybe (throwError "failed to validate own identity") return .
+ validateExtendedIdentity . lsIdentity . fromStored =<< svcGetLocal
+ when (not $ self `sameIdentity` self') $ do
+ throwError "pairing request to different identity"
+ peer <- maybe (throwError "failed to validate received peer identity") return $ validateIdentity pdata
+ peer' <- asks $ svcPeerIdentity
+ when (not $ peer `sameIdentity` peer') $ do
+ throwError "pairing request from different identity"
+ join $ asks $ pairingHookRequest . svcAttributes
+ nonce <- liftIO $ getRandomBytes 32
+ svcSet $ PeerRequest peer self nonce confirm
+ replyPacket $ PairingResponse nonce
+ (NoPairing, _) -> return ()
+ (PairingDone, _) -> return ()
+ (_, PairingReject) -> do
+ join $ asks $ pairingHookRejected . svcAttributes
+ svcSet NoPairing
+ (OurRequest self peer nonce, PairingResponse pnonce) -> do
+ hook <- asks $ pairingHookResponse . svcAttributes
+ hook $ confirmationNumber $ nonceDigest self peer nonce pnonce
+ svcSet $ OurRequestConfirm Nothing
+ replyPacket $ PairingRequestNonce nonce
+ x@(OurRequest {}, _) -> reject $ uncurry PairingUnexpectedMessage x
+ (OurRequestConfirm _, PairingAccept x) -> do
+ flip catchError (reject . PairingFailedOther) $ do
+ pairingVerifyResult x >>= \case
+ Just x' -> do
+ join $ asks $ pairingHookConfirmedRequest . svcAttributes
+ svcSet $ OurRequestConfirm (Just x')
+ Nothing -> do
+ join $ asks $ pairingHookVerifyFailed . svcAttributes
+ svcSet NoPairing
+ replyPacket PairingReject
+ x@(OurRequestConfirm _, _) -> reject $ uncurry PairingUnexpectedMessage x
+ (OurRequestReady, PairingAccept x) -> do
+ flip catchError (reject . PairingFailedOther) $ do
+ pairingVerifyResult x >>= \case
+ Just x' -> do
+ pairingFinalizeRequest x'
+ join $ asks $ pairingHookAcceptedResponse . svcAttributes
+ svcSet $ PairingDone
+ Nothing -> do
+ join $ asks $ pairingHookVerifyFailed . svcAttributes
+ throwError ""
+ x@(OurRequestReady, _) -> reject $ uncurry PairingUnexpectedMessage x
+ (PeerRequest peer self nonce dgst, PairingRequestNonce pnonce) -> do
+ if dgst == nonceDigest peer self pnonce BA.empty
+ then do hook <- asks $ pairingHookRequestNonce . svcAttributes
+ hook $ confirmationNumber $ nonceDigest peer self pnonce nonce
+ svcSet PeerRequestConfirm
+ else do join $ asks $ pairingHookRequestNonceFailed . svcAttributes
+ svcSet NoPairing
+ replyPacket PairingReject
+ x@(PeerRequest {}, _) -> reject $ uncurry PairingUnexpectedMessage x
+ x@(PeerRequestConfirm, _) -> reject $ uncurry PairingUnexpectedMessage x
+reject :: PairingResult a => PairingFailureReason a -> ServiceHandler (PairingService a) ()
+reject reason = do
+ join $ asks $ flip pairingHookFailed reason . svcAttributes
+ svcSet NoPairing
+ replyPacket PairingReject
+nonceDigest :: UnifiedIdentity -> UnifiedIdentity -> Bytes -> Bytes -> RefDigest
+nonceDigest idReq idRsp nonceReq nonceRsp = hashToRefDigest $ serializeObject $ Rec
+ [ (BC.pack "id-req", RecRef $ storedRef $ idData idReq)
+ , (BC.pack "id-rsp", RecRef $ storedRef $ idData idRsp)
+ , (BC.pack "nonce-req", RecBinary $ convert nonceReq)
+ , (BC.pack "nonce-rsp", RecBinary $ convert nonceRsp)
+ ]
+confirmationNumber :: RefDigest -> String
+confirmationNumber dgst =
+ case map fromIntegral $ BA.unpack dgst :: [Word32] of
+ (a:b:c:d:_) -> let str = show $ ((a `shift` 24) .|. (b `shift` 16) .|. (c `shift` 8) .|. d) `mod` (10 ^ len)
+ in replicate (len - length str) '0' ++ str
+ _ -> ""
+ where len = 6
+pairingRequest :: forall a m proxy. (PairingResult a, MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => proxy a -> Peer -> m ()
+pairingRequest _ peer = do
+ self <- liftIO $ serverIdentity $ peerServer peer
+ nonce <- liftIO $ getRandomBytes 32
+ pid <- peerIdentity peer >>= \case
+ PeerIdentityFull pid -> return pid
+ _ -> throwError "incomplete peer identity"
+ sendToPeerWith @(PairingService a) peer $ \case
+ NoPairing -> return (Just $ PairingRequest (idData self) (idData pid) (nonceDigest self pid nonce BA.empty), OurRequest self pid nonce)
+ _ -> throwError "already in progress"
+pairingAccept :: forall a m proxy. (PairingResult a, MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => proxy a -> Peer -> m ()
+pairingAccept _ peer = runPeerService @(PairingService a) peer $ do
+ svcGet >>= \case
+ NoPairing -> throwError $ "none in progress"
+ OurRequest {} -> throwError $ "waiting for peer"
+ OurRequestConfirm Nothing -> do
+ join $ asks $ pairingHookConfirmedResponse . svcAttributes
+ svcSet OurRequestReady
+ OurRequestConfirm (Just verified) -> do
+ join $ asks $ pairingHookAcceptedResponse . svcAttributes
+ pairingFinalizeRequest verified
+ svcSet PairingDone
+ OurRequestReady -> throwError $ "already accepted, waiting for peer"
+ PeerRequest {} -> throwError $ "waiting for peer"
+ PeerRequestConfirm -> do
+ join $ asks $ pairingHookAcceptedRequest . svcAttributes
+ replyPacket . PairingAccept =<< pairingFinalizeResponse
+ svcSet PairingDone
+ PairingDone -> throwError $ "already done"
+pairingReject :: forall a m proxy. (PairingResult a, MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => proxy a -> Peer -> m ()
+pairingReject _ peer = runPeerService @(PairingService a) peer $ do
+ svcGet >>= \case
+ NoPairing -> throwError $ "none in progress"
+ PairingDone -> throwError $ "already done"
+ _ -> reject PairingUserRejected
diff --git a/src/Erebos/PubKey.hs b/src/Erebos/PubKey.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09a8e02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/PubKey.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+module Erebos.PubKey (
+ PublicKey, SecretKey,
+ KeyPair(generateKeys), loadKey, loadKeyMb,
+ Signature(sigKey), Signed, signedData, signedSignature,
+ sign, signAdd, isSignedBy,
+ fromSigned,
+ unsafeMapSigned,
+ PublicKexKey, SecretKexKey,
+ dhSecret,
+) where
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Crypto.Error
+import qualified Crypto.PubKey.Ed25519 as ED
+import qualified Crypto.PubKey.Curve25519 as CX
+import Data.ByteArray
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Erebos.Storage
+import Erebos.Storage.Key
+data PublicKey = PublicKey ED.PublicKey
+ deriving (Show)
+data SecretKey = SecretKey ED.SecretKey (Stored PublicKey)
+data Signature = Signature
+ { sigKey :: Stored PublicKey
+ , sigSignature :: ED.Signature
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+data Signed a = Signed
+ { signedData_ :: Stored a
+ , signedSignature_ :: [Stored Signature]
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+signedData :: Signed a -> Stored a
+signedData = signedData_
+signedSignature :: Signed a -> [Stored Signature]
+signedSignature = signedSignature_
+instance KeyPair SecretKey PublicKey where
+ keyGetPublic (SecretKey _ pub) = pub
+ keyGetData (SecretKey sec _) = convert sec
+ keyFromData kdata spub = do
+ skey <- maybeCryptoError $ ED.secretKey kdata
+ let PublicKey pkey = fromStored spub
+ guard $ ED.toPublic skey == pkey
+ return $ SecretKey skey spub
+ generateKeys st = do
+ secret <- ED.generateSecretKey
+ public <- wrappedStore st $ PublicKey $ ED.toPublic secret
+ let pair = SecretKey secret public
+ storeKey pair
+ return (pair, public)
+instance Storable PublicKey where
+ store' (PublicKey pk) = storeRec $ do
+ storeText "type" $ T.pack "ed25519"
+ storeBinary "pubkey" pk
+ load' = loadRec $ do
+ ktype <- loadText "type"
+ guard $ ktype == "ed25519"
+ maybe (throwError "Public key decoding failed") (return . PublicKey) .
+ maybeCryptoError . (ED.publicKey :: ByteString -> CryptoFailable ED.PublicKey) =<<
+ loadBinary "pubkey"
+instance Storable Signature where
+ store' sig = storeRec $ do
+ storeRef "key" $ sigKey sig
+ storeBinary "sig" $ sigSignature sig
+ load' = loadRec $ Signature
+ <$> loadRef "key"
+ <*> loadSignature "sig"
+ where loadSignature = maybe (throwError "Signature decoding failed") return .
+ maybeCryptoError . (ED.signature :: ByteString -> CryptoFailable ED.Signature) <=< loadBinary
+instance Storable a => Storable (Signed a) where
+ store' sig = storeRec $ do
+ storeRef "SDATA" $ signedData sig
+ mapM_ (storeRef "sig") $ signedSignature sig
+ load' = loadRec $ do
+ sdata <- loadRef "SDATA"
+ sigs <- loadRefs "sig"
+ forM_ sigs $ \sig -> do
+ let PublicKey pubkey = fromStored $ sigKey $ fromStored sig
+ when (not $ ED.verify pubkey (storedRef sdata) $ sigSignature $ fromStored sig) $
+ throwError "signature verification failed"
+ return $ Signed sdata sigs
+sign :: MonadStorage m => SecretKey -> Stored a -> m (Signed a)
+sign secret val = signAdd secret $ Signed val []
+signAdd :: MonadStorage m => SecretKey -> Signed a -> m (Signed a)
+signAdd (SecretKey secret spublic) (Signed val sigs) = do
+ let PublicKey public = fromStored spublic
+ sig = ED.sign secret public $ storedRef val
+ ssig <- mstore $ Signature spublic sig
+ return $ Signed val (ssig : sigs)
+isSignedBy :: Signed a -> Stored PublicKey -> Bool
+isSignedBy sig key = key `elem` map (sigKey . fromStored) (signedSignature sig)
+fromSigned :: Stored (Signed a) -> a
+fromSigned = fromStored . signedData . fromStored
+-- |Passed function needs to preserve the object representation to be safe
+unsafeMapSigned :: (a -> b) -> Signed a -> Signed b
+unsafeMapSigned f signed = signed { signedData_ = unsafeMapStored f (signedData_ signed) }
+data PublicKexKey = PublicKexKey CX.PublicKey
+ deriving (Show)
+data SecretKexKey = SecretKexKey CX.SecretKey (Stored PublicKexKey)
+instance KeyPair SecretKexKey PublicKexKey where
+ keyGetPublic (SecretKexKey _ pub) = pub
+ keyGetData (SecretKexKey sec _) = convert sec
+ keyFromData kdata spub = do
+ skey <- maybeCryptoError $ CX.secretKey kdata
+ let PublicKexKey pkey = fromStored spub
+ guard $ CX.toPublic skey == pkey
+ return $ SecretKexKey skey spub
+ generateKeys st = do
+ secret <- CX.generateSecretKey
+ public <- wrappedStore st $ PublicKexKey $ CX.toPublic secret
+ let pair = SecretKexKey secret public
+ storeKey pair
+ return (pair, public)
+instance Storable PublicKexKey where
+ store' (PublicKexKey pk) = storeRec $ do
+ storeText "type" $ T.pack "x25519"
+ storeBinary "pubkey" pk
+ load' = loadRec $ do
+ ktype <- loadText "type"
+ guard $ ktype == "x25519"
+ maybe (throwError "public key decoding failed") (return . PublicKexKey) .
+ maybeCryptoError . (CX.publicKey :: ScrubbedBytes -> CryptoFailable CX.PublicKey) =<<
+ loadBinary "pubkey"
+dhSecret :: SecretKexKey -> PublicKexKey -> ScrubbedBytes
+dhSecret (SecretKexKey secret _) (PublicKexKey public) = convert $ CX.dh public secret
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Service.hs b/src/Erebos/Service.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8428d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Service.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+module Erebos.Service (
+ Service(..),
+ SomeService(..), someService, someServiceAttr, someServiceID,
+ SomeServiceState(..), fromServiceState, someServiceEmptyState,
+ SomeServiceGlobalState(..), fromServiceGlobalState, someServiceEmptyGlobalState,
+ SomeStorageWatcher(..),
+ ServiceID, mkServiceID,
+ ServiceHandler,
+ ServiceInput(..),
+ ServiceReply(..),
+ runServiceHandler,
+ svcGet, svcSet, svcModify,
+ svcGetGlobal, svcSetGlobal, svcModifyGlobal,
+ svcGetLocal, svcSetLocal,
+ svcSelf,
+ svcPrint,
+ replyPacket, replyStored, replyStoredRef,
+ afterCommit,
+) where
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Control.Monad.Writer
+import Data.Kind
+import Data.Typeable
+import Data.UUID (UUID)
+import qualified Data.UUID as U
+import Erebos.Identity
+import {-# SOURCE #-} Erebos.Network
+import Erebos.State
+import Erebos.Storage
+class (Typeable s, Storable s, Typeable (ServiceState s), Typeable (ServiceGlobalState s)) => Service s where
+ serviceID :: proxy s -> ServiceID
+ serviceHandler :: Stored s -> ServiceHandler s ()
+ serviceNewPeer :: ServiceHandler s ()
+ serviceNewPeer = return ()
+ type ServiceAttributes s = attr | attr -> s
+ type ServiceAttributes s = Proxy s
+ defaultServiceAttributes :: proxy s -> ServiceAttributes s
+ default defaultServiceAttributes :: ServiceAttributes s ~ Proxy s => proxy s -> ServiceAttributes s
+ defaultServiceAttributes _ = Proxy
+ type ServiceState s :: Type
+ type ServiceState s = ()
+ emptyServiceState :: proxy s -> ServiceState s
+ default emptyServiceState :: ServiceState s ~ () => proxy s -> ServiceState s
+ emptyServiceState _ = ()
+ type ServiceGlobalState s :: Type
+ type ServiceGlobalState s = ()
+ emptyServiceGlobalState :: proxy s -> ServiceGlobalState s
+ default emptyServiceGlobalState :: ServiceGlobalState s ~ () => proxy s -> ServiceGlobalState s
+ emptyServiceGlobalState _ = ()
+ serviceStorageWatchers :: proxy s -> [SomeStorageWatcher s]
+ serviceStorageWatchers _ = []
+data SomeService = forall s. Service s => SomeService (Proxy s) (ServiceAttributes s)
+someService :: forall s proxy. Service s => proxy s -> SomeService
+someService _ = SomeService @s Proxy (defaultServiceAttributes @s Proxy)
+someServiceAttr :: forall s. Service s => ServiceAttributes s -> SomeService
+someServiceAttr attr = SomeService @s Proxy attr
+someServiceID :: SomeService -> ServiceID
+someServiceID (SomeService s _) = serviceID s
+data SomeServiceState = forall s. Service s => SomeServiceState (Proxy s) (ServiceState s)
+fromServiceState :: Service s => proxy s -> SomeServiceState -> Maybe (ServiceState s)
+fromServiceState _ (SomeServiceState _ s) = cast s
+someServiceEmptyState :: SomeService -> SomeServiceState
+someServiceEmptyState (SomeService p _) = SomeServiceState p (emptyServiceState p)
+data SomeServiceGlobalState = forall s. Service s => SomeServiceGlobalState (Proxy s) (ServiceGlobalState s)
+fromServiceGlobalState :: Service s => proxy s -> SomeServiceGlobalState -> Maybe (ServiceGlobalState s)
+fromServiceGlobalState _ (SomeServiceGlobalState _ s) = cast s
+someServiceEmptyGlobalState :: SomeService -> SomeServiceGlobalState
+someServiceEmptyGlobalState (SomeService p _) = SomeServiceGlobalState p (emptyServiceGlobalState p)
+data SomeStorageWatcher s = forall a. Eq a => SomeStorageWatcher (Stored LocalState -> a) (a -> ServiceHandler s ())
+newtype ServiceID = ServiceID UUID
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, StorableUUID)
+mkServiceID :: String -> ServiceID
+mkServiceID = maybe (error "Invalid service ID") ServiceID . U.fromString
+data ServiceInput s = ServiceInput
+ { svcAttributes :: ServiceAttributes s
+ , svcPeer :: Peer
+ , svcPeerIdentity :: UnifiedIdentity
+ , svcServer :: Server
+ , svcPrintOp :: String -> IO ()
+ }
+data ServiceReply s = ServiceReply (Either s (Stored s)) Bool
+ | ServiceFinally (IO ())
+data ServiceHandlerState s = ServiceHandlerState
+ { svcValue :: ServiceState s
+ , svcGlobal :: ServiceGlobalState s
+ , svcLocal :: Stored LocalState
+ }
+newtype ServiceHandler s a = ServiceHandler (ReaderT (ServiceInput s) (WriterT [ServiceReply s] (StateT (ServiceHandlerState s) (ExceptT String IO))) a)
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader (ServiceInput s), MonadWriter [ServiceReply s], MonadState (ServiceHandlerState s), MonadError String, MonadIO)
+instance MonadStorage (ServiceHandler s) where
+ getStorage = asks $ peerStorage . svcPeer
+instance MonadHead LocalState (ServiceHandler s) where
+ updateLocalHead f = do
+ (ls, x) <- f =<< gets svcLocal
+ modify $ \s -> s { svcLocal = ls }
+ return x
+runServiceHandler :: Service s => Head LocalState -> ServiceInput s -> ServiceState s -> ServiceGlobalState s -> ServiceHandler s () -> IO ([ServiceReply s], (ServiceState s, ServiceGlobalState s))
+runServiceHandler h input svc global shandler = do
+ let sstate = ServiceHandlerState { svcValue = svc, svcGlobal = global, svcLocal = headStoredObject h }
+ ServiceHandler handler = shandler
+ (runExceptT $ flip runStateT sstate $ execWriterT $ flip runReaderT input $ handler) >>= \case
+ Left err -> do
+ svcPrintOp input $ "service failed: " ++ err
+ return ([], (svc, global))
+ Right (rsp, sstate')
+ | svcLocal sstate' == svcLocal sstate -> return (rsp, (svcValue sstate', svcGlobal sstate'))
+ | otherwise -> replaceHead h (svcLocal sstate') >>= \case
+ Left (Just h') -> runServiceHandler h' input svc global shandler
+ _ -> return (rsp, (svcValue sstate', svcGlobal sstate'))
+svcGet :: ServiceHandler s (ServiceState s)
+svcGet = gets svcValue
+svcSet :: ServiceState s -> ServiceHandler s ()
+svcSet x = modify $ \st -> st { svcValue = x }
+svcModify :: (ServiceState s -> ServiceState s) -> ServiceHandler s ()
+svcModify f = modify $ \st -> st { svcValue = f (svcValue st) }
+svcGetGlobal :: ServiceHandler s (ServiceGlobalState s)
+svcGetGlobal = gets svcGlobal
+svcSetGlobal :: ServiceGlobalState s -> ServiceHandler s ()
+svcSetGlobal x = modify $ \st -> st { svcGlobal = x }
+svcModifyGlobal :: (ServiceGlobalState s -> ServiceGlobalState s) -> ServiceHandler s ()
+svcModifyGlobal f = modify $ \st -> st { svcGlobal = f (svcGlobal st) }
+svcGetLocal :: ServiceHandler s (Stored LocalState)
+svcGetLocal = gets svcLocal
+svcSetLocal :: Stored LocalState -> ServiceHandler s ()
+svcSetLocal x = modify $ \st -> st { svcLocal = x }
+svcSelf :: ServiceHandler s UnifiedIdentity
+svcSelf = maybe (throwError "failed to validate own identity") return .
+ validateExtendedIdentity . lsIdentity . fromStored =<< svcGetLocal
+svcPrint :: String -> ServiceHandler s ()
+svcPrint str = afterCommit . ($ str) =<< asks svcPrintOp
+replyPacket :: Service s => s -> ServiceHandler s ()
+replyPacket x = tell [ServiceReply (Left x) True]
+replyStored :: Service s => Stored s -> ServiceHandler s ()
+replyStored x = tell [ServiceReply (Right x) True]
+replyStoredRef :: Service s => Stored s -> ServiceHandler s ()
+replyStoredRef x = tell [ServiceReply (Right x) False]
+afterCommit :: IO () -> ServiceHandler s ()
+afterCommit x = tell [ServiceFinally x]
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Set.hs b/src/Erebos/Set.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0abe02d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Set.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+module Erebos.Set (
+ Set,
+ emptySet,
+ loadSet,
+ storeSetAdd,
+ fromSetBy,
+) where
+import Control.Arrow
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import Data.Function
+import Data.List
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import Data.Map qualified as M
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Ord
+import Erebos.Storage
+import Erebos.Storage.Merge
+import Erebos.Util
+data Set a = Set [Stored (SetItem (Component a))]
+data SetItem a = SetItem
+ { siPrev :: [Stored (SetItem a)]
+ , siItem :: [Stored a]
+ }
+instance Storable a => Storable (SetItem a) where
+ store' x = storeRec $ do
+ mapM_ (storeRef "PREV") $ siPrev x
+ mapM_ (storeRef "item") $ siItem x
+ load' = loadRec $ SetItem
+ <$> loadRefs "PREV"
+ <*> loadRefs "item"
+instance Mergeable a => Mergeable (Set a) where
+ type Component (Set a) = SetItem (Component a)
+ mergeSorted = Set
+ toComponents (Set items) = items
+emptySet :: Set a
+emptySet = Set []
+loadSet :: Mergeable a => Ref -> Set a
+loadSet = mergeSorted . (:[]) . wrappedLoad
+storeSetAdd :: (Mergeable a, MonadIO m) => Storage -> a -> Set a -> m (Set a)
+storeSetAdd st x (Set prev) = Set . (:[]) <$> wrappedStore st SetItem
+ { siPrev = prev
+ , siItem = toComponents x
+ }
+fromSetBy :: forall a. Mergeable a => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> Set a -> [a]
+fromSetBy cmp (Set heads) = sortBy cmp $ map merge $ groupRelated items
+ where
+ -- gather all item components in the set history
+ items :: [Stored (Component a)]
+ items = walkAncestors (siItem . fromStored) heads
+ -- map individual roots to full root set as joined in history of individual items
+ rootToRootSet :: Map RefDigest [RefDigest]
+ rootToRootSet = foldl' (\m rs -> foldl' (\m' r -> M.insertWith (\a b -> uniq $ sort $ a++b) r rs m') m rs) M.empty $
+ map (map (refDigest . storedRef) . storedRoots) items
+ -- get full root set for given item component
+ storedRootSet :: Stored (Component a) -> [RefDigest]
+ storedRootSet = fromJust . flip M.lookup rootToRootSet . refDigest . storedRef . head . storedRoots
+ -- group components of single item, i.e. components sharing some root
+ groupRelated :: [Stored (Component a)] -> [[Stored (Component a)]]
+ groupRelated = map (map fst) . groupBy ((==) `on` snd) . sortBy (comparing snd) . map (id &&& storedRootSet)
diff --git a/src/Erebos/State.hs b/src/Erebos/State.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f0bf7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/State.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+module Erebos.State (
+ LocalState(..),
+ SharedState, SharedType(..),
+ SharedTypeID, mkSharedTypeID,
+ MonadHead(..),
+ updateLocalHead_,
+ loadLocalStateHead,
+ updateSharedState, updateSharedState_,
+ lookupSharedValue, makeSharedStateUpdate,
+ localIdentity,
+ headLocalIdentity,
+ mergeSharedIdentity,
+ updateSharedIdentity,
+ interactiveIdentityUpdate,
+) where
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Data.Foldable
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
+import Data.Typeable
+import Data.UUID (UUID)
+import qualified Data.UUID as U
+import System.IO
+import Erebos.Identity
+import Erebos.PubKey
+import Erebos.Storage
+import Erebos.Storage.Merge
+data LocalState = LocalState
+ { lsIdentity :: Stored (Signed ExtendedIdentityData)
+ , lsShared :: [Stored SharedState]
+ }
+data SharedState = SharedState
+ { ssPrev :: [Stored SharedState]
+ , ssType :: Maybe SharedTypeID
+ , ssValue :: [Ref]
+ }
+newtype SharedTypeID = SharedTypeID UUID
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, StorableUUID)
+mkSharedTypeID :: String -> SharedTypeID
+mkSharedTypeID = maybe (error "Invalid shared type ID") SharedTypeID . U.fromString
+class Mergeable a => SharedType a where
+ sharedTypeID :: proxy a -> SharedTypeID
+instance Storable LocalState where
+ store' st = storeRec $ do
+ storeRef "id" $ lsIdentity st
+ mapM_ (storeRef "shared") $ lsShared st
+ load' = loadRec $ LocalState
+ <$> loadRef "id"
+ <*> loadRefs "shared"
+instance HeadType LocalState where
+ headTypeID _ = mkHeadTypeID "1d7491a9-7bcb-4eaa-8f13-c8c4c4087e4e"
+instance Storable SharedState where
+ store' st = storeRec $ do
+ mapM_ (storeRef "PREV") $ ssPrev st
+ storeMbUUID "type" $ ssType st
+ mapM_ (storeRawRef "value") $ ssValue st
+ load' = loadRec $ SharedState
+ <$> loadRefs "PREV"
+ <*> loadMbUUID "type"
+ <*> loadRawRefs "value"
+instance SharedType (Maybe ComposedIdentity) where
+ sharedTypeID _ = mkSharedTypeID "0c6c1fe0-f2d7-4891-926b-c332449f7871"
+class (MonadIO m, MonadStorage m) => MonadHead a m where
+ updateLocalHead :: (Stored a -> m (Stored a, b)) -> m b
+updateLocalHead_ :: MonadHead a m => (Stored a -> m (Stored a)) -> m ()
+updateLocalHead_ f = updateLocalHead (fmap (,()) . f)
+instance (HeadType a, MonadIO m) => MonadHead a (ReaderT (Head a) m) where
+ updateLocalHead f = do
+ h <- ask
+ snd <$> updateHead h f
+loadLocalStateHead :: MonadIO m => Storage -> m (Head LocalState)
+loadLocalStateHead st = loadHeads st >>= \case
+ (h:_) -> return h
+ [] -> liftIO $ do
+ putStr "Name: "
+ hFlush stdout
+ name <- T.getLine
+ putStr "Device: "
+ hFlush stdout
+ devName <- T.getLine
+ owner <- if
+ | T.null name -> return Nothing
+ | otherwise -> Just <$> createIdentity st (Just name) Nothing
+ identity <- createIdentity st (if T.null devName then Nothing else Just devName) owner
+ shared <- wrappedStore st $ SharedState
+ { ssPrev = []
+ , ssType = Just $ sharedTypeID @(Maybe ComposedIdentity) Proxy
+ , ssValue = [storedRef $ idExtData $ fromMaybe identity owner]
+ }
+ storeHead st $ LocalState
+ { lsIdentity = idExtData identity
+ , lsShared = [shared]
+ }
+localIdentity :: LocalState -> UnifiedIdentity
+localIdentity ls = maybe (error "failed to verify local identity")
+ (updateOwners $ maybe [] idExtDataF $ lookupSharedValue $ lsShared ls)
+ (validateExtendedIdentity $ lsIdentity ls)
+headLocalIdentity :: Head LocalState -> UnifiedIdentity
+headLocalIdentity = localIdentity . headObject
+updateSharedState_ :: forall a m. (SharedType a, MonadHead LocalState m) => (a -> m a) -> Stored LocalState -> m (Stored LocalState)
+updateSharedState_ f = fmap fst <$> updateSharedState (fmap (,()) . f)
+updateSharedState :: forall a b m. (SharedType a, MonadHead LocalState m) => (a -> m (a, b)) -> Stored LocalState -> m (Stored LocalState, b)
+updateSharedState f = \ls -> do
+ let shared = lsShared $ fromStored ls
+ val = lookupSharedValue shared
+ st <- getStorage
+ (val', x) <- f val
+ (,x) <$> if toComponents val' == toComponents val
+ then return ls
+ else do shared' <- makeSharedStateUpdate st val' shared
+ wrappedStore st (fromStored ls) { lsShared = [shared'] }
+lookupSharedValue :: forall a. SharedType a => [Stored SharedState] -> a
+lookupSharedValue = mergeSorted . filterAncestors . map wrappedLoad . concatMap (ssValue . fromStored) . filterAncestors . helper
+ where helper (x:xs) | Just sid <- ssType (fromStored x), sid == sharedTypeID @a Proxy = x : helper xs
+ | otherwise = helper $ ssPrev (fromStored x) ++ xs
+ helper [] = []
+makeSharedStateUpdate :: forall a m. MonadIO m => SharedType a => Storage -> a -> [Stored SharedState] -> m (Stored SharedState)
+makeSharedStateUpdate st val prev = liftIO $ wrappedStore st SharedState
+ { ssPrev = prev
+ , ssType = Just $ sharedTypeID @a Proxy
+ , ssValue = storedRef <$> toComponents val
+ }
+mergeSharedIdentity :: (MonadHead LocalState m, MonadError String m) => m UnifiedIdentity
+mergeSharedIdentity = updateLocalHead $ updateSharedState $ \case
+ Just cidentity -> do
+ identity <- mergeIdentity cidentity
+ return (Just $ toComposedIdentity identity, identity)
+ Nothing -> throwError "no existing shared identity"
+updateSharedIdentity :: (MonadHead LocalState m, MonadError String m) => m ()
+updateSharedIdentity = updateLocalHead_ $ updateSharedState_ $ \case
+ Just identity -> do
+ Just . toComposedIdentity <$> interactiveIdentityUpdate identity
+ Nothing -> throwError "no existing shared identity"
+interactiveIdentityUpdate :: (Foldable f, MonadStorage m, MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => Identity f -> m UnifiedIdentity
+interactiveIdentityUpdate identity = do
+ let public = idKeyIdentity identity
+ name <- liftIO $ do
+ T.putStr $ T.concat $ concat
+ [ [ T.pack "Name" ]
+ , case idName identity of
+ Just name -> [T.pack " [", name, T.pack "]"]
+ Nothing -> []
+ , [ T.pack ": " ]
+ ]
+ hFlush stdout
+ T.getLine
+ if | T.null name -> mergeIdentity identity
+ | otherwise -> do
+ secret <- loadKey public
+ maybe (throwError "created invalid identity") return . validateIdentity =<<
+ mstore =<< sign secret =<< mstore (emptyIdentityData public)
+ { iddPrev = toList $ idDataF identity
+ , iddName = Just name
+ }
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Storage.hs b/src/Erebos/Storage.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50e0241
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Storage.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1003 @@
+module Erebos.Storage (
+ Storage, PartialStorage,
+ openStorage, memoryStorage,
+ deriveEphemeralStorage, derivePartialStorage,
+ Ref, PartialRef, RefDigest,
+ refDigest,
+ readRef, showRef, showRefDigest,
+ refDigestFromByteString, hashToRefDigest,
+ copyRef, partialRef, partialRefFromDigest,
+ Object, PartialObject, Object'(..), RecItem, RecItem'(..),
+ serializeObject, deserializeObject, deserializeObjects,
+ ioLoadObject, ioLoadBytes,
+ storeRawBytes, lazyLoadBytes,
+ storeObject,
+ collectObjects, collectStoredObjects,
+ Head, HeadType(..),
+ HeadTypeID, mkHeadTypeID,
+ headId, headStorage, headRef, headObject, headStoredObject,
+ loadHeads, loadHead, reloadHead,
+ storeHead, replaceHead, updateHead, updateHead_,
+ WatchedHead,
+ watchHead, watchHeadWith, unwatchHead,
+ MonadStorage(..),
+ Storable(..), ZeroStorable(..),
+ StorableText(..), StorableDate(..), StorableUUID(..),
+ storeBlob, storeRec, storeZero,
+ storeEmpty, storeInt, storeNum, storeText, storeBinary, storeDate, storeUUID, storeJson, storeRef, storeRawRef,
+ storeMbEmpty, storeMbInt, storeMbNum, storeMbText, storeMbBinary, storeMbDate, storeMbUUID, storeMbJson, storeMbRef, storeMbRawRef,
+ storeZRef,
+ LoadRec,
+ loadBlob, loadRec, loadZero,
+ loadEmpty, loadInt, loadNum, loadText, loadBinary, loadDate, loadUUID, loadJson, loadRef, loadRawRef,
+ loadMbEmpty, loadMbInt, loadMbNum, loadMbText, loadMbBinary, loadMbDate, loadMbUUID, loadMbJson, loadMbRef, loadMbRawRef,
+ loadTexts, loadBinaries, loadRefs, loadRawRefs,
+ loadZRef,
+ Stored,
+ fromStored, storedRef,
+ wrappedStore, wrappedLoad,
+ copyStored,
+ unsafeMapStored,
+ StoreInfo(..), makeStoreInfo,
+ StoredHistory,
+ fromHistory, fromHistoryAt, storedFromHistory, storedHistoryList,
+ beginHistory, modifyHistory,
+) where
+import qualified Codec.MIME.Type as MIME
+import qualified Codec.MIME.Parse as MIME
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Arrow
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Exception
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Control.Monad.Writer
+import Crypto.Hash
+import qualified Data.Aeson as J
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC
+import Data.Char
+import Data.Function
+import qualified Data.HashTable.IO as HT
+import Data.List
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Ratio
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Text.Encoding
+import Data.Text.Encoding.Error
+import Data.Time.Calendar
+import Data.Time.Clock
+import Data.Time.Format
+import Data.Time.LocalTime
+import Data.Typeable
+import Data.UUID (UUID)
+import qualified Data.UUID as U
+import qualified Data.UUID.V4 as U
+import System.Directory
+import System.FilePath
+import System.INotify
+import System.IO.Error
+import System.IO.Unsafe
+import Erebos.Storage.Internal
+type Storage = Storage' Complete
+type PartialStorage = Storage' Partial
+openStorage :: FilePath -> IO Storage
+openStorage path = do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True $ path ++ "/objects"
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True $ path ++ "/heads"
+ watchers <- newMVar ([], WatchList 1 [])
+ refgen <- newMVar =<<
+ refroots <- newMVar =<<
+ return $ Storage
+ { stBacking = StorageDir path watchers
+ , stParent = Nothing
+ , stRefGeneration = refgen
+ , stRefRoots = refroots
+ }
+memoryStorage' :: IO (Storage' c')
+memoryStorage' = do
+ backing <- StorageMemory <$> newMVar [] <*> newMVar M.empty <*> newMVar M.empty <*> newMVar (WatchList 1 [])
+ refgen <- newMVar =<<
+ refroots <- newMVar =<<
+ return $ Storage
+ { stBacking = backing
+ , stParent = Nothing
+ , stRefGeneration = refgen
+ , stRefRoots = refroots
+ }
+memoryStorage :: IO Storage
+memoryStorage = memoryStorage'
+deriveEphemeralStorage :: Storage -> IO Storage
+deriveEphemeralStorage parent = do
+ st <- memoryStorage
+ return $ st { stParent = Just parent }
+derivePartialStorage :: Storage -> IO PartialStorage
+derivePartialStorage parent = do
+ st <- memoryStorage'
+ return $ st { stParent = Just parent }
+type Ref = Ref' Complete
+type PartialRef = Ref' Partial
+zeroRef :: Storage' c -> Ref' c
+zeroRef s = Ref s (RefDigest h)
+ where h = case digestFromByteString $ B.replicate (hashDigestSize $ digestAlgo h) 0 of
+ Nothing -> error $ "Failed to create zero hash"
+ Just h' -> h'
+ digestAlgo :: Digest a -> a
+ digestAlgo = undefined
+isZeroRef :: Ref' c -> Bool
+isZeroRef (Ref _ h) = all (==0) $ BA.unpack h
+refFromDigest :: Storage' c -> RefDigest -> IO (Maybe (Ref' c))
+refFromDigest st dgst = fmap (const $ Ref st dgst) <$> ioLoadBytesFromStorage st dgst
+readRef :: Storage -> ByteString -> IO (Maybe Ref)
+readRef s b =
+ case readRefDigest b of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just dgst -> refFromDigest s dgst
+copyRef' :: forall c c'. (StorageCompleteness c, StorageCompleteness c') => Storage' c' -> Ref' c -> IO (c (Ref' c'))
+copyRef' st ref'@(Ref _ dgst) = refFromDigest st dgst >>= \case Just ref -> return $ return ref
+ Nothing -> doCopy
+ where doCopy = do mbobj' <- ioLoadObject ref'
+ mbobj <- sequence $ copyObject' st <$> mbobj'
+ sequence $ unsafeStoreObject st <$> join mbobj
+copyObject' :: forall c c'. (StorageCompleteness c, StorageCompleteness c') => Storage' c' -> Object' c -> IO (c (Object' c'))
+copyObject' _ (Blob bs) = return $ return $ Blob bs
+copyObject' st (Rec rs) = fmap Rec . sequence <$> mapM copyItem rs
+ where copyItem :: (ByteString, RecItem' c) -> IO (c (ByteString, RecItem' c'))
+ copyItem (n, item) = fmap (n,) <$> case item of
+ RecEmpty -> return $ return $ RecEmpty
+ RecInt x -> return $ return $ RecInt x
+ RecNum x -> return $ return $ RecNum x
+ RecText x -> return $ return $ RecText x
+ RecBinary x -> return $ return $ RecBinary x
+ RecDate x -> return $ return $ RecDate x
+ RecUUID x -> return $ return $ RecUUID x
+ RecJson x -> return $ return $ RecJson x
+ RecRef x -> fmap RecRef <$> copyRef' st x
+copyObject' _ ZeroObject = return $ return ZeroObject
+copyRef :: forall c c' m. (StorageCompleteness c, StorageCompleteness c', MonadIO m) => Storage' c' -> Ref' c -> m (LoadResult c (Ref' c'))
+copyRef st ref' = liftIO $ returnLoadResult <$> copyRef' st ref'
+copyObject :: forall c c'. (StorageCompleteness c, StorageCompleteness c') => Storage' c' -> Object' c -> IO (LoadResult c (Object' c'))
+copyObject st obj' = returnLoadResult <$> copyObject' st obj'
+partialRef :: PartialStorage -> Ref -> PartialRef
+partialRef st (Ref _ dgst) = Ref st dgst
+partialRefFromDigest :: PartialStorage -> RefDigest -> PartialRef
+partialRefFromDigest st dgst = Ref st dgst
+data Object' c
+ = Blob ByteString
+ | Rec [(ByteString, RecItem' c)]
+ | ZeroObject
+ deriving (Show)
+type Object = Object' Complete
+type PartialObject = Object' Partial
+data RecItem' c
+ = RecEmpty
+ | RecInt Integer
+ | RecNum Rational
+ | RecText Text
+ | RecBinary ByteString
+ | RecDate ZonedTime
+ | RecJson J.Value
+ | RecRef (Ref' c)
+ deriving (Show)
+type RecItem = RecItem' Complete
+serializeObject :: Object' c -> BL.ByteString
+serializeObject = \case
+ Blob cnt -> BL.fromChunks [BC.pack "blob ", BC.pack (show $ B.length cnt), BC.singleton '\n', cnt]
+ Rec rec -> let cnt = BL.fromChunks $ concatMap (uncurry serializeRecItem) rec
+ in BL.fromChunks [BC.pack "rec ", BC.pack (show $ BL.length cnt), BC.singleton '\n'] `BL.append` cnt
+ ZeroObject -> BL.empty
+unsafeStoreObject :: Storage' c -> Object' c -> IO (Ref' c)
+unsafeStoreObject storage = \case
+ ZeroObject -> return $ zeroRef storage
+ obj -> unsafeStoreRawBytes storage $ serializeObject obj
+storeObject :: PartialStorage -> PartialObject -> IO PartialRef
+storeObject = unsafeStoreObject
+storeRawBytes :: PartialStorage -> BL.ByteString -> IO PartialRef
+storeRawBytes = unsafeStoreRawBytes
+serializeRecItem :: ByteString -> RecItem' c -> [ByteString]
+serializeRecItem name (RecEmpty) = [name, BC.pack ":e", BC.singleton ' ', BC.singleton '\n']
+serializeRecItem name (RecInt x) = [name, BC.pack ":i", BC.singleton ' ', BC.pack (show x), BC.singleton '\n']
+serializeRecItem name (RecNum x) = [name, BC.pack ":n", BC.singleton ' ', BC.pack (showRatio x), BC.singleton '\n']
+serializeRecItem name (RecText x) = [name, BC.pack ":t", BC.singleton ' ', escaped, BC.singleton '\n']
+ where escaped = BC.concatMap escape $ encodeUtf8 x
+ escape '\n' = BC.pack "\n\t"
+ escape c = BC.singleton c
+serializeRecItem name (RecBinary x) = [name, BC.pack ":b ", showHex x, BC.singleton '\n']
+serializeRecItem name (RecDate x) = [name, BC.pack ":d", BC.singleton ' ', BC.pack (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%s %z" x), BC.singleton '\n']
+serializeRecItem name (RecUUID x) = [name, BC.pack ":u", BC.singleton ' ', U.toASCIIBytes x, BC.singleton '\n']
+serializeRecItem name (RecJson x) = [name, BC.pack ":j", BC.singleton ' '] ++ BL.toChunks (J.encode x) ++ [BC.singleton '\n']
+serializeRecItem name (RecRef x) = [name, BC.pack ":r ", showRef x, BC.singleton '\n']
+lazyLoadObject :: forall c. StorageCompleteness c => Ref' c -> LoadResult c (Object' c)
+lazyLoadObject = returnLoadResult . unsafePerformIO . ioLoadObject
+ioLoadObject :: forall c. StorageCompleteness c => Ref' c -> IO (c (Object' c))
+ioLoadObject ref | isZeroRef ref = return $ return ZeroObject
+ioLoadObject ref@(Ref st rhash) = do
+ file' <- ioLoadBytes ref
+ return $ do
+ file <- file'
+ let chash = hashToRefDigest file
+ when (chash /= rhash) $ error $ "Hash mismatch on object " ++ BC.unpack (showRef ref) {- TODO throw -}
+ return $ case runExcept $ unsafeDeserializeObject st file of
+ Left err -> error $ err ++ ", ref " ++ BC.unpack (showRef ref) {- TODO throw -}
+ Right (x, rest) | BL.null rest -> x
+ | otherwise -> error $ "Superfluous content after " ++ BC.unpack (showRef ref) {- TODO throw -}
+lazyLoadBytes :: forall c. StorageCompleteness c => Ref' c -> LoadResult c BL.ByteString
+lazyLoadBytes ref | isZeroRef ref = returnLoadResult (return BL.empty :: c BL.ByteString)
+lazyLoadBytes ref = returnLoadResult $ unsafePerformIO $ ioLoadBytes ref
+unsafeDeserializeObject :: Storage' c -> BL.ByteString -> Except String (Object' c, BL.ByteString)
+unsafeDeserializeObject _ bytes | BL.null bytes = return (ZeroObject, bytes)
+unsafeDeserializeObject st bytes =
+ case BLC.break (=='\n') bytes of
+ (line, rest) | Just (otype, len) <- splitObjPrefix line -> do
+ let (content, next) = first BL.toStrict $ BL.splitAt (fromIntegral len) $ BL.drop 1 rest
+ guard $ B.length content == len
+ (,next) <$> case otype of
+ _ | otype == BC.pack "blob" -> return $ Blob content
+ | otype == BC.pack "rec" -> maybe (throwError $ "Malformed record item ")
+ (return . Rec) $ sequence $ map parseRecLine $ mergeCont [] $ BC.lines content
+ | otherwise -> throwError $ "Unknown object type"
+ _ -> throwError $ "Malformed object"
+ where splitObjPrefix line = do
+ [otype, tlen] <- return $ BLC.words line
+ (len, rest) <- BLC.readInt tlen
+ guard $ BL.null rest
+ return (BL.toStrict otype, len)
+ mergeCont cs (a:b:rest) | Just ('\t', b') <- BC.uncons b = mergeCont (b':BC.pack "\n":cs) (a:rest)
+ mergeCont cs (a:rest) = B.concat (a : reverse cs) : mergeCont [] rest
+ mergeCont _ [] = []
+ parseRecLine line = do
+ colon <- BC.elemIndex ':' line
+ space <- BC.elemIndex ' ' line
+ guard $ colon < space
+ let name = B.take colon line
+ itype = B.take (space-colon-1) $ B.drop (colon+1) line
+ content = B.drop (space+1) line
+ val <- case BC.unpack itype of
+ "e" -> do guard $ B.null content
+ return RecEmpty
+ "i" -> do (num, rest) <- BC.readInteger content
+ guard $ B.null rest
+ return $ RecInt num
+ "n" -> RecNum <$> parseRatio content
+ "t" -> return $ RecText $ decodeUtf8With lenientDecode content
+ "b" -> RecBinary <$> readHex content
+ "d" -> RecDate <$> parseTimeM False defaultTimeLocale "%s %z" (BC.unpack content)
+ "u" -> RecUUID <$> U.fromASCIIBytes content
+ "j" -> RecJson <$> J.decode (BL.fromStrict content)
+ "r" -> RecRef . Ref st <$> readRefDigest content
+ _ -> Nothing
+ return (name, val)
+deserializeObject :: PartialStorage -> BL.ByteString -> Except String (PartialObject, BL.ByteString)
+deserializeObject = unsafeDeserializeObject
+deserializeObjects :: PartialStorage -> BL.ByteString -> Except String [PartialObject]
+deserializeObjects _ bytes | BL.null bytes = return []
+deserializeObjects st bytes = do (obj, rest) <- deserializeObject st bytes
+ (obj:) <$> deserializeObjects st rest
+collectObjects :: Object -> [Object]
+collectObjects obj = obj : map fromStored (fst $ collectOtherStored S.empty obj)
+collectStoredObjects :: Stored Object -> [Stored Object]
+collectStoredObjects obj = obj : (fst $ collectOtherStored S.empty $ fromStored obj)
+collectOtherStored :: Set RefDigest -> Object -> ([Stored Object], Set RefDigest)
+collectOtherStored seen (Rec items) = foldr helper ([], seen) $ map snd items
+ where helper (RecRef ref) (xs, s) | r <- refDigest ref
+ , r `S.notMember` s
+ = let o = wrappedLoad ref
+ (xs', s') = collectOtherStored (S.insert r s) $ fromStored o
+ in ((o : xs') ++ xs, s')
+ helper _ (xs, s) = (xs, s)
+collectOtherStored seen _ = ([], seen)
+type Head = Head' Complete
+headId :: Head a -> HeadID
+headId (Head uuid _) = uuid
+headStorage :: Head a -> Storage
+headStorage = refStorage . headRef
+headRef :: Head a -> Ref
+headRef (Head _ sx) = storedRef sx
+headObject :: Head a -> a
+headObject (Head _ sx) = fromStored sx
+headStoredObject :: Head a -> Stored a
+headStoredObject (Head _ sx) = sx
+deriving instance StorableUUID HeadID
+deriving instance StorableUUID HeadTypeID
+mkHeadTypeID :: String -> HeadTypeID
+mkHeadTypeID = maybe (error "Invalid head type ID") HeadTypeID . U.fromString
+class Storable a => HeadType a where
+ headTypeID :: proxy a -> HeadTypeID
+headTypePath :: FilePath -> HeadTypeID -> FilePath
+headTypePath spath (HeadTypeID tid) = spath </> "heads" </> U.toString tid
+headPath :: FilePath -> HeadTypeID -> HeadID -> FilePath
+headPath spath tid (HeadID hid) = headTypePath spath tid </> U.toString hid
+loadHeads :: forall a m. MonadIO m => HeadType a => Storage -> m [Head a]
+loadHeads s@(Storage { stBacking = StorageDir { dirPath = spath }}) = liftIO $ do
+ let hpath = headTypePath spath $ headTypeID @a Proxy
+ files <- filterM (doesFileExist . (hpath </>)) =<<
+ handleJust (\e -> guard (isDoesNotExistError e)) (const $ return [])
+ (getDirectoryContents hpath)
+ fmap catMaybes $ forM files $ \hname -> do
+ case U.fromString hname of
+ Just hid -> do
+ (h:_) <- BC.lines <$> B.readFile (hpath </> hname)
+ Just ref <- readRef s h
+ return $ Just $ Head (HeadID hid) $ wrappedLoad ref
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+loadHeads Storage { stBacking = StorageMemory { memHeads = theads } } = liftIO $ do
+ let toHead ((tid, hid), ref) | tid == headTypeID @a Proxy = Just $ Head hid $ wrappedLoad ref
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ catMaybes . map toHead <$> readMVar theads
+loadHead :: forall a m. (HeadType a, MonadIO m) => Storage -> HeadID -> m (Maybe (Head a))
+loadHead s@(Storage { stBacking = StorageDir { dirPath = spath }}) hid = liftIO $ do
+ handleJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) (const $ return Nothing) $ do
+ (h:_) <- BC.lines <$> B.readFile (headPath spath (headTypeID @a Proxy) hid)
+ Just ref <- readRef s h
+ return $ Just $ Head hid $ wrappedLoad ref
+loadHead Storage { stBacking = StorageMemory { memHeads = theads } } hid = liftIO $ do
+ fmap (Head hid . wrappedLoad) . lookup (headTypeID @a Proxy, hid) <$> readMVar theads
+reloadHead :: (HeadType a, MonadIO m) => Head a -> m (Maybe (Head a))
+reloadHead (Head hid (Stored (Ref st _) _)) = loadHead st hid
+storeHead :: forall a m. MonadIO m => HeadType a => Storage -> a -> m (Head a)
+storeHead st obj = liftIO $ do
+ let tid = headTypeID @a Proxy
+ hid <- HeadID <$> U.nextRandom
+ stored <- wrappedStore st obj
+ case stBacking st of
+ StorageDir { dirPath = spath } -> do
+ Right () <- writeFileChecked (headPath spath tid hid) Nothing $
+ showRef (storedRef stored) `B.append` BC.singleton '\n'
+ return ()
+ StorageMemory { memHeads = theads } -> do
+ modifyMVar_ theads $ return . (((tid, hid), storedRef stored) :)
+ return $ Head hid stored
+replaceHead :: forall a m. (HeadType a, MonadIO m) => Head a -> Stored a -> m (Either (Maybe (Head a)) (Head a))
+replaceHead prev@(Head hid pobj) stored' = liftIO $ do
+ let st = headStorage prev
+ tid = headTypeID @a Proxy
+ stored <- copyStored st stored'
+ case stBacking st of
+ StorageDir { dirPath = spath } -> do
+ let filename = headPath spath tid hid
+ showRefL r = showRef r `B.append` BC.singleton '\n'
+ writeFileChecked filename (Just $ showRefL $ headRef prev) (showRefL $ storedRef stored) >>= \case
+ Left Nothing -> return $ Left Nothing
+ Left (Just bs) -> do Just oref <- readRef st $ BC.takeWhile (/='\n') bs
+ return $ Left $ Just $ Head hid $ wrappedLoad oref
+ Right () -> return $ Right $ Head hid stored
+ StorageMemory { memHeads = theads, memWatchers = twatch } -> do
+ res <- modifyMVar theads $ \hs -> do
+ ws <- map wlFun . filter ((==(tid, hid)) . wlHead) . wlList <$> readMVar twatch
+ return $ case partition ((==(tid, hid)) . fst) hs of
+ ([] , _ ) -> (hs, Left Nothing)
+ ((_, r):_, hs') | r == storedRef pobj -> (((tid, hid), storedRef stored) : hs',
+ Right (Head hid stored, ws))
+ | otherwise -> (hs, Left $ Just $ Head hid $ wrappedLoad r)
+ case res of
+ Right (h, ws) -> mapM_ ($ headRef h) ws >> return (Right h)
+ Left x -> return $ Left x
+updateHead :: (HeadType a, MonadIO m) => Head a -> (Stored a -> m (Stored a, b)) -> m (Maybe (Head a), b)
+updateHead h f = do
+ (o, x) <- f $ headStoredObject h
+ replaceHead h o >>= \case
+ Right h' -> return (Just h', x)
+ Left Nothing -> return (Nothing, x)
+ Left (Just h') -> updateHead h' f
+updateHead_ :: (HeadType a, MonadIO m) => Head a -> (Stored a -> m (Stored a)) -> m (Maybe (Head a))
+updateHead_ h = fmap fst . updateHead h . (fmap (,()) .)
+data WatchedHead = forall a. WatchedHead Storage WatchID (MVar a)
+watchHead :: forall a. HeadType a => Head a -> (Head a -> IO ()) -> IO WatchedHead
+watchHead h = watchHeadWith h id
+watchHeadWith :: forall a b. (HeadType a, Eq b) => Head a -> (Head a -> b) -> (b -> IO ()) -> IO WatchedHead
+watchHeadWith oh@(Head hid (Stored (Ref st _) _)) sel cb = do
+ memo <- newEmptyMVar
+ let tid = headTypeID @a Proxy
+ addWatcher wl = (wl', WatchedHead st (wlNext wl) memo)
+ where wl' = wl { wlNext = wlNext wl + 1
+ , wlList = WatchListItem
+ { wlID = wlNext wl
+ , wlHead = (tid, hid)
+ , wlFun = \r -> do
+ let x = sel $ Head hid $ wrappedLoad r
+ modifyMVar_ memo $ \prev -> do
+ when (x /= prev) $ cb x
+ return x
+ } : wlList wl
+ }
+ watched <- case stBacking st of
+ StorageDir { dirPath = spath, dirWatchers = mvar } -> modifyMVar mvar $ \(ilist, wl) -> do
+ ilist' <- case lookup tid ilist of
+ Just _ -> return ilist
+ Nothing -> do
+ inotify <- initINotify
+ void $ addWatch inotify [Move] (BC.pack $ headTypePath spath tid) $ \case
+ MovedIn { filePath = fpath } | Just ihid <- HeadID <$> U.fromASCIIBytes fpath -> do
+ loadHead @a st ihid >>= \case
+ Just h -> mapM_ ($ headRef h) . map wlFun . filter ((== (tid, ihid)) . wlHead) . wlList . snd =<< readMVar mvar
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ _ -> return ()
+ return $ (tid, inotify) : ilist
+ return $ first (ilist',) $ addWatcher wl
+ StorageMemory { memWatchers = mvar } -> modifyMVar mvar $ return . addWatcher
+ cur <- sel . maybe oh id <$> reloadHead oh
+ cb cur
+ putMVar memo cur
+ return watched
+unwatchHead :: WatchedHead -> IO ()
+unwatchHead (WatchedHead st wid _) = do
+ let delWatcher wl = wl { wlList = filter ((/=wid) . wlID) $ wlList wl }
+ case stBacking st of
+ StorageDir { dirWatchers = mvar } -> modifyMVar_ mvar $ return . second delWatcher
+ StorageMemory { memWatchers = mvar } -> modifyMVar_ mvar $ return . delWatcher
+class Monad m => MonadStorage m where
+ getStorage :: m Storage
+ mstore :: Storable a => a -> m (Stored a)
+ default mstore :: MonadIO m => Storable a => a -> m (Stored a)
+ mstore x = do
+ st <- getStorage
+ wrappedStore st x
+instance MonadIO m => MonadStorage (ReaderT Storage m) where
+ getStorage = ask
+instance MonadIO m => MonadStorage (ReaderT (Head a) m) where
+ getStorage = asks $ headStorage
+class Storable a where
+ store' :: a -> Store
+ load' :: Load a
+ store :: StorageCompleteness c => Storage' c -> a -> IO (Ref' c)
+ store st = unsafeStoreObject st <=< evalStore st . store'
+ load :: Ref -> a
+ load ref = let Load f = load'
+ in either (error {- TODO throw -} . ((BC.unpack (showRef ref) ++ ": ")++)) id $ runReaderT f (ref, lazyLoadObject ref)
+class Storable a => ZeroStorable a where
+ fromZero :: Storage -> a
+data Store = StoreBlob ByteString
+ | StoreRec (forall c. StorageCompleteness c => Storage' c -> [IO [(ByteString, RecItem' c)]])
+ | StoreZero
+evalStore :: StorageCompleteness c => Storage' c -> Store -> IO (Object' c)
+evalStore _ (StoreBlob x) = return $ Blob x
+evalStore s (StoreRec f) = Rec . concat <$> sequence (f s)
+evalStore _ StoreZero = return ZeroObject
+type StoreRec c = ReaderT (Storage' c) (Writer [IO [(ByteString, RecItem' c)]]) ()
+newtype Load a = Load (ReaderT (Ref, Object) (Either String) a)
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad, MonadPlus, MonadReader (Ref, Object), MonadError String)
+type LoadRec a = ReaderT (Ref, [(ByteString, RecItem)]) (Either String) a
+instance Storable Object where
+ store' (Blob bs) = StoreBlob bs
+ store' (Rec xs) = StoreRec $ \st -> return $ do
+ Rec xs' <- copyObject st (Rec xs)
+ return xs'
+ store' ZeroObject = StoreZero
+ load' = asks snd
+ store st = unsafeStoreObject st <=< copyObject st
+ load = lazyLoadObject
+instance Storable ByteString where
+ store' = storeBlob
+ load' = loadBlob id
+instance Storable a => Storable [a] where
+ store' [] = storeZero
+ store' (x:xs) = storeRec $ do
+ storeRef "i" x
+ storeRef "n" xs
+ load' = asks snd >>= \case
+ ZeroObject -> return []
+ _ -> loadRec $ (:)
+ <$> loadRef "i"
+ <*> loadRef "n"
+instance Storable a => ZeroStorable [a] where
+ fromZero _ = []
+storeBlob :: ByteString -> Store
+storeBlob = StoreBlob
+storeRec :: (forall c. StorageCompleteness c => StoreRec c) -> Store
+storeRec r = StoreRec $ execWriter . runReaderT r
+storeZero :: Store
+storeZero = StoreZero
+class StorableText a where
+ toText :: a -> Text
+ fromText :: MonadError String m => Text -> m a
+instance StorableText Text where
+ toText = id; fromText = return
+instance StorableText [Char] where
+ toText = T.pack; fromText = return . T.unpack
+instance StorableText MIME.Type where
+ toText = MIME.showType
+ fromText = maybe (throwError "Malformed MIME type") return . MIME.parseMIMEType
+class StorableDate a where
+ toDate :: a -> ZonedTime
+ fromDate :: ZonedTime -> a
+instance StorableDate ZonedTime where
+ toDate = id; fromDate = id
+instance StorableDate UTCTime where
+ toDate = utcToZonedTime utc
+ fromDate = zonedTimeToUTC
+instance StorableDate Day where
+ toDate day = toDate $ UTCTime day 0
+ fromDate = utctDay . fromDate
+class StorableUUID a where
+ toUUID :: a -> UUID
+ fromUUID :: UUID -> a
+instance StorableUUID UUID where
+ toUUID = id; fromUUID = id
+storeEmpty :: String -> StoreRec c
+storeEmpty name = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecEmpty)]]
+storeMbEmpty :: String -> Maybe () -> StoreRec c
+storeMbEmpty name = maybe (return ()) (const $ storeEmpty name)
+storeInt :: Integral a => String -> a -> StoreRec c
+storeInt name x = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecInt $ toInteger x)]]
+storeMbInt :: Integral a => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec c
+storeMbInt name = maybe (return ()) (storeInt name)
+storeNum :: (Real a, Fractional a) => String -> a -> StoreRec c
+storeNum name x = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecNum $ toRational x)]]
+storeMbNum :: (Real a, Fractional a) => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec c
+storeMbNum name = maybe (return ()) (storeNum name)
+storeText :: StorableText a => String -> a -> StoreRec c
+storeText name x = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecText $ toText x)]]
+storeMbText :: StorableText a => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec c
+storeMbText name = maybe (return ()) (storeText name)
+storeBinary :: BA.ByteArrayAccess a => String -> a -> StoreRec c
+storeBinary name x = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecBinary $ BA.convert x)]]
+storeMbBinary :: BA.ByteArrayAccess a => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec c
+storeMbBinary name = maybe (return ()) (storeBinary name)
+storeDate :: StorableDate a => String -> a -> StoreRec c
+storeDate name x = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecDate $ toDate x)]]
+storeMbDate :: StorableDate a => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec c
+storeMbDate name = maybe (return ()) (storeDate name)
+storeUUID :: StorableUUID a => String -> a -> StoreRec c
+storeUUID name x = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecUUID $ toUUID x)]]
+storeMbUUID :: StorableUUID a => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec c
+storeMbUUID name = maybe (return ()) (storeUUID name)
+storeJson :: J.ToJSON a => String -> a -> StoreRec c
+storeJson name x = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecJson $ J.toJSON x)]]
+storeMbJson :: J.ToJSON a => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec c
+storeMbJson name = maybe (return ()) (storeJson name)
+storeRef :: Storable a => StorageCompleteness c => String -> a -> StoreRec c
+storeRef name x = do
+ s <- ask
+ tell $ (:[]) $ do
+ ref <- store s x
+ return [(BC.pack name, RecRef ref)]
+storeMbRef :: Storable a => StorageCompleteness c => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec c
+storeMbRef name = maybe (return ()) (storeRef name)
+storeRawRef :: StorageCompleteness c => String -> Ref -> StoreRec c
+storeRawRef name ref = do
+ st <- ask
+ tell $ (:[]) $ do
+ ref' <- copyRef st ref
+ return [(BC.pack name, RecRef ref')]
+storeMbRawRef :: StorageCompleteness c => String -> Maybe Ref -> StoreRec c
+storeMbRawRef name = maybe (return ()) (storeRawRef name)
+storeZRef :: (ZeroStorable a, StorageCompleteness c) => String -> a -> StoreRec c
+storeZRef name x = do
+ s <- ask
+ tell $ (:[]) $ do
+ ref <- store s x
+ return $ if isZeroRef ref then []
+ else [(BC.pack name, RecRef ref)]
+loadBlob :: (ByteString -> a) -> Load a
+loadBlob f = asks snd >>= \case
+ Blob x -> return $ f x
+ _ -> throwError "Expecting blob"
+loadRec :: LoadRec a -> Load a
+loadRec lrec = ask >>= \case
+ (ref, Rec rs) -> either throwError return $ runReaderT lrec (ref, rs)
+ _ -> throwError "Expecting record"
+loadZero :: a -> Load a
+loadZero x = asks snd >>= \case
+ ZeroObject -> return x
+ _ -> throwError "Expecting zero"
+loadEmpty :: String -> LoadRec ()
+loadEmpty name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record item '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbEmpty name
+loadMbEmpty :: String -> LoadRec (Maybe ())
+loadMbEmpty name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (RecEmpty) -> return (Just ())
+ Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type int of record item '"++name++"'"
+loadInt :: Num a => String -> LoadRec a
+loadInt name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record item '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbInt name
+loadMbInt :: Num a => String -> LoadRec (Maybe a)
+loadMbInt name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (RecInt x) -> return (Just $ fromInteger x)
+ Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type int of record item '"++name++"'"
+loadNum :: (Real a, Fractional a) => String -> LoadRec a
+loadNum name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record item '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbNum name
+loadMbNum :: (Real a, Fractional a) => String -> LoadRec (Maybe a)
+loadMbNum name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (RecNum x) -> return (Just $ fromRational x)
+ Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type number of record item '"++name++"'"
+loadText :: StorableText a => String -> LoadRec a
+loadText name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record item '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbText name
+loadMbText :: StorableText a => String -> LoadRec (Maybe a)
+loadMbText name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (RecText x) -> Just <$> fromText x
+ Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type text of record item '"++name++"'"
+loadTexts :: StorableText a => String -> LoadRec [a]
+loadTexts name = do
+ items <- map snd . filter ((BC.pack name ==) . fst) <$> asks snd
+ forM items $ \case RecText x -> fromText x
+ _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type text of record item '"++name++"'"
+loadBinary :: BA.ByteArray a => String -> LoadRec a
+loadBinary name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record item '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbBinary name
+loadMbBinary :: BA.ByteArray a => String -> LoadRec (Maybe a)
+loadMbBinary name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (RecBinary x) -> return $ Just $ BA.convert x
+ Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type binary of record item '"++name++"'"
+loadBinaries :: BA.ByteArray a => String -> LoadRec [a]
+loadBinaries name = do
+ items <- map snd . filter ((BC.pack name ==) . fst) <$> asks snd
+ forM items $ \case RecBinary x -> return $ BA.convert x
+ _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type binary of record item '"++name++"'"
+loadDate :: StorableDate a => String -> LoadRec a
+loadDate name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record item '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbDate name
+loadMbDate :: StorableDate a => String -> LoadRec (Maybe a)
+loadMbDate name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (RecDate x) -> return $ Just $ fromDate x
+ Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type date of record item '"++name++"'"
+loadUUID :: StorableUUID a => String -> LoadRec a
+loadUUID name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record iteem '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbUUID name
+loadMbUUID :: StorableUUID a => String -> LoadRec (Maybe a)
+loadMbUUID name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (RecUUID x) -> return $ Just $ fromUUID x
+ Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type UUID of record item '"++name++"'"
+loadJson :: J.FromJSON a => String -> LoadRec a
+loadJson name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record item '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbJson name
+loadMbJson :: J.FromJSON a => String -> LoadRec (Maybe a)
+loadMbJson name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (RecJson v) -> case J.fromJSON v of
+ J.Error err -> throwError err
+ J.Success x -> return (Just x)
+ Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type JSON of record item '"++name++"'"
+loadRawRef :: String -> LoadRec Ref
+loadRawRef name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record item '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbRawRef name
+loadMbRawRef :: String -> LoadRec (Maybe Ref)
+loadMbRawRef name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (RecRef x) -> return (Just x)
+ Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type ref of record item '"++name++"'"
+loadRawRefs :: String -> LoadRec [Ref]
+loadRawRefs name = do
+ items <- map snd . filter ((BC.pack name ==) . fst) <$> asks snd
+ forM items $ \case RecRef x -> return x
+ _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type ref of record item '"++name++"'"
+loadRef :: Storable a => String -> LoadRec a
+loadRef name = load <$> loadRawRef name
+loadMbRef :: Storable a => String -> LoadRec (Maybe a)
+loadMbRef name = fmap load <$> loadMbRawRef name
+loadRefs :: Storable a => String -> LoadRec [a]
+loadRefs name = map load <$> loadRawRefs name
+loadZRef :: ZeroStorable a => String -> LoadRec a
+loadZRef name = loadMbRef name >>= \case
+ Nothing -> do Ref st _ <- asks fst
+ return $ fromZero st
+ Just x -> return x
+type Stored a = Stored' Complete a
+instance Storable a => Storable (Stored a) where
+ store st = copyRef st . storedRef
+ store' (Stored _ x) = store' x
+ load' = Stored <$> asks fst <*> load'
+instance ZeroStorable a => ZeroStorable (Stored a) where
+ fromZero st = Stored (zeroRef st) $ fromZero st
+fromStored :: Stored a -> a
+fromStored (Stored _ x) = x
+storedRef :: Stored a -> Ref
+storedRef (Stored ref _) = ref
+wrappedStore :: MonadIO m => Storable a => Storage -> a -> m (Stored a)
+wrappedStore st x = do ref <- liftIO $ store st x
+ return $ Stored ref x
+wrappedLoad :: Storable a => Ref -> Stored a
+wrappedLoad ref = Stored ref (load ref)
+copyStored :: forall c c' m a. (StorageCompleteness c, StorageCompleteness c', MonadIO m) =>
+ Storage' c' -> Stored' c a -> m (LoadResult c (Stored' c' a))
+copyStored st (Stored ref' x) = liftIO $ returnLoadResult . fmap (flip Stored x) <$> copyRef' st ref'
+-- |Passed function needs to preserve the object representation to be safe
+unsafeMapStored :: (a -> b) -> Stored a -> Stored b
+unsafeMapStored f (Stored ref x) = Stored ref (f x)
+data StoreInfo = StoreInfo
+ { infoDate :: ZonedTime
+ , infoNote :: Maybe Text
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+makeStoreInfo :: IO StoreInfo
+makeStoreInfo = StoreInfo
+ <$> getZonedTime
+ <*> pure Nothing
+storeInfoRec :: StoreInfo -> StoreRec c
+storeInfoRec info = do
+ storeDate "date" $ infoDate info
+ storeMbText "note" $ infoNote info
+loadInfoRec :: LoadRec StoreInfo
+loadInfoRec = StoreInfo
+ <$> loadDate "date"
+ <*> loadMbText "note"
+data History a = History StoreInfo (Stored a) (Maybe (StoredHistory a))
+ deriving (Show)
+type StoredHistory a = Stored (History a)
+instance Storable a => Storable (History a) where
+ store' (History si x prev) = storeRec $ do
+ storeInfoRec si
+ storeMbRef "prev" prev
+ storeRef "item" x
+ load' = loadRec $ History
+ <$> loadInfoRec
+ <*> loadRef "item"
+ <*> loadMbRef "prev"
+fromHistory :: StoredHistory a -> a
+fromHistory = fromStored . storedFromHistory
+fromHistoryAt :: ZonedTime -> StoredHistory a -> Maybe a
+fromHistoryAt zat = fmap (fromStored . snd) . listToMaybe . dropWhile ((at<) . zonedTimeToUTC . fst) . storedHistoryTimedList
+ where at = zonedTimeToUTC zat
+storedFromHistory :: StoredHistory a -> Stored a
+storedFromHistory sh = let History _ item _ = fromStored sh
+ in item
+storedHistoryList :: StoredHistory a -> [Stored a]
+storedHistoryList = map snd . storedHistoryTimedList
+storedHistoryTimedList :: StoredHistory a -> [(ZonedTime, Stored a)]
+storedHistoryTimedList sh = let History hinfo item prev = fromStored sh
+ in (infoDate hinfo, item) : maybe [] storedHistoryTimedList prev
+beginHistory :: Storable a => Storage -> StoreInfo -> a -> IO (StoredHistory a)
+beginHistory st si x = do sx <- wrappedStore st x
+ wrappedStore st $ History si sx Nothing
+modifyHistory :: Storable a => StoreInfo -> (a -> a) -> StoredHistory a -> IO (StoredHistory a)
+modifyHistory si f prev@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = do
+ sx <- wrappedStore st $ f $ fromHistory prev
+ wrappedStore st $ History si sx (Just prev)
+showRatio :: Rational -> String
+showRatio r = case decimalRatio r of
+ Just (n, 1) -> show n
+ Just (n', d) -> let n = abs n'
+ in (if n' < 0 then "-" else "") ++ show (n `div` d) ++ "." ++
+ (concatMap (show.(`mod` 10).snd) $ reverse $ takeWhile ((>1).fst) $ zip (iterate (`div` 10) d) (iterate (`div` 10) (n `mod` d)))
+ Nothing -> show (numerator r) ++ "/" ++ show (denominator r)
+decimalRatio :: Rational -> Maybe (Integer, Integer)
+decimalRatio r = do
+ let n = numerator r
+ d = denominator r
+ (c2, d') = takeFactors 2 d
+ (c5, d'') = takeFactors 5 d'
+ guard $ d'' == 1
+ let m = if c2 > c5 then 5 ^ (c2 - c5)
+ else 2 ^ (c5 - c2)
+ return (n * m, d * m)
+takeFactors :: Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
+takeFactors f n | n `mod` f == 0 = let (c, n') = takeFactors f (n `div` f)
+ in (c+1, n')
+ | otherwise = (0, n)
+parseRatio :: ByteString -> Maybe Rational
+parseRatio bs = case BC.groupBy ((==) `on` isNumber) bs of
+ (m:xs) | m == BC.pack "-" -> negate <$> positive xs
+ xs -> positive xs
+ where positive = \case
+ [bx] -> fromInteger . fst <$> BC.readInteger bx
+ [bx, op, by] -> do
+ (x, _) <- BC.readInteger bx
+ (y, _) <- BC.readInteger by
+ case BC.unpack op of
+ "." -> return $ (x % 1) + (y % (10 ^ BC.length by))
+ "/" -> return $ x % y
+ _ -> Nothing
+ _ -> Nothing
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Storage/Internal.hs b/src/Erebos/Storage/Internal.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47d344f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Storage/Internal.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+module Erebos.Storage.Internal where
+import Codec.Compression.Zlib
+import Control.Arrow
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.DeepSeq
+import Control.Exception
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Identity
+import Crypto.Hash
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.ByteArray (ByteArray, ByteArrayAccess, ScrubbedBytes)
+import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
+import Data.Char
+import Data.Function
+import Data.Hashable
+import qualified Data.HashTable.IO as HT
+import Data.Kind
+import Data.List
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.UUID (UUID)
+import Foreign.Storable (peek)
+import System.Directory
+import System.FilePath
+import System.INotify (INotify)
+import System.IO
+import System.IO.Error
+import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
+import System.Posix.Files
+import System.Posix.IO
+data Storage' c = Storage
+ { stBacking :: StorageBacking c
+ , stParent :: Maybe (Storage' Identity)
+ , stRefGeneration :: MVar (HT.BasicHashTable RefDigest Generation)
+ , stRefRoots :: MVar (HT.BasicHashTable RefDigest [RefDigest])
+ }
+instance Eq (Storage' c) where
+ (==) = (==) `on` (stBacking &&& stParent)
+instance Show (Storage' c) where
+ show st@(Storage { stBacking = StorageDir { dirPath = path }}) = "dir" ++ showParentStorage st ++ ":" ++ path
+ show st@(Storage { stBacking = StorageMemory {} }) = "mem" ++ showParentStorage st
+showParentStorage :: Storage' c -> String
+showParentStorage Storage { stParent = Nothing } = ""
+showParentStorage Storage { stParent = Just st } = "@" ++ show st
+data StorageBacking c
+ = StorageDir { dirPath :: FilePath
+ , dirWatchers :: MVar ([(HeadTypeID, INotify)], WatchList c)
+ }
+ | StorageMemory { memHeads :: MVar [((HeadTypeID, HeadID), Ref' c)]
+ , memObjs :: MVar (Map RefDigest BL.ByteString)
+ , memKeys :: MVar (Map RefDigest ScrubbedBytes)
+ , memWatchers :: MVar (WatchList c)
+ }
+ deriving (Eq)
+newtype WatchID = WatchID Int
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Num)
+data WatchList c = WatchList
+ { wlNext :: WatchID
+ , wlList :: [WatchListItem c]
+ }
+data WatchListItem c = WatchListItem
+ { wlID :: WatchID
+ , wlHead :: (HeadTypeID, HeadID)
+ , wlFun :: Ref' c -> IO ()
+ }
+newtype RefDigest = RefDigest (Digest Blake2b_256)
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, NFData, ByteArrayAccess)
+instance Show RefDigest where
+ show = BC.unpack . showRefDigest
+data Ref' c = Ref (Storage' c) RefDigest
+instance Eq (Ref' c) where
+ Ref _ d1 == Ref _ d2 = d1 == d2
+instance Show (Ref' c) where
+ show ref@(Ref st _) = show st ++ ":" ++ BC.unpack (showRef ref)
+instance ByteArrayAccess (Ref' c) where
+ length (Ref _ dgst) = BA.length dgst
+ withByteArray (Ref _ dgst) = BA.withByteArray dgst
+instance Hashable RefDigest where
+ hashWithSalt salt ref = salt `xor` unsafePerformIO (BA.withByteArray ref peek)
+instance Hashable (Ref' c) where
+ hashWithSalt salt ref = salt `xor` unsafePerformIO (BA.withByteArray ref peek)
+refStorage :: Ref' c -> Storage' c
+refStorage (Ref st _) = st
+refDigest :: Ref' c -> RefDigest
+refDigest (Ref _ dgst) = dgst
+showRef :: Ref' c -> ByteString
+showRef = showRefDigest . refDigest
+showRefDigestParts :: RefDigest -> (ByteString, ByteString)
+showRefDigestParts x = (BC.pack "blake2", showHex x)
+showRefDigest :: RefDigest -> ByteString
+showRefDigest = showRefDigestParts >>> \(alg, hex) -> alg <> BC.pack "#" <> hex
+readRefDigest :: ByteString -> Maybe RefDigest
+readRefDigest x = case BC.split '#' x of
+ [alg, dgst] | BA.convert alg == BC.pack "blake2" ->
+ refDigestFromByteString =<< readHex @ByteString dgst
+ _ -> Nothing
+refDigestFromByteString :: ByteArrayAccess ba => ba -> Maybe RefDigest
+refDigestFromByteString = fmap RefDigest . digestFromByteString
+hashToRefDigest :: BL.ByteString -> RefDigest
+hashToRefDigest = RefDigest . hashFinalize . hashUpdates hashInit . BL.toChunks
+showHex :: ByteArrayAccess ba => ba -> ByteString
+showHex = B.concat . map showHexByte . BA.unpack
+ where showHexChar x | x < 10 = x + o '0'
+ | otherwise = x + o 'a' - 10
+ showHexByte x = B.pack [ showHexChar (x `div` 16), showHexChar (x `mod` 16) ]
+ o = fromIntegral . ord
+readHex :: ByteArray ba => ByteString -> Maybe ba
+readHex = return . BA.concat <=< readHex'
+ where readHex' bs | B.null bs = Just []
+ readHex' bs = do (bx, bs') <- B.uncons bs
+ (by, bs'') <- B.uncons bs'
+ x <- hexDigit bx
+ y <- hexDigit by
+ (B.singleton (x * 16 + y) :) <$> readHex' bs''
+ hexDigit x | x >= o '0' && x <= o '9' = Just $ x - o '0'
+ | x >= o 'a' && x <= o 'z' = Just $ x - o 'a' + 10
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ o = fromIntegral . ord
+newtype Generation = Generation Int
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+data Head' c a = Head HeadID (Stored' c a)
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+newtype HeadID = HeadID UUID
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+newtype HeadTypeID = HeadTypeID UUID
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
+data Stored' c a = Stored (Ref' c) a
+ deriving (Show)
+instance Eq (Stored' c a) where
+ Stored r1 _ == Stored r2 _ = refDigest r1 == refDigest r2
+instance Ord (Stored' c a) where
+ compare (Stored r1 _) (Stored r2 _) = compare (refDigest r1) (refDigest r2)
+storedStorage :: Stored' c a -> Storage' c
+storedStorage (Stored (Ref st _) _) = st
+type Complete = Identity
+type Partial = Either RefDigest
+class (Traversable compl, Monad compl) => StorageCompleteness compl where
+ type LoadResult compl a :: Type
+ returnLoadResult :: compl a -> LoadResult compl a
+ ioLoadBytes :: Ref' compl -> IO (compl BL.ByteString)
+instance StorageCompleteness Complete where
+ type LoadResult Complete a = a
+ returnLoadResult = runIdentity
+ ioLoadBytes ref@(Ref st dgst) = maybe (error $ "Ref not found in complete storage: "++show ref) Identity
+ <$> ioLoadBytesFromStorage st dgst
+instance StorageCompleteness Partial where
+ type LoadResult Partial a = Either RefDigest a
+ returnLoadResult = id
+ ioLoadBytes (Ref st dgst) = maybe (Left dgst) Right <$> ioLoadBytesFromStorage st dgst
+unsafeStoreRawBytes :: Storage' c -> BL.ByteString -> IO (Ref' c)
+unsafeStoreRawBytes st raw = do
+ let dgst = hashToRefDigest raw
+ case stBacking st of
+ StorageDir { dirPath = sdir } -> writeFileOnce (refPath sdir dgst) $ compress raw
+ StorageMemory { memObjs = tobjs } ->
+ dgst `deepseq` -- the TVar may be accessed when evaluating the data to be written
+ modifyMVar_ tobjs (return . M.insert dgst raw)
+ return $ Ref st dgst
+ioLoadBytesFromStorage :: Storage' c -> RefDigest -> IO (Maybe BL.ByteString)
+ioLoadBytesFromStorage st dgst = loadCurrent st >>=
+ \case Just bytes -> return $ Just bytes
+ Nothing | Just parent <- stParent st -> ioLoadBytesFromStorage parent dgst
+ | otherwise -> return Nothing
+ where loadCurrent Storage { stBacking = StorageDir { dirPath = spath } } = handleJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) (const $ return Nothing) $
+ Just . decompress . BL.fromChunks . (:[]) <$> (B.readFile $ refPath spath dgst)
+ loadCurrent Storage { stBacking = StorageMemory { memObjs = tobjs } } = M.lookup dgst <$> readMVar tobjs
+refPath :: FilePath -> RefDigest -> FilePath
+refPath spath rdgst = intercalate "/" [spath, "objects", BC.unpack alg, pref, rest]
+ where (alg, dgst) = showRefDigestParts rdgst
+ (pref, rest) = splitAt 2 $ BC.unpack dgst
+openLockFile :: FilePath -> IO Handle
+openLockFile path = do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory path)
+ fd <- retry 10 $
+ openFd path WriteOnly (Just $ unionFileModes ownerReadMode ownerWriteMode) (defaultFileFlags { exclusive = True })
+ fdToHandle fd
+ where
+ retry :: Int -> IO a -> IO a
+ retry 0 act = act
+ retry n act = catchJust (\e -> if isAlreadyExistsError e then Just () else Nothing)
+ act (\_ -> threadDelay (100 * 1000) >> retry (n - 1) act)
+writeFileOnce :: FilePath -> BL.ByteString -> IO ()
+writeFileOnce file content = bracket (openLockFile locked)
+ hClose $ \h -> do
+ fileExist file >>= \case
+ True -> removeLink locked
+ False -> do BL.hPut h content
+ hFlush h
+ rename locked file
+ where locked = file ++ ".lock"
+writeFileChecked :: FilePath -> Maybe ByteString -> ByteString -> IO (Either (Maybe ByteString) ())
+writeFileChecked file prev content = bracket (openLockFile locked)
+ hClose $ \h -> do
+ (prev,) <$> fileExist file >>= \case
+ (Nothing, True) -> do
+ current <- B.readFile file
+ removeLink locked
+ return $ Left $ Just current
+ (Nothing, False) -> do B.hPut h content
+ hFlush h
+ rename locked file
+ return $ Right ()
+ (Just expected, True) -> do
+ current <- B.readFile file
+ if current == expected then do B.hPut h content
+ hFlush h
+ rename locked file
+ return $ return ()
+ else do removeLink locked
+ return $ Left $ Just current
+ (Just _, False) -> do
+ removeLink locked
+ return $ Left Nothing
+ where locked = file ++ ".lock"
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Storage/Key.hs b/src/Erebos/Storage/Key.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a97976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Storage/Key.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+module Erebos.Storage.Key (
+ KeyPair(..),
+ storeKey, loadKey, loadKeyMb,
+ moveKeys,
+) where
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Data.ByteArray
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import System.Directory
+import System.FilePath
+import System.IO.Error
+import Erebos.Storage
+import Erebos.Storage.Internal
+class Storable pub => KeyPair sec pub | sec -> pub, pub -> sec where
+ generateKeys :: Storage -> IO (sec, Stored pub)
+ keyGetPublic :: sec -> Stored pub
+ keyGetData :: sec -> ScrubbedBytes
+ keyFromData :: ScrubbedBytes -> Stored pub -> Maybe sec
+keyFilePath :: KeyPair sec pub => FilePath -> Stored pub -> FilePath
+keyFilePath sdir pkey = sdir </> "keys" </> (BC.unpack $ showRef $ storedRef pkey)
+storeKey :: KeyPair sec pub => sec -> IO ()
+storeKey key = do
+ let spub = keyGetPublic key
+ case stBacking $ storedStorage spub of
+ StorageDir { dirPath = dir } -> writeFileOnce (keyFilePath dir spub) (BL.fromStrict $ convert $ keyGetData key)
+ StorageMemory { memKeys = kstore } -> modifyMVar_ kstore $ return . M.insert (refDigest $ storedRef spub) (keyGetData key)
+loadKey :: (KeyPair sec pub, MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => Stored pub -> m sec
+loadKey pub = maybe (throwError $ "secret key not found for " <> show (storedRef pub)) return =<< loadKeyMb pub
+loadKeyMb :: (KeyPair sec pub, MonadIO m) => Stored pub -> m (Maybe sec)
+loadKeyMb spub = liftIO $ run $ storedStorage spub
+ where
+ run st = tryOneLevel (stBacking st) >>= \case
+ key@Just {} -> return key
+ Nothing | Just parent <- stParent st -> run parent
+ | otherwise -> return Nothing
+ tryOneLevel = \case
+ StorageDir { dirPath = dir } -> tryIOError (BC.readFile (keyFilePath dir spub)) >>= \case
+ Right kdata -> return $ keyFromData (convert kdata) spub
+ Left _ -> return Nothing
+ StorageMemory { memKeys = kstore } -> (flip keyFromData spub <=< M.lookup (refDigest $ storedRef spub)) <$> readMVar kstore
+moveKeys :: MonadIO m => Storage -> Storage -> m ()
+moveKeys from to = liftIO $ do
+ case (stBacking from, stBacking to) of
+ (StorageDir { dirPath = fromPath }, StorageDir { dirPath = toPath }) -> do
+ files <- listDirectory (fromPath </> "keys")
+ forM_ files $ \file -> do
+ renameFile (fromPath </> "keys" </> file) (toPath </> "keys" </> file)
+ (StorageDir { dirPath = fromPath }, StorageMemory { memKeys = toKeys }) -> do
+ let move m file
+ | Just dgst <- readRefDigest (BC.pack file) = do
+ let path = fromPath </> "keys" </> file
+ key <- convert <$> BC.readFile path
+ removeFile path
+ return $ M.insert dgst key m
+ | otherwise = return m
+ files <- listDirectory (fromPath </> "keys")
+ modifyMVar_ toKeys $ \keys -> foldM move keys files
+ (StorageMemory { memKeys = fromKeys }, StorageDir { dirPath = toPath }) -> do
+ modifyMVar_ fromKeys $ \keys -> do
+ forM_ (M.assocs keys) $ \(dgst, key) ->
+ writeFileOnce (toPath </> "keys" </> (BC.unpack $ showRefDigest dgst)) (BL.fromStrict $ convert key)
+ return M.empty
+ (StorageMemory { memKeys = fromKeys }, StorageMemory { memKeys = toKeys }) -> do
+ modifyMVar_ fromKeys $ \fkeys -> do
+ modifyMVar_ toKeys $ return . M.union fkeys
+ return M.empty
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Storage/List.hs b/src/Erebos/Storage/List.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef56c60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Storage/List.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+module Erebos.Storage.List (
+ StoredList,
+ emptySList, fromSList, storedFromSList,
+ slistAdd, slistAddS,
+ -- TODO slistInsert, slistInsertS,
+ slistRemove, slistReplace, slistReplaceS,
+ -- TODO mapFromSList, updateOld,
+ -- TODO StoreUpdate(..),
+ -- TODO withStoredListItem, withStoredListItemS,
+) where
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Erebos.Storage
+import Erebos.Storage.Internal
+import Erebos.Storage.Merge
+data List a = ListNil
+ | ListItem { listPrev :: [StoredList a]
+ , listItem :: Maybe (Stored a)
+ , listRemove :: Maybe (Stored (List a))
+ }
+type StoredList a = Stored (List a)
+instance Storable a => Storable (List a) where
+ store' ListNil = storeZero
+ store' x@ListItem {} = storeRec $ do
+ mapM_ (storeRef "PREV") $ listPrev x
+ mapM_ (storeRef "item") $ listItem x
+ mapM_ (storeRef "remove") $ listRemove x
+ load' = asks snd >>= \case
+ ZeroObject -> return ListNil
+ _ -> loadRec $ ListItem <$> loadRefs "PREV"
+ <*> loadMbRef "item"
+ <*> loadMbRef "remove"
+instance Storable a => ZeroStorable (List a) where
+ fromZero _ = ListNil
+emptySList :: Storable a => Storage -> IO (StoredList a)
+emptySList st = wrappedStore st ListNil
+groupsFromSLists :: forall a. Storable a => StoredList a -> [[Stored a]]
+groupsFromSLists = helperSelect S.empty . (:[])
+ where
+ helperSelect :: S.Set (StoredList a) -> [StoredList a] -> [[Stored a]]
+ helperSelect rs xxs | x:xs <- sort $ filterRemoved rs xxs = helper rs x xs
+ | otherwise = []
+ helper :: S.Set (StoredList a) -> StoredList a -> [StoredList a] -> [[Stored a]]
+ helper rs x xs
+ | ListNil <- fromStored x
+ = []
+ | Just rm <- listRemove (fromStored x)
+ , ans <- ancestors [x]
+ , (other, collision) <- partition (S.null . S.intersection ans . ancestors . (:[])) xs
+ , cont <- helperSelect (rs `S.union` ancestors [rm]) $ concatMap (listPrev . fromStored) (x : collision) ++ other
+ = case catMaybes $ map (listItem . fromStored) (x : collision) of
+ [] -> cont
+ xis -> xis : cont
+ | otherwise = case listItem (fromStored x) of
+ Nothing -> helperSelect rs $ listPrev (fromStored x) ++ xs
+ Just xi -> [xi] : (helperSelect rs $ listPrev (fromStored x) ++ xs)
+ filterRemoved :: S.Set (StoredList a) -> [StoredList a] -> [StoredList a]
+ filterRemoved rs = filter (S.null . S.intersection rs . ancestors . (:[]))
+fromSList :: Mergeable a => StoredList (Component a) -> [a]
+fromSList = map merge . groupsFromSLists
+storedFromSList :: (Mergeable a, Storable a) => StoredList (Component a) -> IO [Stored a]
+storedFromSList = mapM storeMerge . groupsFromSLists
+slistAdd :: Storable a => a -> StoredList a -> IO (StoredList a)
+slistAdd x prev@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = do
+ sx <- wrappedStore st x
+ slistAddS sx prev
+slistAddS :: Storable a => Stored a -> StoredList a -> IO (StoredList a)
+slistAddS sx prev@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = wrappedStore st (ListItem [prev] (Just sx) Nothing)
+{- TODO
+slistInsert :: Storable a => Stored a -> a -> StoredList a -> IO (StoredList a)
+slistInsert after x prev@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = do
+ sx <- wrappedStore st x
+ slistInsertS after sx prev
+slistInsertS :: Storable a => Stored a -> Stored a -> StoredList a -> IO (StoredList a)
+slistInsertS after sx prev@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = wrappedStore st $ ListItem Nothing (findSListRef after prev) (Just sx) prev
+slistRemove :: Storable a => Stored a -> StoredList a -> IO (StoredList a)
+slistRemove rm prev@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = wrappedStore st $ ListItem [prev] Nothing (findSListRef rm prev)
+slistReplace :: Storable a => Stored a -> a -> StoredList a -> IO (StoredList a)
+slistReplace rm x prev@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = do
+ sx <- wrappedStore st x
+ slistReplaceS rm sx prev
+slistReplaceS :: Storable a => Stored a -> Stored a -> StoredList a -> IO (StoredList a)
+slistReplaceS rm sx prev@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = wrappedStore st $ ListItem [prev] (Just sx) (findSListRef rm prev)
+findSListRef :: Stored a -> StoredList a -> Maybe (StoredList a)
+findSListRef _ (Stored _ ListNil) = Nothing
+findSListRef x cur | listItem (fromStored cur) == Just x = Just cur
+ | otherwise = listToMaybe $ catMaybes $ map (findSListRef x) $ listPrev $ fromStored cur
+{- TODO
+mapFromSList :: Storable a => StoredList a -> Map RefDigest (Stored a)
+mapFromSList list = helper list M.empty
+ where helper :: Storable a => StoredList a -> Map RefDigest (Stored a) -> Map RefDigest (Stored a)
+ helper (Stored _ ListNil) cur = cur
+ helper (Stored _ (ListItem (Just rref) _ (Just x) rest)) cur =
+ let rxref = case load rref of
+ ListItem _ _ (Just rx) _ -> sameType rx x $ storedRef rx
+ _ -> error "mapFromSList: malformed list"
+ in helper rest $ case M.lookup (refDigest $ storedRef x) cur of
+ Nothing -> M.insert (refDigest rxref) x cur
+ Just x' -> M.insert (refDigest rxref) x' cur
+ helper (Stored _ (ListItem _ _ _ rest)) cur = helper rest cur
+ sameType :: a -> a -> b -> b
+ sameType _ _ x = x
+updateOld :: Map RefDigest (Stored a) -> Stored a -> Stored a
+updateOld m x = fromMaybe x $ M.lookup (refDigest $ storedRef x) m
+data StoreUpdate a = StoreKeep
+ | StoreReplace a
+ | StoreRemove
+withStoredListItem :: (Storable a) => (a -> Bool) -> StoredList a -> (a -> IO (StoreUpdate a)) -> IO (StoredList a)
+withStoredListItem p list f = withStoredListItemS (p . fromStored) list (suMap (wrappedStore $ storedStorage list) <=< f . fromStored)
+ where suMap :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> StoreUpdate a -> m (StoreUpdate b)
+ suMap _ StoreKeep = return StoreKeep
+ suMap g (StoreReplace x) = return . StoreReplace =<< g x
+ suMap _ StoreRemove = return StoreRemove
+withStoredListItemS :: (Storable a) => (Stored a -> Bool) -> StoredList a -> (Stored a -> IO (StoreUpdate (Stored a))) -> IO (StoredList a)
+withStoredListItemS p list f = do
+ case find p $ storedFromSList list of
+ Just sx -> f sx >>= \case StoreKeep -> return list
+ StoreReplace nx -> slistReplaceS sx nx list
+ StoreRemove -> slistRemove sx list
+ Nothing -> return list
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Storage/Merge.hs b/src/Erebos/Storage/Merge.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7234b87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Storage/Merge.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+module Erebos.Storage.Merge (
+ Mergeable(..),
+ merge, storeMerge,
+ Generation,
+ showGeneration,
+ compareGeneration, generationMax,
+ storedGeneration,
+ generations,
+ ancestors,
+ precedes,
+ filterAncestors,
+ storedRoots,
+ walkAncestors,
+ findProperty,
+ findPropertyFirst,
+) where
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as BC
+import Data.HashTable.IO qualified as HT
+import Data.Kind
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import Data.Set qualified as S
+import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
+import Erebos.Storage
+import Erebos.Storage.Internal
+import Erebos.Util
+class Storable (Component a) => Mergeable a where
+ type Component a :: Type
+ mergeSorted :: [Stored (Component a)] -> a
+ toComponents :: a -> [Stored (Component a)]
+instance Mergeable [Stored Object] where
+ type Component [Stored Object] = Object
+ mergeSorted = id
+ toComponents = id
+merge :: Mergeable a => [Stored (Component a)] -> a
+merge [] = error "merge: empty list"
+merge xs = mergeSorted $ filterAncestors xs
+storeMerge :: (Mergeable a, Storable a) => [Stored (Component a)] -> IO (Stored a)
+storeMerge [] = error "merge: empty list"
+storeMerge xs@(Stored ref _ : _) = wrappedStore (refStorage ref) $ mergeSorted $ filterAncestors xs
+previous :: Storable a => Stored a -> [Stored a]
+previous (Stored ref _) = case load ref of
+ Rec items | Just (RecRef dref) <- lookup (BC.pack "SDATA") items
+ , Rec ditems <- load dref ->
+ map wrappedLoad $ catMaybes $ map (\case RecRef r -> Just r; _ -> Nothing) $
+ map snd $ filter ((`elem` [ BC.pack "SPREV", BC.pack "SBASE" ]) . fst) ditems
+ | otherwise ->
+ map wrappedLoad $ catMaybes $ map (\case RecRef r -> Just r; _ -> Nothing) $
+ map snd $ filter ((`elem` [ BC.pack "PREV", BC.pack "BASE" ]) . fst) items
+ _ -> []
+nextGeneration :: [Generation] -> Generation
+nextGeneration = foldl' helper (Generation 0)
+ where helper (Generation c) (Generation n) | c <= n = Generation (n + 1)
+ | otherwise = Generation c
+showGeneration :: Generation -> String
+showGeneration (Generation x) = show x
+compareGeneration :: Generation -> Generation -> Maybe Ordering
+compareGeneration (Generation x) (Generation y) = Just $ compare x y
+generationMax :: Storable a => [Stored a] -> Maybe (Stored a)
+generationMax (x : xs) = Just $ snd $ foldl' helper (storedGeneration x, x) xs
+ where helper (mg, mx) y = let yg = storedGeneration y
+ in case compareGeneration mg yg of
+ Just LT -> (yg, y)
+ _ -> (mg, mx)
+generationMax [] = Nothing
+storedGeneration :: Storable a => Stored a -> Generation
+storedGeneration x =
+ unsafePerformIO $ withMVar (stRefGeneration $ refStorage $ storedRef x) $ \ht -> do
+ let doLookup y = HT.lookup ht (refDigest $ storedRef y) >>= \case
+ Just gen -> return gen
+ Nothing -> do
+ gen <- nextGeneration <$> mapM doLookup (previous y)
+ HT.insert ht (refDigest $ storedRef y) gen
+ return gen
+ doLookup x
+generations :: Storable a => [Stored a] -> [Set (Stored a)]
+generations = unfoldr gen . (,S.empty)
+ where gen (hs, cur) = case filter (`S.notMember` cur) $ previous =<< hs of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ added -> let next = foldr S.insert cur added
+ in Just (next, (added, next))
+ancestors :: Storable a => [Stored a] -> Set (Stored a)
+ancestors = last . (S.empty:) . generations
+precedes :: Storable a => Stored a -> Stored a -> Bool
+precedes x y = not $ x `elem` filterAncestors [x, y]
+filterAncestors :: Storable a => [Stored a] -> [Stored a]
+filterAncestors [x] = [x]
+filterAncestors xs = let xs' = uniq $ sort xs
+ in helper xs' xs'
+ where helper remains walk = case generationMax walk of
+ Just x -> let px = previous x
+ remains' = filter (\r -> all (/=r) px) remains
+ in helper remains' $ uniq $ sort (px ++ filter (/=x) walk)
+ Nothing -> remains
+storedRoots :: Storable a => Stored a -> [Stored a]
+storedRoots x = do
+ let st = refStorage $ storedRef x
+ unsafePerformIO $ withMVar (stRefRoots st) $ \ht -> do
+ let doLookup y = HT.lookup ht (refDigest $ storedRef y) >>= \case
+ Just roots -> return roots
+ Nothing -> do
+ roots <- case previous y of
+ [] -> return [refDigest $ storedRef y]
+ ps -> map (refDigest . storedRef) . filterAncestors . map (wrappedLoad @Object . Ref st) . concat <$> mapM doLookup ps
+ HT.insert ht (refDigest $ storedRef y) roots
+ return roots
+ map (wrappedLoad . Ref st) <$> doLookup x
+walkAncestors :: (Storable a, Monoid m) => (Stored a -> m) -> [Stored a] -> m
+walkAncestors f = helper . sortBy cmp
+ where
+ helper (x : y : xs) | x == y = helper (x : xs)
+ helper (x : xs) = f x <> helper (mergeBy cmp (sortBy cmp (previous x)) xs)
+ helper [] = mempty
+ cmp x y = case compareGeneration (storedGeneration x) (storedGeneration y) of
+ Just LT -> GT
+ Just GT -> LT
+ _ -> compare x y
+findProperty :: forall a b. Storable a => (a -> Maybe b) -> [Stored a] -> [b]
+findProperty sel = map (fromJust . sel . fromStored) . filterAncestors . (findPropHeads sel =<<)
+findPropertyFirst :: forall a b. Storable a => (a -> Maybe b) -> [Stored a] -> Maybe b
+findPropertyFirst sel = fmap (fromJust . sel . fromStored) . listToMaybe . filterAncestors . (findPropHeads sel =<<)
+findPropHeads :: forall a b. Storable a => (a -> Maybe b) -> Stored a -> [Stored a]
+findPropHeads sel sobj | Just _ <- sel $ fromStored sobj = [sobj]
+ | otherwise = findPropHeads sel =<< previous sobj
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Sync.hs b/src/Erebos/Sync.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04b5f11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Sync.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+module Erebos.Sync (
+ SyncService(..),
+) where
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Data.List
+import Erebos.Identity
+import Erebos.Service
+import Erebos.State
+import Erebos.Storage
+import Erebos.Storage.Merge
+data SyncService = SyncPacket (Stored SharedState)
+instance Service SyncService where
+ serviceID _ = mkServiceID "a4f538d0-4e50-4082-8e10-7e3ec2af175d"
+ serviceHandler packet = do
+ let SyncPacket added = fromStored packet
+ pid <- asks svcPeerIdentity
+ self <- svcSelf
+ when (finalOwner pid `sameIdentity` finalOwner self) $ do
+ updateLocalHead_ $ \ls -> do
+ let current = sort $ lsShared $ fromStored ls
+ updated = filterAncestors (added : current)
+ if current /= updated
+ then mstore (fromStored ls) { lsShared = updated }
+ else return ls
+ serviceNewPeer = notifyPeer . lsShared . fromStored =<< svcGetLocal
+ serviceStorageWatchers _ = (:[]) $ SomeStorageWatcher (lsShared . fromStored) notifyPeer
+instance Storable SyncService where
+ store' (SyncPacket smsg) = store' smsg
+ load' = SyncPacket <$> load'
+notifyPeer :: [Stored SharedState] -> ServiceHandler SyncService ()
+notifyPeer shared = do
+ pid <- asks svcPeerIdentity
+ self <- svcSelf
+ when (finalOwner pid `sameIdentity` finalOwner self) $ do
+ forM_ shared $ \sh ->
+ replyStoredRef =<< (mstore . SyncPacket) sh
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Util.hs b/src/Erebos/Util.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffca9c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Util.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+module Erebos.Util where
+uniq :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
+uniq (x:y:xs) | x == y = uniq (x:xs)
+ | otherwise = x : uniq (y:xs)
+uniq xs = xs
+mergeBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+mergeBy cmp (x : xs) (y : ys) = case cmp x y of
+ LT -> x : mergeBy cmp xs (y : ys)
+ EQ -> x : y : mergeBy cmp xs ys
+ GT -> y : mergeBy cmp (x : xs) ys
+mergeBy _ xs [] = xs
+mergeBy _ [] ys = ys
+mergeUniqBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+mergeUniqBy cmp (x : xs) (y : ys) = case cmp x y of
+ LT -> x : mergeBy cmp xs (y : ys)
+ EQ -> x : mergeBy cmp xs ys
+ GT -> y : mergeBy cmp (x : xs) ys
+mergeUniqBy _ xs [] = xs
+mergeUniqBy _ [] ys = ys
+mergeUniq :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+mergeUniq = mergeUniqBy compare
+diffSorted :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+diffSorted (x:xs) (y:ys) | x < y = x : diffSorted xs (y:ys)
+ | x > y = diffSorted (x:xs) ys
+ | otherwise = diffSorted xs (y:ys)
+diffSorted xs _ = xs
+intersectsSorted :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
+intersectsSorted (x:xs) (y:ys) | x < y = intersectsSorted xs (y:ys)
+ | x > y = intersectsSorted (x:xs) ys
+ | otherwise = True
+intersectsSorted _ _ = False