path: root/src/Storage.hs
diff options
authorRoman Smrž <>2020-06-17 22:30:47 +0200
committerRoman Smrž <>2020-06-17 22:30:47 +0200
commita4437f0479a721aeebac305e403b88b18a5f7d5f (patch)
tree075e7db76a5a0c2021dec61a8bad2620ad01fd08 /src/Storage.hs
parentb08e5a3e6d82ca5e5a2e29e791a2e61bf08964a4 (diff)
Storage: typed heads
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Storage.hs')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/src/Storage.hs b/src/Storage.hs
index 5a5d992..92a1e1f 100644
--- a/src/Storage.hs
+++ b/src/Storage.hs
@@ -16,9 +16,11 @@ module Storage (
collectObjects, collectStoredObjects,
- Head,
- headName, headRef, headObject,
- loadHeads, loadHead, loadHeadDef, replaceHead,
+ Head, HeadType(..),
+ HeadTypeID, mkHeadTypeID,
+ headId, headRef, headObject, headStoredObject,
+ loadHeads, loadHead, reloadHead,
+ storeHead, replaceHead, updateHead, updateHead_,
Storable(..), ZeroStorable(..),
@@ -88,10 +90,13 @@ import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Time.LocalTime
+import Data.Typeable
import Data.UUID (UUID)
import qualified Data.UUID as U
+import qualified Data.UUID.V4 as U
import System.Directory
+import System.FilePath
import System.INotify
import System.IO.Error
import System.IO.Unsafe
@@ -106,7 +111,7 @@ openStorage :: FilePath -> IO Storage
openStorage path = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ path ++ "/objects"
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ path ++ "/heads"
- watchers <- newMVar (Nothing, [])
+ watchers <- newMVar ([], [])
refgen <- newMVar =<<
return $ Storage { stBacking = StorageDir path watchers, stParent = Nothing, stRefGeneration = refgen }
@@ -357,90 +362,137 @@ collectOtherStored seen _ = ([], seen)
type Head = Head' Complete
-headName :: Head -> String
-headName (Head name _) = name
+headId :: Head a -> HeadID
+headId (Head uuid _) = uuid
-headRef :: Head -> Ref
-headRef (Head _ ref) = ref
+headRef :: Head a -> Ref
+headRef (Head _ sx) = storedRef sx
-headObject :: Storable a => Head -> a
-headObject = load . headRef
+headObject :: Head a -> a
+headObject (Head _ sx) = fromStored sx
+headStoredObject :: Head a -> Stored a
+headStoredObject (Head _ sx) = sx
+deriving instance StorableUUID HeadID
+deriving instance StorableUUID HeadTypeID
+mkHeadTypeID :: String -> HeadTypeID
+mkHeadTypeID = maybe (error "Invalid head type ID") HeadTypeID . U.fromString
+class Storable a => HeadType a where
+ headTypeID :: proxy a -> HeadTypeID
-loadHeads :: Storage -> IO [Head]
-loadHeads s@(Storage { stBacking = StorageDir { dirPath = spath }}) = do
- let hpath = spath ++ "/heads/"
- files <- filterM (doesFileExist . (hpath++)) =<< getDirectoryContents hpath
- forM files $ \hname -> do
- (h:_) <- BC.lines <$> B.readFile (hpath ++ "/" ++ hname)
- Just ref <- readRef s h
- return $ Head hname ref
-loadHeads Storage { stBacking = StorageMemory { memHeads = theads } } = readMVar theads
-loadHead :: Storage -> String -> IO (Maybe Head)
-loadHead s@(Storage { stBacking = StorageDir { dirPath = spath }}) hname = do
+headTypePath :: FilePath -> HeadTypeID -> FilePath
+headTypePath spath (HeadTypeID tid) = spath </> "heads" </> U.toString tid
+headPath :: FilePath -> HeadTypeID -> HeadID -> FilePath
+headPath spath tid (HeadID hid) = headTypePath spath tid </> U.toString hid
+loadHeads :: forall a. HeadType a => Storage -> IO [Head a]
+loadHeads s@(Storage { stBacking = StorageDir { dirPath = spath }}) = do
+ let hpath = headTypePath spath $ headTypeID @a Proxy
+ files <- filterM (doesFileExist . (hpath </>)) =<<
+ handleJust (\e -> guard (isDoesNotExistError e)) (const $ return [])
+ (getDirectoryContents hpath)
+ fmap catMaybes $ forM files $ \hname -> do
+ case U.fromString hname of
+ Just hid -> do
+ (h:_) <- BC.lines <$> B.readFile (hpath </> hname)
+ Just ref <- readRef s h
+ return $ Just $ Head (HeadID hid) $ wrappedLoad ref
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+loadHeads Storage { stBacking = StorageMemory { memHeads = theads } } = do
+ let toHead ((tid, hid), ref) | tid == headTypeID @a Proxy = Just $ Head hid $ wrappedLoad ref
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ catMaybes . map toHead <$> readMVar theads
+loadHead :: forall a. HeadType a => Storage -> HeadID -> IO (Maybe (Head a))
+loadHead s@(Storage { stBacking = StorageDir { dirPath = spath }}) hid = do
handleJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) (const $ return Nothing) $ do
- let hpath = spath ++ "/heads/"
- (h:_) <- BC.lines <$> B.readFile (hpath ++ hname)
+ (h:_) <- BC.lines <$> B.readFile (headPath spath (headTypeID @a Proxy) hid)
Just ref <- readRef s h
- return $ Just $ Head hname ref
-loadHead Storage { stBacking = StorageMemory { memHeads = theads } } hname =
- find ((==hname) . headName) <$> readMVar theads
-loadHeadDef :: Storable a => Storage -> String -> IO a -> IO Head
-loadHeadDef s hname gen = loadHead s hname >>= \case
- Just h -> return h
- Nothing -> do obj <- gen
- Right h <- replaceHead obj (Left (s, hname))
- return h
-replaceHead :: Storable a => a -> Either (Storage, String) Head -> IO (Either (Maybe Head) Head)
-replaceHead obj prev = do
- let (st, name) = either id (\(Head n (Ref s _)) -> (s, n)) prev
- ref <- store st obj
+ return $ Just $ Head hid $ wrappedLoad ref
+loadHead Storage { stBacking = StorageMemory { memHeads = theads } } hid = do
+ fmap (Head hid . wrappedLoad) . lookup (headTypeID @a Proxy, hid) <$> readMVar theads
+reloadHead :: HeadType a => Head a -> IO (Maybe (Head a))
+reloadHead (Head hid (Stored (Ref st _) _)) = loadHead st hid
+storeHead :: forall a. HeadType a => Storage -> a -> IO (Head a)
+storeHead st obj = do
+ let tid = headTypeID @a Proxy
+ hid <- HeadID <$> U.nextRandom
+ stored <- wrappedStore st obj
+ case stBacking st of
+ StorageDir { dirPath = spath } -> do
+ Right () <- writeFileChecked (headPath spath tid hid) Nothing $
+ showRef (storedRef stored) `B.append` BC.singleton '\n'
+ return ()
+ StorageMemory { memHeads = theads } -> do
+ modifyMVar_ theads $ return . (((tid, hid), storedRef stored) :)
+ return $ Head hid stored
+replaceHead :: forall a. HeadType a => Head a -> Stored a -> IO (Either (Maybe (Head a)) (Head a))
+replaceHead prev@(Head hid pobj) stored = do
+ let st = storedStorage pobj
+ tid = headTypeID @a Proxy
case stBacking st of
StorageDir { dirPath = spath } -> do
- let filename = spath ++ "/heads/" ++ name
+ let filename = headPath spath tid hid
showRefL r = showRef r `B.append` BC.singleton '\n'
- writeFileChecked filename (either (const Nothing) (Just . showRefL . headRef) prev) (showRefL ref) >>= \case
+ writeFileChecked filename (Just $ showRefL $ headRef prev) (showRefL $ storedRef stored) >>= \case
Left Nothing -> return $ Left Nothing
Left (Just bs) -> do Just oref <- readRef st $ BC.takeWhile (/='\n') bs
- return $ Left $ Just $ Head name oref
- Right () -> return $ Right $ Head name ref
+ return $ Left $ Just $ Head hid $ wrappedLoad oref
+ Right () -> return $ Right $ Head hid stored
StorageMemory { memHeads = theads, memWatchers = twatch } -> do
res <- modifyMVar theads $ \hs -> do
- ws <- map snd . filter ((==name) . fst) <$> readMVar twatch
- case (partition ((== name) . headName) hs, prev) of
- (([], _), Left _) -> let h = Head name ref
- in return (h:hs, Right (h, ws))
- (([], _), Right _) -> return (hs, Left Nothing)
- ((h:_, _), Left _) -> return (hs, Left (Just h))
- ((h:_, hs'), Right h') | headRef h == headRef h' -> let nh = Head name ref
- in return (nh:hs', Right (nh, ws))
- | otherwise -> return (hs, Left (Just h))
+ ws <- map snd . filter ((==(tid, hid)) . fst) <$> readMVar twatch
+ return $ case partition ((==(tid, hid)) . fst) hs of
+ ([] , _ ) -> (hs, Left Nothing)
+ ((_, r):_, hs') | r == storedRef pobj -> (((tid, hid), storedRef stored) : hs',
+ Right (Head hid stored, ws))
+ | otherwise -> (hs, Left $ Just $ Head hid $ wrappedLoad r)
case res of
- Right (h, ws) -> mapM_ ($h) ws >> return (Right h)
+ Right (h, ws) -> mapM_ ($ headRef h) ws >> return (Right h)
Left x -> return $ Left x
-watchHead :: Head -> (Head -> IO ()) -> IO ()
-watchHead (Head name (Ref st _)) cb = do
+updateHead :: HeadType a => Head a -> (Stored a -> IO (Stored a, b)) -> IO (Maybe (Head a), b)
+updateHead h f = do
+ (o, x) <- f $ headStoredObject h
+ replaceHead h o >>= \case
+ Right h' -> return (Just h', x)
+ Left Nothing -> return (Nothing, x)
+ Left (Just h') -> updateHead h' f
+updateHead_ :: HeadType a => Head a -> (Stored a -> IO (Stored a)) -> IO (Maybe (Head a))
+updateHead_ h = fmap fst . updateHead h . (fmap (,()) .)
+watchHead :: forall a. HeadType a => Head a -> (Head a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+watchHead (Head hid (Stored (Ref st _) _)) cb = do
+ let cb' = cb . Head hid . wrappedLoad
+ tid = headTypeID @a Proxy
case stBacking st of
- StorageDir { dirPath = spath, dirWatchers = mvar } -> modifyMVar_ mvar $ \(mbi, watchers) -> do
- inotify <- (\f -> maybe f return mbi) $ do
- inotify <- initINotify
- void $ addWatch inotify [Move] (BC.pack $ spath ++ "/heads") $ \case
- MovedIn { filePath = fpath } -> do
- let cname = BC.unpack fpath
- loadHead st cname >>= \case
- Just h -> mapM_ ($h) . map snd . filter ((== cname) . fst) . snd =<< readMVar mvar
- Nothing -> return ()
- _ -> return ()
- return inotify
- return (Just inotify, (name, cb) : watchers)
- StorageMemory { memWatchers = mvar } -> modifyMVar_ mvar $ return . ((name, cb) :)
+ StorageDir { dirPath = spath, dirWatchers = mvar } -> modifyMVar_ mvar $ \(ilist, watchers) -> do
+ ilist' <- case lookup tid ilist of
+ Just _ -> return ilist
+ Nothing -> do
+ inotify <- initINotify
+ void $ addWatch inotify [Move] (BC.pack $ headTypePath spath tid) $ \case
+ MovedIn { filePath = fpath } | Just ihid <- HeadID <$> U.fromASCIIBytes fpath -> do
+ loadHead @a st ihid >>= \case
+ Just h -> mapM_ ($ headRef h) . map snd . filter ((== (tid, ihid)) . fst) . snd =<< readMVar mvar
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ _ -> return ()
+ return $ (tid, inotify) : ilist
+ return (ilist', ((tid, hid), cb') : watchers)
+ StorageMemory { memWatchers = mvar } -> modifyMVar_ mvar $ return . (((tid, hid), cb') :)
class Storable a where