path: root/src
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authorRoman Smrž <>2022-07-26 21:22:21 +0200
committerRoman Smrž <>2022-07-26 21:55:45 +0200
commit29773f1485076a5f6257c209274769c03220d22d (patch)
treeadf8c76e76abd32f18b108cfa85a7c4e4c138f9b /src
parent1f961a5a882d2626f0c6be28b03d86b8c257a855 (diff)
Explicit identities in pairing request
Actual device identities can change at any point during the pairing process, so it is necessary to fix the ones used for nonce confirmation and just initially verify that they belong to the respective sides.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/src/Pairing.hs b/src/Pairing.hs
index e122ba4..3af3435 100644
--- a/src/Pairing.hs
+++ b/src/Pairing.hs
@@ -27,21 +27,22 @@ import Data.Word
import Identity
import Network
+import PubKey
import Service
import State
import Storage
-data PairingService a = PairingRequest RefDigest
+data PairingService a = PairingRequest (Stored (Signed IdentityData)) (Stored (Signed IdentityData)) RefDigest
| PairingResponse Bytes
| PairingRequestNonce Bytes
| PairingAccept a
| PairingReject
data PairingState a = NoPairing
- | OurRequest Bytes
+ | OurRequest UnifiedIdentity UnifiedIdentity Bytes
| OurRequestConfirm (Maybe (PairingVerifiedResult a))
| OurRequestReady
- | PeerRequest Bytes RefDigest
+ | PeerRequest UnifiedIdentity UnifiedIdentity Bytes RefDigest
| PeerRequestConfirm
| PairingDone
@@ -75,7 +76,10 @@ class (Typeable a, Storable a) => PairingResult a where
instance Storable a => Storable (PairingService a) where
- store' (PairingRequest x) = storeRec $ storeBinary "request" x
+ store' (PairingRequest idReq idRsp x) = storeRec $ do
+ storeRef "id-req" idReq
+ storeRef "id-rsp" idRsp
+ storeBinary "request" x
store' (PairingResponse x) = storeRec $ storeBinary "response" x
store' (PairingRequestNonce x) = storeRec $ storeBinary "reqnonce" x
store' (PairingAccept x) = store' x
@@ -84,11 +88,13 @@ instance Storable a => Storable (PairingService a) where
load' = do
res <- loadRec $ do
(req :: Maybe Bytes) <- loadMbBinary "request"
+ idReq <- loadMbRef "id-req"
+ idRsp <- loadMbRef "id-rsp"
rsp <- loadMbBinary "response"
rnonce <- loadMbBinary "reqnonce"
(rej :: Maybe T.Text) <- loadMbText "reject"
return $ catMaybes
- [ PairingRequest <$> (refDigestFromByteString =<< req)
+ [ PairingRequest <$> idReq <*> idRsp <*> (refDigestFromByteString =<< req)
, PairingResponse <$> rsp
, PairingRequestNonce <$> rnonce
, const PairingReject <$> rej
@@ -108,10 +114,21 @@ instance PairingResult a => Service (PairingService a) where
emptyServiceState _ = NoPairing
serviceHandler spacket = ((,fromStored spacket) <$> svcGet) >>= \case
- (NoPairing, PairingRequest confirm) -> do
+ (NoPairing, PairingRequest pdata sdata confirm) -> do
+ self <- maybe (throwError "failed to validate received identity") return $ validateIdentity sdata
+ self' <- maybe (throwError "failed to validate own identity") return .
+ validateIdentity . lsIdentity . fromStored =<< svcGetLocal
+ when (not $ self `sameIdentity` self') $ do
+ throwError "pairing request to different identity"
+ peer <- maybe (throwError "failed to validate received peer identity") return $ validateIdentity pdata
+ peer' <- asks $ svcPeerIdentity
+ when (not $ peer `sameIdentity` peer') $ do
+ throwError "pairing request from different identity"
join $ asks $ pairingHookRequest . svcAttributes
nonce <- liftIO $ getRandomBytes 32
- svcSet $ PeerRequest nonce confirm
+ svcSet $ PeerRequest peer self nonce confirm
replyPacket $ PairingResponse nonce
(NoPairing, _) -> return ()
@@ -120,15 +137,12 @@ instance PairingResult a => Service (PairingService a) where
join $ asks $ pairingHookRejected . svcAttributes
svcSet NoPairing
- (OurRequest nonce, PairingResponse pnonce) -> do
- peer <- asks $ svcPeerIdentity
- self <- maybe (throwError "failed to validate own identity") return .
- validateIdentity . lsIdentity . fromStored =<< svcGetLocal
+ (OurRequest self peer nonce, PairingResponse pnonce) -> do
hook <- asks $ pairingHookResponse . svcAttributes
hook $ confirmationNumber $ nonceDigest self peer nonce pnonce
svcSet $ OurRequestConfirm Nothing
replyPacket $ PairingRequestNonce nonce
- x@(OurRequest _, _) -> reject $ uncurry PairingUnexpectedMessage x
+ x@(OurRequest {}, _) -> reject $ uncurry PairingUnexpectedMessage x
(OurRequestConfirm _, PairingAccept x) -> do
flip catchError (reject . PairingFailedOther) $ do
@@ -155,10 +169,7 @@ instance PairingResult a => Service (PairingService a) where
throwError ""
x@(OurRequestReady, _) -> reject $ uncurry PairingUnexpectedMessage x
- (PeerRequest nonce dgst, PairingRequestNonce pnonce) -> do
- peer <- asks $ svcPeerIdentity
- self <- maybe (throwError "failed to verify own identity") return .
- validateIdentity . lsIdentity . fromStored =<< svcGetLocal
+ (PeerRequest peer self nonce dgst, PairingRequestNonce pnonce) -> do
if dgst == nonceDigest peer self pnonce BA.empty
then do hook <- asks $ pairingHookRequestNonce . svcAttributes
hook $ confirmationNumber $ nonceDigest peer self pnonce nonce
@@ -166,7 +177,7 @@ instance PairingResult a => Service (PairingService a) where
else do join $ asks $ pairingHookRequestNonceFailed . svcAttributes
svcSet NoPairing
replyPacket PairingReject
- x@(PeerRequest _ _, _) -> reject $ uncurry PairingUnexpectedMessage x
+ x@(PeerRequest {}, _) -> reject $ uncurry PairingUnexpectedMessage x
x@(PeerRequestConfirm, _) -> reject $ uncurry PairingUnexpectedMessage x
reject :: PairingResult a => PairingFailureReason a -> ServiceHandler (PairingService a) ()
@@ -177,11 +188,11 @@ reject reason = do
nonceDigest :: UnifiedIdentity -> UnifiedIdentity -> Bytes -> Bytes -> RefDigest
-nonceDigest id1 id2 nonce1 nonce2 = hashToRefDigest $ serializeObject $ Rec
- [ (BC.pack "id", RecRef $ storedRef $ idData id1)
- , (BC.pack "id", RecRef $ storedRef $ idData id2)
- , (BC.pack "nonce", RecBinary $ convert nonce1)
- , (BC.pack "nonce", RecBinary $ convert nonce2)
+nonceDigest idReq idRsp nonceReq nonceRsp = hashToRefDigest $ serializeObject $ Rec
+ [ (BC.pack "id-req", RecRef $ storedRef $ idData idReq)
+ , (BC.pack "id-rsp", RecRef $ storedRef $ idData idRsp)
+ , (BC.pack "nonce-req", RecBinary $ convert nonceReq)
+ , (BC.pack "nonce-rsp", RecBinary $ convert nonceRsp)
confirmationNumber :: RefDigest -> String
@@ -198,7 +209,7 @@ pairingRequest _ peer = do
PeerIdentityFull pid -> return pid
_ -> throwError "incomplete peer identity"
sendToPeerWith @(PairingService a) peer $ \case
- NoPairing -> return (Just $ PairingRequest (nonceDigest self pid nonce BA.empty), OurRequest nonce)
+ NoPairing -> return (Just $ PairingRequest (idData self) (idData pid) (nonceDigest self pid nonce BA.empty), OurRequest self pid nonce)
_ -> throwError "already in progress"
pairingAccept :: forall a m proxy. (PairingResult a, MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => proxy a -> Peer -> m ()