path: root/src
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authorRoman Smrž <>2020-01-14 20:27:54 +0100
committerRoman Smrž <>2020-01-16 20:43:40 +0100
commit95e8a0478c3b5e4610fa28e408800cc027b2b85c (patch)
treeda1c40a299f28d69461a5976a3857c3c3214fbb5 /src
parent2e33437143d501356862699920897913b387dd0a (diff)
Storage: UUID record item type
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/Storage.hs b/src/Storage.hs
index 47f8af0..a9a5e3a 100644
--- a/src/Storage.hs
+++ b/src/Storage.hs
@@ -21,17 +21,17 @@ module Storage (
Storable(..), ZeroStorable(..),
- StorableText(..), StorableDate(..),
+ StorableText(..), StorableDate(..), StorableUUID(..),
storeBlob, storeRec, storeZero,
- storeInt, storeNum, storeText, storeBinary, storeDate, storeJson, storeRef, storeRawRef,
- storeMbInt, storeMbNum, storeMbText, storeMbBinary, storeMbDate, storeMbJson, storeMbRef, storeMbRawRef,
+ storeInt, storeNum, storeText, storeBinary, storeDate, storeUUID, storeJson, storeRef, storeRawRef,
+ storeMbInt, storeMbNum, storeMbText, storeMbBinary, storeMbDate, storeMbUUID, storeMbJson, storeMbRef, storeMbRawRef,
loadBlob, loadRec, loadZero,
- loadInt, loadNum, loadText, loadBinary, loadDate, loadJson, loadRef, loadRawRef,
- loadMbInt, loadMbNum, loadMbText, loadMbBinary, loadMbDate, loadMbJson, loadMbRef, loadMbRawRef,
+ loadInt, loadNum, loadText, loadBinary, loadDate, loadUUID, loadJson, loadRef, loadRawRef,
+ loadMbInt, loadMbNum, loadMbText, loadMbBinary, loadMbDate, loadMbUUID, loadMbJson, loadMbRef, loadMbRawRef,
loadBinaries, loadRefs,
@@ -86,6 +86,8 @@ import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Time.LocalTime
+import Data.UUID (UUID)
+import qualified Data.UUID as U
import System.Directory
import System.INotify
@@ -177,6 +179,7 @@ copyObject' st (Rec rs) = fmap Rec . sequence <$> mapM copyItem rs
RecText x -> return $ return $ RecText x
RecBinary x -> return $ return $ RecBinary x
RecDate x -> return $ return $ RecDate x
+ RecUUID x -> return $ return $ RecUUID x
RecJson x -> return $ return $ RecJson x
RecRef x -> fmap RecRef <$> copyRef' st x
copyObject' _ ZeroObject = return $ return ZeroObject
@@ -209,6 +212,7 @@ data RecItem' c
| RecText Text
| RecBinary ByteString
| RecDate ZonedTime
| RecJson J.Value
| RecRef (Ref' c)
deriving (Show)
@@ -252,6 +256,7 @@ serializeRecItem name (RecText x) = [name, BC.pack ":t", BC.singleton ' ', escap
escape c = BC.singleton c
serializeRecItem name (RecBinary x) = [name, BC.pack ":b ", convertToBase Base64 x, BC.singleton '\n']
serializeRecItem name (RecDate x) = [name, BC.pack ":d", BC.singleton ' ', BC.pack (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%s %z" x), BC.singleton '\n']
+serializeRecItem name (RecUUID x) = [name, BC.pack ":u", BC.singleton ' ', U.toASCIIBytes x, BC.singleton '\n']
serializeRecItem name (RecJson x) = [name, BC.pack ":j", BC.singleton ' '] ++ BL.toChunks (J.encode x) ++ [BC.singleton '\n']
serializeRecItem name (RecRef x) = [name, BC.pack ":r.b2 ", showRef x, BC.singleton '\n']
@@ -314,6 +319,7 @@ unsafeDeserializeObject st bytes =
"t" -> return $ RecText $ decodeUtf8With lenientDecode content
"b" -> either (const Nothing) (Just . RecBinary) $ convertFromBase Base64 content
"d" -> RecDate <$> parseTimeM False defaultTimeLocale "%s %z" (BC.unpack content)
+ "u" -> RecUUID <$> U.fromASCIIBytes content
"j" -> RecJson <$> J.decode (BL.fromStrict content)
"r.b2" -> RecRef . Ref st <$> readRefDigest content
_ -> Nothing
@@ -536,6 +542,14 @@ instance StorableDate Day where
fromDate = utctDay . fromDate
+class StorableUUID a where
+ toUUID :: a -> UUID
+ fromUUID :: UUID -> a
+instance StorableUUID UUID where
+ toUUID = id; fromUUID = id
storeInt :: Integral a => String -> a -> StoreRec c
storeInt name x = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecInt $ toInteger x)]]
@@ -566,6 +580,12 @@ storeDate name x = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecDate $ toDate x)]]
storeMbDate :: StorableDate a => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec c
storeMbDate name = maybe (return ()) (storeDate name)
+storeUUID :: StorableUUID a => String -> a -> StoreRec c
+storeUUID name x = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecUUID $ toUUID x)]]
+storeMbUUID :: StorableUUID a => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec c
+storeMbUUID name = maybe (return ()) (storeUUID name)
storeJson :: J.ToJSON a => String -> a -> StoreRec c
storeJson name x = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecJson $ J.toJSON x)]]
@@ -668,6 +688,15 @@ loadMbDate name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case
Just (RecDate x) -> return $ Just $ fromDate x
Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type date of record item '"++name++"'"
+loadUUID :: StorableUUID a => String -> LoadRec a
+loadUUID name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record iteem '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbUUID name
+loadMbUUID :: StorableUUID a => String -> LoadRec (Maybe a)
+loadMbUUID name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (RecUUID x) -> return $ Just $ fromUUID x
+ Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type UUID of record item '"++name++"'"
loadJson :: J.FromJSON a => String -> LoadRec a
loadJson name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record item '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbJson name