path: root/src/Erebos/Service.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Erebos/Service.hs')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Service.hs b/src/Erebos/Service.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8428d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Service.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+module Erebos.Service (
+ Service(..),
+ SomeService(..), someService, someServiceAttr, someServiceID,
+ SomeServiceState(..), fromServiceState, someServiceEmptyState,
+ SomeServiceGlobalState(..), fromServiceGlobalState, someServiceEmptyGlobalState,
+ SomeStorageWatcher(..),
+ ServiceID, mkServiceID,
+ ServiceHandler,
+ ServiceInput(..),
+ ServiceReply(..),
+ runServiceHandler,
+ svcGet, svcSet, svcModify,
+ svcGetGlobal, svcSetGlobal, svcModifyGlobal,
+ svcGetLocal, svcSetLocal,
+ svcSelf,
+ svcPrint,
+ replyPacket, replyStored, replyStoredRef,
+ afterCommit,
+) where
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Control.Monad.Writer
+import Data.Kind
+import Data.Typeable
+import Data.UUID (UUID)
+import qualified Data.UUID as U
+import Erebos.Identity
+import {-# SOURCE #-} Erebos.Network
+import Erebos.State
+import Erebos.Storage
+class (Typeable s, Storable s, Typeable (ServiceState s), Typeable (ServiceGlobalState s)) => Service s where
+ serviceID :: proxy s -> ServiceID
+ serviceHandler :: Stored s -> ServiceHandler s ()
+ serviceNewPeer :: ServiceHandler s ()
+ serviceNewPeer = return ()
+ type ServiceAttributes s = attr | attr -> s
+ type ServiceAttributes s = Proxy s
+ defaultServiceAttributes :: proxy s -> ServiceAttributes s
+ default defaultServiceAttributes :: ServiceAttributes s ~ Proxy s => proxy s -> ServiceAttributes s
+ defaultServiceAttributes _ = Proxy
+ type ServiceState s :: Type
+ type ServiceState s = ()
+ emptyServiceState :: proxy s -> ServiceState s
+ default emptyServiceState :: ServiceState s ~ () => proxy s -> ServiceState s
+ emptyServiceState _ = ()
+ type ServiceGlobalState s :: Type
+ type ServiceGlobalState s = ()
+ emptyServiceGlobalState :: proxy s -> ServiceGlobalState s
+ default emptyServiceGlobalState :: ServiceGlobalState s ~ () => proxy s -> ServiceGlobalState s
+ emptyServiceGlobalState _ = ()
+ serviceStorageWatchers :: proxy s -> [SomeStorageWatcher s]
+ serviceStorageWatchers _ = []
+data SomeService = forall s. Service s => SomeService (Proxy s) (ServiceAttributes s)
+someService :: forall s proxy. Service s => proxy s -> SomeService
+someService _ = SomeService @s Proxy (defaultServiceAttributes @s Proxy)
+someServiceAttr :: forall s. Service s => ServiceAttributes s -> SomeService
+someServiceAttr attr = SomeService @s Proxy attr
+someServiceID :: SomeService -> ServiceID
+someServiceID (SomeService s _) = serviceID s
+data SomeServiceState = forall s. Service s => SomeServiceState (Proxy s) (ServiceState s)
+fromServiceState :: Service s => proxy s -> SomeServiceState -> Maybe (ServiceState s)
+fromServiceState _ (SomeServiceState _ s) = cast s
+someServiceEmptyState :: SomeService -> SomeServiceState
+someServiceEmptyState (SomeService p _) = SomeServiceState p (emptyServiceState p)
+data SomeServiceGlobalState = forall s. Service s => SomeServiceGlobalState (Proxy s) (ServiceGlobalState s)
+fromServiceGlobalState :: Service s => proxy s -> SomeServiceGlobalState -> Maybe (ServiceGlobalState s)
+fromServiceGlobalState _ (SomeServiceGlobalState _ s) = cast s
+someServiceEmptyGlobalState :: SomeService -> SomeServiceGlobalState
+someServiceEmptyGlobalState (SomeService p _) = SomeServiceGlobalState p (emptyServiceGlobalState p)
+data SomeStorageWatcher s = forall a. Eq a => SomeStorageWatcher (Stored LocalState -> a) (a -> ServiceHandler s ())
+newtype ServiceID = ServiceID UUID
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, StorableUUID)
+mkServiceID :: String -> ServiceID
+mkServiceID = maybe (error "Invalid service ID") ServiceID . U.fromString
+data ServiceInput s = ServiceInput
+ { svcAttributes :: ServiceAttributes s
+ , svcPeer :: Peer
+ , svcPeerIdentity :: UnifiedIdentity
+ , svcServer :: Server
+ , svcPrintOp :: String -> IO ()
+ }
+data ServiceReply s = ServiceReply (Either s (Stored s)) Bool
+ | ServiceFinally (IO ())
+data ServiceHandlerState s = ServiceHandlerState
+ { svcValue :: ServiceState s
+ , svcGlobal :: ServiceGlobalState s
+ , svcLocal :: Stored LocalState
+ }
+newtype ServiceHandler s a = ServiceHandler (ReaderT (ServiceInput s) (WriterT [ServiceReply s] (StateT (ServiceHandlerState s) (ExceptT String IO))) a)
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader (ServiceInput s), MonadWriter [ServiceReply s], MonadState (ServiceHandlerState s), MonadError String, MonadIO)
+instance MonadStorage (ServiceHandler s) where
+ getStorage = asks $ peerStorage . svcPeer
+instance MonadHead LocalState (ServiceHandler s) where
+ updateLocalHead f = do
+ (ls, x) <- f =<< gets svcLocal
+ modify $ \s -> s { svcLocal = ls }
+ return x
+runServiceHandler :: Service s => Head LocalState -> ServiceInput s -> ServiceState s -> ServiceGlobalState s -> ServiceHandler s () -> IO ([ServiceReply s], (ServiceState s, ServiceGlobalState s))
+runServiceHandler h input svc global shandler = do
+ let sstate = ServiceHandlerState { svcValue = svc, svcGlobal = global, svcLocal = headStoredObject h }
+ ServiceHandler handler = shandler
+ (runExceptT $ flip runStateT sstate $ execWriterT $ flip runReaderT input $ handler) >>= \case
+ Left err -> do
+ svcPrintOp input $ "service failed: " ++ err
+ return ([], (svc, global))
+ Right (rsp, sstate')
+ | svcLocal sstate' == svcLocal sstate -> return (rsp, (svcValue sstate', svcGlobal sstate'))
+ | otherwise -> replaceHead h (svcLocal sstate') >>= \case
+ Left (Just h') -> runServiceHandler h' input svc global shandler
+ _ -> return (rsp, (svcValue sstate', svcGlobal sstate'))
+svcGet :: ServiceHandler s (ServiceState s)
+svcGet = gets svcValue
+svcSet :: ServiceState s -> ServiceHandler s ()
+svcSet x = modify $ \st -> st { svcValue = x }
+svcModify :: (ServiceState s -> ServiceState s) -> ServiceHandler s ()
+svcModify f = modify $ \st -> st { svcValue = f (svcValue st) }
+svcGetGlobal :: ServiceHandler s (ServiceGlobalState s)
+svcGetGlobal = gets svcGlobal
+svcSetGlobal :: ServiceGlobalState s -> ServiceHandler s ()
+svcSetGlobal x = modify $ \st -> st { svcGlobal = x }
+svcModifyGlobal :: (ServiceGlobalState s -> ServiceGlobalState s) -> ServiceHandler s ()
+svcModifyGlobal f = modify $ \st -> st { svcGlobal = f (svcGlobal st) }
+svcGetLocal :: ServiceHandler s (Stored LocalState)
+svcGetLocal = gets svcLocal
+svcSetLocal :: Stored LocalState -> ServiceHandler s ()
+svcSetLocal x = modify $ \st -> st { svcLocal = x }
+svcSelf :: ServiceHandler s UnifiedIdentity
+svcSelf = maybe (throwError "failed to validate own identity") return .
+ validateExtendedIdentity . lsIdentity . fromStored =<< svcGetLocal
+svcPrint :: String -> ServiceHandler s ()
+svcPrint str = afterCommit . ($ str) =<< asks svcPrintOp
+replyPacket :: Service s => s -> ServiceHandler s ()
+replyPacket x = tell [ServiceReply (Left x) True]
+replyStored :: Service s => Stored s -> ServiceHandler s ()
+replyStored x = tell [ServiceReply (Right x) True]
+replyStoredRef :: Service s => Stored s -> ServiceHandler s ()
+replyStoredRef x = tell [ServiceReply (Right x) False]
+afterCommit :: IO () -> ServiceHandler s ()
+afterCommit x = tell [ServiceFinally x]