path: root/src/Erebos/Storage/Merge.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Erebos/Storage/Merge.hs')
1 files changed, 163 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Storage/Merge.hs b/src/Erebos/Storage/Merge.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3b0fd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Storage/Merge.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+module Erebos.Storage.Merge (
+ Mergeable(..),
+ merge, storeMerge,
+ Generation,
+ showGeneration,
+ compareGeneration, generationMax,
+ storedGeneration,
+ generations,
+ ancestors,
+ precedes,
+ precedesOrEquals,
+ filterAncestors,
+ storedRoots,
+ walkAncestors,
+ findProperty,
+ findPropertyFirst,
+) where
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as BC
+import Data.HashTable.IO qualified as HT
+import Data.Kind
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import Data.Set qualified as S
+import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
+import Erebos.Storage
+import Erebos.Storage.Internal
+import Erebos.Util
+class Storable (Component a) => Mergeable a where
+ type Component a :: Type
+ mergeSorted :: [Stored (Component a)] -> a
+ toComponents :: a -> [Stored (Component a)]
+instance Mergeable [Stored Object] where
+ type Component [Stored Object] = Object
+ mergeSorted = id
+ toComponents = id
+merge :: Mergeable a => [Stored (Component a)] -> a
+merge [] = error "merge: empty list"
+merge xs = mergeSorted $ filterAncestors xs
+storeMerge :: (Mergeable a, Storable a) => [Stored (Component a)] -> IO (Stored a)
+storeMerge [] = error "merge: empty list"
+storeMerge xs@(Stored ref _ : _) = wrappedStore (refStorage ref) $ mergeSorted $ filterAncestors xs
+previous :: Storable a => Stored a -> [Stored a]
+previous (Stored ref _) = case load ref of
+ Rec items | Just (RecRef dref) <- lookup (BC.pack "SDATA") items
+ , Rec ditems <- load dref ->
+ map wrappedLoad $ catMaybes $ map (\case RecRef r -> Just r; _ -> Nothing) $
+ map snd $ filter ((`elem` [ BC.pack "SPREV", BC.pack "SBASE" ]) . fst) ditems
+ | otherwise ->
+ map wrappedLoad $ catMaybes $ map (\case RecRef r -> Just r; _ -> Nothing) $
+ map snd $ filter ((`elem` [ BC.pack "PREV", BC.pack "BASE" ]) . fst) items
+ _ -> []
+nextGeneration :: [Generation] -> Generation
+nextGeneration = foldl' helper (Generation 0)
+ where helper (Generation c) (Generation n) | c <= n = Generation (n + 1)
+ | otherwise = Generation c
+showGeneration :: Generation -> String
+showGeneration (Generation x) = show x
+compareGeneration :: Generation -> Generation -> Maybe Ordering
+compareGeneration (Generation x) (Generation y) = Just $ compare x y
+generationMax :: Storable a => [Stored a] -> Maybe (Stored a)
+generationMax (x : xs) = Just $ snd $ foldl' helper (storedGeneration x, x) xs
+ where helper (mg, mx) y = let yg = storedGeneration y
+ in case compareGeneration mg yg of
+ Just LT -> (yg, y)
+ _ -> (mg, mx)
+generationMax [] = Nothing
+storedGeneration :: Storable a => Stored a -> Generation
+storedGeneration x =
+ unsafePerformIO $ withMVar (stRefGeneration $ refStorage $ storedRef x) $ \ht -> do
+ let doLookup y = HT.lookup ht (refDigest $ storedRef y) >>= \case
+ Just gen -> return gen
+ Nothing -> do
+ gen <- nextGeneration <$> mapM doLookup (previous y)
+ HT.insert ht (refDigest $ storedRef y) gen
+ return gen
+ doLookup x
+-- |Returns list of sets starting with the set of given objects and
+-- intcrementally adding parents.
+generations :: Storable a => [Stored a] -> [Set (Stored a)]
+generations = unfoldr gen . (,S.empty)
+ where gen (hs, cur) = case filter (`S.notMember` cur) hs of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ added -> let next = foldr S.insert cur added
+ in Just (next, (previous =<< added, next))
+-- |Returns set containing all given objects and their ancestors
+ancestors :: Storable a => [Stored a] -> Set (Stored a)
+ancestors = last . (S.empty:) . generations
+precedes :: Storable a => Stored a -> Stored a -> Bool
+precedes x y = not $ x `elem` filterAncestors [x, y]
+precedesOrEquals :: Storable a => Stored a -> Stored a -> Bool
+precedesOrEquals x y = filterAncestors [ x, y ] == [ y ]
+filterAncestors :: Storable a => [Stored a] -> [Stored a]
+filterAncestors [x] = [x]
+filterAncestors xs = let xs' = uniq $ sort xs
+ in helper xs' xs'
+ where helper remains walk = case generationMax walk of
+ Just x -> let px = previous x
+ remains' = filter (\r -> all (/=r) px) remains
+ in helper remains' $ uniq $ sort (px ++ filter (/=x) walk)
+ Nothing -> remains
+storedRoots :: Storable a => Stored a -> [Stored a]
+storedRoots x = do
+ let st = refStorage $ storedRef x
+ unsafePerformIO $ withMVar (stRefRoots st) $ \ht -> do
+ let doLookup y = HT.lookup ht (refDigest $ storedRef y) >>= \case
+ Just roots -> return roots
+ Nothing -> do
+ roots <- case previous y of
+ [] -> return [refDigest $ storedRef y]
+ ps -> map (refDigest . storedRef) . filterAncestors . map (wrappedLoad @Object . Ref st) . concat <$> mapM doLookup ps
+ HT.insert ht (refDigest $ storedRef y) roots
+ return roots
+ map (wrappedLoad . Ref st) <$> doLookup x
+walkAncestors :: (Storable a, Monoid m) => (Stored a -> m) -> [Stored a] -> m
+walkAncestors f = helper . sortBy cmp
+ where
+ helper (x : y : xs) | x == y = helper (x : xs)
+ helper (x : xs) = f x <> helper (mergeBy cmp (sortBy cmp (previous x)) xs)
+ helper [] = mempty
+ cmp x y = case compareGeneration (storedGeneration x) (storedGeneration y) of
+ Just LT -> GT
+ Just GT -> LT
+ _ -> compare x y
+findProperty :: forall a b. Storable a => (a -> Maybe b) -> [Stored a] -> [b]
+findProperty sel = map (fromJust . sel . fromStored) . filterAncestors . (findPropHeads sel =<<)
+findPropertyFirst :: forall a b. Storable a => (a -> Maybe b) -> [Stored a] -> Maybe b
+findPropertyFirst sel = fmap (fromJust . sel . fromStored) . listToMaybe . filterAncestors . (findPropHeads sel =<<)
+findPropHeads :: forall a b. Storable a => (a -> Maybe b) -> Stored a -> [Stored a]
+findPropHeads sel sobj | Just _ <- sel $ fromStored sobj = [sobj]
+ | otherwise = findPropHeads sel =<< previous sobj