path: root/src/State.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/State.hs')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/State.hs b/src/State.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..272044a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/State.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+module State (
+ LocalState(..),
+ SharedState(..),
+ loadLocalState,
+ updateLocalState, updateLocalState_,
+ updateIdentity,
+) where
+import Data.List
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
+import System.IO
+import Identity
+import Message
+import PubKey
+import Storage
+import Util
+data LocalState = LocalState
+ { lsIdentity :: Stored (Signed IdentityData)
+ , lsShared :: [Stored SharedState]
+ , lsMessages :: StoredList DirectMessageThread -- TODO: move to shared
+ }
+data SharedState = SharedState
+ { ssPrev :: [Stored SharedState]
+ , ssIdentity :: [Stored (Signed IdentityData)]
+ }
+instance Storable LocalState where
+ store' st = storeRec $ do
+ storeRef "id" $ lsIdentity st
+ mapM_ (storeRef "shared") $ lsShared st
+ storeRef "dmsg" $ lsMessages st
+ load' = loadRec $ LocalState
+ <$> loadRef "id"
+ <*> loadRefs "shared"
+ <*> loadRef "dmsg"
+instance Storable SharedState where
+ store' st = storeRec $ do
+ mapM_ (storeRef "PREV") $ ssPrev st
+ mapM_ (storeRef "id") $ ssIdentity st
+ load' = loadRec $ SharedState
+ <$> loadRefs "PREV"
+ <*> loadRefs "id"
+loadLocalState :: Storage -> IO Head
+loadLocalState st = loadHeadDef st "erebos" $ do
+ putStr "Name: "
+ hFlush stdout
+ name <- T.getLine
+ (secret, public) <- generateKeys st
+ (_secretMsg, publicMsg) <- generateKeys st
+ (devSecret, devPublic) <- generateKeys st
+ (_devSecretMsg, devPublicMsg) <- generateKeys st
+ owner <- wrappedStore st =<< sign secret =<< wrappedStore st (emptyIdentityData public)
+ { iddName = Just name, iddKeyMessage = Just publicMsg }
+ identity <- wrappedStore st =<< signAdd devSecret =<< sign secret =<< wrappedStore st (emptyIdentityData devPublic)
+ { iddOwner = Just owner, iddKeyMessage = Just devPublicMsg }
+ msgs <- emptySList st
+ shared <- wrappedStore st $ SharedState
+ { ssPrev = []
+ , ssIdentity = [owner]
+ }
+ return $ LocalState
+ { lsIdentity = identity
+ , lsShared = [shared]
+ , lsMessages = msgs
+ }
+updateLocalState_ :: Storage -> (Stored LocalState -> IO (Stored LocalState)) -> IO ()
+updateLocalState_ st f = updateLocalState st (fmap (,()) . f)
+updateLocalState :: Storage -> (Stored LocalState -> IO (Stored LocalState, a)) -> IO a
+updateLocalState ls f = do
+ Just erebosHead <- loadHead ls "erebos"
+ (st, x) <- f $ wrappedLoad (headRef erebosHead)
+ Right _ <- replaceHead st (Right erebosHead)
+ return x
+updateSharedState_ :: Storage -> (Stored SharedState -> IO (Stored SharedState)) -> IO ()
+updateSharedState_ st f = updateSharedState st (fmap (,()) . f)
+updateSharedState :: Storage -> (Stored SharedState -> IO (Stored SharedState, a)) -> IO a
+updateSharedState st f = updateLocalState st $ \ls -> do
+ (shared, x) <- f =<< mergeSharedStates (lsShared $ fromStored ls)
+ (,x) <$> wrappedStore st (fromStored ls) { lsShared = [shared] }
+mergeSharedStates :: [(Stored SharedState)] -> IO (Stored SharedState)
+mergeSharedStates [s] = return s
+mergeSharedStates ss@(s:_) = wrappedStore (storedStorage s) $ SharedState
+ { ssPrev = ss
+ , ssIdentity = uniq $ sort $ concatMap (ssIdentity . fromStored) $ ss -- TODO: ancestor elimination
+ }
+mergeSharedStates [] = error "mergeSharedStates: empty list"
+updateIdentity :: Storage -> IO ()
+updateIdentity st = updateSharedState_ st $ \sshared -> do
+ let shared = fromStored sshared
+ Just identity = verifyIdentityF $ ssIdentity shared
+ public = idKeyIdentity identity
+ T.putStr $ T.concat $ concat
+ [ [ T.pack "Name" ]
+ , case idName identity of
+ Just name -> [T.pack " [", name, T.pack "]"]
+ Nothing -> []
+ , [ T.pack ": " ]
+ ]
+ hFlush stdout
+ name <- T.getLine
+ identity' <- if
+ | T.null name -> idData <$> mergeIdentity identity
+ | otherwise -> do
+ Just secret <- loadKey public
+ wrappedStore st =<< sign secret =<< wrappedStore st (emptyIdentityData public)
+ { iddPrev = ssIdentity shared
+ , iddName = Just name
+ }
+ wrappedStore st shared { ssIdentity = [identity'] }