module Erebos.Attach ( AttachService, attachToOwner, attachAccept, attachReject, ) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.ByteArray (ScrubbedBytes) import Data.Maybe import Data.Proxy import qualified Data.Text as T import Erebos.Identity import Erebos.Network import Erebos.Pairing import Erebos.PubKey import Erebos.Service import Erebos.State import Erebos.Storable import Erebos.Storage.Key type AttachService = PairingService AttachIdentity data AttachIdentity = AttachIdentity (Stored (Signed IdentityData)) [ScrubbedBytes] instance Storable AttachIdentity where store' (AttachIdentity x keys) = storeRec $ do storeRef "identity" x mapM_ (storeBinary "skey") keys load' = loadRec $ AttachIdentity <$> loadRef "identity" <*> loadBinaries "skey" instance PairingResult AttachIdentity where pairingServiceID _ = mkServiceID "4995a5f9-2d4d-48e9-ad3b-0bf1c2a1be7f" type PairingVerifiedResult AttachIdentity = (UnifiedIdentity, [ScrubbedBytes]) pairingVerifyResult (AttachIdentity sdata keys) = do curid <- lsIdentity . fromStored <$> svcGetLocal secret <- loadKey $ eiddKeyIdentity $ fromSigned curid sdata' <- mstore =<< signAdd secret (fromStored sdata) return $ do guard $ iddKeyIdentity (fromSigned sdata) == eiddKeyIdentity (fromSigned curid) identity <- validateIdentity sdata' guard $ iddPrev (fromSigned $ idData identity) == [eiddStoredBase curid] return (identity, keys) pairingFinalizeRequest (identity, keys) = updateLocalHead_ $ \slocal -> do let owner = finalOwner identity st <- getStorage pkeys <- mapM (copyStored st) [ idKeyIdentity owner, idKeyMessage owner ] liftIO $ mapM_ storeKey $ catMaybes [ keyFromData sec pub | sec <- keys, pub <- pkeys ] identity' <- mergeIdentity $ updateIdentity [ lsIdentity $ fromStored slocal ] identity shared <- makeSharedStateUpdate st (Just owner) (lsShared $ fromStored slocal) mstore (fromStored slocal) { lsIdentity = idExtData identity' , lsShared = [ shared ] } pairingFinalizeResponse = do owner <- mergeSharedIdentity pid <- asks svcPeerIdentity secret <- loadKey $ idKeyIdentity owner identity <- mstore =<< sign secret =<< mstore (emptyIdentityData $ idKeyIdentity pid) { iddPrev = [idData pid], iddOwner = Just (idData owner) } skeys <- map keyGetData . catMaybes <$> mapM loadKeyMb [ idKeyIdentity owner, idKeyMessage owner ] return $ AttachIdentity identity skeys defaultPairingAttributes _ = PairingAttributes { pairingHookRequest = do peer <- asks $ svcPeerIdentity svcPrint $ "Attach from " ++ T.unpack (displayIdentity peer) ++ " initiated" , pairingHookResponse = \confirm -> do peer <- asks $ svcPeerIdentity svcPrint $ "Attach to " ++ T.unpack (displayIdentity peer) ++ ": " ++ confirm , pairingHookRequestNonce = \confirm -> do peer <- asks $ svcPeerIdentity svcPrint $ "Attach from " ++ T.unpack (displayIdentity peer) ++ ": " ++ confirm , pairingHookRequestNonceFailed = do peer <- asks $ svcPeerIdentity svcPrint $ "Failed attach from " ++ T.unpack (displayIdentity peer) , pairingHookConfirmedResponse = do svcPrint $ "Confirmed peer, waiting for updated identity" , pairingHookConfirmedRequest = do svcPrint $ "Attachment confirmed by peer" , pairingHookAcceptedResponse = do svcPrint $ "Accepted updated identity" , pairingHookAcceptedRequest = do svcPrint $ "Accepted new attached device, seding updated identity" , pairingHookVerifyFailed = do svcPrint $ "Failed to verify new identity" , pairingHookRejected = do svcPrint $ "Attachment rejected by peer" , pairingHookFailed = \_ -> do svcPrint $ "Attachement failed" } attachToOwner :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => Peer -> m () attachToOwner = pairingRequest @AttachIdentity Proxy attachAccept :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => Peer -> m () attachAccept = pairingAccept @AttachIdentity Proxy attachReject :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => Peer -> m () attachReject = pairingReject @AttachIdentity Proxy