{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-} module Erebos.ICE ( IceSession, IceSessionRole(..), IceRemoteInfo, iceCreate, iceDestroy, iceRemoteInfo, iceShow, iceConnect, iceSend, iceSetChan, ) where import Control.Arrow import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.Identity import Data.ByteString (ByteString, packCStringLen, useAsCString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC import Data.ByteString.Unsafe import Data.Function import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Data.Text.Read as T import Data.Void import Foreign.C.String import Foreign.C.Types import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc import Foreign.Marshal.Array import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.StablePtr import Erebos.Flow import Erebos.Object import Erebos.Storable import Erebos.Storage #include "pjproject.h" data IceSession = IceSession { isStrans :: PjIceStrans , isChan :: MVar (Either [ByteString] (Flow Void ByteString)) } instance Eq IceSession where (==) = (==) `on` isStrans instance Ord IceSession where compare = compare `on` isStrans instance Show IceSession where show _ = "" data IceRemoteInfo = IceRemoteInfo { iriUsernameFrament :: Text , iriPassword :: Text , iriDefaultCandidate :: Text , iriCandidates :: [Text] } data IceCandidate = IceCandidate { icandFoundation :: Text , icandPriority :: Int , icandAddr :: Text , icandPort :: Int , icandType :: Text } instance Storable IceRemoteInfo where store' x = storeRec $ do storeText "ice-ufrag" $ iriUsernameFrament x storeText "ice-pass" $ iriPassword x storeText "ice-default" $ iriDefaultCandidate x mapM_ (storeText "ice-candidate") $ iriCandidates x load' = loadRec $ IceRemoteInfo <$> loadText "ice-ufrag" <*> loadText "ice-pass" <*> loadText "ice-default" <*> loadTexts "ice-candidate" instance StorableText IceCandidate where toText x = T.concat $ [ icandFoundation x , T.singleton ' ' , T.pack $ show $ icandPriority x , T.singleton ' ' , icandAddr x , T.singleton ' ' , T.pack $ show $ icandPort x , T.singleton ' ' , icandType x ] fromText t = case T.words t of [found, tprio, addr, tport, ctype] | Right (prio, _) <- T.decimal tprio , Right (port, _) <- T.decimal tport -> return $ IceCandidate { icandFoundation = found , icandPriority = prio , icandAddr = addr , icandPort = port , icandType = ctype } _ -> throwError "failed to parse candidate" {#enum pj_ice_sess_role as IceSessionRole {underscoreToCase} deriving (Show, Eq) #} {#pointer *pj_ice_strans as ^ #} iceCreate :: IceSessionRole -> (IceSession -> IO ()) -> IO IceSession iceCreate role cb = do rec sptr <- newStablePtr sess cbptr <- newStablePtr $ cb sess sess <- IceSession <$> {#call ice_create #} (fromIntegral $ fromEnum role) (castStablePtrToPtr sptr) (castStablePtrToPtr cbptr) <*> (newMVar $ Left []) return $ sess {#fun ice_destroy as ^ { isStrans `IceSession' } -> `()' #} iceRemoteInfo :: IceSession -> IO IceRemoteInfo iceRemoteInfo sess = do let maxlen = 128 maxcand = 29 allocaBytes maxlen $ \ufrag -> allocaBytes maxlen $ \pass -> allocaBytes maxlen $ \def -> allocaBytes (maxcand*maxlen) $ \bytes -> allocaArray maxcand $ \carr -> do let cptrs = take maxcand $ iterate (`plusPtr` maxlen) bytes pokeArray carr $ take maxcand cptrs ncand <- {#call ice_encode_session #} (isStrans sess) ufrag pass def carr (fromIntegral maxlen) (fromIntegral maxcand) if ncand < 0 then fail "failed to generate ICE remote info" else IceRemoteInfo <$> (T.pack <$> peekCString ufrag) <*> (T.pack <$> peekCString pass) <*> (T.pack <$> peekCString def) <*> (mapM (return . T.pack <=< peekCString) $ take (fromIntegral ncand) cptrs) iceShow :: IceSession -> IO String iceShow sess = do st <- memoryStorage return . drop 1 . dropWhile (/='\n') . BLC.unpack . runIdentity =<< ioLoadBytes =<< store st =<< iceRemoteInfo sess iceConnect :: IceSession -> IceRemoteInfo -> (IO ()) -> IO () iceConnect sess remote cb = do cbptr <- newStablePtr $ cb ice_connect sess cbptr (iriUsernameFrament remote) (iriPassword remote) (iriDefaultCandidate remote) (iriCandidates remote) {#fun ice_connect { isStrans `IceSession', castStablePtrToPtr `StablePtr (IO ())', withText* `Text', withText* `Text', withText* `Text', withTextArray* `[Text]'& } -> `()' #} withText :: Text -> (Ptr CChar -> IO a) -> IO a withText t f = useAsCString (T.encodeUtf8 t) f withTextArray :: Num n => [Text] -> ((Ptr (Ptr CChar), n) -> IO ()) -> IO () withTextArray tsAll f = helper tsAll [] where helper (t:ts) bs = withText t $ \b -> helper ts (b:bs) helper [] bs = allocaArray (length bs) $ \ptr -> do pokeArray ptr $ reverse bs f (ptr, fromIntegral $ length bs) withByteStringLen :: Num n => ByteString -> ((Ptr CChar, n) -> IO a) -> IO a withByteStringLen t f = unsafeUseAsCStringLen t (f . (id *** fromIntegral)) {#fun ice_send as ^ { isStrans `IceSession', withByteStringLen* `ByteString'& } -> `()' #} foreign export ccall ice_call_cb :: StablePtr (IO ()) -> IO () ice_call_cb :: StablePtr (IO ()) -> IO () ice_call_cb = join . deRefStablePtr iceSetChan :: IceSession -> Flow Void ByteString -> IO () iceSetChan sess chan = do modifyMVar_ (isChan sess) $ \orig -> do case orig of Left buf -> mapM_ (writeFlowIO chan) $ reverse buf Right _ -> return () return $ Right chan foreign export ccall ice_rx_data :: StablePtr IceSession -> Ptr CChar -> Int -> IO () ice_rx_data :: StablePtr IceSession -> Ptr CChar -> Int -> IO () ice_rx_data sptr buf len = do sess <- deRefStablePtr sptr bs <- packCStringLen (buf, len) modifyMVar_ (isChan sess) $ \case mc@(Right chan) -> writeFlowIO chan bs >> return mc Left bss -> return $ Left (bs:bss)