module Storage ( Storage, openStorage, Ref, readRef, showRef, Object(..), RecItem(..), serializeObject, deserializeObject, deserializeObjects, storeRawBytes, lazyLoadBytes, Head, headName, headRef, headObject, loadHeads, loadHead, replaceHead, Storable(..), StorableText(..), StorableDate(..), storeBlob, storeRec, storeZero, storeInt, storeNum, storeText, storeBinary, storeDate, storeJson, storeRef, storeMbInt, storeMbNum, storeMbText, storeMbBinary, storeMbDate, storeMbJson, storeMbRef, storeZRef, loadBlob, loadRec, loadZero, loadInt, loadNum, loadText, loadBinary, loadDate, loadJson, loadRef, loadMbInt, loadMbNum, loadMbText, loadMbBinary, loadMbDate, loadMbJson, loadMbRef, loadZRef, Stored, fromStored, storedRef, storedStorage, wrappedStore, wrappedLoad, StoreInfo(..), makeStoreInfo, StoredHistory, fromHistory, fromHistoryAt, storedFromHistory, storedHistoryList, beginHistory, modifyHistory, StoredList, emptySList, fromSList, storedFromSList, slistAdd, slistAddS, slistInsert, slistInsertS, slistRemove, slistReplace, slistReplaceS, mapFromSList, updateOld, StoreUpdate(..), withStoredListItem, withStoredListItemS, ) where import Codec.Compression.Zlib import qualified Codec.MIME.Type as MIME import qualified Codec.MIME.Parse as MIME import Control.Arrow import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.Writer import Crypto.Hash import qualified Data.Aeson as J import Data.ByteString (ByteString, singleton) import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA import Data.ByteArray.Encoding import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC import Data.Char import Data.Function import Data.List import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Ratio import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Encoding import Data.Text.Encoding.Error import Data.Time.Calendar import Data.Time.Clock import Data.Time.Format import Data.Time.LocalTime import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.IO import System.IO.Unsafe import System.Posix.Files import System.Posix.IO import System.Posix.Types data Storage = Storage FilePath deriving (Eq, Ord) openStorage :: FilePath -> IO Storage openStorage path = do createDirectoryIfMissing True $ path ++ "/objects" createDirectoryIfMissing True $ path ++ "/heads" return $ Storage path data Ref = Ref Storage (Digest Blake2b_256) deriving (Eq, Ord) instance Show Ref where show ref@(Ref (Storage path) _) = path ++ ":" ++ BC.unpack (showRef ref) zeroRef :: Storage -> Ref zeroRef s = Ref s h where h = case digestFromByteString $ B.replicate (BA.length h) 0 of Nothing -> error $ "Failed to create zero hash" Just h' -> h' isZeroRef :: Ref -> Bool isZeroRef (Ref _ h) = all (==0) $ BA.unpack h unsafeReadRef :: Storage -> ByteString -> Maybe Ref unsafeReadRef s = Just . Ref s <=< digestFromByteString . B.concat <=< readHex where readHex bs | B.null bs = Just [] readHex bs = do (bx, bs') <- B.uncons bs (by, bs'') <- B.uncons bs' x <- hexDigit bx y <- hexDigit by (singleton (x * 16 + y) :) <$> readHex bs'' hexDigit x | x >= o '0' && x <= o '9' = Just $ x - o '0' | x >= o 'a' && x <= o 'z' = Just $ x - o 'a' + 10 | otherwise = Nothing o = fromIntegral . ord readRef :: Storage -> ByteString -> IO (Maybe Ref) readRef s b = case unsafeReadRef s b of Nothing -> return Nothing Just ref -> do doesFileExist (refPath ref) >>= \case True -> return $ Just ref False -> return Nothing showRef :: Ref -> ByteString showRef (Ref _ h) = B.concat $ map showHexByte $ BA.unpack h where showHex x | x < 10 = x + 48 | otherwise = x + 87 showHexByte x = B.pack [ showHex (x `div` 16), showHex (x `mod` 16) ] refPath :: Ref -> FilePath refPath ref@(Ref (Storage spath) _) = intercalate "/" [spath, "objects", pref, rest] where (pref, rest) = splitAt 2 $ BC.unpack $ showRef ref data Object = Blob ByteString | Rec [(ByteString, RecItem)] | ZeroObject deriving (Show) data RecItem = RecInt Integer | RecNum Rational | RecText Text | RecBinary ByteString | RecDate ZonedTime | RecJson J.Value | RecRef Ref deriving (Show) serializeObject :: Object -> BL.ByteString serializeObject = \case Blob cnt -> BL.fromChunks [BC.pack "blob ", BC.pack (show $ B.length cnt), BC.singleton '\n', cnt] Rec rec -> let cnt = BL.fromChunks $ concatMap (uncurry serializeRecItem) rec in BL.fromChunks [BC.pack "rec ", BC.pack (show $ BL.length cnt), BC.singleton '\n'] `BL.append` cnt ZeroObject -> BL.empty storeObject :: Storage -> Object -> IO Ref storeObject storage = \case ZeroObject -> return $ zeroRef storage obj -> storeRawBytes storage $ serializeObject obj storeRawBytes :: Storage -> BL.ByteString -> IO Ref storeRawBytes st raw = do let ref = Ref st $ hashFinalize $ hashUpdates hashInit $ BL.toChunks raw writeFileOnce (refPath ref) $ compress raw return ref serializeRecItem :: ByteString -> RecItem -> [ByteString] serializeRecItem name (RecInt x) = [name, BC.pack ":i", BC.singleton ' ', BC.pack (show x), BC.singleton '\n'] serializeRecItem name (RecNum x) = [name, BC.pack ":n", BC.singleton ' ', BC.pack (showRatio x), BC.singleton '\n'] serializeRecItem name (RecText x) = [name, BC.pack ":t", BC.singleton ' ', escaped, BC.singleton '\n'] where escaped = BC.concatMap escape $ encodeUtf8 x escape '\\' = BC.pack "\\\\" escape '\n' = BC.pack "\\n" escape c = BC.singleton c serializeRecItem name (RecBinary x) = [name, BC.pack ":b ", convertToBase Base64 x, BC.singleton '\n'] serializeRecItem name (RecDate x) = [name, BC.pack ":d", BC.singleton ' ', BC.pack (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%s %z" x), BC.singleton '\n'] serializeRecItem name (RecJson x) = [name, BC.pack ":j", BC.singleton ' '] ++ BL.toChunks (J.encode x) ++ [BC.singleton '\n'] serializeRecItem name (RecRef x) = [name, BC.pack ":r.b2 ", showRef x, BC.singleton '\n'] lazyLoadObject :: Ref -> Object lazyLoadObject = fst . lazyLoadObject' lazyLoadBytes :: Ref -> BL.ByteString lazyLoadBytes = snd . lazyLoadObject' lazyLoadObject' :: Ref -> (Object, BL.ByteString) lazyLoadObject' ref | isZeroRef ref = (ZeroObject, BL.empty) lazyLoadObject' ref@(Ref st rhash) = unsafePerformIO $ do file <- decompress <$> (BL.readFile $ refPath ref) let Ref _ chash = Ref st $ hashFinalize $ hashUpdates hashInit $ BL.toChunks file when (chash /= rhash) $ error $ "Hash mismatch on object " ++ BC.unpack (showRef ref) {- TODO throw -} let obj = case runExcept $ deserializeObject st file of Left err -> error $ err ++ ", ref " ++ BC.unpack (showRef ref) {- TODO throw -} Right (x, rest) | BL.null rest -> x | otherwise -> error $ "Superfluous content after " ++ BC.unpack (showRef ref) {- TODO throw -} return (obj, file) deserializeObject :: Storage -> BL.ByteString -> Except String (Object, BL.ByteString) deserializeObject _ bytes | BL.null bytes = return (ZeroObject, bytes) deserializeObject st bytes = case BLC.break (=='\n') bytes of (line, rest) | Just (otype, len) <- splitObjPrefix line -> do let (content, next) = first BL.toStrict $ BL.splitAt (fromIntegral len) $ BL.drop 1 rest guard $ B.length content == len (,next) <$> case otype of _ | otype == BC.pack "blob" -> return $ Blob content | otype == BC.pack "rec" -> maybe (throwError $ "Malformed record item ") (return . Rec) $ sequence $ map parseRecLine $ BC.lines content | otherwise -> throwError $ "Unknown object type" _ -> throwError $ "Malformed object" where splitObjPrefix line = do [otype, tlen] <- return $ BLC.words line (len, rest) <- BLC.readInt tlen guard $ BL.null rest return (BL.toStrict otype, len) parseRecLine line = do colon <- BC.elemIndex ':' line space <- BC.elemIndex ' ' line guard $ colon < space let name = B.take colon line itype = B.take (space-colon-1) $ B.drop (colon+1) line content = B.drop (space+1) line val <- case BC.unpack itype of "i" -> do (num, rest) <- BC.readInteger content guard $ B.null rest return $ RecInt num "n" -> RecNum <$> parseRatio content "t" -> return $ RecText $ decodeUtf8With lenientDecode content "b" -> either (const Nothing) (Just . RecBinary) $ convertFromBase Base64 content "d" -> RecDate <$> parseTimeM False defaultTimeLocale "%s %z" (BC.unpack content) "j" -> RecJson <$> J.decode (BL.fromStrict content) "r.b2" -> RecRef <$> unsafeReadRef st content _ -> Nothing return (name, val) deserializeObjects :: Storage -> BL.ByteString -> Except String [Object] deserializeObjects _ bytes | BL.null bytes = return [] deserializeObjects st bytes = do (obj, rest) <- deserializeObject st bytes (obj:) <$> deserializeObjects st rest data Head = Head String Ref deriving (Show) headName :: Head -> String headName (Head name _) = name headRef :: Head -> Ref headRef (Head _ ref) = ref headObject :: Storable a => Head -> a headObject = load . headRef loadHeads :: Storage -> IO [Head] loadHeads s@(Storage spath) = do let hpath = spath ++ "/heads/" files <- filterM (doesFileExist . (hpath++)) =<< getDirectoryContents hpath forM files $ \hname -> do (h:_) <- BC.lines <$> B.readFile (hpath ++ "/" ++ hname) Just ref <- readRef s h return $ Head hname ref loadHead :: Storage -> String -> IO Head loadHead s@(Storage spath) hname = do let hpath = spath ++ "/heads/" (h:_) <- BC.lines <$> B.readFile (hpath ++ hname) Just ref <- readRef s h return $ Head hname ref replaceHead :: Storable a => a -> Either (Storage, String) Head -> IO (Either (Maybe Head) Head) replaceHead obj prev = do ref <- store st obj writeFileChecked filename (either (const Nothing) (Just . showRefL . headRef) prev) (showRefL ref) >>= \case Left Nothing -> return $ Left Nothing Left (Just bs) -> do Just oref <- readRef st $ BC.takeWhile (/='\n') bs return $ Left $ Just $ Head name oref Right () -> return $ Right $ Head name ref where (st@(Storage spath), name) = either id (\(Head n (Ref s _)) -> (s, n)) prev filename = spath ++ "/heads/" ++ name showRefL ref = showRef ref `B.append` BC.singleton '\n' openFdParents :: FilePath -> OpenMode -> Maybe FileMode -> OpenFileFlags -> IO Fd openFdParents path omode fmode flags = do createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory path) openFd path omode fmode flags writeFileOnce :: FilePath -> BL.ByteString -> IO () writeFileOnce file content = bracket (fdToHandle =<< openFdParents locked WriteOnly (Just $ unionFileModes ownerReadMode ownerWriteMode) (defaultFileFlags { exclusive = True })) hClose $ \h -> do fileExist file >>= \case True -> removeLink locked False -> do BL.hPut h content rename locked file where locked = file ++ ".lock" writeFileChecked :: FilePath -> Maybe ByteString -> ByteString -> IO (Either (Maybe ByteString) ()) writeFileChecked file prev content = bracket (fdToHandle =<< openFdParents locked WriteOnly (Just $ unionFileModes ownerReadMode ownerWriteMode) (defaultFileFlags { exclusive = True })) hClose $ \h -> do (prev,) <$> fileExist file >>= \case (Nothing, True) -> do current <- B.readFile file removeLink locked return $ Left $ Just current (Nothing, False) -> do B.hPut h content rename locked file return $ Right () (Just expected, True) -> do current <- B.readFile file if current == expected then do B.hPut h content rename locked file return $ return () else do removeLink locked return $ Left $ Just current (Just _, False) -> do removeLink locked return $ Left Nothing where locked = file ++ ".lock" class Storable a where store' :: a -> Store load' :: Load a store :: Storage -> a -> IO Ref store st = storeObject st <=< evalStore st . store' load :: Ref -> a load ref = let Load f = load' in either (error {- TODO throw -} . ((BC.unpack (showRef ref) ++ ": ")++)) id $ f ref $ lazyLoadObject ref class Storable a => ZeroStorable a where fromZero :: Storage -> a data Store = StoreBlob ByteString | StoreRec (Storage -> [IO [(ByteString, RecItem)]]) | StoreZero evalStore :: Storage -> Store -> IO Object evalStore _ (StoreBlob x) = return $ Blob x evalStore s (StoreRec f) = Rec . concat <$> sequence (f s) evalStore _ StoreZero = return ZeroObject type StoreRec = ReaderT Storage (Writer [IO [(ByteString, RecItem)]]) () data Load a = Load (Ref -> Object -> Either String a) type LoadRec a = ReaderT (Ref, [(ByteString, RecItem)]) (Either String) a instance Storable Object where store' (Blob bs) = StoreBlob bs store' (Rec xs) = StoreRec $ const $ map (return.return) xs store' ZeroObject = StoreZero load' = Load $ const return store = storeObject load = lazyLoadObject instance Storable ByteString where store' = storeBlob load' = loadBlob id instance Storable a => Storable [a] where store' [] = storeZero store' (x:xs) = storeRec $ do storeRef "i" x storeRef "n" xs load' = Load $ \ref -> \case ZeroObject -> return [] obj -> let Load fres = loadRec $ (:) <$> loadRef "i" <*> loadRef "n" in fres ref obj instance Storable a => ZeroStorable [a] where fromZero _ = [] storeBlob :: ByteString -> Store storeBlob = StoreBlob storeRec :: StoreRec -> Store storeRec r = StoreRec $ execWriter . runReaderT r storeZero :: Store storeZero = StoreZero class StorableText a where toText :: a -> Text fromText :: MonadError String m => Text -> m a instance StorableText Text where toText = id; fromText = return instance StorableText [Char] where toText = T.pack; fromText = return . T.unpack instance StorableText MIME.Type where toText = MIME.showType fromText = maybe (throwError "Malformed MIME type") return . MIME.parseMIMEType class StorableDate a where toDate :: a -> ZonedTime fromDate :: ZonedTime -> a instance StorableDate ZonedTime where toDate = id; fromDate = id instance StorableDate UTCTime where toDate = utcToZonedTime utc fromDate = zonedTimeToUTC instance StorableDate Day where toDate day = toDate $ UTCTime day 0 fromDate = utctDay . fromDate storeInt :: Integral a => String -> a -> StoreRec storeInt name x = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecInt $ toInteger x)]] storeMbInt :: Integral a => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec storeMbInt name = maybe (return ()) (storeInt name) storeNum :: (Real a, Fractional a) => String -> a -> StoreRec storeNum name x = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecNum $ toRational x)]] storeMbNum :: (Real a, Fractional a) => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec storeMbNum name = maybe (return ()) (storeNum name) storeText :: StorableText a => String -> a -> StoreRec storeText name x = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecText $ toText x)]] storeMbText :: StorableText a => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec storeMbText name = maybe (return ()) (storeText name) storeBinary :: BA.ByteArrayAccess a => String -> a -> StoreRec storeBinary name x = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecBinary $ BA.convert x)]] storeMbBinary :: BA.ByteArrayAccess a => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec storeMbBinary name = maybe (return ()) (storeBinary name) storeDate :: StorableDate a => String -> a -> StoreRec storeDate name x = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecDate $ toDate x)]] storeMbDate :: StorableDate a => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec storeMbDate name = maybe (return ()) (storeDate name) storeJson :: J.ToJSON a => String -> a -> StoreRec storeJson name x = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecJson $ J.toJSON x)]] storeMbJson :: J.ToJSON a => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec storeMbJson name = maybe (return ()) (storeJson name) storeRef :: Storable a => String -> a -> StoreRec storeRef name x = do s <- ask tell $ (:[]) $ do ref <- store s x return [(BC.pack name, RecRef ref)] storeMbRef :: Storable a => String -> Maybe a -> StoreRec storeMbRef name = maybe (return ()) (storeRef name) storeRawRef :: String -> Ref -> StoreRec storeRawRef name ref = tell [return [(BC.pack name, RecRef ref)]] storeMbRawRef :: String -> Maybe Ref -> StoreRec storeMbRawRef name = maybe (return ()) (storeRawRef name) storeZRef :: ZeroStorable a => String -> a -> StoreRec storeZRef name x = do s <- ask tell $ (:[]) $ do ref <- store s x return $ if isZeroRef ref then [] else [(BC.pack name, RecRef ref)] loadBlob :: (ByteString -> a) -> Load a loadBlob f = Load $ const $ \case Blob x -> return $ f x _ -> throwError "Expecting blob" loadRec :: LoadRec a -> Load a loadRec lrec = Load $ \ref -> \case Rec rs -> runReaderT lrec (ref, rs) _ -> throwError "Expecting record" loadZero :: a -> Load a loadZero x = Load $ const $ \case ZeroObject -> return x _ -> throwError "Expecting zero" loadInt :: Num a => String -> LoadRec a loadInt name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record item '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbInt name loadMbInt :: Num a => String -> LoadRec (Maybe a) loadMbInt name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case Nothing -> return Nothing Just (RecInt x) -> return (Just $ fromInteger x) Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type int of record item '"++name++"'" loadNum :: (Real a, Fractional a) => String -> LoadRec a loadNum name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record item '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbNum name loadMbNum :: (Real a, Fractional a) => String -> LoadRec (Maybe a) loadMbNum name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case Nothing -> return Nothing Just (RecNum x) -> return (Just $ fromRational x) Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type number of record item '"++name++"'" loadText :: StorableText a => String -> LoadRec a loadText name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record item '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbText name loadMbText :: StorableText a => String -> LoadRec (Maybe a) loadMbText name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case Nothing -> return Nothing Just (RecText x) -> Just <$> fromText x Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type text of record item '"++name++"'" loadBinary :: BA.ByteArray a => String -> LoadRec a loadBinary name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record item '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbBinary name loadMbBinary :: BA.ByteArray a => String -> LoadRec (Maybe a) loadMbBinary name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case Nothing -> return Nothing Just (RecBinary x) -> return $ Just $ BA.convert x Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type binary of record item '"++name++"'" loadDate :: StorableDate a => String -> LoadRec a loadDate name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record item '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbDate name loadMbDate :: StorableDate a => String -> LoadRec (Maybe a) loadMbDate name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case Nothing -> return Nothing Just (RecDate x) -> return $ Just $ fromDate x Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type date of record item '"++name++"'" loadJson :: J.FromJSON a => String -> LoadRec a loadJson name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record item '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbJson name loadMbJson :: J.FromJSON a => String -> LoadRec (Maybe a) loadMbJson name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case Nothing -> return Nothing Just (RecJson v) -> case J.fromJSON v of J.Error err -> throwError err J.Success x -> return (Just x) Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type JSON of record item '"++name++"'" loadRawRef :: String -> LoadRec Ref loadRawRef name = maybe (throwError $ "Missing record item '"++name++"'") return =<< loadMbRawRef name loadMbRawRef :: String -> LoadRec (Maybe Ref) loadMbRawRef name = asks (lookup (BC.pack name) . snd) >>= \case Nothing -> return Nothing Just (RecRef x) -> return (Just x) Just _ -> throwError $ "Expecting type ref of record item '"++name++"'" loadRef :: Storable a => String -> LoadRec a loadRef name = load <$> loadRawRef name loadMbRef :: Storable a => String -> LoadRec (Maybe a) loadMbRef name = fmap load <$> loadMbRawRef name loadZRef :: ZeroStorable a => String -> LoadRec a loadZRef name = loadMbRef name >>= \case Nothing -> do Ref st _ <- asks fst return $ fromZero st Just x -> return x data Stored a = Stored Ref a deriving (Show) instance Eq (Stored a) where Stored r1 _ == Stored r2 _ = r1 == r2 instance Ord (Stored a) where compare (Stored r1 _) (Stored r2 _) = compare r1 r2 instance Storable a => Storable (Stored a) where store st (Stored ref@(Ref st' _) x) | st' == st = return ref | otherwise = store st x store' (Stored _ x) = store' x load' = Load $ \ref obj -> let Load fres = load' in Stored ref <$> fres ref obj instance ZeroStorable a => ZeroStorable (Stored a) where fromZero st = Stored (zeroRef st) $ fromZero st fromStored :: Stored a -> a fromStored (Stored _ x) = x storedRef :: Stored a -> Ref storedRef (Stored ref _) = ref storedStorage :: Stored a -> Storage storedStorage (Stored (Ref st _) _) = st wrappedStore :: Storable a => Storage -> a -> IO (Stored a) wrappedStore st x = do ref <- store st x return $ Stored ref x wrappedLoad :: Storable a => Ref -> Stored a wrappedLoad ref = Stored ref (load ref) data StoreInfo = StoreInfo { infoDate :: ZonedTime , infoNote :: Maybe Text } deriving (Show) makeStoreInfo :: IO StoreInfo makeStoreInfo = StoreInfo <$> getZonedTime <*> pure Nothing storeInfoRec :: StoreInfo -> StoreRec storeInfoRec info = do storeDate "date" $ infoDate info storeMbText "note" $ infoNote info loadInfoRec :: LoadRec StoreInfo loadInfoRec = StoreInfo <$> loadDate "date" <*> loadMbText "note" data History a = History StoreInfo (Stored a) (Maybe (StoredHistory a)) deriving (Show) type StoredHistory a = Stored (History a) instance Storable a => Storable (History a) where store' (History si x prev) = storeRec $ do storeInfoRec si storeMbRef "prev" prev storeRef "item" x load' = loadRec $ History <$> loadInfoRec <*> loadRef "item" <*> loadMbRef "prev" fromHistory :: StoredHistory a -> a fromHistory = fromStored . storedFromHistory fromHistoryAt :: ZonedTime -> StoredHistory a -> Maybe a fromHistoryAt zat = fmap (fromStored . snd) . listToMaybe . dropWhile ((at<) . zonedTimeToUTC . fst) . storedHistoryTimedList where at = zonedTimeToUTC zat storedFromHistory :: StoredHistory a -> Stored a storedFromHistory sh = let History _ item _ = fromStored sh in item storedHistoryList :: StoredHistory a -> [Stored a] storedHistoryList = map snd . storedHistoryTimedList storedHistoryTimedList :: StoredHistory a -> [(ZonedTime, Stored a)] storedHistoryTimedList sh = let History hinfo item prev = fromStored sh in (infoDate hinfo, item) : maybe [] storedHistoryTimedList prev beginHistory :: Storable a => Storage -> StoreInfo -> a -> IO (StoredHistory a) beginHistory st si x = do sx <- wrappedStore st x wrappedStore st $ History si sx Nothing modifyHistory :: Storable a => StoreInfo -> (a -> a) -> StoredHistory a -> IO (StoredHistory a) modifyHistory si f prev@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = do sx <- wrappedStore st $ f $ fromHistory prev wrappedStore st $ History si sx (Just prev) data List a = ListNil | ListItem (Maybe Ref) (Maybe Ref) (Maybe (Stored a)) (StoredList a) deriving (Show) type StoredList a = Stored (List a) instance Storable a => Storable (List a) where store' ListNil = storeZero store' (ListItem remove after item next) = storeRec $ do storeMbRawRef "r" remove storeMbRawRef "a" after storeMbRef "i" item storeRef "n" next load' = Load $ \ref -> \case ZeroObject -> return ListNil obj -> let Load fres = loadRec $ ListItem <$> loadMbRawRef "r" <*> loadMbRawRef "a" <*> loadMbRef "i" <*> loadRef "n" in fres ref obj instance Storable a => ZeroStorable (List a) where fromZero _ = ListNil emptySList :: Storable a => Storage -> IO (StoredList a) emptySList st = wrappedStore st ListNil fromSList :: StoredList a -> [a] fromSList = map fromStored . storedFromSList storedFromSList :: StoredList a -> [Stored a] storedFromSList = fromSList' [] where fromSList' :: [(Ref, Bool, [Stored a])] -> StoredList a -> [Stored a] fromSList' _ (Stored _ ListNil) = [] fromSList' repl (Stored cref (ListItem rref aref x rest)) = case (rref, aref) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> let (rx, repl') = findRepl cref x repl in rx ++ fromSList' repl' rest (Just r , Nothing) -> fromSList' (addReplace cref r x repl) rest (Nothing, Just a ) -> fromSList' (addInsert cref a x repl) rest (Just r , Just a ) -> fromSList' (addReplace cref r x $ addInsert cref a x repl) rest addReplace = findAddRepl False addInsert = findAddRepl True findAddRepl :: Bool -> Ref -> Ref -> Maybe (Stored a) -> [(Ref, Bool, [Stored a])] -> [(Ref, Bool, [Stored a])] findAddRepl keep c t x rs = let (x', rs') = findRepl c x rs in addRepl keep c t x' rs' addRepl :: Bool -> Ref -> Ref -> [Stored a] -> [(Ref, Bool, [Stored a])] -> [(Ref, Bool, [Stored a])] addRepl keep _ t x [] = [(t, keep, x)] addRepl keep c t x ((pr, pk, px) : rs) | pr == c = (t , keep, x ++ px) : rs | pr == t = (t , pk, px ++ x) : rs | otherwise = (pr, pk, px) : addRepl keep c t x rs findRepl :: Ref -> Maybe (Stored a) -> [(Ref, Bool, [Stored a])] -> ([Stored a], [(Ref, Bool, [Stored a])]) findRepl _ x [] = (maybeToList x, []) findRepl c x ((pr, pk, px) : rs) | pr == c = (if pk then maybe id (:) x px else px, rs) | otherwise = ((pr, pk, px):) <$> findRepl c x rs slistAdd :: Storable a => a -> StoredList a -> IO (StoredList a) slistAdd x next@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = do sx <- wrappedStore st x slistAddS sx next slistAddS :: Storable a => Stored a -> StoredList a -> IO (StoredList a) slistAddS sx next@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = wrappedStore st (ListItem Nothing Nothing (Just sx) next) slistInsert :: Storable a => Stored a -> a -> StoredList a -> IO (StoredList a) slistInsert after x next@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = do sx <- wrappedStore st x slistInsertS after sx next slistInsertS :: Storable a => Stored a -> Stored a -> StoredList a -> IO (StoredList a) slistInsertS after sx next@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = wrappedStore st $ ListItem Nothing (findSListRef after next) (Just sx) next slistRemove :: Storable a => Stored a -> StoredList a -> IO (StoredList a) slistRemove rm next@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = wrappedStore st $ ListItem (findSListRef rm next) Nothing Nothing next slistReplace :: Storable a => Stored a -> a -> StoredList a -> IO (StoredList a) slistReplace rm x next@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = do sx <- wrappedStore st x slistReplaceS rm sx next slistReplaceS :: Storable a => Stored a -> Stored a -> StoredList a -> IO (StoredList a) slistReplaceS rm sx next@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = wrappedStore st $ ListItem (findSListRef rm next) Nothing (Just sx) next findSListRef :: Stored a -> StoredList a -> Maybe Ref findSListRef _ (Stored _ ListNil) = Nothing findSListRef x (Stored ref (ListItem _ _ y next)) | y == Just x = Just ref | otherwise = findSListRef x next mapFromSList :: Storable a => StoredList a -> Map Ref (Stored a) mapFromSList list = helper list M.empty where helper :: Storable a => StoredList a -> Map Ref (Stored a) -> Map Ref (Stored a) helper (Stored _ ListNil) cur = cur helper (Stored _ (ListItem (Just rref) _ (Just x) rest)) cur = let rxref = case load rref of ListItem _ _ (Just rx) _ -> sameType rx x $ storedRef rx _ -> error "mapFromSList: malformed list" in helper rest $ case M.lookup (storedRef x) cur of Nothing -> M.insert rxref x cur Just x' -> M.insert rxref x' cur helper (Stored _ (ListItem _ _ _ rest)) cur = helper rest cur sameType :: a -> a -> b -> b sameType _ _ x = x updateOld :: Map Ref (Stored a) -> Stored a -> Stored a updateOld m x = fromMaybe x $ M.lookup (storedRef x) m data StoreUpdate a = StoreKeep | StoreReplace a | StoreRemove withStoredListItem :: (Storable a) => (a -> Bool) -> StoredList a -> (a -> IO (StoreUpdate a)) -> IO (StoredList a) withStoredListItem p list f = withStoredListItemS (p . fromStored) list (suMap (wrappedStore $ storedStorage list) <=< f . fromStored) where suMap :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> StoreUpdate a -> m (StoreUpdate b) suMap _ StoreKeep = return StoreKeep suMap g (StoreReplace x) = return . StoreReplace =<< g x suMap _ StoreRemove = return StoreRemove withStoredListItemS :: (Storable a) => (Stored a -> Bool) -> StoredList a -> (Stored a -> IO (StoreUpdate (Stored a))) -> IO (StoredList a) withStoredListItemS p list f = do case find p $ storedFromSList list of Just sx -> f sx >>= \case StoreKeep -> return list StoreReplace nx -> slistReplaceS sx nx list StoreRemove -> slistRemove sx list Nothing -> return list showRatio :: Rational -> String showRatio r = case decimalRatio r of Just (n, 1) -> show n Just (n', d) -> let n = abs n' in (if n' < 0 then "-" else "") ++ show (n `div` d) ++ "." ++ (concatMap (show.(`mod` 10).snd) $ reverse $ takeWhile ((>1).fst) $ zip (iterate (`div` 10) d) (iterate (`div` 10) (n `mod` d))) Nothing -> show (numerator r) ++ "/" ++ show (denominator r) decimalRatio :: Rational -> Maybe (Integer, Integer) decimalRatio r = do let n = numerator r d = denominator r (c2, d') = takeFactors 2 d (c5, d'') = takeFactors 5 d' guard $ d'' == 1 let m = if c2 > c5 then 5 ^ (c2 - c5) else 2 ^ (c5 - c2) return (n * m, d * m) takeFactors :: Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer) takeFactors f n | n `mod` f == 0 = let (c, n') = takeFactors f (n `div` f) in (c+1, n') | otherwise = (0, n) parseRatio :: ByteString -> Maybe Rational parseRatio bs = case BC.groupBy ((==) `on` isNumber) bs of (m:xs) | m == BC.pack "-" -> negate <$> positive xs xs -> positive xs where positive = \case [bx] -> fromInteger . fst <$> BC.readInteger bx [bx, op, by] -> do (x, _) <- BC.readInteger bx (y, _) <- BC.readInteger by case BC.unpack op of "." -> return $ (x % 1) + (y % (10 ^ BC.length by)) "/" -> return $ x % y _ -> Nothing _ -> Nothing