module Test ( runTestTool, ) where import Control.Arrow import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State import Crypto.Random import Data.ByteString qualified as B import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as BC import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL import Data.Foldable import Data.Ord import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.Encoding import Data.Text.IO qualified as T import Data.Typeable import Network.Socket import System.IO import System.IO.Error import Attach import Contact import Identity import Message import Network import Pairing import PubKey import Service import Set import State import Storage import Storage.Internal (unsafeStoreRawBytes) import Storage.Merge import Sync data TestState = TestState { tsHead :: Maybe (Head LocalState) , tsServer :: Maybe RunningServer , tsWatchedLocalIdentity :: Maybe WatchedHead , tsWatchedSharedIdentity :: Maybe WatchedHead } data RunningServer = RunningServer { rsServer :: Server , rsPeers :: MVar (Int, [(Int, Peer)]) , rsPeerThread :: ThreadId } initTestState :: TestState initTestState = TestState { tsHead = Nothing , tsServer = Nothing , tsWatchedLocalIdentity = Nothing , tsWatchedSharedIdentity = Nothing } data TestInput = TestInput { tiOutput :: Output , tiStorage :: Storage , tiParams :: [Text] } runTestTool :: Storage -> IO () runTestTool st = do out <- newMVar () let testLoop = getLineMb >>= \case Just line -> do case T.words line of (cname:params) | Just (CommandM cmd) <- lookup cname commands -> do runReaderT cmd $ TestInput out st params | otherwise -> fail $ "Unknown command '" ++ T.unpack cname ++ "'" [] -> return () testLoop Nothing -> return () runExceptT (evalStateT testLoop initTestState) >>= \case Left x -> hPutStrLn stderr x Right () -> return () getLineMb :: MonadIO m => m (Maybe Text) getLineMb = liftIO $ catchIOError (Just <$> T.getLine) (\e -> if isEOFError e then return Nothing else ioError e) getLines :: MonadIO m => m [Text] getLines = getLineMb >>= \case Just line | not (T.null line) -> (line:) <$> getLines _ -> return [] getHead :: CommandM (Head LocalState) getHead = do h <- maybe (fail "failed to reload head") return =<< maybe (fail "no current head") reloadHead =<< gets tsHead modify $ \s -> s { tsHead = Just h } return h type Output = MVar () outLine :: Output -> String -> IO () outLine mvar line = withMVar mvar $ \() -> do putStrLn line hFlush stdout cmdOut :: String -> Command cmdOut line = do out <- asks tiOutput liftIO $ outLine out line getPeer :: Text -> CommandM Peer getPeer spidx = do Just RunningServer {..} <- gets tsServer Just peer <- lookup (read $ T.unpack spidx) . snd <$> liftIO (readMVar rsPeers) return peer getPeerIndex :: MVar (Int, [(Int, Peer)]) -> ServiceHandler (PairingService a) Int getPeerIndex pmvar = do peer <- asks svcPeer maybe 0 fst . find ((==peer) . snd) . snd <$> liftIO (readMVar pmvar) pairingAttributes :: PairingResult a => proxy (PairingService a) -> Output -> MVar (Int, [(Int, Peer)]) -> String -> PairingAttributes a pairingAttributes _ out peers prefix = PairingAttributes { pairingHookRequest = return () , pairingHookResponse = \confirm -> do index <- show <$> getPeerIndex peers afterCommit $ outLine out $ unwords [prefix ++ "-response", index, confirm] , pairingHookRequestNonce = \confirm -> do index <- show <$> getPeerIndex peers afterCommit $ outLine out $ unwords [prefix ++ "-request", index, confirm] , pairingHookRequestNonceFailed = failed "nonce" , pairingHookConfirmedResponse = return () , pairingHookConfirmedRequest = return () , pairingHookAcceptedResponse = do index <- show <$> getPeerIndex peers afterCommit $ outLine out $ unwords [prefix ++ "-response-done", index] , pairingHookAcceptedRequest = do index <- show <$> getPeerIndex peers afterCommit $ outLine out $ unwords [prefix ++ "-request-done", index] , pairingHookFailed = \case PairingUserRejected -> failed "user" PairingUnexpectedMessage pstate packet -> failed $ "unexpected " ++ strState pstate ++ " " ++ strPacket packet PairingFailedOther str -> failed $ "other " ++ str , pairingHookVerifyFailed = failed "verify" , pairingHookRejected = failed "rejected" } where failed :: PairingResult a => String -> ServiceHandler (PairingService a) () failed detail = do ptype <- svcGet >>= return . \case OurRequest {} -> "response" OurRequestConfirm {} -> "response" OurRequestReady -> "response" PeerRequest {} -> "request" PeerRequestConfirm -> "request" _ -> fail "unexpected pairing state" index <- show <$> getPeerIndex peers afterCommit $ outLine out $ prefix ++ "-" ++ ptype ++ "-failed " ++ index ++ " " ++ detail strState :: PairingState a -> String strState = \case NoPairing -> "none" OurRequest {} -> "our-request" OurRequestConfirm {} -> "our-request-confirm" OurRequestReady -> "our-request-ready" PeerRequest {} -> "peer-request" PeerRequestConfirm -> "peer-request-confirm" PairingDone -> "done" strPacket :: PairingService a -> String strPacket = \case PairingRequest {} -> "request" PairingResponse {} -> "response" PairingRequestNonce {} -> "nonce" PairingAccept {} -> "accept" PairingReject -> "reject" directMessageAttributes :: Output -> DirectMessageAttributes directMessageAttributes out = DirectMessageAttributes { dmOwnerMismatch = afterCommit $ outLine out "dm-owner-mismatch" } dmReceivedWatcher :: Output -> Stored DirectMessage -> IO () dmReceivedWatcher out smsg = do let msg = fromStored smsg outLine out $ unwords [ "dm-received" , "from", maybe "" T.unpack $ idName $ msgFrom msg , "text", T.unpack $ msgText msg ] newtype CommandM a = CommandM (ReaderT TestInput (StateT TestState (ExceptT String IO)) a) deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadReader TestInput, MonadState TestState, MonadError String) instance MonadFail CommandM where fail = throwError instance MonadRandom CommandM where getRandomBytes = liftIO . getRandomBytes instance MonadStorage CommandM where getStorage = asks tiStorage instance MonadHead LocalState CommandM where updateLocalHead f = do Just h <- gets tsHead (Just h', x) <- maybe (fail "failed to reload head") (flip updateHead f) =<< reloadHead h modify $ \s -> s { tsHead = Just h' } return x type Command = CommandM () commands :: [(Text, Command)] commands = map (T.pack *** id) [ ("store", cmdStore) , ("stored-generation", cmdStoredGeneration) , ("stored-roots", cmdStoredRoots) , ("stored-set-add", cmdStoredSetAdd) , ("stored-set-list", cmdStoredSetList) , ("create-identity", cmdCreateIdentity) , ("start-server", cmdStartServer) , ("stop-server", cmdStopServer) , ("peer-add", cmdPeerAdd) , ("shared-state-get", cmdSharedStateGet) , ("shared-state-wait", cmdSharedStateWait) , ("watch-local-identity", cmdWatchLocalIdentity) , ("watch-shared-identity", cmdWatchSharedIdentity) , ("update-local-identity", cmdUpdateLocalIdentity) , ("update-shared-identity", cmdUpdateSharedIdentity) , ("attach-to", cmdAttachTo) , ("attach-accept", cmdAttachAccept) , ("attach-reject", cmdAttachReject) , ("contact-request", cmdContactRequest) , ("contact-accept", cmdContactAccept) , ("contact-reject", cmdContactReject) , ("contact-list", cmdContactList) , ("contact-set-name", cmdContactSetName) , ("dm-send-peer", cmdDmSendPeer) , ("dm-send-contact", cmdDmSendContact) , ("dm-list-peer", cmdDmListPeer) , ("dm-list-contact", cmdDmListContact) ] cmdStore :: Command cmdStore = do st <- asks tiStorage [otype] <- asks tiParams ls <- getLines let cnt = encodeUtf8 $ T.unlines ls ref <- liftIO $ unsafeStoreRawBytes st $ BL.fromChunks [encodeUtf8 otype, BC.singleton ' ', BC.pack (show $ B.length cnt), BC.singleton '\n', cnt] cmdOut $ "store-done " ++ show (refDigest ref) cmdStoredGeneration :: Command cmdStoredGeneration = do st <- asks tiStorage [tref] <- asks tiParams Just ref <- liftIO $ readRef st (encodeUtf8 tref) cmdOut $ "stored-generation " ++ T.unpack tref ++ " " ++ showGeneration (storedGeneration $ wrappedLoad @Object ref) cmdStoredRoots :: Command cmdStoredRoots = do st <- asks tiStorage [tref] <- asks tiParams Just ref <- liftIO $ readRef st (encodeUtf8 tref) cmdOut $ "stored-roots " ++ T.unpack tref ++ concatMap ((' ':) . show . refDigest . storedRef) (storedRoots $ wrappedLoad @Object ref) cmdStoredSetAdd :: Command cmdStoredSetAdd = do st <- asks tiStorage (item, set) <- asks tiParams >>= liftIO . mapM (readRef st . encodeUtf8) >>= \case [Just iref, Just sref] -> return (wrappedLoad iref, loadSet @[Stored Object] sref) [Just iref] -> return (wrappedLoad iref, emptySet) _ -> fail "unexpected parameters" set' <- storeSetAdd st [item] set cmdOut $ "stored-set-add" ++ concatMap ((' ':) . show . refDigest . storedRef) (toComponents set') cmdStoredSetList :: Command cmdStoredSetList = do st <- asks tiStorage [tref] <- asks tiParams Just ref <- liftIO $ readRef st (encodeUtf8 tref) let items = fromSetBy compare $ loadSet @[Stored Object] ref forM_ items $ \item -> do cmdOut $ "stored-set-item" ++ concatMap ((' ':) . show . refDigest . storedRef) item cmdOut $ "stored-set-done" cmdCreateIdentity :: Command cmdCreateIdentity = do st <- asks tiStorage names <- asks tiParams h <- liftIO $ do Just identity <- if null names then Just <$> createIdentity st Nothing Nothing else foldrM (\n o -> Just <$> createIdentity st (Just n) o) Nothing names shared <- case names of _:_:_ -> (:[]) <$> makeSharedStateUpdate st (Just $ finalOwner identity) [] _ -> return [] storeHead st $ LocalState { lsIdentity = idData identity , lsShared = shared } _ <- liftIO . watchReceivedMessages h . dmReceivedWatcher =<< asks tiOutput modify $ \s -> s { tsHead = Just h } cmdStartServer :: Command cmdStartServer = do out <- asks tiOutput Just h <- gets tsHead rsPeers <- liftIO $ newMVar (1, []) rsServer <- liftIO $ startServer defaultServerOptions h (hPutStrLn stderr) [ someServiceAttr $ pairingAttributes (Proxy @AttachService) out rsPeers "attach" , someServiceAttr $ pairingAttributes (Proxy @ContactService) out rsPeers "contact" , someServiceAttr $ directMessageAttributes out , someService @SyncService Proxy ] rsPeerThread <- liftIO $ forkIO $ void $ forever $ do peer <- getNextPeerChange rsServer let printPeer (idx, p) = do params <- peerIdentity p >>= return . \case PeerIdentityFull pid -> ("id":) $ map (maybe "" T.unpack . idName) (unfoldOwners pid) _ -> [ "addr", show (peerAddress p) ] outLine out $ unwords $ [ "peer", show idx ] ++ params update (nid, []) = printPeer (nid, peer) >> return (nid + 1, [(nid, peer)]) update cur@(nid, p:ps) | snd p == peer = printPeer p >> return cur | otherwise = fmap (p:) <$> update (nid, ps) modifyMVar_ rsPeers update modify $ \s -> s { tsServer = Just RunningServer {..} } cmdStopServer :: Command cmdStopServer = do Just RunningServer {..} <- gets tsServer liftIO $ do killThread rsPeerThread stopServer rsServer modify $ \s -> s { tsServer = Nothing } cmdOut "stop-server-done" cmdPeerAdd :: Command cmdPeerAdd = do Just RunningServer {..} <- gets tsServer host:rest <- map T.unpack <$> asks tiParams let port = case rest of [] -> show discoveryPort (p:_) -> p addr:_ <- liftIO $ getAddrInfo (Just $ defaultHints { addrSocketType = Datagram }) (Just host) (Just port) void $ liftIO $ serverPeer rsServer (addrAddress addr) cmdSharedStateGet :: Command cmdSharedStateGet = do h <- getHead cmdOut $ unwords $ "shared-state-get" : map (show . refDigest . storedRef) (lsShared $ headObject h) cmdSharedStateWait :: Command cmdSharedStateWait = do st <- asks tiStorage out <- asks tiOutput Just h <- gets tsHead trefs <- asks tiParams liftIO $ do mvar <- newEmptyMVar w <- watchHeadWith h (lsShared . headObject) $ \cur -> do mbobjs <- mapM (readRef st . encodeUtf8) trefs case map wrappedLoad <$> sequence mbobjs of Just objs | filterAncestors (cur ++ objs) == cur -> do outLine out $ unwords $ "shared-state-wait" : map T.unpack trefs void $ forkIO $ unwatchHead =<< takeMVar mvar _ -> return () putMVar mvar w cmdWatchLocalIdentity :: Command cmdWatchLocalIdentity = do Just h <- gets tsHead Nothing <- gets tsWatchedLocalIdentity out <- asks tiOutput w <- liftIO $ watchHeadWith h headLocalIdentity $ \idt -> do outLine out $ unwords $ "local-identity" : map (maybe "" T.unpack . idName) (unfoldOwners idt) modify $ \s -> s { tsWatchedLocalIdentity = Just w } cmdWatchSharedIdentity :: Command cmdWatchSharedIdentity = do Just h <- gets tsHead Nothing <- gets tsWatchedSharedIdentity out <- asks tiOutput w <- liftIO $ watchHeadWith h (lookupSharedValue . lsShared . headObject) $ \case Just (idt :: ComposedIdentity) -> do outLine out $ unwords $ "shared-identity" : map (maybe "" T.unpack . idName) (unfoldOwners idt) Nothing -> do outLine out $ "shared-identity-failed" modify $ \s -> s { tsWatchedSharedIdentity = Just w } cmdUpdateLocalIdentity :: Command cmdUpdateLocalIdentity = do [name] <- asks tiParams updateLocalHead_ $ \ls -> liftIO $ do Just identity <- return $ validateIdentity $ lsIdentity $ fromStored ls let st = storedStorage ls public = idKeyIdentity identity Just secret <- loadKey public nidata <- maybe (error "created invalid identity") (return . idData) . validateIdentity =<< wrappedStore st =<< sign secret =<< wrappedStore st (emptyIdentityData public) { iddPrev = toList $ idDataF identity , iddName = Just name } wrappedStore st $ (fromStored ls) { lsIdentity = nidata } cmdUpdateSharedIdentity :: Command cmdUpdateSharedIdentity = do [name] <- asks tiParams updateLocalHead_ $ updateSharedState_ $ \case Nothing -> throwError "no existing shared identity" Just identity -> liftIO $ do let st = storedStorage $ head $ idDataF identity public = idKeyIdentity identity Just secret <- loadKey public maybe (error "created invalid identity") (return . Just . toComposedIdentity) . validateIdentity =<< wrappedStore st =<< sign secret =<< wrappedStore st (emptyIdentityData public) { iddPrev = toList $ idDataF identity , iddName = Just name } cmdAttachTo :: Command cmdAttachTo = do [spidx] <- asks tiParams attachToOwner =<< getPeer spidx cmdAttachAccept :: Command cmdAttachAccept = do [spidx] <- asks tiParams attachAccept =<< getPeer spidx cmdAttachReject :: Command cmdAttachReject = do [spidx] <- asks tiParams attachReject =<< getPeer spidx cmdContactRequest :: Command cmdContactRequest = do [spidx] <- asks tiParams contactRequest =<< getPeer spidx cmdContactAccept :: Command cmdContactAccept = do [spidx] <- asks tiParams contactAccept =<< getPeer spidx cmdContactReject :: Command cmdContactReject = do [spidx] <- asks tiParams contactReject =<< getPeer spidx cmdContactList :: Command cmdContactList = do h <- getHead let contacts = fromSetBy (comparing contactName) . lookupSharedValue . lsShared . headObject $ h forM_ contacts $ \c -> do r:_ <- return $ filterAncestors $ concatMap storedRoots $ toComponents c cmdOut $ concat [ "contact-list-item " , show $ refDigest $ storedRef r , " " , T.unpack $ contactName c , case contactIdentity c of Nothing -> ""; Just idt -> " " ++ T.unpack (displayIdentity idt) ] cmdOut "contact-list-done" getContact :: Text -> CommandM Contact getContact cid = do h <- getHead let contacts = fromSetBy (comparing contactName) . lookupSharedValue . lsShared . headObject $ h [contact] <- flip filterM contacts $ \c -> do r:_ <- return $ filterAncestors $ concatMap storedRoots $ toComponents c return $ T.pack (show $ refDigest $ storedRef r) == cid return contact cmdContactSetName :: Command cmdContactSetName = do [cid, name] <- asks tiParams contact <- getContact cid updateLocalHead_ $ updateSharedState_ $ contactSetName contact name cmdOut "contact-set-name-done" cmdDmSendPeer :: Command cmdDmSendPeer = do [spidx, msg] <- asks tiParams PeerIdentityFull to <- peerIdentity =<< getPeer spidx void $ sendDirectMessage to msg cmdDmSendContact :: Command cmdDmSendContact = do [cid, msg] <- asks tiParams Just to <- contactIdentity <$> getContact cid void $ sendDirectMessage to msg dmList :: Foldable f => Identity f -> Command dmList peer = do threads <- toThreadList . lookupSharedValue . lsShared . headObject <$> getHead case find (sameIdentity peer . msgPeer) threads of Just thread -> do forM_ (reverse $ threadToList thread) $ \DirectMessage {..} -> cmdOut $ "dm-list-item" <> " from " <> (maybe "" T.unpack $ idName msgFrom) <> " text " <> (T.unpack msgText) Nothing -> return () cmdOut "dm-list-done" cmdDmListPeer :: Command cmdDmListPeer = do [spidx] <- asks tiParams PeerIdentityFull to <- peerIdentity =<< getPeer spidx dmList to cmdDmListContact :: Command cmdDmListContact = do [cid] <- asks tiParams Just to <- contactIdentity <$> getContact cid dmList to