path: root/src/Job.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Job.hs')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/src/Job.hs b/src/Job.hs
index 80dfa92..d750c79 100644
--- a/src/Job.hs
+++ b/src/Job.hs
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
module Job (
- JobName(..), stringJobName,
+ JobName(..), stringJobName, textJobName,
+ JobStatus(..),
+ jobStatusFinished, jobStatusFailed,
) where
@@ -10,11 +12,13 @@ import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.List
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
+import Data.Text.IO qualified as T
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
@@ -31,9 +35,9 @@ data Job = Job
data JobOutput = JobOutput
{ outName :: JobName
- , outStatus :: Bool
, outArtifacts :: [ArtifactOutput]
+ deriving (Eq)
data JobName = JobName Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
@@ -41,6 +45,9 @@ data JobName = JobName Text
stringJobName :: JobName -> String
stringJobName (JobName name) = T.unpack name
+textJobName :: JobName -> Text
+textJobName (JobName name) = name
data ArtifactName = ArtifactName Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
@@ -49,41 +56,123 @@ data ArtifactOutput = ArtifactOutput
, aoutWorkPath :: FilePath
, aoutStorePath :: FilePath
-runJobs :: FilePath -> String -> [Job] -> IO [TVar (Maybe JobOutput)]
+ deriving (Eq)
+data JobStatus a = JobQueued
+ | JobWaiting [JobName]
+ | JobRunning
+ | JobSkipped
+ | JobError Text
+ | JobFailed
+ | JobDone a
+ deriving (Eq)
+jobStatusFinished :: JobStatus a -> Bool
+jobStatusFinished = \case
+ JobQueued {} -> False
+ JobWaiting {} -> False
+ JobRunning {} -> False
+ _ -> True
+jobStatusFailed :: JobStatus a -> Bool
+jobStatusFailed = \case
+ JobError {} -> True
+ JobFailed {} -> True
+ _ -> False
+textJobStatus :: JobStatus a -> Text
+textJobStatus = \case
+ JobQueued -> "queued"
+ JobWaiting _ -> "waiting"
+ JobRunning -> "running"
+ JobSkipped -> "skipped"
+ JobError err -> "error\n" <> err
+ JobFailed -> "failed"
+ JobDone _ -> "done"
+runJobs :: FilePath -> String -> [Job] -> IO [TVar (JobStatus JobOutput)]
runJobs dir cid jobs = do
- results <- forM jobs $ \job -> (job,) <$> newTVarIO Nothing
+ results <- forM jobs $ \job -> (job,) <$> newTVarIO JobQueued
gitLock <- newMVar ()
forM_ results $ \(job, outVar) -> void $ forkIO $ do
- uses <- forM (jobUses job) $ \(ujobName, uartName) -> do
- Just (_, uoutVar) <- return $ find ((==ujobName) . jobName . fst) results
- uout <- atomically $ maybe retry return =<< readTVar uoutVar
- Just uart <- return $ find ((==uartName) . aoutName) $ outArtifacts uout
- return uart
- out <- runJob gitLock dir cid job uses
- atomically $ writeTVar outVar $ Just out
+ res <- runExceptT $ do
+ uses <- waitForUsedArtifacts job results outVar
+ liftIO $ atomically $ writeTVar outVar JobRunning
+ prepareJob gitLock dir cid job $ \checkoutPath jdir -> do
+ updateStatusFile (jdir </> "status") outVar
+ runJob job uses checkoutPath jdir
+ case res of
+ Left (JobError err) -> T.putStrLn err
+ _ -> return ()
+ atomically $ writeTVar outVar $ either id JobDone res
return $ map snd results
-runJob :: MVar () -> FilePath -> String -> Job -> [ArtifactOutput] -> IO JobOutput
-runJob gitLock dir cid job uses = do
- [checkoutPath] <- lines <$> readProcess "mktemp" ["-d", "-t", "minici.XXXXXXXXXX"] ""
- tid <- withMVar gitLock $ \_ -> do
- "" <- readProcess "git" ["--work-tree=" <> checkoutPath, "restore", "--source=" <> cid, "--", "."] ""
- ["tree", tid]:_ <- map words . lines <$> readProcess "git" ["cat-file", "-p", cid] ""
- return tid
- let jdir = dir </> "jobs" </> tid </> stringJobName (jobName job)
- createDirectoryIfMissing True jdir
- logs <- openFile (jdir </> "log") WriteMode
- forM_ uses $ \aout -> do
+waitForUsedArtifacts :: (MonadIO m, MonadError (JobStatus JobOutput) m) =>
+ Job -> [(Job, TVar (JobStatus JobOutput))] -> TVar (JobStatus JobOutput) -> m [ArtifactOutput]
+waitForUsedArtifacts job results outVar = do
+ ujobs <- forM (jobUses job) $ \(ujobName@(JobName tjobName), uartName) -> do
+ case find ((==ujobName) . jobName . fst) results of
+ Just (_, var) -> return (var, (ujobName, uartName))
+ Nothing -> throwError $ JobError $ "Job '" <> tjobName <> "' not found"
+ let loop prev = do
+ ustatuses <- atomically $ do
+ ustatuses <- forM ujobs $ \(uoutVar, uartName) -> do
+ (,uartName) <$> readTVar uoutVar
+ when (Just (map fst ustatuses) == prev) retry
+ writeTVar outVar $ JobWaiting $ map (fst . snd) $ filter (not . jobStatusFinished . fst) ustatuses
+ return ustatuses
+ if all (jobStatusFinished . fst) ustatuses
+ then return ustatuses
+ else loop $ Just $ map fst ustatuses
+ ustatuses <- liftIO $ loop Nothing
+ forM ustatuses $ \(ustatus, (JobName tjobName, uartName@(ArtifactName tartName))) -> do
+ case ustatus of
+ JobDone out -> case find ((==uartName) . aoutName) $ outArtifacts out of
+ Just art -> return art
+ Nothing -> throwError $ JobError $ "Artifact '" <> tjobName <> "." <> tartName <> "' not found"
+ _ -> throwError JobSkipped
+updateStatusFile :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> TVar (JobStatus JobOutput) -> m ()
+updateStatusFile path outVar = void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ loop Nothing
+ where
+ loop prev = do
+ status <- atomically $ do
+ status <- readTVar outVar
+ when (Just status == prev) retry
+ return status
+ T.writeFile path $ textJobStatus status <> "\n"
+ when (not (jobStatusFinished status)) $ loop $ Just status
+prepareJob :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m, MonadFail m) => MVar () -> FilePath -> String -> Job -> (FilePath -> FilePath -> m a) -> m a
+prepareJob gitLock dir cid job inner = do
+ [checkoutPath] <- fmap lines $ liftIO $
+ readProcess "mktemp" ["-d", "-t", "minici.XXXXXXXXXX"] ""
+ flip finally (liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive checkoutPath) $ do
+ tid <- liftIO $ withMVar gitLock $ \_ -> do
+ "" <- readProcess "git" ["--work-tree=" <> checkoutPath, "restore", "--source=" <> cid, "--", "."] ""
+ ["tree", tid]:_ <- map words . lines <$> readProcess "git" ["cat-file", "-p", cid] ""
+ return tid
+ let jdir = dir </> "jobs" </> tid </> stringJobName (jobName job)
+ liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True jdir
+ inner checkoutPath jdir
+runJob :: Job -> [ArtifactOutput] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> ExceptT (JobStatus JobOutput) IO JobOutput
+runJob job uses checkoutPath jdir = do
+ liftIO $ forM_ uses $ \aout -> do
let target = checkoutPath </> aoutWorkPath aout
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory target
copyFile (aoutStorePath aout) target
- res <- runExceptT $ do
+ bracket (liftIO $ openFile (jdir </> "log") WriteMode) (liftIO . hClose) $ \logs -> do
forM_ (jobRecipe job) $ \p -> do
(Just hin, _, _, hp) <- liftIO $ createProcess_ "" p
{ cwd = Just checkoutPath
@@ -95,15 +184,10 @@ runJob gitLock dir cid job uses = do
exit <- liftIO $ waitForProcess hp
when (exit /= ExitSuccess) $
- throwError ()
- hClose logs
- writeFile (jdir </> "status") $
- if res == Right () then "success\n" else "failure\n"
+ throwError JobFailed
let adir = jdir </> "artifacts"
- artifacts <- forM (jobArtifacts job) $ \(name@(ArtifactName tname), pathCmd) -> do
+ artifacts <- forM (jobArtifacts job) $ \(name@(ArtifactName tname), pathCmd) -> liftIO $ do
[path] <- lines <$> readCreateProcess pathCmd { cwd = Just checkoutPath } ""
let target = adir </> T.unpack tname
createDirectoryIfMissing True adir
@@ -114,10 +198,7 @@ runJob gitLock dir cid job uses = do
, aoutStorePath = target
- removeDirectoryRecursive checkoutPath
return JobOutput
{ outName = jobName job
- , outStatus = res == Right ()
, outArtifacts = artifacts