path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 135 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/src/Command/Run.hs b/src/Command/Run.hs
index 945a4fd..14341cd 100644
--- a/src/Command/Run.hs
+++ b/src/Command/Run.hs
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ cmdRun (RunCommand changeset) = do
forM_ jobssets $ \jobset -> do
let commit = jobsetCommit jobset
shortCid = T.pack $ take 7 $ showCommitId $ commitId commit
- shortDesc = fitToLength 50 (commitDescription commit)
+ shortDesc <- fitToLength 50 <$> getCommitTitle commit
case jobsetJobsEither jobset of
Right jobs -> do
outs <- runJobs mngr commit jobs
diff --git a/src/Job.hs b/src/Job.hs
index 990ea3e..71da738 100644
--- a/src/Job.hs
+++ b/src/Job.hs
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ runManagedJob JobManager {..} tid cancel job = bracket acquire release $ \case
runJobs :: JobManager -> Commit -> [ Job ] -> IO [ ( Job, TVar (JobStatus JobOutput) ) ]
runJobs mngr@JobManager {..} commit jobs = do
- treeId <- readTreeId commit
+ treeId <- getTreeId commit
results <- atomically $ do
forM jobs $ \job -> do
let jid = JobId [ JobIdTree treeId, JobIdName (jobName job) ]
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ prepareJob dir commit job inner = do
flip finally (liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive checkoutPath) $ do
checkoutAt commit checkoutPath
- tid <- readTreeId commit
+ tid <- getTreeId commit
let jdir = dir </> "jobs" </> showTreeId tid </> stringJobName (jobName job)
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True jdir
diff --git a/src/Repo.hs b/src/Repo.hs
index 45fdb04..caa8a20 100644
--- a/src/Repo.hs
+++ b/src/Repo.hs
@@ -1,28 +1,45 @@
module Repo (
- Repo(..), Commit(..),
+ Repo, Commit, commitId,
CommitId, showCommitId,
TreeId, showTreeId,
+ readBranch,
+ readTag,
+ getTreeId,
+ getCommitTitle,
+ getCommitMessage,
- readTreeId,
+ watchBranch,
+ watchTags,
) where
import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as BC
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
+import Data.Function
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import Data.Map qualified as M
+import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
+import Data.Text.Encoding
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
+import System.INotify
import System.Process
@@ -30,15 +47,32 @@ data Repo
= GitRepo
{ gitDir :: FilePath
, gitLock :: MVar ()
+ , gitInotify :: MVar (Maybe ( INotify, TChan Text ))
+ , gitWatchedBranches :: MVar (Map Text [ TVar (Maybe Commit) ])
data Commit = Commit
{ commitRepo :: Repo
- , commitId :: CommitId
- , commitDescription :: Text
- , commitTreeId :: MVar (Maybe TreeId)
+ , commitId_ :: CommitId
+ , commitDetails :: MVar (Maybe CommitDetails)
+ }
+commitId :: Commit -> CommitId
+commitId = commitId_
+data CommitDetails = CommitDetails
+ { commitTreeId :: TreeId
+ , commitTitle :: Text
+ , commitMessage :: Text
+instance Eq Repo where
+ (==) = (==) `on` gitLock
+instance Eq Commit where
+ x == y = commitRepo x == commitRepo y &&
+ commitId_ x == commitId_ y
newtype CommitId = CommitId ByteString
deriving (Eq, Ord)
@@ -58,6 +92,8 @@ openRepo path = do
findGitDir >>= \case
Just gitDir -> do
gitLock <- newMVar ()
+ gitInotify <- newMVar Nothing
+ gitWatchedBranches <- newMVar M.empty
return $ Just GitRepo {..}
Nothing -> do
return Nothing
@@ -72,46 +108,76 @@ openRepo path = do
Just dir -> return (Just dir)
_ -> return Nothing
+readCommitFromFile :: MonadIO m => Repo -> FilePath -> m (Maybe Commit)
+readCommitFromFile commitRepo@GitRepo {..} path = liftIO $ do
+ try @IOException (BC.readFile $ gitDir </> path) >>= \case
+ Right content | (cid : _) <- BC.lines content -> do
+ let commitId_ = CommitId cid
+ commitDetails <- newMVar Nothing
+ return $ Just Commit {..}
+ _ -> do
+ return Nothing
+readBranch :: MonadIO m => Repo -> Text -> m (Maybe Commit)
+readBranch repo branch = readCommitFromFile repo ("refs/heads" </> T.unpack branch)
+readTag :: MonadIO m => Repo -> Text -> m (Maybe Commit)
+readTag repo tag = readCommitFromFile repo ("refs/tags" </> T.unpack tag)
listCommits :: MonadIO m => Repo -> String -> m [ Commit ]
listCommits commitRepo range = liftIO $ do
- out <- readProcess "git" [ "log", "--pretty=oneline", "--first-parent", "--reverse", range ] ""
- forM (lines out) $ \line -> do
- let ( cid, desc ) = fmap (drop 1) $ (span (/=' ')) line
- commitId = CommitId (BC.pack cid)
- commitDescription = T.pack desc
- commitTreeId <- newMVar Nothing
+ out <- readProcess "git" [ "log", "--pretty=%H", "--first-parent", "--reverse", range ] ""
+ forM (lines out) $ \cid -> do
+ let commitId_ = CommitId (BC.pack cid)
+ commitDetails <- newMVar Nothing
return Commit {..}
+getCommitDetails :: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => Commit -> m CommitDetails
+getCommitDetails Commit {..} = do
+ let GitRepo {..} = commitRepo
+ liftIO $ do
+ modifyMVar commitDetails $ \case
+ cur@(Just details) -> do
+ return ( cur, details )
+ Nothing -> do
+ ( infoPart, _ : title : message ) <-
+ fmap (span (not . null) . lines) $
+ withMVar gitLock $ \_ -> do
+ readProcess "git" [ "--git-dir=" <> gitDir, "cat-file", "commit", showCommitId commitId_ ] ""
+ let info = map (fmap (drop 1) . span (/= ' ')) infoPart
+ Just commitTreeId <- return $ TreeId . BC.pack <$> lookup "tree" info
+ let commitTitle = T.pack title
+ let commitMessage = T.pack $ unlines $ dropWhile null message
+ let details = CommitDetails {..}
+ return ( Just details, details )
+getTreeId :: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => Commit -> m TreeId
+getTreeId = fmap commitTreeId . getCommitDetails
+getCommitTitle :: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => Commit -> m Text
+getCommitTitle = fmap commitTitle . getCommitDetails
+getCommitMessage :: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => Commit -> m Text
+getCommitMessage = fmap commitMessage . getCommitDetails
checkoutAt :: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => Commit -> FilePath -> m ()
checkoutAt Commit {..} dest = do
let GitRepo {..} = commitRepo
liftIO $ withMVar gitLock $ \_ -> do
"" <- readProcess "git" [ "clone", "--quiet", "--shared", "--no-checkout", gitDir, dest ] ""
- "" <- readProcess "git" [ "-C", dest, "restore", "--worktree", "--source=" <> showCommitId commitId, "--", "." ] ""
+ "" <- readProcess "git" [ "-C", dest, "restore", "--worktree", "--source=" <> showCommitId commitId_, "--", "." ] ""
removeDirectoryRecursive $ dest </> ".git"
-readTreeId :: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => Commit -> m TreeId
-readTreeId Commit {..} = do
- let GitRepo {..} = commitRepo
- liftIO $ do
- modifyMVar commitTreeId $ \case
- Just tid -> do
- return ( Just tid, tid )
- Nothing -> do
- withMVar gitLock $ \_ -> do
- [ "tree", stid ] : _ <- map words . lines <$> readProcess "git" [ "--git-dir=" <> gitDir, "cat-file", "commit", showCommitId commitId ] ""
- let tid = TreeId $ BC.pack stid
- return ( Just tid, tid )
readCommittedFile :: Commit -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe BL.ByteString)
readCommittedFile Commit {..} path = do
let GitRepo {..} = commitRepo
liftIO $ withMVar gitLock $ \_ -> do
- let cmd = (proc "git" [ "--git-dir=" <> gitDir, "cat-file", "blob", showCommitId commitId <> ":" <> path ])
+ let cmd = (proc "git" [ "--git-dir=" <> gitDir, "cat-file", "blob", showCommitId commitId_ <> ":" <> path ])
{ std_in = NoStream
, std_out = CreatePipe
@@ -130,3 +196,42 @@ readCommittedFile Commit {..} path = do
_ ->
return (Just content)
| otherwise -> error "createProcess must return stdout handle"
+repoInotify :: Repo -> IO ( INotify, TChan Text )
+repoInotify repo@GitRepo {..} = modifyMVar gitInotify $ \case
+ cur@(Just info) ->
+ return ( cur, info )
+ Nothing -> do
+ inotify <- initINotify
+ tagsChan <- newBroadcastTChanIO
+ let info = ( inotify, tagsChan )
+ _ <- addWatch inotify [ MoveIn ] (BC.pack headsDir) $ \event -> do
+ let branch = decodeUtf8 $ filePath event
+ tvars <- fromMaybe [] . M.lookup branch <$> readMVar gitWatchedBranches
+ when (not $ null tvars) $ do
+ commit <- readBranch repo branch
+ atomically $ do
+ mapM_ (`writeTVar` commit) tvars
+ _ <- addWatch inotify [ MoveIn ] (BC.pack tagsDir) $ \event -> do
+ let tag = decodeUtf8 $ filePath event
+ atomically $ writeTChan tagsChan tag
+ return ( Just info, info )
+ where
+ headsDir = gitDir </> "refs/heads"
+ tagsDir = gitDir </> "refs/tags"
+watchBranch :: Repo -> Text -> IO (STM (Maybe Commit))
+watchBranch repo@GitRepo {..} branch = do
+ var <- newTVarIO =<< readBranch repo branch
+ void $ repoInotify repo
+ modifyMVar_ gitWatchedBranches $ return . M.insertWith (++) branch [ var ]
+ return $ readTVar var
+watchTags :: Repo -> IO (TChan Text)
+watchTags repo = do
+ tagsChan <- snd <$> repoInotify repo
+ atomically $ dupTChan tagsChan