module Config ( Config(..), findConfig, parseConfig, loadConfigForCommit, loadJobSetForCommit, ) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Combinators import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BS import Data.List import Data.Map qualified as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Ord import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.YAML import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.Process import Job.Types import Repo configFileName :: FilePath configFileName = "minici.yaml" data Config = Config { configJobs :: [Job] } instance Semigroup Config where a <> b = Config { configJobs = configJobs a ++ configJobs b } instance Monoid Config where mempty = Config { configJobs = [] } instance FromYAML Config where parseYAML = withMap "Config" $ \m -> do let getpos = \case (Scalar pos _, _) -> pos (Mapping pos _ _, _) -> pos (Sequence pos _ _, _) -> pos (Anchor pos _ _, _) -> pos jobs <- fmap catMaybes $ forM (sortBy (comparing $ posLine . getpos) $ M.assocs m) $ \case (Scalar _ (SStr tag), node) | ["job", name] <- T.words tag -> do Just <$> parseJob name node _ -> return Nothing return $ Config jobs parseJob :: Text -> Node Pos -> Parser Job parseJob name node = flip (withMap "Job") node $ \j -> Job <$> pure (JobName name) <*> choice [ cabalJob =<< j .: "cabal" , shellJob =<< j .: "shell" ] <*> parseArtifacts j <*> (maybe (return []) parseUses =<< j .:? "uses") cabalJob :: Node Pos -> Parser [CreateProcess] cabalJob = withMap "cabal job" $ \m -> do ghcOptions <- m .:? "ghc-options" >>= \case Nothing -> return [] Just s -> withSeq "GHC option list" (mapM (withStr "GHC option" return)) s return [ proc "cabal" $ concat [ ["build"], ("--ghc-option="++) . T.unpack <$> ghcOptions ] ] shellJob :: Node Pos -> Parser [CreateProcess] shellJob = withSeq "shell commands" $ \xs -> do fmap (map shell) $ forM xs $ withStr "shell command" $ return . T.unpack parseArtifacts :: Mapping Pos -> Parser [(ArtifactName, CreateProcess)] parseArtifacts m = do fmap catMaybes $ forM (M.assocs m) $ \case (Scalar _ (SStr tag), node) | ["artifact", name] <- T.words tag -> do Just <$> parseArtifact name node _ -> return Nothing where parseArtifact name = withMap "Artifact" $ \am -> do path <- am .: "path" return (ArtifactName name, proc "echo" [ T.unpack path ]) parseUses :: Node Pos -> Parser [(JobName, ArtifactName)] parseUses = withSeq "Uses list" $ mapM $ withStr "Artifact reference" $ \text -> do [job, art] <- return $ T.split (== '.') text return (JobName job, ArtifactName art) findConfig :: IO (Maybe FilePath) findConfig = go "." where go path = do doesFileExist (path configFileName) >>= \case True -> return $ Just $ path configFileName False -> doesDirectoryExist (path "..") >>= \case True -> do parent <- canonicalizePath $ path ".." if parent /= path then go parent else return Nothing False -> return Nothing parseConfig :: BS.ByteString -> Either String Config parseConfig contents = do case decode1 contents of Left (pos, err) -> do Left $ prettyPosWithSource pos contents err Right conf -> Right conf loadConfigForCommit :: Commit -> IO (Either String Config) loadConfigForCommit commit = do readCommittedFile commit configFileName >>= return . \case Just content -> either (\_ -> Left $ "failed to parse " <> configFileName) Right $ parseConfig content Nothing -> Left $ configFileName <> " not found" loadJobSetForCommit :: Commit -> IO JobSet loadJobSetForCommit commit = toJobSet <$> loadConfigForCommit commit where toJobSet configEither = JobSet { jobsetCommit = commit , jobsetJobsEither = fmap configJobs configEither }