module Repo ( Repo(..), Commit(..), CommitId, showCommitId, TreeId, showTreeId, openRepo, listCommits, checkoutAt, readTreeId, readCommittedFile, ) where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as BC import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text qualified as T import System.Directory import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.Process data Repo = GitRepo { gitDir :: FilePath , gitLock :: MVar () } data Commit = Commit { commitRepo :: Repo , commitId :: CommitId , commitDescription :: Text } newtype CommitId = CommitId ByteString deriving (Eq, Ord) showCommitId :: CommitId -> String showCommitId (CommitId cid) = BC.unpack cid newtype TreeId = TreeId ByteString deriving (Eq, Ord) showTreeId :: TreeId -> String showTreeId (TreeId tid) = BC.unpack tid openRepo :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Repo) openRepo path = do findGitDir >>= \case Just gitDir -> do gitLock <- newMVar () return $ Just GitRepo {..} Nothing -> do return Nothing where tryGitDir gpath = readProcessWithExitCode "git" [ "rev-parse", "--resolve-git-dir", gpath ] "" >>= \case ( ExitSuccess, out, _ ) | dir : _ <- lines out -> return (Just dir) _ -> return Nothing findGitDir = do tryGitDir path >>= \case Just dir -> return (Just dir) Nothing -> tryGitDir (path ".git") >>= \case Just dir -> return (Just dir) _ -> return Nothing listCommits :: MonadIO m => Repo -> String -> m [ Commit ] listCommits commitRepo range = liftIO $ do out <- readProcess "git" [ "log", "--pretty=oneline", "--first-parent", "--reverse", range ] "" forM (lines out) $ \line -> do let ( cid, desc ) = fmap (drop 1) $ (span (/=' ')) line commitId = CommitId (BC.pack cid) commitDescription = T.pack desc return Commit {..} checkoutAt :: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => Commit -> FilePath -> m () checkoutAt Commit {..} dest = do let GitRepo {..} = commitRepo liftIO $ withMVar gitLock $ \_ -> do "" <- readProcess "git" [ "clone", "--quiet", "--shared", "--no-checkout", gitDir, dest ] "" "" <- readProcess "git" [ "-C", dest, "restore", "--worktree", "--source=" <> showCommitId commitId, "--", "." ] "" removeDirectoryRecursive $ dest ".git" readTreeId :: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => Commit -> m TreeId readTreeId Commit {..} = do let GitRepo {..} = commitRepo liftIO $ withMVar gitLock $ \_ -> do [ "tree", tid ] : _ <- map words . lines <$> readProcess "git" [ "--git-dir=" <> gitDir, "cat-file", "commit", showCommitId commitId ] "" return $ TreeId $ BC.pack tid readCommittedFile :: Commit -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe BL.ByteString) readCommittedFile Commit {..} path = do let GitRepo {..} = commitRepo liftIO $ withMVar gitLock $ \_ -> do let cmd = (proc "git" [ "--git-dir=" <> gitDir, "cat-file", "blob", showCommitId commitId <> ":" <> path ]) { std_in = NoStream , std_out = CreatePipe } createProcess cmd >>= \( _, mbstdout, _, ph ) -> if | Just stdout <- mbstdout -> do content <- BL.hGetContents stdout -- check if there will be some output: case BL.uncons content of Just (c, _) -> c `seq` return () Nothing -> return () getProcessExitCode ph >>= \case Just code | code /= ExitSuccess -> return Nothing _ -> return (Just content) | otherwise -> error "createProcess must return stdout handle"