path: root/src
diff options
authorRoman Smrž <>2022-09-17 20:09:19 +0200
committerRoman Smrž <>2022-09-24 19:50:08 +0200
commit95af762bfd976af7b010abd5353a84df92c83068 (patch)
tree4d984d9ddc3530bb9dc14c7dd7f33c7d09d46694 /src
parenta2e5eecf0bc013f411335cbda1be51c933c36bf9 (diff)
Scope of variables denoted in parse tree
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 175 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
index 29c45bc..6306c17 100644
--- a/src/Main.hs
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
-import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
@@ -76,11 +75,12 @@ data TestEnv = TestEnv
data TestState = TestState
- { tsVars :: [(VarName, SomeVarValue)]
+ { tsNetwork :: Network
+ , tsVars :: [(VarName, SomeVarValue)]
-newtype TestRun a = TestRun { fromTestRun :: ReaderT TestEnv (StateT TestState (ExceptT () IO)) a }
- deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader TestEnv, MonadState TestState, MonadIO)
+newtype TestRun a = TestRun { fromTestRun :: ReaderT (TestEnv, TestState) (ExceptT () IO) a }
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader (TestEnv, TestState), MonadIO)
instance MonadFail TestRun where
fail str = do
@@ -89,30 +89,29 @@ instance MonadFail TestRun where
instance MonadError () TestRun where
throwError () = do
- failedVar <- asks teFailed
+ failedVar <- asks $ teFailed . fst
liftIO $ atomically $ writeTVar failedVar True
TestRun $ throwError ()
catchError (TestRun act) handler = TestRun $ catchError act $ fromTestRun . handler
instance MonadEval TestRun where
- lookupVar name = maybe (fail $ "variable not in scope: '" ++ unpackVarName name ++ "'") return =<< gets (lookup name . tsVars)
+ lookupVar name = maybe (fail $ "variable not in scope: '" ++ unpackVarName name ++ "'") return =<< asks (lookup name . tsVars . snd)
instance MonadOutput TestRun where
- getOutput = asks teOutput
+ getOutput = asks $ teOutput . fst
forkTest :: TestRun () -> TestRun ()
forkTest act = do
tenv <- ask
- tstate <- get
void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ do
- runExceptT (flip evalStateT tstate $ flip runReaderT tenv $ fromTestRun act) >>= \case
- Left () -> atomically $ writeTVar (teFailed tenv) True
+ runExceptT (flip runReaderT tenv $ fromTestRun act) >>= \case
+ Left () -> atomically $ writeTVar (teFailed $ fst tenv) True
Right () -> return ()
atomicallyTest :: STM a -> TestRun a
atomicallyTest act = do
- failedVar <- asks teFailed
+ failedVar <- asks $ teFailed . fst
res <- liftIO $ atomically $ do
failed <- readTVar failedVar
if failed then return $ Left ()
@@ -121,8 +120,8 @@ atomicallyTest act = do
Left e -> throwError e
Right x -> return x
-initNetwork :: TestRun Network
-initNetwork = do
+initNetwork :: (Network -> TestRun a) -> TestRun a
+initNetwork inner = do
net <- liftIO $ do
exists <- doesPathExist testDir
when exists $ ioError $ userError $ testDir ++ " exists"
@@ -137,11 +136,11 @@ initNetwork = do
void $ spawnOn (Left net) (ProcNameTcpdump) (Just softwareTermination) $
"tcpdump -i br0 -w '" ++ testDir ++ "/br0.pcap' -U -Z root"
- useGDB <- asks $ optGDB . teOptions
+ useGDB <- asks $ optGDB . teOptions . fst
when useGDB $ do
gdbInit =<< spawnOn (Left net) ProcNameGDB Nothing gdbCmd
- return net
+ local (fmap $ \s -> s { tsNetwork = net }) $ inner net
exitNetwork :: Network -> TestRun ()
exitNetwork net = do
@@ -167,44 +166,51 @@ exitNetwork net = do
ExitSuccess -> return ()
ExitFailure code -> do
outLine OutputChildFail (Just $ procName p) $ T.pack $ "exit code: " ++ show code
- liftIO . atomically . flip writeTVar False =<< asks teFailed
+ liftIO . atomically . flip writeTVar False =<< asks (teFailed . fst)
liftIO $ do
callCommand $ "ip -all netns del"
callCommand $ "ip link del group 1"
- failed <- liftIO . atomically . readTVar =<< asks teFailed
+ failed <- liftIO . atomically . readTVar =<< asks (teFailed . fst)
liftIO $ if failed then exitFailure
else removeDirectoryRecursive $ netDir net
-getNode :: Network -> NodeName -> TestRun Node
-getNode net nname@(NodeName tnname) = (find ((nname==).nodeName) <$> liftIO (readMVar (netNodes net))) >>= \case
- Just node -> return node
- _ -> do
- let name = T.unpack tnname
- dir = netDir net </> ("erebos_" ++ name)
- node = Node { nodeName = nname
- , nodeNetwork = net
- , nodeDir = dir
- }
- ip <- liftIO $ do
- exists <- doesPathExist dir
- when exists $ ioError $ userError $ dir ++ " exists"
- createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
- modifyMVar (netNodes net) $ \nodes -> do
- let ip = "192.168.0." ++ show (11 + length nodes)
- callCommand $ "ip netns add \""++ name ++ "\""
- callCommand $ "ip link add \"veth_" ++ name ++ ".0\" group 1 type veth peer name \"veth_" ++ name ++ ".1\" netns \"" ++ name ++ "\""
- callCommand $ "ip link set dev \"veth_" ++ name ++ ".0\" master br0 up"
- callOn node $ "ip addr add " ++ ip ++ "/24 broadcast dev \"veth_" ++ name ++ ".1\""
- callOn node $ "ip link set dev \"veth_" ++ name++ ".1\" up"
- callOn node $ "ip link set dev lo up"
- return $ (node : nodes, ip)
- modify $ \s -> s { tsVars = (VarName [tnname, T.pack "ip"], SomeVarValue (T.pack ip)) : tsVars s }
- return node
+getNode :: NodeName -> (Node -> TestRun a) -> TestRun a
+getNode nname inner = do
+ net <- asks $ tsNetwork . snd
+ nodes <- liftIO (readMVar (netNodes net))
+ case find ((nname==).nodeName) nodes of
+ Just node -> inner node
+ _ -> createNode nname inner
+createNode :: NodeName -> (Node -> TestRun a) -> TestRun a
+createNode nname@(NodeName tnname) inner = do
+ net <- asks $ tsNetwork . snd
+ let name = T.unpack tnname
+ dir = netDir net </> ("erebos_" ++ name)
+ node = Node { nodeName = nname
+ , nodeNetwork = net
+ , nodeDir = dir
+ }
+ ip <- liftIO $ do
+ exists <- doesPathExist dir
+ when exists $ ioError $ userError $ dir ++ " exists"
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
+ modifyMVar (netNodes net) $ \nodes -> do
+ let ip = "192.168.0." ++ show (11 + length nodes)
+ callCommand $ "ip netns add \""++ name ++ "\""
+ callCommand $ "ip link add \"veth_" ++ name ++ ".0\" group 1 type veth peer name \"veth_" ++ name ++ ".1\" netns \"" ++ name ++ "\""
+ callCommand $ "ip link set dev \"veth_" ++ name ++ ".0\" master br0 up"
+ callOn node $ "ip addr add " ++ ip ++ "/24 broadcast dev \"veth_" ++ name ++ ".1\""
+ callOn node $ "ip link set dev \"veth_" ++ name++ ".1\" up"
+ callOn node $ "ip link set dev lo up"
+ return $ (node : nodes, ip)
+ local (fmap $ \s -> s { tsVars = (VarName [tnname, T.pack "ip"], SomeVarValue (T.pack ip)) : tsVars s }) $ do
+ inner node
callOn :: Node -> String -> IO ()
callOn node cmd = callCommand $ "ip netns exec \"" ++ unpackNodeName (nodeName node) ++ "\" " ++ cmd
@@ -257,9 +263,10 @@ spawnOn target pname killWith cmd = do
liftIO $ modifyMVar_ (netProcesses net) $ return . (process:)
return process
-getProcess :: Network -> ProcName -> TestRun Process
-getProcess net pname = liftIO $ do
- Just p <- find ((pname==).procName) <$> readMVar (netProcesses net)
+getProcess :: ProcName -> TestRun Process
+getProcess pname = do
+ net <- asks $ tsNetwork . snd
+ Just p <- find ((pname==).procName) <$> liftIO (readMVar (netProcesses net))
return p
tryMatch :: Regex -> [Text] -> Maybe ((Text, [Text]), [Text])
@@ -275,10 +282,10 @@ exprFailed desc (SourceLine sline) pname expr = do
outLine OutputMatchFail pname $ T.concat [T.pack " ", textVarName name, T.pack " = ", textSomeVarValue value]
throwError ()
-expect :: SourceLine -> Process -> Expr Regex -> [VarName] -> TestRun ()
-expect (SourceLine sline) p expr vars = do
+expect :: SourceLine -> Process -> Expr Regex -> [VarName] -> TestRun () -> TestRun ()
+expect (SourceLine sline) p expr vars inner = do
re <- eval expr
- timeout <- asks $ optTimeout . teOptions
+ timeout <- asks $ optTimeout . teOptions . fst
delay <- liftIO $ registerDelay $ ceiling $ 1000000 * timeout
mbmatch <- atomicallyTest $ (Nothing <$ (check =<< readTVar delay)) <|> do
line <- readTVar (procOutput p)
@@ -294,13 +301,14 @@ expect (SourceLine sline) p expr vars = do
throwError ()
forM_ vars $ \name -> do
- cur <- gets (lookup name . tsVars)
+ cur <- asks (lookup name . tsVars . snd)
when (isJust cur) $ do
outLine OutputError (Just $ procName p) $ T.pack "variable '" `T.append` textVarName name `T.append` T.pack "' already exists on " `T.append` sline
throwError ()
- modify $ \s -> s { tsVars = zip vars (map SomeVarValue capture) ++ tsVars s }
outLine OutputMatch (Just $ procName p) line
+ local (fmap $ \s -> s { tsVars = zip vars (map SomeVarValue capture) ++ tsVars s }) inner
Nothing -> exprFailed (T.pack "expect") (SourceLine sline) (Just $ procName p) expr
testStepGuard :: SourceLine -> Expr Bool -> TestRun ()
@@ -312,6 +320,41 @@ allM :: Monad m => [a] -> (a -> m Bool) -> m Bool
allM (x:xs) p = p x >>= \case True -> allM xs p; False -> return False
allM [] _ = return True
+evalSteps :: [TestStep] -> TestRun ()
+evalSteps = mapM_ $ \case
+ Let (SourceLine sline) name expr inner -> do
+ cur <- asks (lookup name . tsVars . snd)
+ when (isJust cur) $ do
+ outLine OutputError Nothing $ T.pack "variable '" `T.append` textVarName name `T.append` T.pack "' already exists on " `T.append` sline
+ throwError ()
+ value <- eval expr
+ local (fmap $ \s -> s { tsVars = (name, SomeVarValue value) : tsVars s }) $ do
+ evalSteps inner
+ Spawn pname nname inner -> do
+ getNode nname $ \node -> do
+ opts <- asks $ teOptions . fst
+ void $ spawnOn (Right node) pname Nothing $
+ fromMaybe (optDefaultTool opts) (lookup pname $ optProcTools opts)
+ evalSteps inner
+ Send pname expr -> do
+ p <- getProcess pname
+ line <- eval expr
+ send p line
+ Expect line pname expr captures inner -> do
+ p <- getProcess pname
+ expect line p expr captures $ evalSteps inner
+ Guard line expr -> do
+ testStepGuard line expr
+ Wait -> do
+ outPrompt $ T.pack "Waiting..."
+ void $ liftIO $ getLine
+ outClearPrompt
runTest :: Output -> Options -> Test -> IO Bool
runTest out opts test = do
tenv <- TestEnv
@@ -319,10 +362,9 @@ runTest out opts test = do
<*> newTVarIO False
<*> pure opts
tstate <- TestState
- <$> pure []
- (fmap $ either (const False) id) $ runExceptT $ flip evalStateT tstate $ flip runReaderT tenv $ fromTestRun $ do
- net <- initNetwork
+ <$> pure (error "network not initialized")
+ <*> pure []
+ (fmap $ either (const False) id) $ runExceptT $ flip runReaderT (tenv, tstate) $ fromTestRun $ initNetwork $ \net -> do
let sigHandler SignalInfo { siginfoSpecific = chld } = do
processes <- readMVar (netProcesses net)
forM_ processes $ \p -> do
@@ -336,36 +378,7 @@ runTest out opts test = do
Stopped sig -> err $ T.pack $ "child stopped with signal " ++ show sig
oldHandler <- liftIO $ installHandler processStatusChanged (CatchInfo sigHandler) Nothing
- flip catchError (const $ return ()) $ forM_ (testSteps test) $ \case
- Let (SourceLine sline) name expr -> do
- cur <- gets (lookup name . tsVars)
- when (isJust cur) $ do
- outLine OutputError Nothing $ T.pack "variable '" `T.append` textVarName name `T.append` T.pack "' already exists on " `T.append` sline
- throwError ()
- value <- eval expr
- modify $ \s -> s { tsVars = (name, SomeVarValue value) : tsVars s }
- Spawn pname nname -> do
- node <- getNode net nname
- void $ spawnOn (Right node) pname Nothing $
- fromMaybe (optDefaultTool opts) (lookup pname $ optProcTools opts)
- Send pname expr -> do
- p <- getProcess net pname
- line <- eval expr
- send p line
- Expect line pname expr captures -> do
- p <- getProcess net pname
- expect line p expr captures
- Guard line expr -> do
- testStepGuard line expr
- Wait -> do
- outPrompt $ T.pack "Waiting..."
- void $ liftIO $ getLine
- outClearPrompt
+ flip catchError (const $ return ()) $ evalSteps $ testSteps test
_ <- liftIO $ installHandler processStatusChanged oldHandler Nothing
exitNetwork net
diff --git a/src/Parser.hs b/src/Parser.hs
index 2ab64ef..5b8f003 100644
--- a/src/Parser.hs
+++ b/src/Parser.hs
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ block :: (a -> [b] -> TestParser c) -> TestParser a -> TestParser b -> TestParse
block merge header item = L.indentBlock scn $ do
h <- header
- [ do try $ void $ lexeme $ char ':'
+ [ do symbol ":"
return $ L.IndentSome Nothing (merge h) item
, L.IndentNone <$> merge h []
@@ -285,15 +285,19 @@ getSourceLine = do
letStatement :: TestParser [TestStep]
letStatement = do
line <- getSourceLine
+ indent <- L.indentLevel
wsymbol "let"
name <- VarName . (:[]) <$> identifier
symbol "="
SomeExpr (e :: Expr a) <- someExpr
void $ eol
+ s <- get
addVarName @a Proxy name
- return [Let line name e]
+ body <- testBlock indent
+ put s
+ return [Let line name e body]
class Typeable a => ParamType a where
parseParam :: TestParser a
@@ -347,51 +351,79 @@ param name = CommandDef [(name, SomeParam (Proxy @a))] (\[SomeParam (Identity x)
cmdLine :: CommandDef SourceLine
cmdLine = param ""
-command :: String -> CommandDef a -> TestParser [a]
+data InnerBlock
+instance ParamType InnerBlock where
+ parseParam = mzero
+ showParamType _ = "<code block>"
+instance ParamType TestStep where
+ parseParam = mzero
+ showParamType _ = "<code line>"
+innerBlock :: CommandDef [TestStep]
+innerBlock = CommandDef [("", SomeParam (Proxy @InnerBlock))] (\[SomeParam (Identity x)] -> fromJust $ cast x)
+command :: String -> CommandDef TestStep -> TestParser [TestStep]
command name (CommandDef types ctor) = do
+ indent <- L.indentLevel
line <- getSourceLine
- L.indentBlock scn $ do
- wsymbol name
- helper line $ map (fmap $ \(SomeParam (_ :: Proxy p)) -> SomeParam $ Nothing @p) types
+ wsymbol name
+ restOfLine indent [] line $ map (fmap $ \(SomeParam (_ :: Proxy p)) -> SomeParam $ Nothing @p) types
- helper line params = choice
+ restOfLine :: Pos -> [(Pos, [(String, SomeParam Maybe)])] -> SourceLine -> [(String, SomeParam Maybe)] -> TestParser [TestStep]
+ restOfLine cmdi partials line params = choice
[do void $ lookAhead eol
iparams <- forM params $ \case
(_, SomeParam (Nothing :: Maybe p))
| Just (Refl :: p :~: SourceLine) <- eqT -> return $ SomeParam $ Identity line
+ | Just (Refl :: p :~: InnerBlock) <- eqT -> SomeParam . Identity <$> restOfParts cmdi partials
(sym, SomeParam (Nothing :: Maybe p)) -> choice
[ SomeParam . Identity <$> paramDefault @p
, fail $ "missing " ++ (if null sym then "" else "'" ++ sym ++ "' ") ++ showParamType @p Proxy
(_, SomeParam (Just x)) -> return $ SomeParam $ Identity x
- return $ L.IndentNone [ctor iparams]
+ return [ctor iparams]
,do symbol ":"
- return $ L.IndentSome Nothing (return . concat) $ do
- line' <- getSourceLine
- L.indentBlock scn $ helper line' params
+ scn
+ indent <- L.indentLevel
+ restOfParts cmdi ((indent, params) : partials)
- ,do tryParams line [] params
+ ,do tryParams cmdi partials line [] params
+ restOfParts :: Pos -> [(Pos, [(String, SomeParam Maybe)])] -> TestParser [TestStep]
+ restOfParts cmdi [] = testBlock cmdi
+ restOfParts cmdi partials@((partIndent, params) : rest) = do
+ scn
+ pos <- L.indentLevel
+ line <- getSourceLine
+ optional eof >>= \case
+ Just _ -> return []
+ _ | pos < partIndent -> restOfParts cmdi rest
+ | pos == partIndent -> (++) <$> restOfLine cmdi partials line params <*> restOfParts cmdi partials
+ | otherwise -> L.incorrectIndent EQ partIndent pos
tryParam sym (SomeParam (cur :: Maybe p)) = do
when (not $ null sym) $ wsymbol sym
when (isJust cur) $ do
fail $ "multiple " ++ (if null sym then "unnamed" else "'" ++ sym ++ "'") ++ " parameters"
SomeParam . Just <$> parseParam @p
- tryParams line prev ((sym, p) : ps) = choice $
+ tryParams cmdi partIndent line prev ((sym, p) : ps) = choice $
(if null sym then reverse else id) {- try unnamed parameter as last option -} $
[do p' <- tryParam sym p
- helper line $ concat [reverse prev, [(sym, p')], ps]
- ,do tryParams line ((sym, p) : prev) ps
+ restOfLine cmdi partIndent line $ concat [reverse prev, [(sym, p')], ps]
+ ,do tryParams cmdi partIndent line ((sym, p) : prev) ps
- tryParams _ _ [] = mzero
+ tryParams _ _ _ _ [] = mzero
testSpawn :: TestParser [TestStep]
testSpawn = command "spawn" $ Spawn
<$> param "as"
<*> param "on"
+ <*> innerBlock
testSend :: TestParser [TestStep]
testSend = command "send" $ Send
@@ -404,6 +436,7 @@ testExpect = command "expect" $ Expect
<*> param "from"
<*> param ""
<*> param "capture"
+ <*> innerBlock
testGuard :: TestParser [TestStep]
testGuard = command "guard" $ Guard
@@ -416,16 +449,31 @@ testWait = do
wsymbol "wait"
return [Wait]
+testBlock :: Pos -> TestParser [TestStep]
+testBlock indent = concat <$> go
+ where
+ go = do
+ scn
+ pos <- L.indentLevel
+ optional eof >>= \case
+ Just _ -> return []
+ _ | pos < indent -> return []
+ | pos == indent -> (:) <$> testStep <*> go
+ | otherwise -> L.incorrectIndent EQ indent pos
+testStep :: TestParser [TestStep]
+testStep = choice
+ [ letStatement
+ , testSpawn
+ , testSend
+ , testExpect
+ , testGuard
+ , testWait
+ ]
parseTestDefinition :: TestParser Test
parseTestDefinition = label "test definition" $ toplevel $ do
- block (\name steps -> return $ Test name $ concat steps) header $ choice
- [ letStatement
- , testSpawn
- , testSend
- , testExpect
- , testGuard
- , testWait
- ]
+ block (\name steps -> return $ Test name $ concat steps) header testStep
where header = do
wsymbol "test"
lexeme $ TL.toStrict <$> takeWhileP (Just "test name") (/=':')
diff --git a/src/Test.hs b/src/Test.hs
index a2419a7..8db7552 100644
--- a/src/Test.hs
+++ b/src/Test.hs
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ data Test = Test
, testSteps :: [TestStep]
-data TestStep = forall a. ExprType a => Let SourceLine VarName (Expr a)
- | Spawn ProcName NodeName
+data TestStep = forall a. ExprType a => Let SourceLine VarName (Expr a) [TestStep]
+ | Spawn ProcName NodeName [TestStep]
| Send ProcName (Expr Text)
- | Expect SourceLine ProcName (Expr Regex) [VarName]
+ | Expect SourceLine ProcName (Expr Regex) [VarName] [TestStep]
| Guard SourceLine (Expr Bool)
| Wait