path: root/src
diff options
authorRoman Smrž <>2022-09-03 21:35:10 +0200
committerRoman Smrž <>2022-09-08 22:00:00 +0200
commita2e5eecf0bc013f411335cbda1be51c933c36bf9 (patch)
treef059b15b4d61ecc1466daa950db7e656b3b29b07 /src
parent4afe27c6da9cf37ca3666ff95c5cb096e03fb20b (diff)
Command parser using applicative functor
Arbitrary string and regex expressions are now also accepted as parameters instead of literals only.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/src/Parser.hs b/src/Parser.hs
index 5a5ec28..2ab64ef 100644
--- a/src/Parser.hs
+++ b/src/Parser.hs
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ module Parser (
) where
-import Control.Lens (Lens', makeLenses, (^.), (.~))
import Control.Monad.Combinators.Expr
+import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Char
@@ -21,9 +21,6 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TL
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Void
-import Generics.Deriving.Base (Generic, Rep, U1(..), M1(..), K1(..), (:*:)(..))
-import Generics.Deriving.Base qualified as G
import Text.Megaparsec hiding (State)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L
@@ -57,8 +54,7 @@ scn :: TestParser ()
scn = space1 skipLineComment empty
sc :: TestParser ()
-sc = (void $ takeWhile1P Nothing f) skipLineComment empty
- where f x = x == ' ' || x == '\t'
+sc = hspace1 skipLineComment empty
wordChar :: TestParser (Token TestStream)
wordChar = alphaNumChar <|> char '_'
@@ -276,14 +272,6 @@ typedExpr = do
maybe err return $ cast e
-class GInit f where ginit :: f x
-instance GInit U1 where ginit = U1
-instance GInit (K1 i (Maybe a)) where ginit = K1 Nothing
-instance GInit f => GInit (M1 i c f) where ginit = M1 ginit
-instance (GInit f, GInit h) => GInit (f :*: h) where ginit = ginit :*: ginit
-data Param a = forall b. Param String (Lens' a (Maybe b)) (TestParser b)
getSourceLine :: TestParser SourceLine
getSourceLine = do
pstate <- statePosState <$> getParserState
@@ -307,104 +295,120 @@ letStatement = do
return [Let line name e]
-command :: (Generic b, GInit (Rep b)) => String -> [Param b] -> (SourceLine -> b -> TestParser a) -> TestParser [a]
-command name params fin = do
- origline <- getSourceLine
- wsymbol name
- let blockHelper line prev cur = L.indentBlock scn $ helper line prev cur
- helper line prev cur = choice $ concat
- [[ do void $ eol
- L.IndentNone . (:[]) <$> fin line cur
- ]
- ,[ do void $ lexeme (char ':')
- return $ L.IndentSome Nothing (return . concat) $ do
- line' <- getSourceLine
- blockHelper line' prev cur
- ]
- , flip map params $ \(Param sym l p) -> do
- x <- if null sym
- then do
- x <- p
- when (any null prev) $ do
- fail $ "multiple unnamed parameters"
- return x
- else do
- wsymbol sym
- when (any (== sym) prev) $ do
- fail $ "multiple '" ++ sym ++ "' parameters"
- p
- helper line (sym:prev) (l .~ Just x $ cur)
- ]
+class Typeable a => ParamType a where
+ parseParam :: TestParser a
+ showParamType :: proxy a -> String
- blockHelper origline [] ( ginit)
+ paramDefault :: TestParser a
+ paramDefault = mzero
+instance ParamType SourceLine where
+ parseParam = mzero
+ showParamType _ = "<source line>"
-data SpawnBuilder = SpawnBuilder
- { _spawnBuilderProc :: Maybe ProcName
- , _spawnBuilderNode :: Maybe NodeName
- }
- deriving (Generic)
+instance ParamType NodeName where
+ parseParam = nodeName
+ showParamType _ = "<node>"
-makeLenses ''SpawnBuilder
+instance ParamType ProcName where
+ parseParam = procName
+ showParamType _ = "<proc>"
-testSpawn :: TestParser [TestStep]
-testSpawn = command "spawn"
- [ Param "on" spawnBuilderNode nodeName
- , Param "as" spawnBuilderProc procName
- ] $ \_ b -> Spawn
- <$> (maybe (fail "missing 'as' <proc>") return $ b ^. spawnBuilderProc)
- <*> (maybe (fail "missing 'on' <node>") return $ b ^. spawnBuilderNode)
+instance ParamType VarName where
+ parseParam = newVarName @Text Proxy
+ showParamType _ = "<variable>"
+instance ExprType a => ParamType (Expr a) where
+ parseParam = typedExpr
+ showParamType _ = "<" ++ T.unpack (textExprType @a Proxy) ++ ">"
-data SendBuilder = SendBuilder
- { _sendBuilderProc :: Maybe ProcName
- , _sendBuilderLine :: Maybe (Expr Text)
- }
- deriving (Generic)
+instance ParamType a => ParamType [a] where
+ parseParam = listOf parseParam
+ showParamType _ = showParamType @a Proxy ++ " [, " ++ showParamType @a Proxy ++ " ...]"
+ paramDefault = return []
-makeLenses ''SendBuilder
+data SomeParam f = forall a. ParamType a => SomeParam (f a)
-testSend :: TestParser [TestStep]
-testSend = command "send"
- [ Param "to" sendBuilderProc procName
- , Param "" sendBuilderLine quotedString
- ] $ \_ b -> Send
- <$> (maybe (fail "missing 'to' <proc>") return $ b ^. sendBuilderProc)
- <*> (maybe (fail "missing line to send") return $ b ^. sendBuilderLine)
-data ExpectBuilder = ExpectBuilder
- { _expectBuilderProc :: Maybe ProcName
- , _expectBuilderRegex :: Maybe (Expr Regex)
- , _expectBuilderCaptures :: Maybe [VarName]
- }
- deriving (Generic)
+data CommandDef a = CommandDef [(String, SomeParam Proxy)] ([SomeParam Identity] -> a)
-makeLenses ''ExpectBuilder
+instance Functor CommandDef where
+ fmap f (CommandDef types ctor) = CommandDef types (f . ctor)
-testExpect :: TestParser [TestStep]
-testExpect = command "expect"
- [ Param "from" expectBuilderProc procName
- , Param "" expectBuilderRegex regex
- , Param "capture" expectBuilderCaptures (listOf $ newVarName @Text Proxy)
- ] $ \s b -> Expect s
- <$> (maybe (fail "missing 'from' <proc>") return $ b ^. expectBuilderProc)
- <*> (maybe (fail "missing regex to match") return $ b ^. expectBuilderRegex)
- <*> (maybe (return []) return $ b ^. expectBuilderCaptures)
-data GuardBuilder = GuardBuilder
- { _guardBuilderExpr :: Maybe (Expr Bool)
- }
- deriving (Generic)
+instance Applicative CommandDef where
+ pure x = CommandDef [] (\[] -> x)
+ CommandDef types1 ctor1 <*> CommandDef types2 ctor2 =
+ CommandDef (types1 ++ types2) $ \params ->
+ let (params1, params2) = splitAt (length types1) params
+ in ctor1 params1 $ ctor2 params2
-makeLenses ''GuardBuilder
+param :: forall a. ParamType a => String -> CommandDef a
+param name = CommandDef [(name, SomeParam (Proxy @a))] (\[SomeParam (Identity x)] -> fromJust $ cast x)
+cmdLine :: CommandDef SourceLine
+cmdLine = param ""
+command :: String -> CommandDef a -> TestParser [a]
+command name (CommandDef types ctor) = do
+ line <- getSourceLine
+ L.indentBlock scn $ do
+ wsymbol name
+ helper line $ map (fmap $ \(SomeParam (_ :: Proxy p)) -> SomeParam $ Nothing @p) types
+ where
+ helper line params = choice
+ [do void $ lookAhead eol
+ iparams <- forM params $ \case
+ (_, SomeParam (Nothing :: Maybe p))
+ | Just (Refl :: p :~: SourceLine) <- eqT -> return $ SomeParam $ Identity line
+ (sym, SomeParam (Nothing :: Maybe p)) -> choice
+ [ SomeParam . Identity <$> paramDefault @p
+ , fail $ "missing " ++ (if null sym then "" else "'" ++ sym ++ "' ") ++ showParamType @p Proxy
+ ]
+ (_, SomeParam (Just x)) -> return $ SomeParam $ Identity x
+ return $ L.IndentNone [ctor iparams]
+ ,do symbol ":"
+ return $ L.IndentSome Nothing (return . concat) $ do
+ line' <- getSourceLine
+ L.indentBlock scn $ helper line' params
+ ,do tryParams line [] params
+ ]
+ tryParam sym (SomeParam (cur :: Maybe p)) = do
+ when (not $ null sym) $ wsymbol sym
+ when (isJust cur) $ do
+ fail $ "multiple " ++ (if null sym then "unnamed" else "'" ++ sym ++ "'") ++ " parameters"
+ SomeParam . Just <$> parseParam @p
+ tryParams line prev ((sym, p) : ps) = choice $
+ (if null sym then reverse else id) {- try unnamed parameter as last option -} $
+ [do p' <- tryParam sym p
+ helper line $ concat [reverse prev, [(sym, p')], ps]
+ ,do tryParams line ((sym, p) : prev) ps
+ ]
+ tryParams _ _ [] = mzero
+testSpawn :: TestParser [TestStep]
+testSpawn = command "spawn" $ Spawn
+ <$> param "as"
+ <*> param "on"
+testSend :: TestParser [TestStep]
+testSend = command "send" $ Send
+ <$> param "to"
+ <*> param ""
+testExpect :: TestParser [TestStep]
+testExpect = command "expect" $ Expect
+ <$> cmdLine
+ <*> param "from"
+ <*> param ""
+ <*> param "capture"
testGuard :: TestParser [TestStep]
-testGuard = command "guard"
- [ Param "" guardBuilderExpr typedExpr
- ] $ \s b -> Guard s
- <$> (maybe (fail "missing guard expression") return $ b ^. guardBuilderExpr)
+testGuard = command "guard" $ Guard
+ <$> cmdLine
+ <*> param ""
testWait :: TestParser [TestStep]