path: root/src/Main.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Main.hs')
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
index 20e01e6..6cf5405 100644
--- a/src/Main.hs
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
@@ -63,30 +65,78 @@ defaultOptions = Options
testDir :: FilePath
testDir = "./.test"
-initNetwork :: Output -> Bool -> IO Network
-initNetwork out useGDB = do
- exists <- doesPathExist testDir
- when exists $ ioError $ userError $ testDir ++ " exists"
- createDirectoryIfMissing True testDir
- callCommand "ip link add name br0 type bridge"
- callCommand "ip addr add broadcast dev br0"
- callCommand "ip link set dev br0 up"
- callCommand "ip link set dev lo up"
- net <- Network <$> newMVar [] <*> newMVar [] <*> pure testDir
+data TestEnv = TestEnv
+ { teOutput :: Output
+ , teFailed :: TVar Bool
+ , teOptions :: Options
+ }
- void $ spawnOn out (Left net) (ProcNameTcpdump) (Just softwareTermination) $
+newtype TestRun a = TestRun { fromTestRun :: ReaderT TestEnv (ExceptT () IO) a }
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader TestEnv, MonadIO)
+instance MonadFail TestRun where
+ fail str = do
+ outLine OutputError Nothing $ T.pack str
+ throwError ()
+instance MonadError () TestRun where
+ throwError () = do
+ failedVar <- asks teFailed
+ liftIO $ atomically $ writeTVar failedVar True
+ TestRun $ throwError ()
+ catchError (TestRun act) handler = TestRun $ catchError act $ fromTestRun . handler
+instance MonadOutput TestRun where
+ getOutput = asks teOutput
+forkTest :: TestRun () -> TestRun ()
+forkTest act = do
+ tenv <- ask
+ void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ do
+ runExceptT (runReaderT (fromTestRun act) tenv) >>= \case
+ Left () -> atomically $ writeTVar (teFailed tenv) True
+ Right () -> return ()
+atomicallyTest :: STM a -> TestRun a
+atomicallyTest act = do
+ failedVar <- asks teFailed
+ res <- liftIO $ atomically $ do
+ failed <- readTVar failedVar
+ if failed then return $ Left ()
+ else Right <$> act
+ case res of
+ Left e -> throwError e
+ Right x -> return x
+initNetwork :: TestRun Network
+initNetwork = do
+ net <- liftIO $ do
+ exists <- doesPathExist testDir
+ when exists $ ioError $ userError $ testDir ++ " exists"
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True testDir
+ callCommand "ip link add name br0 type bridge"
+ callCommand "ip addr add broadcast dev br0"
+ callCommand "ip link set dev br0 up"
+ callCommand "ip link set dev lo up"
+ Network <$> newMVar [] <*> newMVar [] <*> pure testDir
+ void $ spawnOn (Left net) (ProcNameTcpdump) (Just softwareTermination) $
"tcpdump -i br0 -w '" ++ testDir ++ "/br0.pcap' -U -Z root"
+ useGDB <- asks $ optGDB . teOptions
when useGDB $ do
- gdbInit =<< spawnOn out (Left net) ProcNameGDB Nothing gdbCmd
+ gdbInit =<< spawnOn (Left net) ProcNameGDB Nothing gdbCmd
return net
-exitNetwork :: Output -> Network -> Bool -> IO ()
-exitNetwork out net okTest = do
- processes <- readMVar (netProcesses net)
- forM_ processes $ \p -> do
+exitNetwork :: Network -> TestRun ()
+exitNetwork net = do
+ processes <- liftIO $ readMVar (netProcesses net)
+ liftIO $ forM_ processes $ \p -> do
when (procName p /= ProcNameGDB) $ do
hClose (procStdin p)
case procKillWith p of
@@ -97,27 +147,27 @@ exitNetwork out net okTest = do
forM_ processes $ \p -> do
when (procName p == ProcNameGDB) $ do
- outPrompt out $ T.pack "gdb> "
+ outPrompt $ T.pack "gdb> "
gdbSession p
- outClearPrompt out
- hClose (procStdin p)
+ outClearPrompt
+ liftIO $ hClose (procStdin p)
- okProc <- fmap and $ forM processes $ \p -> do
- waitForProcess (procHandle p) >>= \case
- ExitSuccess -> return True
+ forM_ processes $ \p -> do
+ liftIO (waitForProcess (procHandle p)) >>= \case
+ ExitSuccess -> return ()
ExitFailure code -> do
- outLine out OutputChildFail (Just $ procName p) $ T.pack $ "exit code: " ++ show code
- return False
+ outLine OutputChildFail (Just $ procName p) $ T.pack $ "exit code: " ++ show code
+ liftIO . atomically . flip writeTVar False =<< asks teFailed
- if okTest && okProc
- then do removeDirectoryRecursive $ netDir net
- exitSuccess
- else exitFailure
+ failed <- liftIO . atomically . readTVar =<< asks teFailed
+ liftIO $ if failed then exitFailure
+ else do removeDirectoryRecursive $ netDir net
+ exitSuccess
-getNode :: Network -> NodeName -> IO Node
-getNode net nname@(NodeName tnname) = (find ((nname==).nodeName) <$> readMVar (netNodes net)) >>= \case
+getNode :: Network -> NodeName -> TestRun Node
+getNode net nname@(NodeName tnname) = (find ((nname==).nodeName) <$> liftIO (readMVar (netNodes net))) >>= \case
Just node -> return node
- _ -> do
+ _ -> liftIO $ do
let name = T.unpack tnname
dir = netDir net </> ("erebos_" ++ name)
node = Node { nodeName = nname
@@ -142,32 +192,32 @@ getNode net nname@(NodeName tnname) = (find ((nname==).nodeName) <$> readMVar (n
callOn :: Node -> String -> IO ()
callOn node cmd = callCommand $ "ip netns exec \"" ++ unpackNodeName (nodeName node) ++ "\" " ++ cmd
-spawnOn :: Output -> Either Network Node -> ProcName -> Maybe Signal -> String -> IO Process
-spawnOn out target pname killWith cmd = do
+spawnOn :: Either Network Node -> ProcName -> Maybe Signal -> String -> TestRun Process
+spawnOn target pname killWith cmd = do
let prefix = either (const "") (\node -> "ip netns exec \"" ++ unpackNodeName (nodeName node) ++ "\" ") target
- (Just hin, Just hout, Just herr, handle) <- createProcess (shell $ prefix ++ cmd)
+ (Just hin, Just hout, Just herr, handle) <- liftIO $ createProcess (shell $ prefix ++ cmd)
{ std_in = CreatePipe, std_out = CreatePipe, std_err = CreatePipe
, env = Just [("EREBOS_DIR", either netDir nodeDir target)]
- pout <- newTVarIO []
+ pout <- liftIO $ newTVarIO []
- let readingLoop :: Handle -> (Text -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+ let readingLoop :: Handle -> (Text -> TestRun ()) -> TestRun ()
readingLoop h act =
- tryIOError (T.hGetLine h) >>= \case
+ liftIO (tryIOError (T.hGetLine h)) >>= \case
Left err
| isEOFError err -> return ()
- | otherwise -> outLine out OutputChildFail (Just pname) $ T.pack $ "IO error: " ++ show err
+ | otherwise -> outLine OutputChildFail (Just pname) $ T.pack $ "IO error: " ++ show err
Right line -> do
act line
readingLoop h act
- void $ forkIO $ readingLoop hout $ \line -> do
- outLine out OutputChildStdout (Just pname) line
- atomically $ modifyTVar pout (++[line])
- void $ forkIO $ readingLoop herr $ \line -> do
+ forkTest $ readingLoop hout $ \line -> do
+ outLine OutputChildStdout (Just pname) line
+ liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar pout (++[line])
+ forkTest $ readingLoop herr $ \line -> do
case pname of
ProcNameTcpdump -> return ()
- _ -> outLine out OutputChildStderr (Just pname) line
+ _ -> outLine OutputChildStderr (Just pname) line
let process = Process
{ procName = pname
@@ -178,7 +228,7 @@ spawnOn out target pname killWith cmd = do
let net = either id nodeNetwork target
- when (pname /= ProcNameGDB) $ do
+ when (pname /= ProcNameGDB) $ liftIO $ do
getPid handle >>= \case
Just pid -> void $ do
ps <- readMVar (netProcesses net)
@@ -187,11 +237,11 @@ spawnOn out target pname killWith cmd = do
addInferior gdb (length ps) pid
Nothing -> return ()
- modifyMVar_ (netProcesses net) $ return . (process:)
+ liftIO $ modifyMVar_ (netProcesses net) $ return . (process:)
return process
-getProcess :: Network -> ProcName -> IO Process
-getProcess net pname = do
+getProcess :: Network -> ProcName -> TestRun Process
+getProcess net pname = liftIO $ do
Just p <- find ((pname==).procName) <$> readMVar (netProcesses net)
return p
@@ -200,10 +250,11 @@ tryMatch re (x:xs) | Right (Just _) <- regexec re x = Just (x, xs)
| otherwise = fmap (x:) <$> tryMatch re xs
tryMatch _ [] = Nothing
-expect :: Output -> Options -> Process -> Regex -> Text -> IO Bool
-expect out opts p re pat = do
- delay <- registerDelay $ ceiling $ 1000000 * optTimeout opts
- mbmatch <- atomically $ (Nothing <$ (check =<< readTVar delay)) <|> do
+expect :: Process -> Regex -> Text -> TestRun ()
+expect p re pat = do
+ timeout <- asks $ optTimeout . teOptions
+ delay <- liftIO $ registerDelay $ ceiling $ 1000000 * timeout
+ mbmatch <- atomicallyTest $ (Nothing <$ (check =<< readTVar delay)) <|> do
line <- readTVar (procOutput p)
case tryMatch re line of
Nothing -> retry
@@ -212,57 +263,60 @@ expect out opts p re pat = do
return $ Just m
case mbmatch of
Just line -> do
- outLine out OutputMatch (Just $ procName p) line
- return True
+ outLine OutputMatch (Just $ procName p) line
Nothing -> do
- outLine out OutputMatchFail (Just $ procName p) $ T.pack "expect failed /" `T.append` pat `T.append` T.pack "/"
- return False
+ outLine OutputMatchFail (Just $ procName p) $ T.pack "expect failed /" `T.append` pat `T.append` T.pack "/"
+ throwError ()
allM :: Monad m => [a] -> (a -> m Bool) -> m Bool
allM (x:xs) p = p x >>= \case True -> allM xs p; False -> return False
allM [] _ = return True
-runTest :: Output -> Options -> Test -> IO ()
+runTest :: Output -> Options -> Test -> IO Bool
runTest out opts test = do
- net <- initNetwork out $ optGDB opts
- let sigHandler SignalInfo { siginfoSpecific = chld } = do
- processes <- readMVar (netProcesses net)
- forM_ processes $ \p -> do
- mbpid <- getPid (procHandle p)
- when (mbpid == Just (siginfoPid chld)) $ do
- let err detail = outLine out OutputChildFail (Just $ procName p) detail
- case siginfoStatus chld of
- Exited ExitSuccess -> outLine out OutputChildInfo (Just $ procName p) $ T.pack $ "child exited successfully"
- Exited (ExitFailure code) -> err $ T.pack $ "child process exited with status " ++ show code
- Terminated sig _ -> err $ T.pack $ "child terminated with signal " ++ show sig
- Stopped sig -> err $ T.pack $ "child stopped with signal " ++ show sig
- oldHandler <- installHandler processStatusChanged (CatchInfo sigHandler) Nothing
- ok <- allM (testSteps test) $ \case
- Spawn pname nname -> do
- node <- getNode net nname
- void $ spawnOn out (Right node) pname Nothing $
- fromMaybe (optDefaultTool opts) (lookup pname $ optProcTools opts)
- return True
- Send pname line -> do
- p <- getProcess net pname
- send p line
- return True
- Expect pname regex pat -> do
- p <- getProcess net pname
- expect out opts p regex pat
- Wait -> do
- outPrompt out $ T.pack "Waiting..."
- void $ getLine
- outClearPrompt out
- return True
- _ <- installHandler processStatusChanged oldHandler Nothing
- exitNetwork out net ok
+ tenv <- TestEnv
+ <$> pure out
+ <*> newTVarIO False
+ <*> pure opts
+ (fmap $ either (const False) id) $ runExceptT $ flip runReaderT tenv $ fromTestRun $ do
+ net <- initNetwork
+ let sigHandler SignalInfo { siginfoSpecific = chld } = do
+ processes <- readMVar (netProcesses net)
+ forM_ processes $ \p -> do
+ mbpid <- getPid (procHandle p)
+ when (mbpid == Just (siginfoPid chld)) $ flip runReaderT out $ do
+ let err detail = outLine OutputChildFail (Just $ procName p) detail
+ case siginfoStatus chld of
+ Exited ExitSuccess -> outLine OutputChildInfo (Just $ procName p) $ T.pack $ "child exited successfully"
+ Exited (ExitFailure code) -> err $ T.pack $ "child process exited with status " ++ show code
+ Terminated sig _ -> err $ T.pack $ "child terminated with signal " ++ show sig
+ Stopped sig -> err $ T.pack $ "child stopped with signal " ++ show sig
+ oldHandler <- liftIO $ installHandler processStatusChanged (CatchInfo sigHandler) Nothing
+ flip catchError (const $ return ()) $ forM_ (testSteps test) $ \case
+ Spawn pname nname -> do
+ node <- getNode net nname
+ void $ spawnOn (Right node) pname Nothing $
+ fromMaybe (optDefaultTool opts) (lookup pname $ optProcTools opts)
+ Send pname line -> do
+ p <- getProcess net pname
+ send p line
+ Expect pname regex pat -> do
+ p <- getProcess net pname
+ expect p regex pat
+ Wait -> do
+ outPrompt $ T.pack "Waiting..."
+ void $ liftIO $ getLine
+ outClearPrompt
+ _ <- liftIO $ installHandler processStatusChanged oldHandler Nothing
+ exitNetwork net
+ atomicallyTest $ return True
options :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)]