path: root/src/Parser.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Parser.hs')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/src/Parser.hs b/src/Parser.hs
index 00f6f3e..323f2cf 100644
--- a/src/Parser.hs
+++ b/src/Parser.hs
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Parser (
- parseTestFile,
+ parseTestFiles,
) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
+import Data.IORef
import Data.Map qualified as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Proxy
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer qualified as L
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
+import System.IO.Error
import Network
import Parser.Core
@@ -103,50 +105,87 @@ parseExport = label "export declaration" $ toplevel id $ do
return [ ToplevelDefinition def, ToplevelExport name ]
, do
names <- listOf varName
- void eol
+ eol >> scn
return $ map ToplevelExport names
+parseImport :: TestParser [ Toplevel ]
+parseImport = label "import declaration" $ toplevel (\() -> []) $ do
+ wsymbol "import"
+ name <- parseModuleName
+ importedModule <- getOrParseModule name
+ let importedDefs = filter ((`elem` moduleExports importedModule) . fst) (moduleDefinitions importedModule)
+ modify $ \s -> s { testVars = map (fmap someExprType) importedDefs ++ testVars s }
+ eol >> scn
parseTestModule :: FilePath -> TestParser Module
parseTestModule absPath = do
moduleName <- choice
[ label "module declaration" $ do
wsymbol "module"
off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState
- x <- identifier
- name <- (x:) <$> many (symbol "." >> identifier)
- when (or (zipWith (/=) (reverse name) (reverse $ map T.pack $ splitDirectories $ dropExtension $ absPath))) $ do
+ name@(ModuleName tname) <- parseModuleName
+ when (or (zipWith (/=) (reverse tname) (reverse $ map T.pack $ splitDirectories $ dropExtension $ absPath))) $ do
registerParseError $ FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $
"module name does not match file path"
eol >> scn
return name
, do
- return $ [ T.pack $ takeBaseName absPath ]
+ return $ ModuleName [ T.pack $ takeBaseName absPath ]
+ modify $ \s -> s { testCurrentModuleName = moduleName }
toplevels <- fmap concat $ many $ choice
[ (: []) <$> parseTestDefinition
, (: []) <$> toplevel ToplevelDefinition parseDefinition
, parseExport
+ , parseImport
let moduleTests = catMaybes $ map (\case ToplevelTest x -> Just x; _ -> Nothing) toplevels
moduleDefinitions = catMaybes $ map (\case ToplevelDefinition x -> Just x; _ -> Nothing) toplevels
+ moduleExports = catMaybes $ map (\case ToplevelExport x -> Just x; _ -> Nothing) toplevels
return Module {..}
-parseTestFile :: FilePath -> IO Module
-parseTestFile path = do
- content <- TL.readFile path
- absPath <- makeAbsolute path
- let initState = TestParserState
- { testVars = concat
- [ map (fmap someVarValueType) builtins
- ]
- , testContext = SomeExpr (Undefined "void" :: Expr Void)
- , testNextTypeVar = 0
- , testTypeUnif = M.empty
- }
- res = runTestParser path content initState $ parseTestModule absPath
+parseTestFiles :: [ FilePath ] -> IO [ Module ]
+parseTestFiles paths = do
+ parsedModules <- newIORef []
+ reverse <$> foldM (go parsedModules) [] paths
+ where
+ go parsedModules res path = do
+ let moduleName = error "current module name should be set at the beginning of parseTestModule"
+ parseTestFile parsedModules moduleName path >>= \case
+ Left err -> do
+ putStr (showErrorComponent err)
+ exitFailure
+ Right cur -> do
+ return $ cur : res
- case res of
- Left err -> putStr (errorBundlePretty err) >> exitFailure
- Right testModule -> return testModule
+parseTestFile :: IORef [ ( FilePath, Module ) ] -> ModuleName -> FilePath -> IO (Either CustomTestError Module)
+parseTestFile parsedModules moduleName path = do
+ absPath <- makeAbsolute path
+ (lookup absPath <$> readIORef parsedModules) >>= \case
+ Just found -> return $ Right found
+ Nothing -> do
+ let initState = TestParserState
+ { testVars = concat
+ [ map (fmap someVarValueType) builtins
+ ]
+ , testContext = SomeExpr (Undefined "void" :: Expr Void)
+ , testNextTypeVar = 0
+ , testTypeUnif = M.empty
+ , testCurrentModuleName = moduleName
+ , testParseModule = \(ModuleName current) mname@(ModuleName imported) -> do
+ let projectRoot = iterate takeDirectory absPath !! length current
+ parseTestFile parsedModules mname $ projectRoot </> foldr (</>) "" (map T.unpack imported) <.> takeExtension absPath
+ }
+ mbContent <- (Just <$> TL.readFile path) `catchIOError` \e ->
+ if isDoesNotExistError e then return Nothing else ioError e
+ case mbContent of
+ Just content -> do
+ runTestParser path content initState (parseTestModule absPath) >>= \case
+ Left bundle -> do
+ return $ Left $ ImportModuleError bundle
+ Right testModule -> do
+ modifyIORef parsedModules (( absPath, testModule ) : )
+ return $ Right testModule
+ Nothing -> return $ Left $ ModuleNotFound moduleName