path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 100 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
index 9b70a01..47e0746 100644
--- a/src/Main.hs
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Text.Regex.TDFA
-import Text.Regex.TDFA.String
+import Text.Regex.TDFA.Text
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import System.Posix.Process
import System.Posix.Signals
import System.Process
+import Output
import Parser
import Test
@@ -42,15 +43,15 @@ data Process = Process
, procHandle :: ProcessHandle
, procNode :: Either Network Node
, procStdin :: Handle
- , procOutput :: TVar [String]
+ , procOutput :: TVar [Text]
, procKillWith :: Maybe Signal
testDir :: FilePath
testDir = "./.test"
-initNetwork :: IO Network
-initNetwork = do
+initNetwork :: Output -> IO Network
+initNetwork out = do
exists <- doesPathExist testDir
when exists $ ioError $ userError $ testDir ++ " exists"
createDirectoryIfMissing True testDir
@@ -60,12 +61,12 @@ initNetwork = do
callCommand "ip link set dev br0 up"
callCommand "ip link set dev lo up"
net <- Network <$> newMVar [] <*> newMVar [] <*> pure testDir
- void $ spawnOn (Left net) (ProcName (T.pack "tcpdump")) (Just softwareTermination) $
+ void $ spawnOn out (Left net) (ProcName (T.pack "tcpdump")) (Just softwareTermination) $
"tcpdump -i br0 -w '" ++ testDir ++ "/br0.pcap' -U -Z root"
return net
-exitNetwork :: Network -> IO ()
-exitNetwork net = do
+exitNetwork :: Output -> Network -> IO ()
+exitNetwork out net = do
processes <- readMVar (netProcesses net)
ok <- fmap and $ forM processes $ \p -> do
hClose (procStdin p)
@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ exitNetwork net = do
waitForProcess (procHandle p) >>= \case
ExitSuccess -> return True
ExitFailure code -> do
- putStrLn $ "\ESC[31m" ++ unpackProcName (procName p) ++ "!!> exit code: " ++ show code ++ "\ESC[0m"
+ outLine out OutputChildFail (Just $ procName p) $ T.pack $ "exit code: " ++ show code
return False
if ok
@@ -113,39 +114,39 @@ getNode net nname@(NodeName tnname) = (find ((nname==).nodeName) <$> readMVar (n
callOn :: Node -> String -> IO ()
callOn node cmd = callCommand $ "ip netns exec \"" ++ unpackNodeName (nodeName node) ++ "\" " ++ cmd
-spawnOn :: Either Network Node -> ProcName -> Maybe Signal -> String -> IO Process
-spawnOn target pname killWith cmd = do
+spawnOn :: Output -> Either Network Node -> ProcName -> Maybe Signal -> String -> IO Process
+spawnOn out target pname killWith cmd = do
let prefix = either (const "") (\node -> "ip netns exec \"" ++ unpackNodeName (nodeName node) ++ "\" ") target
(Just hin, Just hout, Just herr, handle) <- createProcess (shell $ prefix ++ cmd)
{ std_in = CreatePipe, std_out = CreatePipe, std_err = CreatePipe
, env = Just [("EREBOS_DIR", either netDir nodeDir target)]
- out <- newTVarIO []
+ pout <- newTVarIO []
- let readingLoop :: Handle -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+ let readingLoop :: Handle -> (Text -> IO ()) -> IO ()
readingLoop h act =
- tryIOError (hGetLine h) >>= \case
+ tryIOError (T.hGetLine h) >>= \case
Left err
| isEOFError err -> return ()
- | otherwise -> putStrLn $ "\ESC[31m" ++ unpackProcName pname ++ "!!> IO error: " ++ show err ++ "\ESC[0m"
+ | otherwise -> outLine out OutputChildFail (Just pname) $ T.pack $ "IO error: " ++ show err
Right line -> do
act line
readingLoop h act
void $ forkIO $ readingLoop hout $ \line -> do
- putStrLn $ unpackProcName pname ++ "> " ++ line
- atomically $ modifyTVar out (++[line])
+ outLine out OutputChildStdout (Just pname) line
+ atomically $ modifyTVar pout (++[line])
void $ forkIO $ readingLoop herr $ \line -> do
case pname of
ProcName tname | tname == T.pack "tcpdump" -> return ()
- _ -> putStrLn $ "\ESC[31m" ++ unpackProcName pname ++ "!> " ++ line ++ "\ESC[0m"
+ _ -> outLine out OutputChildStderr (Just pname) line
let process = Process
{ procName = pname
, procHandle = handle
, procNode = target
, procStdin = hin
- , procOutput = out
+ , procOutput = pout
, procKillWith = killWith
@@ -157,50 +158,50 @@ getProcess net pname = do
Just p <- find ((pname==).procName) <$> readMVar (netProcesses net)
return p
-tryMatch :: Regex -> [String] -> Maybe (String, [String])
+tryMatch :: Regex -> [Text] -> Maybe (Text, [Text])
tryMatch re (x:xs) | Right (Just _) <- regexec re x = Just (x, xs)
| otherwise = fmap (x:) <$> tryMatch re xs
tryMatch _ [] = Nothing
-expect :: Process -> Regex -> IO ()
-expect p re = do
+expect :: Output -> Process -> Regex -> IO ()
+expect out p re = do
mbmatch <- atomically $ do
- out <- readTVar (procOutput p)
- case tryMatch re out of
+ line <- readTVar (procOutput p)
+ case tryMatch re line of
Nothing -> retry
Just (m, out') -> do
writeTVar (procOutput p) out'
return $ Just m
case mbmatch of
- Just line -> putStrLn $ "\ESC[32m" ++ unpackProcName (procName p) ++ "+> " ++ line ++ "\ESC[0m"
- Nothing -> putStrLn $ "\ESC[31m" ++ unpackProcName (procName p) ++ "/> expect failed" ++ "\ESC[0m"
+ Just line -> outLine out OutputMatch (Just $ procName p) line
+ Nothing -> outLine out OutputMatchFail (Just $ procName p) $ T.pack "expect failed"
send :: Process -> Text -> IO ()
send p line = do
T.hPutStrLn (procStdin p) line
hFlush (procStdin p)
-runTest :: String -> Test -> IO ()
-runTest tool test = do
- net <- initNetwork
+runTest :: Output -> String -> Test -> IO ()
+runTest out tool test = do
+ net <- initNetwork out
let sigHandler SignalInfo { siginfoSpecific = chld } = do
processes <- readMVar (netProcesses net)
forM_ processes $ \p -> do
mbpid <- getPid (procHandle p)
when (mbpid == Just (siginfoPid chld)) $ do
- let err detail = putStrLn $ "\ESC[31m" ++ unpackProcName (procName p) ++ "!!> child " ++ detail ++ "\ESC[0m"
+ let err detail = outLine out OutputChildFail (Just $ procName p) detail
case siginfoStatus chld of
- Exited ExitSuccess -> putStrLn $ unpackProcName (procName p) ++ ".> child exited successfully"
- Exited (ExitFailure code) -> err $ "process exited with status " ++ show code
- Terminated sig _ -> err $ "terminated with signal " ++ show sig
- Stopped sig -> err $ "stopped with signal " ++ show sig
+ Exited ExitSuccess -> outLine out OutputChildInfo (Just $ procName p) $ T.pack $ "child exited successfully"
+ Exited (ExitFailure code) -> err $ T.pack $ "child process exited with status " ++ show code
+ Terminated sig _ -> err $ T.pack $ "child terminated with signal " ++ show sig
+ Stopped sig -> err $ T.pack $ "child stopped with signal " ++ show sig
oldHandler <- installHandler processStatusChanged (CatchInfo sigHandler) Nothing
forM_ (testSteps test) $ \case
Spawn pname nname -> do
node <- getNode net nname
- void $ spawnOn (Right node) pname Nothing tool
+ void $ spawnOn out (Right node) pname Nothing tool
Send pname line -> do
p <- getProcess net pname
@@ -208,7 +209,7 @@ runTest tool test = do
Expect pname regex -> do
p <- getProcess net pname
- expect p regex
+ expect out p regex
Wait -> do
putStr "Waiting..."
@@ -216,11 +217,12 @@ runTest tool test = do
void $ getLine
_ <- installHandler processStatusChanged oldHandler Nothing
- exitNetwork net
+ exitNetwork out net
main :: IO ()
main = do
tool <- getEnv "EREBOS_TEST_TOOL"
files <- getArgs
+ out <- startOutput
- forM_ files $ mapM_ (runTest tool) <=< parseTestFile
+ forM_ files $ mapM_ (runTest out tool) <=< parseTestFile
diff --git a/src/Output.hs b/src/Output.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afa9aa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Output.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+module Output (
+ Output, OutputType(..),
+ startOutput,
+ outLine,
+) where
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Data.Text qualified as T
+import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as TL
+import Data.Text.Lazy.IO qualified as TL
+import Test
+data Output = Output { outState :: MVar () }
+data OutputType = OutputChildStdout
+ | OutputChildStderr
+ | OutputChildInfo
+ | OutputChildFail
+ | OutputMatch
+ | OutputMatchFail
+startOutput :: IO Output
+startOutput = Output <$> newMVar ()
+outColor :: OutputType -> Text
+outColor OutputChildStdout = T.pack "0"
+outColor OutputChildStderr = T.pack "31"
+outColor OutputChildInfo = T.pack "0"
+outColor OutputChildFail = T.pack "31"
+outColor OutputMatch = T.pack "32"
+outColor OutputMatchFail = T.pack "31"
+outSign :: OutputType -> Text
+outSign OutputChildStdout = T.empty
+outSign OutputChildStderr = T.pack "!"
+outSign OutputChildInfo = T.pack "."
+outSign OutputChildFail = T.pack "!!"
+outSign OutputMatch = T.pack "+"
+outSign OutputMatchFail = T.pack "/"
+outLine :: Output -> OutputType -> Maybe ProcName -> Text -> IO ()
+outLine out otype mbproc line = withMVar (outState out) $ \_ -> do
+ TL.putStrLn $ TL.fromChunks
+ [ T.pack "\ESC[", outColor otype, T.pack "m"
+ , maybe T.empty textProcName mbproc
+ , outSign otype
+ , T.pack "> "
+ , line
+ , T.pack "\ESC[0m"
+ ]
diff --git a/src/Test.hs b/src/Test.hs
index 8136afb..83ffac5 100644
--- a/src/Test.hs
+++ b/src/Test.hs
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ module Test (
- ProcName(..), unpackProcName,
- NodeName(..), unpackNodeName,
+ ProcName(..), textProcName, unpackProcName,
+ NodeName(..), textNodeName, unpackNodeName,
) where
import Data.Text (Text)
@@ -24,11 +24,17 @@ data TestStep = Spawn ProcName NodeName
newtype ProcName = ProcName Text
deriving (Eq, Ord)
+textProcName :: ProcName -> Text
+textProcName (ProcName name) = name
unpackProcName :: ProcName -> String
unpackProcName (ProcName tname) = T.unpack tname
newtype NodeName = NodeName Text
deriving (Eq, Ord)
+textNodeName :: NodeName -> Text
+textNodeName (NodeName name) = name
unpackNodeName :: NodeName -> String
unpackNodeName (NodeName tname) = T.unpack tname