module Main where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Monad import Text.Regex.TDFA import Text.Regex.TDFA.String import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.IO import System.IO.Error import System.Process data Network = Network { netNodes :: MVar [(Int, Node)] , netDir :: FilePath } data Node = Node { nodeNetwork :: Network , nodeProcesses :: MVar [Process] , nodeName :: String , nodeDir :: FilePath } data Process = Process { procHandle :: ProcessHandle , procNode :: Node , procStdin :: Handle , procOutput :: TVar [String] } testDir :: FilePath testDir = "./.test" initNetwork :: IO Network initNetwork = do exists <- doesPathExist testDir when exists $ ioError $ userError $ testDir ++ " exists" createDirectoryIfMissing True testDir callCommand "ip link add name br0 type bridge" callCommand "ip addr add broadcast dev br0" callCommand "ip link set dev br0 up" callCommand "ip link set dev lo up" Network <$> newMVar [] <*> pure testDir exitNetwork :: Network -> IO () exitNetwork net = do nodes <- readMVar (netNodes net) ok <- fmap and $ forM nodes $ \(_, node) -> do processes <- readMVar (nodeProcesses node) fmap and $ forM processes $ \p -> do hClose (procStdin p) waitForProcess (procHandle p) >>= \case ExitSuccess -> return True ExitFailure code -> do putStrLn $ "\ESC[31m" ++ nodeName node ++ "!!> exit code: " ++ show code ++ "\ESC[0m" return False if ok then do removeDirectoryRecursive $ netDir net exitSuccess else exitFailure getNode :: Network -> Int -> IO Node getNode net idx = (lookup idx <$> readMVar (netNodes net)) >>= \case Just node -> return node _ -> do processes <- newMVar [] let name = "node" ++ show idx dir = netDir net ("erebos" ++ show idx) node = Node { nodeNetwork = net , nodeProcesses = processes , nodeName = name , nodeDir = dir } exists <- doesPathExist dir when exists $ ioError $ userError $ dir ++ " exists" createDirectoryIfMissing True dir callCommand $ "ip netns add \""++ name ++ "\"" callCommand $ "ip link add \"veth" ++ show idx ++ ".0\" type veth peer name \"veth" ++ show idx ++ ".1\" netns \"" ++ name ++ "\"" callCommand $ "ip link set dev \"veth" ++ show idx ++ ".0\" master br0 up" callOn node $ "ip addr add 192.168.0." ++ show (10 + idx) ++ "/24 broadcast dev \"veth" ++ show idx ++ ".1\"" callOn node $ "ip link set dev \"veth" ++ show idx ++ ".1\" up" callOn node $ "ip link set dev lo up" modifyMVar_ (netNodes net) $ return . ((idx, node):) return node callOn :: Node -> String -> IO () callOn node cmd = callCommand $ "ip netns exec \"" ++ nodeName node ++ "\" " ++ cmd spawnOn :: Node -> String -> IO Process spawnOn node cmd = do (Just hin, Just hout, Just herr, handle) <- createProcess (shell $ "ip netns exec \"" ++ nodeName node ++ "\" " ++ cmd) { std_in = CreatePipe, std_out = CreatePipe, std_err = CreatePipe , env = Just [("EREBOS_DIR", nodeDir node)] } out <- newTVarIO [] let readingLoop :: Handle -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO () readingLoop h act = tryIOError (hGetLine h) >>= \case Left err | isEOFError err -> return () | otherwise -> putStrLn $ "\ESC[31m" ++ nodeName node ++ "!!> IO error: " ++ show err ++ "\ESC[0m" Right line -> do act line readingLoop h act void $ forkIO $ readingLoop hout $ \line -> do putStrLn $ nodeName node ++ "> " ++ line atomically $ modifyTVar out (++[line]) void $ forkIO $ readingLoop herr $ \line -> do putStrLn $ "\ESC[31m" ++ nodeName node ++ "!> " ++ line ++ "\ESC[0m" let process = Process { procHandle = handle , procNode = node , procStdin = hin , procOutput = out } modifyMVar_ (nodeProcesses node) $ return . (process:) return process tryMatch :: Regex -> [String] -> Maybe (String, [String]) tryMatch re (x:xs) | Right (Just _) <- regexec re x = Just (x, xs) | otherwise = fmap (x:) <$> tryMatch re xs tryMatch _ [] = Nothing expect :: Process -> String -> IO () expect p pat = case compile defaultCompOpt defaultExecOpt ("^" ++ pat ++ "$") of Right re -> do mbmatch <- atomically $ do out <- readTVar (procOutput p) case tryMatch re out of Nothing -> retry Just (m, out') -> do writeTVar (procOutput p) out' return $ Just m case mbmatch of Just line -> putStrLn $ "\ESC[32m" ++ nodeName (procNode p) ++ "+> " ++ line ++ "\ESC[0m" Nothing -> putStrLn $ "\ESC[31m" ++ nodeName (procNode p) ++ "/> expect failed" ++ "\ESC[0m" Left err -> putStrLn $ "failed to parse re: " ++ err send :: Process -> String -> IO () send p str = do hPutStrLn (procStdin p) str hFlush (procStdin p) main :: IO () main = do [tool] <- getArgs net <- initNetwork node1 <- getNode net 1 node2 <- getNode net 2 p1 <- spawnOn node1 tool p2 <- spawnOn node2 tool send p1 "create-identity Device1" send p2 "create-identity Device2" send p1 "start-server" send p2 "start-server" expect p1 "peer [0-9]+" expect p1 "peer [0-9]+" expect p2 "peer [0-9]+" expect p2 "peer [0-9]+" exitNetwork net