{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} module Parser ( parseTestFile, ) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.State import Data.Map qualified as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Proxy import Data.Set qualified as S import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as TL import Data.Text.Lazy.IO qualified as TL import Data.Void import Text.Megaparsec hiding (State) import Text.Megaparsec.Char import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer qualified as L import System.Directory import System.Exit import System.FilePath import Network import Parser.Core import Parser.Expr import Parser.Statement import Test import Test.Builtins parseTestDefinition :: TestParser Toplevel parseTestDefinition = label "test definition" $ toplevel ToplevelTest $ do localState $ do modify $ \s -> s { testContext = SomeExpr $ varExpr SourceLineBuiltin rootNetworkVar } block (\name steps -> return $ Test name $ mconcat steps) header testStep where header = do wsymbol "test" lexeme $ TL.toStrict <$> takeWhileP (Just "test name") (/=':') parseDefinition :: TestParser ( VarName, SomeExpr ) parseDefinition = label "symbol definition" $ do def <- localState $ L.indentBlock scn $ do wsymbol "def" name <- varName argsDecl <- functionArguments (\off _ -> return . ( off, )) varName mzero (\_ -> return . VarName) atypes <- forM argsDecl $ \( off, vname :: VarName ) -> do tvar <- newTypeVar modify $ \s -> s { testVars = ( vname, ExprTypeVar tvar ) : testVars s } return ( off, vname, tvar ) choice [ do osymbol ":" let finish steps = do atypes' <- getInferredTypes atypes ( name, ) . SomeExpr . ArgsReq atypes' . FunctionAbstraction <$> replaceDynArgs (mconcat steps) return $ L.IndentSome Nothing finish testStep , do osymbol "=" SomeExpr (expr :: Expr e) <- someExpr atypes' <- getInferredTypes atypes L.IndentNone . ( name, ) . SomeExpr . ArgsReq atypes' . FunctionAbstraction <$> replaceDynArgs expr ] modify $ \s -> s { testVars = fmap someExprType def : testVars s } return def where getInferredTypes atypes = forM atypes $ \( off, vname, tvar@(TypeVar tvarname) ) -> do let err msg = do registerParseError . FancyError off . S.singleton . ErrorFail $ T.unpack msg return ( vname, SomeArgumentType (OptionalArgument @DynamicType) ) gets (M.lookup tvar . testTypeUnif) >>= \case Just (ExprTypePrim (_ :: Proxy a)) -> return ( vname, SomeArgumentType (RequiredArgument @a) ) Just (ExprTypeVar (TypeVar tvar')) -> err $ "ambiguous type for ‘" <> textVarName vname <> " : " <> tvar' <> "’" Just (ExprTypeFunction {}) -> err $ "unsupported function type of ‘" <> textVarName vname <> "’" Nothing -> err $ "ambiguous type for ‘" <> textVarName vname <> " : " <> tvarname <> "’" replaceDynArgs :: forall a. Expr a -> TestParser (Expr a) replaceDynArgs expr = do unif <- gets testTypeUnif return $ mapExpr (go unif) expr where go :: forall b. M.Map TypeVar SomeExprType -> Expr b -> Expr b go unif = \case ArgsApp args body -> ArgsApp (fmap replaceArgs args) body where replaceArgs (SomeExpr (DynVariable tvar sline vname)) | Just (ExprTypePrim (Proxy :: Proxy v)) <- M.lookup tvar unif = SomeExpr (Variable sline vname :: Expr v) replaceArgs (SomeExpr e) = SomeExpr (go unif e) e -> e parseExport :: TestParser [ Toplevel ] parseExport = label "export declaration" $ toplevel id $ do wsymbol "export" choice [ do def@( name, _ ) <- parseDefinition return [ ToplevelDefinition def, ToplevelExport name ] , do names <- listOf varName void eol return $ map ToplevelExport names ] parseTestModule :: FilePath -> TestParser Module parseTestModule absPath = do moduleName <- choice [ label "module declaration" $ do wsymbol "module" off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState x <- identifier name <- (x:) <$> many (symbol "." >> identifier) when (or (zipWith (/=) (reverse name) (reverse $ map T.pack $ splitDirectories $ dropExtension $ absPath))) $ do registerParseError $ FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $ "module name does not match file path" eol >> scn return name , do return $ [ T.pack $ takeBaseName absPath ] ] toplevels <- fmap concat $ many $ choice [ (: []) <$> parseTestDefinition , (: []) <$> toplevel ToplevelDefinition parseDefinition , parseExport ] let moduleTests = catMaybes $ map (\case ToplevelTest x -> Just x; _ -> Nothing) toplevels moduleDefinitions = catMaybes $ map (\case ToplevelDefinition x -> Just x; _ -> Nothing) toplevels eof return Module {..} parseTestFile :: FilePath -> IO Module parseTestFile path = do content <- TL.readFile path absPath <- makeAbsolute path let initState = TestParserState { testVars = concat [ map (fmap someVarValueType) builtins ] , testContext = SomeExpr (Undefined "void" :: Expr Void) , testNextTypeVar = 0 , testTypeUnif = M.empty } res = runTestParser path content initState $ parseTestModule absPath case res of Left err -> putStr (errorBundlePretty err) >> exitFailure Right testModule -> return testModule