module Parser.Core where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Writer import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Map qualified as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Set qualified as S import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as TL import Data.Typeable import Data.Void import Text.Megaparsec hiding (State) import Text.Megaparsec.Char import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L import Network () import Test type TestParser = StateT TestParserState (ParsecT Void TestStream (Writer [ Toplevel ])) type TestStream = TL.Text type TestParseError = ParseError TestStream Void data Toplevel = ToplevelTest Test data TestParserState = TestParserState { testVars :: [ ( VarName, SomeExprType ) ] , testContext :: SomeExpr , testNextTypeVar :: Int , testTypeUnif :: Map TypeVar SomeExprType } newTypeVar :: TestParser TypeVar newTypeVar = do idx <- gets testNextTypeVar modify $ \s -> s { testNextTypeVar = idx + 1 } return $ TypeVar $ T.pack $ 'a' : show idx lookupVarType :: Int -> VarName -> TestParser SomeExprType lookupVarType off name = do gets (lookup name . testVars) >>= \case Nothing -> do registerParseError $ FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $ "variable not in scope: `" <> textVarName name <> "'" vtype <- ExprTypeVar <$> newTypeVar modify $ \s -> s { testVars = ( name, vtype ) : testVars s } return vtype Just t@(ExprTypeVar tvar) -> do gets (fromMaybe t . M.lookup tvar . testTypeUnif) Just x -> return x lookupVarExpr :: Int -> SourceLine -> VarName -> TestParser SomeExpr lookupVarExpr off sline name = do lookupVarType off name >>= \case ExprTypePrim (Proxy :: Proxy a) -> return $ SomeExpr $ (Variable sline name :: Expr a) ExprTypeVar tvar -> return $ SomeExpr $ DynVariable tvar sline name ExprTypeFunction args (_ :: Proxy a) -> return $ SomeExpr $ (FunVariable args sline name :: Expr (FunctionType a)) unify :: Int -> SomeExprType -> SomeExprType -> TestParser SomeExprType unify _ (ExprTypeVar aname) (ExprTypeVar bname) | aname == bname = do cur <- gets testTypeUnif case M.lookup aname cur of Just a -> return a Nothing -> return (ExprTypeVar aname) unify off (ExprTypeVar aname) (ExprTypeVar bname) = do cur <- gets testTypeUnif case ( M.lookup aname cur, M.lookup bname cur ) of ( Just a, Just b ) -> do c <- unify off a b modify $ \s -> s { testTypeUnif = M.insert aname c $ M.insert bname c $ cur } return c ( Just a, Nothing ) -> do modify $ \s -> s { testTypeUnif = M.insert bname a $ cur } return a ( Nothing, Just b ) -> do modify $ \s -> s { testTypeUnif = M.insert aname b $ cur } return b ( Nothing, Nothing ) -> do let b = ExprTypeVar bname modify $ \s -> s { testTypeUnif = M.insert aname b $ cur } return b unify off (ExprTypeVar aname) b = do cur <- gets testTypeUnif case M.lookup aname cur of Just a -> do c <- unify off a b modify $ \s -> s { testTypeUnif = M.insert aname c $ cur } return c Nothing -> do modify $ \s -> s { testTypeUnif = M.insert aname b $ cur } return b unify off a (ExprTypeVar bname) = do cur <- gets testTypeUnif case M.lookup bname cur of Just b -> do c <- unify off a b modify $ \s -> s { testTypeUnif = M.insert bname c $ cur } return c Nothing -> do modify $ \s -> s { testTypeUnif = M.insert bname a $ cur } return a unify _ res@(ExprTypePrim (Proxy :: Proxy a)) (ExprTypePrim (Proxy :: Proxy b)) | Just (Refl :: a :~: b) <- eqT = return res unify off a b = do parseError $ FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $ "couldn't match expected type `" <> textSomeExprType a <> "' with actual type `" <> textSomeExprType b <> "'" unifyExpr :: forall a b proxy. (ExprType a, ExprType b) => Int -> proxy a -> Expr b -> TestParser (Expr a) unifyExpr off pa expr = if | Just (Refl :: a :~: b) <- eqT -> return expr | DynVariable tvar sline name <- expr -> do _ <- unify off (ExprTypePrim (Proxy :: Proxy a)) (ExprTypeVar tvar) return $ Variable sline name | Just (Refl :: FunctionType a :~: b) <- eqT -> do let FunctionArguments remaining = exprArgs expr showType ( Nothing, SomeArgumentType atype ) = "`<" <> textExprType atype <> ">'" showType ( Just (ArgumentKeyword kw), SomeArgumentType atype ) = "`" <> kw <> " <" <> textExprType atype <> ">'" err = parseError . FancyError off . S.singleton . ErrorFail . T.unpack defaults <- fmap catMaybes $ forM (M.toAscList remaining) $ \case arg@(_, SomeArgumentType RequiredArgument) -> err $ "missing " <> showType arg <> " argument" (_, SomeArgumentType OptionalArgument) -> return Nothing (kw, SomeArgumentType (ExprDefault def)) -> return $ Just ( kw, SomeExpr def ) (kw, SomeArgumentType atype@ContextDefault) -> do SomeExpr context <- gets testContext context' <- unifyExpr off atype context return $ Just ( kw, SomeExpr context' ) return (FunctionEval $ ArgsApp (FunctionArguments $ M.fromAscList defaults) expr) | Just (Refl :: DynamicType :~: b) <- eqT , Undefined msg <- expr -> do return $ Undefined msg | otherwise -> do parseError $ FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $ "couldn't match expected type `" <> textExprType pa <> "' with actual type `" <> textExprType expr <> "'" skipLineComment :: TestParser () skipLineComment = L.skipLineComment $ TL.pack "#" scn :: TestParser () scn = space1 skipLineComment empty sc :: TestParser () sc = hspace1 skipLineComment empty wordChar :: TestParser (Token TestStream) wordChar = alphaNumChar <|> char '_' lexeme :: TestParser a -> TestParser a lexeme = L.lexeme sc symbol, osymbol, wsymbol :: String -> TestParser () symbol str = void $ (string (TL.pack str)) <* sc osymbol str = void $ try $ (string (TL.pack str) <* notFollowedBy operatorChar) <* sc wsymbol str = void $ try $ (string (TL.pack str) <* notFollowedBy wordChar) <* sc operatorChar :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) => m (Token s) operatorChar = satisfy $ (`elem` ['.', '+', '-', '*', '/', '=']) {-# INLINE operatorChar #-} localState :: TestParser a -> TestParser a localState inner = do s <- get x <- inner put s return x toplevel :: (a -> Toplevel) -> TestParser a -> TestParser () toplevel f = tell . (: []) . f <=< L.nonIndented scn block :: (a -> [b] -> TestParser c) -> TestParser a -> TestParser b -> TestParser c block merge header item = L.indentBlock scn $ do h <- header choice [ do symbol ":" return $ L.IndentSome Nothing (merge h) item , L.IndentNone <$> merge h [] ] listOf :: TestParser a -> TestParser [a] listOf item = do x <- item (x:) <$> choice [ symbol "," >> listOf item, return [] ] getSourceLine :: TestParser SourceLine getSourceLine = do pstate <- statePosState <$> getParserState return $ SourceLine $ T.concat [ T.pack $ sourcePosPretty $ pstateSourcePos pstate , T.pack ": " , TL.toStrict $ TL.takeWhile (/='\n') $ pstateInput pstate ]