module Parser.Expr ( identifier, varName, newVarName, addVarName, someExpr, typedExpr, functionArguments, ) where import Control.Applicative (liftA2) import Control.Monad.Combinators.Expr import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.State import Data.Char import Data.Map qualified as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Scientific import Data.Set qualified as S import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as TL import Data.Typeable import Data.Void import Text.Megaparsec hiding (State) import Text.Megaparsec.Char import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer qualified as L import Text.Regex.TDFA qualified as RE import Text.Regex.TDFA.Text qualified as RE import Parser.Core import Test identifier :: TestParser Text identifier = label "identifier" $ do lexeme $ do lead <- lowerChar rest <- takeWhileP Nothing (\x -> isAlphaNum x || x == '_') return $ TL.toStrict $ TL.fromChunks $ (T.singleton lead :) $ TL.toChunks rest varName :: TestParser VarName varName = label "variable name" $ VarName <$> identifier newVarName :: forall a. ExprType a => TestParser (TypedVarName a) newVarName = do off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState name <- TypedVarName <$> varName addVarName off name return name addVarName :: forall a. ExprType a => Int -> TypedVarName a -> TestParser () addVarName off (TypedVarName name) = do gets (lookup name . testVars) >>= \case Just _ -> registerParseError $ FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $ T.pack "variable '" <> textVarName name <> T.pack "' already exists" Nothing -> return () modify $ \s -> s { testVars = ( name, ExprTypePrim @a Proxy ) : testVars s } someExpansion :: TestParser SomeExpr someExpansion = do void $ char '$' choice [do off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState sline <- getSourceLine name <- VarName . TL.toStrict <$> takeWhile1P Nothing (\x -> isAlphaNum x || x == '_') lookupVarExpr off sline name , between (char '{') (char '}') someExpr ] stringExpansion :: ExprType a => Text -> (forall b. ExprType b => Expr b -> [Maybe (Expr a)]) -> TestParser (Expr a) stringExpansion tname conv = do off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState SomeExpr e <- someExpansion let err = do registerParseError $ FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $ T.concat [ tname, T.pack " expansion not defined for '", textExprType e, T.pack "'" ] return $ Undefined "expansion not defined for type" maybe err return $ listToMaybe $ catMaybes $ conv e numberLiteral :: TestParser SomeExpr numberLiteral = label "number" $ lexeme $ do x <- L.scientific choice [ return (SomeExpr $ Pure (x / 100)) <* void (char ('%')) , if base10Exponent x == 0 then return $ SomeExpr $ Pure (coefficient x) else return $ SomeExpr $ Pure x ] quotedString :: TestParser (Expr Text) quotedString = label "string" $ lexeme $ do void $ char '"' let inner = choice [ char '"' >> return [] , takeWhile1P Nothing (`notElem` ['\"', '\\', '$']) >>= \s -> (Pure (TL.toStrict s):) <$> inner ,do void $ char '\\' c <- choice [ char '\\' >> return '\\' , char '"' >> return '"' , char '$' >> return '$' , char 'n' >> return '\n' , char 'r' >> return '\r' , char 't' >> return '\t' ] (Pure (T.singleton c) :) <$> inner ,do e <- stringExpansion (T.pack "string") $ \e -> [ cast e , fmap (T.pack . show @Integer) <$> cast e , fmap (T.pack . show @Scientific) <$> cast e ] (e:) <$> inner ] Concat <$> inner regex :: TestParser (Expr Regex) regex = label "regular expression" $ lexeme $ do off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState void $ char '/' let inner = choice [ char '/' >> return [] , takeWhile1P Nothing (`notElem` ['/', '\\', '$']) >>= \s -> (Pure (RegexPart (TL.toStrict s)) :) <$> inner ,do void $ char '\\' s <- choice [ char '/' >> return (Pure $ RegexPart $ T.singleton '/') , anySingle >>= \c -> return (Pure $ RegexPart $ T.pack ['\\', c]) ] (s:) <$> inner ,do e <- stringExpansion (T.pack "regex") $ \e -> [ cast e , fmap RegexString <$> cast e , fmap (RegexString . T.pack . show @Integer) <$> cast e , fmap (RegexString . T.pack . show @Scientific) <$> cast e ] (e:) <$> inner ] parts <- inner let testEval = \case Pure (RegexPart p) -> p _ -> "" case RE.compile RE.defaultCompOpt RE.defaultExecOpt $ T.concat $ map testEval parts of Left err -> registerParseError $ FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $ T.concat [ "failed to parse regular expression: ", T.pack err ] Right _ -> return () return $ Regex parts list :: TestParser SomeExpr list = label "list" $ do symbol "[" SomeExpr x <- someExpr let enumErr off = parseError $ FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $ "list range enumeration not defined for '" <> textExprType x <> "'" let exprList = foldr (liftA2 (:)) (Pure []) SomeExpr <$> choice [do symbol "]" return $ exprList [x] ,do off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState osymbol ".." ExprEnumerator fromTo _ <- maybe (enumErr off) return $ exprEnumerator x y <- typedExpr symbol "]" return $ fromTo <$> x <*> y ,do symbol "," y <- typedExpr choice [do symbol "]" return $ exprList [x, y] ,do off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState osymbol ".." ExprEnumerator _ fromThenTo <- maybe (enumErr off) return $ exprEnumerator x z <- typedExpr symbol "]" return $ fromThenTo <$> x <*> y <*> z ,do symbol "," xs <- listOf typedExpr symbol "]" return $ exprList (x:y:xs) ] ] data SomeUnOp = forall a b. (ExprType a, ExprType b) => SomeUnOp (a -> b) applyUnOp :: forall a b sa. (ExprType a, ExprType b, ExprType sa) => Int -> (a -> b) -> Expr sa -> TestParser (Expr b) applyUnOp off op x = do x' <- unifyExpr off (Proxy @a) x return $ op <$> x' data SomeBinOp = forall a b c. (ExprType a, ExprType b, ExprType c) => SomeBinOp (a -> b -> c) applyBinOp :: forall a b c sa sb. (ExprType a, ExprType b, ExprType c, ExprType sa, ExprType sb) => Int -> (a -> b -> c) -> Expr sa -> Expr sb -> TestParser (Expr c) applyBinOp off op x y = do x' <- unifyExpr off (Proxy @a) x y' <- unifyExpr off (Proxy @b) y return $ op <$> x' <*> y' someExpr :: TestParser SomeExpr someExpr = join inner "expression" where inner = makeExprParser term table parens = between (symbol "(") (symbol ")") term = label "term" $ choice [ parens inner , return <$> literal , return <$> variable ] table = [ [ recordSelector ] , [ prefix "-" $ [ SomeUnOp (negate @Integer) , SomeUnOp (negate @Scientific) ] ] , [ binary "*" $ [ SomeBinOp ((*) @Integer) , SomeBinOp ((*) @Scientific) ] {- TODO: parsing issues with regular expressions , binary "/" $ [ SomeBinOp (div @Integer) , SomeBinOp ((/) @Scientific) ] -} ] , [ binary "+" $ [ SomeBinOp ((+) @Integer) , SomeBinOp ((+) @Scientific) ] , binary "-" $ [ SomeBinOp ((-) @Integer) , SomeBinOp ((-) @Scientific) ] ] , [ binary' "==" (\op xs ys -> length xs == length ys && and (zipWith op xs ys)) $ [ SomeBinOp ((==) @Integer) , SomeBinOp ((==) @Scientific) , SomeBinOp ((==) @Text) ] , binary' "/=" (\op xs ys -> length xs /= length ys || or (zipWith op xs ys)) $ [ SomeBinOp ((/=) @Integer) , SomeBinOp ((/=) @Scientific) , SomeBinOp ((/=) @Text) ] , binary ">" $ [ SomeBinOp ((>) @Integer) , SomeBinOp ((>) @Scientific) ] , binary ">=" $ [ SomeBinOp ((>=) @Integer) , SomeBinOp ((>=) @Scientific) ] , binary "<=" $ [ SomeBinOp ((<=) @Integer) , SomeBinOp ((<=) @Scientific) ] , binary "<" $ [ SomeBinOp ((<) @Integer) , SomeBinOp ((<) @Scientific) ] ] ] prefix :: String -> [SomeUnOp] -> Operator TestParser (TestParser SomeExpr) prefix name ops = Prefix $ do off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState void $ osymbol name return $ \p -> do SomeExpr e <- p let err = FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $ T.concat [T.pack "operator '", T.pack name, T.pack "' not defined for '", textExprType e, T.pack "'"] region (const err) $ choice $ map (\(SomeUnOp op) -> SomeExpr <$> applyUnOp off op e) ops binary :: String -> [SomeBinOp] -> Operator TestParser (TestParser SomeExpr) binary name = binary' name (undefined :: forall a b. (a -> b -> Void) -> [a] -> [b] -> Integer) -- use 'Void' that can never match actually used type to disable recursion binary' :: forall c c'. (Typeable c, ExprType c') => String -> (forall a b. (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> c') -> [SomeBinOp] -> Operator TestParser (TestParser SomeExpr) binary' name listmap ops = InfixL $ do off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState void $ osymbol name return $ \p q -> do SomeExpr e <- p SomeExpr f <- q let eqT' :: forall r s t. (Typeable r, Typeable s, Typeable t) => (r -> s -> t) -> Maybe ((r -> s -> t) :~: (r -> s -> c)) eqT' _ = eqT let proxyOf :: proxy a -> Proxy a proxyOf _ = Proxy let err = FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $ T.concat [T.pack "operator '", T.pack name, T.pack "' not defined for '", textExprType e, T.pack "' and '", textExprType f, T.pack "'"] let tryop :: forall a b d sa sb. (ExprType a, ExprType b, ExprType d, ExprType sa, ExprType sb) => (a -> b -> d) -> Proxy sa -> Proxy sb -> TestParser SomeExpr tryop op pe pf = foldl1 (<|>) $ [ SomeExpr <$> applyBinOp off op e f , do Refl <- maybe (parseError err) return $ eqT' op ExprListUnpacker _ une <- maybe (parseError err) return $ exprListUnpacker pe ExprListUnpacker _ unf <- maybe (parseError err) return $ exprListUnpacker pf tryop (listmap op) (une pe) (unf pf) ] region (const err) $ foldl1 (<|>) $ map (\(SomeBinOp op) -> tryop op (proxyOf e) (proxyOf f)) ops recordSelector :: Operator TestParser (TestParser SomeExpr) recordSelector = Postfix $ fmap (foldl1 (flip (.))) $ some $ do void $ osymbol "." off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState m <- identifier return $ \p -> do SomeExpr e <- p let err = parseError $ FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $ T.concat [ T.pack "value of type ", textExprType e, T.pack " does not have member '", m, T.pack "'" ] maybe err return $ applyRecordSelector m e <$> lookup m recordMembers applyRecordSelector :: ExprType a => Text -> Expr a -> RecordSelector a -> SomeExpr applyRecordSelector m e (RecordSelector f) = SomeExpr $ App (AnnRecord m) (pure f) e literal :: TestParser SomeExpr literal = label "literal" $ choice [ numberLiteral , SomeExpr <$> quotedString , SomeExpr <$> regex , list ] variable :: TestParser SomeExpr variable = label "variable" $ do off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState sline <- getSourceLine name <- varName lookupVarExpr off sline name >>= \case SomeExpr e'@(FunVariable (FunctionArguments argTypes) _ _) -> do let check poff kw expr = do case M.lookup kw argTypes of Just (SomeArgumentType (_ :: ArgumentType expected)) -> do withRecovery registerParseError $ do void $ unify poff (ExprTypePrim (Proxy @expected)) (someExprType expr) return expr Nothing -> do registerParseError $ FancyError poff $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $ case kw of Just (ArgumentKeyword tkw) -> "unexpected parameter with keyword `" <> tkw <> "'" Nothing -> "unexpected parameter" return expr args <- functionArguments check someExpr literal (\poff -> lookupVarExpr poff sline . VarName) return $ SomeExpr $ ArgsApp args e' e -> do return e typedExpr :: forall a. ExprType a => TestParser (Expr a) typedExpr = do off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState SomeExpr e <- someExpr unifyExpr off Proxy e functionArguments :: (Int -> Maybe ArgumentKeyword -> a -> TestParser b) -> TestParser a -> TestParser a -> (Int -> Text -> TestParser a) -> TestParser (FunctionArguments b) functionArguments check param lit promote = do args <- parseArgs True return $ FunctionArguments args where parseArgs allowUnnamed = choice [do off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState x <- pparam if allowUnnamed then do checkAndInsert off Nothing x $ parseArgs False else do registerParseError $ FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $ T.concat [ T.pack "multiple unnamed parameters" ] parseArgs False ,do off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState x <- identifier choice [do off' <- stateOffset <$> getParserState y <- pparam <|> (promote off' =<< identifier) checkAndInsert off' (Just (ArgumentKeyword x)) y $ parseArgs allowUnnamed ,if allowUnnamed then do y <- promote off x checkAndInsert off Nothing y $ return M.empty else do registerParseError $ FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $ T.concat [ T.pack "multiple unnamed parameters" ] return M.empty ] ,do return M.empty ] pparam = between (symbol "(") (symbol ")") param <|> lit checkAndInsert off kw x cont = M.insert kw <$> check off kw x <*> cont