module Parser.Statement ( testStep, ) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Identity import Control.Monad.State import Data.Bifunctor import Data.Kind import Data.Maybe import Data.Set qualified as S import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Typeable import Data.Void import Text.Megaparsec hiding (State) import Text.Megaparsec.Char import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L import Network (Network, Node) import Parser.Core import Parser.Expr import Process (Process) import Script.Expr.Class import Test import Util letStatement :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock) letStatement = do line <- getSourceLine indent <- L.indentLevel wsymbol "let" off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState name <- varName osymbol "=" SomeExpr e <- someExpr localState $ do let tname = TypedVarName name addVarName off tname void $ eol body <- testBlock indent return $ Let line tname e body forStatement :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock) forStatement = do ref <- L.indentLevel wsymbol "for" voff <- stateOffset <$> getParserState name <- varName wsymbol "in" loff <- stateOffset <$> getParserState SomeExpr e <- someExpr let err = parseError $ FancyError loff $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $ "expected a list, expression has type '" <> textExprType e <> "'" ExprListUnpacker unpack _ <- maybe err return $ exprListUnpacker e symbol ":" scn indent <- L.indentGuard scn GT ref localState $ do let tname = TypedVarName name addVarName voff tname body <- testBlock indent return $ (\xs f -> mconcat $ map f xs) <$> (unpack <$> e) <*> LambdaAbstraction tname body exprStatement :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock) exprStatement = do ref <- L.indentLevel off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState SomeExpr expr <- someExpr choice [ continuePartial off ref expr , unifyExpr off Proxy expr ] where continuePartial :: ExprType a => Int -> Pos -> Expr a -> TestParser (Expr TestBlock) continuePartial off ref expr = do symbol ":" void eol (fun :: Expr (FunctionType TestBlock)) <- unifyExpr off Proxy expr scn indent <- L.indentGuard scn GT ref blockOf indent $ do coff <- stateOffset <$> getParserState sline <- getSourceLine args <- functionArguments (checkFunctionArguments (exprArgs fun)) someExpr literal (\poff -> lookupVarExpr poff sline . VarName) let fun' = ArgsApp args fun choice [ continuePartial coff indent fun' , unifyExpr coff Proxy fun' ] class (Typeable a, Typeable (ParamRep a)) => ParamType a where type ParamRep a :: Type type ParamRep a = a parseParam :: proxy a -> TestParser (ParamRep a) showParamType :: proxy a -> String paramDefault :: proxy a -> TestParser (ParamRep a) paramDefault _ = mzero paramNewVariables :: proxy a -> ParamRep a -> NewVariables paramNewVariables _ _ = NoNewVariables paramNewVariablesEmpty :: proxy a -> NewVariables paramNewVariablesEmpty _ = NoNewVariables -- to keep type info for optional parameters paramFromSomeExpr :: proxy a -> SomeExpr -> Maybe (ParamRep a) paramFromSomeExpr _ (SomeExpr e) = cast e paramExpr :: ParamRep a -> Expr a default paramExpr :: ParamRep a ~ a => ParamRep a -> Expr a paramExpr = Pure instance ParamType SourceLine where parseParam _ = mzero showParamType _ = "" instance ExprType a => ParamType (TypedVarName a) where parseParam _ = newVarName showParamType _ = "" paramNewVariables _ var = SomeNewVariables [ var ] paramNewVariablesEmpty _ = SomeNewVariables @a [] instance ExprType a => ParamType (Expr a) where parseParam _ = do off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState SomeExpr e <- literal <|> between (symbol "(") (symbol ")") someExpr unifyExpr off Proxy e showParamType _ = "<" ++ T.unpack (textExprType @a Proxy) ++ ">" instance ParamType a => ParamType [a] where type ParamRep [a] = [ParamRep a] parseParam _ = listOf (parseParam @a Proxy) showParamType _ = showParamType @a Proxy ++ " [, " ++ showParamType @a Proxy ++ " ...]" paramDefault _ = return [] paramNewVariables _ = foldr (<>) (paramNewVariablesEmpty @a Proxy) . fmap (paramNewVariables @a Proxy) paramNewVariablesEmpty _ = paramNewVariablesEmpty @a Proxy paramFromSomeExpr _ se@(SomeExpr e) = cast e <|> ((:[]) <$> paramFromSomeExpr @a Proxy se) paramExpr = sequenceA . fmap paramExpr instance ParamType a => ParamType (Maybe a) where type ParamRep (Maybe a) = Maybe (ParamRep a) parseParam _ = Just <$> parseParam @a Proxy showParamType _ = showParamType @a Proxy paramDefault _ = return Nothing paramNewVariables _ = foldr (<>) (paramNewVariablesEmpty @a Proxy) . fmap (paramNewVariables @a Proxy) paramNewVariablesEmpty _ = paramNewVariablesEmpty @a Proxy paramFromSomeExpr _ se = Just <$> paramFromSomeExpr @a Proxy se paramExpr = sequenceA . fmap paramExpr instance (ParamType a, ParamType b) => ParamType (Either a b) where type ParamRep (Either a b) = Either (ParamRep a) (ParamRep b) parseParam _ = try' (Left <$> parseParam @a Proxy) <|> (Right <$> parseParam @b Proxy) where try' act = try $ region id $ do x <- act (stateParseErrors <$> getParserState) >>= \case [] -> return x (_ : _) -> fail "" showParamType _ = showParamType @a Proxy ++ " or " ++ showParamType @b Proxy paramFromSomeExpr _ se = (Left <$> paramFromSomeExpr @a Proxy se) <|> (Right <$> paramFromSomeExpr @b Proxy se) paramExpr = either (fmap Left . paramExpr) (fmap Right . paramExpr) instance ExprType a => ParamType (Traced a) where type ParamRep (Traced a) = Expr a parseParam _ = parseParam (Proxy @(Expr a)) showParamType _ = showParamType (Proxy @(Expr a)) paramExpr = Trace data SomeParam f = forall a. ParamType a => SomeParam (Proxy a) (f (ParamRep a)) data NewVariables = NoNewVariables | forall a. ExprType a => SomeNewVariables [ TypedVarName a ] instance Semigroup NewVariables where NoNewVariables <> x = x x <> NoNewVariables = x SomeNewVariables (xs :: [ TypedVarName a ]) <> SomeNewVariables (ys :: [ TypedVarName b ]) | Just (Refl :: a :~: b) <- eqT = SomeNewVariables (xs <> ys) | otherwise = error "new variables with different types" instance Monoid NewVariables where mempty = NoNewVariables someParamVars :: Foldable f => SomeParam f -> NewVariables someParamVars (SomeParam proxy rep) = foldr (\x nvs -> paramNewVariables proxy x <> nvs) (paramNewVariablesEmpty proxy) rep data CommandDef a = CommandDef [(String, SomeParam Proxy)] ([SomeParam Identity] -> Expr a) instance Functor CommandDef where fmap f (CommandDef types ctor) = CommandDef types (fmap f . ctor) instance Applicative CommandDef where pure x = CommandDef [] (\case [] -> Pure x; _ -> error "command arguments mismatch") CommandDef types1 ctor1 <*> CommandDef types2 ctor2 = CommandDef (types1 ++ types2) $ \params -> let (params1, params2) = splitAt (length types1) params in ctor1 params1 <*> ctor2 params2 param :: forall a. ParamType a => String -> CommandDef a param name = CommandDef [(name, SomeParam (Proxy @a) Proxy)] $ \case [SomeParam Proxy (Identity x)] -> paramExpr $ fromJust $ cast x _ -> error "command arguments mismatch" newtype ParamOrContext a = ParamOrContext { fromParamOrContext :: a } deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable) instance ParamType a => ParamType (ParamOrContext a) where type ParamRep (ParamOrContext a) = ParamOrContext (ParamRep a) parseParam _ = ParamOrContext <$> parseParam @a Proxy showParamType _ = showParamType @a Proxy paramDefault _ = gets testContext >>= \case se@(SomeExpr ctx) | Just e <- paramFromSomeExpr @a Proxy se -> return (ParamOrContext e) | otherwise -> fail $ showParamType @a Proxy <> " not available from context type '" <> T.unpack (textExprType ctx) <> "'" paramExpr = sequenceA . fmap paramExpr paramOrContext :: forall a. ParamType a => String -> CommandDef a paramOrContext name = fromParamOrContext <$> param name cmdLine :: CommandDef SourceLine cmdLine = param "" newtype InnerBlock a = InnerBlock { fromInnerBlock :: [ a ] -> TestBlock } instance ExprType a => ParamType (InnerBlock a) where type ParamRep (InnerBlock a) = ( [ TypedVarName a ], Expr TestBlock ) parseParam _ = mzero showParamType _ = "" paramExpr ( vars, expr ) = fmap InnerBlock $ helper vars $ const <$> expr where helper :: ExprType a => [ TypedVarName a ] -> Expr ([ a ] -> b) -> Expr ([ a ] -> b) helper ( v : vs ) = fmap combine . LambdaAbstraction v . helper vs helper [] = id combine f (x : xs) = f x xs combine _ [] = error "inner block parameter count mismatch" innerBlock :: CommandDef TestBlock innerBlock = ($ ([] :: [ Void ])) <$> innerBlockFun innerBlockFun :: ExprType a => CommandDef (a -> TestBlock) innerBlockFun = (\f x -> f [ x ]) <$> innerBlockFunList innerBlockFunList :: ExprType a => CommandDef ([ a ] -> TestBlock) innerBlockFunList = fromInnerBlock <$> param "" newtype ExprParam a = ExprParam { fromExprParam :: a } deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable) instance ExprType a => ParamType (ExprParam a) where type ParamRep (ExprParam a) = Expr a parseParam _ = do off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState SomeExpr e <- literal <|> variable <|> between (symbol "(") (symbol ")") someExpr unifyExpr off Proxy e showParamType _ = "<" ++ T.unpack (textExprType @a Proxy) ++ ">" paramExpr = fmap ExprParam command :: String -> CommandDef TestStep -> TestParser (Expr TestBlock) command name (CommandDef types ctor) = do indent <- L.indentLevel line <- getSourceLine wsymbol name localState $ do restOfLine indent [] line $ map (fmap $ \(SomeParam p@(_ :: Proxy p) Proxy) -> SomeParam p $ Nothing @(ParamRep p)) types where restOfLine :: Pos -> [(Pos, [(String, SomeParam Maybe)])] -> SourceLine -> [(String, SomeParam Maybe)] -> TestParser (Expr TestBlock) restOfLine cmdi partials line params = choice [do void $ lookAhead eol let definedVariables = mconcat $ map (someParamVars . snd) params iparams <- forM params $ \case (_, SomeParam (p :: Proxy p) Nothing) | Just (Refl :: p :~: SourceLine) <- eqT -> return $ SomeParam p $ Identity line | SomeNewVariables (vars :: [ TypedVarName a ]) <- definedVariables , Just (Refl :: p :~: InnerBlock a) <- eqT -> SomeParam p . Identity . ( vars, ) <$> restOfParts cmdi partials (sym, SomeParam p Nothing) -> choice [ SomeParam p . Identity <$> paramDefault p , fail $ "missing " ++ (if null sym then "" else "'" ++ sym ++ "' ") ++ showParamType p ] (_, SomeParam (p :: Proxy p) (Just x)) -> return $ SomeParam p $ Identity x return $ (TestBlock . (: [])) <$> ctor iparams ,do symbol ":" scn indent <- L.indentLevel restOfParts cmdi ((indent, params) : partials) ,do tryParams cmdi partials line [] params ] restOfParts :: Pos -> [(Pos, [(String, SomeParam Maybe)])] -> TestParser (Expr TestBlock) restOfParts cmdi [] = testBlock cmdi restOfParts cmdi partials@((partIndent, params) : rest) = do scn pos <- L.indentLevel line <- getSourceLine optional eof >>= \case Just _ -> return $ Pure mempty _ | pos < partIndent -> restOfParts cmdi rest | pos == partIndent -> mappend <$> restOfLine cmdi partials line params <*> restOfParts cmdi partials | otherwise -> L.incorrectIndent EQ partIndent pos tryParam sym (SomeParam (p :: Proxy p) cur) = do when (not $ null sym) $ wsymbol sym when (isJust cur) $ do fail $ "multiple " ++ (if null sym then "unnamed" else "'" ++ sym ++ "'") ++ " parameters" SomeParam p . Just <$> parseParam @p Proxy tryParams cmdi partIndent line prev ((sym, p) : ps) = choice $ (if null sym then reverse else id) {- try unnamed parameter as last option -} $ [do p' <- tryParam sym p restOfLine cmdi partIndent line $ concat [reverse prev, [(sym, p')], ps] ,do tryParams cmdi partIndent line ((sym, p) : prev) ps ] tryParams _ _ _ _ [] = mzero testLocal :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock) testLocal = do ref <- L.indentLevel wsymbol "local" symbol ":" void $ eol indent <- L.indentGuard scn GT ref localState $ testBlock indent testWith :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock) testWith = do ref <- L.indentLevel wsymbol "with" off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState ctx@(SomeExpr (_ :: Expr ctxe)) <- someExpr let expected = [ ExprTypePrim @Network Proxy , ExprTypePrim @Node Proxy , ExprTypePrim @Process Proxy ] notAllowed <- flip allM expected $ \case ExprTypePrim (Proxy :: Proxy a) | Just (Refl :: ctxe :~: a) <- eqT -> return False _ -> return True when notAllowed $ registerParseError $ FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $ "expected " <> T.intercalate ", " (map (("'"<>) . (<>"'") . textSomeExprType) expected) <> ", expression has type '" <> textExprType @ctxe Proxy <> "'" symbol ":" void $ eol indent <- L.indentGuard scn GT ref localState $ do modify $ \s -> s { testContext = ctx } testBlock indent testSubnet :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock) testSubnet = command "subnet" $ Subnet <$> param "" <*> (fromExprParam <$> paramOrContext "of") <*> innerBlockFun testNode :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock) testNode = command "node" $ DeclNode <$> param "" <*> (fromExprParam <$> paramOrContext "on") <*> innerBlockFun testSpawn :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock) testSpawn = command "spawn" $ Spawn <$> param "as" <*> (bimap fromExprParam fromExprParam <$> paramOrContext "on") <*> innerBlockFun testExpect :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock) testExpect = command "expect" $ Expect <$> cmdLine <*> (fromExprParam <$> paramOrContext "from") <*> param "" <*> param "capture" <*> innerBlockFunList testDisconnectNode :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock) testDisconnectNode = command "disconnect_node" $ DisconnectNode <$> (fromExprParam <$> paramOrContext "") <*> innerBlock testDisconnectNodes :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock) testDisconnectNodes = command "disconnect_nodes" $ DisconnectNodes <$> (fromExprParam <$> paramOrContext "") <*> innerBlock testDisconnectUpstream :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock) testDisconnectUpstream = command "disconnect_upstream" $ DisconnectUpstream <$> (fromExprParam <$> paramOrContext "") <*> innerBlock testPacketLoss :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock) testPacketLoss = command "packet_loss" $ PacketLoss <$> (fromExprParam <$> paramOrContext "") <*> (fromExprParam <$> paramOrContext "on") <*> innerBlock testBlock :: Pos -> TestParser (Expr TestBlock) testBlock indent = blockOf indent testStep blockOf :: Monoid a => Pos -> TestParser a -> TestParser a blockOf indent step = go where go = do scn pos <- L.indentLevel optional eof >>= \case Just _ -> return mempty _ | pos < indent -> return mempty | pos == indent -> mappend <$> step <*> go | otherwise -> L.incorrectIndent EQ indent pos testStep :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock) testStep = choice [ letStatement , forStatement , testLocal , testWith , testSubnet , testNode , testSpawn , testExpect , testDisconnectNode , testDisconnectNodes , testDisconnectUpstream , testPacketLoss , exprStatement ]