module Test ( Module(..), ModuleName(..), textModuleName, moduleExportedDefinitions, Test(..), TestStep(..), TestBlock(..), SourceLine(..), textSourceLine, MonadEval(..), lookupVar, tryLookupVar, withVar, VarName(..), textVarName, unpackVarName, FqVarName(..), textFqVarName, unpackFqVarName, unqualifyName, TypedVarName(..), withTypedVar, ExprType(..), SomeExpr(..), TypeVar(..), SomeExprType(..), someExprType, textSomeExprType, FunctionType, DynamicType, VarValue(..), SomeVarValue(..), GlobalDefs, svvVariables, svvArguments, someConstValue, fromConstValue, fromSomeVarValue, textSomeVarValue, someVarValueType, RecordSelector(..), ExprListUnpacker(..), ExprEnumerator(..), Expr(..), varExpr, mapExpr, eval, evalSome, evalSomeWith, Traced(..), EvalTrace, VarNameSelectors, gatherVars, AppAnnotation(..), ArgumentKeyword(..), FunctionArguments(..), anull, exprArgs, SomeArgumentType(..), ArgumentType(..), Regex(RegexPart, RegexString), regexMatch, ) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.Char import Data.Foldable import Data.List import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Map qualified as M import Data.Scientific import Data.String import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Typeable import Data.Void import Text.Regex.TDFA qualified as RE import Text.Regex.TDFA.Text qualified as RE import {-# SOURCE #-} Network import {-# SOURCE #-} Process import Util data Module = Module { moduleName :: ModuleName , moduleTests :: [ Test ] , moduleDefinitions :: [ ( VarName, SomeExpr ) ] , moduleExports :: [ VarName ] } newtype ModuleName = ModuleName [ Text ] deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) textModuleName :: ModuleName -> Text textModuleName (ModuleName parts) = T.intercalate "." parts moduleExportedDefinitions :: Module -> [ ( VarName, ( FqVarName, SomeExpr )) ] moduleExportedDefinitions Module {..} = map (\( var, expr ) -> ( var, ( GlobalVarName moduleName var, expr ))) $ filter ((`elem` moduleExports) . fst) moduleDefinitions data Test = Test { testName :: Text , testSteps :: Expr TestBlock } newtype TestBlock = TestBlock [ TestStep ] deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) data TestStep = Subnet (TypedVarName Network) Network (Network -> TestBlock) | DeclNode (TypedVarName Node) Network (Node -> TestBlock) | Spawn (TypedVarName Process) (Either Network Node) (Process -> TestBlock) | Send Process Text | Expect SourceLine Process (Traced Regex) [ TypedVarName Text ] ([ Text ] -> TestBlock) | Flush Process (Maybe Regex) | Guard SourceLine EvalTrace Bool | DisconnectNode Node TestBlock | DisconnectNodes Network TestBlock | DisconnectUpstream Network TestBlock | PacketLoss Scientific Node TestBlock | Wait data SourceLine = SourceLine Text | SourceLineBuiltin textSourceLine :: SourceLine -> Text textSourceLine (SourceLine text) = text textSourceLine SourceLineBuiltin = "" class MonadFail m => MonadEval m where askGlobalDefs :: m GlobalDefs askDictionary :: m VariableDictionary withDictionary :: (VariableDictionary -> VariableDictionary) -> m a -> m a type VariableDictionary = [ ( VarName, SomeVarValue ) ] lookupVar :: MonadEval m => FqVarName -> m SomeVarValue lookupVar name = maybe (fail $ "variable not in scope: '" ++ unpackFqVarName name ++ "'") return =<< tryLookupVar name tryLookupVar :: MonadEval m => FqVarName -> m (Maybe SomeVarValue) tryLookupVar (LocalVarName name) = lookup name <$> askDictionary tryLookupVar (GlobalVarName mname var) = M.lookup ( mname, var ) <$> askGlobalDefs withVar :: (MonadEval m, ExprType e) => VarName -> e -> m a -> m a withVar name value = withDictionary (( name, someConstValue value ) : ) newtype VarName = VarName Text deriving (Eq, Ord) textVarName :: VarName -> Text textVarName (VarName name) = name unpackVarName :: VarName -> String unpackVarName = T.unpack . textVarName data FqVarName = GlobalVarName ModuleName VarName | LocalVarName VarName deriving (Eq, Ord) textFqVarName :: FqVarName -> Text textFqVarName (GlobalVarName mname vname) = textModuleName mname <> "." <> textVarName vname textFqVarName (LocalVarName vname) = textVarName vname unpackFqVarName :: FqVarName -> String unpackFqVarName = T.unpack . textFqVarName unqualifyName :: FqVarName -> VarName unqualifyName (GlobalVarName _ name) = name unqualifyName (LocalVarName name) = name newtype TypedVarName a = TypedVarName { fromTypedVarName :: VarName } deriving (Eq, Ord) withTypedVar :: (MonadEval m, ExprType e) => TypedVarName e -> e -> m a -> m a withTypedVar (TypedVarName name) = withVar name isInternalVar :: FqVarName -> Bool isInternalVar (GlobalVarName {}) = False isInternalVar (LocalVarName (VarName name)) | Just ( '$', _ ) <- T.uncons name = True | otherwise = False class Typeable a => ExprType a where textExprType :: proxy a -> Text textExprValue :: a -> Text recordMembers :: [(Text, RecordSelector a)] recordMembers = [] exprListUnpacker :: proxy a -> Maybe (ExprListUnpacker a) exprListUnpacker _ = Nothing exprEnumerator :: proxy a -> Maybe (ExprEnumerator a) exprEnumerator _ = Nothing instance ExprType Integer where textExprType _ = T.pack "integer" textExprValue x = T.pack (show x) exprEnumerator _ = Just $ ExprEnumerator enumFromTo enumFromThenTo instance ExprType Scientific where textExprType _ = T.pack "number" textExprValue x = T.pack (show x) instance ExprType Bool where textExprType _ = T.pack "bool" textExprValue True = T.pack "true" textExprValue False = T.pack "false" instance ExprType Text where textExprType _ = T.pack "string" textExprValue x = T.pack (show x) instance ExprType Regex where textExprType _ = T.pack "regex" textExprValue _ = T.pack "" instance ExprType Void where textExprType _ = T.pack "void" textExprValue _ = T.pack "" instance ExprType a => ExprType [a] where textExprType _ = "[" <> textExprType @a Proxy <> "]" textExprValue x = "[" <> T.intercalate ", " (map textExprValue x) <> "]" exprListUnpacker _ = Just $ ExprListUnpacker id (const Proxy) instance ExprType TestBlock where textExprType _ = "test block" textExprValue _ = "" data FunctionType a = FunctionType (FunctionArguments SomeVarValue -> a) instance ExprType a => ExprType (FunctionType a) where textExprType _ = "function type" textExprValue _ = "" data DynamicType instance ExprType DynamicType where textExprType _ = "ambiguous type" textExprValue _ = "" data SomeExpr = forall a. ExprType a => SomeExpr (Expr a) newtype TypeVar = TypeVar Text deriving (Eq, Ord) data SomeExprType = forall a. ExprType a => ExprTypePrim (Proxy a) | ExprTypeVar TypeVar | forall a. ExprType a => ExprTypeFunction (FunctionArguments SomeArgumentType) (Proxy a) someExprType :: SomeExpr -> SomeExprType someExprType (SomeExpr expr) = go expr where go :: forall e. ExprType e => Expr e -> SomeExprType go = \case DynVariable tvar _ _ -> ExprTypeVar tvar (e :: Expr a) | IsFunType <- asFunType e -> ExprTypeFunction (gof e) (proxyOfFunctionType e) | otherwise -> ExprTypePrim (Proxy @a) gof :: forall e. ExprType e => Expr (FunctionType e) -> FunctionArguments SomeArgumentType gof = \case Let _ _ _ body -> gof body Variable {} -> error "someExprType: gof: variable" FunVariable params _ _ -> params ArgsReq args body -> fmap snd args <> gof body ArgsApp (FunctionArguments used) body -> let FunctionArguments args = gof body in FunctionArguments $ args `M.difference` used FunctionAbstraction {} -> mempty FunctionEval {} -> error "someExprType: gof: function eval" Pure {} -> error "someExprType: gof: pure" App {} -> error "someExprType: gof: app" Undefined {} -> error "someExprType: gof: undefined" proxyOfFunctionType :: Expr (FunctionType a) -> Proxy a proxyOfFunctionType _ = Proxy textSomeExprType :: SomeExprType -> Text textSomeExprType (ExprTypePrim p) = textExprType p textSomeExprType (ExprTypeVar (TypeVar name)) = name textSomeExprType (ExprTypeFunction _ r) = "function:" <> textExprType r data AsFunType a = forall b. (a ~ FunctionType b, ExprType b) => IsFunType | NotFunType asFunType :: Expr a -> AsFunType a asFunType = \case Let _ _ _ expr -> asFunType expr FunVariable {} -> IsFunType ArgsReq {} -> IsFunType ArgsApp {} -> IsFunType FunctionAbstraction {} -> IsFunType _ -> NotFunType data SomeVarValue = forall a. ExprType a => SomeVarValue (VarValue a) svvVariables :: SomeVarValue -> EvalTrace svvVariables (SomeVarValue vv) = vvVariables vv svvArguments :: SomeVarValue -> FunctionArguments SomeArgumentType svvArguments (SomeVarValue vv) = vvArguments vv data VarValue a = VarValue { vvVariables :: EvalTrace , vvArguments :: FunctionArguments SomeArgumentType , vvFunction :: SourceLine -> FunctionArguments SomeVarValue -> a } type GlobalDefs = Map ( ModuleName, VarName ) SomeVarValue someConstValue :: ExprType a => a -> SomeVarValue someConstValue = SomeVarValue . VarValue [] mempty . const . const fromConstValue :: forall a m. (ExprType a, MonadFail m) => SourceLine -> FqVarName -> VarValue a -> m a fromConstValue sline name (VarValue _ args value :: VarValue b) = do maybe (fail err) return $ do guard $ anull args cast $ value sline mempty where err = T.unpack $ T.concat [ T.pack "expected ", textExprType @a Proxy, T.pack ", but variable '", textFqVarName name, T.pack "' has type ", if anull args then textExprType @b Proxy else "function type" ] fromSomeVarValue :: forall a m. (ExprType a, MonadFail m) => SourceLine -> FqVarName -> SomeVarValue -> m a fromSomeVarValue sline name (SomeVarValue (VarValue _ args value :: VarValue b)) = do maybe (fail err) return $ do guard $ anull args cast $ value sline mempty where err = T.unpack $ T.concat [ T.pack "expected ", textExprType @a Proxy, T.pack ", but variable '", textFqVarName name, T.pack "' has type ", if anull args then textExprType @b Proxy else "function type" ] textSomeVarValue :: SourceLine -> SomeVarValue -> Text textSomeVarValue sline (SomeVarValue (VarValue _ args value)) | anull args = textExprValue $ value sline mempty | otherwise = "" someVarValueType :: SomeVarValue -> SomeExprType someVarValueType (SomeVarValue (VarValue _ args _ :: VarValue a)) | anull args = ExprTypePrim (Proxy @a) | otherwise = ExprTypeFunction args (Proxy @a) data RecordSelector a = forall b. ExprType b => RecordSelector (a -> b) data ExprListUnpacker a = forall e. ExprType e => ExprListUnpacker (a -> [e]) (Proxy a -> Proxy e) data ExprEnumerator a = ExprEnumerator (a -> a -> [a]) (a -> a -> a -> [a]) data Expr a where Let :: forall a b. ExprType b => SourceLine -> TypedVarName b -> Expr b -> Expr a -> Expr a Variable :: ExprType a => SourceLine -> FqVarName -> Expr a DynVariable :: TypeVar -> SourceLine -> FqVarName -> Expr DynamicType FunVariable :: ExprType a => FunctionArguments SomeArgumentType -> SourceLine -> FqVarName -> Expr (FunctionType a) ArgsReq :: ExprType a => FunctionArguments ( VarName, SomeArgumentType ) -> Expr (FunctionType a) -> Expr (FunctionType a) ArgsApp :: ExprType a => FunctionArguments SomeExpr -> Expr (FunctionType a) -> Expr (FunctionType a) FunctionAbstraction :: ExprType a => Expr a -> Expr (FunctionType a) FunctionEval :: ExprType a => Expr (FunctionType a) -> Expr a LambdaAbstraction :: ExprType a => TypedVarName a -> Expr b -> Expr (a -> b) Pure :: a -> Expr a App :: AppAnnotation b -> Expr (a -> b) -> Expr a -> Expr b Concat :: [Expr Text] -> Expr Text Regex :: [Expr Regex] -> Expr Regex Undefined :: String -> Expr a Trace :: Expr a -> Expr (Traced a) data AppAnnotation b = AnnNone | ExprType b => AnnRecord Text instance Functor Expr where fmap f x = Pure f <*> x instance Applicative Expr where pure = Pure (<*>) = App AnnNone instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Expr a) where e <> f = (<>) <$> e <*> f instance Monoid a => Monoid (Expr a) where mempty = Pure mempty varExpr :: ExprType a => SourceLine -> TypedVarName a -> Expr a varExpr sline (TypedVarName name) = Variable sline (LocalVarName name) mapExpr :: forall a. (forall b. Expr b -> Expr b) -> Expr a -> Expr a mapExpr f = go where go :: forall c. Expr c -> Expr c go = \case Let sline vname vval expr -> f $ Let sline vname (go vval) (go expr) e@Variable {} -> f e e@DynVariable {} -> f e e@FunVariable {} -> f e ArgsReq args expr -> f $ ArgsReq args (go expr) ArgsApp args expr -> f $ ArgsApp (fmap (\(SomeExpr e) -> SomeExpr (go e)) args) (go expr) FunctionAbstraction expr -> f $ FunctionAbstraction (go expr) FunctionEval expr -> f $ FunctionEval (go expr) LambdaAbstraction tvar expr -> f $ LambdaAbstraction tvar (go expr) e@Pure {} -> f e App ann efun earg -> f $ App ann (go efun) (go earg) e@Concat {} -> f e e@Regex {} -> f e e@Undefined {} -> f e Trace expr -> f $ Trace (go expr) newtype SimpleEval a = SimpleEval (Reader ( GlobalDefs, VariableDictionary ) a) deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad) runSimpleEval :: SimpleEval a -> GlobalDefs -> VariableDictionary -> a runSimpleEval (SimpleEval x) = curry $ runReader x instance MonadFail SimpleEval where fail = error . ("eval failed: " <>) instance MonadEval SimpleEval where askGlobalDefs = SimpleEval (asks fst) askDictionary = SimpleEval (asks snd) withDictionary f (SimpleEval inner) = SimpleEval (local (fmap f) inner) eval :: forall m a. MonadEval m => Expr a -> m a eval = \case Let _ (TypedVarName name) valExpr expr -> do val <- eval valExpr withVar name val $ eval expr Variable sline name -> fromSomeVarValue sline name =<< lookupVar name DynVariable _ _ name -> fail $ "ambiguous type of ‘" <> unpackFqVarName name <> "’" FunVariable _ sline name -> funFromSomeVarValue sline name =<< lookupVar name ArgsReq (FunctionArguments req) efun -> do gdefs <- askGlobalDefs dict <- askDictionary return $ FunctionType $ \(FunctionArguments args) -> let used = M.intersectionWith (\value ( vname, _ ) -> ( vname, value )) args req FunctionType fun = runSimpleEval (eval efun) gdefs (toList used ++ dict) in fun $ FunctionArguments $ args `M.difference` req ArgsApp eargs efun -> do FunctionType fun <- eval efun args <- mapM evalSome eargs return $ FunctionType $ \args' -> fun (args <> args') FunctionAbstraction expr -> do val <- eval expr return $ FunctionType $ const val FunctionEval efun -> do FunctionType fun <- eval efun return $ fun mempty LambdaAbstraction (TypedVarName name) expr -> do gdefs <- askGlobalDefs dict <- askDictionary return $ \x -> runSimpleEval (eval expr) gdefs (( name, someConstValue x ) : dict) Pure value -> return value App _ f x -> eval f <*> eval x Concat xs -> T.concat <$> mapM eval xs Regex xs -> mapM eval xs >>= \case [ re@RegexCompiled {} ] -> return re parts -> case regexCompile $ T.concat $ map regexSource parts of Left err -> fail err Right re -> return re Undefined err -> fail err Trace expr -> Traced <$> gatherVars expr <*> eval expr evalToVarValue :: MonadEval m => Expr a -> m (VarValue a) evalToVarValue expr = do VarValue <$> gatherVars expr <*> pure mempty <*> (const . const <$> eval expr) evalFunToVarValue :: MonadEval m => Expr (FunctionType a) -> m (VarValue a) evalFunToVarValue expr = do FunctionType fun <- eval expr VarValue <$> gatherVars expr <*> pure (exprArgs expr) <*> pure (const fun) evalSome :: MonadEval m => SomeExpr -> m SomeVarValue evalSome (SomeExpr expr) | IsFunType <- asFunType expr = SomeVarValue <$> evalFunToVarValue expr | otherwise = SomeVarValue <$> evalToVarValue expr evalSomeWith :: GlobalDefs -> SomeExpr -> SomeVarValue evalSomeWith gdefs sexpr = runSimpleEval (evalSome sexpr) gdefs [] data Traced a = Traced EvalTrace a type VarNameSelectors = ( FqVarName, [ Text ] ) type EvalTrace = [ ( VarNameSelectors, SomeVarValue ) ] gatherVars :: forall a m. MonadEval m => Expr a -> m EvalTrace gatherVars = fmap (uniqOn fst . sortOn fst) . helper where helper :: forall b. Expr b -> m EvalTrace helper = \case Let _ (TypedVarName var) _ expr -> withDictionary (filter ((var /=) . fst)) $ helper expr Variable _ var | isInternalVar var -> return [] | otherwise -> maybe [] (\x -> [ (( var, [] ), x ) ]) <$> tryLookupVar var DynVariable _ _ var -> maybe [] (\x -> [ (( var, [] ), x ) ]) <$> tryLookupVar var FunVariable _ _ var -> maybe [] (\x -> [ (( var, [] ), x ) ]) <$> tryLookupVar var ArgsReq args expr -> withDictionary (filter ((`notElem` map fst (toList args)) . fst)) $ helper expr ArgsApp (FunctionArguments args) fun -> do v <- helper fun vs <- mapM (\(SomeExpr e) -> helper e) $ M.elems args return $ concat (v : vs) FunctionAbstraction expr -> helper expr FunctionEval efun -> helper efun LambdaAbstraction (TypedVarName var) expr -> withDictionary (filter ((var /=) . fst)) $ helper expr Pure _ -> return [] e@(App (AnnRecord sel) _ x) | Just (var, sels) <- gatherSelectors x -> do val <- SomeVarValue . VarValue [] mempty . const . const <$> eval e return [ (( var, sels ++ [ sel ] ), val ) ] | otherwise -> do helper x App _ f x -> (++) <$> helper f <*> helper x Concat es -> concat <$> mapM helper es Regex es -> concat <$> mapM helper es Undefined {} -> return [] Trace expr -> helper expr gatherSelectors :: forall b. Expr b -> Maybe ( FqVarName, [ Text ] ) gatherSelectors = \case Variable _ var -> Just (var, []) App (AnnRecord sel) _ x -> do (var, sels) <- gatherSelectors x return (var, sels ++ [sel]) _ -> Nothing newtype ArgumentKeyword = ArgumentKeyword Text deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, IsString) newtype FunctionArguments a = FunctionArguments (Map (Maybe ArgumentKeyword) a) deriving (Show, Semigroup, Monoid, Functor, Foldable, Traversable) anull :: FunctionArguments a -> Bool anull (FunctionArguments args) = M.null args exprArgs :: Expr (FunctionType a) -> FunctionArguments SomeArgumentType exprArgs = \case Let _ _ _ expr -> exprArgs expr Variable {} -> mempty FunVariable args _ _ -> args ArgsReq args expr -> fmap snd args <> exprArgs expr ArgsApp (FunctionArguments applied) expr -> let FunctionArguments args = exprArgs expr in FunctionArguments (args `M.difference` applied) FunctionAbstraction {} -> mempty FunctionEval {} -> mempty Pure {} -> error "exprArgs: pure" App {} -> error "exprArgs: app" Undefined {} -> error "exprArgs: undefined" funFromSomeVarValue :: forall a m. (ExprType a, MonadFail m) => SourceLine -> FqVarName -> SomeVarValue -> m (FunctionType a) funFromSomeVarValue sline name (SomeVarValue (VarValue _ args value :: VarValue b)) = do maybe (fail err) return $ do FunctionType <$> cast (value sline) where err = T.unpack $ T.concat [ T.pack "expected function returning ", textExprType @a Proxy, T.pack ", but variable '", textFqVarName name, T.pack "' has ", (if anull args then "type " else "function type returting ") <> textExprType @b Proxy ] data SomeArgumentType = forall a. ExprType a => SomeArgumentType (ArgumentType a) data ArgumentType a = RequiredArgument | OptionalArgument | ExprDefault (Expr a) | ContextDefault data Regex = RegexCompiled Text RE.Regex | RegexPart Text | RegexString Text regexCompile :: Text -> Either String Regex regexCompile src = either Left (Right . RegexCompiled src) $ RE.compile RE.defaultCompOpt RE.defaultExecOpt $ T.singleton '^' <> src <> T.singleton '$' regexMatch :: Regex -> Text -> Either String (Maybe (Text, Text, Text, [Text])) regexMatch (RegexCompiled _ re) text = RE.regexec re text regexMatch _ _ = Left "regex not compiled" regexSource :: Regex -> Text regexSource (RegexCompiled src _) = src regexSource (RegexPart src) = src regexSource (RegexString str) = T.concatMap escapeChar str where escapeChar c | isAlphaNum c = T.singleton c | c `elem` ['`', '\'', '<', '>'] = T.singleton c | otherwise = T.pack ['\\', c]