BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
develBuild with ansi-terminal-0.11Roman Smrž11 hours
masterMerge branch 'release-0.1'Roman Smrž11 hours
ref-mapwip: RefMapRoman Smrž5 years
ref-setwip: storage ref setRoman Smrž5 years
release-0.1Build with fsnotify-0.3Roman Smrž12 hours
v0.1.7commit e0efdf445a...Roman Smrž5 months
v0.1.6commit 0479b2f1d6...Roman Smrž7 months
v0.1.5commit dc8954b9ef...Roman Smrž8 months
v0.1.4commit 00a54a1a48...Roman Smrž10 months
v0.1.3commit 5c2edda307...Roman Smrž11 months
v0.1.2commit 888efced3b...Roman Smrž13 months
v0.1.1commit d682913d9f...Roman Smrž13 months
v0.1.0commit 8105c4ba46...Roman Smrž14 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
11 hoursBuild with ansi-terminal-0.11develRoman Smrž
11 hoursMerge branch 'release-0.1'HEADmasterRoman Smrž
12 hoursBuild with fsnotify-0.3release-0.1Roman Smrž
12 hoursRelax crypton lower bound for Debian trixieRoman Smrž
12 hoursSwitch source repositary location to HTTPSRoman Smrž
12 hoursBump dependencies, support GHC 9.12Roman Smrž
13 hoursDiscovery: do not announce self without any local addressRoman Smrž
13 hoursICE: use pj_ice_strans_sendto2Roman Smrž
13 hoursDisable -Wx-partial for nowRoman Smrž
13 hoursICE: fix deadlock when creating session without STUN/TURNRoman Smrž