diff options
authorRoman Smrž <>2024-04-27 11:12:10 +0200
committerRoman Smrž <>2024-04-27 11:56:44 +0200
commit99e6e65cbfab5149015031efdf5b7beec8cb9c7c (patch)
parent65b6457f50576c3634651fb3f2083b0aebf7843a (diff)
Enable/disable network services by command-line parameters
Changelog: Enable/disable network services by command-line parameters
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/main/Main.hs b/main/Main.hs
index e14e37c..0144564 100644
--- a/main/Main.hs
+++ b/main/Main.hs
@@ -56,21 +56,46 @@ import Version
data Options = Options
{ optServer :: ServerOptions
+ , optServices :: [ServiceOption]
, optShowHelp :: Bool
, optShowVersion :: Bool
+data ServiceOption = ServiceOption
+ { soptName :: String
+ , soptService :: SomeService
+ , soptEnabled :: Bool
+ , soptDescription :: String
+ }
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = Options
{ optServer = defaultServerOptions
+ , optServices = availableServices
, optShowHelp = False
, optShowVersion = False
+availableServices :: [ServiceOption]
+availableServices =
+ [ ServiceOption "attach" (someService @AttachService Proxy)
+ True "attach (to) other devices"
+ , ServiceOption "sync" (someService @SyncService Proxy)
+ True "synchronization with attached devices"
+ , ServiceOption "contact" (someService @ContactService Proxy)
+ True "create contacts with network peers"
+ , ServiceOption "dm" (someService @DirectMessage Proxy)
+ True "direct messages"
+ , ServiceOption "discovery" (someService @DiscoveryService Proxy)
+ True "peer discovery"
+ ]
options :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
options =
[ Option ['p'] ["port"]
- (ReqArg (\p -> so $ \opts -> opts { serverPort = read p }) "PORT")
+ (ReqArg (\p -> so $ \opts -> opts { serverPort = read p }) "<port>")
"local port to bind"
, Option ['s'] ["silent"]
(NoArg (so $ \opts -> opts { serverLocalDiscovery = False }))
@@ -84,6 +109,21 @@ options =
where so f opts = opts { optServer = f $ optServer opts }
+servicesOptions :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
+servicesOptions = concatMap helper $ "all" : map soptName availableServices
+ where
+ helper name =
+ [ Option [] ["enable-" <> name] (NoArg $ so $ change name $ \sopt -> sopt { soptEnabled = True }) ""
+ , Option [] ["disable-" <> name] (NoArg $ so $ change name $ \sopt -> sopt { soptEnabled = False }) ""
+ ]
+ so f opts = opts { optServices = f $ optServices opts }
+ change :: String -> (ServiceOption -> ServiceOption) -> [ServiceOption] -> [ServiceOption]
+ change name f (s : ss)
+ | soptName s == name || name == "all"
+ = f s : change name f ss
+ | otherwise = s : change name f ss
+ change _ _ [] = []
main :: IO ()
main = do
st <- liftIO $ openStorage . fromMaybe "./.erebos" =<< lookupEnv "EREBOS_DIR"
@@ -137,11 +177,26 @@ main = do
["test"] -> runTestTool st
- args -> case getOpt Permute options args of
+ args -> case getOpt Permute (options ++ servicesOptions) args of
(o, [], []) -> do
let opts = foldl (flip id) defaultOptions o
header = "Usage: erebos [OPTION...]"
- if | optShowHelp opts -> putStr $ usageInfo header options
+ serviceDesc ServiceOption {..} = padService (" " <> soptName) <> soptDescription
+ padTo n str = str <> replicate (n - length str) ' '
+ padOpt = padTo 28
+ padService = padTo 16
+ if | optShowHelp opts -> putStr $ usageInfo header options <> unlines
+ (
+ [ padOpt " --enable-<service>" <> "enable network service <service>"
+ , padOpt " --disable-<service>" <> "disable network service <service>"
+ , padOpt " --enable-all" <> "enable all network services"
+ , padOpt " --disable-all" <> "disable all network services"
+ , ""
+ , "Available network services:"
+ ] ++ map serviceDesc availableServices
+ )
| optShowVersion opts -> putStrLn versionLine
| otherwise -> interactiveLoop st opts
(_, _, errs) -> do
@@ -170,15 +225,8 @@ interactiveLoop st opts = runInputT inputSettings $ do
extPrintLn . formatMessage tzone . fromStored
server <- liftIO $ do
- startServer (optServer opts) erebosHead extPrintLn
- [ someService @AttachService Proxy
- , someService @SyncService Proxy
- , someService @ContactService Proxy
- , someService @DirectMessage Proxy
- , someService @DiscoveryService Proxy
- ]
+ startServer (optServer opts) erebosHead extPrintLn $
+ map soptService $ filter soptEnabled $ optServices opts
peers <- liftIO $ newMVar []
contextOptions <- liftIO $ newMVar []