path: root/main
diff options
authorRoman Smrž <>2025-02-22 20:58:04 +0100
committerRoman Smrž <>2025-02-25 21:03:49 +0100
commit8a5898cc06d54c30679678eb204725852786ee84 (patch)
treec454a854348af64e08a7a232d5ecac2a61da6092 /main
parent1f6eb330e9fd9f0004dec4783496d36520dbd2a3 (diff)
ICE config for each discovery peer
Diffstat (limited to 'main')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/main/Main.hs b/main/Main.hs
index db141cf..c9c9156 100644
--- a/main/Main.hs
+++ b/main/Main.hs
@@ -123,6 +123,20 @@ options =
, Option [] ["chatroom-auto-subscribe"]
(ReqArg (\count -> \opts -> opts { optChatroomAutoSubscribe = Just (read count) }) "<count>")
"automatically subscribe for up to <count> chatrooms"
+ , Option [] [ "discovery-stun-port" ]
+ (ReqArg (\value -> serviceAttr $ \attrs -> attrs { discoveryStunPort = Just (read value) }) "<port>")
+ "offer specified <port> to discovery peers for STUN protocol"
+ , Option [] [ "discovery-stun-server" ]
+ (ReqArg (\value -> serviceAttr $ \attrs -> attrs { discoveryStunServer = Just (read value) }) "<server>")
+ "offer <server> (domain name or IP address) to discovery peers for STUN protocol"
+ , Option [] [ "discovery-turn-port" ]
+ (ReqArg (\value -> serviceAttr $ \attrs -> attrs { discoveryTurnPort = Just (read value) }) "<port>")
+ "offer specified <port> to discovery peers for TURN protocol"
+ , Option [] [ "discovery-turn-server" ]
+ (ReqArg (\value -> serviceAttr $ \attrs -> attrs { discoveryTurnServer = Just (read value) }) "<server>")
+ "offer <server> (domain name or IP address) to discovery peers for TURN protocol"
, Option [] ["dm-bot-echo"]
(ReqArg (\prefix -> \opts -> opts { optDmBotEcho = Just (T.pack prefix) }) "<prefix>")
"automatically reply to direct messages with the same text prefixed with <prefix>"
@@ -133,7 +147,16 @@ options =
(NoArg $ \opts -> opts { optShowVersion = True })
"show version and exit"
- where so f opts = opts { optServer = f $ optServer opts }
+ where
+ so f opts = opts { optServer = f $ optServer opts }
+ updateService :: Service s => (ServiceAttributes s -> ServiceAttributes s) -> SomeService -> SomeService
+ updateService f some@(SomeService proxy attrs)
+ | Just f' <- cast f = SomeService proxy (f' attrs)
+ | otherwise = some
+ serviceAttr :: Service s => (ServiceAttributes s -> ServiceAttributes s) -> Options -> Options
+ serviceAttr f opts = opts { optServices = map (\sopt -> sopt { soptService = updateService f (soptService sopt) }) (optServices opts) }
servicesOptions :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
servicesOptions = concatMap helper $ "all" : map soptName availableServices
@@ -867,12 +890,35 @@ cmdDiscovery = void $ do
cmdIceCreate :: Command
cmdIceCreate = do
- role <- asks ciLine >>= return . \case
- 'm':_ -> PjIceSessRoleControlling
- 's':_ -> PjIceSessRoleControlled
- _ -> PjIceSessRoleUnknown
+ let getRole = \case
+ 'm':_ -> PjIceSessRoleControlling
+ 's':_ -> PjIceSessRoleControlled
+ _ -> PjIceSessRoleUnknown
+ ( role, stun, turn ) <- asks (words . ciLine) >>= \case
+ [] -> return ( PjIceSessRoleControlling, Nothing, Nothing )
+ [ role ] -> return
+ ( getRole role, Nothing, Nothing )
+ [ role, server ] -> return
+ ( getRole role
+ , Just ( T.pack server, 0 )
+ , Just ( T.pack server, 0 )
+ )
+ [ role, server, port ] -> return
+ ( getRole role
+ , Just ( T.pack server, read port )
+ , Just ( T.pack server, read port )
+ )
+ [ role, stunServer, stunPort, turnServer, turnPort ] -> return
+ ( getRole role
+ , Just ( T.pack stunServer, read stunPort )
+ , Just ( T.pack turnServer, read turnPort )
+ )
+ _ -> throwError "invalid parameters"
eprint <- asks ciPrint
- sess <- liftIO $ iceCreate role $ eprint <=< iceShow
+ Just cfg <- liftIO $ iceCreateConfig stun turn
+ sess <- liftIO $ iceCreateSession cfg role $ eprint <=< iceShow
modify $ \s -> s { csIceSessions = sess : csIceSessions s }
cmdIceDestroy :: Command