path: root/src/Storage
diff options
authorRoman Smrž <>2021-01-30 21:12:31 +0100
committerRoman Smrž <>2021-01-30 22:09:01 +0100
commit543c49361518b2141d816d2ce9a8bbf79a2fa031 (patch)
tree2d4c49eda75898ee4e43aeae843415eda7c36c58 /src/Storage
parent10d31811ab0f3924416c078f1a359c70f0e58143 (diff)
Storage: hexadecimal encoding of binary record items
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Storage')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/Storage/Internal.hs b/src/Storage/Internal.hs
index a625efb..59eb514 100644
--- a/src/Storage/Internal.hs
+++ b/src/Storage/Internal.hs
@@ -12,12 +12,13 @@ import Control.Monad.Identity
import Crypto.Hash
import Data.Bits
-import Data.ByteArray (ByteArrayAccess, ScrubbedBytes)
+import Data.ByteArray (ByteArray, ByteArrayAccess, ScrubbedBytes)
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
+import Data.Char
import Data.Function
import Data.Hashable
import qualified Data.HashTable.IO as HT
@@ -100,10 +101,7 @@ showRef :: Ref' c -> ByteString
showRef = showRefDigest . refDigest
showRefDigest :: RefDigest -> ByteString
-showRefDigest = B.concat . map showHexByte . BA.unpack
- where showHex x | x < 10 = x + 48
- | otherwise = x + 87
- showHexByte x = B.pack [ showHex (x `div` 16), showHex (x `mod` 16) ]
+showRefDigest = showHex
refDigestFromByteString :: ByteArrayAccess ba => ba -> Maybe RefDigest
refDigestFromByteString = fmap RefDigest . digestFromByteString
@@ -111,6 +109,26 @@ refDigestFromByteString = fmap RefDigest . digestFromByteString
hashToRefDigest :: BL.ByteString -> RefDigest
hashToRefDigest = RefDigest . hashFinalize . hashUpdates hashInit . BL.toChunks
+showHex :: ByteArrayAccess ba => ba -> ByteString
+showHex = B.concat . map showHexByte . BA.unpack
+ where showHexChar x | x < 10 = x + o '0'
+ | otherwise = x + o 'a' - 10
+ showHexByte x = B.pack [ showHexChar (x `div` 16), showHexChar (x `mod` 16) ]
+ o = fromIntegral . ord
+readHex :: ByteArray ba => ByteString -> Maybe ba
+readHex = return . BA.concat <=< readHex'
+ where readHex' bs | B.null bs = Just []
+ readHex' bs = do (bx, bs') <- B.uncons bs
+ (by, bs'') <- B.uncons bs'
+ x <- hexDigit bx
+ y <- hexDigit by
+ (B.singleton (x * 16 + y) :) <$> readHex' bs''
+ hexDigit x | x >= o '0' && x <= o '9' = Just $ x - o '0'
+ | x >= o 'a' && x <= o 'z' = Just $ x - o 'a' + 10
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ o = fromIntegral . ord
newtype Generation = Generation Int
deriving (Eq, Show)