path: root/main
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'main')
2 files changed, 269 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/main/Main.hs b/main/Main.hs
index 0eb414c..94c0418 100644
--- a/main/Main.hs
+++ b/main/Main.hs
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as T
import Data.Text.IO qualified as T
+import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Data.Typeable
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ import System.IO
import Erebos.Attach
import Erebos.Contact
+import Erebos.Chatroom
import Erebos.Conversation
import Erebos.Discovery
@@ -59,11 +61,17 @@ import Version
data Options = Options
{ optServer :: ServerOptions
, optServices :: [ServiceOption]
+ , optStorage :: StorageOption
+ , optChatroomAutoSubscribe :: Maybe Int
, optDmBotEcho :: Maybe Text
, optShowHelp :: Bool
, optShowVersion :: Bool
+data StorageOption = DefaultStorage
+ | FilesystemStorage FilePath
+ | MemoryStorage
data ServiceOption = ServiceOption
{ soptName :: String
, soptService :: SomeService
@@ -75,6 +83,8 @@ defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = Options
{ optServer = defaultServerOptions
, optServices = availableServices
+ , optStorage = DefaultStorage
+ , optChatroomAutoSubscribe = Nothing
, optDmBotEcho = Nothing
, optShowHelp = False
, optShowVersion = False
@@ -86,6 +96,8 @@ availableServices =
True "attach (to) other devices"
, ServiceOption "sync" (someService @SyncService Proxy)
True "synchronization with attached devices"
+ , ServiceOption "chatroom" (someService @ChatroomService Proxy)
+ True "chatrooms with multiple participants"
, ServiceOption "contact" (someService @ContactService Proxy)
True "create contacts with network peers"
, ServiceOption "dm" (someService @DirectMessage Proxy)
@@ -104,6 +116,15 @@ options =
, Option ['s'] ["silent"]
(NoArg (so $ \opts -> opts { serverLocalDiscovery = False }))
"do not send announce packets for local discovery"
+ , Option [] [ "storage" ]
+ (ReqArg (\path -> \opts -> opts { optStorage = FilesystemStorage path }) "<path>")
+ "use storage in <path>"
+ , Option [] [ "memory-storage" ]
+ (NoArg (\opts -> opts { optStorage = MemoryStorage }))
+ "use memory storage"
+ , Option [] ["chatroom-auto-subscribe"]
+ (ReqArg (\count -> \opts -> opts { optChatroomAutoSubscribe = Just (read count) }) "<count>")
+ "automatically subscribe for up to <count> chatrooms"
, Option [] ["dm-bot-echo"]
(ReqArg (\prefix -> \opts -> opts { optDmBotEcho = Just (T.pack prefix) }) "<prefix>")
"automatically reply to direct messages with the same text prefixed with <prefix>"
@@ -133,8 +154,20 @@ servicesOptions = concatMap helper $ "all" : map soptName availableServices
main :: IO ()
main = do
- st <- liftIO $ openStorage . fromMaybe "./.erebos" =<< lookupEnv "EREBOS_DIR"
- getArgs >>= \case
+ (opts, args) <- (getOpt RequireOrder (options ++ servicesOptions) <$> getArgs) >>= \case
+ (o, args, []) -> do
+ return (foldl (flip id) defaultOptions o, args)
+ (_, _, errs) -> do
+ progName <- getProgName
+ hPutStrLn stderr $ concat errs <> "Try `" <> progName <> " --help' for more information."
+ exitFailure
+ st <- liftIO $ case optStorage opts of
+ DefaultStorage -> openStorage . fromMaybe "./.erebos" =<< lookupEnv "EREBOS_DIR"
+ FilesystemStorage path -> openStorage path
+ MemoryStorage -> memoryStorage
+ case args of
["cat-file", sref] -> do
readRef st (BC.pack sref) >>= \case
Nothing -> error "ref does not exist"
@@ -150,7 +183,7 @@ main = do
forM_ (signedSignature signed) $ \sig -> do
putStr $ "SIG "
BC.putStrLn $ showRef $ storedRef $ sigKey $ fromStored sig
- "identity" -> case validateIdentityF (wrappedLoad <$> refs) of
+ "identity" -> case validateExtendedIdentityF (wrappedLoad <$> refs) of
Just identity -> do
let disp :: Identity m -> IO ()
disp idt = do
@@ -160,7 +193,7 @@ main = do
case idOwner idt of
Nothing -> return ()
Just owner -> do
- mapM_ (putStrLn . ("OWNER " ++) . BC.unpack . showRefDigest . refDigest . storedRef) $ idDataF owner
+ mapM_ (putStrLn . ("OWNER " ++) . BC.unpack . showRefDigest . refDigest . storedRef) $ idExtDataF owner
disp owner
disp identity
Nothing -> putStrLn $ "Identity verification failed"
@@ -184,32 +217,30 @@ main = do
["test"] -> runTestTool st
- args -> case getOpt Permute (options ++ servicesOptions) args of
- (o, [], []) -> do
- let opts = foldl (flip id) defaultOptions o
- header = "Usage: erebos [OPTION...]"
- serviceDesc ServiceOption {..} = padService (" " <> soptName) <> soptDescription
- padTo n str = str <> replicate (n - length str) ' '
- padOpt = padTo 37
- padService = padTo 16
- if | optShowHelp opts -> putStr $ usageInfo header options <> unlines
- (
- [ padOpt " --enable-<service>" <> "enable network service <service>"
- , padOpt " --disable-<service>" <> "disable network service <service>"
- , padOpt " --enable-all" <> "enable all network services"
- , padOpt " --disable-all" <> "disable all network services"
- , ""
- , "Available network services:"
- ] ++ map serviceDesc availableServices
- )
- | optShowVersion opts -> putStrLn versionLine
- | otherwise -> interactiveLoop st opts
- (_, _, errs) -> do
- progName <- getProgName
- hPutStrLn stderr $ concat errs <> "Try `" <> progName <> " --help' for more information."
- exitFailure
+ [] -> do
+ let header = "Usage: erebos [OPTION...]"
+ serviceDesc ServiceOption {..} = padService (" " <> soptName) <> soptDescription
+ padTo n str = str <> replicate (n - length str) ' '
+ padOpt = padTo 37
+ padService = padTo 16
+ if | optShowHelp opts -> putStr $ usageInfo header options <> unlines
+ (
+ [ padOpt " --enable-<service>" <> "enable network service <service>"
+ , padOpt " --disable-<service>" <> "disable network service <service>"
+ , padOpt " --enable-all" <> "enable all network services"
+ , padOpt " --disable-all" <> "disable all network services"
+ , ""
+ , "Available network services:"
+ ] ++ map serviceDesc availableServices
+ )
+ | optShowVersion opts -> putStrLn versionLine
+ | otherwise -> interactiveLoop st opts
+ (cmdname : _) -> do
+ hPutStrLn stderr $ "Unknown command `" <> cmdname <> "'"
+ exitFailure
inputSettings :: Settings IO
@@ -222,8 +253,10 @@ interactiveLoop st opts = runInputT inputSettings $ do
tui <- haveTerminalUI
extPrint <- getExternalPrint
- let extPrintLn str = extPrint $ case reverse str of ('\n':_) -> str
- _ -> str ++ "\n";
+ let extPrintLn str = do
+ let str' = case reverse str of ('\n':_) -> str
+ _ -> str ++ "\n";
+ extPrint $! str' -- evaluate str before calling extPrint to avoid blinking
let getInputLinesTui eprompt = do
prompt <- case eprompt of
@@ -235,6 +268,7 @@ interactiveLoop st opts = runInputT inputSettings $ do
PeerIdentityRef wref _ -> "<" ++ BC.unpack (showRefDigest $ wrDigest wref) ++ ">"
PeerIdentityUnknown _ -> "<unknown>"
SelectedContact contact -> return $ T.unpack $ contactName contact
+ SelectedChatroom rstate -> return $ T.unpack $ fromMaybe (T.pack "<unnamed>") $ roomName =<< roomStateRoom rstate
SelectedConversation conv -> return $ T.unpack $ conversationName conv
return $ pname ++ "> "
Right prompt -> return prompt
@@ -281,13 +315,20 @@ interactiveLoop st opts = runInputT inputSettings $ do
Right reply -> extPrintLn $ formatDirectMessage tzone $ fromStored reply
Left err -> extPrintLn $ "Failed to send dm echo: " <> err
+ peers <- liftIO $ newMVar []
+ contextOptions <- liftIO $ newMVar []
+ chatroomSetVar <- liftIO $ newEmptyMVar
+ let autoSubscribe = optChatroomAutoSubscribe opts
+ chatroomList = fromSetBy (comparing roomStateData) . lookupSharedValue . lsShared . headObject $ erebosHead
+ watched <- if isJust autoSubscribe || any roomStateSubscribe chatroomList
+ then fmap Just $ liftIO $ watchChatroomsForCli extPrintLn erebosHead chatroomSetVar contextOptions autoSubscribe
+ else return Nothing
server <- liftIO $ do
startServer (optServer opts) erebosHead extPrintLn $
map soptService $ filter soptEnabled $ optServices opts
- peers <- liftIO $ newMVar []
- contextOptions <- liftIO $ newMVar []
void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ void $ forever $ do
peer <- getNextPeerChange server
peerIdentity peer >>= \case
@@ -320,11 +361,14 @@ interactiveLoop st opts = runInputT inputSettings $ do
{ ciServer = server
, ciLine = line
, ciPrint = extPrintLn
+ , ciOptions = opts
, ciPeers = liftIO $ modifyMVar peers $ \ps -> do
ps' <- filterM (fmap not . isPeerDropped . fst) ps
return (ps', ps')
, ciContextOptions = liftIO $ readMVar contextOptions
, ciSetContextOptions = \ctxs -> liftIO $ modifyMVar_ contextOptions $ const $ return ctxs
+ , ciContextOptionsVar = contextOptions
+ , ciChatroomSetVar = chatroomSetVar
case res of
Right cstate'
@@ -343,6 +387,7 @@ interactiveLoop st opts = runInputT inputSettings $ do
, csIceSessions = []
, csIcePeer = Nothing
+ , csWatchChatrooms = watched
, csQuit = False
@@ -351,9 +396,12 @@ data CommandInput = CommandInput
{ ciServer :: Server
, ciLine :: String
, ciPrint :: String -> IO ()
+ , ciOptions :: Options
, ciPeers :: CommandM [(Peer, String)]
, ciContextOptions :: CommandM [CommandContext]
, ciSetContextOptions :: [CommandContext] -> Command
+ , ciContextOptionsVar :: MVar [ CommandContext ]
+ , ciChatroomSetVar :: MVar (Set ChatroomState)
data CommandState = CommandState
@@ -363,12 +411,14 @@ data CommandState = CommandState
, csIceSessions :: [IceSession]
, csIcePeer :: Maybe Peer
+ , csWatchChatrooms :: Maybe WatchedHead
, csQuit :: Bool
data CommandContext = NoContext
| SelectedPeer Peer
| SelectedContact Contact
+ | SelectedChatroom ChatroomState
| SelectedConversation Conversation
newtype CommandM a = CommandM (ReaderT CommandInput (StateT CommandState (ExceptT String IO)) a)
@@ -402,6 +452,11 @@ getSelectedPeer = gets csContext >>= \case
SelectedPeer peer -> return peer
_ -> throwError "no peer selected"
+getSelectedChatroom :: CommandM ChatroomState
+getSelectedChatroom = gets csContext >>= \case
+ SelectedChatroom rstate -> return rstate
+ _ -> throwError "no chatroom selected"
getSelectedConversation :: CommandM Conversation
getSelectedConversation = gets csContext >>= \case
SelectedPeer peer -> peerIdentity peer >>= \case
@@ -410,6 +465,10 @@ getSelectedConversation = gets csContext >>= \case
SelectedContact contact -> case contactIdentity contact of
Just cid -> directMessageConversation cid
Nothing -> throwError "contact without erebos identity"
+ SelectedChatroom rstate ->
+ chatroomConversation rstate >>= \case
+ Just conv -> return conv
+ Nothing -> throwError "invalid chatroom"
SelectedConversation conv -> reloadConversation conv
_ -> throwError "no contact, peer or conversation selected"
@@ -425,6 +484,8 @@ commands =
, ("attach", cmdAttach)
, ("attach-accept", cmdAttachAccept)
, ("attach-reject", cmdAttachReject)
+ , ("chatrooms", cmdChatrooms)
+ , ("chatroom-create-public", cmdChatroomCreatePublic)
, ("contacts", cmdContacts)
, ("contact-add", cmdContactAdd)
, ("contact-accept", cmdContactAccept)
@@ -440,6 +501,9 @@ commands =
, ("ice-connect", cmdIceConnect)
, ("ice-send", cmdIceSend)
+ , ("join", cmdJoin)
+ , ("leave", cmdLeave)
+ , ("members", cmdMembers)
, ("select", cmdSelectContext)
, ("quit", cmdQuit)
@@ -492,20 +556,41 @@ showPeer pidentity paddr =
PeerIdentityFull pid -> T.unpack $ displayIdentity pid
in name ++ " [" ++ show paddr ++ "]"
+cmdJoin :: Command
+cmdJoin = joinChatroom =<< getSelectedChatroom
+cmdLeave :: Command
+cmdLeave = leaveChatroom =<< getSelectedChatroom
+cmdMembers :: Command
+cmdMembers = do
+ Just room <- findChatroomByStateData . head . roomStateData =<< getSelectedChatroom
+ forM_ (chatroomMembers room) $ \x -> do
+ liftIO $ putStrLn $ maybe "<unnamed>" T.unpack $ idName x
cmdSelectContext :: Command
cmdSelectContext = do
n <- read <$> asks ciLine
join (asks ciContextOptions) >>= \ctxs -> if
- | n > 0, (ctx : _) <- drop (n - 1) ctxs -> modify $ \s -> s { csContext = ctx }
+ | n > 0, (ctx : _) <- drop (n - 1) ctxs -> do
+ modify $ \s -> s { csContext = ctx }
+ case ctx of
+ SelectedChatroom rstate -> do
+ when (not (roomStateSubscribe rstate)) $ do
+ chatroomSetSubscribe (head $ roomStateData rstate) True
+ _ -> return ()
| otherwise -> throwError "invalid index"
cmdSend :: Command
cmdSend = void $ do
text <- asks ciLine
conv <- getSelectedConversation
- msg <- sendMessage conv $ T.pack text
- tzone <- liftIO $ getCurrentTimeZone
- liftIO $ putStrLn $ formatMessage tzone msg
+ sendMessage conv (T.pack text) >>= \case
+ Just msg -> do
+ tzone <- liftIO $ getCurrentTimeZone
+ liftIO $ putStrLn $ formatMessage tzone msg
+ Nothing -> return ()
cmdHistory :: Command
cmdHistory = void $ do
@@ -530,6 +615,110 @@ cmdAttachAccept = attachAccept =<< getSelectedPeer
cmdAttachReject :: Command
cmdAttachReject = attachReject =<< getSelectedPeer
+watchChatroomsForCli :: (String -> IO ()) -> Head LocalState -> MVar (Set ChatroomState) -> MVar [ CommandContext ] -> Maybe Int -> IO WatchedHead
+watchChatroomsForCli eprint h chatroomSetVar contextVar autoSubscribe = do
+ subscribedNumVar <- newEmptyMVar
+ let ctxUpdate updateType (idx :: Int) rstate = \case
+ SelectedChatroom rstate' : rest
+ | currentRoots <- filterAncestors (concatMap storedRoots $ roomStateData rstate)
+ , any ((`intersectsSorted` currentRoots) . storedRoots) $ roomStateData rstate'
+ -> do
+ eprint $ "[" <> show idx <> "] CHATROOM " <> updateType <> " " <> name
+ return (SelectedChatroom rstate : rest)
+ selected : rest
+ -> do
+ (selected : ) <$> ctxUpdate updateType (idx + 1) rstate rest
+ []
+ -> do
+ eprint $ "[" <> show idx <> "] CHATROOM " <> updateType <> " " <> name
+ return [ SelectedChatroom rstate ]
+ where
+ name = maybe "<unnamed>" T.unpack $ roomName =<< roomStateRoom rstate
+ watchChatrooms h $ \set -> \case
+ Nothing -> do
+ let chatroomList = fromSetBy (comparing roomStateData) set
+ (subscribed, notSubscribed) = partition roomStateSubscribe chatroomList
+ subscribedNum = length subscribed
+ putMVar chatroomSetVar set
+ putMVar subscribedNumVar subscribedNum
+ case autoSubscribe of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just num -> do
+ forM_ (take (num - subscribedNum) notSubscribed) $ \rstate -> do
+ (runExceptT $ flip runReaderT h $ chatroomSetSubscribe (head $ roomStateData rstate) True) >>= \case
+ Right () -> return ()
+ Left err -> eprint err
+ Just diff -> do
+ modifyMVar_ chatroomSetVar $ return . const set
+ forM_ diff $ \case
+ AddedChatroom rstate -> do
+ modifyMVar_ contextVar $ ctxUpdate "NEW" 1 rstate
+ modifyMVar_ subscribedNumVar $ return . if roomStateSubscribe rstate then (+ 1) else id
+ RemovedChatroom rstate -> do
+ modifyMVar_ contextVar $ ctxUpdate "DEL" 1 rstate
+ modifyMVar_ subscribedNumVar $ return . if roomStateSubscribe rstate then subtract 1 else id
+ UpdatedChatroom oldroom rstate -> do
+ when (any ((\rsd -> not (null (rsdRoom rsd))) . fromStored) (roomStateData rstate)) $ do
+ modifyMVar_ contextVar $ ctxUpdate "UPD" 1 rstate
+ when (any (not . null . rsdMessages . fromStored) (roomStateData rstate)) $ do
+ tzone <- getCurrentTimeZone
+ forM_ (reverse $ getMessagesSinceState rstate oldroom) $ \msg -> do
+ eprint $ concat $
+ [ maybe "<unnamed>" T.unpack $ roomName =<< cmsgRoom msg
+ , formatTime defaultTimeLocale " [%H:%M] " $ utcToLocalTime tzone $ zonedTimeToUTC $ cmsgTime msg
+ , maybe "<unnamed>" T.unpack $ idName $ cmsgFrom msg
+ , if cmsgLeave msg then " left" else ""
+ , maybe (if cmsgLeave msg then "" else " joined") ((": " ++) . T.unpack) $ cmsgText msg
+ ]
+ modifyMVar_ subscribedNumVar $ return
+ . (if roomStateSubscribe rstate then (+ 1) else id)
+ . (if roomStateSubscribe oldroom then subtract 1 else id)
+ensureWatchedChatrooms :: Command
+ensureWatchedChatrooms = do
+ gets csWatchChatrooms >>= \case
+ Nothing -> do
+ eprint <- asks ciPrint
+ h <- gets csHead
+ chatroomSetVar <- asks ciChatroomSetVar
+ contextVar <- asks ciContextOptionsVar
+ autoSubscribe <- asks $ optChatroomAutoSubscribe . ciOptions
+ watched <- liftIO $ watchChatroomsForCli eprint h chatroomSetVar contextVar autoSubscribe
+ modify $ \s -> s { csWatchChatrooms = Just watched }
+ Just _ -> return ()
+cmdChatrooms :: Command
+cmdChatrooms = do
+ ensureWatchedChatrooms
+ chatroomSetVar <- asks ciChatroomSetVar
+ chatroomList <- fromSetBy (comparing roomStateData) <$> liftIO (readMVar chatroomSetVar)
+ set <- asks ciSetContextOptions
+ set $ map SelectedChatroom chatroomList
+ forM_ (zip [1..] chatroomList) $ \(i :: Int, rstate) -> do
+ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "[" ++ show i ++ "] " ++ maybe "<unnamed>" T.unpack (roomName =<< roomStateRoom rstate)
+cmdChatroomCreatePublic :: Command
+cmdChatroomCreatePublic = do
+ name <- asks ciLine >>= \case
+ line | not (null line) -> return $ T.pack line
+ _ -> liftIO $ do
+ T.putStr $ T.pack "Name: "
+ hFlush stdout
+ T.getLine
+ ensureWatchedChatrooms
+ void $ createChatroom
+ (if T.null name then Nothing else Just name)
+ Nothing
cmdContacts :: Command
cmdContacts = do
args <- words <$> asks ciLine
@@ -586,6 +775,9 @@ cmdDetails = do
SelectedContact contact -> do
printContactDetails contact
+ SelectedChatroom rstate -> do
+ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Chatroom: " <> (T.unpack $ fromMaybe (T.pack "<unnamed>") $ roomName =<< roomStateRoom rstate)
SelectedConversation conv -> do
case conversationPeer conv of
Just pid -> printContactOrIdentityDetails pid
@@ -703,3 +895,10 @@ cmdIceSend = void $ do
cmdQuit :: Command
cmdQuit = modify $ \s -> s { csQuit = True }
+intersectsSorted :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
+intersectsSorted (x:xs) (y:ys) | x < y = intersectsSorted xs (y:ys)
+ | x > y = intersectsSorted (x:xs) ys
+ | otherwise = True
+intersectsSorted _ _ = False
diff --git a/main/Test.hs b/main/Test.hs
index 711f9fa..c6448b8 100644
--- a/main/Test.hs
+++ b/main/Test.hs
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ runTestTool st = do
Nothing -> return ()
runExceptT (evalStateT testLoop initTestState) >>= \case
- Left x -> hPutStrLn stderr x
+ Left x -> B.hPutStr stderr $ (`BC.snoc` '\n') $ BC.pack x
Right () -> return ()
getLineMb :: MonadIO m => m (Maybe Text)
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ outLine :: Output -> String -> IO ()
outLine mvar line = do
evaluate $ foldl' (flip seq) () line
withMVar mvar $ \() -> do
- putStrLn line
+ B.putStr $ (`BC.snoc` '\n') $ BC.pack line
hFlush stdout
cmdOut :: String -> Command
@@ -283,6 +283,9 @@ commands = map (T.pack *** id)
, ("chatroom-set-name", cmdChatroomSetName)
, ("chatroom-subscribe", cmdChatroomSubscribe)
, ("chatroom-unsubscribe", cmdChatroomUnsubscribe)
+ , ("chatroom-members", cmdChatroomMembers)
+ , ("chatroom-join", cmdChatroomJoin)
+ , ("chatroom-leave", cmdChatroomLeave)
, ("chatroom-message-send", cmdChatroomMessageSend)
@@ -428,7 +431,7 @@ cmdStartServer = do
h <- getOrLoadHead
rsPeers <- liftIO $ newMVar (1, [])
- rsServer <- liftIO $ startServer defaultServerOptions h (hPutStrLn stderr)
+ rsServer <- liftIO $ startServer defaultServerOptions h (B.hPutStr stderr . (`BC.snoc` '\n') . BC.pack)
[ someServiceAttr $ pairingAttributes (Proxy @AttachService) out rsPeers "attach"
, someServiceAttr $ pairingAttributes (Proxy @ContactService) out rsPeers "contact"
, someServiceAttr $ directMessageAttributes out
@@ -501,11 +504,11 @@ cmdPeerList = do
cmdTestMessageSend :: Command
cmdTestMessageSend = do
- [spidx, tref] <- asks tiParams
+ spidx : trefs <- asks tiParams
st <- asks tiStorage
- Just ref <- liftIO $ readRef st (encodeUtf8 tref)
+ Just refs <- liftIO $ fmap sequence $ mapM (readRef st . encodeUtf8) trefs
peer <- getPeer spidx
- sendToPeer peer $ TestMessage $ wrappedLoad ref
+ sendManyToPeer peer $ map (TestMessage . wrappedLoad) refs
cmdOut "test-message-send done"
cmdSharedStateGet :: Command
@@ -732,6 +735,7 @@ cmdChatroomWatchLocal = do
, [ show . refDigest . storedRef . head . filterAncestors . concatMap storedRoots . toComponents $ room ]
, [ "room", maybe "<unnamed>" T.unpack $ roomName =<< cmsgRoom msg ]
, [ "from", maybe "<unnamed>" T.unpack $ idName $ cmsgFrom msg ]
+ , if cmsgLeave msg then [ "leave" ] else []
, maybe [] (("text":) . (:[]) . T.unpack) $ cmsgText msg
@@ -754,8 +758,28 @@ cmdChatroomUnsubscribe = do
to <- getChatroomStateData cid
void $ chatroomSetSubscribe to False
+cmdChatroomMembers :: Command
+cmdChatroomMembers = do
+ [ cid ] <- asks tiParams
+ Just chatroom <- findChatroomByStateData =<< getChatroomStateData cid
+ forM_ (chatroomMembers chatroom) $ \user -> do
+ cmdOut $ unwords [ "chatroom-members-item", maybe "<unnamed>" T.unpack $ idName user ]
+ cmdOut "chatroom-members-done"
+cmdChatroomJoin :: Command
+cmdChatroomJoin = do
+ [ cid ] <- asks tiParams
+ joinChatroomByStateData =<< getChatroomStateData cid
+ cmdOut "chatroom-join-done"
+cmdChatroomLeave :: Command
+cmdChatroomLeave = do
+ [ cid ] <- asks tiParams
+ leaveChatroomByStateData =<< getChatroomStateData cid
+ cmdOut "chatroom-leave-done"
cmdChatroomMessageSend :: Command
cmdChatroomMessageSend = do
[cid, msg] <- asks tiParams
to <- getChatroomStateData cid
- void $ chatroomMessageByStateData to msg
+ void $ sendChatroomMessageByStateData to msg