path: root/src/Erebos/Storage/Internal.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Erebos/Storage/Internal.hs')
1 files changed, 128 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Storage/Internal.hs b/src/Erebos/Storage/Internal.hs
index 8b794d8..6df1410 100644
--- a/src/Erebos/Storage/Internal.hs
+++ b/src/Erebos/Storage/Internal.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
module Erebos.Storage.Internal where
-import Codec.Compression.Zlib
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.DeepSeq
@@ -13,76 +11,145 @@ import Crypto.Hash
import Data.Bits
import Data.ByteArray (ByteArray, ByteArrayAccess, ScrubbedBytes)
-import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
+import Data.ByteArray qualified as BA
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
-import qualified Data.ByteString as B
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
+import Data.ByteString qualified as B
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as BC
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
import Data.Char
-import Data.Function
+import Data.HashTable.IO qualified as HT
import Data.Hashable
-import qualified Data.HashTable.IO as HT
import Data.Kind
-import Data.List
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Typeable
import Data.UUID (UUID)
import Foreign.Storable (peek)
-import System.Directory
-import System.FSNotify (WatchManager)
-import System.FilePath
-import System.IO
-import System.IO.Error
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
-import Erebos.Storage.Platform
-data Storage' c = Storage
- { stBacking :: StorageBacking c
- , stParent :: Maybe (Storage' Identity)
+data Storage' c = forall bck. (StorageBackend bck, BackendCompleteness bck ~ c) => Storage
+ { stBackend :: bck
, stRefGeneration :: MVar (HT.BasicHashTable RefDigest Generation)
, stRefRoots :: MVar (HT.BasicHashTable RefDigest [RefDigest])
+type Storage = Storage' Complete
+type PartialStorage = Storage' Partial
instance Eq (Storage' c) where
- (==) = (==) `on` (stBacking &&& stParent)
+ Storage { stBackend = b } == Storage { stBackend = b' }
+ | Just b'' <- cast b' = b == b''
+ | otherwise = False
instance Show (Storage' c) where
- show st@(Storage { stBacking = StorageDir { dirPath = path }}) = "dir" ++ showParentStorage st ++ ":" ++ path
- show st@(Storage { stBacking = StorageMemory {} }) = "mem" ++ showParentStorage st
-showParentStorage :: Storage' c -> String
-showParentStorage Storage { stParent = Nothing } = ""
-showParentStorage Storage { stParent = Just st } = "@" ++ show st
-data StorageBacking c
- = StorageDir { dirPath :: FilePath
- , dirWatchers :: MVar ( Maybe WatchManager, [ HeadTypeID ], WatchList c )
- }
- | StorageMemory { memHeads :: MVar [((HeadTypeID, HeadID), Ref' c)]
- , memObjs :: MVar (Map RefDigest BL.ByteString)
- , memKeys :: MVar (Map RefDigest ScrubbedBytes)
- , memWatchers :: MVar (WatchList c)
- }
- deriving (Eq)
+ show Storage { stBackend = b } = show b ++ showParentStorage b
+showParentStorage :: StorageBackend bck => bck -> String
+showParentStorage bck
+ | Just (st :: Storage) <- cast (backendParent bck) = "@" ++ show st
+ | Just (st :: PartialStorage) <- cast (backendParent bck) = "@" ++ show st
+ | otherwise = ""
+class (Eq bck, Show bck, Typeable bck, Typeable (BackendParent bck)) => StorageBackend bck where
+ type BackendCompleteness bck :: Type -> Type
+ type BackendCompleteness bck = Complete
+ type BackendParent bck :: Type
+ type BackendParent bck = ()
+ backendParent :: bck -> BackendParent bck
+ default backendParent :: BackendParent bck ~ () => bck -> BackendParent bck
+ backendParent _ = ()
+ backendLoadBytes :: bck -> RefDigest -> IO (Maybe BL.ByteString)
+ default backendLoadBytes :: BackendParent bck ~ Storage => bck -> RefDigest -> IO (Maybe BL.ByteString)
+ backendLoadBytes bck = case backendParent bck of Storage { stBackend = bck' } -> backendLoadBytes bck'
+ backendStoreBytes :: bck -> RefDigest -> BL.ByteString -> IO ()
+ default backendStoreBytes :: BackendParent bck ~ Storage => bck -> RefDigest -> BL.ByteString -> IO ()
+ backendStoreBytes bck = case backendParent bck of Storage { stBackend = bck' } -> backendStoreBytes bck'
+ backendLoadHeads :: bck -> HeadTypeID -> IO [ ( HeadID, RefDigest ) ]
+ default backendLoadHeads :: BackendParent bck ~ Storage => bck -> HeadTypeID -> IO [ ( HeadID, RefDigest ) ]
+ backendLoadHeads bck = case backendParent bck of Storage { stBackend = bck' } -> backendLoadHeads bck'
+ backendLoadHead :: bck -> HeadTypeID -> HeadID -> IO (Maybe RefDigest)
+ default backendLoadHead :: BackendParent bck ~ Storage => bck -> HeadTypeID -> HeadID -> IO (Maybe RefDigest)
+ backendLoadHead bck = case backendParent bck of Storage { stBackend = bck' } -> backendLoadHead bck'
+ backendStoreHead :: bck -> HeadTypeID -> HeadID -> RefDigest -> IO ()
+ default backendStoreHead :: BackendParent bck ~ Storage => bck -> HeadTypeID -> HeadID -> RefDigest -> IO ()
+ backendStoreHead bck = case backendParent bck of Storage { stBackend = bck' } -> backendStoreHead bck'
+ backendReplaceHead :: bck -> HeadTypeID -> HeadID -> RefDigest -> RefDigest -> IO (Either (Maybe RefDigest) RefDigest)
+ default backendReplaceHead :: BackendParent bck ~ Storage => bck -> HeadTypeID -> HeadID -> RefDigest -> RefDigest -> IO (Either (Maybe RefDigest) RefDigest)
+ backendReplaceHead bck = case backendParent bck of Storage { stBackend = bck' } -> backendReplaceHead bck'
+ backendWatchHead :: bck -> HeadTypeID -> HeadID -> (RefDigest -> IO ()) -> IO WatchID
+ default backendWatchHead :: BackendParent bck ~ Storage => bck -> HeadTypeID -> HeadID -> (RefDigest -> IO ()) -> IO WatchID
+ backendWatchHead bck = case backendParent bck of Storage { stBackend = bck' } -> backendWatchHead bck'
+ backendUnwatchHead :: bck -> WatchID -> IO ()
+ default backendUnwatchHead :: BackendParent bck ~ Storage => bck -> WatchID -> IO ()
+ backendUnwatchHead bck = case backendParent bck of Storage { stBackend = bck' } -> backendUnwatchHead bck'
+ backendListKeys :: bck -> IO [ RefDigest ]
+ default backendListKeys :: BackendParent bck ~ Storage => bck -> IO [ RefDigest ]
+ backendListKeys bck = case backendParent bck of Storage { stBackend = bck' } -> backendListKeys bck'
+ backendLoadKey :: bck -> RefDigest -> IO (Maybe ScrubbedBytes)
+ default backendLoadKey :: BackendParent bck ~ Storage => bck -> RefDigest -> IO (Maybe ScrubbedBytes)
+ backendLoadKey bck = case backendParent bck of Storage { stBackend = bck' } -> backendLoadKey bck'
+ backendStoreKey :: bck -> RefDigest -> ScrubbedBytes -> IO ()
+ default backendStoreKey :: BackendParent bck ~ Storage => bck -> RefDigest -> ScrubbedBytes -> IO ()
+ backendStoreKey bck = case backendParent bck of Storage { stBackend = bck' } -> backendStoreKey bck'
+ backendRemoveKey :: bck -> RefDigest -> IO ()
+ default backendRemoveKey :: BackendParent bck ~ Storage => bck -> RefDigest -> IO ()
+ backendRemoveKey bck = case backendParent bck of Storage { stBackend = bck' } -> backendRemoveKey bck'
newtype WatchID = WatchID Int
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Num)
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
+startWatchID :: WatchID
+startWatchID = WatchID 1
-data WatchList c = WatchList
+nextWatchID :: WatchID -> WatchID
+nextWatchID (WatchID n) = WatchID (n + 1)
+data WatchList = WatchList
{ wlNext :: WatchID
- , wlList :: [WatchListItem c]
+ , wlList :: [ WatchListItem ]
-data WatchListItem c = WatchListItem
+data WatchListItem = WatchListItem
{ wlID :: WatchID
- , wlHead :: (HeadTypeID, HeadID)
- , wlFun :: Ref' c -> IO ()
+ , wlHead :: ( HeadTypeID, HeadID )
+ , wlFun :: RefDigest -> IO ()
+watchListAdd :: HeadTypeID -> HeadID -> (RefDigest -> IO ()) -> WatchList -> ( WatchList, WatchID )
+watchListAdd tid hid cb wl = ( wl', wlNext wl )
+ where
+ wl' = wl
+ { wlNext = nextWatchID (wlNext wl)
+ , wlList = WatchListItem
+ { wlID = wlNext wl
+ , wlHead = (tid, hid)
+ , wlFun = cb
+ } : wlList wl
+ }
+watchListDel :: WatchID -> WatchList -> WatchList
+watchListDel wid wl = wl { wlList = filter ((/= wid) . wlID) $ wlList wl }
newtype RefDigest = RefDigest (Digest Blake2b_256)
deriving (Eq, Ord, NFData, ByteArrayAccess)
@@ -92,6 +159,9 @@ instance Show RefDigest where
data Ref' c = Ref (Storage' c) RefDigest
+type Ref = Ref' Complete
+type PartialRef = Ref' Partial
instance Eq (Ref' c) where
Ref _ d1 == Ref _ d2 = d1 == d2
@@ -159,12 +229,11 @@ readHex = return . BA.concat <=< readHex'
newtype Generation = Generation Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
-data Head' c a = Head HeadID (Stored' c a)
- deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | UUID of individual Erebos storage head.
newtype HeadID = HeadID UUID
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+-- | UUID of Erebos storage head type.
newtype HeadTypeID = HeadTypeID UUID
deriving (Eq, Ord)
@@ -184,7 +253,7 @@ storedStorage (Stored (Ref st _) _) = st
type Complete = Identity
type Partial = Either RefDigest
-class (Traversable compl, Monad compl) => StorageCompleteness compl where
+class (Traversable compl, Monad compl, Typeable compl) => StorageCompleteness compl where
type LoadResult compl a :: Type
returnLoadResult :: compl a -> LoadResult compl a
ioLoadBytes :: Ref' compl -> IO (compl BL.ByteString)
@@ -201,71 +270,16 @@ instance StorageCompleteness Partial where
ioLoadBytes (Ref st dgst) = maybe (Left dgst) Right <$> ioLoadBytesFromStorage st dgst
unsafeStoreRawBytes :: Storage' c -> BL.ByteString -> IO (Ref' c)
-unsafeStoreRawBytes st raw = do
- let dgst = hashToRefDigest raw
- case stBacking st of
- StorageDir { dirPath = sdir } -> writeFileOnce (refPath sdir dgst) $ compress raw
- StorageMemory { memObjs = tobjs } ->
- dgst `deepseq` -- the TVar may be accessed when evaluating the data to be written
- modifyMVar_ tobjs (return . M.insert dgst raw)
+unsafeStoreRawBytes st@Storage {..} raw = do
+ dgst <- evaluate $ force $ hashToRefDigest raw
+ backendStoreBytes stBackend dgst raw
return $ Ref st dgst
ioLoadBytesFromStorage :: Storage' c -> RefDigest -> IO (Maybe BL.ByteString)
-ioLoadBytesFromStorage st dgst = loadCurrent st >>=
- \case Just bytes -> return $ Just bytes
- Nothing | Just parent <- stParent st -> ioLoadBytesFromStorage parent dgst
- | otherwise -> return Nothing
- where loadCurrent Storage { stBacking = StorageDir { dirPath = spath } } = handleJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) (const $ return Nothing) $
- Just . decompress . BL.fromChunks . (:[]) <$> (B.readFile $ refPath spath dgst)
- loadCurrent Storage { stBacking = StorageMemory { memObjs = tobjs } } = M.lookup dgst <$> readMVar tobjs
-refPath :: FilePath -> RefDigest -> FilePath
-refPath spath rdgst = intercalate "/" [spath, "objects", BC.unpack alg, pref, rest]
- where (alg, dgst) = showRefDigestParts rdgst
- (pref, rest) = splitAt 2 $ BC.unpack dgst
-openLockFile :: FilePath -> IO Handle
-openLockFile path = do
- createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory path)
- retry 10 $ createFileExclusive path
- where
- retry :: Int -> IO a -> IO a
- retry 0 act = act
- retry n act = catchJust (\e -> if isAlreadyExistsError e then Just () else Nothing)
- act (\_ -> threadDelay (100 * 1000) >> retry (n - 1) act)
-writeFileOnce :: FilePath -> BL.ByteString -> IO ()
-writeFileOnce file content = bracket (openLockFile locked)
- hClose $ \h -> do
- doesFileExist file >>= \case
- True -> removeFile locked
- False -> do BL.hPut h content
- hClose h
- renameFile locked file
- where locked = file ++ ".lock"
-writeFileChecked :: FilePath -> Maybe ByteString -> ByteString -> IO (Either (Maybe ByteString) ())
-writeFileChecked file prev content = bracket (openLockFile locked)
- hClose $ \h -> do
- (prev,) <$> doesFileExist file >>= \case
- (Nothing, True) -> do
- current <- B.readFile file
- removeFile locked
- return $ Left $ Just current
- (Nothing, False) -> do B.hPut h content
- hClose h
- renameFile locked file
- return $ Right ()
- (Just expected, True) -> do
- current <- B.readFile file
- if current == expected then do B.hPut h content
- hClose h
- renameFile locked file
- return $ return ()
- else do removeFile locked
- return $ Left $ Just current
- (Just _, False) -> do
- removeFile locked
- return $ Left Nothing
- where locked = file ++ ".lock"
+ioLoadBytesFromStorage Storage {..} dgst =
+ backendLoadBytes stBackend dgst >>= \case
+ Just bytes -> return $ Just bytes
+ Nothing
+ | Just (parent :: Storage) <- cast (backendParent stBackend) -> ioLoadBytesFromStorage parent dgst
+ | Just (parent :: PartialStorage) <- cast (backendParent stBackend) -> ioLoadBytesFromStorage parent dgst
+ | otherwise -> return Nothing