path: root/src/Erebos/Storage
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4 files changed, 353 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Storage/Head.hs b/src/Erebos/Storage/Head.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc8b7bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Erebos/Storage/Head.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+Description: Define, use and watch heads
+Provides data types and functions for reading, writing or watching `Head's.
+Type class `HeadType' is used to define custom new `Head' types.
+module Erebos.Storage.Head (
+ -- * Head type and accessors
+ Head, HeadType(..),
+ HeadID, HeadTypeID, mkHeadTypeID,
+ headId, headStorage, headRef, headObject, headStoredObject,
+ -- * Loading and storing heads
+ loadHeads, loadHead, reloadHead,
+ storeHead, replaceHead, updateHead, updateHead_,
+ loadHeadRaw, storeHeadRaw, replaceHeadRaw,
+ -- * Watching heads
+ WatchedHead,
+ watchHead, watchHeadWith, unwatchHead,
+ watchHeadRaw,
+) where
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Exception
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Data.Bifunctor
+import Data.ByteString qualified as B
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as BC
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Typeable
+import Data.UUID qualified as U
+import Data.UUID.V4 qualified as U
+import System.Directory
+import System.FSNotify
+import System.FilePath
+import System.IO.Error
+import Erebos.Object
+import Erebos.Storable
+import Erebos.Storage.Internal
+-- | Represents loaded Erebos storage head, along with the object it pointed to
+-- at the time it was loaded.
+-- Each possible head type has associated unique ID, represented as
+-- `HeadTypeID'. For each type, there can be multiple individual heads in given
+-- storage, each also identified by unique ID (`HeadID').
+data Head a = Head HeadID (Stored a)
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | Instances of this class can be used as objects pointed to by heads in
+-- Erebos storage. Each such type must be `Storable' and have a unique ID.
+-- To create a custom head type, generate a new UUID and assign it to the type using
+-- `mkHeadTypeID':
+-- > instance HeadType MyType where
+-- > headTypeID _ = mkHeadTypeID "86e8033d-c476-4f81-9b7c-fd36b9144475"
+class Storable a => HeadType a where
+ headTypeID :: proxy a -> HeadTypeID
+ -- ^ Get the ID of the given head type; must be unique for each `HeadType' instance.
+instance MonadIO m => MonadStorage (ReaderT (Head a) m) where
+ getStorage = asks $ headStorage
+-- | Get `HeadID' associated with given `Head'.
+headId :: Head a -> HeadID
+headId (Head uuid _) = uuid
+-- | Get storage from which the `Head' was loaded.
+headStorage :: Head a -> Storage
+headStorage = refStorage . headRef
+-- | Get `Ref' of the `Head'\'s associated object.
+headRef :: Head a -> Ref
+headRef (Head _ sx) = storedRef sx
+-- | Get the object the `Head' pointed to when it was loaded.
+headObject :: Head a -> a
+headObject (Head _ sx) = fromStored sx
+-- | Get the object the `Head' pointed to when it was loaded as a `Stored' value.
+headStoredObject :: Head a -> Stored a
+headStoredObject (Head _ sx) = sx
+-- | Create `HeadTypeID' from string representation of UUID.
+mkHeadTypeID :: String -> HeadTypeID
+mkHeadTypeID = maybe (error "Invalid head type ID") HeadTypeID . U.fromString
+headTypePath :: FilePath -> HeadTypeID -> FilePath
+headTypePath spath (HeadTypeID tid) = spath </> "heads" </> U.toString tid
+headPath :: FilePath -> HeadTypeID -> HeadID -> FilePath
+headPath spath tid (HeadID hid) = headTypePath spath tid </> U.toString hid
+-- | Load all `Head's of type @a@ from storage.
+loadHeads :: forall a m. MonadIO m => HeadType a => Storage -> m [Head a]
+loadHeads s@(Storage { stBacking = StorageDir { dirPath = spath }}) = liftIO $ do
+ let hpath = headTypePath spath $ headTypeID @a Proxy
+ files <- filterM (doesFileExist . (hpath </>)) =<<
+ handleJust (\e -> guard (isDoesNotExistError e)) (const $ return [])
+ (getDirectoryContents hpath)
+ fmap catMaybes $ forM files $ \hname -> do
+ case U.fromString hname of
+ Just hid -> do
+ (h:_) <- BC.lines <$> B.readFile (hpath </> hname)
+ Just ref <- readRef s h
+ return $ Just $ Head (HeadID hid) $ wrappedLoad ref
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+loadHeads Storage { stBacking = StorageMemory { memHeads = theads } } = liftIO $ do
+ let toHead ((tid, hid), ref) | tid == headTypeID @a Proxy = Just $ Head hid $ wrappedLoad ref
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ catMaybes . map toHead <$> readMVar theads
+-- | Try to load a `Head' of type @a@ from storage.
+ :: forall a m. (HeadType a, MonadIO m)
+ => Storage -- ^ Storage from which to load the head
+ -> HeadID -- ^ ID of the particular head
+ -> m (Maybe (Head a)) -- ^ Head object, or `Nothing' if not found
+loadHead st hid = fmap (Head hid . wrappedLoad) <$> loadHeadRaw st (headTypeID @a Proxy) hid
+-- | Try to load `Head' using a raw head and type IDs, getting `Ref' if found.
+ :: forall m. MonadIO m
+ => Storage -- ^ Storage from which to load the head
+ -> HeadTypeID -- ^ ID of the head type
+ -> HeadID -- ^ ID of the particular head
+ -> m (Maybe Ref) -- ^ `Ref' pointing to the head object, or `Nothing' if not found
+loadHeadRaw s@(Storage { stBacking = StorageDir { dirPath = spath }}) tid hid = liftIO $ do
+ handleJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) (const $ return Nothing) $ do
+ (h:_) <- BC.lines <$> B.readFile (headPath spath tid hid)
+ Just ref <- readRef s h
+ return $ Just ref
+loadHeadRaw Storage { stBacking = StorageMemory { memHeads = theads } } tid hid = liftIO $ do
+ lookup (tid, hid) <$> readMVar theads
+-- | Reload the given head from storage, returning `Head' with updated object,
+-- or `Nothing' if there is no longer head with the particular ID in storage.
+reloadHead :: (HeadType a, MonadIO m) => Head a -> m (Maybe (Head a))
+reloadHead (Head hid (Stored (Ref st _) _)) = loadHead st hid
+-- | Store a new `Head' of type 'a' in the storage.
+storeHead :: forall a m. MonadIO m => HeadType a => Storage -> a -> m (Head a)
+storeHead st obj = do
+ let tid = headTypeID @a Proxy
+ stored <- wrappedStore st obj
+ hid <- storeHeadRaw st tid (storedRef stored)
+ return $ Head hid stored
+-- | Store a new `Head' in the storage, using the raw `HeadTypeID' and `Ref',
+-- the function returns the assigned `HeadID' of the new head.
+storeHeadRaw :: forall m. MonadIO m => Storage -> HeadTypeID -> Ref -> m HeadID
+storeHeadRaw st tid ref = liftIO $ do
+ hid <- HeadID <$> U.nextRandom
+ case stBacking st of
+ StorageDir { dirPath = spath } -> do
+ Right () <- writeFileChecked (headPath spath tid hid) Nothing $
+ showRef ref `B.append` BC.singleton '\n'
+ return ()
+ StorageMemory { memHeads = theads } -> do
+ modifyMVar_ theads $ return . (((tid, hid), ref) :)
+ return hid
+-- | Try to replace existing `Head' of type @a@ in the storage. Function fails
+-- if the head value in storage changed after being loaded here; for automatic
+-- retry see `updateHead'.
+ :: forall a m. (HeadType a, MonadIO m)
+ => Head a -- ^ Existing head, associated object is supposed to match the one in storage
+ -> Stored a -- ^ Intended new value
+ -> m (Either (Maybe (Head a)) (Head a))
+ -- ^
+ -- [@`Left' `Nothing'@]:
+ -- Nothing was stored – the head no longer exists in storage.
+ -- [@`Left' (`Just' h)@]:
+ -- Nothing was stored – the head value in storage does not match
+ -- the first parameter, but is @h@ instead.
+ -- [@`Right' h@]:
+ -- Head value was updated in storage, the new head is @h@ (which is
+ -- the same as first parameter with associated object replaced by
+ -- the second parameter).
+replaceHead prev@(Head hid pobj) stored' = liftIO $ do
+ let st = headStorage prev
+ tid = headTypeID @a Proxy
+ stored <- copyStored st stored'
+ bimap (fmap $ Head hid . wrappedLoad) (const $ Head hid stored) <$>
+ replaceHeadRaw st tid hid (storedRef pobj) (storedRef stored)
+-- | Try to replace existing head using raw IDs and `Ref's.
+ :: forall m. MonadIO m
+ => Storage -- ^ Storage to use
+ -> HeadTypeID -- ^ ID of the head type
+ -> HeadID -- ^ ID of the particular head
+ -> Ref -- ^ Expected value in storage
+ -> Ref -- ^ Intended new value
+ -> m (Either (Maybe Ref) Ref)
+ -- ^
+ -- [@`Left' `Nothing'@]:
+ -- Nothing was stored – the head no longer exists in storage.
+ -- [@`Left' (`Just' r)@]:
+ -- Nothing was stored – the head value in storage does not match
+ -- the expected value, but is @r@ instead.
+ -- [@`Right' r@]:
+ -- Head value was updated in storage, the new head value is @r@
+ -- (which is the same as the indended value).
+replaceHeadRaw st tid hid prev new = liftIO $ do
+ case stBacking st of
+ StorageDir { dirPath = spath } -> do
+ let filename = headPath spath tid hid
+ showRefL r = showRef r `B.append` BC.singleton '\n'
+ writeFileChecked filename (Just $ showRefL prev) (showRefL new) >>= \case
+ Left Nothing -> return $ Left Nothing
+ Left (Just bs) -> do Just oref <- readRef st $ BC.takeWhile (/='\n') bs
+ return $ Left $ Just oref
+ Right () -> return $ Right new
+ StorageMemory { memHeads = theads, memWatchers = twatch } -> do
+ res <- modifyMVar theads $ \hs -> do
+ ws <- map wlFun . filter ((==(tid, hid)) . wlHead) . wlList <$> readMVar twatch
+ return $ case partition ((==(tid, hid)) . fst) hs of
+ ([] , _ ) -> (hs, Left Nothing)
+ ((_, r):_, hs') | r == prev -> (((tid, hid), new) : hs',
+ Right (new, ws))
+ | otherwise -> (hs, Left $ Just r)
+ case res of
+ Right (r, ws) -> mapM_ ($ r) ws >> return (Right r)
+ Left x -> return $ Left x
+-- | Update existing existing `Head' of type @a@ in the storage, using a given
+-- function. The update function may be called multiple times in case the head
+-- content changes concurrently during evaluation.
+ :: (HeadType a, MonadIO m)
+ => Head a -- ^ Existing head to be updated
+ -> (Stored a -> m ( Stored a, b ))
+ -- ^ Function that gets current value of the head and returns updated
+ -- value, along with a custom extra value to be returned from
+ -- `updateHead' call. The function may be called multiple times.
+ -> m ( Maybe (Head a), b )
+ -- ^ First element contains either the new head as @`Just' h@, or
+ -- `Nothing' in case the head no longer exists in storage. Second
+ -- element is the value from last call to the update function.
+updateHead h f = do
+ (o, x) <- f $ headStoredObject h
+ replaceHead h o >>= \case
+ Right h' -> return (Just h', x)
+ Left Nothing -> return (Nothing, x)
+ Left (Just h') -> updateHead h' f
+-- | Update existing existing `Head' of type @a@ in the storage, using a given
+-- function. The update function may be called multiple times in case the head
+-- content changes concurrently during evaluation.
+ :: (HeadType a, MonadIO m)
+ => Head a -- ^ Existing head to be updated
+ -> (Stored a -> m (Stored a))
+ -- ^ Function that gets current value of the head and returns updated
+ -- value; may be called multiple times.
+ -> m (Maybe (Head a))
+ -- ^ The new head as @`Just' h@, or `Nothing' in case the head no
+ -- longer exists in storage.
+updateHead_ h = fmap fst . updateHead h . (fmap (,()) .)
+-- | Represents a handle of a watched head, which can be used to cancel the
+-- watching.
+data WatchedHead = forall a. WatchedHead Storage WatchID (MVar a)
+-- | Watch the given head. The callback will be called with the current head
+-- value, and then again each time the head changes.
+watchHead :: forall a. HeadType a => Head a -> (Head a -> IO ()) -> IO WatchedHead
+watchHead h = watchHeadWith h id
+-- | Watch the given head using custom selector function. The callback will be
+-- called with the value derived from current head state, and then again each
+-- time the selected value changes according to its `Eq' instance.
+ :: forall a b. (HeadType a, Eq b)
+ => Head a -- ^ Head to watch
+ -> (Head a -> b) -- ^ Selector function
+ -> (b -> IO ()) -- ^ Callback
+ -> IO WatchedHead -- ^ Watched head handle
+watchHeadWith (Head hid (Stored (Ref st _) _)) sel cb = do
+ watchHeadRaw st (headTypeID @a Proxy) hid (sel . Head hid . wrappedLoad) cb
+-- | Watch the given head using raw IDs and a selector from `Ref'.
+watchHeadRaw :: forall b. Eq b => Storage -> HeadTypeID -> HeadID -> (Ref -> b) -> (b -> IO ()) -> IO WatchedHead
+watchHeadRaw st tid hid sel cb = do
+ memo <- newEmptyMVar
+ let addWatcher wl = (wl', WatchedHead st (wlNext wl) memo)
+ where wl' = wl { wlNext = wlNext wl + 1
+ , wlList = WatchListItem
+ { wlID = wlNext wl
+ , wlHead = (tid, hid)
+ , wlFun = \r -> do
+ let x = sel r
+ modifyMVar_ memo $ \prev -> do
+ when (Just x /= prev) $ cb x
+ return $ Just x
+ } : wlList wl
+ }
+ watched <- case stBacking st of
+ StorageDir { dirPath = spath, dirWatchers = mvar } -> modifyMVar mvar $ \(mbmanager, ilist, wl) -> do
+ manager <- maybe startManager return mbmanager
+ ilist' <- case tid `elem` ilist of
+ True -> return ilist
+ False -> do
+ void $ watchDir manager (headTypePath spath tid) (const True) $ \case
+ Added { eventPath = fpath } | Just ihid <- HeadID <$> U.fromString (takeFileName fpath) -> do
+ loadHeadRaw st tid ihid >>= \case
+ Just ref -> do
+ (_, _, iwl) <- readMVar mvar
+ mapM_ ($ ref) . map wlFun . filter ((== (tid, ihid)) . wlHead) . wlList $ iwl
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ _ -> return ()
+ return $ tid : ilist
+ return $ first ( Just manager, ilist', ) $ addWatcher wl
+ StorageMemory { memWatchers = mvar } -> modifyMVar mvar $ return . addWatcher
+ cur <- fmap sel <$> loadHeadRaw st tid hid
+ maybe (return ()) cb cur
+ putMVar memo cur
+ return watched
+-- | Stop watching previously watched head.
+unwatchHead :: WatchedHead -> IO ()
+unwatchHead (WatchedHead st wid _) = do
+ let delWatcher wl = wl { wlList = filter ((/=wid) . wlID) $ wlList wl }
+ case stBacking st of
+ StorageDir { dirWatchers = mvar } -> modifyMVar_ mvar $ return . second delWatcher
+ StorageMemory { memWatchers = mvar } -> modifyMVar_ mvar $ return . delWatcher
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Storage/Internal.hs b/src/Erebos/Storage/Internal.hs
index 8b794d8..3e8d8b6 100644
--- a/src/Erebos/Storage/Internal.hs
+++ b/src/Erebos/Storage/Internal.hs
@@ -159,12 +159,11 @@ readHex = return . BA.concat <=< readHex'
newtype Generation = Generation Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
-data Head' c a = Head HeadID (Stored' c a)
- deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | UUID of individual Erebos storage head.
newtype HeadID = HeadID UUID
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+-- | UUID of Erebos storage head type.
newtype HeadTypeID = HeadTypeID UUID
deriving (Eq, Ord)
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Storage/Key.hs b/src/Erebos/Storage/Key.hs
index 9e52397..626d684 100644
--- a/src/Erebos/Storage/Key.hs
+++ b/src/Erebos/Storage/Key.hs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.IO.Error
-import Erebos.Object.Internal
+import Erebos.Storable
import Erebos.Storage.Internal
class Storable pub => KeyPair sec pub | sec -> pub, pub -> sec where
diff --git a/src/Erebos/Storage/Merge.hs b/src/Erebos/Storage/Merge.hs
index d5d184e..41725af 100644
--- a/src/Erebos/Storage/Merge.hs
+++ b/src/Erebos/Storage/Merge.hs
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ import Data.Set qualified as S
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
-import Erebos.Object.Internal
+import Erebos.Object
+import Erebos.Storable
import Erebos.Storage.Internal
import Erebos.Util