path: root/src/Erebos
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diff --git a/src/Erebos/Object/Internal.hs b/src/Erebos/Object/Internal.hs
index 03ee83c..f08e734 100644
--- a/src/Erebos/Object/Internal.hs
+++ b/src/Erebos/Object/Internal.hs
@@ -45,12 +45,6 @@ module Erebos.Object.Internal (
wrappedStore, wrappedLoad,
- StoreInfo(..), makeStoreInfo,
- StoredHistory,
- fromHistory, fromHistoryAt, storedFromHistory, storedHistoryList,
- beginHistory, modifyHistory,
) where
import Control.Applicative
@@ -778,72 +772,6 @@ unsafeMapStored :: (a -> b) -> Stored a -> Stored b
unsafeMapStored f (Stored ref x) = Stored ref (f x)
-data StoreInfo = StoreInfo
- { infoDate :: ZonedTime
- , infoNote :: Maybe Text
- }
- deriving (Show)
-makeStoreInfo :: IO StoreInfo
-makeStoreInfo = StoreInfo
- <$> getZonedTime
- <*> pure Nothing
-storeInfoRec :: StoreInfo -> StoreRec c
-storeInfoRec info = do
- storeDate "date" $ infoDate info
- storeMbText "note" $ infoNote info
-loadInfoRec :: LoadRec StoreInfo
-loadInfoRec = StoreInfo
- <$> loadDate "date"
- <*> loadMbText "note"
-data History a = History StoreInfo (Stored a) (Maybe (StoredHistory a))
- deriving (Show)
-type StoredHistory a = Stored (History a)
-instance Storable a => Storable (History a) where
- store' (History si x prev) = storeRec $ do
- storeInfoRec si
- storeMbRef "prev" prev
- storeRef "item" x
- load' = loadRec $ History
- <$> loadInfoRec
- <*> loadRef "item"
- <*> loadMbRef "prev"
-fromHistory :: StoredHistory a -> a
-fromHistory = fromStored . storedFromHistory
-fromHistoryAt :: ZonedTime -> StoredHistory a -> Maybe a
-fromHistoryAt zat = fmap (fromStored . snd) . listToMaybe . dropWhile ((at<) . zonedTimeToUTC . fst) . storedHistoryTimedList
- where at = zonedTimeToUTC zat
-storedFromHistory :: StoredHistory a -> Stored a
-storedFromHistory sh = let History _ item _ = fromStored sh
- in item
-storedHistoryList :: StoredHistory a -> [Stored a]
-storedHistoryList = map snd . storedHistoryTimedList
-storedHistoryTimedList :: StoredHistory a -> [(ZonedTime, Stored a)]
-storedHistoryTimedList sh = let History hinfo item prev = fromStored sh
- in (infoDate hinfo, item) : maybe [] storedHistoryTimedList prev
-beginHistory :: Storable a => Storage -> StoreInfo -> a -> IO (StoredHistory a)
-beginHistory st si x = do sx <- wrappedStore st x
- wrappedStore st $ History si sx Nothing
-modifyHistory :: Storable a => StoreInfo -> (a -> a) -> StoredHistory a -> IO (StoredHistory a)
-modifyHistory si f prev@(Stored (Ref st _) _) = do
- sx <- wrappedStore st $ f $ fromHistory prev
- wrappedStore st $ History si sx (Just prev)
showRatio :: Rational -> String
showRatio r = case decimalRatio r of
Just (n, 1) -> show n