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authorRoman Smrž <>2024-04-28 20:17:03 +0200
committerRoman Smrž <>2024-05-14 22:06:54 +0200
commit1dfadacb1b6e68683090a9d58bfa9c591c681054 (patch)
parentbb46558401a50509936889d19de5144d0307e165 (diff)
Add README file
1 files changed, 315 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000..750b44d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+Erebos Tester
+Developed for testing the [Erebos protocol implementation](
+and [C++ library](, generally intended mainly
+for testing networking code – it provides an easy way to execute the tested
+program simultaneously on multiple nodes within a virtual network. These nodes
+can be configured in a single or multiple subnets, and their properties, like
+whether they are connected, can be changed during test run according to a given
+The test framework uses two components from the tested project:
+1. Test tool – executable that accepts commands on standard input, executes the
+ tested functionality based on those, and provides output on standard output.
+ The output can be asynchronous, i.e. some events may trigger a message to be
+ generated while waiting for output of a command; interpretation is up to the
+ provided test script.
+ The test tool can be set either:
+ * by the `--tool` command-line parameter of `erebos-tester`, or
+ * in the `erebos-tester.yaml` configuration file, or
+ * by the `EREBOS_TEST_TOOL` environment variable.
+2. Test script – defines how to run the instances of test tool and in what kind
+ of network topology. Contains commands to send to the test tool instances
+ and rules to interpret the responses. The script is written in a custom
+ language described below.
+The `erebos-tester` tool, when executed without any arguments,
+looks for a `erebos-tester.yaml` file in the current or any parent directory (see below for details).
+Run `erebos-tester --help` for details about command-line parameters.
+The tester can be installed from sources or directly via cabal:
+cabal install erebos-tester
+When available in the `PATH`, it can be run to test the [Haskell Erebos implementation](
+git clone git://
+cd erebos
+cabal build
+erebos-tester --tool="$(cabal list-bin erebos) test" --verbose
+or the [C++ one](
+git clone git://
+cd cpp
+cmake -B build
+cmake --build build
+erebos-tester --verbose
+To run tests from a given test file, pass it as command-line argument:
+erebos-tester path/to/script.test
+To select single test from a file, use `:` separator:
+erebos-tester path/to/script.test:TestName
+To allow running `erebos-tester` without the need to supply project-specific configuration on command line,
+per-project configuration can be done using `erebos-tester.yaml` file placed in the root of the project
+(or other directory from which the tests will be executed).
+This is a YAML file with following fields:
+* `tool`: path to the test tool, which may be overridden by the `--tool` command-line option.
+* `tests`: glob pattern that expands to all the test script files that should be used.
+Script language
+The test script language uses indentation to define the command blocks, e.g. to
+define a test body or denote the scope of variables. Each command is on its own
+line, terminated by newline. Commands accept arguments preceded by name/keyword
+in arbitrary order, to make the behavior clear without the need to know
+the expected order of the parameters.
+For examples, see tests within the
+[Erebos implementation repository](
+Each test script file consists of one or more test cases, started with `test`
+keyword, with its body within indented block:
+test [<name>]:
+ <test block>
+Test name is optional, but if present can be used to run the single test from
+a file that contains multiple tests.
+### Types
+The script language is strictly typed without any implicit conversions,
+although types can not be (as of now) declared explicitly and are always inferred.
+Each expression has specific concrete type, polymorphic types are not supported (yet).
+#### integer
+Integer numbers. Entered as decimal literals and used in arithmetic expressions:
+let x = 2
+let y = 3
+let z = x * 2 + y
+#### number
+Arbitrary-precision numbers. Entered as literals with decimal point or percentage and used in arithmetic expressions:
+let x = 2.1
+let y = 34%
+let z = x * 2.0 + y
+#### string
+String literals are enclosed in double quotes (`"`),
+using backslash to escape special characters (`"`, `\` and `$`)
+and to represent some others (`\n` for newline).
+let s = "some text"
+Dollar sign (`$`) can be used to expand variables (numbers are expanded to decimal representation).
+let a = "abc"
+let b = 4
+let c = "$a $b" # = "abc 4"
+Arbitrary expression can be used within additional curly braces:
+let a = 2
+let b = 3
+let s = "abc ${2*a + b}" # = "abc 7"
+#### regex
+Regular expression literals are enclosed in slash characters (`/`):
+let re = /a.*/ # match any string starting with 'a'
+Dollar-expansion can be used here as well.
+Strings expand to regular expressions matching the exact string,
+regular expressions expand are used directly.
+let str = "."
+let re1 = /./
+let re2 = "$str$re1" # match '.' followed by any character
+#### boolean
+Result of comparison operators `==` and `/=`.
+#### network
+Represents network/subnet, created by `subnet` command and used by `subnet`, `node`, `spawn` and network configuration commands.
+#### node
+Represents network node, created by `node` command and used by `spawn` or network configuration commands.
+`ip`: string representation of node's IP address.
+#### process
+Represents running process. Created by `spawn`, used by `send` and `expect` commands.
+#### list
+### Build-in commands
+subnet <name> [of <network>]
+Create a subnet within a `<network>` (or context network if omitted) and assign the new network to the variable `<name>`.
+node <name> [on <network>]
+Create a node on network `<network>` (or context network if omitted) and assign the new node to the variable `<name>`.
+spawn as <name> [on (<node> | <network>)]
+Spawn a new test process on `<node>` or `<network>` (or one from context) and assign the new process to variable `<name>`.
+When spawning on network, create a new node for this process.
+The process is terminated when the variable `<name>` goes out of scope (at the end of the block in which it was created) by closing its stdin.
+When the process fails to terminate successfully within a timeout, the test fails.
+send <string> to <process>
+Send line with `<string>` to the standard input of `<process>`.
+expect <regex> from <process> [capture <var1> [, <var2> ... ]]
+Check whether `<process>` produces line matching `<regex>` on standard output, and if this does not happen within current timeout, the test fails.
+Output lines produced before starting this command and not matched by some previous `expect` are accepted as well.
+Output lines not matching `<regex>` are ignored by this `expect` call, i.e. do not cause the `expect` call to fail.
+Regular expressions are anchored on both sides, so must match the entire line.
+If e.g. only the beginning should be matched, the passed regular expression needs to end with `.*`.
+The regular expression can contain capture groups – parts enclosed in parentheses (`(`, `)`).
+In that case the expect command has to have the `capture` clause with matching number of variable names.
+Results of the captures are then assigned to the newly created variables as strings.
+flush [from <proc>]
+Flush memory of `<proc>` output, so no following `expect` command will match anything produced up to this point.
+guard <expr>
+Check whether boolean expression `<expr>` is true; if not, the test fails.
+disconnect_node [<node>]
+Disconnect `<node>` from network – state of the veth network link from the node is set to down.
+The effect lasts until the end of the block.
+disconnect_nodes [<network>]
+Disconnect all nodes of `<network>`. The network bridge interface state is set to down.
+The effect lasts until the end of the block.
+disconnect_upstream [<network>]
+Disconnect network upstream – state of the veth network link connecting network bridge to the upstream network is set to down.
+The effect lasts until the end of the block.
+packet_loss <rate> [on <node>]
+Set the packet loss rate on the node's veth link to `<rate>` as decimal number or percentage, e.g. `0.2` or `20%` for 20% packet loss rate.
+The effect lasts until the end of the block.
+for <var> in <expr>:
+ <test block>
+Execute `<test block>` for each element of list `<expr>`, with current element assigned to `<var>`.
+ <test block>
+Execute `<test block>` in a new local scope. Used to restrict scope of variables or duration of effects.
+with <expr>:
+ <test block>
+Execute `<test block>` with `<expr>` as context.
+Wait for user input before continuing. Useful mostly for debugging or test development.
+Optional dependencies
+The test framework can use some other tools to help with debugging or development.
+### GDB
+If GDB is installed, it's possible to use `--gdb` command-line switch of the `erebos-tester` tool to use the debugger.
+The GDB session is started in background and tester uses the GDB machine interface to communicate with it.
+Whenever a new process is spawned, it is attached to the debugger as a new inferior.
+In case any process is terminated by a signal, e.g. crashes with segfault, interactive GDB session is opened.
+### tcpdump
+If `tcpdump` binary is found in the `PATH`,
+it is used to generate network log in the pcap capture format within the test directory,
+separately for each virtual network (specifically its bridge interface).