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authorRoman Smrž <>2023-04-26 22:07:06 +0200
committerRoman Smrž <>2023-04-26 22:07:06 +0200
commit492568c72273ee2e7f98bc520e46fa01c2959851 (patch)
parent9bf4a7b3e3c44ef8cc255b27d2c6d74af95f73ce (diff)
Route tracking in namespaces and helper functions
3 files changed, 97 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/src/Network.hs b/src/Network.hs
index 50dc7a3..d892404 100644
--- a/src/Network.hs
+++ b/src/Network.hs
@@ -146,14 +146,10 @@ newSubnet net vname = atomicallyWithIO $ do
linkUp vethSub -- sometimes gets stuck with NO-CARRIER for a while.
linkUp vethNet
- postpone $ do
- -- If the new subnet can be split further, routing rule for the whole prefix is needed
- when (allowsSubnets (netPrefix sub)) $ callOn net $ "ip route add "
- <> textIpNetwork (netPrefix sub)
- <> " via " <> textIpAddress bridge
- <> " dev " <> linkName vethNet
- <> " src " <> textIpAddress router
- callOn sub $ "ip route add default via " <> textIpAddress router <> " dev br0 src " <> textIpAddress bridge
+ -- If the new subnet can be split further, routing rule for the whole prefix is needed
+ when (allowsSubnets (netPrefix sub)) $ do
+ addRoute (netPrefix sub) bridge vethNet router
+ addRoute (IpPrefix []) router (netBridge sub) bridge
return sub { netUpstream = Just vethSub }
newNetwork :: IpPrefix -> FilePath -> WriterT [IO ()] STM Network
@@ -202,12 +198,6 @@ newNode nodeNetwork vname = atomicallyWithIO $ do
addAddress nodeUpstream $ nodeIp
linkUp $ nodeUpstream
linkUp $ loopback node
- postpone $ callOn node $ "ip route add default via " <> textIpAddress (lanIp 1) <> " dev veth0 src " <> textIpAddress nodeIp
+ addRoute (IpPrefix []) (lanIp 1) nodeUpstream nodeIp
return node
-atomicallyWithIO :: MonadIO m => WriterT [IO ()] STM a -> m a
-atomicallyWithIO act = liftIO $ do
- (x, fin) <- atomically $ runWriterT act
- sequence_ fin
- return x
diff --git a/src/Network/Ip.hs b/src/Network/Ip.hs
index e3d95cb..ae8a2d2 100644
--- a/src/Network/Ip.hs
+++ b/src/Network/Ip.hs
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ module Network.Ip (
+ MonadSTM(..),
+ atomicallyWithIO,
@@ -25,12 +27,18 @@ module Network.Ip (
linkUp, linkDown,
+ Route(..),
+ addRoute,
) where
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad.Writer
+import Data.Function
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
+import Data.Typeable
import Data.Word
import System.Process
@@ -74,35 +82,71 @@ instance Monad m => MonadPIO (WriterT [IO ()] m) where
postpone = tell . (:[])
-newtype NetworkNamespace = NetworkNamespace
+class Monad m => MonadSTM m where
+ liftSTM :: STM a -> m a
+instance MonadSTM STM where
+ liftSTM = id
+instance MonadSTM m => MonadSTM (WriterT [IO ()] m) where
+ liftSTM = lift . liftSTM
+atomicallyWithIO :: MonadIO m => WriterT [IO ()] STM a -> m a
+atomicallyWithIO act = liftIO $ do
+ (x, fin) <- atomically $ runWriterT act
+ sequence_ fin
+ return x
+data NetworkNamespace = NetworkNamespace
{ netnsName :: Text
+ , netnsRoutesConfigured :: TVar [Route]
+ , netnsRoutesActive :: TVar [Route]
- deriving (Eq, Ord)
+instance Eq NetworkNamespace where
+ (==) = (==) `on` netnsName
+instance Ord NetworkNamespace where
+ compare = compare `on` netnsName
class HasNetns a where getNetns :: a -> NetworkNamespace
instance HasNetns NetworkNamespace where getNetns = id
-addNetworkNamespace :: MonadPIO m => Text -> m NetworkNamespace
-addNetworkNamespace name = do
- postpone $ callCommand $ T.unpack $ "ip netns add \"" <> name <> "\""
- return $ NetworkNamespace
- { netnsName = name
- }
+addNetworkNamespace :: (MonadPIO m, MonadSTM m) => Text -> m NetworkNamespace
+addNetworkNamespace netnsName = do
+ postpone $ callCommand $ T.unpack $ "ip netns add \"" <> netnsName <> "\""
+ netnsRoutesConfigured <- liftSTM $ newTVar []
+ netnsRoutesActive <- liftSTM $ newTVar []
+ return $ NetworkNamespace {..}
textNetnsName :: NetworkNamespace -> Text
textNetnsName = netnsName
callOn :: HasNetns a => a -> Text -> IO ()
callOn n cmd = callCommand $ T.unpack $ "ip netns exec \"" <> ns <> "\" " <> cmd
- where NetworkNamespace ns = getNetns n
+ where ns = textNetnsName $ getNetns n
data Link a = Link
{ linkName :: Text
, linkNetns :: NetworkNamespace
+ deriving (Eq)
+data SomeLink = forall a. Typeable a => SomeLink (Link a)
+instance Eq SomeLink where
+ SomeLink a == SomeLink b
+ | Just b' <- cast b = a == b'
+ | otherwise = False
+liftSomeLink :: (forall a. Link a -> b) -> SomeLink -> b
+liftSomeLink f (SomeLink x) = f x
instance HasNetns (Link a) where getNetns = linkNetns
+instance HasNetns SomeLink where getNetns = liftSomeLink linkNetns
data Loopback
@@ -135,10 +179,41 @@ setMaster link bridge = postpone $ do
when (getNetns link /= getNetns bridge) $ fail "link and bridge in different network namespaces"
callOn link $ "ip link set dev \"" <> linkName link <> "\" master \"" <> linkName bridge <> "\""
-linkUp :: MonadPIO m => Link a -> m ()
+linkUp :: (Typeable a, MonadPIO m, MonadSTM m) => Link a -> m ()
linkUp link = do
- postpone $ callOn link $ "ip link set dev \"" <> linkName link <> "\" up"
-linkDown :: MonadPIO m => Link a -> m ()
+ routes <- liftSTM $ filter ((== SomeLink link) . routeDev) <$> readTVar (netnsRoutesConfigured (getNetns link))
+ liftSTM $ modifyTVar (netnsRoutesActive (getNetns link)) $ (routes ++)
+ postpone $ do
+ callOn link $ "ip link set dev \"" <> linkName link <> "\" up"
+ -- add back routes that were automatically removed by kernel when the link went down
+ mapM_ applyRoute routes
+linkDown :: (Typeable a, MonadPIO m, MonadSTM m) => Link a -> m ()
linkDown link = do
+ -- routes using this device will be automatically removed by kernel
+ liftSTM $ modifyTVar (netnsRoutesActive (getNetns link)) $ filter ((/= SomeLink link) . routeDev)
postpone $ callOn link $ "ip link set dev \"" <> linkName link <> "\" down"
+data Route = Route
+ { routePrefix :: IpPrefix
+ , routeVia :: IpAddress
+ , routeDev :: SomeLink
+ , routeSrc :: IpAddress
+ }
+addRoute :: Typeable a => IpPrefix -> IpAddress -> Link a -> IpAddress -> WriterT [IO ()] STM ()
+addRoute routePrefix routeVia link routeSrc = do
+ let routeDev = SomeLink link
+ route = Route {..}
+ lift $ do
+ modifyTVar (netnsRoutesConfigured (getNetns link)) (route:)
+ modifyTVar (netnsRoutesActive (getNetns link)) (route:)
+ postpone $ applyRoute route
+applyRoute :: Route -> IO ()
+applyRoute route = callOn (routeDev route) $ "ip route add "
+ <> textIpNetwork (routePrefix route)
+ <> " via " <> textIpAddress (routeVia route)
+ <> " dev " <> linkName `liftSomeLink` (routeDev route)
+ <> " src " <> textIpAddress (routeSrc route)
diff --git a/src/Run.hs b/src/Run.hs
index 1a0b981..58df868 100644
--- a/src/Run.hs
+++ b/src/Run.hs
@@ -215,9 +215,9 @@ withDisconnectedUp link inner = do
then inner
else do
local (fmap $ \s -> s { tsDisconnectedUp = S.insert netns $ tsDisconnectedUp s }) $ do
- linkDown link
+ atomicallyWithIO $ linkDown link
x <- inner
- linkUp link
+ atomicallyWithIO $ linkUp link
return x
withDisconnectedBridge :: Link Bridge -> TestRun a -> TestRun a
@@ -228,9 +228,9 @@ withDisconnectedBridge bridge inner = do
then inner
else do
local (fmap $ \s -> s { tsDisconnectedBridge = S.insert netns $ tsDisconnectedBridge s }) $ do
- linkDown bridge
+ atomicallyWithIO $ linkDown bridge
x <- inner
- linkUp bridge
+ atomicallyWithIO $ linkUp bridge
return x
withNodePacketLoss :: Node -> Scientific -> TestRun a -> TestRun a