path: root/src/Parser
diff options
authorRoman Smrž <>2024-09-14 21:27:36 +0200
committerRoman Smrž <>2024-09-17 20:12:58 +0200
commit31fd34766e33f8334c3fbcbfba2a0e1314b4f334 (patch)
treefe62be4dbd1bef8d77538b75b40589295a761114 /src/Parser
parent1ac6198e7ceb660e1faec1f88f1a04aca6a2491e (diff)
Type variables and simple unification
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Parser')
3 files changed, 153 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/src/Parser/Core.hs b/src/Parser/Core.hs
index 2a74d3d..2a2fc89 100644
--- a/src/Parser/Core.hs
+++ b/src/Parser/Core.hs
@@ -4,8 +4,13 @@ import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import Data.Map qualified as M
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Set qualified as S
+import Data.Text qualified as T
+import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as TL
+import Data.Typeable
import Data.Void
import Text.Megaparsec hiding (State)
@@ -15,23 +20,127 @@ import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L
import Network ()
import Test
-type TestParser = ParsecT Void TestStream (WriterT [ Toplevel ] (State TestParserState))
+type TestParser = StateT TestParserState (ParsecT Void TestStream (Writer [ Toplevel ]))
type TestStream = TL.Text
+type TestParseError = ParseError TestStream Void
data Toplevel
= ToplevelTest Test
data TestParserState = TestParserState
- { testVars :: [(VarName, SomeExprType)]
+ { testVars :: [ ( VarName, SomeExprType ) ]
, testContext :: SomeExpr
+ , testNextTypeVar :: Int
+ , testTypeUnif :: Map TypeVar SomeExprType
-textSomeExprType :: SomeExprType -> Text
-textSomeExprType (SomeExprType p) = textExprType p
+newTypeVar :: TestParser TypeVar
+newTypeVar = do
+ idx <- gets testNextTypeVar
+ modify $ \s -> s { testNextTypeVar = idx + 1 }
+ return $ TypeVar $ T.pack $ 'a' : show idx
+lookupVarType :: Int -> VarName -> TestParser SomeExprType
+lookupVarType off name = do
+ gets (lookup name . testVars) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> do
+ registerParseError $ FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $
+ "variable not in scope: `" <> textVarName name <> "'"
+ vtype <- ExprTypeVar <$> newTypeVar
+ modify $ \s -> s { testVars = ( name, vtype ) : testVars s }
+ return vtype
+ Just t@(ExprTypeVar tvar) -> do
+ gets (fromMaybe t . M.lookup tvar . testTypeUnif)
+ Just x -> return x
+lookupVarExpr :: Int -> VarName -> TestParser SomeExpr
+lookupVarExpr off name = do
+ lookupVarType off name >>= \case
+ ExprTypePrim (Proxy :: Proxy a) -> return $ SomeExpr $ (Variable name :: Expr a)
+ ExprTypeVar tvar -> return $ SomeExpr $ DynVariable tvar name
+unify :: Int -> SomeExprType -> SomeExprType -> TestParser SomeExprType
+unify _ (ExprTypeVar aname) (ExprTypeVar bname) | aname == bname = do
+ cur <- gets testTypeUnif
+ case M.lookup aname cur of
+ Just a -> return a
+ Nothing -> return (ExprTypeVar aname)
+unify off (ExprTypeVar aname) (ExprTypeVar bname) = do
+ cur <- gets testTypeUnif
+ case ( M.lookup aname cur, M.lookup bname cur ) of
+ ( Just a, Just b ) -> do
+ c <- unify off a b
+ modify $ \s -> s { testTypeUnif = M.insert aname c $ M.insert bname c $ cur }
+ return c
+ ( Just a, Nothing ) -> do
+ modify $ \s -> s { testTypeUnif = M.insert bname a $ cur }
+ return a
+ ( Nothing, Just b ) -> do
+ modify $ \s -> s { testTypeUnif = M.insert aname b $ cur }
+ return b
+ ( Nothing, Nothing ) -> do
+ let b = ExprTypeVar bname
+ modify $ \s -> s { testTypeUnif = M.insert aname b $ cur }
+ return b
+unify off (ExprTypeVar aname) b = do
+ cur <- gets testTypeUnif
+ case M.lookup aname cur of
+ Just a -> do
+ c <- unify off a b
+ modify $ \s -> s { testTypeUnif = M.insert aname c $ cur }
+ return c
+ Nothing -> do
+ modify $ \s -> s { testTypeUnif = M.insert aname b $ cur }
+ return b
+unify off a (ExprTypeVar bname) = do
+ cur <- gets testTypeUnif
+ case M.lookup bname cur of
+ Just b -> do
+ c <- unify off a b
+ modify $ \s -> s { testTypeUnif = M.insert bname c $ cur }
+ return c
+ Nothing -> do
+ modify $ \s -> s { testTypeUnif = M.insert bname a $ cur }
+ return a
+unify _ res@(ExprTypePrim (Proxy :: Proxy a)) (ExprTypePrim (Proxy :: Proxy b))
+ | Just (Refl :: a :~: b) <- eqT
+ = return res
+unify off a b = do
+ parseError $ FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $
+ "couldn't match expected type `" <> textSomeExprType a <> "' with actual type `" <> textSomeExprType b <> "'"
+unifyExpr :: forall a b proxy. (ExprType a, ExprType b) => Int -> proxy a -> Expr b -> TestParser (Expr a)
+unifyExpr off pa x = if
+ | Just (Refl :: a :~: b) <- eqT
+ -> return x
+ | DynVariable tvar name <- x
+ -> do
+ _ <- unify off (ExprTypePrim (Proxy :: Proxy a)) (ExprTypeVar tvar)
+ return $ Variable name
+ | Just (Refl :: DynamicType :~: b) <- eqT
+ , Undefined msg <- x
+ -> do
+ return $ Undefined msg
+ | otherwise
+ -> do
+ parseError $ FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $
+ "couldn't match expected type `" <> textExprType pa <> "' with actual type `" <> textExprType x <> "'"
-lookupVarType :: VarName -> TestParser SomeExprType
-lookupVarType name = maybe (fail $ "variable not in scope: '" ++ unpackVarName name ++ "'") return =<< gets (lookup name . testVars)
skipLineComment :: TestParser ()
skipLineComment = L.skipLineComment $ TL.pack "#"
diff --git a/src/Parser/Expr.hs b/src/Parser/Expr.hs
index 8ea3ace..a228ad0 100644
--- a/src/Parser/Expr.hs
+++ b/src/Parser/Expr.hs
@@ -53,15 +53,15 @@ addVarName off (TypedVarName name) = do
Just _ -> registerParseError $ FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $
T.pack "variable '" <> textVarName name <> T.pack "' already exists"
Nothing -> return ()
- modify $ \s -> s { testVars = (name, SomeExprType @a Proxy) : testVars s }
+ modify $ \s -> s { testVars = ( name, ExprTypePrim @a Proxy ) : testVars s }
someExpansion :: TestParser SomeExpr
someExpansion = do
void $ char '$'
- [do name <- VarName . TL.toStrict <$> takeWhile1P Nothing (\x -> isAlphaNum x || x == '_')
- SomeExprType (_ :: Proxy a) <- lookupVarType name
- return $ SomeExpr $ Variable @a name
+ [do off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState
+ name <- VarName . TL.toStrict <$> takeWhile1P Nothing (\x -> isAlphaNum x || x == '_')
+ lookupVarExpr off name
, between (char '{') (char '}') someExpr
@@ -186,20 +186,20 @@ data SomeUnOp = forall a b. (ExprType a, ExprType b) => SomeUnOp (a -> b)
applyUnOp :: forall a b sa.
(ExprType a, ExprType b, ExprType sa) =>
- (a -> b) -> Expr sa -> Maybe (Expr b)
-applyUnOp op x = do
- Refl :: a :~: sa <- eqT
- return $ op <$> x
+ Int -> (a -> b) -> Expr sa -> TestParser (Expr b)
+applyUnOp off op x = do
+ x' <- unifyExpr off (Proxy @a) x
+ return $ op <$> x'
data SomeBinOp = forall a b c. (ExprType a, ExprType b, ExprType c) => SomeBinOp (a -> b -> c)
applyBinOp :: forall a b c sa sb.
(ExprType a, ExprType b, ExprType c, ExprType sa, ExprType sb) =>
- (a -> b -> c) -> Expr sa -> Expr sb -> Maybe (Expr c)
-applyBinOp op x y = do
- Refl :: a :~: sa <- eqT
- Refl :: b :~: sb <- eqT
- return $ op <$> x <*> y
+ Int -> (a -> b -> c) -> Expr sa -> Expr sb -> TestParser (Expr c)
+applyBinOp off op x y = do
+ x' <- unifyExpr off (Proxy @a) x
+ y' <- unifyExpr off (Proxy @b) y
+ return $ op <$> x' <*> y'
someExpr :: TestParser SomeExpr
someExpr = join inner <?> "expression"
@@ -251,9 +251,11 @@ someExpr = join inner <?> "expression"
void $ osymbol name
return $ \p -> do
SomeExpr e <- p
- let err = parseError $ FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $ T.concat
+ let err = FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $ T.concat
[T.pack "operator '", T.pack name, T.pack "' not defined for '", textExprType e, T.pack "'"]
- maybe err return $ listToMaybe $ catMaybes $ map (\(SomeUnOp op) -> SomeExpr <$> applyUnOp op e) ops
+ region (const err) $
+ choice $ map (\(SomeUnOp op) -> SomeExpr <$> applyUnOp off op e) ops
binary :: String -> [SomeBinOp] -> Operator TestParser (TestParser SomeExpr)
binary name = binary' name (undefined :: forall a b. (a -> b -> Void) -> [a] -> [b] -> Integer)
@@ -278,20 +280,22 @@ someExpr = join inner <?> "expression"
let proxyOf :: proxy a -> Proxy a
proxyOf _ = Proxy
+ let err = FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $ T.concat
+ [T.pack "operator '", T.pack name, T.pack "' not defined for '", textExprType e, T.pack "' and '", textExprType f, T.pack "'"]
let tryop :: forall a b d sa sb.
(ExprType a, ExprType b, ExprType d, ExprType sa, ExprType sb) =>
- (a -> b -> d) -> Proxy sa -> Proxy sb -> Maybe SomeExpr
- tryop op pe pf = msum
- [ SomeExpr <$> applyBinOp op e f
- , do Refl <- eqT' op
- ExprListUnpacker _ une <- exprListUnpacker pe
- ExprListUnpacker _ unf <- exprListUnpacker pf
+ (a -> b -> d) -> Proxy sa -> Proxy sb -> TestParser SomeExpr
+ tryop op pe pf = foldl1 (<|>) $
+ [ SomeExpr <$> applyBinOp off op e f
+ , do Refl <- maybe (parseError err) return $ eqT' op
+ ExprListUnpacker _ une <- maybe (parseError err) return $ exprListUnpacker pe
+ ExprListUnpacker _ unf <- maybe (parseError err) return $ exprListUnpacker pf
tryop (listmap op) (une pe) (unf pf)
- let err = parseError $ FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $ T.concat
- [T.pack "operator '", T.pack name, T.pack "' not defined for '", textExprType e, T.pack "' and '", textExprType f, T.pack "'"]
- maybe err return $ listToMaybe $ catMaybes $ map (\(SomeBinOp op) -> tryop op (proxyOf e) (proxyOf f)) ops
+ region (const err) $
+ foldl1 (<|>) $ map (\(SomeBinOp op) -> tryop op (proxyOf e) (proxyOf f)) ops
recordSelector :: Operator TestParser (TestParser SomeExpr)
recordSelector = Postfix $ fmap (foldl1 (flip (.))) $ some $ do
@@ -315,16 +319,13 @@ someExpr = join inner <?> "expression"
variable = label "variable" $ do
+ off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState
name <- varName
- SomeExprType (_ :: Proxy a) <- lookupVarType name
- return $ return $ SomeExpr $ Variable @a name
+ e <- lookupVarExpr off name
+ return $ return e
typedExpr :: forall a. ExprType a => TestParser (Expr a)
typedExpr = do
off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState
SomeExpr e <- someExpr
- let err = do
- registerParseError $ FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $ T.concat
- [ T.pack "expected '", textExprType @a Proxy, T.pack "', expression has type '", textExprType e, T.pack "'" ]
- return $ Undefined "unexpected type"
- maybe err return $ cast e
+ unifyExpr off Proxy e
diff --git a/src/Parser/Statement.hs b/src/Parser/Statement.hs
index b2f3cd6..94a5583 100644
--- a/src/Parser/Statement.hs
+++ b/src/Parser/Statement.hs
@@ -259,12 +259,12 @@ testWith = do
off <- stateOffset <$> getParserState
ctx@(SomeExpr (_ :: Expr ctxe)) <- someExpr
let expected =
- [ SomeExprType @Network Proxy
- , SomeExprType @Node Proxy
- , SomeExprType @Process Proxy
+ [ ExprTypePrim @Network Proxy
+ , ExprTypePrim @Node Proxy
+ , ExprTypePrim @Process Proxy
notAllowed <- flip allM expected $ \case
- SomeExprType (Proxy :: Proxy a) | Just (Refl :: ctxe :~: a) <- eqT -> return False
+ ExprTypePrim (Proxy :: Proxy a) | Just (Refl :: ctxe :~: a) <- eqT -> return False
_ -> return True
when notAllowed $ registerParseError $ FancyError off $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $
"expected " <> T.intercalate ", " (map (("'"<>) . (<>"'") . textSomeExprType) expected) <> ", expression has type '" <> textExprType @ctxe Proxy <> "'"