path: root/src/Run.hs
diff options
authorRoman Smrž <>2024-12-01 15:23:18 +0100
committerRoman Smrž <>2024-12-03 21:33:19 +0100
commit217f647ade516ad8eacd25ea74701fd29d98f7e3 (patch)
tree5aabc7146b673779a923d47bcac28019a0858570 /src/Run.hs
parent57516242357cba015cc5e99e28d7f5e87dc5d7e8 (diff)
Remove remaining Expr usage in TestStep
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Run.hs')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/src/Run.hs b/src/Run.hs
index f6eba39..b623f52 100644
--- a/src/Run.hs
+++ b/src/Run.hs
@@ -110,32 +110,13 @@ runTest out opts test variables = do
evalBlock :: TestBlock -> TestRun ()
evalBlock (TestBlock steps) = forM_ steps $ \case
- Let sline (TypedVarName name) expr inner -> do
- cur <- asks (lookup name . tsVars . snd)
- when (isJust cur) $ do
- outLine OutputError Nothing $ T.pack "variable '" `T.append` textVarName name `T.append` T.pack "' already exists on " `T.append` textSourceLine sline
- throwError Failed
- value <- eval expr
- withVar name value $ evalBlock =<< eval inner
- For sline (TypedVarName name) expr inner -> do
- cur <- asks (lookup name . tsVars . snd)
- when (isJust cur) $ do
- outLine OutputError Nothing $ T.pack "variable '" `T.append` textVarName name `T.append` T.pack "' already exists on " `T.append` textSourceLine sline
- throwError Failed
- value <- eval expr
- forM_ value $ \i -> do
- withVar name i $ evalBlock =<< eval inner
- Subnet name@(TypedVarName vname) parent inner -> do
- withSubnet parent (Just name) $ \net -> do
- withVar vname net $ evalBlock =<< eval inner
- DeclNode name@(TypedVarName vname) net inner -> do
- withNode net (Left name) $ \node -> do
- withVar vname node $ evalBlock =<< eval inner
- Spawn tvname@(TypedVarName vname@(VarName tname)) target inner -> do
+ Subnet name parent inner -> do
+ withSubnet parent (Just name) $ evalBlock . inner
+ DeclNode name net inner -> do
+ withNode net (Left name) $ evalBlock . inner
+ Spawn tvname@(TypedVarName (VarName tname)) target inner -> do
case target of
Left net -> withNode net (Right tvname) go
Right node -> go node
@@ -144,15 +125,14 @@ evalBlock (TestBlock steps) = forM_ steps $ \case
opts <- asks $ teOptions . fst
let pname = ProcName tname
tool = fromMaybe (optDefaultTool opts) (lookup pname $ optProcTools opts)
- withProcess (Right node) pname Nothing tool $ \p -> do
- withVar vname p $ evalBlock =<< eval inner
+ withProcess (Right node) pname Nothing tool $ evalBlock . inner
Send p line -> do
outProc OutputChildStdin p line
send p line
Expect line p expr captures inner -> do
- expect line p expr captures $ evalBlock =<< eval inner
+ expect line p expr captures $ evalBlock . inner
Flush p regex -> do
flush p regex
@@ -273,7 +253,7 @@ exprFailed desc sline pname exprVars = do
throwError Failed
-expect :: SourceLine -> Process -> Traced Regex -> [TypedVarName Text] -> TestRun () -> TestRun ()
+expect :: SourceLine -> Process -> Traced Regex -> [TypedVarName Text] -> ([ Text ] -> TestRun ()) -> TestRun ()
expect sline p (Traced trace re) tvars inner = do
timeout <- asks $ optTimeout . teOptions . fst
delay <- liftIO $ registerDelay $ ceiling $ 1000000 * timeout
@@ -299,7 +279,7 @@ expect sline p (Traced trace re) tvars inner = do
throwError Failed
outProc OutputMatch p line
- local (fmap $ \s -> s { tsVars = zip vars (map someConstValue capture) ++ tsVars s }) inner
+ inner capture
Nothing -> exprFailed (T.pack "expect") sline (Just $ procName p) trace