path: root/src/Test.hs
diff options
authorRoman Smrž <>2025-02-15 20:38:39 +0100
committerRoman Smrž <>2025-02-24 21:43:09 +0100
commit3640256e80ba1aa1c1e022a231234dee814ace58 (patch)
tree4fa2fa9c97ceb54bcabd5136f47b70412ac0dbb4 /src/Test.hs
parent14efffc66cb60465c18c984311bde5a5502803db (diff)
Collect and evaluate global definitions together
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Test.hs')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/src/Test.hs b/src/Test.hs
index 82303f8..3808186 100644
--- a/src/Test.hs
+++ b/src/Test.hs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module Test (
TypeVar(..), SomeExprType(..), someExprType, textSomeExprType,
FunctionType, DynamicType,
- VarValue(..), SomeVarValue(..),
+ VarValue(..), SomeVarValue(..), GlobalDefs,
svvVariables, svvArguments,
someConstValue, fromConstValue,
fromSomeVarValue, textSomeVarValue, someVarValueType,
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module Test (
- Expr(..), varExpr, mapExpr, eval, evalSome,
+ Expr(..), varExpr, mapExpr, eval, evalSome, evalSomeWith,
Traced(..), EvalTrace, VarNameSelectors, gatherVars,
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Char
-import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List
import Data.Map (Map)
@@ -105,19 +104,21 @@ textSourceLine SourceLineBuiltin = "<builtin>"
class MonadFail m => MonadEval m where
+ askGlobalDefs :: m GlobalDefs
askDictionary :: m VariableDictionary
withDictionary :: (VariableDictionary -> VariableDictionary) -> m a -> m a
-type VariableDictionary = [ ( FqVarName, SomeVarValue ) ]
+type VariableDictionary = [ ( VarName, SomeVarValue ) ]
lookupVar :: MonadEval m => FqVarName -> m SomeVarValue
-lookupVar name = maybe (fail $ "variable not in scope: '" ++ unpackFqVarName name ++ "'") return . lookup name =<< askDictionary
+lookupVar name = maybe (fail $ "variable not in scope: '" ++ unpackFqVarName name ++ "'") return =<< tryLookupVar name
tryLookupVar :: MonadEval m => FqVarName -> m (Maybe SomeVarValue)
-tryLookupVar name = lookup name <$> askDictionary
+tryLookupVar (LocalVarName name) = lookup name <$> askDictionary
+tryLookupVar (GlobalVarName mname var) = M.lookup ( mname, var ) <$> askGlobalDefs
withVar :: (MonadEval m, ExprType e) => VarName -> e -> m a -> m a
-withVar name value = withDictionary (( LocalVarName name, someConstValue value ) : )
+withVar name value = withDictionary (( name, someConstValue value ) : )
newtype VarName = VarName Text
@@ -292,6 +293,8 @@ data VarValue a = VarValue
, vvFunction :: SourceLine -> FunctionArguments SomeVarValue -> a
+type GlobalDefs = Map ( ModuleName, VarName ) SomeVarValue
someConstValue :: ExprType a => a -> SomeVarValue
someConstValue = SomeVarValue . VarValue [] mempty . const . const
@@ -389,18 +392,19 @@ mapExpr f = go
Trace expr -> f $ Trace (go expr)
-newtype SimpleEval a = SimpleEval (Reader VariableDictionary a)
+newtype SimpleEval a = SimpleEval (Reader ( GlobalDefs, VariableDictionary ) a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
-runSimpleEval :: SimpleEval a -> VariableDictionary -> a
-runSimpleEval (SimpleEval x) = runReader x
+runSimpleEval :: SimpleEval a -> GlobalDefs -> VariableDictionary -> a
+runSimpleEval (SimpleEval x) = curry $ runReader x
instance MonadFail SimpleEval where
fail = error . ("eval failed: " <>)
instance MonadEval SimpleEval where
- askDictionary = SimpleEval ask
- withDictionary f (SimpleEval inner) = SimpleEval (local f inner)
+ askGlobalDefs = SimpleEval (asks fst)
+ askDictionary = SimpleEval (asks snd)
+ withDictionary f (SimpleEval inner) = SimpleEval (local (fmap f) inner)
eval :: forall m a. MonadEval m => Expr a -> m a
@@ -412,10 +416,11 @@ eval = \case
DynVariable _ _ name -> fail $ "ambiguous type of ‘" <> unpackFqVarName name <> "’"
FunVariable _ sline name -> funFromSomeVarValue sline name =<< lookupVar name
ArgsReq (FunctionArguments req) efun -> do
+ gdefs <- askGlobalDefs
dict <- askDictionary
return $ FunctionType $ \(FunctionArguments args) ->
let used = M.intersectionWith (\value ( vname, _ ) -> ( vname, value )) args req
- FunctionType fun = runSimpleEval (eval efun) (map (first LocalVarName) (toList used) ++ dict)
+ FunctionType fun = runSimpleEval (eval efun) gdefs (toList used ++ dict)
in fun $ FunctionArguments $ args `M.difference` req
ArgsApp eargs efun -> do
FunctionType fun <- eval efun
@@ -428,8 +433,9 @@ eval = \case
FunctionType fun <- eval efun
return $ fun mempty
LambdaAbstraction (TypedVarName name) expr -> do
+ gdefs <- askGlobalDefs
dict <- askDictionary
- return $ \x -> runSimpleEval (eval expr) (( LocalVarName name, someConstValue x ) : dict)
+ return $ \x -> runSimpleEval (eval expr) gdefs (( name, someConstValue x ) : dict)
Pure value -> return value
App _ f x -> eval f <*> eval x
Concat xs -> T.concat <$> mapM eval xs
@@ -441,19 +447,29 @@ eval = \case
Undefined err -> fail err
Trace expr -> Traced <$> gatherVars expr <*> eval expr
+evalToVarValue :: MonadEval m => Expr a -> m (VarValue a)
+evalToVarValue expr = do
+ VarValue
+ <$> gatherVars expr
+ <*> pure mempty
+ <*> (const . const <$> eval expr)
+evalFunToVarValue :: MonadEval m => Expr (FunctionType a) -> m (VarValue a)
+evalFunToVarValue expr = do
+ FunctionType fun <- eval expr
+ VarValue
+ <$> gatherVars expr
+ <*> pure (exprArgs expr)
+ <*> pure (const fun)
evalSome :: MonadEval m => SomeExpr -> m SomeVarValue
evalSome (SomeExpr expr)
- | IsFunType <- asFunType expr = do
- FunctionType fun <- eval expr
- fmap SomeVarValue $ VarValue
- <$> gatherVars expr
- <*> pure (exprArgs expr)
- <*> pure (const fun)
- | otherwise = do
- fmap SomeVarValue $ VarValue
- <$> gatherVars expr
- <*> pure mempty
- <*> (const . const <$> eval expr)
+ | IsFunType <- asFunType expr = SomeVarValue <$> evalFunToVarValue expr
+ | otherwise = SomeVarValue <$> evalToVarValue expr
+evalSomeWith :: GlobalDefs -> SomeExpr -> SomeVarValue
+evalSomeWith gdefs sexpr = runSimpleEval (evalSome sexpr) gdefs []
data Traced a = Traced EvalTrace a
@@ -465,20 +481,20 @@ gatherVars = fmap (uniqOn fst . sortOn fst) . helper
helper :: forall b. Expr b -> m EvalTrace
helper = \case
- Let _ (TypedVarName var) _ expr -> withDictionary (filter ((LocalVarName var /=) . fst)) $ helper expr
+ Let _ (TypedVarName var) _ expr -> withDictionary (filter ((var /=) . fst)) $ helper expr
Variable _ var
| isInternalVar var -> return []
| otherwise -> maybe [] (\x -> [ (( var, [] ), x ) ]) <$> tryLookupVar var
DynVariable _ _ var -> maybe [] (\x -> [ (( var, [] ), x ) ]) <$> tryLookupVar var
FunVariable _ _ var -> maybe [] (\x -> [ (( var, [] ), x ) ]) <$> tryLookupVar var
- ArgsReq args expr -> withDictionary (filter ((`notElem` map (LocalVarName . fst) (toList args)) . fst)) $ helper expr
+ ArgsReq args expr -> withDictionary (filter ((`notElem` map fst (toList args)) . fst)) $ helper expr
ArgsApp (FunctionArguments args) fun -> do
v <- helper fun
vs <- mapM (\(SomeExpr e) -> helper e) $ M.elems args
return $ concat (v : vs)
FunctionAbstraction expr -> helper expr
FunctionEval efun -> helper efun
- LambdaAbstraction (TypedVarName var) expr -> withDictionary (filter ((LocalVarName var /=) . fst)) $ helper expr
+ LambdaAbstraction (TypedVarName var) expr -> withDictionary (filter ((var /=) . fst)) $ helper expr
Pure _ -> return []
e@(App (AnnRecord sel) _ x)
| Just (var, sels) <- gatherSelectors x