path: root/src
diff options
authorRoman Smrž <>2024-11-27 20:44:00 +0100
committerRoman Smrž <>2024-11-28 22:34:10 +0100
commitd22257b9f43ba30dd3ca1274d1aa61e688585785 (patch)
tree39407ee4fd3cfcd4fd1e7861c843ce9fc2c9ed92 /src
parent9c3bfa972d666b5b8cd5eb7a978a264f27cf7292 (diff)
Remove embedded Expr for some inner TestBlock parameters
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 34 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/src/Parser/Statement.hs b/src/Parser/Statement.hs
index 6dc3c56..21b24a6 100644
--- a/src/Parser/Statement.hs
+++ b/src/Parser/Statement.hs
@@ -191,19 +191,22 @@ paramOrContext name = fromParamOrContext <$> param name
cmdLine :: CommandDef SourceLine
cmdLine = param ""
-newtype InnerBlock = InnerBlock { fromInnerBlock :: Expr TestBlock }
+newtype InnerBlock = InnerBlock { fromInnerBlock :: TestBlock }
instance ParamType InnerBlock where
+ type ParamRep InnerBlock = Expr TestBlock
parseParam _ = mzero
showParamType _ = "<code block>"
+ paramExpr = fmap InnerBlock
-instance ParamType TestStep where
- parseParam _ = mzero
- showParamType _ = "<code line>"
-innerBlock :: CommandDef (Expr TestBlock)
+innerBlock :: CommandDef TestBlock
innerBlock = fromInnerBlock <$> param ""
+innerBlockExpr :: CommandDef (Expr TestBlock)
+innerBlockExpr =
+ let CommandDef args fun = param ""
+ in CommandDef args (Pure . fmap fromInnerBlock . fun)
newtype ExprParam a = ExprParam { fromExprParam :: a }
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
@@ -230,7 +233,7 @@ command name (CommandDef types ctor) = do
iparams <- forM params $ \case
(_, SomeParam (p :: Proxy p) Nothing)
| Just (Refl :: p :~: SourceLine) <- eqT -> return $ SomeParam p $ Identity line
- | Just (Refl :: p :~: InnerBlock) <- eqT -> SomeParam p . Identity . InnerBlock <$> restOfParts cmdi partials
+ | Just (Refl :: p :~: InnerBlock) <- eqT -> SomeParam p . Identity <$> restOfParts cmdi partials
(sym, SomeParam p Nothing) -> choice
[ SomeParam p . Identity <$> paramDefault p
, fail $ "missing " ++ (if null sym then "" else "'" ++ sym ++ "' ") ++ showParamType p
@@ -312,19 +315,19 @@ testSubnet :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock)
testSubnet = command "subnet" $ Subnet
<$> param ""
<*> (fromExprParam <$> paramOrContext "of")
- <*> innerBlock
+ <*> innerBlockExpr
testNode :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock)
testNode = command "node" $ DeclNode
<$> param ""
<*> (fromExprParam <$> paramOrContext "on")
- <*> innerBlock
+ <*> innerBlockExpr
testSpawn :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock)
testSpawn = command "spawn" $ Spawn
<$> param "as"
<*> (bimap fromExprParam fromExprParam <$> paramOrContext "on")
- <*> innerBlock
+ <*> innerBlockExpr
testExpect :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock)
testExpect = command "expect" $ Expect
@@ -332,7 +335,7 @@ testExpect = command "expect" $ Expect
<*> (fromExprParam <$> paramOrContext "from")
<*> param ""
<*> param "capture"
- <*> innerBlock
+ <*> innerBlockExpr
testDisconnectNode :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock)
testDisconnectNode = command "disconnect_node" $ DisconnectNode
diff --git a/src/Run.hs b/src/Run.hs
index 76545e4..31a3c9e 100644
--- a/src/Run.hs
+++ b/src/Run.hs
@@ -162,18 +162,18 @@ evalBlock (TestBlock steps) = forM_ steps $ \case
testStepGuard line vars expr
DisconnectNode node inner -> do
- withDisconnectedUp (nodeUpstream node) $ evalBlock =<< eval inner
+ withDisconnectedUp (nodeUpstream node) $ evalBlock inner
DisconnectNodes net inner -> do
- withDisconnectedBridge (netBridge net) $ evalBlock =<< eval inner
+ withDisconnectedBridge (netBridge net) $ evalBlock inner
DisconnectUpstream net inner -> do
case netUpstream net of
- Just link -> withDisconnectedUp link $ evalBlock =<< eval inner
- Nothing -> evalBlock =<< eval inner
+ Just link -> withDisconnectedUp link $ evalBlock inner
+ Nothing -> evalBlock inner
PacketLoss loss node inner -> do
- withNodePacketLoss node loss $ evalBlock =<< eval inner
+ withNodePacketLoss node loss $ evalBlock inner
Wait -> do
void $ outPromptGetLine "Waiting..."
diff --git a/src/Test.hs b/src/Test.hs
index 772ac28..da4c82d 100644
--- a/src/Test.hs
+++ b/src/Test.hs
@@ -58,20 +58,21 @@ data Test = Test
newtype TestBlock = TestBlock [ TestStep ]
deriving (Semigroup, Monoid)
-data TestStep = forall a. ExprType a => Let SourceLine (TypedVarName a) (Expr a) (Expr TestBlock)
- | forall a. ExprType a => For SourceLine (TypedVarName a) (Expr [ a ]) (Expr TestBlock)
- | Subnet (TypedVarName Network) Network (Expr TestBlock)
- | DeclNode (TypedVarName Node) Network (Expr TestBlock)
- | Spawn (TypedVarName Process) (Either Network Node) (Expr TestBlock)
- | Send Process Text
- | Expect SourceLine Process (Expr Regex) [ TypedVarName Text ] (Expr TestBlock)
- | Flush Process (Maybe Regex)
- | Guard SourceLine EvalTrace Bool
- | DisconnectNode Node (Expr TestBlock)
- | DisconnectNodes Network (Expr TestBlock)
- | DisconnectUpstream Network (Expr TestBlock)
- | PacketLoss Scientific Node (Expr TestBlock)
- | Wait
+data TestStep
+ = forall a. ExprType a => Let SourceLine (TypedVarName a) (Expr a) (Expr TestBlock)
+ | forall a. ExprType a => For SourceLine (TypedVarName a) (Expr [ a ]) (Expr TestBlock)
+ | Subnet (TypedVarName Network) Network (Expr TestBlock)
+ | DeclNode (TypedVarName Node) Network (Expr TestBlock)
+ | Spawn (TypedVarName Process) (Either Network Node) (Expr TestBlock)
+ | Send Process Text
+ | Expect SourceLine Process (Expr Regex) [ TypedVarName Text ] (Expr TestBlock)
+ | Flush Process (Maybe Regex)
+ | Guard SourceLine EvalTrace Bool
+ | DisconnectNode Node TestBlock
+ | DisconnectNodes Network TestBlock
+ | DisconnectUpstream Network TestBlock
+ | PacketLoss Scientific Node TestBlock
+ | Wait
newtype SourceLine = SourceLine Text