path: root/src/Parser
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1 files changed, 60 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/src/Parser/Statement.hs b/src/Parser/Statement.hs
index a65227d..4bed1ef 100644
--- a/src/Parser/Statement.hs
+++ b/src/Parser/Statement.hs
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set qualified as S
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Typeable
+import Data.Void
import Text.Megaparsec hiding (State)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
@@ -39,11 +40,10 @@ letStatement = do
addVarName off tname
void $ eol
body <- testBlock indent
- return $ Pure $ TestBlock [ Let line tname e body ]
+ return $ Let line tname e body
forStatement :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock)
forStatement = do
- line <- getSourceLine
ref <- L.indentLevel
wsymbol "for"
voff <- stateOffset <$> getParserState
@@ -63,7 +63,9 @@ forStatement = do
let tname = TypedVarName name
addVarName voff tname
body <- testBlock indent
- return $ Pure $ TestBlock [ For line tname (unpack <$> e) body ]
+ return $ (\xs f -> mconcat $ map f xs)
+ <$> (unpack <$> e)
+ <*> LambdaAbstraction tname body
exprStatement :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock)
exprStatement = do
@@ -102,6 +104,11 @@ class (Typeable a, Typeable (ParamRep a)) => ParamType a where
paramDefault :: proxy a -> TestParser (ParamRep a)
paramDefault _ = mzero
+ paramNewVariables :: proxy a -> ParamRep a -> NewVariables
+ paramNewVariables _ _ = NoNewVariables
+ paramNewVariablesEmpty :: proxy a -> NewVariables
+ paramNewVariablesEmpty _ = NoNewVariables -- to keep type info for optional parameters
paramFromSomeExpr :: proxy a -> SomeExpr -> Maybe (ParamRep a)
paramFromSomeExpr _ (SomeExpr e) = cast e
@@ -116,6 +123,8 @@ instance ParamType SourceLine where
instance ExprType a => ParamType (TypedVarName a) where
parseParam _ = newVarName
showParamType _ = "<variable>"
+ paramNewVariables _ var = SomeNewVariables [ var ]
+ paramNewVariablesEmpty _ = SomeNewVariables @a []
instance ExprType a => ParamType (Expr a) where
parseParam _ = do
@@ -129,6 +138,8 @@ instance ParamType a => ParamType [a] where
parseParam _ = listOf (parseParam @a Proxy)
showParamType _ = showParamType @a Proxy ++ " [, " ++ showParamType @a Proxy ++ " ...]"
paramDefault _ = return []
+ paramNewVariables _ = foldr (<>) (paramNewVariablesEmpty @a Proxy) . fmap (paramNewVariables @a Proxy)
+ paramNewVariablesEmpty _ = paramNewVariablesEmpty @a Proxy
paramFromSomeExpr _ se@(SomeExpr e) = cast e <|> ((:[]) <$> paramFromSomeExpr @a Proxy se)
paramExpr = sequenceA . fmap paramExpr
@@ -137,6 +148,8 @@ instance ParamType a => ParamType (Maybe a) where
parseParam _ = Just <$> parseParam @a Proxy
showParamType _ = showParamType @a Proxy
paramDefault _ = return Nothing
+ paramNewVariables _ = foldr (<>) (paramNewVariablesEmpty @a Proxy) . fmap (paramNewVariables @a Proxy)
+ paramNewVariablesEmpty _ = paramNewVariablesEmpty @a Proxy
paramFromSomeExpr _ se = Just <$> paramFromSomeExpr @a Proxy se
paramExpr = sequenceA . fmap paramExpr
@@ -161,6 +174,23 @@ instance ExprType a => ParamType (Traced a) where
data SomeParam f = forall a. ParamType a => SomeParam (Proxy a) (f (ParamRep a))
+data NewVariables
+ = NoNewVariables
+ | forall a. ExprType a => SomeNewVariables [ TypedVarName a ]
+instance Semigroup NewVariables where
+ NoNewVariables <> x = x
+ x <> NoNewVariables = x
+ SomeNewVariables (xs :: [ TypedVarName a ]) <> SomeNewVariables (ys :: [ TypedVarName b ])
+ | Just (Refl :: a :~: b) <- eqT = SomeNewVariables (xs <> ys)
+ | otherwise = error "new variables with different types"
+instance Monoid NewVariables where
+ mempty = NoNewVariables
+someParamVars :: Foldable f => SomeParam f -> NewVariables
+someParamVars (SomeParam proxy rep) = foldr (\x nvs -> paramNewVariables proxy x <> nvs) (paramNewVariablesEmpty proxy) rep
data CommandDef a = CommandDef [(String, SomeParam Proxy)] ([SomeParam Identity] -> Expr a)
instance Functor CommandDef where
@@ -197,21 +227,29 @@ paramOrContext name = fromParamOrContext <$> param name
cmdLine :: CommandDef SourceLine
cmdLine = param ""
-newtype InnerBlock = InnerBlock { fromInnerBlock :: TestBlock }
+newtype InnerBlock a = InnerBlock { fromInnerBlock :: [ a ] -> TestBlock }
-instance ParamType InnerBlock where
- type ParamRep InnerBlock = Expr TestBlock
+instance ExprType a => ParamType (InnerBlock a) where
+ type ParamRep (InnerBlock a) = ( [ TypedVarName a ], Expr TestBlock )
parseParam _ = mzero
showParamType _ = "<code block>"
- paramExpr = fmap InnerBlock
+ paramExpr ( vars, expr ) = fmap InnerBlock $ helper vars $ const <$> expr
+ where
+ helper :: ExprType a => [ TypedVarName a ] -> Expr ([ a ] -> b) -> Expr ([ a ] -> b)
+ helper ( v : vs ) = fmap combine . LambdaAbstraction v . helper vs
+ helper [] = id
+ combine f (x : xs) = f x xs
+ combine _ [] = error "inner block parameter count mismatch"
innerBlock :: CommandDef TestBlock
-innerBlock = fromInnerBlock <$> param ""
+innerBlock = ($ ([] :: [ Void ])) <$> innerBlockFun
+innerBlockFun :: ExprType a => CommandDef (a -> TestBlock)
+innerBlockFun = (\f x -> f [ x ]) <$> innerBlockFunList
-innerBlockExpr :: CommandDef (Expr TestBlock)
-innerBlockExpr =
- let CommandDef args fun = param ""
- in CommandDef args (Pure . fmap fromInnerBlock . fun)
+innerBlockFunList :: ExprType a => CommandDef ([ a ] -> TestBlock)
+innerBlockFunList = fromInnerBlock <$> param ""
newtype ExprParam a = ExprParam { fromExprParam :: a }
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
@@ -236,10 +274,15 @@ command name (CommandDef types ctor) = do
restOfLine :: Pos -> [(Pos, [(String, SomeParam Maybe)])] -> SourceLine -> [(String, SomeParam Maybe)] -> TestParser (Expr TestBlock)
restOfLine cmdi partials line params = choice
[do void $ lookAhead eol
+ let definedVariables = mconcat $ map (someParamVars . snd) params
iparams <- forM params $ \case
(_, SomeParam (p :: Proxy p) Nothing)
| Just (Refl :: p :~: SourceLine) <- eqT -> return $ SomeParam p $ Identity line
- | Just (Refl :: p :~: InnerBlock) <- eqT -> SomeParam p . Identity <$> restOfParts cmdi partials
+ | SomeNewVariables (vars :: [ TypedVarName a ]) <- definedVariables
+ , Just (Refl :: p :~: InnerBlock a) <- eqT
+ -> SomeParam p . Identity . ( vars, ) <$> restOfParts cmdi partials
(sym, SomeParam p Nothing) -> choice
[ SomeParam p . Identity <$> paramDefault p
, fail $ "missing " ++ (if null sym then "" else "'" ++ sym ++ "' ") ++ showParamType p
@@ -321,19 +364,19 @@ testSubnet :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock)
testSubnet = command "subnet" $ Subnet
<$> param ""
<*> (fromExprParam <$> paramOrContext "of")
- <*> innerBlockExpr
+ <*> innerBlockFun
testNode :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock)
testNode = command "node" $ DeclNode
<$> param ""
<*> (fromExprParam <$> paramOrContext "on")
- <*> innerBlockExpr
+ <*> innerBlockFun
testSpawn :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock)
testSpawn = command "spawn" $ Spawn
<$> param "as"
<*> (bimap fromExprParam fromExprParam <$> paramOrContext "on")
- <*> innerBlockExpr
+ <*> innerBlockFun
testExpect :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock)
testExpect = command "expect" $ Expect
@@ -341,7 +384,7 @@ testExpect = command "expect" $ Expect
<*> (fromExprParam <$> paramOrContext "from")
<*> param ""
<*> param "capture"
- <*> innerBlockExpr
+ <*> innerBlockFunList
testDisconnectNode :: TestParser (Expr TestBlock)
testDisconnectNode = command "disconnect_node" $ DisconnectNode