path: root/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 4 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/Parser/Expr.hs b/src/Parser/Expr.hs
index d59e0b2..bc16149 100644
--- a/src/Parser/Expr.hs
+++ b/src/Parser/Expr.hs
@@ -391,18 +391,17 @@ recordSelector (SomeExpr expr) = do
checkFunctionArguments :: FunctionArguments SomeArgumentType
-> Int -> Maybe ArgumentKeyword -> SomeExpr -> TestParser SomeExpr
-checkFunctionArguments (FunctionArguments argTypes) poff kw expr = do
+checkFunctionArguments (FunctionArguments argTypes) poff kw sexpr@(SomeExpr expr) = do
case M.lookup kw argTypes of
Just (SomeArgumentType (_ :: ArgumentType expected)) -> do
- withRecovery registerParseError $ do
- void $ unify poff (ExprTypePrim (Proxy @expected)) (someExprType expr)
- return expr
+ withRecovery (\e -> registerParseError e >> return sexpr) $ do
+ SomeExpr <$> unifyExpr poff (Proxy @expected) expr
Nothing -> do
registerParseError $ FancyError poff $ S.singleton $ ErrorFail $ T.unpack $
case kw of
Just (ArgumentKeyword tkw) -> "unexpected parameter with keyword `" <> tkw <> "'"
Nothing -> "unexpected parameter"
- return expr
+ return sexpr
functionArguments :: (Int -> Maybe ArgumentKeyword -> a -> TestParser b) -> TestParser a -> TestParser a -> (Int -> Text -> TestParser a) -> TestParser (FunctionArguments b)
diff --git a/src/Test.hs b/src/Test.hs
index 0f65b3c..82303f8 100644
--- a/src/Test.hs
+++ b/src/Test.hs
@@ -529,7 +529,6 @@ exprArgs = \case
funFromSomeVarValue :: forall a m. (ExprType a, MonadFail m) => SourceLine -> FqVarName -> SomeVarValue -> m (FunctionType a)
funFromSomeVarValue sline name (SomeVarValue (VarValue _ args value :: VarValue b)) = do
maybe (fail err) return $ do
- guard $ not $ anull args
FunctionType <$> cast (value sline)
err = T.unpack $ T.concat [ T.pack "expected function returning ", textExprType @a Proxy, T.pack ", but variable '", textFqVarName name, T.pack "' has ",